
Table of Content

    10 March 2020, Volume 59 Issue 5
    Research progress infingerprint and bioactive components of Dendrobium officinal Kimura et Migo
    GUO Lei, XIAO Kun-min, XU Yang, TAN Da-cong, WANG Jun-min, HUA Yan
    2020, 59(5):  5-9.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.05.001
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    Dendrobium officinal Kimura et Migo has both high edible and medicinal value, which not only contains essential amino acids for human body, but also contains polysaccharides, flavonoids, alkaloids and other bioactive components, these ingredients can reduce blood pressure, blood sugar, anti-tumor and so on. However, it is difficult to identify Dendrobium officinal Kimura et Migo,because of its geographical origin and complex chemical components, use fingerprint technology could provide some theoretical basis to identify and evaluate Dendrobium officinal Kimura et Migo. In addition, domestic and foreign scholars had been isolated and identified polysaccharides, flavonoids, alkaloids and other bioactive components, the effect of these bioactive components was confirmed and their physiological mechanism was deduced. The relevant research on bioactive components and its function mechanism of Dendrobium officinal Kimura et Migo in recent years were summarized,in order to provide some scientific basis for identifying and drug developing of Dendrobium officinal Kimura et Migo.
    Research progress,hot points and inspiration of healthy tourism based on text analysis
    CHANG Xue-ping, HOU Jun-dong, ZHUANG Xiao-li, RUAN Xin-xin
    2020, 59(5):  10-16.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.05.002
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    : With the aggravation of aged population,the society's attention to health is increasing. Tourists hope to strengthen their health when traveling, so healthy tourism market has been expanding, and healthy tourism has become the focus of scholars at home and abroad. The literature measurement method, text analysis method and social network analysis method were used to sort out the relevant research results, and the inscriptions and keywords of relevant literature on the research of healthy tourism at home and abroad were analyzed. Four research hotspots were obtained, including research on healthy tourism resources and product development, research on development countermeasures and trends of healthy tourism, research on medical and healthy tourism, research on forest healthy tourism. The research progress of healthy tourism at home and abroad were summarized, and the future research direction of healthy tourism in China was prospected.
    Breeding & Cultivation
    Breeding and application of new maize variety Hengyu 828 with high-quality and density-resistant
    FANG Yong, HE Zhang-fei, WANG Hai, YU Qin-zhi, ZHOU Yu-ming, LI Yuan-xin, LONG Xing-xiang, ZHU Dong-fu, LI Wei-rong, HUANG Chun-yu
    2020, 59(5):  17-19.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.05.003
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    : Hengyu 828 is a commercial maize(Zea mays L.) variety with the good comprehensive characters and good appearance,high quality,density-tolerant and high yield.It is a hybrid between female parent HS892 and male parent HS2915 which were bred by Guangxi Hengmao Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd.. It combines traditional breeding methods and modern breeding technology. The ear is cylinder-shaped type, 17.4 cm length and 5.0 cm in diameter. The grain is yellow and flint type. The hundred-grain weight is 32.8 g. The average fresh ear yield of spring is about 8 500 kg/hm2 and the yield of autumn is about 8 400 kg/hm2. It takes averagely 112 days in spring and 100 days in autumn from sowing to harvest. It is suitable for planting in Guangxi region.
    Effects of density, fertility on the bolt yield of Brassica napus L
    MA Meng-ya, ZHANG Ya-tao, YAN Guan-bo, HUANG Cheng, MA Chao-zhi
    2020, 59(5):  20-23.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.05.004
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    In order to explore the suitable cultivation methods for oil and vegetable dual-use rape(Brassica napus L.) varieties, and screen out early-ripening rape varieties suitable for cultivation in Hubei province, taking 19 cabbage-type rape varieties, 1 Chinese cabbage variety, and 1 Chinese cabbage variety as materials, the effects of density and fertility on the yield of rape cultivars were studied. The experiment set high density and low fertility (transplanting density of 108,000 plants/hm2, no external application of compound fertilizer), high density and high fertility (transplanting density of 108,000 plants/hm2, adding 1 additional compound fertilizer before pumping, the application rate is about 600 kg/hm2) and low density and high fertility (the transplanting density is 54,000 plants/hm2, and the compound fertilizer is added once before pumping, and the application rate is about 300 kg/hm2). The results showed that among the 21 varieties, compared with low density, under high density condition, 4 varieties increased highly significantly, 8 varieties increased significantly, 6 varieties did not increase significantly, and 3 varieties reduced yield; Compared with low fertility, the yield increase of 9 varieties was significant or extremely significant, and the yield reduction of 7 varieties was significant under high fertility condition;the average yield of 6 late-ripening rapeseed varieties increased by 61.21% under high density condition compared with low density, and increased by 49.50% under high fertility conditions compared with low fertility; the average yield of pupae of 13 early-maturing varieties increased by 31.53% under high density condition compared with low density, but there was no significant change between low fertility and high fertility conditions. It can be seen that increasing planting density helps to increase the yield of rape cultivars. The fertility affects the yield of rape cultivars varies from species to species.
