
Table of Content

    25 February 2020, Volume 59 Issue 4
    Structure and signal regulation mechanism of phytochrome
    ZHANG Yuan-yuan
    2020, 59(4):  5-9.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.001
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    Light signals participate in and regulate multiple reactions in plant life cycles, and plants can obtain diverse optical information through their own photoreceptors. Phytochrome(phy) is one of the phytochrome proteins that sense red/far-red light, which plays an important role in developmental transitions such as germination and flowering, and adaptive responses such as phototropism and shade avoidance. Phytochromes exist in two interchangeable forms, the Pr form absorbs R light, whereas the Pfr form absorbs FR light, and this difference is evident in the structure of them. The structural differences and signal regulation mechanisms of the two forms of photopigmentation are reviewed. Moreover, we take the regulation of phytochrome on plant photosynthesis as an example to illustrate the significance of phytochrome for plant growth and development. Finally, the directions for future studies are discussed.
    Research progress of quorum sensing in Staphylococcus aureus
    HONG Zheng-shan, HUANG Yu-mei, YANG Ke, ZENG Chun-hui
    2020, 59(4):  10-12.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.002
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    The known group effect systems in Staphylococcus aureus are the Agr system and LuxS/AI-2 system, which are activated when the bacterial concentration is equal to or greater than 1×107 CFU/mL, and indirectly or directly regulates the production and degradation, bacterial toxin secretion, and bacterial growth of the biofilm by regulating the corresponding genes. The research progress of the group effects of Staphylococcus aureus were reviewed, and a new direction for future research on Staphylococcus aureus was found. There is an inevitable relationship between the pathogenicity of Staphylococcus aureus and the formation of biofilms and the quorum sensing system of Staphylococcus aureus.
    Zyxin protein function in cells and its research progress
    YUE Shi-chao, CAO Ya-qian
    2020, 59(4):  13-17.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.003
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    Zyxin protein is an important member of the focal adhesion protein complex, which is a highly dynamic multiprotein complex found in cells. It is capable of transmitting signals from the extracellular matrix to the nucleus. Zyxin protein has a broad proline-rich domain, a nuclear export signal and three copies of the LIM motif. Recent studies have shown that Zyxin protein not only functions in actin-related biological processes, but also plays an important role in cell migration, cell adhesion, cell growth, DNA damage repair, tumor growth, and natural immunity. The function of Zyxin protein mainly in cells and the latest research progress was described.
    Breeding & Cultivation
    Effects of plant nutrient concentration, dosage and spraying number of essential amino acid content in rice
    LIU Xing-hai, TANG Jian-zhou, TANG Yu-mei, LI Chun-yan, ZHANG Zhi-yuan
    2020, 59(4):  18-20.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.004
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    Field experiments and laboratory analysis methods were used to study the effects of spraying different concentrations, dosages and times of plant nutrients on the essential amino acid content in white rice from 2017 to 2018. The results showed that the essential amino acid content of rice was increased from concentration of plant nutrients 8.0%~16.0%. The application of 11.0% plant nutrient was 61.875 kg/hm2 per dose, the application in the field was 562.5 kg/hm2 per dose. The essential amino acid content of white rice reached 3 310.6 mg/100 g,which was 16.73% higher than that of the control. The application of 16.0% plant nutrient was 30.000 kg/hm2 per dose, the application in the field was 187.5 kg/hm2 per dose. The essential amino acid content of white rice reached 3 156.6 mg/100 g,which was 10.96% higher than that of the control,but burns were produced by using this concentration on Xiangzaoxian 45. In order to save cost, reduce spraying amount and maximize the content of essential amino acids in rice, in practical application, the concentration of plant nutrients is 10%, the dosage of plant nutrients is 56.25 kg/hm2 per dose, the dosage of plant nutrients solution is 562.5 kg/hm2 per time in the field, and it is sprayed once at the end of booting and full heading stages.
    Effect of different planting density and nitrogen application on yield of Emai 195
    DUAN Bao-quan, CHEN Bo, ZHANG Jun-hua, TAN Qing-feng, YANG Ze-fu
    2020, 59(4):  21-24.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.005
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    In order to accelerate the renewal of wheat varieties in Yicheng city and explore the yield performance of the new high quality medium gluten special wheat cultivars Emai 195 in Yicheng city, the orthogonal cultivation experiments of Emai 195 basic seedlings and nitrogen application two factors were carried out to study the optimum planting density and nitrogen application in Yicheng city. The results showed that under the condition of moderate fertility, when the basic seedlings were 255×104 plants/hm2 and the total nitrogen application was 165 kg/hm2, the yield of Emai 195 in Yicheng city was the highest, which was the best fertilizer treatment.
