
Table of Content

    10 May 2020, Volume 59 Issue 9
    Advances in the application of acidifiers in aquaculture
    MA Qiu-yue, SUN Ru-jiang, XIAO Fa-yi
    2020, 59(9):  5-9.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.001
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    Acidifier is a new type of green and environmentally friendly feed additive that is considered an effective alternative to antibiotics. Currently, the application of acidifiers in livestock and poultry farming has become increasingly mature, and its use in aquaculture has become more and more extensive in recent years. The research progress on the classification, mechanism and application of acidulants is reviewed, with a view to providing a certain reference for the substitution of acidulants for antibiotics and promoting the sustainable development of aquaculture.
    A summarize of the research on tourism niche in China
    ZHAN Xue, ZHANG Jun-xia
    2020, 59(9):  10-14.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.002
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    The tourism niche comprehensively reflects the relative position and role of tourism in the dimensions of resources, markets, services and environment. The study of tourism niche is of great significance in improving tourism competitiveness, promoting coordinated development of regional tourism, and optimizing the layout of tourism space. From 2001 to 2018, the research trends of tourism niche in China have three stages,the research focuses on the evaluation of tourism niche, the tourism competition and cooperation research and the tourism spatial structure three aspects. The research method is mainly based on quantitative research, and the niche measurement models are most widely used, combined with analytic hierarchy process and cluster analysis method. However, there are still several shortcomings in the research, first, the interdisciplinary research is not deep enough, and it stays on the theoretical basis; second, the lack of innovation in tourism niche optimization strategy is limited to niche separation, niche expansion and compression, niche generalization and niche specialization strategy; third, the scope of the research object is macroscopic, and the relevant research on county and township is dificient.
    Breeding & Cultivation
    Analysis on crop productivity, stability,adaptability of maize hybrid Huayu 11 and its cultivation technique for high yield
    YU Chang-ping, ZHOU Hua-ping, YE Qing-song, XIAO Neng-wu, XIAO Li-li, LIU Yong-zhong, QIN Guang-ming
    2020, 59(9):  15-19.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.003
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    According to the data of Hubei provincial regional experiment and productive administration of maize in southwest China, the performance of productivity, stability and adaptability of Huayu 11 was analysed by testing the average yield,variation coefficient, high yield effect value, high stability coefficient, standard deviation method. The results show that Huayu 11 possesses higher yield, more strong stability, wider adaptability, and suitable for planting in southwest China and other corresponding ecological areas.To gain cultivation technique of high yield of Huayu11, the factor of fertilizer amount(F) and density(M) was designed on five levels in this experiment. The scheme for getting yield of 15 993 kg/hm2 was that plant density of 60 000 plants/hm2,750.0 kg/hm2 of fertilizer as base fertilizer and 450 kg/hm2 of urea for topdressing(seed fertilizer:panicle fertilizer=1:2).
    Resource & Environment
    Study on meteorological grade prediction of Chilo suppressalis (Walker) in Zigong city
    LUO Wei, DUAN Xiu-rong, ZHONG Li, WANG Ru-lin, LI Qiang
    2020, 59(9):  20-23.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.004
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    The effect of meteorological conditions on occurrence of Chilo suppressalis (Walker) of rice(Oryza sativa L.) in Zigong city, Sichuan province were studied by using historical and meteorological data of the same period from 2000 to 2018. Meteorological factors with significant correlation and clear biological significance were selected through the analysis of the quantity of inducible moth of Chilo suppressalis (Walker) under the lamp and meteorological condition, and the multiple regression analysis was used to establish the meteorological forecast model of Chilo suppressalis (Walker) in Zigong city. The results showed that the average temperature in winter in Zigong city had the most significant influence on the meteorological level of Chilo suppressalis (Walker), followed by the temperature, precipitation and humidity in each period of the following year, and the higher winter temperature was the most important meteorological factor that caused the meteorological grade of Chilo suppressalis (Walker) to be 3 ~ 4 for many years. The fitting accuracy rate of meteorological grade of historical regression test reached 72%, and the accuracy rate of meteorological grade of 2018 test report reached 100%, indicated that the model has a good prediction effect and can provide scientific meteorological decision-making basis for the control of Chilo suppressalis (Walker) in Zigong city.
    Forecast of meteorological grades of winter wheat snow mold in Changji
    JIAN Yong-mei, ZHANG Jian-yun
    2020, 59(9):  24-27.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.005
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    Snow mold was the main diseases of winter wheat in Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, they occur every year to varying degrees, and they form an onset cycle with changes in weather conditions. By collecting disease data from 1996 to 2018 and field surveys, the correlation between winter wheat snow mold incidence and 19 meteorological factors such as maximum snow depth in winter, ≥20 cm snow days, ≥30 cm snow days, precipitation in mid-March, average temperature in late-March were analyzed. The strong correlation meteorological factors was screened out, and a meteorological grade forecasting model for winter wheat snow mold rot was established. The application test has a good forecasting effect.
    Effects of different application methods of compound amino acid fertilizer on eggplant growth
    YAN Ting-shuai, FAN Zhao-bo, LI Xin-zhu, SHI Li-bo
    2020, 59(9):  28-31.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.006
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    The effects of different application methods (spraying, watering, spraying and watering) of compound amino acid fertilizer on net photosynthetic rate, agronomic index and element content (total N, total P, total K, total Mg, total S) on eggplant(Solanum melongena L.) were studied. The results showed that there was no positive effect on net photo synthetic rate of eggplant by applying compound amino acid fertilizer; The fresh weight on the grond and weight of single fruit increased by application of compound amino acid fertilizer, and there was no significant difference among the ways of applying compound amino acid fertilizer; The different application methods of the compound amino acid fertilizers affected the content and distribution of total N and total P, total K and total S. In summary, spraying and watering compound amino acid fertilizer has the best promotion effect to the growth of eggplants.
