
Table of Content

    10 April 2018, Volume 57 Issue 7
    Review of Research on Invasive Plant Control in China
    WANG Xu-ping, LIU Qiang
    2018, 57(7):  5-6.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.07.001
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    In recent years, with the accelerated process of economic integration and the promoted process between national trade liberalization,plant invasion has become a global problem. Invasive plants have caused severe damage to the local ecosystem, biodiversity,and poses a threat to human health,and also brought huge economic losses. As one of the countries which suffered from biological invasion seriously,the prevention of invasive plants in China is also in an orderly way. With the deepening of the work of prevention and controlling,our country has also achieved some success. The advantages and disadvantages of different methods are showed intuitively by introducing and comparing the controlling methods of seven typical invasive plants. Finally,suggestions on the invasive plant controlling are put forward so as to provide reference for the prevention and control work.
    Progress and Prospect on Farmland Abandonment in China
    CHENG Xian-bo, YANG Zi-sheng
    2018, 57(7):  11-15.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.07.002
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    Cultivated land is the basic resources for the survival of human race, and the base for the sustainable development of our agriculture and society as well. By means of analysis and summary about the definition of abandoned arable land concepts, monitoring, measurement, causes, distribution, influence and control methods, land abandonment situation was analyzed and found out the causes. It also discovered the temporal and spatial distribution of abandoned arable land in our country, the influence of land abandonment, and puts forward the methods and prospect of treatment of abandoned arable land. The following results were obtained after research:the first one is that there are different view about the definition of abandoned arable land concepts, the main reason and method of land management,especially the "one-sided" treatment method,that eliminate or restrain the results. Secondly,monitoring and measure in our country still has a big distance compared with monitoring by remote sensing in developed countries. Thirdly, there is a difference on the spatial distribution of abandoned arable land, abandoned arable land got into its peak in 2002,2005 and 2008. Fourthly,the impact of China's current research on abandoned arable land,mainly by the way the influence of the ecological environment and food production. Finally, implement agricultural policies,adjust the structure of production in rural areas, promote land circulation and improve agricultural production conditions are the main treatment methods about abandoned arable land in China.
    Breeding & Cultivation
    Mechanization Production Performance and Mechanized Cultivation Techniques for Yufeng 303 Maize
    WANG Liang-jun, WANG Xiao-ping, LIANG Jian-hua, LUO Bin-bin, WU Zhong-ping
    2018, 57(7):  16-18.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.07.003
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    Using Yufeng 303 maize as material,the mechanization of production technology for maize cultivation and technical mode of grain-fertilizer-feeding production were studied. Yufeng 303 maize was cultivated with a scale of 0.67 hm2,sowed on March 20,2017 and was harvested on August 4(grain). The results showed that the effciency of the mechanization of production technology for maize is higher than tradition plant,the technology is suitable extension.
    Production Technical Regulation for Paddy Field Changed to Cultivate Lotus Root and Intercrop Procambarus clarkia
    YAO Yi, XIE Cheng-lin, ZHANG Jia-hong, KOU Xiang-ming, TANG Jian-peng, XU Mei-gang, LI Jin-xia
    2018, 57(7):  19-21.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.07.004
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    Paddy field changed to cultivate lotus root and intercrop Procambarus clarkia is a new model based on paddy field ecological cultivation and breeding. It is an innovative exploration of the current agricultural structure adjustment and the development of characteristic and efficient agriculture. Through the investigation of the success stories of the paddy field changed to cultivate lotus root and intercrop Procambarus clarkia in Baoying County,Yangzhou City. From the benefit index,paddy field selection, field engineering,lotus root cultivation,Procambarus clarkia breeding,daily management,lotus root harvest and shrimp fishing and so on,sums up the production technical regulations of paddy field changed to cultivate lotus root and intercrop Procambarus clarkia. So as to provide technical reference for the promotion and application of the model.
    Resource & Environment
    Effects of Combined Application of Organic Manure and Chemical Fertilizer on Growth,Yield and Quality of the Cabbage
    WANG Xin-sheng, LU Ling, LI Yong-jun, TANG Ya-dong, YUAN Wei-ling
    2018, 57(7):  22-24.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.07.005
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    Taking the cabbage(Brassica oleracea L.) variety Lufeng as the material,the effects of combined application of organic manure and chemical fertilizer on growth,yield and quality of the cabbage were studied by the field experiment. The results showed that,compared with normal application of fertilizer control,appropriate decreasing application of chemical fertilizer,increasing organic fertilizer and adding microbial could increase plant height,plant width,ball height,ball diameter,center column length and width,and the cabbage yield increased by 10.92% to 18.49%;the content of nitrate in leaf ball,crude fiber and organic acid decreased,soluble sugar,VC content and amino acid content increased.
