
Table of Content

    10 June 2020, Volume 59 Issue 11
    Research progress of plant root expansion
    WANG Liu-ping, QIN Kun-jian, ZHAO Li-chun, YAN Zhi-gang, HUANG Zhi-qi, TU Dong-ping
    2020, 59(11):  5-9.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.001
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    The development and expansion of roots directly affect the yield of vegetables, grain and medicinal plants. Therefore, it is of great significance to understand the mechanism of root expansion for improving the yield and function of various crops mainly for harvesting roots.The environmental factors, the changes of assimilation products, the changes of endogenous hormones, and the effects of related genes in the process of root enlargement were discussed, which could provide reference for the study of the mechanism of root enlargement, especially for the study of the expansion of medicinal parts of root medicinal plants.
    Research progress of bean weevil resistance in mungbean
    ZHANG Qin-xue, CHEN Jing-bin, YUAN Xing-xing, WU Ran-ran, YAN Qiang, ZHU Yue-lin, XUE Chen-chen, CHEN Xin
    2020, 59(11):  10-13.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.002
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    Mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) is an important legume crop in Asia, the germplasm resources are extremely rich and the nutritional value is high. However, its yield and quality are seriously affected by the bean weevil. Therefore, it is urgent to cultivate new varieties resistant to bean weevil. The research progress of mungbean at home and abroad was reviewed from the aspects of germplasm resources, mechanism of resistance to mung bean and genetic mechanism and location of resistance gene in order to supply the useful information to correlation studies.
    Breeding & Cultivation
    Adaptability evaluation of 35 flax varieties(lines) in Wuhan city
    Rapkat PARHAT, ZHANG Zheng, PENG Ding-xiang, LIU Li-jun
    2020, 59(11):  14-18.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.003
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    In order to enrich the winter flax(Linum usitatissimum L. ) varieties in the south, introduce and select the varieties suitable for local cultivation, the relational grade of original stem yield, plant height, process length, branch number, stem diameter, stem weight per plant, plant fruit number, 1 000-seed weight, grain weight per plant and other indicators of 35 flax materials were comprehensively analyzed by the grey relational analysis method. Results show that “651” has the largest correlation with the control variety 04076-4-9, which is suitable for planting in Wuhan city or similar ecological areas. M0459 and “609” ranked the second and third, showing certain development potential and suitable for promotion.
    Screen of aluminum toxicity tolerance in sweet corn inbred lines
    LIN Jin-li, CHENG Chun-yuan, XIE Pei-feng, LIANG Ting-yu, LI Shi-yi, JIANG Feng, ZHANG Zi-li
    2020, 59(11):  19-24.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.004
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    Aluminum toxicity is one of the major factors limiting crop production in acidic soils. Sweet corn (Zea mays L.) inbred lines breeding for aluminum toxicity tolerance is an effective way to solve this problem. To determine the identification method of aluminum toxicity tolerance and screen sweet corn lines with aluminum toxicity tolerance is of importance for aluminum toxicity tolerant breeding. 5 sweet corn lines with different growth vigor were selected to identify the aluminum toxicity tolerance by nutrient solution culture. The concentrations of aluminum ions were 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 mmol/L, respectively. The fresh weight and dry weight of stems and leaf and root were measured on the 7th, 10th and 14th day after treated by aluminum toxicity. The results showed that the growth of stem, leaf and root of sweet corn slowed down with the increase of treatment concentration, and the results of aluminum resistance test on the 7th and 10th day of treatment were relatively consistent, in which, G107 and G139 showed the best tolerance to aluminum toxicity, G118 and G151 were in the middle level, and G79 showed the worst tolerance to aluminum toxicity. The activities of POD, CAT and SOD were detected at 14th day after treated by different concentration of aluminum ions, that the activity of three enzymes increased at low concentration, and then decreased with the increase of stress concentration.
    Resource & Environment
    Methane production and oxidation potential of different types of soils in Caohai wetland lakeside zone
    KOU Yong-zhen, LIN Tao
    2020, 59(11):  25-30.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.005
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    The methane production and oxidation potential of different types of soils in the lake-shore zone of Caohai wetland were studied by means of laboratory simulation culture technique. Results showed that the potential of methane production in Caohai wetland surface soil (0~5 cm) was the largest. The order of methane production potential was 10.448 μg/(g·d) of swamp meadow, 3.188 μg/(g·d) of meadow, 0.741 μg/(g·d) of primary swamp, 0.042 μg/(g·d) of cultivated land. The cumulative potential of methane oxidation was 0.155 7 μg/(g·d) of swamp meadow soil, 0.079 6 μg/(g·d) of meadow soil, 0.011 9 μg/(g·d) of cultivated land, 0.003 7 μg/(g·d) of primary swamp soil. With the increase of soil depth, the methane production potential of various types of land decreased obviously. The oxidation potential of all types of soils in Caohai wetland is lower than that in the production potential, which meaned, the soil in the lakeside soil of the Caohai plateau wetland did not have the potential to absorb methane from the atmosphere and reduce the methane in the atmosphere.