    Investigation and analysis of crops germplasm resources in Jianshi county of Hubei province
    LI San-he, LI Hou-qin, DAI Feng-ting, WAN Zheng-huang, YOU Ai-qing, JIAO Chun-hai
    2020, 59(4):  25-34.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.006
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    In the third national general survey of crop germplasm resources, 254 crop germplasm resources including rice, corn and potato have been collected into the National Bank in Jianshi county of Hubei province. The changes of cultivated area and yield of main food crops, fruit trees, vegetables and cash crops in Jianshi county between 1956, 1981 and 2014 were analyzed. It was found that Jianshi county was rich in natural resources, and the local varieties of rice, wheat and rape reduced rapidly, and some local varieties even have nearly disappeared, but the other kinds of crops still preserved some local varieties and some minor crops were planted mainly with local varieties. The total planting area of food crops changed a little in these three investigations, and corn is the most important food crop in Jianshi all the time. The planting area of fruit trees and main cash crops increased rapidly, but the planting area of vegetables decreased seriously. 44 local resources were collected in the resource investigation. According to the abundant resources of Jianshi county, the weak agricultural infrastructure construction, and the low element of agricultural science and technology, some countermeasures were proposed, such as strengthening the protection and utilization of existing crop resources, accelerating the cultivation of new agricultural varieties and the extension and training of new technologies, strengthening agricultural technology service accelerating the construction of modern agricultural industrialization, increasing government support and propagation.
    Resource & Environment
    Effects of microbial product and trace elements in pine needle/coconut coir substrate on seedling growth of Capsicum annuum L.
    DOU Dan, ZHANG Yu, LUO Xue-gang, YANG Yang
    2020, 59(4):  35-41.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.007
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    In terms of Pine needle/coconut matrix is not fully decomposed and lacks nutrients and trace elements, which is insufficient to meet the growth requirements of seedlings of Capsicum annuum L.. The effects of different microbial agents and trace elements on the physiological characteristics, chlorophyll content and chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of Capsicum annuum L. seedlings were studied by seedling tray test. The results showed that under the treatment of Lvlong 0.16 g/plant(A3) and Kehuangwei 0.08 g/plant(B2), the growth of Capsicum annuum L. seedlings was the best, and the physiological indexes were significantly improved compared with the control. The seedling index and root-shoot ratio increased by 49.66%, 11.37% and 44.30%, 10.87%, respectively. The chlorophyll content and PIabs increased by 19.17%, 34.76% and 29.41%, 32.37%, respectively. The addition of Lvlong and Kehuangwei to the pine needle/coconut matrix could promote the decomposition of the matrix, which was beneficial to the germination of Capsicum annuum L. and supplement nutrition at the seedling stage. It had a great influence on the PSII system and promoted the physiological growth process such as photosynthesis of the seedlings.
    Effects of PEG simulated drought on the growth of fresh-eating Manihot esculenta Crantz SC9 seedlings
    DUAN Yuan-jie, MENG Fu-xuan, YANG Yu-jiao, LIU Hai-gang, HUANG Jie, WEI Yun-xia
    2020, 59(4):  42-44.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.008
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    Seedlings of fresh-eating cassava Manihot esculenta Crantz variety South China 9(SC9) were used as materials, different concentrations of PEG were used to study drought resistance under simulated drought stress. The results showed that with the increase of PEG concentration, the drought stress increased, the number of leaf abscission increased, plant height growth, crown area, dry weight of aboveground part, dry weight of leaf, dry weight of supporting structure, leaf area, leaf area, leaf area of SC9 seedlings increased. The fresh weight of the slices decreased gradually, the relative conductivity increased gradually, and the content of photosynthetic pigments increased first and then decreased. That SC9 could adapt to drought environment by changing morphological characteristics, growth indicators and physiological functions of leaves under drought stress, and had good tolerance to drought stress.
    Effects of nitrogen fertilizer coupled with uniconazole on photosynthetic characteristics of trunk fruit-shaped walnut
    ZHOU Yan, YU Jun, ZHANG Rui, LI Qian, LI Xue, CHEN Xin
    2020, 59(4):  45-50.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.009
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    The trunk fruit-shaped walnut(Juglans regia L.) of Wen185 walnut was selected as the research material, and the coupled mode of nitrogen fertilizer with uniconazole with different concentration gradient was set to study the effect of nitrogen fertilizer on the photosynthetic characteristics of walnut fruits during the expansion stage. The results showed that the net photosynthetic rate(Pn) of walnut treated with nitrogenous fertilizer coupled with uniconazole was higher than that of the control group,among them,N 665.5 g/plant, uniconazole(S) 250 mg/L treatment reached the maximum, which was 21.17 μmol/(m2·s), an increase of 37.99%. Compared with the control group, intercellular carbon dioxide(Ci) change was relatively stable. The high nitrogen fertilizer treatment had a large Ci, and the high nitrogen treatment had great Ci value; Transpiration rate(Tr) and stomatal conductance had a large range of variation and the variation trend was consistent, both reached the maximum value in treatment N 665.5 g/plant, S 150 mg/L, and high concentration enizolium treatment had a certain inhibitory effect on transpiration rate(Tr) and stomatal conductance. The instantaneous water use rate(WUE) changed little with the treatment, which was promoted by low-concentration and inhibited by high-concentration on the whole. The main influencing factors of stomatal limiting value(Ls) was nitrogen fertilizer, and low nitrogen fertilizer promoted the improvement of Ls value to a certain extent, while high nitrogen fertilizer inhibited it. In addition, the coupling treatment of high nitrogen fertilizer and high uniconazole can increase the leaf saturated vapor pressure deficit(Vpdl). The combination treatment of 665.5 g/plant nitrogen fertilizer and 250 mg/L uniconazole improved the photosynthetic performance of trunk fruit-shaped walnut the best, which achieved the high yield and high quality cultivation of walnut.