    Dynamic Change and Prediction of Land Use in Xinjiang
    WANG Long-long, ZHANG Yong-fu
    2018, 57(7):  25-31.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.07.006
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    To study the space-time evolution and driving mechanism of land use in Xinjiang,based on data source of land-use and land-cover change(LUCC) form China resources and environmental science data center in 1990,2000 and 2010,the space-time evolution and driving mechanism of land use was analyzed and forecasted by IDRISI17.0 LCM model,CA-Markov model,and combined with RS and GIS. The results showed that the area of cultivated land,construction land,forest land and water increased,but the area of grassland and unused land decreased. Based on IDRISI17.0 CA-MARKOV model to simulate land use situation in 2025 in Xinjiang,the results showed that,on the whole,the area change of land tapes appeared “a land tape reduced and five land tapes increased” trend from 2010 to 2025. The increase in population,economic development and environmental policy adjustment to the influence of land use change was more outstanding in the study area.
    A comparative Study on the Evaluation of Intensive Use of Regional Urban Construction Land:A Case Study of Fuyu,Dunhua and Jiutai of Jilin Province
    XING Li-juan, LI Shu-jie, LIU Ya-nan, GUO Xin, LI Gao-hang
    2018, 57(7):  32-35.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.07.007
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    Taking Fuyu city located at west of Jilin Province, Jiutai district located at middle of Jilin Province and Dunhua city located at east of Jilin Province as examples,a rational evaluation index system was established combined with population,economy and land three indicators,and construction land economical and intensive utilization level of the three cities was evaluated using analytic hierarchy process. The results showed that the economical and intensive utilization of construction land in the three regions was in the middle-lower level. Among them,the highest level of economical and intensive utilization was Dunhua city,the value was 73.47,followed by Jiutai district of 71.25,the worst was Fuyu city,which was 68.01. The results of the evaluation showed little difference,which roughly reflected the economical and intensive utilization of construction land in the eastern,central and western areas of Jilin Province. The corresponding policy suggestions and measures aiming at the problem of land use status were put forward.
    Responses of Chlorella vulgaris and Pyramidomonas delicatula to the Toxic Effects of Benzo [k] Fluoranthene in Water Environment
    WANG Hong-bin, CHENG Qun, XIE Bing-qian, GAO Li, DING Jun-jie, HAN Bing-yan
    2018, 57(7):  36-40.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.07.008
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    In this paper,the growth of two kinds of marine microalgae,acid phosphatase(ACP),alkaline phosphatase (AKP),catalase(CAT) and malondialdehyde(MDA) were used as indicators to study the responses of Chlorella vulgaris and Pyramidomonas delicatula to the toxic effects of benzo[k] fluoranthene in water environment and to reveal the importance of polycyclicaromatic-hydrocarbons for water pollution. The results showed that benzo[k] fluoranthene had inhibitory effect on the growth of two kinds of marine microalgae, and the inhibition rate of benzofluoranthene to C. vulgaris was up to 62%,and there was dose effect. The proper concentration of benzo[k] fluoranthene had a short time stimulating effect on P. delicatula,while high concentration of benzo[k] fluoranthenes had a strong inhibitory effect on P. delicatula,and its maximum inhibition rate was 89%. Two kinds of microalgae were prepared by adding fixed concentration(9 μg/L) of benzo[k] fluoranthene,the results showed the ACP of C. vulgaris reached the maximum at 72 h,which was 32% higher than that of the control group,while the ACP activity of P. delicatula reached the maximum at 48 h and increased by 105%. The trend of AKP activity was consistent with that of ACP. The CAT activity in C. vulgaris reached the maximum at 72 h,which was 2.3 times higher than that in the control group,and the activity of CAT was up to 48 h,which was 2.5 times of that of the control group. The content of MDA in two kinds of microalgae increased with the exposure time of benzo[k] fluoranthene. Compared with the control group,the contents of MDA in C. vulgaris and P. delicatula were increased by 73% and 81% at 72 h respectively. There was a difference in the toxic effects of benzo[k] fluoranthene on marine microalgae,and the toxic effects on P. delicatul were serious on C. vulgaris.
    Effects of Nitrogen Application Rates on Yield and Economic Benefit of Direct-Sowing and Transplanting Rapeseed under Low Soil Fertility
    WANG Shao-hua, LIU Tao, ZHOU Xiong, REN Tao, LI Xiao-kun, LU Jian-wei
    2018, 57(7):  41-43.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.07.009
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    To investigate nitrogen application effects and suitable N application rate of direct-sowing and transplanting rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) under low soil fertility condition,8 different N levels (0,45,90,135,180,225,270 and 360 kg/hm2) were set,and the effects of N application rates on rapeseed yield and economic benefit were studied under direct-sowing and transplanting. The results showed that,under low soil fertility condition,the yield of direct-sowing and transplanting rapeseed without N fertilizer were only 140 kg/hm2 and 613 kg/hm2,respectively; the maximum yields were reached when N application rates were 206.0 kg/hm2 and 249.2 kg/hm2,respectively, and the maximum yields were 2 525 kg/hm2 and 2 899 kg/hm2,respectively.The output value and net profit of direct-sowing and transplanting rapeseed were significantly increased by N fertilization and no longer increased when the nitrogen application rate exceeded 270 kg/hm2. The output value of direct-sowing rapeseed decreased by 1 347 yuan/hm2 on average compared with transplanting rapeseed, but the net profit was increased by 482 CNY/hm2. Direct-sowing rape could save 43.2 kg/hm2 N fertilizer and increased net profit up to 972 CNY/hm2 under low soil fertility condition.