    The influence of waterlogging stress on yield and quality at different pod stage of peanut
    MA Qing-rong, ZOU Chun-hui, HU Cheng-da, CHENG Lin, LI Tong-xiao, QIN Fu-sheng
    2020, 59(9):  32-36.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.007
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    Under the background of supply side reform of agriculture, the influence of stress of waterlogging on yield and quality at pod period of peanut could offer important scientific evidence for agricultural disaster prevention and reduction. Based on field experiments, the whole pod stage of summer peanut was divided into early, middle and late periods, and in each period, wet stress lasted 0 (control group), 3, 5, 7 and 9 days respectively were set for studying the final impact of wet hazard on peanut. The results showed that, wet stress happened earlier and the days lasted longer, the greater was the impact on the production. The overall trend of influence showed the impact in early stage was bigger than that of middle stage and late stage, and the influence lasted 9 days was bigger than that of 7, 5 and 3 days. In early stage, 9 days lasted waterlogging reduced the pod yield, fruit weight and kernel weight by 21.8%, 16.2% and 24.6% respectively, and which were 15.7%, 8.6%, 14.2% in the middle stage. Stress of 3 and 5 days occurred in early and middle stage were positive, and the average yield increased 8%, however, the effect was negative when the stress lasted more than 7 days. Wet stained stress also influence the quality of seed kernel, and the influence degree was bigger in middle stage than late and early stage. Moisture, protein and oleic acid content increased, meanwhile, amounts of fat, linoleic acid and palmitic acid decreased, so the quality decreased. Moisture and fat content increased with the increase of the waterlogging days, while the rest of the quality index was not obvious correlated to hazard days.
    Analysis on the characteristics and countermeasures of water resources in Baoji city in the 21st century
    ZHANG Xin-di, REN Yuan-xin, ZHANG Hai-ning, ZHOU Qi
    2020, 59(9):  37-40.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.008
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    Through the analysis of time characteristics the data of current water resources in Baoji city, Shaanxi province, from 2000 to 2018, it finds that the amount of surface water resources occupies a dominant position in the total amount of water resources. The total water consumption in Baoji city is increasing, among which agricultural water consumption accounts for the largest proportion of the total water consumption. At the same time, it is faced with three major problems: uneven distribution of water resources, increasing water pressure and the need to improve the discharge of domestic sewage. According to the existing problems, three ideas of specific countermeasures of developing “passing water”, protecting “own water” and skillfully using “extreme water” were put forward to solve the problem.
    Characteristics and source analysis of carbonaceous composition, water-soluble ion concentration in heavy pollution period in Xuzhou city
    JIA Hong, LIU Zi-he, XI Lin, ZHANG Fang-fang
    2020, 59(9):  41-48.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.009
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    Based on the Model 2001A thermal/photocarbon analyzer developed by the US Desert, the carbonaceous components (organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC)) and water soluble ions (NO3-, SO42-, F-, Cl-, NO2-, NH4+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+) in PM2.5 during heavy pollution in 2016 winter in Xuzhou city were monitored by day and night sampling, and the secondary organic aerosol (SOC) content was optimized by the optimized MRS algorithm. The results showed that the average mass concentration of PM2.5 in Xuzhou city reached (129.7±37.0) μg/m3 during the sampling period. Through the OC/EC ratio analysis, the carbonaceous aerosol in Xuzhou city during the sampling period was mainly affected by the exhaust emissions of gasoline vehicles and diesel vehicles. The average mass concentration of SOC was 3.4 μg/m3, and the contribution to OC reached 44.3%, and the degree of secondary pollution at night was greater than that during the day. The average mass concentration of water-soluble ions in the heavy pollution period reached (126.0±24.0) μg/m3, and the three main water-soluble ions of NO3-, SO42-, and NH4+ existed in the form of NH4NO3 and (NH42 SO4. Through the analysis of NO3- and SO42- ratios, the fixed source of coal-burning contributed a lot to water-soluble ions. Using PMF model to analyze the mass concentration of atmospheric PM2.5 in heavy pollution period in Xuzhou city, there were mainly six, including traffic source (48.7%), secondary inorganic aerosol pollution source (24.3%), sea salt and coal combustion source (14.9%), secondary chemical pollution sources (12.1%), biomass combustion sources (0.9%), and road dust sources (0.1%). In general, the source of atmospheric PM2.5 in Xuzhou city is more multi-sourced, and the traffic source and secondary inorganic aerosol pollution source occupy a dominant position.
    Analysis and forecast about the indexs of strong cold air from east road in northern Jiangsu province
    ZHANG Fang-fang, ZHAO Jie, SUN Lei, ZHAO Yu, WU Yan
    2020, 59(9):  49-53.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.010
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    Meteorological statistics from 2001 to 2010 of northern Jiangsu province was used to divided into four types in accordance with the standards of the cold air from east road, then forecast indexes were obtained according to the characteristics of each model.The relationship between the 48 hours cooling amplitude of the 850 hPa and 9250 hPa with the ground of eligible cases within 10 years was analyzed, then the data from 2011 to 2012 was chosen to forecast according to the standards of indexes. The results showed that the prediction accuracy of east road cold air was over 90%, and the type of two troughs with one ridge was the most, followed by the horizontal trough turned vertical type and blocking high type, the low trough eastward type was not appear. The cooling amplitude of upper temperature has relatively good referential meaning for the ground temperature drop.
    Spatiotemporal characteristics of hail disasters in Hebei from 1644 to 1948
    LIU Hao, WEI Jun, CHEN Sha, XIE Wen-juan, ZHAO Liang
    2020, 59(9):  54-59.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.011
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    The records of hail disasters in Hebei during the Qing and Republican periods(1644—1948) were analyzed, and the spatial and temporal distribution and causes of hail disasters were studied. The results show that hail disasters occurred frequently in Hebei during this period, and the annual frequency showed a trend of turbulence. The hail disasters were prone to occur in the early Qing Dynasty and the late Qing Dynasty to the middle of the Republic of China. Hail disasters mostly occur in summer and autumn, and the probability of mild hail disasters is the highest; and the probability of moderate and severe hail disasters is similar. Mountain areas and plains are more prone to hail disasters, of which the Taihang Mountains, Yanshan Mountains, and the Central and South Plains of Hebei are the areas most prone to hail disasters. Hail disasters have been recorded in most areas of Hebei, which are the provinces that have suffered severe hail disasters.
