
Table of Content

    25 August 2021, Volume 60 Issue 16
    Research status of ethnic drug Ventilago leiocarpa Benth.
    LIU Qian-qian, LIANG Xiao-lian, LI Wen-li, CHEN Yong, LIU Wen-jun, HUANG Zhou-yan, LI Yuan, ZENG Shui-feng, WEI Ze-yun
    2021, 60(16):  5-8.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.001
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    The roots and rhizoe of Ventilago leiocarpa Benth., which plants belongs to Rhamnaceae, is a kind of ethnic drug. Ventilago leiocarpa Benth. can clear heat and promot diuresis, which has special effects on urinary system calculus. This article mainly summarize the chemical constituents, identification characteristics, quality control and pharmacological action of Ventilago leiocarpa Benth., and provide the basis for further research, development and application of Ventilago leiocarpa Benth.
    Progress in research on inflammation and oxidative stress induced by PRRSV
    ZHANG Wen-tao, GUO Yan-yu, HUANG Jin-hai, ZHANG Lei
    2021, 60(16):  9-14.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.002
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    Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus (PRRSV) is a single stranded positive-sense RNA virus that couldcsused reproductive disorders of sows and serious respiratory diseases in piglets. PRRSV had led to a great shock and a huge economic loss to the global swine industry. Severe systemic inflammation, interstitial pneumonia and fever were induced by PRRSV in piglets, indicating that the inflammatory response played an important role in the pathogenic mechanism of PRRSV infection. Cells infected by PRRSV would produce excessive reactive oxygen species, which caused pathogenic oxidative damage in the inflamed tissue, demonstrating that oxidative stress response was also crucial in the pathogenic mechanism of PRRSV infection. In order to further explore the pathogenic mechanism of PRRSV infection and to prevent and control PRRSV infection, this paper reviewed the molecular mechanism of inflammation and oxidative stress induced by PRRSV.
    Breeding & Cultivation
    Study on seedling development of cotyledon embryo in microspore culture of Brassica napus L.
    WAN Li-li, WANG Zhuan-rong, XU Yi, KANG Lei, YANG Guang-sheng, XIN Qiang, HONG Deng-feng, SUN Yu-hong
    2021, 60(16):  15-20.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.003
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    The embryos induced by microspore cells in Brassica napus L. were cotyledon type and non-cotyledon type such as globular embryo, heart-shaped embryo and unregular embryos structure. Cotyledon embryos can grow into plantlets quickly on seedling medium, but non-cotyledon embryos are easy to browning and die. Therefore, reducing non-cotyledon embryos and obtaining cotyledon embryos is the key point to improve the efficiency of microspore regeneration.In this research, we isolated microspore cells from three varieties and transferred them to different media and culture methods. In order to optimize the experiment, the microspores isolated from three varieties were cultured in the dark at 25 ℃ for 2 weeks. They were transferred from the solid-liquid double-layer culture medium and treated with different agitation period, temperature, concentrations of activated carbon and 6-BA. The results showed that the number of cotyledon embryos grown on the solid-liquid two-layer medium was significantly increased than that in the liquid medium. The number of cotyledon embryos obtained from the combination of solid-liquid double-layer medium and agitation for 1 week was evidently increased and the number of non-cotyledon embryos was significantly reduced. When microspores were cultured at 23 ℃, there was no significant difference between the total number of embryos and the control, but the number of cotyledon embryos increased significantly. The result on the effect of various concentrations of activated charcoal and 6-BA on sublayer medium indicated the combination of 0.1% and 0.25 mg/L 6-BA was very promising, as it outperformed the control treatment in the yield of normal looking embryos. In this study, we developed a two-step (liquid culture and solid-liquid double-layer culture) microspore culture protocol. It can effectively obtain high-quality cotyledon embryos with ability to regenerate seedlings, which may greatly accelerate the application of microspore-derived DH plants as breeding tool.
    Comparision of processing quality and appearance quality among different ratooning rice varieties
    DUAN Men-jun, TIAN Yu-cong, JIN Tao, LIU Zhang-yong
    2021, 60(16):  21-23.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.004
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    In order to explore the main factors affecting the ratooning rice whole polished rice rate, and select the high-quality ratooning rice varieties suitable for Honghu city in Hubei province, using Xindeyou 8258, Tianyouhuazhan and Fengle No.4 as experimental materials, the processing quality and appearance quality of three ratooning rice varieties were compared. The results showed that the first-season rice yield of Xindeyou 8258 was significantly higher than that of Tianyouhuazhan and Fengle No.4, while Tianyouhuazhan had the highest yield in the ratooning season, with a yield of 5 971.4 kg/hm2. The yield of Xindeyou 8258 was the lowest, with a yield of 4 238.7 kg/hm2, but there is no significant difference in the total yield between the two seasons. The brown rice rate, polished rice rate and whole rice rate of Xindeyou 8258 were the highest, which were 80.1%, 68.8% and 62.9% respectively, and they were all significantly higher than Fengle No.4. The chalky interest rates of Tianyouhuazhan and Fengle No.4 were significantly different, and the aspect ratios of Xindeyou 8258 and Fengle No.4 were significantly different. Correlation analysis showed that the head rice rate of each variety of ratooning rice was extremely significantly positively correlated with the brown rice rate and polished rice rate (P=0.001), and was significantly negatively correlated with the chalky rate (P=-0.712). Under the premise of ensuring the total yield, Xindeyou 8258 and Tianyouhuazhan whole polished rice rate than Fengle No.4. Therefore, Xindeyou 8258 and Tianyouhuazhan were more suitable for planting in Honghu area.
    Resource & Environment
    Effects of straw mulch and fertilizer reduction on yam growth,soil temperature and humidity
    ZHOU Jie, TIAN Gui-sheng, YOU Qiu-xiang, XING Lie-huo, MO Jing-hua, JIN Yu-hong
    2021, 60(16):  24-27.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.005
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    The effects of straw mulch and fertilizer reduction on yam growth, soil temperature and humidity were studied using field trials of rain-fed yam. The results showed that returning straw to the field could not only significantly reduce the temperature of the 0~5 cm topsoil during the high temperature period (14:00) (average decrease of 1.5~2.4 ℃), but also significantly increase the 0~5 cm topsoil during the high temperature and drought periods. The water retention capacity of the layer (an average increase of 1.2~3.4 percentage points), under the same amount of straw cover and return to the field, 15% reduction in fertilizer had no significant effect on the temperature and humidity of the 0~5 cm topsoil layer. The yield and biomass of yam during the maturity period were increased due to the cooling and moth-killer effect of straw mulch, increasing yields1 070~3 490 kg/hm2 and 450~1 780 kg/hm2, respectively, while the same amount of straw mulching returned to the fields, the 15% reduction in fertilizers was the opposite, reducing yields1 420~3 615 kg/hm2 and 550~1 368 kg/hm2, respectively. In terms of the effects of soil cooling and soil protection and yam yield increase, when the straw coverage can be selected as 6 000~7 500 kg/hm2, the fertilizer reduction can be 15%.