    Effects of different stubble height on the growth and development dynamics,yield of Fengliangyouxiang No.1 ratooning rice
    LEI Zhi-xiang, CHEN Chuan-an, PENG Jun-peng, YUAN Gao-hua, HU Jiong, XIAO Sen, SUN Fan, LIU Dao-hong, XIONG Lu
    2020, 59(5):  24-27.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.05.005
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    : In order to explore the appropriate stubble height of ratooning rice in Tianmen city, Hubei province, taking the Fengliangyouxiang No.1 as experimental materials, the effects of different stubble height on the growth and development dynamics, yield of ratooning rice were studied. The results showed that, as the stubble height of Fengliangyouxiang No.1 increased at the range of 15~45 cm, the growth period shortened, the plant height increased, the ratooning tillers increased, panicle length and grain number per panicle all decreased, effective panicles, and ratooning rate increased, the stubble height of 45 cm showed the highest yield, was 4 570.45 kg/hm2. Comprehensive analysis of the growth period, ratooning rate and yield,the highest stubble height should be reserved for ratooning cultivation of Fengliangyouxiang No.1.
    Resource & Environment
    Research on classification and fusion scale of sentinel-1A and sentinel-2A with different cloud cover
    LUO Dong, LUO Hong-xia, LIU Guang-peng, LEI Xi, FENG Hua-mei
    2020, 59(5):  28-36.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.05.006
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    : This research aimed to improve the utilization ratio of optical remote sensing image in cloudy areas and explore the best fusion scales of different cloud cover optical remote sensing image and SAR image. Taking the Yuzhong area of Chongqing city as the research area, wavelet transform fusion, multiplicative transform fusion and high-pass filter fusion was carried out based on sentinel-1A polarized synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image and different cloud cover of sentinel-2A (cloud volume of 0, 10%, 20%, 30%) multi-spectral images, then the effect of image fusion was evaluated by image evaluation method, finally all images were classified by object-oriented methods,and the final classification accuracy was compared by the confusion matrix. The results show that, in the cloudless case, the wavelet transform has the best fusion effect, and the brightness and contrast of the original multi-spectral image are preserved to the maximum extent, which effectively prevents the loss of image information, and the interpretation ability of the vegetation is obviously improved, but after the fusion the image fidelity is poor, and the other two fusion effects are relatively inferior. Therefore, when multi-source remote sensing data fusion is performed in a cloudy fog region, especially when heterogeneous data is fused, the wavelet fusion algorithm is preferred. When the cloud cover is more than 10%, although the information entropy is slightly increased in the four fusion algorithms, the average gradient and standard deviation are reduced, which makes the interpretation difficult, resulting in the final classification accuracy is slightly lower than the sentinel-2A image, much lower than sentinel-1A images basically cannot meet the requirements for use. Therefore, when performing surface overlay interpretation, it is recommended to replace the optical images with SAR images.
    Analysis on variation of sunshine duration and its influencing factors in Huanggang city in recent 55 years
    GUO Li, YAN Kai-lin, GONG Nian-zu
    2020, 59(5):  37-43.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.05.007
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    : In order to explore the variation rule and the reason of sunshine duration in Huanggang city, Hubei province, under the background of global climate change in the past 55 years, based on the daily sunshine data of nine national meteorological stations in Huanggang city from 1961 to 2015, the sunshine duration variation characteristics in Huanggang city were analyzed by using the linear trend estimation, Mann-Kendall parametric test, 5 years moving ayerage method and wavelet analysis. The results showed that, in the past 55 years, the annual sunshine duration in Huanggang city showed an obvious reduction trend, and the climate tendency rate was -41.576 h/10 a. The decrease of sunshine duration in summer was the most significant and the decrease of sunshine duration was the largest. The monthly sunshine duration in Huanggang city was the highest in August, while the lowest was in February, and the highest sunshine duration was 2.2 times of the lowest one. In August, the decrease of the sunshine duration was the most significant, followed by June and July. The annual sunshine duration of Huanggang city was abruptly changed in 1972, and the mutation was significant. In the past 55 years, there were obvious interannual and interdecadal variations of sunshine duration in Huanggang city, the sunshine duration was mainly controlled by three cycles. In terms of impact factors, the precipitation and vapor pressure were negatively correlated with sunshine duration, which was one of the reasons for the decline of sunshine duration. Although, the amount of total cloud and low cloud had a certain effect on sunshine duration, but not the main cause of sunshine declined.
    Development and utilization management of shallow ground water resources in Jiangyan district
    ZHAO Min, CHEN Jing, ZHOU Hua, YI Peng
    2020, 59(5):  44-48.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.05.008
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    : Since the lack of unified planning, continuous expanding development and utilization of shallow groundwater might resulted partial imbalance in Jiangyan district. Based on the hydrogeological conditions and the parameters from pumping tests, a mathematical model of hydrogeologic in Jiangyan district was established by using Visual MODFLOW software. After continous adjustion of the parameters, the model was proved to be reasonable and effective for its good fitness on water level simulating. It can truly reflect the local hydrogeological conditions, and could be used to predict the shallow the groundwater level in Jiangyan district, and further predict the exploitable amount in future 10 years with the water level as control index. The results showed that the exploitable amount of shallow groundwater in Jiangyan district is 4.670 4 million m3/a till 2030 if current exploitation conditions unchanged. Compared with the actual exploitation situation, the exploitation and utilization potential of shallow groundwater in the study area is 76.41, which was far greater than 1.2. It indicated that under the current mining conditions, the shallow groundwater in the study area still has a certain mining space. Therefore, it is necessary to guide the development and utilization on the shallow groundwater in the study area in strict accordance with the distribution map of the remained shallow groundwater, and arrange the wells scientifically and reasonably at the potential areas.