    Analysis of precipitation characteristics in the west of Hexi Corridor from May to September in recent 41 years
    LI Jian, CHEN Li-na, TAO Sheng-cai, ZHANG Wen-jun
    2020, 59(9):  60-64.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.012
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    Using the daily precipitation data(20:00-20:00) from May to September in 1976-2016 of 7 national automatic weather stations in Jiuquan, located in the west of the Hexi Corridor, using statistical methods, the spatial-temporal distribution characteristics and trends of rainy days, precipitation, and extreme precipitation events in Jiuquan were studied. The results show that Jiuquan has the most mild rainy days, accounting for 82.1% of the total rainy days. Nearly 1/3 of the rainfall in May-September is provided by mild rain, and 2/3 are provided by precipitation above moderate rain. The spatial distribution characteristics of rainy days (quantities) at all levels are: the most is Subei, the least is Dunhuang. Meanwhile, the absolute intensity of Jiuquan extreme precipitation events in the past 41 years is relatively small and the relative intensity is large. There is no significant linear trend in the frequency of heavy rainfall events, and it has remained stable at about 0.1 times per year. However, its inter-annual and inter-decadal fluctuations are very obvious. The time distribution of no rainstorm events is relatively scattered, and it occurs in every age. In addition, there were no extreme precipitation events in August-September 2011-2016.
    Effect of El Niño on may precipitation of Tibet
    Luosangwangmu, Daqiong, Pubuzhuoma
    2020, 59(9):  65-69.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.013
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    Based on the data of NOAA sea surface temperature anomaly field, NCEP/DOE wind field, atmospheric perceptible water field data and PREC/L precipitation data from 1979 to 2017, the effects of El Niño on May precipitation of Tibet were analyzed. The results shows that during the year of El Niño, there is an anti-cyclone circulation deviation at 700 hPa in the Indo-China peninsula, which form subsidences, and there is less perceptible water in the atmosphere and less rainfall in Tibet. In the year of La Nina, a cyclone in the Indo-China peninsula occurs at 700 hPa, resulting in updrafts. The amount of perceptible water in the atmosphere is high, and precipitation in Tibet is high.
    Analysis of NDVI changes and driving factors in Taihang mountain area from 2000 to 2015
    LI Xin-yuan, WANG Li, JING Hai-tao, FAN Chen-yu, YU Xun
    2020, 59(9):  70-76.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.014
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    This research was based on MODIS NDVI data from 2000 to 2015, combined with meteorological, land use and other relevant data of the same period. According to the NDVI change data and land use type change data obtained by relevant calculations, the NDVI change data were reversely studied to find the driving factors that affect NDVI change. The results showed that, from 2000 to 2015, the overall vegetation coverage in the study area had been improved, with an average growth rate of 0.007 5/a. The driving factor for the increase of NDVI was the promotion effect of meteorological factors on vegetation growth. Human activities directly led to the increase of NDVI within the cultivated land by making the cultivated land crops grow more vigorous. Human activities played a role in promoting vegetation in natural areas far from cities, such as Taihang mountain afforestation project, farmland conversion project, rural population transfer to cities and other ecological protection measures, which had a positive impact on the change of NDVI in grassland, woodland and water area. The driving factor of NDVI reduction area was the decrease of cultivated land and grassland area around the city and the increase of urban area in Taihang mountain area. Human activities weaken the vegetation growth in the city and its surrounding areas.
    Horticulture & Local Products
    Physiological characteristics and adaptability of four medicinal plants in karst environment
    HAO Jun-xiao, JIN Wen-ge, LI Liang-bo, HUANG Rong-shao, TANG Hui, GAN Feng-qiong
    2020, 59(9):  77-82.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.015
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    Four medicinal plant species Semiliquidambar cathayensis, Callicarpa nudiflora, Stephania kwangsiensis and Sophora tonkinensis were collected from Napo county, Guangxi province. The diurnal variation of photosynthesis was measured by Li-6400 photosynthetic system, and combined with the determination of chlorophyll content, carbonic anhydrase activity of leaves and stable carbon isotope composition, the adaptability of four plants in Karst habitat of Napo county, Guangxi was analyzed. The results showed that S. Cathayensis and C. nudiflora had better light utilization ability, and their daily average LUE value was S. cathayensis(1.77%) > C. nudiflora(1.65%). And the optical compensation points of S. cathayensis and C. nudiflora were low. The chlorophyll content and carbonic anhydrase activity of S. kwangsiensis leaves were (3.13±0.20) mg/g and (8 290.00±41.50) WAU/gFW. The activity of carbonic anhydrase in leaves of S. kwangsiensis was higher, which indicated that it had better carbon fixation ability. From July to December, the plant height of S. tonkinensis and C. nudiflora increased by 79 and 36 cm respectively, and the plant grew vigorously. The δ13C size of plant leaves is S. cathayensis (-26.684±0.781)‰ > S. kwangsiensis (-27.407±0.078)‰, which was higher than the average value of C3 plants in karst area. It showed that S. cathayensis and S. kwangsiensis had strong drought resistance ability. The comprehensive analysis showed that the four plants had different adaptation mechanisms to the arid environment in the southwest of Guangxi karst area, showing good adaptability.
