
Table of Content

    25 March 2020, Volume 59 Issue 6
    Research and application of chitosan in aquatic animals
    ZHANG Yi,ZHANG Zhi-hao,ZHANG Ji-ping
    2020, 59(6):  5-9.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.001
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    Chitosa(COS) is a newly developed biologically active substance with immuno potentiating effect. It has various biological activities such as antibacterial, immune enhancement, hypolipidemic and anti-tumor, and has been widely used in food and medicine fields. The main biological functions of chitosan and their effects on aquatic animal growth performance, non-specific immunity and intestinal microorganisms were reviewed, and the mechanism of their effects was briefly explained, the prospect of its application was prospected,in order to provide a reference for the wide application of chitosan in aquaculture industry.
    Research advances on wheat powdery mildew resistance and molecular markers
    ZHOU Jun, XU Ru-hong, XIE Xin, REN Ming-jian
    2020, 59(6):  10-15.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.002
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    Wheat powdery mildew is the main disease that harms the field of wheat. It has been proved that breeding and application of resistant varieties are the most economical, safe and effective measures to solve wheat powdery mildew. In recent years, the rapid development of molecular marker technology has laid the foundation for the research of resistant genes of wheat powdery mildew. The morphological characteristics, virulence frequency, source of resistance gene and chromosome location, physiological resistance and application of resistance gene of wheat powdery mildew were reviewed, in order to provide reference for wheat disease resistance breeding. Because the physiological races of pathogenic bacteria are extremely susceptible to mutation, which leads to overcoming the host's original resistance, different resistance genes can be effectively combined through gene aggregation, the resistance spectrum can be broadened, and the resistance can be lasted. And it is of great theoretical and practical significance to study the resistance of wheat powdery mildew.
    Research on social capital and performance of farmer professional cooperatives
    LIU Jie, CHEN Xin-hua
    2020, 59(6):  16-19.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.003
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    Combined with the research results of social capital theory of cooperatives at home and abroad in recent years, the existing research from three aspects were combed, which included the related research of social capital of cooperatives, the performance research of cooperatives and the relationship between social capital and the performance of farmer professional cooperatives, the cooperatives’ development trend were analyzed.
    Breeding & Cultivation
    Evaluation of environment and adaptability of varieties in the middle reaches of the Yangtze river for national winter rape regional experiment based on GGE double standard map
    YU Ze-en, LUO Li-xia, ZHANG Fang, HONG Mei-yan, ZHANG Xiang-xiang, GUO Rui-xing
    2020, 59(6):  20-27.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.004
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    The high yield, stable yield and adaptability of the national winter rape variety regional test in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River from 2017 to 2018, and the test representative, discrimination and differentiation ability of each pilot were analyzed by using the GGE double plot method. The results that the main effects of genotype (G), environment(E) and genotype by environment interaction (GE) were significant. Among them, E accounted for 48.25% of the treatment total variation in the sum of squares on average, whereas G and GE accounted for 15.15% and 36.60%, respectively. Liyouza178, Chuangzayou No6, Zhongyou 769, Huayouza 706, Zhongyou 619, Shengguang 168, Yuyou 39 and Jingyou 517 had excellent high yield, stability and adaptability. Hengyang city, Changde city, Yueyang city of Hunan province, Jingzhou city of Hubei province and other pilot sites have high comprehensive evaluation values, and have strong pilot representative, discrimination and differentiation ability.
    Resource & Environment
    RS and GIS-based analysis on spatial-temporal evolution of soil erosion in Zhong county,Chongqing city
    LIU Qian-nan, GUO Shan-xin, JIANG Xiao-li, WANG Jin, CHEN Jin-song
    2020, 59(6):  28-33.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.005
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    Based on Landsat TM, Landsat TM8 OLI, RS, GIS and field remote-sensing survey data in 1990 and 2015, the spatial distribution of soil erosion pattern and its spatial-temporal evolution characteristics in Zhong county, Chongqing city were analyzed. The results shows that in these two periods, soil erosion was dominated by the micro erosion. The proportions of the soil erosion in 1990 and 2015 were 44.67% and 54.88%, respectively. The sumsof area proportions of the area in the mild, moderate and strong soil erosion type in 1990 and 2015 in this area is 50.99% and 41.59%, respectively. As the area of micro erosion increases, the area of other erosion types decreases. Strong erosion area showed the sharpest cut (25.77%) and mild erosion area narrows mostly(101.16 km2). The great conversion happens between micro erosion and mild erosion, as the conversion between extreme strong erosions and strong erosions with other erosion types were relatively smaller.
    Exhibition design and popular science methods of Jiubujiang National Geopark Museum
    CAO Li, YI Li-wen, XIE Bing-geng, LI Xiao-qing, ZHOU Xin-hua, YI Xi, YANG Hong-jue
    2020, 59(6):  34-38.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.006
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    By making full use of the numerous geological relics and mature karst landscape in Jiubujiang National Geological Park, Jiubujiang National Geopark Museum built a new scientific palace about karst shows the Earth-geology landscape-karst Landscape-forest and wetland to visitors through many media methods, such as models, pictures, samples, movies, virtual experience and so on. The layout ideas and indoor popular science methods of Jiubujiang National Geopark Museum were summarized, and the popular science experience was popularized.