    Effects of phosphate concentration on the growth of Scenedesmus obliquus
    CHEN Xiao-jiang, DONG Fu-yu, LIU Xiao-feng
    2021, 60(16):  28-32.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.006
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    The effects of different phosphorus concentration gradients levels on the growth of Scenedesmus obliquus was studied by setting up culture experiments with concentration gradients of 0.01, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20 mg/L. The results showed that Scenedesmus obliquus growth associated with the phosphorus concentration in water body, in culture period, compared with the reference group, different phosphorus concentration on Scenedesmus obliquus growth had a promoting effect, under the condition of phosphorus concentration was 0.15 mg/L, the algal density maximum of 129.25×104 cells/mL, when the concentration of phosphorus increased to 0.20 mg/L, the algal density reduced to 108.18×104 cells/mL, instructions in five phosphorus concentration gradient, when the phosphorus concentration was 0.15 mg/L for Scenedesmus obliquus growth optimal concentration, when it higher than this concentration, the growth of Scenedesmus obliquus was restricted. According to one-way ANOVA, under the condition of sufficient nutrient nitrogen, the increase of phosphorus concentration promoted the explosive growth of algae, indicating that the increase of phosphorus concentration in water was an important factor for the generation of algal bloom.
    Spatial variability of precipitation in western Hunan province based on geostatistics
    ZHANG Kun, LI Xiao-liang, ZENG Lin, MAO Cheng-min
    2021, 60(16):  33-37.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.007
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    Based on the precipitation data of western Hunan province from 1981 to 2019, the spatial structure and variation characteristics of annual and seasonal precipitation were analyzed by using geostatistical variogram theory, and the spatial distribution of annual and seasonal precipitation was studied based on ordinary Kriging interpolation. The results showed that there was a second-order trend in the annual and seasonal precipitation in western Hunan province. In the east-west direction, the annual, spring and summer precipitation presented an inverted U-shaped trend, increased gradually from east to west in autumn, and decreased gradually in winter; In the north-south direction, the annual precipitation presented a U-shaped trend, spring and winter gradually decreased from south to north, and summer and autumn gradually increased. Through the comparison of interpolation errors, the optimal fitting model of annual and seasonal precipitation was obtained. The annual precipitation was spherical model, spring, summer and autumn were Gaussian model, and winter was exponential model. The C0/(C0+C) of winter precipitation was less than 25%, which indicated that the winter precipitation had strong spatial correlation, and the spatial variation caused by random factors was very small. The C0/(C0+C) of annual and other seasonal precipitation was between 25% and 75%, indicating that the precipitation had moderate spatial correlation. The annual, summer and autumn precipitation in western Hunan province was decreasing gradually from north to south, while it was increasing in spring and winter.
    Change of forest ecosystem services value in Gansu province from 2006 to 2016
    ZHANG Xiao-qing, ZHAO Wan-kui, CHEN Zhi-ping, ZHAO Fang-yuan, LI Xiao-bing, YAN Yue-e, LI Zhen-cun
    2021, 60(16):  38-43.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.008
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    Based on the data of the fifth(2006), sixth(2011) and seventh(2016) National Forest Resources Inventory in Gansu province, the function and value of forest ecosystem services in Gansu province from 2006 to 2016 was evaluated according to the Standard for Assessment of Forest Ecosystem Services Function(LY/T 1721—2008). The results showed that the value of forest ecosystem services in Gansu province showed an increasing trend in 2006—2016, with a total increase of 246.92 billion yuan, increased by 13.52%. The average increase of it was 2.469 billion yuan and the average annual growth rate of it was 1.42%. Among the eight ecological functions, water conservation, soil conservation, carbon sequestration and oxygen release, and biodiversity conservation play a significant role, occupying a dominant position. The value of the four functions together accounts for nearly 90% of the total value.
    Screening of lignocellulosic degradation complex strains
    SUN Miao-miao, LI Juan, LIU Guo-qing, ZHOU Chun-yang, WEI Zhang-qi, WU Jian-xin
    2021, 60(16):  44-49.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.009
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    In order to improve the degradation rate of biomass straw and screen high-efficiency biomass cellulose degrading bacteria, the corn stalk-rich rot was used as a bacterial source, and the cellulose-congo red selective medium was used for preliminary screening to separate high-efficiency cellulose-degrading bacteria. The initial screening was determined by the diameter of the transparent ring on the Congo red medium and the disintegration ability of the filter paper strip; The rescreening was carried out by the determination of the enzyme activity, including the determination of the activity of the filter paper strip and the determination of the activity of the carboxymethylcellulose enzyme. Screening step by step to form a complex strain of high-efficiency strains, the results showed that a group of corn stalk degradation complex strains were screened from the decayed corn stalks and in the enzyme activity assay, the C1 strain had the highest filter paper activity of 8.52 U/mL; The N1 strain had the highest cellulase activity of 6.44 U/mL. By sequencing and identifying the strains of the selected strains, the dominant strains of composite bacteria were Trametes, Sarocladium, Streptomyces, Actinomycetales unclassified, Propionibacterium.