    Diurnal variation of N2O fluxes in the typical marsh and shrub swamp in Xiaoxing'an Mountains
    SHI Lan-ying, MU Chang-cheng, SUN Xiao-xin
    2020, 59(11):  31-33.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.006
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    In order to provide basic data for seasonal dynamics and total amount estimation of N2O emission from mountain marshes, this study was performed to understand the diurnal variation of N2O emission fluxes from Carex schmidtii marsh and Betula ovalifolia-Carex schmidtii shrub swamp in Xiaoxing'an Mountains. An experiment was conducted to observe the diurnal variation of N2O fluxes in marsh and shrub swamp in Xiaoxing'an Mountains using the static opaque chamber and gas chromatography techniques on August 4-5 of 2007, September 24-25 of 2007, and June 4-5 of 2008. The results showed that the diurnal variation of N2O emission flux in two kinds of marshes showed a diurnal high-night low pattern on August 4-5 of 2007, the daily emission regularity is not significant on September 24-25 of 2007 and June 4-5 of 2008. The highest N2O fluxes in marsh were appeared at 9:00 on August 4-5 of 2007 and June 4-5 of 2008, and appeared at 3:00 on September 24-25 of 2007. The lowest N2O fluxes in marsh were appeared at 21:00 on June 4-5 of 2008 and September 24-25 of 2007, and appeared at 18:00 on August 4-5 of 2007. The highest N2O fluxes in shrub swamp were appeared at 15:00 on August 4-5 of 2007 and appeared at 6:00 on September 24-25 of 2007, and appeared at 9:00 on June 4-5 of 2008. The lowest N2O fluxes in shrub swamp were appeared at 21:00 on August 4-5 of 2007, and appeared at18:00 on September 24-25 of 2007 and appeared at 3:00 on June 4-5 of 2008. Two kinds of marshes were the absorption sinks of N2O on June 4-5 of 2008, and were the weak emission sources on August4 -5 and September 24 to 25, 2007. The diurnal variation N2O fluxes of shrub swamp were higher than those of marsh. The daily N2O emission flux of two kinds of marshes were negatively correlated with temperature on September 24-25 of 2007 and June 4-5 of 2008, and were Positive correlation with temperature on August 4-5 of 2007. Among them, the daily N2O emission fluxes of marsh were negatively correlated with 10 cm soil temperature, while that of shrub swamp were negatively correlated with 15 cm soil temperature. The diurnal N2O emission fluxes of marsh were positively correlated with surface temperature, while that of shrub swamp were positively correlated with 40 cm soil temperature. The marsh and shrub swamp in Xiaoxing'an Mountains were weak sources or sinks of N2O emission, the temperature, water level and vegetation types were the main influencing factors of N2O daily emission fluxes.
    Effects of different application methods of basic fertilizer on yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco
    LIU Run-sheng, XU Wei, PENG Yao-dong, XIAO Xian-yi, ZENG Hao, ZENG Zu-bing, CHEN Guo-jin, OUYANG Wei-wei
    2020, 59(11):  34-38.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.007
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    To study the effects of different application methods of basic fertilizer on the yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco, four different basic fertilizer application methods, namely single furrow strip application, wide strip application, hole bottom ring application and “101” fertilizer application method, were adopted to carry out field randomized block experiment under the condition of equal amount of fertilizers . The labor cost of different fertilizer application methods for Yunyan87 varieties, field growth status of tobacco leaves, appearance quality of cured tobacco leaves, coordination of chemical components and economic characteristics were studied. The results show that broad band application of basic fertilizer is beneficial to the early growth and rapid development of tobacco plants, can improve the yield and quality of tobacco leaves, improve the coordination of chemical components of tobacco leaves and has low fertilization cost, so it is worthy of comprehensive promotion and application. Base fertilizer hole bottom ring application method and “101” fertilizer application method are beneficial to increase the average price of tobacco leaves, the proportion of superior tobacco leaves and improve the quality of tobacco leaves, but are not conducive to early growth and rapid development, low yield, high fertilizer application cost and difficult to popularize. The method of applying basic fertilizer in single furrow strip has high yield and output value and low fertilizer application cost, but the average price is low and it is not conducive to improving the quality of tobacco leaves and the coordination of chemical components is poor.
    Effect of fertilizing levels on photosynthesis, yield and quality of Junzhi jujube under drip irrigation condition
    WANG Jing-jing, CHEN Qi-ling, LI Ming, ZHENG Qiang-qing
    2020, 59(11):  39-42.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.008
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    Taking 6-year-old jujube(Zizyphus jujuba)as test material, the effects of different fertilization amount on photosynthesis, yield and quality of Junzhi jujube were studied under drip irrigation condition, the correlation between nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium elements and yield was studied, each fertilization treatment was comprehensively evaluated by the membership function method.The results show that potassium fertilizer is the most beneficial to the photosynthetic potential of jujube leaves, follow by nitrogen fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer, and it is more beneficial to the effect of potash fertilizer when nitrogen fertilizer is sufficient; It can increase yield, fruit vertical and horizontal diameter, fruit weight and commodity fruit rate when nitrogen and potassium fertilizers are sufficient, phosphorus fertilizer is appropriate; The best fertilization formula of N、P2O5、K2O of Junzhi jujube with drip irrigation in Nanjiang is 1∶0.66∶0.83.
    Environmental assessment of GAP cultivation of Nauclea officinalis
    KE Ze-tao, LI Jin-yun, ZHANG Peng, LIAO Jin-hong, LI Yong-hui
    2020, 59(11):  43-46.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.009
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    To evaluate the environmental quality for the planting of Nauclea officinalis, and provide scientific basis for planting specifications of Nauclea officinalis, and then establish GAP planting practice of Nauclea officinalis, the environment factor of main planting areas of Nauclea officinalis, including soil, surface water and atmosphere, were comprehensively analyzed and evaluated. The air environment, water resources and soil of Xinshi farm planning area, Qiongzhong county all meet the GAP standards. The environmental quality of GAP planting area of Nauclea officinalis fit the environmental quality requirement of good medicinal material planting.