    Effects of biogas manure combined with chemical fertilizer on soil properties in cornfield
    LIU De-yao, YOU Ying, XIA Jia-cheng, ZHAO Jin-xi, WANG Xue-fen, HAN Shou-liang, LIU Xin-cheng
    2020, 59(6):  39-42.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.007
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    In order to study the effects of combined application of biogas manure and chemical fertilizer in different proportions on soil properties, cornfield soil was selected as experimental material. Six different fertilization treatments were selected for corn field soil, including CK(no fertilization), HF(chemical fertilizer), ZH20(20% biogas fertilizer + 80% chemical fertilizer), ZH50(50% biogas fertilizer + 50% chemical fertilizer), ZH80(80% biogas fertilizer + 20% chemical fertilizer) and ZF100(100% biogas fertilizer). Random block design was used. The effects of each treatment on soil bulk density, pH, organic matter content and available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content in five key maize growth stages, including jointing stage, small bell-mouthing stage, big bell-mouthing stage, tasseling and silking stage and physiological maturity, were studied by using random block design experiment. The results showed that the application of 100% biogas manure significantly decreased the content of soil organic matter at small bell-mouthing stage, but at physiological maturity it increased the content of soil organic matter significantly; The soil bulk density decreased in all fertilization treatments during the five growth stages, and the higher the concentration of biogas fertilizer, the more obvious the decrease of soil bulk density was; Compared with group CK, soil pH decreased in group HF, while increased in group ZH20, ZH50, ZH80 and ZF100 during the five growth stages; the application of ZH50 had the most significant effect on increasing soil available nitrogen content; The application of ZF100 and ZH80 had the most significant effect on increasing soil available phosphorus content; There was no significant difference among the effects on improving soil available potassium content of all fertilization treatments.
    Study on scale measurement of the stripping topsoil and medium-low-yield fields:Taking Changsha city for example
    LI Zhuo-lin, LUO Shi-jun
    2020, 59(6):  43-50.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.008
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    Under the circumstance that the cultivated land occupied by new construction land increases year by year, the method of stripping the soil occupied by construction of high-quality tillage layer is adopted to improve the middle and low yield fields, so as to improve the quality of middle and low yield fields and effectively protect cultivated land resources. With five districts and counties of Changsha city as the scope of research, based on the results of Changsha city’s land use status and overall planning data, cultivated land fertility data and others, the GIS spatial analysis and literature research are adopted to measure, evaluate and analyze the quantity and distribution of the medium-low-yield fields and the topsoil that can be stripped. The results showed that the theoretical volume of strippable topsoi is 15 118 600 m3, the volume of soil required to improve the low-yield fields is 37 413 100 m3, the supply of topsoil is far less than the demand. The potential of medium-low-yield fields is 60 195.11 hm2, mainly distributed in Changsha county, Ningxiang city and Liuyang city; While the area of the strippable topsoil is 8 835.26 hm2, mainly distributed in Yuelu district, so the supply and demand are unevenly distributed in space.
    Study on rainwater retention capacity of different greenland types in sponge campus
    YANG Cai-qin, XU Yu-xia, CHEN Wei, MA Kai, HE Wen-xin, YANG Feng
    2020, 59(6):  51-54.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.009
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    In order to cope with the problem of water accumulation in every rain on campus, taking the eastern campus of Baoji University of Arts and Sciences as an example, the average soil moisture content of 0~30 cm under different vegetation conditions is measured by weighing method, and the distribution characteristics of different green space types are analyzed. SPSS 20.0 and other relevant software are used for statistical analysis of the measured data. The results show that the average soil moisture content shows surface layer(0~10 cm)>subsurface layer(10~20 cm)> 20~30 cm soil layer; The average soil moisture content of trees forest after rain Ginkgo biloba L.>Cedrus deodara (Roxb.) G. Don>Cerasus yedoensis>Sophora japonica>Diospyro skaki Thunb>Prunus cerasifera; The average soil moisture content of shrub grass after rain shows Photinia×fraseri Dress>stratified vegetation>lawn>Phyllostachys sulphurea>Euonymus japonicus Thunb. Sparse forest is easier to absorb precipitation than dense forest, tree forest contains higher water value than irrigated land, and grassland is easier to reduce precipitation loss than dense shrub forest.
    Study on time-varying relationship between greenhouse gas emission of animal husbandry and urban residents' income in Xinjiang
    JING Pan, LI Li, YAN Jin-feng
    2020, 59(6):  55-59.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.010
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    Based on the analysis of the current situation of urban residents' disposable income and the greenhouse gas emission of animal husbandry in Xinjiang in recent 17 years, the relationship between urban economic development and the greenhouse gas emission of animal husbandry was discussed. The results showed that during 2001—2017, the greenhouse gas emission of animal husbandry decreased with the increase of disposable income of urban residents. The relationship between the disposable income of urban residents and greenhouse gas emission of animal husbandry can be divided into three stages. In the first and third stages, for every 1 000 yuan increase in per capita disposable income of urban residents, the increase in greenhouse gas carbon dioxide emission equivalent from animal husbandry was 147.8×104 t and 16.1×104 t, respectively, and the decrease in the second stage was 115.9×104 t.