    Effect of interplanting soybean with Zanthoxylum bungeanum on physiological characteristics of Z. bungeanum in karst areas of Guangxi
    JIN Wen-ge, SHEN Kang-long, HAO Jun-xiao, GAN Feng-qiong, HUANG Rong-shao, LI Liang-bo
    2020, 59(9):  83-85.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.016
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    The karst terrain in Guangxi is widespread, and the problem of rocky desertification has seriously affected the local economic development. The development of a reasonable compound planting model in karst areas can bring significant economic benefits and also have a positive effect on the management of rocky desertification. Soybean is a common cash crop in the karst area of Guangxi, and the introduction and promotion of Zanthoxylum bungeanum has also become one of the poverty alleviation industries in the karst area. In the early growth stage of Z. bungeanum, three soybean interplanting densities were set between rows, and their effects on the growth characteristics, leaf water content, and photosynthetic capacity of Z. bungeanum were analyzed. The results showed that the treatment with high intercropping density (45 soybeans/㎡) had higher water content in the leaves of Z. bungeanum and better plant growth; interplanting Z. bungeanum can not only obtain short-term benefits of soybeans, but also enhance the photosynthesis of Z. bungeanum and promote the growth of Z. bungeanum.
    Effects of waterlogging stress on growth and physiology characters of ornamental sunflower seedlings
    LUO Jie, YUAN Long-yi
    2020, 59(9):  86-90.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.017
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    Taking ornamental sunflower(Helianthus annuus L.) seedlings as materials, the effects of waterlogging stress on the morphology, physiology and root anatomy of ornamental sunflower seedlings were studied. The results showed that the plant height of ornamental sunflowers were significantly lower than the control (P﹤0.05), and the roots were significantly less than that of control when they were waterlogged for 8 days. As for the concentrations of malondialdehyde(MDA) in ornamental sunflowers as measured at 0 d to 8 d of waterlogging, there was no significant difference compared with controls. The activity and proline content of superoxide dismutase(SOD) in ornamental sunflowers were significantly higher than that in the control group when the sunflowers were waterlogged for 2 days. The peroxidase(POD) activity, soluble sugar and soluble protein content in ornamental sunflower were significantly higher than those in the control group when waterlogged for 8 days. This indicates that the growth of ornamental sunflowers is inhibited by waterlogging stress, but it has a certain tolerance to waterlogging stress. On the one hand, it can resist waterlogging stress by increasing antioxidant enzyme activity and osmotic regulator content; on the other hand, it can adapt to waterlogging stress by forming aerenchyma in roots.
    Effects of shading on the growth and quality of strawberry
    YUE Gao-feng, WANG Li-ping, HAN Zhi-qiang
    2020, 59(9):  91-94.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.018
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    The growth of strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duchesne) in spring and summer was studied under different shading treatments. The results showed that different shading treatments had significant effects on the growth and development, flowering quality, fruit yield and fruit quality of mature strawberry in spring and summer. Under the condition of 20% light shade, the growth and development status, flowering period, fruit yield and quality of strawberry were the best; Under 40% moderate shade, the content of chlorophyll a and b in strawberry leaves was the highest; Under the condition of more than 60% shade, the growth indexes of strawberry decreased significantly.
    Effects of transfer of fructan synthase gene of Psathyrostachys huashanensis on physiological indexes of tobacco
    CHEN Zhen-zhen, ZHOU Guo-qin, CHEN Xin-hong, XIE Xu-dong, CHEN Jin-ping
    2020, 59(9):  95-98.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.019
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    HS-6-SFT transgenic tobacco and non-transgenic tobacco W38 were used as materials under low temperature stress at 4 ℃ for 8 h. The differences of soluble protein, superoxide dismutase(SOD), catalase CAT, peroxidase(POD) between transgenic tobacco and non-transgenic tobacco were analyzed. The results showed that the soluble protein content, SOD activity, CAT activity and POD activity in tobacco leaves increased, and the increase at 4 ℃ was larger than that at room temperature. There was a very significant difference between the transgenic materials and the control(P<0.01). The stress resistance of transgenic tobacco with HS-6-SFT gene is enhanced.
    Evaluation and selection of appropriate tobacco varieties for Badong, Hubei
    FENG Fan-wen, WANG Yu-kui, CHENG Jun-qi, XIE Da-zhi, HUANG Jing
    2020, 59(9):  99-101.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.020
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    In order to screen out high quality and high yield varieties of flue-cured tobacco suitable for planting in tobacco area of Badong county, three new strains were screened in the field. The results showed that, compared with Yunyan 87, the agronomic and economic traits of three new strains were slightly worse. HB202 performed relatively well; The internal chemical components contents of HB204, HB094 and Yunyan 87 were relatively harmonious. The sensory quality of different varieties of tobacco leaves were as follows, smoking aroma quality was medium, volume of aroma was still adequate, remaining taste was comfortable and stimulating, Yunyan 87 was better than three tested new strains.
    Screening of pineapple varieties suitable for intercropping in macadamia
    WEI Qiao-yun, QIU Wen-wu, WANG Wen-lin, WEI Chi-zhang, TAN Qiu-jin, ZHOU Jing, XU Jian
    2020, 59(9):  102-104.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.021
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    In order to screen pineapple[Ananas comosus (Linn.) Merr.] varieties suitable for interplanting between Australian macadamia(Macadamia ternifolia F. Muell.) orchards, four pineapple varieties including Tainong No. 16, Tai Nong No. 17, Golden Pineapple and Tainong No. 4 were selected by randomized block design. The excellent pineapple varieties were tested in a trial, and the agronomic traits, fruit traits and quality of the plants were investigated, and correlation analysis was carried out. The results showed that the planting height, leaf width, average fruit weight, soluble solid content and soluble sugar content of pineapple in Tainong No.16 pineapple were the highest, the pulp fiber was less, the texture was smooth and the flavor was sweet. According to the comprehensive evaluation, Tainong No. 16 is the most suitable pineapple variety for macadamia interplanting.
    Evaluation of 72 wild woody ornamental plants in Xichuan
    SUN Li-qang, LI Yu, GUO Meng-di, TIAN Yu-hui, WANG Peng-fei
    2020, 59(9):  105-110.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.022
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    Based on field surveys and literature references in Xichuan area of Henan Province, 12 specific indicators were selected from the three aspects of ornamental characteristics, biological characteristics and resource potential of wild plants. AHP was used to establish an evaluation system for wild woody ornamental plants in Xichuan. Using yaahp10.3 software to construct the matrix and calculate the weight of each specific index in the evaluation system, a comprehensive evaluation of the 72 wild woody ornamental plants selected was carried out, and the priority development and utilization levels were divided according to the comprehensive score calculated by the software.