    Studies on physiological effect of sodium selenate stress in Cardamine hupingshanensis
    LUO Jin-ling, YANG Guang, CHEN Hong-hui, ZENG Wei-chao, WANG Li, CHEN Da-qing
    2020, 59(11):  47-50.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.010
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    Cardamine hupingshanensis seeds was cultivated in MS culture medium with different sodium selenate concentration (0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 200, 300 mg/L). The physiological and biochemical indexes such as seed germination rate, seedling survival rate, yellowing rate, plant height, root length, fresh weight, dry weight, POD activity and CAT activity were measured to discuss the response of selenate stress in pots to Cardamine hupingshanensis. The results showed that, the low concentration of sodium selenate was used to promote the growth and biomass of the Cardamine hupingshanensis, on the contrary, it would inhibit it. When the concentration of sodium selenate was 40 mg/L, Cardamine hupingshanensis had the highest germination rate and seedling rate, at the same time, the root length, plant height, fresh weight and dry weight of the seedlings reached the maximum value. The yellowing rate of Cardamine hupingshanensis seedlings increased with the increase of selenium salt concentration. The POD activity of the Cardamine hupingshanensis was decreased first and then increased, the lowest value reached at 40mg/L sodium selenate solution. The CAT activity of the Cardamine hupingshanensis was increased first and then decreased, the highest value reached at 100 mg/L sodium selenate solution.
    Analysis on physical and chemical properties of soil under different sowing date of rice in central Guizhou province
    ZHANG Hao, YUAN Shuo, ZHANG Xue-bin, JIN Zhao-gui, WENG Ling, WANG Lu-jing, YANG Tao, TENG Wan-li, LI Juan, XU Reng-xiang
    2020, 59(11):  51-56.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.011
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    Soil of four stages of rice (Oryza sativa L. ) transplanting were used as research objects to explore the differences of physical and chemical properties of rice soil at different sowing date. Daily data of air temperature and mud temperature were collected, and soil pH, nutrient content, mechanical composition and exchangeable base cations were measured. Through variance analysis and correlation analysis, the differences of physical and chemical properties of rice soil at different sowing date were discussed, and the soil comprehensive scores at different sowing date were calculated by principal component analysis. The results showed that soil nutrient content was from suitable to rich. The proportion of Ca2+ in the exchangeable base components was the highest, and the soil composition was mainly composed of silty grains. The content of clay grains of rice soil transplanted May 9 was the highest, and the corresponding fractal dimension was the largest. The results of correlation analysis showed that the correlation coefficient between K+ and Mg2+ was 0.953; Organic matter, total nitrogen and Na+ showed significant positive correlation; pH was significantly correlated with average temperature, while available potassium was significantly positively correlated with accumulated temperature; The clay content showed strong positive correlation with most indexes. Principal component analysis of various factors for different sowing date showed that the suitable date for rice transplanting was May 9.
    Analysis of soil reducing substance content, economic effect in different sowing times of integrated rice-crayfish system
    TIAN Yu-cong, FENG Xiang-zhao, GAO Zhen-zhen, DUAN Men-jun, ZHU Jie , LIU Zhang-yong, CHEN Fu, JIN Tao
    2020, 59(11):  57-61.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.012
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    The different sowing date collocation with rice varieties of different growth stages was set to change the duration of soil flooding before planting rice.The soil reductive state of paddy field tillage was investigated, and the economic benefit of integrated rice-crayfish system was evaluated using the input-output method. The results showed that in integrated rice-crayfish system, changing rice sowing time, the total amount of soil reductive substances in paddy field did not change significantly, but the content of soil active reductive substances, active organic reductive substances and Fe2+ all increased with the flooding time prolonged, especially the content of Fe2+ increased significantly. Rice cultivation could significantly improve the soil reductive state of the tillage layer and reduced the soil Fe2+ content. After rice harvesting, the Fe2+ content of the three models tended to be the same, with no significant difference among them.With the delay of sowing time, the output value of rice gradually decreased, the cost of integrated rice-crayfish system increased, but the output value of crayfish increased significantly, and the comprehensive output value of integrated rice-crayfish system increased. However, with the delay of sowing time, there was less room for increase in the comprehensive output value of integrated rice-crayfish system.
    Study on enhance treatment of marine aquaculture wastewater by immobilized bio-diatomite in CAST reactor
    CHEN Jin-bin, CAO Jun-rui, MIAO Ying-xia, XIE Bao-long, MA Xiao-lei
    2020, 59(11):  62-64.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.013
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    The three aerobic denitrifier isolated from sediment of one marine aquaculture farm in Tianjin city were made into aerobic denitrification microbial agent in a ratio of 3∶2∶1, and 5% polyvinyl alcohol, 2% sodium alginate and 3% diatomite was used to embed the aerobic denitrification microbial agent to form immobilized bio-diatomite. The immobilized bio-diatomite was added to the cyclic activated sludge technology (CAST) reactor to investigate the treatment capability of COD, inorganic nitrogen and phosphate in marine aquaculture wastewater by the cyclic activated sludge technology reactor with immobilized bio-diatomite. The results showed that under the same operation condition, the reduction rate of COD, inorganic nitrogen and phosphate by the cyclic activated sludge technology reactor with immobilized bio-diatomite can keep above 83%, 99% and 96%, respectively. It was 30 pecentage points, 28 pecentage points and 55 pecentage points higher than that of the traditional cyclic activated sludge technology reactor, respectively.