    Analysis of groundwater chemical characteristics and formation causes of reservoirs in Guangxi based on SPSS
    LIU Guo-zi, YANG Feng-gen, XU Bing
    2020, 59(5):  49-53.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.05.009
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    : The multi-statistical analysis software was used to analyze the chemical characteristics and formation causes of the groundwater in the reservoir area of Guangxi. Through correlation analysis, factor analysis and cluster analysis, it was found that the groundwater components were highly correlated and the dependence was high. The chemical types of water in factor 1, factor 2, and factor 3 were bicarbonate-chloride-calcium type water, sulfuric acid-magnesium potassium type water, and sulfuric acid-potassium sodium type water, which were basically consistent with the Shukalev classification. The karstification (dolomite, limestone, rock salt dissolution), cation exchange adsorption and gypsum leaching of the study area had certain influence on the chemical characteristics of groundwater. The chemical characteristics of groundwater showed obvious spatial and temporal differences, and the dominant group of groundwater in different locations were different.
    Spatial distribution characteristics and impact factors of eutrophication in Jingpo lake
    LIU Yu
    2020, 59(5):  54-56.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.05.010
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    : Based on the chlorophyll a concentration and synchronous Landsat 8 OLI data of Jingpo lake in September 2015, a combined band model of chlorophyll a concentration was established. According to the principle of goodness of fit and validation accuracy, the optimal inversion model was determined as(B4+B5)/B3. The results showed that the spatial distribution of eutrophication in Jingpo lake is different by Carlson index method. Among them, most parts of the lake area belonged to the state of medium nutrition, the south part of the lake was in the state of poor nutrition, and the lake area near Jingbo township was in the state of eutrophication.
    Response of nitrogen uptake and root traits of rapeseed to the low nitrogen stress
    CHEN Zhuo, HU Yi-fan, HAN Yong-liang
    2020, 59(5):  57-62.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.05.011
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    : In order to explore the response of nitrogen (N) uptake and root traits of rapeseed (Brasscia napus L.) to the low N stress, two conventional rapeseed varieties, “814” and Xiangyou15, with hydroponics cultured, were used as experimental material, and three nitrogen treatments 10, 3 and 1 mmol/L NO3- were set up with 10 mmol/L as control. The amount of N absorbed and its N-uptake efficiency of repseed were determined as well as the root-shoot ratio, root volume, root absorbing area, root diameter, the whole root length and the branching number were assayed. The correlation between the N-uptake efficiency and root morphological characters were analyzed. Moreover, the root activity and the activity of H+-ATPase in root plasma membrane were measured. The results showed that the amount of N absorbed by rapeseed was decreased, but the N-uptake efficiency increased under low-N stress. The roots of rapeseed were elongated and showed more branches with lower root volume and higher root absorbing area in the low-N treatments compared with the control. The root activities showed no significant difference between the treatment with control and the treatment with 3 mmol/L NO3- supplied, however, the root activity showed significantly decreased with 1 mmol/L NO3- supplied. Compared with normal N supplied, the activities of H+-ATPase in root plasma membrane of rapeseed were significantly increased under low N stress. It showed significant difference on the H+-ATPase activity of rapeseed among the treatments with 10 mmol/L, 3 mmol/L and 1mmol/L N supplied.
    Effects of biogas manure combined with chemical fertilizer on spring maize growth traits
    LIU De-yao, ZHAO Jin-xi, LIU Xiao, WANG Xue-fen, HAN Shou-liang, SUN Hui, LIU Xin-cheng
    2020, 59(5):  63-66.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.05.012
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    : The purpose of this experiment is to study the effects of combined application of biogas manure and chemical fertilizer in different proportions on the growth traits of spring maize (Zea mays L.). Spring maize variety Jinhai No.5 was selected as experimental material and 6 different fertilizer treatments were set up, labelled as CK(no fertilizer), ZH20(20% biogas manure+80% chemical fertilizer), ZH50(50% biogas manure+50% chemical fertilizer), ZH80(80% biogas manure+20% chemical fertilizer), ZF100(100% biogas manure). The nitrogen application of the 5 fertilization treatments were all 352.5 kg/hm2. Filed trails were conducted in randomized block design to study the effects on leaf development, plant height, earing traits and photosynthesis in five key growth stages (jointing stage, small bell-mouthing stage, big bell-mouthing stage, tasseling and silking stage and physiological maturity). The results showed the application of 100% biogas promoted leaf growth most obviously at jointing stage and big bell-mouthing stage; Before big bell-mouth stage, the treatments with higher proportion of chemical fertilizer significantly improved the contents of chlorophyll, and there was no significant difference after big bell-mouth stage.
    Study on technology of accelerating decomposition on maize straw in semiarid area
    LIU Fang-ming, DOU Jin-gang, GAO Yu-shan, SUN Yun-yun, HOU Zhong-hua, LIU Hui-tao
    2020, 59(5):  67-71.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.05.013
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    : This experiment studied the kinds of straw decomposing agents and the applying amounts of urea and organic fertilizer on the decomposition ration, decomposition rate and maize yield with nylon mesh bag method, in order to improve the technology of returning straw in semi-arid and construct the returning straw model of accelerating decomposition suitable for local production conductions. The results showed that the proper applying amount of urea 75 kg/hm2 and organic fertilizer 45 t/hm2 could significantly promote straw decomposition ration and decomposition rate(P<0.05), and its maize yield increased 11.84% (P<0.05). The straw decomposing agent from Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences had better effects, accelerated decomposition (P<0.05) and its maize yield could significantly increase 1.34% (P>0.05).