    Resources investigation and analysis of structural feature of street trees in urban area of Zhengzhou
    SHI Xi-bing, JIAO Xue-hui, ZHOU Xiao-juan, SUN Yi-ning, LIU Jie, MIAO Zhao-feng
    2020, 59(9):  111-116.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.023
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    Through stratified random sampling, the structure features, configuration mode and health status of street trees in eight urbans of Zhengzhou city were investigated. The results showed that there were 39 species of street trees, belonging to 22 families and 30 genera, the ratio between evergreen and deciduous trees was 1:6.8. The high frequency of street trees were Platanus hispanica(48.46%), Sophora japonica(10.38%), Koelreuteria integrifoliola(8.85%), Ligustrum incidum(8.46%) and Fraxinus chinensis(6.54%), and the diversity index was 2.225. Single carriageway with two green belts pattern occupied the main forms. The ratio of single-layer model was 66.91%. The proportion of street trees growing above average was 83.48%. According to the current situation of Zhengzhou, the existing problems can be improved by increasing the number of tree species, enriching the allocation mode and strengthening management and maintenance.
    Viewing the landscape features of garden railings from the perspective of Song painting
    LI Jiao, DU Shi-bo, YANG Fang-rong
    2020, 59(9):  117-121.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.024
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    In ancient times, garden railings not only played a role in safety protection, but also one of the important methods of garden landscape formation, and they were also sentiment images favored by scholars and scholars. Although Song Dynasty gardens are now rare, Song paintings provide precious picture materials for Song Dynasty garden research. The railings in Song paintings are rich in imagery, diverse in type, and elaborately drawn. They can intuitively reflect the construction level and style of garden railings in Song Dynasty, and have important research value. By referring to related books and Song paintings, the origin, classification, function and environmental landscape effect of railings were analyzed, which provides a new perspective for the discussion of Song Dynasty garden landscape and enriches the basic data research of Song gardens. At the same time, the material and form changes of the Song Dynasty and modern railings were compared to provide a reference for the design of garden railings.
    Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine
    The formation mechanism and empirical test of the folk quality reputation of animal products in China
    YOU Xi-huo
    2020, 59(9):  122-126.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.025
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    The influencing factors that affect the quality reputation of the animal produces were analyzed, and a model of formation mechanism was constructed. Using the date from questionnaire to test, a brief conclusion was got and suggestions to improve the quality reputation of animal produces were given.
    Status quo and development countermeasures of silage corn in Xiangyang city
    FENG Peng, HU Fei, LI Xin-yan, MA Xian-bin, GUO Li, LI You-ming
    2020, 59(9):  127-129.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.026
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    The production status quo of silage corn(Zea mays L.) in Xiangyang city, the benefits of planting silage corn and the problems in the implementation process were analyzed. Suggestions to determining the number of cultivation by the number of breeding, promoting collaboration between the department of agriculture and animal husbandry, strengthening government guidance, and industrial development seminars and technical training were put forward, aiming to promoting the development of animal husbandry and adjustment of planting structure in Xiangyang city.
    Effects of Lepidium latifolium L. extracts on rats gastrointestinal motility, SP and Ghrelin
    ZHAO Yi-hua, ZHONG Jiang-bin, LI Wei-lin, QI De-sheng, SUN Shi-hao, ZOU Deng-lang, DU Yu-rong, MA Jian-bin
    2020, 59(9):  130-132.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.027
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    To study the effects of the Lepidiumlatifolium L. extracts on rats with gastrointestinal motility disorder and explore its mechanism, 24 SPF SD rats weighing 180~200 g were randomly divided into blank group, model group and test drug group. Each group had 8 rats and the ratio of male to female is 1:1. Each group was given the corresponding drugs by intragastric administration. Each rat in the test drug group was intragastrically administered with 2 mL solution of the extract from Lepidiumlatifolium L. (0.36 g·mL-1). Each rat in the blank group and the model group was intragastrically administrated with equal volume of distilled water. After intragastric administration once a day for 6 days, the rats were fasted for 24 h but free of water. on the 7th day, 1 h after the normal administration, the model group and the test group were intraperitoneally injected with atropine sulfate of 2 mg·kg-1, and the blank group was intraperitoneally injected with the same volume of normal saline. After 20 min, all rats were intragastrically administered with 0.4 ml of 2% blue dextran-2000 solution. After 30 min, rats were anesthetized with 4 mL·kg-1 of 10% chloral hydrate. The detect index included gastric emptying rate, small intestinal propulsion rate, the substance P (SP) and ghrelin concentrations in gastric and duodenal homogenate by ELISA. The results showed that the gastric emptying rate and small intestinal propulsion rate in the model group were extremely significant lower than those in blank group(P<0.01) while the gastric and duodenal SP concentrations and the gastric ghrelin concentration presented no significant difference (P>0.05), and the concentration of duodenal ghrelin was significantly higher (P< 0.01). Compared with the model group, gastric emptying rate and small intestinal propulsion rate in the test drug group were also significantly increased (P<0.01), and the concentration of SP in gastric was significantly increased (P< 0.05); the concentration of ghrelin in gastric and the concentration of SP, ghrelin in duodenal were significantly elevated (P< 0.01). It indicated that the extracts from Lepidiumlatifolium L. might improve the gastrointestinal motility of rats with gastrointestinal motility disorder induced by atropine sulfate by increasing the concentration of SP and ghrelin in the stomach and duodenum.