    Characteristics of sunshine variation and its impact analysis in eastern Gansu province
    REN Ji-bang
    2020, 59(11):  65-68.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.014
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    To provide theoretical basis for making full use of sunshine resources to develop local ecological agriculture, develop and utilize solar energy, and construct livable urban in eastern Gansu province, the meteorological data of representative area including Xifeng district, Kongtong district and Huanxian county was used to analyze the interannual variation characteristics of sunshine hours and tested the sudden change of sunshine hours by Mann-Kendall method. The results showed that the change of sunshine hours in eastern Gansu province showd a decreasing trend, the reduction rate was followed as orders of Kongtong district, Xifeng district and Huanxiancounty from big to small, and the sunshine hours in Kongtong decreased most obviously, but the reduction rate of sunshine hours was less than that of the whole country. The annual variation of sunshine hours in different regions had its own characteristics. In the past ten years, the annual sunshine hours were on the low side, and in summer, autumn and winter, they were also on the low side. The sudden change periods of sunshine hours were different, there were two obvious mutations in Kongtong district, with the earliest mutation time, and the latest mutation time of Xifeng district. On the whole, the sunshine resources in eastern Gansu province are relatively abundant, which is conducive to the develope and utilize of solar energy, improve crop photosynthesis efficiency, develope characteristic agriculture and construct ecological environment. In the planning of agricultural industry development, we should take measures according to local conditions, combine with the light characteristics of crop growth, introducing crops appropriately, arranging reasonably, making full use of light energy efficiency, to vigorously develop facility agriculture and characteristic agriculture, and improve crop quality and yield.
    Study on urban thermal environment effect of Changsha based on Landsat-8 OLI/TIRS image
    HE Bing-wei, HAN Qin-zhe
    2020, 59(11):  69-75.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.015
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    Based on Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS data of Changsha on July 23th of 2016, the surface temperature was retrieved by using Qin Zhihao single window algorithm. The spatial distribution characteristics of urban thermal environment and the influence of main surface ecological environment parameters on urban thermal environment effect were analyzed. The results show are as follows(1) The surface temperature of the main urban area of Changsha is relatively higher, and the high temperature areas are mainly distributed in areas with high density urban construction, single function of urban construction and less vegetation coverage; (2) the range of heat island area of Changsha is basically the same as the built-up area of the city, the super-high temperature area and the high temperature area which constitute the heat island area are mainly distributed in the Central District and Changsha County.Overall, the Urban-Heat-Island-Ratio-Index is as high as 0.712, and the urban heat environment situation of Changsha has become more severe; (3) Quantitative analysis of the relationship between surface parameters and surface temperature shows that the built-up land plays a role in increasing surface temperature, while vegetation does the opposite, and the heating effect of the built-up land is much stronger than that of vegetation. Therefore, in the future urban planning, the urban heat island effect can be effectively alleviated by increasing vegetation while reducing the area of construction land.
    Horticulture & Local Products
    Edible value investigation of medicinal plants in western Hubei province
    XIAO Bing, YU Jie, LI Xue-yin, MA Yue-ling, LI Shao-ting, XU Ran
    2020, 59(11):  76-80.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.016
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    The medicinal plants with edible value in western Hubei province were investigated by means of thesis search, book checking and field investigation, and were catalogued and summarized according to the alphabetical order of Latin name of the medicinal plants. The population of medicinal plants contained a total of 54 species, and theirs basic source, edible parts, edible methods, functions, related matters needing attention and standard record were introduced mainly, so as to provide references for their further utilization, developement and promotion.
    Study on rooting condition optimization of tissue culture seedling of Chinese fir
    JIANG Fan, MAI Kai-le
    2020, 59(11):  81-83.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.017
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    The rooting quality of Chinese fir [Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb. ) Hook. ] tissue culture seedlings was optimized from two aspectsFirst, high concentration and low concentration hormone medium were used to optimize the quality of tissue culture seedlings at the stage of proliferation; Second, the rooting quality of Chinese fir tissue culture seedlings was optimized by changing the light source during rooting stage. The results show that the proliferative buds treated with high concentration hormone and low concentration hormone has high proliferation rate, fast growth, moderate knot spacing and high lignification degree et al. With the increase of subculturing times, these characters are relatively stable. The rooting rate reached 86.5% and the rooting number reached 2.7 after the proliferative buds were planted to the rooting medium. The rooting rate reached 86.7% when the red-blue light ratio was 2∶1; The number of rooting reached 2.8 when the red-blue light ratio was 4∶1.
    Effects of different shading treatments on photosynthetic characteristics, yield and quality of strawberry
    YUE Gao-feng, HAN Zhi-qiang, XUE Zhi-wei, LIU Hui, YANG Wen-yue
    2020, 59(11):  84-88.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.018
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    The growth, photosynthetic characteristics, yield and quality of strawberries (Fragaria ananassa Duchesne) were studied under different shading conditions of 0 (CK), 30%, 50% and 70%. The results showed that different shading degrees had obvious effects on the photosynthetic characteristics and yield and quality of strawberry. Under 30% shading degree, the photosynthetic characteristics and yield and quality of strawberry were the best. Under the condition of 0 (CK) and 30% shade, the diurnal curve of strawberry photosynthesis was bimodal, showing the phenomenon of “noon break”, while under 50% and 70% shade, it was single peak. The net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, stomatal conductance and intercellular CO2 concentration of strawberry decreased with the increase of shading. The light saturation point, light compensation point and dark respiration of strawberry decreased with the increase of shade. Strawberry has a strong ability to utilize light energy in low light environment.
    Screening of cold resistance rose varieties by utilization of branches germination rate
    ZHUANG De-feng, MA Ce, XU Ning, LI Zhen, WANG Cheng
    2020, 59(11):  89-92.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.019
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    Twenty rose varieties were collected to analyze cold resistance according to germination test by using cutting branches, combined with survival rate under natural conditions with temperature change. The results indicated that five varieties of Love, Eiffel Tower, Fen Shan, Paradise, New Spartan were entirely frozen to death, which were not suitable for landscaping application in north area or Liaoyang, Liaoning province. Otherwise, Hadefujun, Chivalry, Orange Fair, Tianshan Xiangyun, Utano were survived under -25.2 ℃ in Liaoyang. Angela, Viva, Cardinal Hume, Queen Elizabeth were frozen in overground part, but still can survive because of not frozen in underground part. The rate of water loss at low temperature can be used as a macro index to evaluate the cold resistance in rose. In the study, nine rose varieties were selected with a certain cold-resistance, which can be provided for foundations on city landscape of north area in the future.