    Basic research on application of microbial composite agents for rapid volume and weight reduction of heavy metal hyperaccumulator plants
    LIANG Zhu-ming, LUO Xue-gang
    2020, 59(5):  72-77.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.05.014
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    : In order to solve the key technical problems of quickly process large quantities of hyperaccumulator plant bodies at low cost after environmental bioremediation,a composite agent consisting of Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus licheniformis, and plants such as Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) with strong enrichment ability for heavy metals were used in fundamental research of reducing the volume and weight of hyperaccumulator plants. The experiments result showed that the volume-reducing rate of hyperaccumulator plants treated with microbial vomposite agents reached 96% with 23 percentage point more than the control group. And the degradation rates of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin reached 69.06%, 80.75% and 28.59%,with 27.35,14.75,5.49 percentage point more than the control group. The experimental results show that the microbial composite agents have significant volume reduction and weight reduction abilities for heavy metal hyperaccumulators plants and potential application prospects.
    Effects of fermentation factor on the decomposing rate and lignocellulose degradation during fermentation of wolfberry branches substrate
    FENG Hai-ping, LI Xin, XIE Hua, YANG Dong-yan, PEI Hong-xia
    2020, 59(5):  78-83.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.05.015
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    : The characteristics of the lignocellulose degradation were studied during the fermentation of wolfberry branches substrate. By design of orthogonal experiment, wolfberry powder branches and sophora alopecuroides stem powder mixed in ratio of 4∶1 were used to study the influence of fermentative factors on fermentation rotten rate and lignocellulose during the fermentation of wolfberry branches. The results showed that, by the end of the fermentation, the treatment, which the pile body is more branches, the decomposing rate is higher, accelerate the decay of the Chinese wolfberry powder branches on turns heap temperature of 60 ℃, water of 60%,added oil cake and inoculated with coarse cellulose degrading bacteria, promoted the decomposing and pile body, and can shorten the time of wolfberry rotten branches. Temperature, water, nitrogen and exogenous microorganisms had significant or extremely significant effect on the degradation of lignocellulose. Degree of lignocellulose degradation was shown as following order: hemicellulose, cellulose, lignin, the degradation rates of hemicellulose and lignin stayed above 20% and 11%. The treatment, which turns heap temperature of 60 ℃, water of 60%, added oil cake and inoculated with coarse cellulose degrading bacteria,the higher degradation rates of lignocellulose were got, resulting in promoting more effective degradation on organic matter.
    Horticulture & Local Products
    Introduction and screening of new facilities autumn varieties in Wuhan city
    SUN Xiong-jun, CHEN Hong, DENG Xiao-hui, HE Shi-yu, BAO Xi-feng, REN Zhi-yong, YOU Ze-shuang
    2020, 59(5):  84-87.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.05.016
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    : Based on the botanical characters, resistance, yield and molecular markers of eight tomato varieties, new tomato varieties suitable for facility cultivation in autumn in Wuhan were screened. The results showed that the two varieties, Ansadi and Dida, had high yields and were resistant to yellow leaf curl virus disease(Ty-1), root-knot nematode disease and tobacco mosaic virus disease. The fruit has good commercial properties and meets the consumption habits of Wuhan, thus can be promoted in Wuhan and surrounding areas. According to molecular marker detection, Maiami contains the Ty-2 gene.
    Analysis of amino acid metabolism in tobacco leaves among different varieties
    LI Hong-chen, ZHU Shun-cheng
    2020, 59(5):  88-91.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.05.017
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    : To screen high-quality flue-cured tobacco varieties and clarify the differences in amino acid metabolism among flue-cured tobacco varieties, the dynamic changes of proline, glutamic acid and aspartic acid metabolism key enzyme activities and amino acid content during the tobacco leaf growth of Yuyan 10, NC89 and Zhongyan 100 were studied. The results showed that at 20 days of leaf age, the activities of Δ1-pyrroline-5-carboxylic acid synthetase, ornithine aminotransferase, proline dehydrogenase, aspartate aminotransferase and aspartate kinase all increased first and then decreased, the peak is at leaf age 30~40 d, Yuyan 10 had the highest enzyme activity; the content of proline in tobacco leaves increased continuously; after 30 days of leaf age, the content of proline in Yuyan 10 changed to highest. The content of free amino acids increased first, then decreased and then increased, and Yuyan 10 was the highest at each stage of leaf age.
    Effects of ryegrass overturning on the agronomic,photosynthetic physiological and economic traits of flue-cured tobacco
    LI Heng-quan, LI Jin-qiu, MA Ming-hong, ZHANG Xue-ying, YANG Xin-yu, WANG Jing-ying
    2020, 59(5):  92-95.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.05.018
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    : Tobacco variety of 'Longjiang 911' was used as experimental materials, a field experiment was conducted to study the effect of returning ryegrass on agronomic trait, chlorophyll content, photosynthetic characteristics and economic character of flue-cured tobacco. The results showed that the overturning pressure of ryegrass could promote the growth of plant height. The plant height was increased by 21.89%, 14.75% and 10.85% compared with the control(CK2). The agronomic character and photosynthetic characters were improved, and increased the yield and output value. The output value increased by 5.27%, 24.89% and 2.13% compared with the control (CK2), thereby improved the economic character of flue-cured tobacco. The agronomic character and economic character of the second batch of flue-cured tobacco were relatively good. Photosynthetic characters are the best for the first batch of conventional fertilization(T1). There were no significant differences in conventional fertilizers (T1) and reduced fertilizers (T2), indicating that ryegrass as a green manure may partially replace chemical fertilizers.