    Estimation of carbon emission from burning of agricultural crop straw in Hubei province
    GONG Shi-fei, GUO Yuan-ping, YE Qing-song, LAN Yu-mei, WANG Wei, XIAO Neng-wu
    2020, 59(6):  60-63.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.011
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    In order to determine the carbon emission intensity from crop residue by open burning in field in Hubei province, based on date of crop yield from 2009 to 2017 in Hubei province, the major crop residues output were calculated according to the ratio of residue/grain. Combined with the proportion of straw open burning, the amount of straw open burning of main crops in Hubei province from 2009 to 2017 was calculated, and the total amount of CO and CO2 emissions and carbon emissions were further obtained according to relevant emission factors. The results showed that annually production of crop straw in Hubei province was about 32.65×106 t/a; The amount of openly burned straw in the field was about 7.01×106 t/a, which accounted 21.47% of the total production of crop straw, among them, the open burning amount of rice straw accounts for 49.37% of the open buring amount of crop straw. The total amount of CO and CO2 emitted by the open burning of crop straw was 0.72×106 t/a and 9.74×106 t/a, respectively; The total carbon emission was 2.96×106 t/a on average, and the total carbon emission from the open burning of rice, wheat, corn and rape straw was 1.47×106 t/a, 0.50×106 t/a,0.52×106 t/a,0.48×106 t/a, respectively.
    Meteorological condition analysis of growth and development of rapeseed in Hubei province during 2018—2019
    DENG Huan, QIN Peng-cheng, WAN Su-qin, DENG Ai-juan, JU Ying-qin, XIAO Wei-yu
    2020, 59(6):  64-67.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.012
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    The meteorological conditions of rapeseed growth and development in Hubei province from 2018 to 2019 were analyzed. The results showed that during the growth and development of rapeseed of 2018—2019 in Hubei province, the total heat quantity and rainfall in the main rapeseed-producing areas could meet its growing demand. However, there was a light deficiency. The seedling growth statues was weak because it went through agrometeorologica disasters like drought in the seedling stage, low air temperature and deficient light with rain and snow during the overwintering period. During the flowering stage the average lowest air temperature of the whole province was higher than the temperature criterion of chilling damage. There was no segmental fruiting phenomenon. The average air temperature of the whole province was lower than the suitable temperature for apothecia germination of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Moreover, there was no continuous rain and a mild occurrence of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. During the pod-filling stage sunny day and rainy day alternated without a large scale of lodging. Compared with 2017—2018, there was similar meteorological conditions in the seedling stage. But the meteorological conditions showed different advantages or disadvantages during the overwintering period. There was better meteorological conditions this year than 2017—2018 from budding stage to pod-maturing stage in spring.
    Analysis on the spatial-temporal feature of PM2.5 concentration in Zigong city
    WANG Ling-ling, HE Wei, ZHU Yu-lin, LUO Wei, HUANG De-gang, DUAN Xiu-rong
    2020, 59(6):  68-72.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.013
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    Based on the daily average air quality monitoring data of national control stations in Zigong area from 2014 to 2018, the temporal and spatial variations of PM2.5 concentration in Zigong city were analyzed by using multi-scale data. The results showed that the hourly variation trend of PM2.5 concentration in Zigong area was mainly related to human activities and solar irradiation time; The ratio of days of PM2.5 concentration per day reaching the first-class national air quality standard was 27.5%, and the ratio of days reaching the second-class standard was 73.5%; The period of high PM2.5 concentration was mainly in January, February and December; And it had the distribution characteristics of high in spring, autumn, winter and low in summer, and the proportion of days exceeding the standard in winter was as high as 69.02%. The spatial distribution characteristics of PM2.5 concentration were not only affected by the location of monitoring sites, topography, climate and urban structure, but also closely related to the contribution of wind direction and other pollution sources in surrounding cities. Overall, PM2.5 concentration levels were higher in Da'an, Gaoxin and Gongjing district with high industrial output, frequent transportation and dense population.
    The variation characteristics analysis of the initial frost day,final frost day and frost-free period in Luzhong area
    DING Shan-wen, WANG Feng
    2020, 59(6):  73-77.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.014
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    In order to better grasp the impact of frost-free period on agricultural production in Luzhong area and improve the prediction of frost, making full use of national meteorological stations in Luzhong area to use linear trend estimation method, Mann-Kendall mutation analysis, T Sliding, ArcGIS spatial interpolation and other methods analyze the temporal and spatial variation characteristics of frost, the first day and the frost-free period and their relationship with climatic factors and geographical factors in Luzhong area. The results showed that the first frost day was significantly delayed, the final frost day was significantly advanced and the frost-free period was significantly extended in the Luzhong area. The years of mutation were 2003 and 1996 and 2003, respectively. The initial frost day and final frost day and frost-free period were closely related to temperature. The distribution of initial frost day and final frost day and frost-free period was uneven. The first frost days appeared earlier in the central mountainous areas, and gradually delayed from the east and west to the sides. The final frost day first appeared in the northwest. Later was the central and Changyi-Weifang-Anqiu area and the latest was Laiwu, Linqu, Weifang area. The frost-free period was the longest in the northwest, and the shortest appeared in the central and southern mountains. The initial frost day and the final frost day were positively correlated with altitude and longitude and respectively reached a very significant level. The frost-free period was negatively correlated with altitude, and reached a significant level with the influence of altitude.