    Analysis on chemical component and sensory quality of flue-cured tobacco in Huidong county
    SHI Gang, ZHAO Xiao-chao, PAN Hao-dong, ZHANG Zhen, FU Long, WANG Bao-xiang, WANG Jian, LING Ai-fen
    2020, 59(11):  93-98.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.020
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    Variability of chemical component contents and sensory quality between 2014 and 2018 was statistically analyzed by 350 of flue-cured tobacco samples with grades of B2F and C3F from Huidong county. The results showed that, in average, chemical components of flue-cured tobacco were almost in normal range of high quality flue-cured tobacco, the contents of total sugar and reducing sugar were higher than the average. The variation coefficients of chlorine content and potassium chlorine ratio were the largest, while the variation coefficients of total sugar, reducing sugar and total nitrogen were smaller. There existed obvious variation among chemical components of different grades in different years. The variation coefficients of aroma quality and irritability of flue-cured tobacco in Huidong county were large. The variation coefficients of softness, delicacy, roundness and dryness are low. Smoking sensation of flue-cured tobacco is stable. The variation coefficients of sensory quality of flue-cured tobacco B2F and C3F were larger in 2014 and smaller in 2018.
    Effect of baking upper leaves with stem on flue-cured tobacco upper leaf quality in different harvest maturity
    HE Jie-wang, LI Fang-ming, PENG Wu-xing, DONG Shi-liang, SI Guo-han, PENG Cheng-lin, LIU Jian-feng, ZHOU Jian-xiong, XIE Yuan-yuan, ZHAO Shu-jun
    2020, 59(11):  99-103.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.021
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    The experiment was designed to study the effect of baking tobacco leaves with stem on leaf quality and economic indexes of indifferent maturity tobaccos leaves. Results showed that, compared with conventional baking treatment, the rate of first-class tobacco leaves baked with stem, from fully mature, part mature and immature tobaccos leaves treatment, increased by 6.0, 8.7 and 16.9 percentage points, respectively. Weight of single baked leaf decreased by 0.6~1.1 g, and the baked fully mature leaves decreased less than the baked part mature and immature tobaccos leaves. Thickness of single baked leaf decreased by 0.04~0.08 mm compared with conventional baking treatment. The content of reducing sugar in baked tobacco leaves from fully mature and immature tobaccos leaves treatment increased 2.38 and 2.33 percentage points, respectively, whereas that from part mature tobaccos leaves treatment decreased 1.48 percentage points compared with conventional baking treatment. Additionally, tobacco appearance and sensory quality were improved, the quality, quantity and concentration of tobacco aroma were all increased. The study indicated that, compared with conventional baking, baking tobacco leaves with stem improved the appearance and internal quality, as well as economic profit of insufficiently mature tobacco leaves, and therefore increased the usage of upper tobacco leaves.
    Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine
    Antibody levels of H5, H7 and H9 subtypes of avian influenza virus of broilers and layers
    LI Jia-kai, GUO Kang-kang, LIU Li-na, WEN Guo-yuan, LUO Qing-ping, LI Zi-li, DONG Shi-shan, SHAO Hua-bin, ZHAO Zong-zheng
    2020, 59(11):  104-106.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.022
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    In order to understand the immune antibody level of H5, H7 and H9 subtypes avian influenza virus in poultry, the blood samples of four experimental observation stations in Neijiang city of Sichuan province, Jinan city of Shandong province, Hebi city of Henan province and Yangzhou city of Jiangsu province were analyzed by serological investigation and hemagglutination inhibition test(HI), including two broiler farms and three layer farms. The research found that layers were immunized with H5, H7, H9(or H5 and H9) subtypes avian influenza vaccines, while broilers were only immunized with H9 subtype avian influenza vaccine. The layer farms and broilers farms had low antibody production after the immunization of avian influenza vaccine, leading to unqualified or immune failure. It is suggested that the immunization different subtypes of avian influenza vaccine and the monitoring of avian influenza antibody levels after immunization should be strengthened to prevent the occurence and prevalence of avian influenza.
    Storage & Processing
    Study on coupling expansion of different form tobacco stem
    CHEN Wan, LI Jin, LIU Xin, LUO Xiao-ge, DU Chao, XIAO Yong-yin, XU Shi-tao, GAO Ze-rui
    2020, 59(11):  107-111.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.023
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    In order to study the difference of different forms of tobacco stem after microwave coupling expansion, the long stem was divided into thick long stem and fine short stem. The optimum coupling expansion conditions were explored from three aspectsraw material moisture, expansion time and microwave power. Then the coupling expansion was carried out under the optimum technological conditions, and the relative contents of conventional chemical components and aroma components were determined respectively. The results show that, ①with the increase of raw material moisture, the expansion degree of coarse and short pedicel increased at first and then decreased, and tended to be the highest when the moisture content of raw material was 12%~14%. ②with the increase of expansion time, the expansion degree and color difference of coarse and short pedicels increased. After the expansion time exceeded 2 min, the expansion degree of coarse and long pedicels exceeded that of slender pedicels, and the difference became larger and larger. During the expansion time, the color difference of thin and short pedicels was higher than that of coarse and long pedicels. ③The best value of the microwave power of the coarse and short stems is about 700 and 600 W, respectively; ④The contents of total nitrogen, chlorine and potassium changed little after coupling expansion, but the contents of total sugar and reducing sugar decreased in varying degrees. The changes of total plant alkaloids before and after expansion were opposite; ⑤The change trend of alcohols, heterocycles, phenols, ketones, coarse and short pedicels was the same, while that of some acids, lipids, alkenes and alkenes was opposite after the coupling expansion of coarse and short pedicels.