    Evaluation of the effects of seven herbaceous plants on the improvement of saline soil in the tidal flat reclamation area of Taizhou
    RUAN Jia-ping, DU Zhao-kui, WU Xia-shan, DAI Ze-miao, YU Lan, YUAN Yi-qi, LI Jun-min
    2021, 60(16):  50-56.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.010
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    To evaluate the improvement effects of common salt-tolerant plants on coastal saline soils, seven artificial populations including Medicago sativa, Suaeda salsa, Melilotus officinalis, Sorghum dochna, Sorghum bicolor×Sorghum sudanense, Lolium perenne and Sesbania cannabina were constructed in the Taizhou tidal flat reclamation area, and the physical and chemical properties, the number of microorganisms and soil enzyme activities of 0~10 cm soil were measured after planting in 30 d interval. The results showed that compared with the control (bare land), the salt content, pH and soil bulk density of the planting soil gradually decreased with increasing the experiment time, which decreased by 6.9%~12.2%, 7.5%~10.5%, and 28.5%~42.5% at 90 d, respectively; Organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus content and nitrate reductase activity of planting soil gradually increased with time (with some exceptions), compared with the control, they decreased by 24.5%~72.3%, 10.2%~90.8%, 78.9%~181.1% and 428.6~533.0% at 90 d, respectively; Compared with the control, the number of soil bacteria and catalase activity increased had no significant differences at 90 d, but the number of actinomycetes in soil planted with Sorghum dochna, Sorghum Bicolor×Sorghum Sudanense grass and Sesbania cannabina were significantly higher than that of the control on the 90 d; Principal component analysis indicated, the 10 individual indexes related to the effect of plants on soil improvement were converted into 5 comprehensive indexes, representing 97.32% of the total information. In order to calculate the membership function value of the planting soil of each plant, and the contribution rate of the principal component after weighting, the comprehensive evaluation value (D) of soil properties was finally obtained, the improvement effects of 7 herbaceous plants on the local saline soil in Taizhou were Medicago sativa>Melilotus officinalis> Sorghum bicolor×Sorghum sudanense grass>Lolium perenne>Sorghum dochna>Sesbania cannabina>Suaeda salsa.
    Ecological security evaluation of Xiangxiang city
    ZHU Peng-dan
    2021, 60(16):  57-63.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.011
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    Xiangxiang city, a typical county-level city located in the central part of Hunan province, was taken as the research object, and the ecological security evaluation index system was constructed from 14 indexes, such as elevation, slope, topographic relief, land use type, NDVI, distance to river, distance to highway, rainfall, biodiversity, soil thickness, grain yield, etc. An ecological security evaluation model based on random forest (RF) intelligent algorithm was proposed, which combined with GIS technology to evaluate the ecological security of 50 m×50 m grid was used as the evaluation unit to identify the extremely important factors affecting the ecological security level of Xiangxiang city. The results showed that the ecological security level of Xiangxiang city was in the middle and low level, and the proportion of low and medium level grid was 84.33%. The spatial distribution of ecological security level was uneven, which was higher in the west and north than in the east and south, higher in the hilly area than in the plain, and higher in the mountainous area than in the urban area. The main factors affecting the level of ecological security in Xiangxiang city were biodiversity, distance from highway, distance from river and land use type in order of importance. Soil thickness, soil erodibility, rocky desertification degree and other factors had relatively little influence on the evaluation of ecological security level. The sample training accuracy of the random forest ecological security evaluation model was 98.01%, and the test accuracy was 95.53%, which had a high accuracy.
    The application of optimized Grey-Markov model in forecasting annual precipitation of Hulunbuir city
    ZHANG Zhi-li
    2021, 60(16):  64-69.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.012
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    By using annual precipitation data of Hulunbuir grassland from 2002 to 2016, taking the method of Weighted slip optimization, unbiasing grey model improvement and residual sequence correction to modify the GM(1,1) model, the Grey-Markov combination model of sliding unbiased residuals correction is constructed. The results show that after comparing the actual precipitation of Hulunbuir in 2017 and 2018, finding the combined model is ideal in the degree of prediction fitting and accuracy, it can be used to reasonably predict the annual precipitation of Hulunbuir. In 2019—2021, the annual precipitation of Hulunbuir will increase. The most likely in 2019 will be in accurate assessment and overestimation state, with a probability of 41% and 38% respectively. However, in 2020 and 2021 is the overestimated state, that is, the actual annual precipitation in these two years will be lower than the predicted result of the prediction model with the same probability of 42%. On the whole, the annual precipitation in Hulunbuir will be abundant in the future, which will play a positive role in promoting the ecological development of Hulunbuir grassland.
    Cultivated land resource endowment and spatial layout optimization of agriculture industry:A case study of Yushe county,Shanxi province
    GUO Jia-jun, LI Qian
    2021, 60(16):  70-75.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.013
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    In order to make full use of cultivated land resources and improve the benefits of agricultural industry and accelerate the high-quality development of agricultural industry, this research took Yushe county of Shanxi province as an example to optimize the use efficiency and layout order of agricultural industry space by studying the endowment of cultivated land resources. The status of cultivated land endowment was made clear, including the spatial distribution of cultivated land in dryland, irrigable land, township, and topographic areas. According to the evaluation of cultivated land quality, four combination grade of cultivated land quality were divided into “fourth grade, fifth grade-sixth grade, seventh grade-eighth grade, ninth grade-tenth grade”, and the spatial distribution of cultivated land quality of the total quality of cultivated land and the quality of cultivated land in dryland, irrigated land, towns and topographic parts were studied. Through the analysis of cultivated land quality, the spatial layout of agricultural industry was optimized and adjusted. Three spatial distribution regions of agricultural industry were planned“Priority allocation-high quality cluster”, “rectification and adjustment-characteristic improvement” and “reduced withdrawal-ecological restoration”. The endowment of cultivated land resources restricted the development of agricultural industry, and the quality of cultivated land reflected the productivity of cultivated land. Dividing agricultural industry layout according to the quality of cultivated land could improve the utilization rate of cultivated land and promote the development of agricultural industry in the direction of high quality, high yield and high efficiency.