    Effect of molybdenum fertilizer on peanut yield
    WANG Li-qiang
    2020, 59(4):  51-53.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.010
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    To verify the effects of trace element fertilizer molybdenum on peanut yield and the suitable amount a peanut field tests was conducted. The five fields were treated with different amount of molybdenum fertilizer at initial bloom stage and full bloom stage(each of 50%) on even base fertilizer.. The test index conclude the main stem height, lateral branch length, total branch number, fruit branch number, kernel weights per plant, 100 kernel weights, kernel percentage and yield. The results showed that the adding molybdenum fertilizer could increase the peanut yield by improvng the yield components such as the main stem height, branch length, total branch number, fruit length per plant, kernel weight, kernel yield, fruit number per plant. The best economical fertilization is 1.50 kg/hm2.
    Immobilization effects of arsenic in soil by green synthesized iron nanoparticles
    LI Liang, YANG Xiu-feng, ZHANG Zhong-hai
    2020, 59(4):  54-58.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.011
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    In order to achieve efficient remediation of arsenic(As) contaminated soil, the suspension of iron nanoparticles (EL-nFe) was prepared by eucalyptus leaves extract. The sorption capacities of EL-nFe for As(III) and As(V) were investigated. Chemical methods were further used to study the immobilization effects of severe As-contaminated soil by EL-nFe. The results showed that the adsorption process of As(III) and As(V) by EL-nFe could be well described by the pseudo-first-order and Langmuir isothermal adsorption model. The maximum adsorption capacities of EL-nFe for As(III) and As(V) were 8.08 and 24.68 mg/g, respectively. The soil after application of EL-nFe significantly reduced the leachability and bioavailability of soil As. The extraction of As by SPLP and the extraction of bioavailable As by KH2PO4 decreased by 33.26%~52.42% and 6.57%~14.21%, respectively. At the same time, the result of soil sequential extraction showed that EL-nFe promoted the transformation of soil soluble As to the low bioavailability of residual As, which improved the degree of stabilization of As in the soil. Therefore, EL-nFe had a good immobilization effect on soil As and the cost was low, which can be used as a good passivation agent for severe As-contaminated soil.
    Effects of short-term submerged cultivation of Ipomoea aquatica Forsk on salinized soil in midsummer
    PAN Rui-rui, QIAN Jia-yu, JIANG Jie-zeng, ZHANG Hao, ZHANG Yong-xian
    2020, 59(4):  59-62.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.012
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    In order to study the effects of short-term paddy and upland rotation on soil properties in midsummer high temperature season, taking Ipomoea aquatica Forsk as test material, a 40 d submerged cultivation test was carried out in the back-cover cultivation bucket of soil salinization treatment, and then 32 d of dry cultivation was used to explore its influence on the EC value, soil nutrient content and soil enzyme activity of 0~40 cm soil layer. The results showed that the water cut off after the short period of flooding in midsummer high temperature season, combined with the planting of fast-growing Ipomoea aquatica Forsk, it can obviously reduce the salinity of saline soil surface and equalize the nutrients in 0~40 cm soil layer. It is believed that the saline infiltration through short-term flooding, combined with the absorption and metastasis of fast-growing aquatic vegetables, it can effectively alleviate the soil salinization of the facilities caused by excessive use of chemical fertilizers.
    Risk assessment of wind disaster to greenhouse in Hebei province based on vulnerability curves
    LI Ting, CHEN Xiao-juan, ZHANG Jing, SUN Yu-long, WEI Jun, LI Dan
    2020, 59(4):  63-69.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.013
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    Based on the disaster risk assessment theory and climate probability distribution model, the wind disaster risk to greenhouse in Hebei province was evaluated. The vulnerability curves of wind speed—solar greenhouse loss rate were constructed, considering disaster-causing factor and bearing body. The results showed that, with the increase of return periods, the strength and incidence of hazard factor and loss risk was greater. In terms of space, the southeastern area with low terrain had the highest hazard factor risk, mainly located in the eastern part of Cangzhou, as well as the northern Hengshui and eastern Handan. The extreme wind velocity was above 32.6 m/s. The basic wind pressure was consistent with the landforms’ distribution. The basic wind pressure was consistent with the distribution of the three landforms, with the high value occurring in the northwest plateau area and the plain area to the east of Taihang and the south of Yanshan Mountain areas. The vulnerability curve indicated that the threshold of wind speed which might cause loss to greenhouse was 20.0 m/s. The risk of greenhouse loss was affected by the combined effects of disaster-causing factor and bearing body. The risk in the northwest was generally lower than the southeast. The high-risk area was distributed in the junction of Tangshan-Qinhuangdao, western Tangshan, Langfang and south-central regions. The average loss was more than 500 000 yuan/km2. The greenhouse area in the south-central part was smaller than that in the northeast, but the loss was higher owing to its higher hazard factor risk.