    The analysis of the character and causes of the disaster of the “16·7” rainstorm in Hebei province
    HU Hui-fang, JING Hua, WEI Jun, ZHANG Su-yun, LI Jiao
    2020, 59(6):  78-83.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.015
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    The character and causes of the disaster of the “16·7” rainstorm in Hebei province were analyzed. The “16·7” torrential rainfall was the second since the meteorological record in Hebei province. The rainstorm coverage set a new record, daily precipitation exceeded the extreme value of July, precipitation concentrated in the Taihang mountains, and the rain was strong and lasted for a long time. It caused 10.436 million people was to be affected, and the direct economic loss was 57.457 billion in Hebei province. From the perspective of the affected industries, infrastructure losses was the most serious; From the disaster-stricken areas, the Taihang mountains in the south-central region were the heaviest, especially in Shijiazhuang, Xingtai and Handan. The main reasons of the disaster wereThe precipitation intensity was large and lasted for a long time, and some areas in the mountainous areas reached once in a hundred years; The Taihang mountain had a large elevation difference, and topographical factors lead to flooding, which was the secondary factor for disasters; A variety of severe weather concurrency, heavy rains in the Taihang mountain were accompanied by strong winds, and coastal winds caused storm surges, aggravating disasters; Unscientific human activities occupying the flood channel were also one of the reasons for the expansion of the disaster.
    Plant Protection
    Isolation and identification of pathogen of pea fusarium wilt in Chongqing city
    ZHANG Hui, MA Lian-jie, FENG Mu-ye, LU Wen-cai, LIAO Dun-xiu
    2020, 59(6):  84-87.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.016
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    The tissue isolation method was used to isolate and purify the pathogen of spot of fusarium wilt of peas in Chongqing city, and the isolates were identified by combining with the analysis of morphology and gene sequence. The pathogenicity of the isolates to the leaves and stems of isolated peas was determined by the method of inoculation without injury. The results showed that five strains were isolated from infected leaves. The colony was round, white flocculent in the early stage and yellowish brown to brown in the later stage; The homology of ITS sequence and G3PDH gene sequences of the tested strain reached 99% with that of Ascochyta pinodes; The results of pathogenicity determination showed that the strain had pathogenicity to both leaves and stems of pea. It indicated that Ascochyta pinodes was the cause of pea blight in Chongqing city.
    Field efficacy test of 3% diflufenican granules to prevent broadleaf weeds in rice transplanting field
    LI Jun-jun, DAI Ling-ling, BAI Xin-sheng, GU An-le, BI Ya-ling
    2020, 59(6):  88-90.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.017
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    In order to identify the effective agent to prevent and remove broadleaf weeds in rice transplanting field, the control effect and safety of 3% diflufenican granules on broadleaf weeds in rice transplanting field were studied. One day before rice transplanting, the field was evenly distributed with the herbicide, and the growth of rice and the control effect of broadleaf weeds were investigated regularly after spraying herbicide 20, 40 days. The results showed that 3% diflufenican granules could effectively prevent and eliminate annual broadleaf weeds such as Ludwigia prostrata, Monochoria vaginalis, Eclipta prostrata. After application, the inhibition effect of 3% diflufenican granules on the growth of weeds was obvious, and it was safe for rice. It was recommended to apply 3% diflufenican granules with the dosage of 135~225 g(a.i)/hm2.
    Effect of mesosulfuron-methyl·florasulam·fluroxypyr-meptyl on weed control,nutrient and yield in wheat field
    ZHU Wen-da, YAN Dong-dong, LI Lin, CAO Ao-cheng
    2020, 59(6):  91-95.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.018
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    The effect of 26% mesosulfuron-methyl·florasulam· fluroxypyr-meptyl oil dispersion(OD) on weed control in wheat field was studied. The wheat yield, the content of N-P-K and water were also analyzed after weed control. The results indicated that the efficacy of weed control was remarkable by 26% mesosulfuron-methyl·florasulam· fluroxypyr-meptyl OD in wheat field. The control efficacy of compound formulation on Malachium aquaticum, Galium aparine, Vicia sativa and Beckmannia syzigachne was ranged from 91.5% to 97.3%, which was significantly higher than three individual herbicides. The accumulation of weed water and nutrients was significantly decreased after weed control. The wheat yield was 3 456.27 to 3 591.27 kg/hm2 after treated with 26% mesosulfuron-methyl·florasulam· fluroxypyr-meptyl OD, which increased by 36.0%~41.2% compared to untreated control. Moreover, the yield income increased by 2 101.65~2 412.15 Yuan/hm2.