    Detection Analysis
    Analysis of volatile components in different dosage forms of Chuanxiong Chatiao preparations by HS-SPME-GC-MS
    WANG Wen-tong, JIANG Han-mei, GAN Jian-feng
    2020, 59(11):  112-119.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.024
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    HS-SPME-GC-MS was used for analysis the volatile components of Chuanxiong Chatiao preparations in different dosage forms. The results showed that 16 components were identified in the 24 peaks separated by Chuanxiong Chatiao granule, which accounted for 89.13% of the total volatile components. 46 components were identified in the 63 peaks separated by Chuanxiong Chatiao tablet, which accounted for 80.91% of the total volatile components. 69 components were identified in the 94 peaks separated by Chuanxiong Chatiao pill (concentrated pills), which accounted for 90.10% of the total volatile components. 68 components were identified in the 101 peaks separated by Chuanxiong Chatiao pill (water-bindered pills), which accounted for 78.50% of the total volatile components. The volatile components in different dosage forms of Chuanxiong Chatiao Preparations were different in chemical compositions and content.
    Determination of tetramine residues in food poisoning by GC-MS/MS spectrometry and evaluation of uncertainty
    PANG Xiao-lian, LI Qiang, CHEN Yu, TANG Ming-hua, LU Sen-hua
    2020, 59(11):  120-124.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.025
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    To establish a GC-MS method and a scientific uncertainty evaluation model for the determination of tetramine residues in food poisoning, and to improve the quality control level of detection. The results showed that the linear relationship between the concentration of tetramine 25.0~250.0 ng/mL was good, Y=1.181×103X+5.203×103R2=0.995 3). The average recovery of three levels was 96.57%, and the corresponding RSD was 2.7%. The detection limit of the method was 0.098 μg/kg. When the content of tetramine in food poisoning was 0.186 7 mg/kg, the expanded uncertainty was 0.000 21 mg/kg. The method of determination of tetramine residues in food poisoning was confirmed, and the reference basis was provided for the evaluation of uncertainty in the determination of tetramine by GC-MS/MS.
    Determination of hyperuricemia drugs for treatment illegally added in Chinese patent medicines and health foods by UPLC-MS/MS
    CHEN Yu, LU Sen-hua, PANG Xiao-lian, XU Meng, QIU Yi-xian
    2020, 59(11):  125-130.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.026
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    To establish a method for simultaneous detection of 7 hyperuricemia drugs for treatment illegally added to Chinese patent medicines and health foods by UPLC-MS/MS.The samples were extracted from samples with mobile phase, the column was a ACQUITY UPLC® BEH C18(2.1 mm×100 mm, 1.7 μm), a gradient elution with the mobile phase of 0.2% formic acid aqueous solution and acetonitrile solution at a flow rate of 0.3 mL/min. The compounds were detected by electrospray ion source in positive mode with multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode.The results showed that all the 7 hyperuricemia drugs for treatment with showed good linearity in their reasonable ranges , and the correlation coefficients were greater than 0.995.The average recoveries of low, medium and high concentrations ranged between 95.49% and 104.87%, and the relative standard deviations were 1.40%~3.44%. The LODs were 0.01~0.30 μg/kg and LOQs were 0.04~1.00 μg/kg.Illegal added chemical drugs were found in 1 of the 6 tested practical samples. With the advantages of simple pre-processed, high sensitivity and accurate results, the method can be used in determination of 7 hyperuricemia drugs for treatment in Chinese patent medicine and health foods.
    Biological Engineering
    Cloning and sequences analysis of matK gene of Amorphophallus konjac from Ankang city
    ZHOU Xiao-fan, LI Jing, WANG Rui, LI Rui, WANG Rui-xian
    2020, 59(11):  131-133.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.027
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    The genome of the Amorphophallus konjac from Ankang city was extracted and the matK gene sequence was amplified. After confirmed by gel electrophoresis, amplified product was sequenced and analyzed. Results showed that the matK gene of Amorphophallus konjac from Ankang city was 1 551 bp in length and predicted to encode 516 amino acids. The phylogenetic tree showed that the Amorphophallus konjac had the closest relationship with Amorphophallus maxwellii, Amorphophallus corrugatus and Amorphophallus krausei.
    Bioinformatics analysis of AkMYB5gene from Actinidia kolomikta (Maxim. et Rupr.), Maxim
    LIU Dan, LI Ran-hong, CHEN Xin, WANG Li-feng
    2020, 59(11):  134-137.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.028
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    To obtain information about AkMYB5 gene from Actinidia kolomikta (Maxim. et Rupr.) Maxim., the bioinformatics methods and tools were used to analysis the physical and chemical properties, hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity, transmenbranne domain, structure and function domain , secondary structure, tertiary structure, protein modification sites and homology of MYB5 from Actinidia kolomikta. The results showed that the length of AkMYB5 cDNA was 1 339 bp and the coding area was 1 053 bp coding 351 amino acid. AkMYB5 was a unstable and hydrophilic protein belonging to the MYB5 superfamily (PLN03212). The analysis also demonstrated that AkMYB5 main component was Alpha-helix and random coil. Compaired to MYBs of the other 18 plants, AkMYB5 had near relationships with Actinidia chinensis var. chinensis.