    Analysis of meteorological conditions on the pre-selected site of Jinan general airport in Jingzhou
    HE Cheng-cheng, DENG Yan-jun, WANG Xiao-fang, CHEN Zheng-hong, YU Yu-zhi
    2020, 59(4):  70-75.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.014
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    Based on the ground meteorological observation data from 1955 to 2016 in Jingzhou Meteorological Station, the meteorological conditions in the preselected area of Jinan General Airport were statistically analyzed by means of linear trend, comparative analysis and other methods. The results show that pre-selected site area of Jinan General Airport has a low annual average wind speed, with an average monthly wind speed of 1.9~2.5 m/s. The annual static wind frequency is high, which is 18.2%, and the frequency of wind speed of 0~5.0 m/s is 89.99%. The airport pre-selected sites has few days with low visibility, the average days of the visibility, the annual average number of days with visibility less than 800 m, 800~2 000 m, 2 000~4 000 m is 9.8, 10.8,13.7 d, respectively. The average days of the torrential rain, strong winds, thunderstorms, hail, sand storms and other weather disasters is 3.30, 3.98, 32.20, 0.49, 0.02 d. The probability of high impact weather is lower than that of Wuhan Tianhe Airport. There are many favorable conditions and less unfavorable conditions in the pre-selection site. The influence of adverse conditions on flight can be avoided by improving the accuracy of prediction and the professional quality of management and operator.
    Plant Protection
    Selection of greenhouse whitefly [Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood)] to different host vegetable
    MU Xin, LIU Yuan-yuan, YANG Wei-nan, KONG Xiang-xin, JIN Yong-ling
    2020, 59(4):  76-80.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.015
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    According to the method of indoor net cover catch insect to detect the selection index greenhous whitefly [Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood)] to host plants, the number of distribution and the amount spawning of greenhouse whitefly on host plants, and measured the content of chlorophyll and leaf thickness of host plants. The results showed that the greenhouse whitefly had obvious selectivity difference to different host plants, greenhouse whitefly preference for the host were string beans, cowpea, cabbage, zucchini, tomato, no-string beans, cabbage without balls, rape, cucumber. The suitable host plants included pepper, Physalis pubescens, cherry radish, lettuce, okra, Dutch bean, endive, Shanghai green, mantang red radish, pea, color pepper, lettuce, chrysanthemum coronarium, spinach, Chinese cabbage, green amaranth with round leaves. The non-hobby host palnts were leeks, coriander and celery. Greenhouse whiteflies were more likely to land on the plant leaves with pubescence. The total of greenhouse whitefly was connected with the content of chlorophyll in the host plants, and no correlation with the thickness of host plant’s foliage.
    Occurrence regularity of Myzus persicae (Sulzer) in tobacco growing area of Liangshan state, Sichuan province
    WU Xing-long, FENG Chang-chun, PU De-qiang, WANG Yong, LIU Dong-yang, LIU Hong-ling, CHEN Yu, WANG Xiao-qiang, LONG Gang, LI Chang-ming, JIANG Lian-qiang, LI Bin, GUO Shi-ping, LIU Yang
    2020, 59(4):  81-84.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.016
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    From 2017 to 2018, the occurrence of Myzus persicae in three tobacco growing counties in Liangshan state prefecture, Sichuan province was investigated with 5 point sampling method. The occurrence of Myzus persicae in three tobacco growing counties in Liangshan state prefecture has obvious temporal dynamics, but the annual difference is great. From 2017 to 2018, the occurrence of Myzus persicae in three major tobacco planting counties was a mixture of single-peak type and M type. The peak of Myzus persicae occurrence in the three counties in 2018 was 15~30 days earlier than that in the average year of 2017. It is found that temperature and rainfall are the main factors affecting the occurrence time and amount of Myzus persicae. Higher temperatures and earlier rainy seasons lead to earlier occurrence of peach Myzus persicae, therefore, the critical period of Myzus persicae control in tobacco growing areas of Liangshan state prefecture is from late May to late June. The specific time for prevention and control should be appropriately adjusted according to the current climate.