    Effects of different cultivation models on yield and quality of clematis
    SHI Man-rong, LUO Yi-fa
    2020, 59(5):  96-100.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.05.019
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    : In order to optimize the artificial cultivation techniques for clematis(Anoectochilus roxburghii), orthogonal design experiments were used to study the effects of different cultivation substrates, different densities, and different fertilizers on the yield and effective components of A. roxburghii. The results showed that the cultivation substrate, planting density, and fertilizer had very significant effects on A. roxburghii polysaccharides, amino acids, and vitamin C; the cultivation substrate and planting density had significant effects on ash content; and the fertilizer had significant effects on Ca content. Synthesizing the effects of three factors on the effective components and economic yield of clematis, taking the cultivation substrate as peat soil∶coconut bran∶sand=4∶2∶1, cultivation density 3 cm×3 cm, and fertilizer management with No. 2 Feihuabao No.5 1 000 times solution+amino acid 1 000 times solution can promote economic benefits and quality improvement of clematis.
    Response of seed germination of Monarda didyma to environmental factors
    LIU Na
    2020, 59(5):  101-105.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.05.020
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    : A multi-factor experimental design was used to explore the effects of different environmental conditions such as light, temperature, moisture, salt, plant hormones and heat shock on the germination characteristics of American mint (Monarda didyma) seeds. The results showed that light and gibberellin can significantly promote the germination of American mint seeds, which can shorten the germination time of seeds and increase the germination rate of seeds. Seeds treated with 200 mg/L gibberellin had the highest germination rate of 87.78%. Heat shock treatment shortened the germination time of American mint seeds, and the highest germination rate was at 28 ℃ for 24 h. The best temperature for seed germination is 23~25 ℃, 25 ℃ is conducive to seedling growth. The seed germination rate, germination index and vitality index decreased significantly with the increase of water stress and salt stress. When the concentration of polyethylene glycol (PEG) is 0.15 g/mL, the germination rate is significantly lower than that of the control, and the seeds cannot germinate at 0.20 g/mL. The germination rate of NaCl concentration of 50 mmol/L was significantly lower than that of the control, and the seeds could not germinate at 400 mmol/L.
    Effects of pruning intensity and number of remaining buds on second flowering of Lagerstroemia indica
    SHA Fei, YANG Hai-niu, LIU Fang, YE Yao-mei
    2020, 59(5):  106-109.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.05.021
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    : The five-year potted seedlings of Japanese multicolored (Lagerstroemia indica) were used as test materials. The effects of pruning intensity and the number of remaining buds on the secondary flowering of L. indica were studied using a two-factor completely randomized block design. The results showed that pruning intensity had a significant effect on sprout length, and the germination of light and medium-sized cutting shoots was better. The pruning intensity and the number of remaining buds and their combinations have extremely significant effects on the flower branch length, inflorescence length, and the number of inflorescences of the L. indica after pruning. The index of inflorescence length, number of small flower branches, and inflorescence number of the whole plant were slightly higher with slight cutting and moderate cutting with 4 buds respectively. Pruning intensity has a greater effect on the main phenological stages such as the initial flowering stage, the flowering stage, and the last flowering stage after prunes. L. indica can be re-flowered by trimming, and the flowering period can be prolonged by 55 d. Different pruning intensities and the number of remaining buds can effectively affect the condition of flowering again of L. indica.
    Effect of low potassium stress on defensive enzyme activity of Tagetes patula
    WHANG Hong-yu, ZHANG Yan-li, ZONG Xian-chun
    2020, 59(5):  110-112.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.05.022
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    : Hydroponic methods were used to set five different potassium supply levels of 0.32,0.22,0.12,0.02,and 0.00 g/L to study the response of defensive enzymes of peacockgrass (Tagetes patula L.) to low potassium stress. The results showed that with the gradual decrease of potassium concentration, the activities of POD, SOD, and CAT of peacockgrass increased gradually; MDA content increased sharply; root plasma membrane permeability increased with decreasing potassium concentration. It was concluded that the defense enzyme activity of peacockgrass gradually increased under low potassium stress.
    Animal Science
    Ant community composition of southeastern Yunnan
    ZHU Hui-qin, XU Zheng-hui, HE Yu-cheng, HE Juan, ZHANG Peng, WANG Liang, ZHANG Yang, LIU Ping
    2020, 59(5):  113-120.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.05.023
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    : In order to reveal ant diversity regularity in southeastern Yunnan, ant community composition of the area was surveyed through sample-plot method. Totally 10 subfamilies, 64 genera and 197 species of Formicidae were recognized. One dominant species(Pseudolasius sp.1, occupying 0.51%), 2 common species(occupying 1.02%), 18 relatively common species (occupying 9.14%), 38 relatively rare species(occupying 19.29%), and 138 rare species(occupying 70.05%) are found in the ant community of southeastern Yunnan. The richness of rare species helps to increase the value of biodiversity conservation in the area. Among the 5 surveyed vertical zones, their ant community composition has expressed obvious differences. The vertical zones of Shizong and Qiubei-Shizong have relatively higher average elevation, less vegetation types and simple tree species, therefore poor ant species are found in the community. In contrast, the vertical zones of Xichou-Malipo and Maguan-Hekou have relatively lower average elevation, rich vegetation types and complex tree species, therefore plentiful ant species are found in the community. It provides good conditions for the survival of ants, and the ant community is rich in species. A number of undetermined ant species are found in area, which indicates that a taxonomic work is necessary.