    Spatial-temporal evolution characteristics of the production-living-ecological spatial function coupling coordination in the western Sichuan urban agglomeration
    LIU Tao, HOU Lan-gong
    2021, 60(16):  76-83.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.014
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    Based on the production-living-ecological spatial theory and the coupling coordination model, the spatial functions, coupling degrees, and coupling coordination degrees of the production-living-ecological of 68 districts and counties in the western Sichuan urban agglomeration from 2003 to 2018 were quantitatively measured, and their temporal-spatial distribution pattern were revealed. The results show that the county-level production function of the western Sichuan urban agglomeration shows "one core, multiple levels, and two belts" growth trend, and the growth rate of the production function in the east is higher than that in the west. Areas with high living functions are mostly distributed in the middle of the study area, and present the spatial characteristics of Chengdu's central urban area as the core area, and the main urban areas of other prefecture-level cities as multi-level areas, driving the overall improvement of living functions in the surrounding areas. In terms of space, the ecological function presents an obvious spatial distribution pattern of high surroundings, low in the middle, high in the west, and low in the east. From the time series dimension, it can be seen that the ecological functions of the northern and western regions have shown a continuous upward trend. The degree of correlation between production, life and ecological space in the western Sichuan urban agglomeration has shown an upward trend from antagonism to coordinated coupling, and it is manifested in the form of spatial increase from "point to surface", and the degree of spatial function coupling and coordination of production-living-ecological. It is in a state of fluctuating growth, with the largest increase in the mildly dysfunctional phase; the evolutionary trend of the degree of coupling and coordination of the production-living-ecological spatial function is close to the "∩"-shaped growth curve.
    Plant Protection
    Effect of passion fruit on Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel growth and development
    LIU Kai, CHEN Pei-jun, HE Rui-chun, GUAN Zi-ying, HAN Qun-xin
    2021, 60(16):  84-88.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.015
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    Field investigations and laboratory experiments were conducted to explore the dangers of Bactrocera dorsalis on passion fruit and the passion fruit influence the growth and development of Bactrocera dorsalis. The field investigation showed that the adult Bactrocera dorsalis was found in passion fruit plantations in Guangxi and Guangdong, and the traces of damage could be seen on the pericarp of passion fruit, but the pulp was intact. The eggs of Bactrocera dorsalis were found in 51.7% of fruit victims. Laboratory experiments showed that Bactrocera dorsalis could lay eggs on passion fruit, and the average number of oviposition marks was 1.73/fruit, and the pupation rate was 94.2%. Bactrocera dorsalis could not complete its life cycle on the peel of mature fruits. Compared with the peel, passion fruit flesh significantly improved the pupation rate and eclosion rate, but it was still lower than the banana control group. The sugar content and pH of mature passion fruit were 17.72% and 1.78, respectively,which were not conducive to the oviposition and growth of Bactrocera dorsalis. In conclusion, Bactrocera dorsalis can complete its growth and development on the passion fruit, but passion fruit was not a suitable host for Bactrocera dorsalis.
    Safety assessment of fourteen insecticides to Arma chinensis
    LI Wen-hong, ZHANG Chang-hua, QIN Wei-wei, XIE Hong-lian, DONG Xiang-li, LI Zhi-mo, MENG Jian-yu, GUO Xiao-guan
    2021, 60(16):  89-92.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.016
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    The indoor toxicity of 9 common-used insecticides and 5 biological insecticides to Arma chinensis was assessed by spray method. The safety assessment of five pesticides (deltamethrin, beta-cypermethrin, imidacloprid, cyantraniliprole, azadirachtin) to Arma chinensis on bean and pepper plant were also tested in the field. The results showed that, among the 14 tested insecticides, sulfoxaflor, chlorantraniliprole, Bacillus thuringiensis, Empedobacter brevis and Spodoptera frugiperda NPV all showed least toxicity and were relative safe to Arma chinensis; Indoxacarb and matrine were both lower toxicities with LC50 of 85.64 mg/L and 404.03 mg/L respectively at 48 hours after treatment, followed by cyantraniliprole, beta-cypermethrin, deltamethrin, cyhalothrin, azadirachtin. The highest toxicities were detected for thiamethoxam and imidacloprid, with LC50 of 0.96 mg/L and 1.16 mg/L respectively at 48 hours after treatment. Among the five insecticides tested, imidacloprid had the highest risk of Arma chinensis, with 100% mortality after 24 h, followed by deltamethrin, beta-cypermethrin, cyanidebromide and azadirassin.
    Pathogenicity identification of Rhizoctonia spp. in maize sheath blight from southwest China and the resistance of 23 corn varieties
    CUI Li-na, LI Xiao, ZHANG Zhen-yu, ZHANG Hai-yan, LIU Shi-jian, LONG Qiang, ZOU Cheng-jia
    2021, 60(16):  93-97.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.017
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    In order to clarify the differences in the pathogenicity of maize sheath blight strain in southwest China, 33 strains of different groups of maize sheath blight strain were selected as the research object, and the pathogenicity of maize cultivar Chuandan 13 was identified by artificial inoculation at seedling stage and adult stage. The results showed that the virulence of different groups of Rhizoctonia on maize was significantly different, and the virulence of different strains in the same group was also different, moreover, the virulence of AG1-ⅠA was the strongest in these groups. The resistance of 23 varieties were identified by four strains of AG1-ⅠA、AG4-HGI、AG2-2ⅢB、WAG-Z. The resistance differences among varieties were obvious when AG1-ⅠA was used to identify the resistance of maize varieties, including 1 highly susceptible cultivar, accounting for 4.35%; 6 susceptible cultivars, accounting for 26.09%; 11 moderately resistant cultivars, accounting for 47.82%; 5 resistant cultivars, accounting for 21.74%; And no high resistant varieties. The resistance difference could not be identified when inoculated with the other groups since most of varieties were high resistance and individual was resistance.
    Development and study of phenazine-l-carboylic acid water soluble liquid agent
    WANG Jin-peng, YU Di-ya, WANG Li-xiang, LI Jun-kai
    2021, 60(16):  98-100.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.018
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    Phenazine-1-carboxylic acid (PCA) was prepared into water-soluble liquids with NaOH, KOH, NH3 and isopropylamine, respectively, and the stability and indoor toxicity of each formulation were tested. The soluble liquids of PCA isopropylamine salt were screened out, then the field trial of rice sheath blight control was carried out. The results showed that after cold storage, hot storage and room temperature storage, the 4 soluble liquids were the most stable in storage at room temperature. The degradation rates of PCA isopropylamine salt, PCA ammonium salt, PCA potassium salt and PCA sodium salt were 0.82%, 1.64%, 1.41% and 1.49%, which respectively had good stability. The EC50 of four water-soluble preparations of PCA isopropylamine salt, ammonium salt, potassium salt, sodium salt and PCA original drug to control the mycelia of Rhizoctonia solani were 19.994 0, 21.489 9, 23.953 6, 23.953 5, 19.235 4 μg/mL. Field test results showed that when the dosage of the preparation was 1 050 g/hm2, the water-soluble solution of shenzinomycin and isopropylamine had the highest control effect against rice sheath blight in the field, reaching 84.35%, which was better than the 1% PCA suspension agent.