    Horticulture & Local Products
    Comparison test of anti-cracking varieties of medium-sized watermelon in southern facilities
    GUO Huan-ru, ZHANG Hua-feng, ZHANG Lei-chen, YING Quan-sheng, HUANG Yun-ping, LIU Yan-bing
    2020, 59(4):  85-87.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.017
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    Medium watermelon [Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. et Nakai] varieties in South China had the disadvantages in easy cracking and poor transportation. Five varieties of watermelon with high cracking tolerance were introduced. The growth period, botanical character, fruit character, yield and disease resistance were compared. The results showed that Yongmi No.6 had anti-cracking,good quality,high yield and good disease resistance, which is suitable for the simplified cultivation mode of protected cultivation to meet the requirements of light and simplified cultivation of medium-sized watermelon in South China.
    Isolation and identification of three terrestrial orchids rhizosphere fungi
    FAN Ji-hong, CHEN Lan-fen, TANG Jiu-yang
    2020, 59(4):  88-90.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.018
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    Three Chinese terrestrial orchids Cymbidium goeringii, Cymbidium tortisepalum Fukuy.var. longibracteatum and Cymbidium kanran were chosen to the samples for isolating and culturing rhizosphere fungi from substrates, which found and identificated three preponderant fungal strains during the storage, and which identified as Rhizopus oryaze, Chaetomium lobasum, Rhizopus icrosporus by 18SDNA sequences. It was found that the roots of orchid were mutualized with fungi to form rhizosphere structure, according to orchid roots stained and microscopical observed, so as to provide a theoretical basis for further research of orchids rhizosphere fungi.
    Study on growth rhythm and regression model of 29 years Eucalyptus cloeziana in Guangxi
    MO Ji-you, YAN Li, WANG Jian-zhong, QIN Wu-ming, WEI Bing-jian
    2020, 59(4):  91-97.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.019
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    The Eucalyptus cloeziana of the Dongmen State Forest Farm of Guangxi was introduced from the 1980s. The diameter at breast height, tree height, volume and dry shape of the 29-years-old large inflorescence were studied, the results showed that the diameter at breast height, tree height and volume were 33.17 cm, 33.6 m and 0.92 m3, respectively, and the optimal model of diameter at breast height, tree height and volume growth regression of long-period Eucalyptus cloeziana were fitted out. By analyzing and comparing different large and medium-sized timber species with similar years of the Eucalyptus cloeziana, it is found that the growth of Eucalyptus cloeziana has obvious advantages, and even in different eucalyptus species, the Eucalyptus cloeziana also has the significant advantage in cultivation.
    Study on flavonoids from Ampelopsis grossedentata in Lichuan city
    LI Yu, LIU Cui-jun, AI Lun-qiang, ZHANG Yu, LU Xin-peng, HE Mei-jun, RAN Ya-lan
    2020, 59(4):  98-101.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.020
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    The total flavonoids were extracted by 60% ethanol-ultrasound from the samples of Ampelopsis grossedentata collected from Qiyueshan mountain (1 500~1 600 m),Lichuan city, Hubei province. The total flavonoids in the young tips of Ampelopsis grossedentata was up to 453.67±11.26 mg/g detected by ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer at the double-wavelength (λ=208.4 nm,λ=293.2 nm). Three compounds were purified from the organic extract using LC-HR-ESIMS,1D and 2D NMR spectral data analysis. Their structures were identified to be dihydromyricetin(1), myricetin(2),and taxifolin(3). The contents of dihydromyricetin, myricetin and taxifolin were 186.31±10.43, 13.83±1.32 and 14.76±2.26 mg/g respectively detected by HPLC.
    Preliminary study on shoots growth of newhall navel citrus by controlling water and fertilizer
    LIU Jia-cheng, LIU Dong-hai, LIU Feng, LIU Yong-zhong
    2020, 59(4):  102-104.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.021
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    The newhall navel citrus (Citrus sinensis Osbeck ‘Newhall’) tree was used as the material. In the summer shoot growth period, controlling water and fertilizer was used as a treatment(T1), and the NPK water soluble fertilizer was applied by drip irrigation as control (CK). During the autumn shoots growth period, the controlling water and fertilizer treatment (T2) was applied to the trees which was applied by CK and T1 treatment in summer. Shooting rate, shooting density, shoot length, shoot thickness and leaf number of shoot were surveyed after the summer shoots and autumn shoots were matured, respectively. The results showed that T1 treatment significantly reduced the summer shoot shooting rate, summer shoot length, summer shoot thickness and leaf number of newhall navel orange. Compared with the CK+T2 treatment, the length of autumn shoots in T1+T2 treatment decreased significantly, and the proportion of short shoots in T1+T2 treatment increased, the growth of summer and autumn shoots was restricted to some extent. The results laid a foundation for the research and development of water controlling measures or fertilization frequency in the actual production process to achieve the labor-saving and effective regulation of citrus shoot growth.