    Detection Analysis
    GC-MS analysis of chemical constituents of volatile oil from different Thunber giaerecta of Yao medicine of ravea graffiti in Guangxi
    ZHANG Xun, HE Qi-fa, QIN Shuang, YANG Hu-qiang, ZHOU Yi-hang, HUANG Jian-jun
    2020, 59(5):  121-123.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.05.024
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    : To analyze the chemical constituents of the essential oil of Yao medicine from different producing Thunbergia grandiflora. The results showed that 49 chromatographic peaks were isolated from shitun, Bailong beach, Mashan and 24 chemical constituents were identified, accounting for 88.78% of the total volatile oil. 49 chromatographic peaks were isolated from Hongdu village, Chengjiang town, Duan county, and 30 chemical constituents were identified, accounting for 88.38% of the total volatile oil. 48 chromatographic peaks were isolated from Longwan township, Duan county, and 25 chemical constituents were identified, accounting for 80.01% of the total volatile oil. Nine of the chemical constituents of the volatile oil from the three places of origin are common to the three. It can be seen that the main components of volatile oil from different producing areas are different.
    Product quality evaluation of citrus peel pu’er tea in Pubei county,Guangxi
    HE Qiu-yun, FENG Xiao-bin, LIU Yue-dong, HE Min, CHEN Xu-yu, YANY Li-wen, LI Qin
    2020, 59(5):  124-128.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.05.025
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    : Pysical and chemical indexes,heavy metals,pesticide residues and microbe of citrus peel pu’er tea in Pubei county, Guangxi of different manufacturers were were analyzed and evaluation by standards requirement. The results shows that moisture content were 7.25~11.50 g/100 g,ash content were 5.2%~7.9%, water extract content were 26.4%~33.4%,tea polyphenol content were 5.1%~13.1%; lead content were 0~0.079 mg/kg,arsenic content were 0~0.062 mg/kg, cad-mium content were 0.015~0.034 mg/kg, chromium content were 0.73~1.02 mg/kg, copper content were 8.65~15.70 mg/kg; 5 (HCH、bifenthrin,endosulfan,profenofos,chlorpyrifos) within the 16 pesticide residues haved detected in small amount of samples,microbial indicators: total colonies, coliforms and fungi were detected in different quantities, all detected results were under corresponding standard limits. Other pesticide residues and pathogens(salmonella, shigella and staphylococcus aureus) in all samples were not founded. Research shows, the physical and chemical indexes,heavy metals,pesticide residues and microbe of citrus peel pu’er tea in Pubei county, Guangxi were in line with the standards and its products were safe and reliable.
    Information Engineering
    Design and implementation of meteorological assistant decision system based on C/B/S
    QIU Zhong-yang, WU Jing-lu, LIU Wen-wei, CHEN Hong-bo
    2020, 59(5):  129-137.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.05.026
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    : Comprehensive analysis and summary of the current city-level forecasting business and meteorological service work characteristics and existing problems. In the process of forecasting product production, the problems of different sources of reference materials, various distribution channels, changeable business platform, and delay of early warning information transmission are discussed. A solution based on C/B/S meteorological disaster warning decision support system is proposed. First, it analyzes and classifies the auxiliary decision data source and the concrete forecast business production, and formulate mixed mode that use the multi thread C/S data processing and the B/S data display. In the overall framework of the system, the Oracle database storage service, the WebGIS technology, leaflet plugin, the Mybatis framework of the background service are used. The article elaborates on the technical design schemes of the system and gives the specific design method under the mixed mode. The actual operation results show that the model greatly improves the real-time and flexibility of the system, and the efficiency of forecasting business services has also been improved.
    Identification of Pu'er tea origin based on near infrared spectroscopy
    LI Yu-jin, LI Chao, LI Jia-hua, SHI Wei, LI Zhe, YAO Ying-fang, ZHANG Yan-cheng
    2020, 59(5):  138-141.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.05.027
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    : 81 Pu'er tea samples from three different producing areas, such as Xishuangbanna, Pu'er City and Linyi City, were studied. Among them, 54 were corrected and 27 were verified. A single Pu'er tea sample was collected by near-infrared spectroscopy at 1100- The spectral data in the range of 2498 nm was established by principal component cluster analysis and discriminant analysis to establish a qualitative analysis model for Pu'er tea production. The test results show that the correct recognition rate of the correction set of the two analytical models is greater than 90%, which can be used for the identification of Pu'er tea origin. Among them, the discriminant analysis model based on the discriminant analysis method is better, and the correctness rate of the calibration set and the verification set is 98.15% and 100%, which is more suitable for the identification of Pu'er tea origin. Therefore, the application of near-infrared spectroscopy technology can quickly and non-destructively identify the origin of Pu'er tea, providing a new method for the detection of Pu'er tea production.
    Neighbor-based malicious node detection in wireless sensor networks
    YANG Zhi-qiu, CHEN Li-min, ZHANG Dan
    2020, 59(5):  142-144.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.05.028
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    : Due to faults or malicious nodes,the sensor data collected or reported might be wrong. In this paper, we present a neighbor-based malicious node detection scheme for wireless sensor networks. Computer simulation shows that most of the malicious nodes reporting against their own readings are correctly detected unless they behave similar to the normal nodes.