    Effect of florasulam·halosulfuron-methyl on weed control,nutrient and yield in wheat field
    ZHU Wen-da, YAN Dong-dong, LI Lin, CAO Ao-cheng
    2020, 59(6):  96-99.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.019
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    The effect of 75% florasulam·halosulfuron-methyl WDG on weed control in wheat field was studied. The wheat yield, the content of N-P-K and water were also analyzed after weed control by florasulam·halosulfuron-methyl. The results indicated that the efficacy of weed control were remarkable by 75% florasulam·halosulfuron-methyl WDG in wheat field. The control efficacy on Galium aparine,Malachium aquaticum and Vicia sativa was 92.9%~99.7%. The accumulation of weed water and nutrients was significantly decreased after weed control. The wheat yield was ranged 3 059.33 to 3 248.40 kg/hm2 after treated with florasulam·halosulfuron-methyl, which increased by 25.70%~33.47% compared to untreated control. Moreover, the yield income increased by 1 438.83~1 873.70 Yuan/hm2.
    Effect of dazomet soil disinfestation on weed control,nutrient and yield in wheat field
    ZHU Wen-da, YAN Dong-dong, LI Lin, CAO Ao-cheng
    2020, 59(6):  100-103.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.020
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    The effect of 98% dazomet GR on weed control in wheat field was studied. The wheat yield, the content of N-P-K and water were also analyzed after weed control by dazomet. The results indicated that the efficacy of weed control was remarkable by 98% dazomet GR in wheat field. The control efficacy of dazomet on Beckmannia syzigachne, Galium aparine, Malachium aquaticum and Vicia sativa was ranged from 87.5% to 99.5%, which was significantly higher than the two control herbicides. After weed control, the consumption of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and water in the field was significantly reduced, and the water and nutrients conditions in the field were effectively improved. The wheat yield was ranged from 2 970.01 to 3 123.77 kg/hm2 after treated with dazomet, which increased by 28.9%~35.6% compared to untreated control. Moreover, the yield income increased by 1 532.38~1 886.02 Yuan/hm2.
    Horticulture & Local Products
    Research on traditional village narrative space based on space syntax:Taking Zhangdian village,Jia county,Henan province as an example
    XU Bo-lun, LI Jiao, FAN Xue-qin, YANG Fang-rong
    2020, 59(6):  104-107.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.021
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    Traditional villages carry people's memory and homesickness, as well as hundreds of thousands of historical stories. Studying the narrative of village space is for better memory. Taking Zhangdian village, Jia county, Henan province as an example,the main narrative elements of its place space was explored, the path of its events and space was analyzed, the space syntax theory and depth map software Depthmap were used to quantitative analysis the narrative space, and some corresponding suggestions for the protection of the traditional villages were puts forward.
    Study on cold resistance of Chaenomeles ornamental plants based on Logistic equation analysis
    TANG Wen, CHEN Jian-miao, ZUO Jin-fu, WANG Yang, WANG Chao-yang, HUANG Fang-wei
    2020, 59(6):  108-111.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.022
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    In order to study the cold tolerance of ornamental plants of the genus Chaenomeles, three different types of Chaenomeles trees were selected as research objects, and their water content, starch content, soluble sugar, and peroxidase(POD), superoxide dismutase(SOD) and relative conductivity and other physiological and biochemical indicators from September to January of next year. Then the Logistic equation was used to solve the semi-lethal temperature, and the membership mean was calculated by the subordination function method to comprehensively evaluate its cold resistance. The results showed that with the increase of cold resistance, the soluble sugar content, POD activity and SOD activity all increased, and the change trend was the same as that of cold resistance. The cold resistance of the stems of the three tree species was Chaenomeles japonica (Thunb.) Lindl. ex Spach<Chaenomeles speciosa (Sweet) Nakai<Chaenomeles sinensis (Thouin) Koehne.
    Quantitative analysis of visual attraction of urban waterfront greenway landscape:Taking the waterfront greenway of Dongfeng canal in Zhengzhou as an example
    HE Xue-hui, YANG Fang-rong
    2020, 59(6):  112-116.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.023
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    Aiming at the problems of such as the destruction of visual resources, model development and lack of characteristic features of waterfront greenway landscape, from the perspective of visual attraction, taking the Zhengzhou Dongfeng canal waterfront greenway as an example, the basic data of 10 indicators such as spatial scale, plant, entity, color, texture, water, dynamic scene, landscape diversity, landscape naturalness and landscape coordination were obtained by OpenCV and SBE methods respectively, then combined with the entropy method to calculate the weight,the factor correlation and stepwise regression analysis were made by SPSS 25.0 software. Finally, the visual attraction model was established and the greenway was evaluated. The results showed that the visual attraction quality of Dongfeng Canal's waterfront greenway was high, Wenbo East Road-Garden Road Section and North Third Ring Road-Xuzhai Road Section were the highest, and Dongming Road-Zhongzhou Avenue section was the lowest, and the difference was significant.