    Research on diversity of macrofungi in Xujiaba of Jingdong county in Yunnan province
    LIU Chao-mao, LI Ping, YANG Bin
    2020, 59(4):  105-115.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.022
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    Based on the investigation and identification of macrofungi in Xujiaba of Jingdong county in Yunnan province, the species diversity, dominant families and genera of macrofungi were analyzed. The results showed that the macrofungi in this area involve 2 phyla,ascomycota and basidiomycota. 210 species of wild macrofungi were found, belonging to 88 genera, 41 families, 13 orders and 6 classes. Among them 7 kinds of ascomycetes belong to 6 genera, 5 families and 203 kinds of basidiomycetes belong to 83 genus and 36 families. There were 6 dominant families, accounting for 14.63% of the total number of families. There were 9 dominant genera, accounting for 10.11% of the total number of families. According to their utilization value, edible fungi, medicinal fungi,medicinal food and bacteria and toxic fungi were classified, edible fungi had 75 species,accounting for 35.71% of the total, medicinal fungi had 22 species, accounting for 10.48% of the total, medicinal food and bacteria had 33 species, accounting for 15.71% of the total, toxic fungi had 30 species, accounting for 14.29% of the total, and there were 50 unknown species, accounting for 23.81% of the total. The area were rich in wild macrofungi、medicinal bacteria resources, that has great potential for exploitation and utilization.
    Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine
    Study on continuous breeding of Hubei black-head goats in body weight and size
    ZHANG Feng, ZHANG Nian, XIONG Qi, SUO Xiao-jun, TAO Hu, YANG Qian-ping, LI Xiao-feng, YANG Juan, CHEN Ming-xin
    2020, 59(4):  116-120.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.023
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    This study was aimed to statistically analyze the body weight and size(withers height, body oblique length, heart girth, cannon bone circumference) of Hubei black-head goats in three generations, so as to evaluate the effect of breeding. The results showed that through three generations of breeding, the core group of each generation of Hubei black-head goats has been improved. However, the increment varied from generation to generation, which basically showed that the growth rate was slow growth from zero generation to first generation, fastest growth from first generation to second generation, and slowest growth from second generation to third generation, coefficient of variation was relatively stable. After the third generation of breeding, the indexes of body weight and body size were basically stable. Compared with the body weight and size index of zero generation, that of third generation significantly increased at each month's age. The body weight average increment of ewes was 12.45%, and the body size increment was 4.37%. The weight increment of rams was 15.06% and the body size increment was 7.40%.
    Effect of different feeding ratio on late-stage production performance of egg seed
    BIAN Hong-xing, HU Dao-jun, JINAG Hui-sheng, LI Fei-xiang, ZHI Wei-wei, WANG Wen-jian
    2020, 59(4):  121-123.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.024
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    The restricted feeding experiments for 360 days hen, the experiment was divided into 4 groups, respectively, the limit feeding 3%, 5%, 7% and control group. The results showed that there was no significant difference between the egg yield rate of the experimental group and the control group (P>0.05), and the average egg rate of the experimental group was 1.8% higher than that of the control combination of seed species, which was very significant(P<0.01). In the provision of qualified eggs, the limit of 3% and 5% of the group were better than the 7% group. The weight of egg planting becomed lighter with the more limited ingredients. 5% group was better than those of other groups.
    Aquatic Products
    Effect of large seaweed, seagrass on marine ecological aquaculture and its application in marine ranching
    WANG Yan, LYU Dong-wei, TIAN Yu, WANG Xue-ming
    2020, 59(4):  124-128.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.025
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    The research on the symbiosis system of algae, seaweed and economic fishery crops at home and abroad in recent years were summarized. On this basis, according to the positive role of seaweed, seagrass in marine ecological aquaculture, and also combined with the current marine ranching situation in China, the further prospects for the practical application of algae, seaweed in marine ranching in China were put forward.
    Effects of changing to different diets on the growth and survival of Coreius guichenoti larvae
    SHU Qi-lin, HUANG Jin, XU Xian, HU Ren-yun
    2020, 59(4):  129-131.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.026
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    The Coreius guichenoti larvae were raised with fairy shrimp, limnodrilus and particulate feed bait feed for 60 days to study the effects of the three different feeding method on the survival rate and growth rate. It was found that the larvae fed with limnodrilus had higher survival rate, total length, body length, weight than other groups after 30 days post hatching(dph), and the specific growth rate was(4.44±0.30)%/d. The total length, body length, weight and specific growth rate were the lowest of the particulate feed group after 15dph. The results indicated that different feeding method have a significant effect on the survival and growth of the larvae. Feeding the fairy shrimp before 30 dph, feeding the limnodrilus after 30 dph can effectively improve the survival rate and growth rate.
    Detection Analysis
    Dynamic changes of trace elements in leaves and stemsin different feeding ramie
    TANG Di-luo, WANG Hong-wu, XIONG Wei, ZHU Wei, TU Xiu-liang
    2020, 59(4):  132-135.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.027
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    This study used three different feeding ramie(Boehmeria nivea L.) as the research object. The dynamic changes of trace elements (Cu、Mn、Zn) in leaves and stems of 3 kinds of feeding ramie were studied and correlation between the content of trace elements in leaves and stems of feeding ramie was analyzed. The results showed that the dynamic changes of Cu, Mn and Zn contents in leaves and stems of 3 kinds of feeding ramie were inconsistent. The contents of Cu, Mn and Zn in different varieties of feeding ramie were higher than those in stems. The order of Cu, Mn and Zn in different varieties of feeding ramie leaves and stems was: Mn>Zn>Cu. There was a significant positive correlation between Mn in the stem of ramie and Mn in leaves (P<0.05).