    Biological Engineering
    The interaction of Lj5NG4 and LjNFR1 in Lotus japonicus regulates the infection of Rhizobium
    SONG Jia-bin, DUANMU De-qiang
    2020, 59(5):  145-151.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.05.029
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    : Using the Lotus japonicus nodule factor receptor kinase LjNFR1 as a bait and a yeast membrane two hybrid library constructed with transcripts harvested at different stages of nodule symbiosis, we identified an auxin related transporter protein Lj5NG4. The interaction between Lj5NG4 and LjNFR1 was further confirmed by yeast two hybrid and Split-Luc experiments. Using CRISPR-Cas9 and overexpression technology, we conclude that Lj5NG4 may play a negative regulatory role in the early stage of rhizobial infection, but had no significant effect on nodule formation. Meanwhile, promoter expression also confirmed that Lj5NG4 was strongly expressed in root hairs at the early stage of infection, but not in inner mature nodules. Exogenously applied auxin treatment showed that low concentration of auxin weakened the phenotype of Lj5NG4 mutant, indicating that auxin plays a role in the development of symbiotic nodules.
    Economy & Management
    Moderating effect of brand reputation on network sales of agricultural products——Based on analysis of online comments
    GUO Min, ZHOU Ya-xin
    2020, 59(5):  152-156.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.05.030
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    : Based on the survey data of 10 223 reviews on long-grain rice in Jingdong Mall, the effects of online custom reviews(OCRs) on product sales were analyzed. A factor model of long rice sales were set up to study the effects of brand reputation on product sales and verified by the actual crawler data. The results showed that the brand with high reputation had more significant regulating effect on the comments polarity, while the brand with low reputation had more significant regulating effect on the high-frequency words of product attributes. It provides a theoretical basis and method for online sales of agricultural products and online customer comment processing. It suggested that enterprises and e-commerce platforms need to develop differentiated strategies of product sales according to the brand and development process.
    Spatio-temporal coupling effect of rural poverty alleviation on county economic development:An empirical study based on 88 districts and counties in Guizhou province
    KONG Shu-qi
    2020, 59(5):  157-164.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.05.031
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    : In this paper, the overall situation of economic development level and poverty incidence in 88 districts and counties of Guizhou province were analyzed by traditional statistical methods and exploratory spatial data. From the combination perspective of global and local space, the coupling interaction between county economic development and poverty were revealed to seek the coordinated development of regional economic development and poverty alleviation from the perspective of spatial coupling effect and provide a dynamic mechanism for the sustainability of precise poverty alleviation. The result showed that the regions with better economic development in Guizhou Province mainly distributed in the central, northern and northwestern regions. The overall distribution of poverty incidence is "U" type situation that low in the north-central, high in the southwest part of Guizhou Province. The poverty reduction rate in some parts of Northern Guizhou and southwest Guizhou presented more rapidly. The degree of coupling and coordination between economic development and poverty incidence showed a downward trend in the study period, and the spatial distribution was significantly different. The low coupling coordination area is mainly located in the districts of Guiyang City and the surrounding counties, which developed well in economic and fully played a radiation driving role and trickle-down effect of the economy. Highly coupled and coordinated areas are mainly located in southeastern Guizhou, which belong to spatial poverty trap area. It suggested that the policies such as relocation and industrial poverty alleviation, etc., should be continuously promoted in Guizhou Province to make up for the poverty-stricken districts and counties.
    Study on the innovation efficiency and influencing factors of agricultural science and technology in Xinjiang based on DEA-Tobi model
    HE Feng-lin, WU Zheng-ping
    2020, 59(5):  165-168.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.05.032
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    : Based on the data from 2007 to 2017, a model was established by using the DEA method to evaluate and analyze the comprehensive efficiency of agricultural science and technology innovation in Xinjiang, the integrated efficiency was decomposed into pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency, the utilization degree and expenditure scale of agricultural science and technology innovation in Xinjiang in each year were discussed. On this basis,a limited dependent variable random effect tobit model was built, the scale of Xinjiang agricultural science and technology innovation efficiency was as explained variables. The explanatory variable took in the actual observation of agricultural technology market turnover, agricultural R&D funds investment, agricultural technical personnel number, total power of agricultural mechanization, agricultural patent authorized number,fertilizer application, agricultural science and technology papers published and the total value of farm output. Tobit model was used to calculate the influencing factors and to analyze the influence degree.On the basis of the empirical results, according to the actual situation,some suggestions on the efficiency of agricultural science and technology innovation in Xinjiang were put forward.
    Study on the construction of auxiliary guarantee mechanism of public right of agricultural genetic resources based on benefit goal
    LIU Lu
    2020, 59(5):  169-172.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.05.033
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    : With the development of biotechnology, people pay more attention to the external value of agricultural genetic resources, such as economy, bio-genetic and the internal value of social development and ecological construction,the contradiction between the protection and utilization of genetic resources is intensified. How to promote the protection of agricultural genetic resources in the process of utilization has become the focus of attention.On the basis of law, in the field of integrated environmental resources, economics and ecology, the legislative goal is to make sustainable use of agricultural genetic resources and to share the benefits of agricultural genetic resources equitably. With regard to the protection of agricultural genetic resources, there are two kinds of regulation by public law and private law. At the same time, it avoids the disorder competition problem caused by the regulation of single private law.In the use of agricultural genetic resources, through the realization of the right to know, common agreed terms, model contract provisions, establish a fair benefit-sharing mechanism to give full play to the role of agricultural genetic resources rights in promoting biodiversity.