    Evaluation and analysis of waterfront plant landscape in urban specialized parks:Taking Zhengzhou sculpture park as an example
    YU Bing, YANG Yan-ji, LIN Cheng-wang, FENG Li-ming, WANG Peng-fei
    2020, 59(6):  117-125.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.024
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    Taking Zhengzhou sculpture park as the research object, 16 waterfront plant landscape units are selected and integrated with AHP method, landscape aesthetic index method, BIB-LCJ method and SD method to establish a comprehensive evaluation model. The results show that although there are differences between professionals and the public in the evaluation of individual factors, the overall consistency is maintained. The overall plant landscape aesthetics index of the sculpture park is 6.72, which belongs to the general to better level and has research value and promotion space. Factor analysis of four waterfront plant landscape units with scenic beauty greater than 1.500 is carried out by SPSS 25.0 software. The four elements that affect the landscape quality are characteristic factor, cognitive factor, perception factor and experience factor. The contribution rate of characteristic factors is the largest. To improve the quality of waterfront plant landscape, we should not only ensure the basic species richness and water ecology, but also pay attention to the use of ornamental characteristics such as plant color, enhance local landscape characteristics, and shape the theme of special parks with vitality plant elements.
    Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine
    Explorationon development route of beef cattle industry in Hinggan League
    GAO Xiao-xia, YAN Qing-qi, ZHAO Jun-li, HOU Zhi-hui
    2020, 59(6):  126-129.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.025
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    In order to promote the sustainable and high-efficient development of beef cattle industry in Hinggan League, the development status and features of beef cattle industry in this region were summarized in this article from the following aspects of beef cattle production, regional layout, slaughtering processing and sales, technical services and industrial poverty alleviation. Furthermore, the advantages and constraints in development of beef cattle industry in Hinggan League were analyzed, and the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions were proposed.
    Prokaryotic expression of mouse extracellular domain of CD40 and preparation of polyclonal antibody
    CAO Qi, PAN Yue, ZHENG Yu, WANG Han, REN Hong-lin, HU Pan, LI Yan-song, ZHOU Yu, LIU Zeng-shan, LU Shi-ying
    2020, 59(6):  130-134.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.026
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    To investigate the enhanced effect of CD40 antibody binding to CD40 on B-cell response to small molecule haptens,in this study, the total RNA of BALB/c mouse spleen was extracted by TRIzol method and reverse transcribed into cDNA; Primers were designed based on the CDS region of the extracellular domain of CD40, and the target gene was amplified by PCR to construct the pGEX4T-1-CD40 expression vector for prokaryotic expression;The polyclonal antibody was prepared. The results showed that the 522 bp target gene was successfully amplified, CD40 recombinant protein of 45 ku was expressed and purified. The antibody obtained by Western-blot detection not only binds to recombinant protein, but also can specifically bind to mouse spleen natural CD40 protein. Those indicated that the expression of CD40 recombinant protein is successful, and the prepared antibody was expected to mimic CD40L to provide the second signal for B cell activation.
    Aquatic Products
    Effects of chitooligosaccharide on the muscle nutritional components of Yellow river carp
    LYU Cheng-cai, FAN Chao-jie, XIONG Jian-li, CHEN Wan-guang, CHAI Jun
    2020, 59(6):  135-138.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.027
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    To study the effects of chitooligosaccharide on the muscle nutritional components of Yellow river carp, a total of 270 Yellow River carp with initial body weight of (34±3) g were randomly assigned to six treatments which feed different concentrations (0%, 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6%, 0.8%, 1.0%) of chitooligosaccharide for 8 weeks, each treatment had 3 replicates. The results showed that moderate concentration of chitooligosaccharide can improve the protein and ash contents, reduce the water content; change the components of amino acid content, improve the muscle quality, but not affect the muscle relish. The most optimum additive amount in Yellow river carp was 0.6%.
    Comparision of nutrient quality of wild and cultural Scylla paramammosain
    HUANG Ai-xia, LIN Feng, SUN Li-hui, JIANG Rong-xiang
    2020, 59(6):  139-142.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.028
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    The muscle and sexual gonad were separated from wild and cultural Scylla paramammosain (six of each kind, half male and female) for nutrient analysis. The results showed that the differences in moisture, crude protein, crude fat and crude ash between the muscle and gonad of wild and cultured Scylla paramammosain were significant (P<0.05). There were differences between the 17 amino acids detected in muscles and gonads of wild cand cultured crabs. The total amount of flavor amino acids (FAA) in the muscles of wild crabs was significantly lower than that of cultured (P<0.05), and the proportion of essential amino acids (EAA) was significantly higher than that of cultured (P<0.05). There were also differences in the composition of fatty acids in the muscle and gonad of wild and cultured crabs. The fatty acid composition of the two crabs has their own advantages.
    Storage & Processing
    Screening and identification of protease-producing bacteria from alkaline fermentation of excess sludge
    JIE Wei-guang, YAO Yan-xuan, PENG Yong-zhen, HU Wei
    2020, 59(6):  143-147.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.029
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    In order to shorten the alkaline fermentation period of excess sludge, alkaline-tolerant strains with high protease-producing activity were isolated from alkaline fermentation of excess sludge and identified by morphological. physiological, biochemical, and molecular characteristic analysis. The results showed that the two screened alkali-tolerant bacterial strains (HIT-01 and HIT-02 strains) which of high protease-producing activity were belongs to Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus sp. This study opens a new idea for further utilizing the screened dominant strains to construct microbial agents and quickly activate alkaline fermentation of sludge.