    Horticulture & Local Products
    Appearance characteristics of Lolium perenne Linn. different varieties in vegetation concrete to drough and heat stress
    YANG Jie-feng, DENG Hong-hua, FEI Yong-jun
    2021, 60(16):  101-105.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.019
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    Three varieties of ryegrass (Lolium perenne Linn.)(Barverdi, Medalist and Accent) in vegetation concrete habitat were used as experimental materials,after treatment by dry heat stress, their injury degree, leaf color, texture, stomatal density and length width ratio were measured, and their recovery ability was also tested. The results showed that the leaf color of three varieties of ryegrass became lighter, the leaf width decreased, and the damage degree was significant. The order of dry heat resistance was Accent>Medalist>Barverdi, the order of stomatal size was Barverdi>Medalist>Accent, and the order of stomatal density was Accent>Medalist>Barverdi.Comprehensive evaluation showed that Accent had the strongest dry heat resistance.
    Study on seed interplanting technology of yellow essence and corn
    ZHOU Jun, XIAO Neng-wu, ZHANG Ze-zhi, ZHOU Ming, LI Kun, SI Hai-qian, QIN Guang-ming, WU Feng, OUYANG You-xiang
    2021, 60(16):  106-107.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.020
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    The planting technology of Polygonatum sibiricum and the practical technology of intercropping Polygonatum sibiricum with maize were introduced to provide a reference for providing economic benefits, promoting the development of intercropping model and growers.
    Effects of different growth regulators on cutting rooting of Cissus hexangularis
    LU Xiang-yun, ZHANG Yan-ling, DENG Rong-yan, YANG Mei
    2021, 60(16):  108-112.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.021
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    In order to explore the effects of different concentrations of plant growth regulators on the cutting rooting of Cissus hexangularis, and to promote a large number of cutting propagation.The annual branches of Cissus hexangularis were used as experimental materials, and three growth regulators of different concentrations NAA, IAA and ABT were used to pretreat the cuttings of Cissus hexangularis. After 60 days, the rooting rate of cuttings, rooting number per plant, the longest root length of adventitious root, contents of soluble sugar, contents of soluble protein and peroxidase (POD) activity were measured. The results showed that all the three growth regulators could promote the cutting propagation of Cissus hexangularis. The comprehensive evaluation of cutting rooting of Cissus hexangularis with different concentrations of growth regulators showed that the optimum concentrations of ABT 100 mg/L, IAA 400 mg/L and NAA 100 mg/L were higher than the optimum concentration, which weakened the cutting rooting effect.
    Analysis of multivariate relationship among seedlings of Carya illinoinensis rootstock containers
    DU Yang-wen, DENG Xian-zhen, LI Xi-guo
    2021, 60(16):  113-116.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.022
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    :In order to find out the relationship between seedling height, ground diameter, fresh weight aboveground, fresh weight underground, dry weight aboveground, dry weight underground, root-crown ratio, root-to-crown ratio, height-diameter ratio, moisture content, total biomass, seedling mass index, root length, root surface area, root volume,using correlation analysis, stepwise regression linear analysis, curve analysis,the optimal fitting equation of quadratic curve between seedling height and aboveground dry weight was Y=11.740+2.231X+1.880X2, the optimal fitting equation of quadratic curve of seedling ground diameter and total biomass Y=3.143+0.127X+0.002X2 was established, the double linear optimal equation of total biomass and aboveground dry weight and underground dry weight Y=-0.002+1.001X1+0.993X2 was established, a linear optimal fitting equation of seedling mass index, optimal equation of mass index of seedling and binary linear fit of dry weight and moisture content of underground Y=0.131+0.026X1-0.003X2 was established, the ternary linear optimal fitting equation of seedling root length, root surface area, height and fresh weight aboveground was Y=-618.227+1.795X1+62.056X2-165.366X3. The best fitting equation can be used to predict and guide the seedling cultivation and afforestation effect of small shell pecan stock container.
    Effects of cooperation of nitrogen amount and planting density on the production and quality of cigar
    HE Ming-chang, LIU Li-ping, LI Ji-hong, WANG Xue-song, XU La, LI Sheng-min, TAN Shao-an, WANG Rui, ZUO Mei
    2021, 60(16):  117-121.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.023
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    To explore nitrogen amount and planting density on the production and quality of cigar, and CX-81 was selected as the research object,the effects of three different nitrogen application levels of 142.5 kg/hm2(N1), 172.5 kg/hm2(N2), 202.5 kg/hm2(N3), and three densities of 18 180 plants/hm2(D1), 20 205 plants/hm2(D2), 22 725 plants/hm2(D3) on the contents of chlorophyll, economic characters, chemical components after air-during of cigar were studied. At the same time, the correlations of chlorophyll content and the chemical components of cigar were analyzed. The results showed that with the increase of planting density, the contents of chlorophyll, total sugar, reducing sugar and the ratio of total sugar to nicotine decreased gradually, and nicotine and total nitrogen increased with the increase of nitrogen application, while chlorophyll, reducing sugar and total sugar were the highest in N2 level. The content of chlorophyll in the middle cigar leaves was positively significant correlated with total sugar and reducing sugar. The nitrogen application amount and density had significant difference on nicotine, total nitrogen, total sugar, reducing sugar, nitrogen-alkali ratio and sugar-alkali ratio of cigar, but the interaction of the two just had significant difference on total nitrogen and the ratio of nitrogen to alkali. The higher nitrogen application could obtain a larger single leaf weight and yield, but it affected the quality of tobacco. The smaller planting density was beneficial to the quality of tobacco, but it affected the yield. It was suggested that the nitrogen application amount should be 202.5 kg/hm2 in the low density (D1) planting area, and 172.5 kg/hm2 should be selected in both D2 and D3 planting area.
