Effect of feeding Gynostemma Pentaphyllum on the thymus aging of Guangxi Sanhuang chickens
ZHANG Run-xiang, WU Ya-hui, HUANG Shi-qi, WANG Yong-jie, BAI Xi, TANG Xiao-chuan, WANG Xiao-li
2020, 59(3):
502 )
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From the histological point of view, the effect of adding Gynostemma pentaphyllum on the thymus aging of Guangxi Sanhuang chickens was studied. 0.5% G. pentaphyllum powder was added to the feed, and the thymus weight, thymus index, cortex-medium area ratio, number and area of thymus bodies were examined at 1, 14, 28, 56, 90, 120, and 150 d. The results showed that with increasing age, the thymus weight increased, and the thymus index rose first and then decreased. The addition of G. pentaphyllum increased the thymus weight and thymus index to a certain extent. With the increase of the age, the thymic cortex-medullar ratio decreased, and at 120 d, the cortex-medullar ratio of the fed group was significantly greater than that of the non-added group(P<0.05). The number of thymus bodies in the non-feeding group and the feeding group increased before 56 and 90 d, respectively, and then decreased in a wave pattern. At 28, 90, and 120 d, the number of thymus bodies in the fed group was significantly more than that in the non-fed group(P<0.05). The thymus body area of the non-feeding group and the feeding group increased before 120 d, and then decreased. The day-to-day differences of the non-feeding group and the feeding group were not significant. Adding G. pentaphyllum powder in the feed can prolong the thymus maturation time, delay the thymus degradation, and improve the thymus function.