    Antitumor effect of EPF monoclonal antibody combined with cisplatine on animal bladder cancer in livestock:Based on a bladder tumor model in nude mice
    ZHONG Yong-yi, ZHOU Quan, SU Li-jie, LIAN Yu-yin, WANG Jia-ji, CHEN Xiao-yi
    2020, 59(9):  133-136.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.028
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    To investigate the antitumor effects of early-pregnancy-factor monoclonal antibody (EPF-McAb) combined with cisplatin(DDP) on human bladder cancer EJ cell in nude mice, and to explore its possible mechanism, a melanin xenograft model of nude mice was established. When the diameter of the transplanted tumor grew to 5mm, the mice were randomly divided into 4 groups, a blank group with no treatment, a control group treated with cisplatin, and two treatment group treated with low dosage EPF-McAb combination and high dosage EPF-McAb combination, respectively. The volume of transplanted tumor was measured every 2 days after the administration tp plot the tumor growth curve. On the 10th day after the last administration, the tumors were taken and weighed to calculate the tumor inhibition rate. The pathology changes of carcinoma were observed after HE staining by light microscope. The expression of EPF protein was detected by Western blot. The results showed that the growth rate of the transplanted tumors in the two treat groups were significantly slower than that in the blank group and the control group (P<0.05). The tumor inhibition rate of the transplanted tumors in the low-dose EPF-McAb group and high-dose EPF-McAb was 35.78% and 53.04%, respectively, which were both significantly higher than that in the control group (with tumor inhibition rate of 22.36%) (P<0.05). And the expression of EPF protein in treatment groups was also decreased. It indicated that EPF-McAb combined with DDP can effectively inhibit the proliferation of bladder cancer EJ cells in nude mice. The mechanism may be related to down-regulation of EPF protein expression.
    Therapeutic effect of Shaohuang granules on psoriasis mice
    CHENG Guo-qiang, DONG Han, WANG Yong-jin, XIA Jie-ying, HONG Yang
    2020, 59(9):  137-140.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.029
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    To evaluate the effects of Shaohuang granules on psoriasis mice, a imiquimod-induced psoriasis model was constructed and used to observe the influence of Shaohuang granules on the pathological changes, epidermal thickness, the expression of PCNA in psoriatic lesions. The effects of Shaohuang granules on the mitosis of vaginal epithelial cells in estrogen period and the granular layer of mice tail epidermis were also observed. The results showed that Shaohuang granules could obviously decreased the skin thickness of psoriasis mice (P<0.05). 10 g/kg and 5 g/kg dose of Shaohuang granules could improve the mice skin lesions and reduce the PCNA expressions significantly. 10 g/kg dose of Shaohuang granules could obviously inhibit the mitosis of mice vaginal epithelium in estrogen period and had distinct promotion effect on the granular layer formation of mice tail epidermis. It indicated that Shaohuang granules are effective on treating psoriasis. It can decrease the skin thickness and improve skin lesion by affecting the epidermal parakeratosis and epidermal over-proliferation. It also can inhibit the mitosis of vaginal epithelial cells and promote the epidermal granules formation of mice tail.
    Storage & Processing
    Screening and optimization of cordycepic acid extraction method of Cordyceps militaris CNZ
    LIN Ai-hua, MIAO Li-yun, WANG Jun-ling, LI Hui, SONG Fa-jun, ZHANG Peng
    2020, 59(9):  141-144.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.030
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    In order to obtain the optimal cordycepic acid extraction method of Cordyceps militaris CNZ, six extraction methods were used to extract cordycepic acid of C. militaris CNZ, respectively, and the extraction yield of cordycepic acid with ultrasonic-associated ethanol extraction method was the maximum for 113.31 mg/g, so was selected as one suitably initial method. Subsequently, the extraction conditions, including extraction times, solid-liquid ratio, ultrasonic time and ethanol concentration, were further optimized by single factor experiments and orthogonal experiments. One optimized cordycepic acid extraction method of C. militaris CNZ was obtained as that: ethanol concentration was 20%(volume fraction), solid-liquid ratio was 1:10(g:mL), ultrasonic time was 20 min and extraction times was three. Using the optimized extraction method, the extraction yield of cordycepic acid of C. militaris CNZ was 161.06 mg/g, which was about 42.1% higher than that using the initial extraction method.
    Effect of ultra-high pressure treatment on the quality of fruits and vegetables
    XIONG Zi, LIAO Li, QIAO Yu, CHENG Wei, SHI De-fang, WANG Jun, CHEN Xue-ling
    2020, 59(9):  145-150.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.031
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    UHP(ultra-high pressure) is one of the most popular non-thermal technologies about fruits and vegetables processing in the world. The principle and features of the UHP were introduced, followed by the analysis of UHP's influence on microorganism, enzyme activity, color, texture, flavor, nutritive activity and so on. The application and prospect of the UHP were also analysed. The UHP evidently extended fruits and vegetables' shelt life with the flavor and nutrition being maintained efficiently, in the near future, the UHP would be applicated from fruits and vegetables to more extensive foods, and be industrialized gradually.
    Detection Analysis
    Study on the geographical origin identification of american ginseng based on multi-element analysis and statistical methods
    HOU Hao-ran, ZHOU Jin-song, LIU Guo-wei, KONG Jian, Ma En-yao, LUO Wen-ying
    2020, 59(9):  151-154.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.032
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    The study aim is to investigate the feasibility of multi-element analysis in determination of the geographical origin of american ginseng, and to make a choice of determining effective tracers in the origin assessment of american ginseng. The contents of 28 chemical elements of Sc, Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Cd, Sn, Hg and Pb were detected by ICP-MS in 20 samples from Canada, the United States, and the Northeast of China, and analysis of variance (ANOVA), cluster analysis (CA) and discriminant analysis (DA) were applied in the data analysis. The results showed that the element contents were different in american ginseng samples from the other different locals. CA classified the samples into different categories, which was consistent to their geographical origin. Three elements of Y, Fe and Ni were screened by DA and suggested as better tracers for american ginseng origin assessment, a 100.0% correct classification was achieved. Therefore, it is feasible to determine the geographical origin of american ginseng based on multi-element analysis.