    The influence of meteorological factors on tobacco leaf quality in Hubei tobacco area:Taking Yuanbao township,Lichuan city,Enshi prefecture as an example
    SUN Jing-guo, ZHANG Yun-zheng, SUN Guang-wei, TAN Ben-kui, ZHANG Peng-long, LI Jian-ping, FENG Ji, CHEN Zhen-guo
    2021, 60(16):  122-126.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.024
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    Taking Yuanbao township, Lichuan city, Enshi prefecture as the representative of the typical area, and relevant studies on meteorological factors and tobacco leaf quality were carried out. The results showed that the meteorological conditions of Yuanbao township in Lichuan city met the demand of high-quality tobacco leaf production. The correlations of temperature, sunshine hours and precipitation at different stages of tobacco leaf field growth period with potassium, nicotine, total nitrogen, total sugar content and sensory quality of tobacco leaf were clarified, and the influence weights of meteorological factors at different stages on tobacco leaf quality were determined.
    Aquatic Products
    Research on the cultivation of chlorella for aquaculture with fermentation of soybean meal by yeast
    WU Shun, LUO Shu-yuan, JIANG Yang, JIN Wei-hua
    2021, 60(16):  127-131.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.025
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    In the way of liquid fermentation, the yeast was inoculated into soybean meal, and the fermentation at different temperatures on shake. After different fermentation time, the fermentation liquid was used to culture chlorella directly and boiled. The growth trend of chlorella was determined by measuring the A680 of culture fluid, using BG11 culture liquid as the control group, and some parameters affecting the water quality in the culture liquid were measured. the results showed that the ferment filtrate at 29 ℃ combined with BG11 culture medium could promote the growth of Chlorella most effectively, next was fermentation product at 28 ℃, A680 was 1.532 and 1.463 respectively after culturing for 9 days, and the worst culture effect was using BG11 culture medium alone (P<0.01); the effect of chlorella culture with bacteria removal was better than that without bacteria removal (P<0.01); the best liquid fermentation temperature with soybean meal by yeast was 28 ℃ and the best fermentation time was 7 days; the ammonia nitrogen, total nitrogen and nitrite in the fermentation liquid of soybean meal could be eliminated basically after culturing chlorella, but the concentration of total nitrogen and nitrite in BG11 culture liquid maintained a high level; the consumption of soybean meal after fermentation was consistent with the production of chlorella; after culturing chlorella for 7 days, the parameters related to water pollution reached class II level. the ferment of soybean meal by yeast was suitable for rapid cultivation of feed grade or food grade Chlorella, and could be used in aquaculture directly without any treatment.
    Storage & Processing
    The analysis of volatile components from different Siraitia grosvenorii extracts and their applications in cigarette
    WU Qi-xian, WU Jin-ming, FENG Yun-zi, LI Yu-ming, ZHAO Rui-feng, ZHAO Mou-ming
    2021, 60(16):  132-136.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.026
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    Fresh and dried Siraitia grosvenorii were used as materials to prepare extracts by water extraction and alcohol extraction, Which got fresh Siraitia grosvenorii water extract, fresh Siraitia grosvenorii alcohol extract, dried Siraitia grosvenorii water extract, dried Siraitia grosvenorii alcohol extract. The volatile components of the four Siraitia grosvenorii extracts were determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC-MS), and the results of cigarette flavoring test were analyzed with principal component analysis to study the application value of Siraitia grosvenorii extracts in cigarette. The results showed that there were significant differences in the volatile components of the four extracts. 11, 12, 14 and 13 volatile components were detected in the fresh Siraitia grosvenorii water extract, fresh Siraitia grosvenorii alcohol extract, dried Siraitia grosvenorii water extract and dried Siraitia grosvenorii alcohol extract respectively. In addition, the extracts of Siraitia grosvenorii could improve the smoking quality of cigarettes, among which the effect of 2‰ fresh Siraitia grosvenorii water extract was the best, followed by 2‰ dry Siraitia grosvenorii water extract.
    Information Engineering
    Study on the quality and safety traceability system of selenium-enriched tea in Ziyang county from the perspective of block chain+agricultural product traceability
    YANG Meng
    2021, 60(16):  137-140.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.027
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    To establish an efficient traceability system for quality safety of selenium-enriched tea based on block technology, using 5G network, on the basis of comprehensively improving the information transmission rate between the server and the client, combined with blockchain technology, the data authenticity and sharing of the traceability system were fully enhanced. Results showed that the simulation software was used to verify the working status of the quality and safety traceability system of selenium-enriched tea, mainly to verify the availability and stability of information transmission during the working period of the system. This platform has higher data transmission efficiency and higher accuracy of data feedback results.
    Research of identificating agricultural muti-agents cooperation relative position and attitude based on quaternion visual navigation algorithm
    MENG Fu-jun, YUE Sheng-ru, HU Xue-fei
    2021, 60(16):  141-144.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.028
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    Based on the theory of quaternion, A camera survey model was constructed to measure the relative position and attitude of agricultural muti-agents, the order of the matrix was reduced, the amount of calculation was effectively reduced, the calculation efficiency and precision of the relative position and attitude are improved, and the requirements of the precision and real-time of the agricultural machinery autonomous relative navigation can be met, and conducted the simulation experiment. The simulation results showed that this method can provide relatively accurate relative position & attitude information.
    Economy & Management
    Study on the selection willingness of farmers’ homestead revitalization and utilization mode based on SEM-Logit model
    HOU Yu-jie, PU Chun-ling, YAN Zhi-ming
    2021, 60(16):  145-151.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.029
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    In order to analyze the factors affecting the selection willingness of farmer’s homestead revitalization and utilization mode, based on the survey data of typical pilot villages in Shandong province, 14 variables were selected from the dimensions of farmer’s personal characteristics, family characteristics, homestead characteristics and policy perception characteristics to form the influencing factor set. Four research hypotheses were proposed according to the farmer behavior theory. Using SEM-Logit comprehensive model to verify the hypotheses and analyze the specific effect of observation variables on the willingness of mode selection. The results showed that the latent variables of all dimensions positively affected the farmers’ selection willingness of the revitalization and utilization mode, among which the influence of policy perception characteristics was the most obvious; farmers with multiple homesteads were the key objects to participate in the revitalization and utilization, and they generally payed attention to whether the revitalization and utilization mode could realize the property value of the homestead. Based on the above conclusions, innovating diversification of the revitalization and utilization model, strengthening the homestead policy and promotion of revitalization and utilization mode and optimizing all aspects of revitalization and utilization model according to local and household conditions to help farmers increase income. It is the key to enhance farmers’ willingness to choose the homestead revitalization and utilization mode and promote the revitalization and utilization of homestead.