    Analysis of carotenoids chlorophyⅡ and in cassava tissue culture seedlings
    LUO Xiu-qin, WEI Zhuo-wen, YANG Long, XUE Jing-jing
    2020, 59(4):  136-140.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.028
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    Ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer was used to detect the content of chlorophyⅡ and carotenoids in TM60444 and SC9 tissues culture seedings. Meanwhile, the relative genes of carotenoids biosynthesis were analyzed. The results showed that there is nearly no difference between two stains and the contents of chlorophyll and total carotene in two seedings: leaf>stem>root; and the content of carotenoids: leaf>stem, while the stem is approximately the root.
    Agricultural Engineering
    Research on high precision positioning system of unmanned agricultural machinery
    GONG Peng-cheng, TAN Ying, ZHAN Yun-feng, CHENG Hui-fen, LI Ling, DENG Zhang-hui, WANG Zi-qiang
    2020, 59(4):  141-146.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.029
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    To realize the unmanned and high-precision positioning of agricultural machinery, a high precision positioning system of unmanned agricultural machinery was designed. The remote control center system based on Pixhawk flight controller, including sensor module, communication module, satellite positioning and other modules, and was mainly responsible for setting up the agricultural machinery work place, travel route and operation mode. The system was based on high-precision navigation technology, which enables the agricultural machinery to accurately and quickly reach the task point and work. Moreover, the NuttX was used in software design for operating the secondary development to improve the system’s extended functions.
    Research of the near wild cultivation monitoring system of Tin caulis dendrobii
    MA Fei-hong, WU Jun, ZENG Song-wei
    2020, 59(4):  147-151.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.030
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    In order to meet the industrial demand, a set of perfect monitoring system for the near wild cultivation of Tin caulis dendrobii was built. The monitoring system mainly used the precision sensing equipment and STM32 central processing chip to collect and process the temperature and humidity and CO2 concentration data of dendrobium cultivation, and then regulated the spraying device; data interaction between terminal equipment and Internet was completed through GPRS module; finally, Mysql and Eclipse software were used to complete the interaction with the database and web development, realize remote monitoring function. In order to improve the effectiveness of cultivation environment humidity data and ensure the normal operation of sprinkler device, the system added the least square real-time prediction algorithm in the data processing process to identify abnormal or damaged humidity sensor.
    Economy & Management
    Development status, problems and countermeasures of geographical indications of agricultural products in central region: Analysis based on survey data based on Hubei, Hunan and Jiangxi provinces
    WANG Dan, LI Yan-jun, LI Lin-zhu
    2020, 59(4):  152-156.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.031
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    As a special agricultural product brand, agricultural product geographical indications contain unique market competitive advantages and huge brand value, which can not only promote the development of regional economic development, but also become a business card to promote culture dissemination. The central region is an important agricultural product production area. The registered geographical indications of agricultural products have begun to take shape and present diversified characteristics. However, in the development process, there are problems of management confusion, long application time, high application cost, emphasis on application, light use and supervision, and insufficient publicity. To promote the better development of geographical indications for agricultural products in the central region, it is necessary to start from reforming the top-level design, improving the regulatory system, strengthening technical guidance, implementing cross-regional and cross-brand alliances, fostering industrial clusters, and increasing publicity efforts.
    A probe into the ways to improve the leadership of minority female leaders: Take Kazakh female leaders as an example
    GULINIYAER·BIEKEXI, LIU Xiang-hui, ZHANG Shao-kai, WANG Bing-gang
    2020, 59(4):  157-160.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.032
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    According to the survey data of Kazak female leading cadres in Kazak Autonomous Prefecture of Ili, taking Kazakh women leading cadres as an example, the current situation, advantages of Kazakh women leading cadres, and factors affecting their leadership are analyzed, and the path of improving the leadership of Kazakh women leading cadres is proposed.
    Research on the dynamic evaluation system of enterprise access for the Three Gorges follow-up agriculture projects
    LAI Hong-bing, LU Xing, WU Zhao-juan, ZHENG Gan-tian, TONG Zhu, HE Xiu-juan
    2020, 59(4):  161-165.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.033
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    Starting from the problems in the access conditions and evaluation methods of the Three Gorges follow-up agricultural projects, basing on the Interim Measures for the Implementation and Management of the Three Gorges Follow-up Work Plan, combining with the practical experience of other types of agricultural project enterprise access evaluation in China, the AHP Analytic Hierarchy Process is used to construct a dynamic evaluation system for the access of the Three Gorges follow-up agricultural projects, so as to improve project investment benefits.