    Comparative analysis of volatile components in Guizhi Fuling bolus and other dosage forms
    MA Yin-yu, LU Jin-qing, LUO Bei-bei
    2020, 59(9):  155-158.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.033
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    Headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) combined with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used to analyze the volatile components of Guizhi Fuling bolus,Guizhi Fuling tablets and Guizhi Fuling capsules, the relative contents of each component were calculated. The results showed that 22 peaks were detected from Guizhi Fuling bolus, 17 components were identified, accounting for 98.41% of the volatile components, 15 peaks were detected from Guizhi Fuling tablets, 12 components were identified, accounting for 89.12% of the volatile components, and 30 peaks were identified from Guizhi Fuling capsules, accounting for 99.46% of the volatile components. The composition and content of volatile components in Guizhi Fuling bolus and other dosage forms changed.
    Determination of domoic acid in shellfish by liquid chromatography-orbitrap mass spectrometry
    WU Xiang-qing, YU Tao, WU Ming-yuan, HUANG Guo-qiu, YANG Shu-li
    2020, 59(9):  159-161.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.034
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    Domoic acid (DA) is a kind of neurotoxin produced by Pseudo-nitzschia diatom that can accumulate in shellfish. Consuming shellfish products contaminated by domoic acid can cause memory loss, dizziness, coma and even death. In this paper, a method was established for the simultaneous determination of domoic acid (DA) in shellfish by liquid chromatography-orbitrap mass spectrometry. Oyster and clam samples were extracted with methanol and purified with QuEChERS technology. The analytes were isolated by Hypersil GOLD C18 column and gradient eluted with acetonitrile-2 mmol/L ammonium formate solution (0.2% formic acid). DA were determined by orbitrap mass spectrometry through positive ion scanning, full scan mode and data dependent scan mode. The experimental results indicated that the retention time of DA was all within 6min. The limits of quantification (LOQ) was 0.01 mg/kg. The calibration curves showed good linearity within the concentration range of 25~500 μg/L, R2=0.999 8. The average recoveries was between 90.5%~106.3% and the relative standard deviations (RSD) were less than 6.0% (n=6). This method was easy, rapid and sensitive, and could be applied in the determination of domoic acid in shellfish.
    Information Engineering
    Design of intelligent agricultural environment monitoring system based on mobile communication
    LI Xiao-ping, LIU Yuan-gang, XIONG Gang
    2020, 59(9):  162-166.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.035
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    There were many problems existing in environmental parameters of facilities agriculture in Yangling area Shaanxi province,we designed a kind of intelligent agricultural environment monitoring system based on mobile communication, it combined with computer, sensor, mobile communication and other technologies. The system adopts modular design method and provides hardware design and software design. We have completed the production of control system,according to the growth needs of the facility agricultural crops,automatic intelligent operation of sprinkler irrigation, ventilation, light supplement, heating and other control modes counld be achieved. The test results show that the environment data measurement of the control system is more accurate and the information transmission is normal,When the data exceeds the limit, the operation of the equipment is executed, the control performance is good and the alarm is timely,it has certain application value and promotion value.
    Study on early warning model of tomato stem rot in solar greenhouse based on internet of things technology
    HUANG Yuan, YANG Ying-ru, GAO Xin-na, LI Hai-jie, WU Meng, DU Ya-ru
    2020, 59(9):  167-170.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.036
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    The growth environment data of autumn tomato in solar greenhouse were collected by sensor technology of agricultural Internet of Things. Through practical research, the early-warning model of stem-based rot of autumn tomato in solar greenhouse was initially established by SPSS Statistics Subscription. The model test effect was good, and the experiment proved that the operation effect of the early-warning model was better in actual production. The establishment of the early warning model fully explored the relationship between soil humidity, air temperature and the occurrence probability of tomato stem base rot, laid a foundation for the establishment of early warning system for tomato diseases and insect pests, and made an exploration for the realization of accurate management of modern agriculture.
    Biological Engineering
    The use of tissue culture to establish the rapid propagation system of Ampelopsis grossedentata
    LIAO Lu-jing, JIANG Nian, SUN Zi-wei
    2020, 59(9):  171-176.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.037
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    Stems with buds in Ampelopsis grossedentata as test materials, culture medium and hormone combination in various stages in the process of cultivation of Ampelopsis grossedentata tissue and ratio of matrix in the seedling process were studied. Conclusions are as follows: The optimal primary medium in rapid propagation system of tissue cultured seedling of Ampelopsin Grossedentata was MS+1.5 mg/L 6-BA+0.2mg/L NAA+2 g/L PVP. The optimal matrix matching for primary stem cultured callus was MS+4.0 mg/L 6-BA+2.0 mg/L ZT+1.0 mg/L NAA. The optimal proliferation medium for Ampelopsin Grossedentata bud was MS+2.0 mg/L 6-BA+1.0 mg/L NAA+2.0 mg/L ZT. The optimal strong seedling medium was MS+1.0 mg/L 6-BA+1.0 mg/L NAA. The optimal rooting medium was NAA(0.1 mg/L)+IBA(0.5 mg/L), with the rooting rate reaching 86.7%. The optimal transplantation matrix at hardening-seedling stage was peat + perlite (2:1), and the hardening-seedling and transplanting survival rate could reach 73% if it was watered with modified Hoagland nutrient solution.
    Economy & Management
    The coupling and coordinating relationship between land use benefit and ecological environment in Chengdu-Chongqing city cluster
    YANG Xiao-han, TANG Xiang-yun
    2020, 59(9):  177-181.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.038
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    Based on the construction of the evaluation index system of land use benefit and ecological environment level, the weight of variation coefficient method is used to determine the weight, and the coupling coordination model is combined to reveal the time and space changes of coupling degree of land use benefit and ecological environment level coupling between Chengdu and Chongqing urban agglomerations from 2006 to 2016. The results show that the land-use benefits of various cities in the Chengdu-Chongqing city cluster show a gradual upward trend, the growth rate slows down year by year, and the internal differences are significant. The eco-environment level of various cities has basically shown a year-on-year growth trend, and a small number of cities have begun to decline after 2011. The coordination between the land use benefits and the ecological environment of the Chengdu-Chongqing city cluster needs to be strengthened. Most cities are in a state of maladjustment throughout the year, mainly with moderate and imminent disorders. The spatial variation of the coupling degree shows a trend of rising from Chengdu to the northeast of the urban agglomeration and then to the southeast.