    Study on the high quality development path of agriculture in Shaanxi province based on entropy method
    LU Dong-ning, PANG Chao
    2021, 60(16):  152-156.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.030
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    The evaluation index system of high-quality agricultural development in Shaanxi province was constructed with five dimensions, which including industrial structure, green ecology, industrial benefit, scientific and technological innovation and modernization level. Taking 2009—2018 as the research period, the entropy method was used to evaluate the high-quality agricultural development level in Shaanxi province, and the obstacle degree model was used to diagnose the factors hindering the high-quality agricultural development in Shaanxi province. The results showed that the high quality level of agriculture in Shaanxi province was characterized by fluctuating growth. From all dimensions, the industrial efficiency and modernization level had increased obviously, but there was still room for improvement. Green ecology, industrial structure and scientific and technological innovation were the main shortcomings of high-quality agricultural development in Shaanxi province. Finally, some suggestions were put forward around the main problems that restrict the high-quality development of agriculture in Shaanxi province.
    Research on the impact of housing resettlement on the subjective well-being of rural disaster migrants:Based on the empirical evidence of hurricane disaster resettlement in Yancheng city
    LI Yi, FENG Xuan-feng
    2021, 60(16):  157-162.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.031
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    Taking rural disaster resettlement migrants as the research objects, based on 256 questionnaires of 17 wind disaster concentrated resettlement communities in Yancheng city, by using orderly Logistic regression model, 8 variables were selected from two aspects of resettlement housing conditions and resettlement community environment, and the influencing mechanism of housing resettlement on the subjective well-being of disaster migrants was analyzed. The results showed that the self-evaluated subjective well-being of most migrants was at a medium or above level; from the perspective of resettlement housing conditions, the way of housing allocation, housing quality, housing area were significantly and positively related to the subjective well-being of immigrants, while housing expenditure and the subjective well-being of disaster migrants were significantly negatively correlated; from the perspective of the resettlement community environment, community facilities and community participation had no significant impact on the subjective well-being of disaster migrants, community health and cadre-group relationship significantly affected the subjective well-being of the migrants and showed a positive correlation.
    Research on the expenditure structure of agriculture-related funds and agricultural growth in Guangdong province
    SHAO Zhuo, MEI Shuang, GUO Yu-xuan, CHEN Shao-yang
    2021, 60(16):  163-168.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.032
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    In order to further promote the overall integration and reform of agriculture-related funds of Guangdong province and guide the cities and counties to optimize the expenditure structure of agriculture-related funds, improve the use efficiency of agriculture-related funds, effectively promote the steady growth of the total agricultural output value in various regions, and accelerate the realization of agricultural and rural modernization,on the basis of the overall integration and reform of agriculture-related funds in Guangdong province, this study analyzed the impact of the expenditure structure of agriculture-related funds on the growth rate of total agricultural output value in all cities of Guangdong province in 2019 by using the method of clear set qualitative comparative analysis, and summarized three effective expenditure structures of agriculture-related funds, which including the environmental remediation type, the forestry construction type and the balanced type. It also emphasized the importance of low output, low infrastructure investment and high environmental improvement investment to the current agricultural development in various cities of Guangdong province. Therefore,under the new situation, Guangdong province must break through the old mode of agricultural development, and explore the new ecological agricultural industry development path by optimizing the financial expenditure structure.
    Evaluation method of soil and water conservation quality of water diversion project from the Yellow River in Jiaodong agricultural irrigation area
    SUN Chong
    2021, 60(16):  169-172.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.033
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    Aiming at the regional soil and water loss problems caused by the water diversion project from the Yellow River in Jiaodong agricultural irrigation area, the evaluation method of soil and water conservation quality of the water diversion project from the Yellow River in Jiaodong agricultural irrigation area was put forward, which provided scientific basis for the relevant departments to formulate soil and water conservation rectification measures. Due to the significant relativity between soil and water conservation and soil erosion, the current situation of soil and water conservation in the area involved in the project was analyzed from these two aspects. Based on the close correlation among soil erosion, soil and water conservation and soil quality, the soil and water conservation quality was described by soil quality, and the evaluation model of soil and water conservation quality was constructed. According to different evaluation index weights and membership degrees, the soil quality index scores of different regions in Jiaodong agricultural irrigation area were determined, and the evaluation results of soil and water conservation quality were obtained. The results showed that the quality of soil and water conservation in Binzhou city and Yantai city were at a low level, and the quality of soil and water conservation in Weifang city was at a lower middle level, and according to the current situation of low quality of soil and water conservation, this study put forward some strategies to improve the quality of soil and water conservation.
    A study on the dilemma and countermeasures of social relations reconstruction of poverty alleviation migrants
    SHI Shi, DONG Ming, MU Han, LIN Xin-yi
    2021, 60(16):  173-178.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.034
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    The resettlement of poverty relief migrants should make comprehensive arrangements in production, life and community governance to help them get rid of poverty.However, there was also the objective fact that people live in different places and the separation of land and residence, and the social relationship between poverty alleviation and immigrants was broken and reconstructed.To relocate the relocation placement of urbanization as an example, through combing the literature, combined with empirical experience, using the theory of social construction analysis town for aiding the poor immigrants face breaking the status quo, social relations and analysis from the Angle of the individual, community, government its internal mechanism, put forward the psychological intervention, resource protection, and community connection targeted Suggestions.
    Research on the path of literature and art poverty alleviation in northern Shaanxi from the perspective of precision poverty alleviation
    HUANG Rong
    2021, 60(16):  179-181.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.035
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    Through the analysis and research of literature and art poverty alleviation activities in northern Shaanxi, combined with the characteristics of local culture such as regionalism, diversity and systematization, this paper summarized the comprehensive situation of literature and art poverty alleviation in northern Shaanxi, so as to explore a more scientific and accurate way of literature and art poverty alleviation in northern Shaanxi with the characteristics of folk art and culture and humanistic folk customs.