    Challenges and countermeasures of exported agricultural enterprises against the background of the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic
    LUO Peng
    2020, 59(5):  173-175.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.05.034
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    : Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, China's export-oriented agricultural enterprises have encountered many challenges, such as production, transportation and international trade disputes. To address the plight of export-oriented agricultural enterprises, the Chinese government and local financial institutions have implemented a series of help measures. In combination with the current situation of the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic and legal rules,the challenges faced by Chinese export-oriented agricultural enterprises were combed,some suggestions to deal with them from the perspective of enterprises themselves and national governments were put forward, respectively, to provide a path choice for Chinese export-oriented agricultural enterprises to get out of the real predicament.
    Rural Revitalization
    Driving mechanism and evaluation of traditional village landscape under the background of rural revitalization strategy
    HUANG Xue-hong, WU Rong-tao, SU Zhi-guo, YANG Fang-rong
    2020, 59(5):  176-182.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.05.035
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    : Taking 35 national traditional villages in the central Henan province as a sample, the landscape driving mechanism under the background of the rural revitalization strategy was stuedied from the perspective of the driving force of traditional village landscape changes. The results show that the lack of consideration of socio-economic factors is an important factor affecting and restricting the protection and development of traditional villages. The indicators of social and economic factors of the village are selected, and a comprehensive evaluation system model is constructed based on the harmony degree equation. The weight values of different socio-economic coefficients of traditional village selection are studied to promote the reasonable selection and effective protection of traditional villages and achieve the sustainable development of traditional villages as a whole.
    Thoughts on the development direction of Chinese agricultural products regional brand
    ZHANG Mei, MA Zhong
    2020, 59(5):  183-186.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.05.036
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    : Developing agricultural products regional brand is an effective way to deepen supply-side structural reform in agriculture and it is also a key measure to solve a series of problems such as increasing agricultural production without increasing income, low quality balance, serious homogeneity of products and structural contradiction between supply and demand in the market. On the basis of literatures review about agricultural products regional brand,it is showed that more studies should be done in future studies in the following aspects,such as brand positioning,top-level design,quality assurance,traditional agricultural heritage protection and germplasm resource protection, so as to improve the theory system of agricultural products regional brand.
    Civil elites and grassroots governments:the dual forces in industrial transformation——A case study of Dan village,Jiangsu province
    LI Hong-xiang
    2020, 59(5):  187-190.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.05.037
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    : Based on Dan Village as an example, the role of private elites and grassroots governments in industrial transformation has been analyzed and discussed. The study found that the industrial transformation of Dan Village stems from the bottom-up autonomous exploration of folk elites and the follow-up advancement of the grassroots government from top to bottom. The private elite explored the industrial transformation alone before the grassroots government intervened. After its success, it used its own influence to drive the public to achieve transformation. The grassroots government is involved in the transformation in the context of the environmental problems caused by the original industry. It further promotes the industrial transformation of Dan Village by supporting early elites, creating a transformation atmosphere, improving infrastructure, providing technical training, and introducing preferential policies.
    Two-layer residents overweight influencing factors based on individual, community
    TAO Xiao-fang,ZHU Zhan-qiang,ZHOU Su-hong
    2020, 59(5):  191-196.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.05.038
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    Based on 706 questionnaires collected from 26 typical communities in Guangzhou city,combined with community environmental survey, the residents' overweight prevalence and its influencing factors were investigated, as well as the community difference of overweight and its causes using multilevel linear regression model. The results showed that the overweight rate was 32.15%. In terms of individual factors, age was positively correlated with overweight probability. Married residents had a higher overweight probability than unmarried residents. The overweight probability of high-income residents was lower than that of lower-middle income residents. Walking fitness time was negatively correlated with overweight probability. In terms of the community environment, the number of park and squares around the community was negatively correlated with overweight probability. The residents’ overweight probability in indemnificatory housing and historic districts was higher than that of residents in commercial housing communities.Besides, the number of physical activity facilities around the community was positively correlated with overweight probability which defied common sense and the reason of this phenomenon was probably that overweight residents took the initiative to physical activities. There were community differences in residents’ overweight probability. Community physical activity environment could explain 2.03% of the community differences, while community physical activity environment and residential type could jointly explain 44.91% of the community differences. In a word,residents’ overweight probability was affected by both individual and community factors so it’s important to regulate excess weight at both levels.
    Endogenous mechanism principle promotes developing rural economy in new era
    WANG Rui-juan, LUO Xin-yan
    2020, 59(5):  197-200.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.05.039
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    To realize the sustainable development of rural economy is the most important task for China to become a modern powerful country. In the new era, China's rural economic development is characterized by strong national policy supports, transforming economic development mode, renewal development concepts of farmer and rapid growth of rural economic development. However, at the same time of development, there are still deficiencies such as low power at implementation of rural economic development policy, fixed development model, passice development concept, and insufficient development motion, etc. Therefore, to realize truly sustainable development of rural economy and the transformation of rural economy from blood transfusion to hematopoiesis, the construction of policy endogenous mechanism must be strengthened, the concept of farmers' passive development must be changed, the mode of rural economic development must be activated, and the mechanism of talent introduction must be improved.