    Risk of farmland transfer under the “three powers separation” and its prevention
    LI Feng-xing, CHEN Guang-hua
    2020, 59(9):  182-185.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.039
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    Agricultural and transfer was an important measure to realized large-scale intensive agricultural management, but in practice there were risks such as farmland “non-grain” and “non-agricultural”, excessive concentration of farmland transfer and forced transfer of farmland. Therefore, it was necessary to improve the risk prevention system of farmland transfer under the “Three Rights Separation” by strengthening the supervision of collective economic organizations over the use and scale of farmland transfer, constructing the farmland transfer performance guarantee insurance system, improving the reasonable pricing mechanism of farmland transfer, and cultivating new agricultural operation subjects.
    Research on legal issues of land operating right financing guarantee
    GONG Peng-cheng, SUN Jia-yuan
    2020, 59(9):  186-191.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.040
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    Study the legal issues related to the land management right financing guarantee of the newly revised “Land Contract Law of the People's Republic of China”. The nature of land management right should be treated differently. The land management right with a circulation period of less than five years embodies the nature of creditor's rights, and the rest should be recognized as the property of usufruct. The implementation of the new law provides legal support for the financing guarantee of land management rights, but it still faces the practical problems of unknown guarantee subject, single realization method of security right, incomplete value evaluation system, and inadequate risk prevention and control mechanism. Through the improvement of legislative norms, strengthening the construction of risk prevention and control mechanism and value evaluation system, the goal of releasing rural land management rights and promoting the modernization of agricultural production is achieved.
    Urban rights in the perspective of urban-rural balance
    XU Chuan-dong, HU Jie
    2020, 59(9):  192-196.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.041
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    Studying the basic content of urban rights, it is believed that urban rights are the concrete manifestation of human rights in urban spaces, and we summarize the basic rights characteristics of urban rights. From the perspective of urban rights, we examine the pattern of power difference between urban and rural areas at this stage, and analyze the right gap between urban and rural areas in politics, economy, social life and environmental protection. It is proposed to realize the equal distribution of rights between urban and rural areas through the reform of the household registration system, emphasizing the role of urban rights to regulate the orderly expansion of cities, and leave sufficient development space and opportunities for rural areas. Eventually, the establishment of an equal rights system between urban and rural areas will be achieved, the harmony between urban and rural areas will be realized, and the integration of urban and rural development will be promoted.
    Research on marketing strategy of Carya cathayensis Sarg. handicraft in Shangluo city
    GUO Meng, ZHANG Shuai, WANG Yi
    2020, 59(9):  197-200.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.042
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    Based on the data of 536 questionnaires, the consumer psychology of college students on Shangluo city Carya cathayensis Sarg. handicraft is analyzed and the marketing strategy of Carya cathayensis Sarg. handicraft is discussed. The results show that consumer's product cognition, quality cognition, brand preference, novelty hunting preference, way preference, cultural preference, marketing recommendation and advertising effect have significant positive effects on purchase behavior; the price preference has positive but not significant effects on purchase behavior; the origin cognition, experience preference and family friend recommendation have negative but not significant effects on purchase behavior. Based on this, the suggestions of establishing a perfect quality inspection system to ensure product quality, designing both tradition and fashion to enhance cultural connotation, and carrying out multi-channel marketing publicity to expand product impact are put forward.
    Study on the spatial evolution trend of population in Hubei province since the period of reform and opening up
    ZOU Peng, WANG Ming-jie, WU Si, WANG Qian
    2020, 59(9):  201-207.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.043
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    The spatial evolution law of the population in Hubei province in the past 40 years is analyzed by using the population gravity center method and the gray system model, and base on this, the population trend in the next decades to 2035 is predicted. The results show that, firstly, national policies such as family planning and market economy are the most important factors affecting the evolution of population spatial in Hubei province since the reform and opening up; secondly, Hubei province would have been in the middle stage of urbanization before 2035 with the population gathering to urban areas and urbanization still maintaining rapid development, so rural revitalization strategy is difficult to bring obvious rural population return during this period; thirdly, since the reform and opening up, the population center of gravity in Hubei province is shifting towards Wuhan,and even by 2035, Wuhan will still maintain a strong attraction to the population of the whole province, but the attractiveness of Wuhan's central urban area will be weakened, and the population growth in the suburbs will exceed that in the central urban area. The second and third conclusions further confirm the general law of urbanization.
    Rural Revitalization
    A new route of rural revitalization strategy in local financial service:Take establishment of agriculture-related financial leasing company as an example
    LIN Bie-yu
    2020, 59(9):  208-211.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.044
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    The implementation of the rural revitalization strategy is an important strategy decision at the Nineteenth National Congress. During the implementation process, local finance plays a key role in funding source. Personal direct lease, enterprise leaseback and manufacturer lease, the application of three basic financing modes on the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy were studied by taking the establishment of agriculture-related financial leasing company with local financial contribution as an example. The advantages and necessity of state-owned agriculture-related financial leasing company in promoting agricultural rural development were also discussed to further looking for a new way of local financial servicing rural revitalization strategy.
    Discussion on the strategic issues of “Three Agriculture”
    REN Yi-jie, LI Jing
    2020, 59(9):  212-216.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.09.045
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    The contemporary strategy of “Three Agriculture” should focus on the demands of the times to build the reform path, coupling the mechanism of the problem to explore key strategies, and practice the specific tasks in combination with the theoretical innovation and planning requirements, to design the content and requirements of the “Three Agriculture” strategy in the new stage. These have become three new directions for deepening the reform, including the need to strengthen the development of rural finance, the need to integrate rural industry, and the need to improve the education level of the rural population. The new ways to revitalize rural development around solving the existing problems are put forward.