    Comparative study on projection image and perception image of intangible cultural heritage tourism destination
    LI Jiang-min, LI Xin-wei, WU Qing-qing, ZHAO Qing-qing
    2021, 60(16):  182-188.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.036
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    The tourism destination image is constructed by projection image and perception image. It is of great significance to analyze the difference between projection image and perception image of intangible cultural heritage tourism destination for improving the image of intangible cultural heritage tourism destination and promoting the quality and efficiency of intangible cultural heritage tourism. Taking Suzhou city as a case study, which was rich in intangible cultural heritage, the study explored the differences between the projection image and perception image of intangible cultural heritage tourism destination with the help of Rost CM 6 software. The results showed that,① the projection image and perception image of intangible cultural heritage tourism destination include intangible cultural heritage culture, intangible cultural heritage tourism space, intangible cultural heritage tourism experience, cultural atmosphere and infrastructure. Compared with the perception image, the projection image pay more attention to intangible cultural heritage tourism experience and cultural atmosphere, but less attention to infrastructure; ② both the projection image and perception image took the local intangible cultural heritage culture as the core, but there were differences in the content composition of the sub core and the edge layer; ③ in addition, landscape and infrastructure were the main factors causing tourists′ positive emotions, and tourists′ negative emotions were concentrated on the tourism environment; ④ the main reason for the difference was that the demand of suppliers and tourists was different, and the information of both sides was asymmetric.
    The evolutionary game analysis of stakeholders behind land finance
    HOU Wei-feng
    2021, 60(16):  189-194.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.037
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    Behind land finance was a large number of land expropriation by local governments, which caused multi-interest conflicts. This study constructed the game model of relevant stakeholders, identified the interest relationship between government departments and land-lost farmers and the evolutionary stability strategy, and carried out numerical simulation and analysis of relevant influencing factors. The results showed that, ①when the net income of central government regulation was higher than the cost, the income of local government legal land expropriation was higher and land-lost farmers were compensated, the evolutionary stability strategy of the game system was supervision-legal land expropriation-acceptance of land expropriation; ② the rise of the central government's regulatory cost will weaken the tendency of regulatory strategy choice; ③ the increase of income from illegal land expropriation of local governments will weaken the tendency to choose legal land expropriation strategies;④the reduction of the cost of protecting the rights of land-lost farmers will drive the land-lost farmers to choose the strategy of resisting land acquisition. Therefore, it was of great significance to reform the land expropriation system, increase the punishment of illegal land expropriation, standardize the behavior of local government and construct a smooth channel for land-lost farmers to protect their rights to alleviate the land expropriation conflicts.
    Rural Revitalization
    The placement of nostalgic and the inheritance of folk culture from the perspective of 24 solar terms
    ZHOU Li, SUN Fen
    2021, 60(16):  195-197.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.038
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    The 24 solar terms are the knowledge system formed by ancient people through observing the movement of celestial bodies and combining with the transformation laws of geography, climate and phenology. It is of great practical significance to protect, inherit and innovate the folk culture represented by the 24 solar terms. It not only contributes to the activation and development of the folk culture, but also helps to connect the fragmental nostalgic memory of modern people and promote people’s recognition of the traditional folk culture. It can also help arouse people’s tracing back the history of cultural heritage, deeply dig the traditional cultural wisdom contained in it, and consciously contribute their own strength to rural revitalization.
    Research on evaluation of rural ecological civilization construction in Jinan based on farmers’ satisfaction
    HAN Lin-juan, LIU Hao, ZHOU Hai-xia
    2021, 60(16):  198-202.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.039
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    Rural ecological civilization construction is an important part of achieving rural revitalization strategy,which is the premise of realizing sustainable development in rural area and building a beautiful countryside. As the participants and final beneficiaries of rural construction, farmers’ satisfaction is an important standard to measure the level of rural ecological civilization construction. Taking farmers in Jinan city Shandong province as the research object, the satisfaction index system of rural ecological civilization construction was constructed, the importance of the index was analyzed by using factor analysis method. The results showed that farmers had a relatively high satisfaction with family economy construction, rural ecological system and ecological environment construction, rural living environment construction and rural public transportation construction, but the satisfaction with rural ecological tourism construction, rural ecological agriculture and ecological industry construction was relatively low. And for the problem of low satisfaction, it was suggested that the construction of rural ecological civilization should focus on protection.
    Research on the logic and path of rural cultural space reconstruction from the perspective of rural revitalization
    HE Jie, PAN Yue
    2021, 60(16):  203-208.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.040
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    Through the analysis of the internal relationship between the macroeconomic background and the national strategy, it is pointed out that the strategy of rural revitalization has its inherent logic and inevitability. From this perspective, cultural revitalization, as its spiritual core, has a great positive effect on the systematic development of rural areas. Based on the three attributes of the rural cultural space, this study analyzed the elements of the rural cultural space from the micro level, and then put forward the macro structure of the rural cultural space system. Based on this framework, it also analyzed the development dilemma of rural cultural space, proposed the corresponding reconstruction path choice, in order to build a “cultural community” of “modern homesickness+landscape pastoral” pattern integrating contemporary local value identity and sense of belonging under the contradiction of multiple “cultural fields”.
    Research on the integrated development paths and countermeasures of new urbanization and rural revitalization in China
    MA Li, PAN Ying
    2021, 60(16):  209-212.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.041
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    The relationship between new urbanization and rural revitalization is inseparable, and urban-rural integration is indispensable for the development of the new era. The literature analysis method was used to analyze the significant practical significance of the integrated development of new urbanization and rural revitalization and the factors restricting urban and rural integrated development, which including the serious regional differentiation of urban-rural integrated development, the imbalance in the allocation of urban and rural infrastructure and public service facilities, negative impact of the dual household registration system and the land system. Finally, the integrated development paths of new urbanization and rural revitalization in China were put forward, and countermeasures were proposed for these restrictive factors, in order to provide theoretical reference for the integrated development of urban and rural areas in China.
    Evaluation and development countermeasures of the fusion effect of agricultural festivals in Yantai city under the strategy of rural revitalization
    GUO Ruo-lin, ZHANG Yi-ran, ZHANG Zi-yuan, CUI Xian, CONG Lei
    2021, 60(16):  213-217.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.16.042
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    Under the rural revitalization strategy, agricultural festivals can effectively promote the integration of agriculture and tourism, production and village, urban and rural development. Based on the development status of the five types of agricultural festivals in Yantai city, using questionnaire survey and comparative analysis, from the perspectives of industry, talent, culture, organization, and ecology, the evaluation index system and the fusion effect values were established. The advantages and disadvantages of the five festivals were explored, the importance of local cultural inheritance and cultural industry construction were strengthened, and the long-term development countermeasures of the five types of festivals were put forward accordingly.