    Economy & Management
    Research on benefit coordination mechanism of laying hens supply chain based on revenue sharing contract
    HUANG Ming-tian
    2020, 59(11):  138-141.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.029
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    The problem of uneven benefit distribution is common in the laying hens supply chain. A fair and reasonable benefit coordination mechanism is the basis for the sustainable existence and stable development of the laying hens supply chain alliance. The revenue sharing contract is introduced to establish the coordination mechanism of the laying hens supply chain under the mode of “company + farmer”, and the value range of its coefficient is calculated. The results show that the revenue sharing contract can achieve the coordination of the laying hens supply chain and promote the fair distribution of the whole profit.
    Statistical method of farm profit and economic risk based on Copula-CVaR
    DANG Rong
    2020, 59(11):  142-145.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.030
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    A statistical model for calculating farm profit and economic risk was presented in view of the influence of various factors on farm crop yield and agricultural income. On the basis of the existing statistical theory, the model used the conditional value-at-risk (CVaR) to evaluate the effectiveness of geographical diversification. CVaR was used to benchmark losses, while the Copula function was used to model the joint distribution of marginal revenues. The results showed that geographic diversification could be a feasible agricultural risk management method for wheat farm portfolio managers, which could achieve the optimal expected returns while controlling the risk. Compared with the traditional multivariate normal distribution model, the average CVaR model based on Copula could better simulate extreme losses, providing an innovative solution for agricultural risk management.
    The spatio-temporal variation of tourism economy in Shanxi province
    LU Xin
    2020, 59(11):  146-152.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.031
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    A new tourism development planning for three plates of Yellow River, Great Wall and Taihang Mountain was made by the government of Shanxi province in the background of economic restructuring and the integration of culture and tourism. It means that the tourism economy of Shanxi has entered a new stage.The spatio-temporal variation of tourism economy in Shanxi province diminished gradually, by observing some indicators, such as Gini coefficient, absolute deviation, relative deviation, Theil index and so on. On the basis of correlation analysis of tourism income and influencing factors, economic development level, tourism resource, tourism infrastructure and services, the government of Shanxi province should reduce the regional difference of tourism economy by obeying the concept of comprehensive tourism, fulfilling the new tourism development planning for three plates, and developing cultural tourism resources.
    Research on financial risk evaluation of software and information technology service enterprises: Based on data from the GEM market in the eastern region
    PENG You-yuan, WEI Cong-cong
    2020, 59(11):  153-158.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.032
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    Taking 35 listed companies in the GEM software and information technology service industry in the eastern region as samples, the key financial indicators of the sample companies in 2018 were analyzed by use of factor analysis, identifying the main factors affecting the financial risk of listed companies in the software and information technology service industry, Building a financial risk evaluation model for listed companies, scoreing and ranking the degree of financial risk. Based on the comprehensive score, the cluster analysis method was used to divide the company‘s financial risk into four categoriesSafety, low risk, general and high risk. The results showed that there are three main reasons for the company’s high financial risk. ①Some companies ‘net profit has fallen; ②Enterprises’ solvency was generally weak; ③Some high-risk enterprise products were in the initial stage and face greater financial pressure.
    Analysis of risk preference, interpersonal relationship and chemical application behavior of rural households under aging
    XU Sheng-xiang, DONG Zhen-wu, HE Juan
    2020, 59(11):  159-169.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.033
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    Based on 441 micro survey samples of farmers, this study analysised the impact of aging rural labor force on chemical input from the aspects of various fertilizer use, pesticide use and purchase cost, and explored the impact mechanism of aging rural labor force from the aspects of physical condition, sense of control, skill demand, risk attitude and interpersonal relationship, so as to further investigate the individual characteristics of rural elderly labor force the heterogeneity effect on chemical input. The results showed that the aging of rural labor force would significantly reduce the application amount of compound fertilizer and the purchase cost of chemical fertilizer. The aging still had a significant negative impact on chemical input after controlling the variables such as physical strength and skill demand, which indicated that the physical strength and technology adoption speculated in previous studies were the ways for aging to affect farming, and the impact mechanism could not be fully revealed. Further research shows that aging of rural labor will affect the interpersonal relationship of farmers and the risk preference on farming input marginal effect. The conclusion shows that the policy of building ecological and livable beautiful countryside in China can promote the national food security strategy.
    The packaging design and brand building of the Bama tea in e-commerce environment
    DONG Xian-juan
    2020, 59(11):  170-174.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.034
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    To explore how does Bama tea industry take the initiative to adapt the new environment and constantly explore the improvement of tea packaging design, and how to construct their brand through the corporate visual identity design and packaging design, when the marketing of e-commerce has become an important channel of the present tea sales. This research is starting from the change of tea sales mode in the e-commerce environment, pointing out that the logo design and packaging design of tea enterprises in the e-commerce environment are the most important channels for consumers to understand the products. Meanwhile, the paper analyzes the characteristics of packaging design of Bama tea, through the aspects of material, color, pattern and word. Then the paper analyzes how Bama tea builds the brand from the logo design and packaging design. The research shows that the packaging design of Bama tea has exquisite materials and technology, applys chinese traditional pattern, colors and word, which is seem both have historical and modern simply style and identifiability. Through the corporate visual identity system and unique packaging design, Bama tea industry has created a unique “Bama” brand image.
    Study on poverty alleviation efficiency of agricultural insurance in China under the support of “great poverty alleviation”policy
    MENG Qing-jun, MIAO Ji-xiang
    2020, 59(11):  175-179.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.035
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    Under the background of creating the pattern of “great poverty alleviation” and further promoting the implementation of poverty alleviation work, we should give full play to the role of agricultural insurance in poverty alleviation. This study choosed the time series data from 2009 to 2018, and used the time series DEA model to evaluate the efficiency of poverty alleviation in agricultural insurance in China. The results showed that the efficiency of poverty alleviation of agricultural insurance in China was generally good, but it was not effective year by year, and there was a problem of investment redundancy in the premium income of agricultural insurance, that was, the capital allocation was unreasonable. Finally, the paper puts forward some policy suggestions to promote the poverty alleviation of agricultural insurance.