    Preparation of basil essential oils and its application in making cigarette
    LI Cheng-bin, ZHANG Jun-song, YANG Shang-ying, LIU Yu-yu, YUAN Lin-cui, YANG Yan-mei, BAO Xiu-ping
    2020, 59(6):  148-152.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.030
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    In order to improve the utilization efficiency of basil essential oils extracted by solvent-free microwave extraction (SFME) and steam distillation (SD), the effect of the two methods on the quality of basil oil, such as yields, aroma quality, volatile components, and its application in cigarette, etc., were evaluated. The results showed that the yield of basil oil by SFME was significantly higher than that by SD. The main aroma components in the basil essential oils by both methods were estragole, but the content in basil essential oil extracted by SFME was 10% higher than that by SD. And other components in the basil oil by the two methods are also with a little different in variety and contents. The application in cigarette showed that the basil essential oil by SFME could improve the sense of sweet and enrich the aroma of smoking.
    Detection Analysis
    Analysis of volatile components of different processed products of Phytolacca acinosa Roxb. by HS-SPME-GC-MS
    MA Yin-yu, LU Jin-qing, DENG Ya-qian
    2020, 59(6):  153-156.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.031
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    The volatile components of different processed products of Phytolacca acinosa Roxb. were compared and analyzed by headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The relative percentage of each component was calculated by area normalization method. Results showed that 39 peaks were detected and 29 constituents were identified, accounting for 76.52% of the volatile constituents. 33 peaks were detected and 27 constituents were identified from vinegar Phytolacca acinosa Roxb., accounting for 68.78% of the volatile constituents. There were 14 volatile components in both. Compared with Phytolacca acinosa Roxb. vinegar Phytolacca acinosa Roxb. has 15 components reduced and 13 components added.
    Determination and law of selenium content in soil and crops of Hanwang town Ziyang county
    LIAO Biao, JIN Hua-feng
    2020, 59(6):  157-159.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.032
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    Hanwang town of Ziyang county was taken as the research object, and the selenium content of some cultivated soils and growing crops in the area were analyzed. The results showed that 619 soil samples were naturally containing selenium, and the highest selenium content reached 44.504 6 mg/kg, with an average of 1.694 3 mg/kg. Among them, 342 selenium-rich soil samples accounted for 55.25% of the total samples; A total of 332 samples were collected, with an average selenium content of 0.284 1 mg/kg, which reached 115 standard samples of selenium enrichment in Shaanxi province, accounting for 34.64% of the total. The average selenium content of the soil was high, and the average selenium content of the growing crops is correspondingly increased. The selenium content of the crops has a certain correlation with the selenium content of the soil.
    Information Engineering
    Improved approach for multi-attribution group decision making based on interval fuzzy evidential reasoning and TOPSIS method
    CAO Cheng, GUO Min
    2020, 59(6):  160-164.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.033
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    Combining interval fuzzy evidential reasoning(FER) and technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution(TOPSIS) method, and TOPSIS group decision-making method was proposed. ER’s distributed expression framework can solve more complex uncertain multi-attribute group decision-making problems, meanwhile, expert reliability was used to modify the expert weight given by subjective experience, which can improve the rationality of ER algorithm applied in MAGDM problem.
    Economy & Management
    Thinking and countermeasures of improving and strengthening kiwifruit industry in Yichang city
    LU Meng-ling, WANG You-hai, LYU Zhi-zao, YAN Hua-jie, CHEN Dan-dan, LI Hong-chang, LYU Min, HUANG Sheng-dong, LI Qiong-jie
    2020, 59(6):  165-168.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.034
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    Based on the investigation and analysis of the current situation and existing problems of kiwifruit industry in Yichang city, the following suggestions were put forward, which included strengthening organizational leadership, integrating scientific and technological resources, scientifically planning layout, optimizing variety structure, improving infrastructure, extending industrial chain, increasing investment in scientific research, highlighting scientific and technological support, focusing on personnel training, strengthening team construction, increasing warning publicity, raising awareness of prevention and control, expanding brand influence, enhancing brand value.The suggestions can provide reference for promoting the healthy and sustainable development of kiwifruit industry in Yichang city.
    The influencing factors and countermeasures of the choice of “House-For Pension”:Taking Hangzhou city as an example
    ZHOU Ping
    2020, 59(6):  169-172.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.035
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    “House-For Pension” is a new way of pension. Taking the elderly residents of Hangzhou city as the research object, the factors influencing of the choice of “House-For Pension” model were analyzed through questionnaires and field surveys. By using logistic regression model, we found that 11 variables had significant influence on the choice of“House-For Pension”,which included the sex of Elderly Residents in Hangzhou city, the monthly income level, the education level, the physical condition, the relationship with children,the satisfaction with existing pension resources,the attitude towards“Supported by the Son”, the understanding of “House-For Pension” policy,the spiritual consolation and economic support of children,the times of the elderly taking care of their grandchildren. Based on the research results, the relevant countermeasures were proposed.