    Problems and countermeasures of ecological agricultural project management in the Three Gorges Reservoir area
    LAI Hong-bing, WU Zhao-juan, LU Xing, JIANG Fan, TONG Zhu, HE Xiu-juan
    2020, 59(4):  166-169.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.034
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    Based on the importance of the development of ecological agriculture in the Three Gorges Reservoir area, and based on the investigation and analysis of the implementation of ecological agriculture projects in the Three Gorges Reservoir area, the problems of inadequate preliminary argumentation in existing project management, complex procedures for application and approval, inadequate construction management system, low level of supporting fund protection, and incomplete operation management and protection system are identified. Countermeasures and suggestions such as updating project management concepts, improving management decision-making levels, strengthening project dynamic management, improving diversified investment mechanisms, improving project operation management and protection mechanisms, and establishing post-project evaluation systems are put forward.
    Analysis of influential factors of international competitiveness of tourism service trade in Henan province
    GAO Li, ZHAO Shu-ya, WU Lei
    2020, 59(4):  170-176.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.035
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    Based on the relevant statistical data of Henan province from 1997 to 2016, a VAR model was established, and the impulse response function method and variance decomposition method were used to conduct an empirical analysis of the influential factors of Henan province's tourism service trade international competitiveness. The results show that the number of tourism majors, Internet users, and number of travel agencies in higher education institutions in Henan province can promote the international competitiveness of Henan's tourism service trade. It is suggested that Henan province optimize the employment structure, establish a tourism big data sharing platform, and promote the coordinated development of traditional travel agencies and OTAs to increase the international competitiveness of tourism service trade.
    The impact of external financing on enterprise innovation: Evidence from Zhongguancun firm panel data
    GAO Qing-zhu, ZHANG Shi-mei
    2020, 59(4):  177-183.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.036
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    Technological innovation is inseparable from the support of the financial system, but what kind of financial structure is more conducive to technological innovation is an urgent problem. Using the panel data of Zhongguancun High-tech Enterprises from 2005 to 2015, the relationship between R&D investment and corporate innovation performance was tested. And the impact of credit financing and equity financing on the relationship was also analyzed. The results showed that R&D investment had a significant positive correlation with corporate innovation performance; credit financing positively regulates the relationship between R&D investment and innovation performance; and equity financing plays a negative role in regulating R&D investment and innovation performance. The deeply discussion on the inter-logic of high-tech enterprise innovation financing was helpful to understand the impact of different external financing channels on the relationship between R&D investment and innovation performance. It also provided empirical evidence and decision reference for decision makers to take reasonable financing channels and optimize financial resource allocation.
    Research and reflection on the implementation of the national key research and development program“Modern Food Processing and Grain Storage and Transportation Technology and Equipment”
    WANG Li-wei, ZHANG Xing-zhong
    2020, 59(4):  184-186.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.037
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    National key research and development program "Modern Food Processing and Grain Storage and Transportation Technology and Equipment" special organization implementation, analyzed the special project project led by unit area, propertied and distribution of funds, put forward about participating unit quantity limitation, academy of agricultural sciences system in the role of specific implementation, as well as national key new product development plan design thinking, provided the basis for the special project implementation and management by objectives.
    Research on rural project operation from the perspective of “Process-Event” analysis: Take Xingcun as an example
    LIU Qian
    2020, 59(4):  187-190.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.038
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    From the perspective of “process-event” analysis, this paper analyzes the operation process and results of Xingcun project, and the results showed that the current rural self-supervision mechanism was lacking, the endogenous development power of villages was insufficient, and the national technical governance was difficult to be effective.
    SWOT analysis of the development of rural time banks in Nanjing: Taking zhu town in Liuhe district as an example
    GUO Jian-ping, PU Xiao
    2020, 59(4):  191-195.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.039
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    Based on the actual situation of Zhuzhen in Liuhe district, Nanjing, this paper explored the advantages and limitations of developing time banking policies in rural areas through SWOT analysis, and analyzed the opportunities and challenges brought by agricultural modernization and marketization for time banks. Based on SWOT analysis, it is proposed to strengthen government supervision to improve credibility, improve the establishment of social organization system, and explore the time-localized operation mode of the bank to achieve the purpose of benign development of rural elderly resources and the development of old-age services in rural areas.
    Difficulties and solutions to inter-governmental cooperation in rural public safety prevention
    GUO Shuai-shuai, ZHENG Ting-yi
    2020, 59(4):  196-201.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.04.040
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    Through a review of inter-governmental collaboration theory and public safety research, it is found that there are problems such as complex risk sources, difficult resource allocation, weak collaboration motivation, and not outstanding effects in the governance of inter-governmental collaboration in rural public safety. The optimization path of inter-government collaboration in security governance should set the principles of collaborative governance while establishing the basic principles, and create a new situation in rural public security governance by creating a cross-domain governance cooperation mechanism.