    Analysis of spatial distribution pattern of leisure agriculture in Hubei province and its influencing factors
    LI Fu-lin, TANG Jia-yao, LI Jiang-feng
    2020, 59(11):  180-185.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.036
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    Taking the 165 leisure agriculture demonstration sites of Hubei province published in 2010—2017 as the research object, the distribution type, distribution density, distribution clustering and spatial autocorrelation of the demonstration sites of leisure agriculture in Hubei province are described by using the methods of nearest neighbor index analysis, nuclear density analysis, three-step iteration method of Voronoi diagram, spatial autocorrelation analysis, buffer zone analysis, and two-sided correlation test; and many factors that may affect the development of leisure agriculture in Hubei province are analyzed and discussed. The results show that the distribution of leisure agriculture demonstration sites in Hubei province shows a certain degree of aggregation, and the East Hubei is the most densely distributed. The distribution of leisure agriculture is obviously affected by factors such as altitude, traffic location, and market environment, and the local economy and population density gradually become secondary.
    Research on rural water environment governance:Based on Olson's collective action theory
    LIU Yi-nan
    2020, 59(11):  186-190.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.037
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    Using Olson’s collective action theory, China’s rural water environment governance issues were analyzed. The results show that rural water environment governance, as a public good, requires the participation of villagers, enterprises and local governments. However, in order to realize their own interests, all the main bodies have appeared to “free ride”. To achieve effective governance of the rural water environment, it is necessary to establish a perfect public participation incentive mechanism, enterprise incentive mechanism and local government incentive mechanism to overcome the “free rider” behavior of each governance subject, enhance the subject ’s awareness and action ability to participate in rural water pollution governance and realize sustainable development of rural water environment.
    Research on evaluation indicator system of water environment governance performance:Based on balanced score card
    MA Ye-wen
    2020, 59(11):  191-194.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.038
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    The status of the water environment of the Huai River Basin and the benefit value of the governance performance evaluation were analyzed. Taking the Huai River Basin Water Resources Protection Bureau as the research object, using the balanced scorecard as the performance evaluation method, the indicator system is constructed from four dimensionsfinancial indicators, customer indicators, internal process indicators, learning and growth indicators. the scientific evaluation of the governance input of the Huai River Basin Water Resources Protection Bureau was carried out. So as to discuss the rationality of relevant water environmental protection policy formulation and expand new ideas for water environment governance.
    Visual analysis of GIS research hotspots in ecological environment:Based on method of mapping knowledge domain
    XIE Lian-ke, ZHANG Yong, ZANG Yu-wei, MA Xin-gang, ZHANG Guo-ying, LIU Hui
    2020, 59(11):  195-202.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.039
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    Taking GIS and ecological environment field as the theme, the 1999—2018 periodical papers in the CNKI database are retrieved as the data source, and the method of mapping knowledge domain is used to visually analyze the research hotspots and research trends in this field. The study found that in the field of the combination of ecological environment and GIS, there are a few scholars who have a cooperative relationship. Most scholars conduct independent research and are not closely related to each other. Through keyword co-occurrence analysis, the study found that scholars mainly conduct research on ecological environment security, sustainable development, and ecological sensitivity. The monitoring of mutant words demonstrates the transformation of research hotspots of GIS in the field of ecological environment in the past 20 years. It has experienced sustainable development ranging from geographic information technology as a supplement to ecological environment to the focus on soil erosion, to the focus on ecosystem evaluation process of transformation.
    Rural Revitalization
    Research on the inheritance, innovation and high-quality development of Chinese herbal medicine Atractylodes
    SUN Yuan-peng, CHENG Zheng, WU Zhe, LIU Yu-si, SUN Yan-ling
    2020, 59(11):  203-207.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.040
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    The medicinal value of Atractylodes was introduced.The main cultural heritage, creative and labeling intellectual property rights related to Atractylodes was summarized. Ecological suitability for planting in poor counties, advantageous counties and production base construction of Atractylodes were analyzed. Mainly based on agricultural intellectual property, important agricultural heritage and production base of genuine medicinal materials, the strategy of high quality development of Chinese herbal medicine Atractylodes in the inheritanceand innovation were discussed, in the context of the strategy of traditional Chinese medicine development and the rural revitalization.
    Study on rural environment governance under the background of rural revitalization strategy:A case study of Shiyan city in Hubei province
    TAN Yu, LI Tao, ZHE Zheng-hua, YAN Ren-kai, LIN Shan
    2020, 59(11):  208-213.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.041
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    The relationship between the rural revitalization strategy and the rural environmental governance was expounded.The difficulties and challenges faced by rural environmental governance at present were analyzed.The main measures and successful experiences of rural development and environmental governance in Shiyan city were summarized. On the basis, the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions were put ted forward.
    Research on farmers′ professional cooperatives participating in rural social governance in ethnic areas:Based on questionnaire survey of 58 cooperatives in Changji prefecture
    LIU Cheng-chang, HAN Fang, LIANG Jian
    2020, 59(11):  214-217.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.11.042
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    Through questionnaire investigation and interviews, the development status and survey data of 58 farmer professional cooperatives in Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Prefecture were analyzed, and the current status and problems of Changji Prefecture farmer cooperatives participating in rural social governance were discussed in depth. According to the survey results, make corresponding suggestions.