    Study on the legalization of rural governance under the background of rural revitalization
    MA Zhan-ying
    2020, 59(6):  173-177.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.036
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    By explaining the importance and necessity of the rule of law in promoting rural rejuvenation, some rural issues was Inductively analyzed, such as inadequate rural laws and regulations, weak peasants' awareness of the rule of law, and inadequate legal capacity of grass-roots cadres. Specific countermeasures have been proposed, such as improving the legal and regulatory system, strengthening the popularization of laws, and improving the legal quality of grass-roots cadres, so as to better promote the construction of legal countrysiole and promote rural revitalization.
    Research on measurement and improvement path of integration degree between advanced manufacturing industry and modern service industry ——Taking Shanxi province as an example
    SHEN Dan-hong, LI Xiao-ming
    2020, 59(6):  178-183.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.037
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    Based on the background of the transformation in the development of Shanxi province, around the fusion advanced manufacturing and modern service industry development theory, by analyzing the province both internal structure change trends and industry foundation, the measurement fusion of subdivision industry development degree, advanced manufacturing and modern service industry in Shanxi province fusion development trend and the foundation, on the whole the fusion development degree is higher. Finally, according to the existing integration foundation, the advantages and disadvantages of the industry and the supply and demand relationship in Shanxi province, the characteristic integration path was constructed, and the countermeasures and suggestions were put forward from the angle of industry division.
    Thoughts on weaknesses of China’s agricultural technology
    QI Xiao-zhe, LUO Yun-bo
    2020, 59(6):  184-188.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.038
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    Aiming at the weaknesses of agricultural technology development in China, the methods of classification analysis were applied to analyze each one. The results showed that, the weaknesses of agricultural technology development in China are mainly the following aspects, including grain security, storage and transportation of agricultural products, pesticide production technology, animal breeding technology, food nutrition and health, diet and chronic diseases. In order to solve the above shortcomings, it is necessary to reduce the loss of grain circulation, improve the fresh-keeping capacity of agricultural product logistics, increase the competitiveness of pesticides, increase investment in animal breeding, develop functional agricultural industries, and strengthen research on diet nutrition and chronic diseases. At the same time, we must deepen agricultural supply-side structural reforms, allow scientific and technological innovation to lead the development of agricultural technology, and realize the agricultural development vision of "weaknesses, weaknesses, and strengths".
    Research on the perfection of the system of restrictive norms for the transfer of agricultural water rights
    WANG Cong-cong
    2020, 59(6):  189-192.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.039
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    Based on legislative considerations such as the protection function and transfer risk of agricultural water rights, the current law has formulated a number of restrictive regulations on the transfer of agricultural water rights, such as "the subject of transfer is limited to internal members". From the perspective of private law, agricultural water rights have the nature of usufructuary rights and enjoy full legal powers of punishment. According to the perspective of power analysis, the existence of existing restrictive norms has reflected a lot of irrationality. To this end, we can try to take comprehensive measures such as strengthening the economic function of agricultural water rights, abandoning relevant restrictive norms in the current law, and strengthening the government's management and services of circulation, so as to achieve the scientific allocation of restrictive norms of agricultural water rights circulation.
    Research on new media construction of rural river chief system from the perspective of environmental communication
    ZHANG Jie, WANG Rong
    2020, 59(6):  193-197.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.040
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    The cause of the imbalance in the new media coverage of the current rural river chief system issue is clarified that the reporter is affected by the effect of the third person, and the current rural residents' new media usage habits are analyzed. Faced with reports on environmental issues, new media should do a better job of constructing rural issues and grasp the discourse framework so that the public can effectively participate in rural governance issues such as the river chief system, and promote the overall progress of rural water environmental governance and the comprehensive development of farmers.
    Inter-provincial scientific and technological innovation efficiency evaluation and analysis of influencing factors along the “Belt and Road”
    CHEN Cong-cong, MA Xiang-ping
    2020, 59(6):  198-202.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.041
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    By selecting statistical data from 2012 to 2017, a data envelopment analysis (DEA) method was used to construct a two-stage scientific and technological innovation efficiency evaluation index system. Based on the input-output perspective, the technological innovation efficiency of the provinces along the “Belt and Road” was measured, and projection analysis was used to explore the influencing factors of their spatial and temporal differences. Some suggestions were provided for improving the efficiency of scientific and technological innovation in various provinces and rationally allocating scientific and technological innovation resources..
    Evaluation of county-level agricultural leading industry based on AHP-fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model——Based on County A in Shandong province
    PAN Fei, ZHANG Zai-xu
    2020, 59(6):  203-209.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.06.042
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    Combined with the development characteristics of County A in Shandong province, the evaluation principles and evaluation indicators for the county's leading agricultural industries were established, and the AHP-fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model was used to quantitatively evaluate County A and the leading agricultural industries. Vegetables and aquatic products were the leading agricultural industries in the county. The evaluation conclusions, put forward countermeasures and suggestions to improved the development of vegetables and other industries.