    Effects of Different Organic Fertilizer Application Rates on Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Drip Irrigated Maize at Jointing Stage in Yulin Sandy Area
    LI Xiao-wei, TIAN Li, BAI Chun-mei, LI Xiao-tao
    2018, 57(7):  44-47.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.07.010
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    Treatment with different amount of organic fertilizer as base fertilizer,the effects of organic fertilizer on the growth and physiological characters of maize(Zea mays L.) jointing stage at arid area were studied. The results showed that the plant height,stem diameter,dry matter accumulation,chlorophyll SPAD,N,P,K content and photosynthetic characteristics of maize at jointing stage showed an increasing trend with the increase of organic fertilizer application amount. When the fertilization amount of 6 750 kg/hm2,plant height,dry weight, chlorophyll SPAD,photosynthetic characteristics,N,P,the K content of growth,physiological indicators achieved the best condition,so the application of 6 750 kg/hm2 organic fertilizer as base fertilizer was the optimum fertilization in Yulin Sandy Area at jointing stage of maize growth. The experiment also showed that applying organic fertilizer in arid area could improve water production efficiency and save water source.
    Comparative Analysis of Two Hail Processes Based on Doppler Weather Radar Products in Fuxin City in 2009
    ZHANG Dan-mei
    2018, 57(7):  48-53.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.07.011
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    It is crucial to well forecast severe convective weather like hail and provide better service during summer in Fuxin city,Liaoning province. Two severe hailstorms in Fuxin were compared by using conventional observation datas and doppler radar datas. The result showed that they occurred abruply,lasted longly. And the coupled upper and lower jet flows,energy condition,the vertical wind shear and the height of zero temperature conduced more to the occurrence of the hail event. The results of comparation by using doppler radar data showed that,the process on June,29th was a strong squall line process,while the process on July,20th was a typical supper-cell process. Two hail process which storm reflectivity was larger than 50 dbz,while the largest was 65 dbz,and there were an adverse wind area,as well as lower level convergence and upper level divergence. The vertically integrated liquid (VIL) value before the hail falling all had a sudden process,and the value was larger than 40 kg/m2,which had a significant indicating function on hails of monitoting and waring as well as forcassting.
    Properties Regulation of Compost-based Media Mixed With Straw and Beer Sludge and Evaluation of Its Applied Effects on Rice Seedling Growth
    LI Jin-wen, XIONG You-sheng, LU Han-ying, ZHOU Zhi-yuan, LIU Wei, XU Da-bing, CHEN Cong-liang
    2018, 57(7):  54-57.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.07.012
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    In order to optimize the volume ratio of different raw material,fermentation time and pH value in the process of preparation of rice seedling nutrition substrate, which utilizing crop straw as the main raw material,several experiment were conducted. Firstly,an aerobic fermentation test experiment was conducted using different volume ratio of crop residues to beer sludge to study the optimal fermenting technical conditions. Secondly,a screening experiment was conducted with different acidity regulators to reduce the pH value of compost substrate. And then,a growth experiment was conducted to evaluate its applied effects on rice seedling growth. The results indicated that the optimal conditions of the fermentation could be volume ratio of crop residues to beer sludge of 1∶1 or 1∶2,which could reduce the fermentation time by 7 days as compared with the normal. 10 g/kg sulfur were the best individual acidity regulators,and the optimal formula of compound acidity regulator was 2% gypsum mixed with 3% superphosphate. The application effects of compost testified that of group 4 matrix formula of nutrient(70% organic material+10% turf+10% vermiculite+5% humic acid+1% gesso+4% superphosphate) was balance and good in properties of physical and chemical and retention of water and nutrient. It could meet the low temperature in early spring and dry seedling and demand for trans-planter machine in southern China.
    Plant Protection
    Experimental Study on Protection and Control of Maize Gray Leaf Spot and Large Leaf Spot
    GUO Yuan-ping, ZHANG Shi-hong, XIAO Neng-wu, CHEN Yan, GONG Shi-fei, CUI Peng, SONG Wei
    2018, 57(7):  58-60.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.07.013
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    The effects of four different pesticides and three different modes of application on the control of grey leaf spot and large leaf spot in maize were conducted with two-factor design to determine. The results indicated that the best potion against grey leaf spot and large leaf spot in maize is Benzoyl propiazole (water emulsion) (A2),and it could prevent disease and increase production effectively with one application. Applied DuPont klou (fungicide) (A1) and triadimefon (wettable powder) (A3) three times can prevent grey leaf spot disease and increase yield in some degree but without good effect for large leaf spot. We suggested producers spray A2(difenoconazole 15%,propiconazole 15%) 750 mL/hm2 one time after plant sampling in the process of practical production.
    Identification and Evaluation of a Natural Product with Insectcidal Activity Produced by an Actinomycetes Strain
    ZHANG ZUN-xia, ZHANG Ya-ni, FANG Wei, ZHANG Zhi-gang, WANG Kai-mei, WAN Zhong-yi
    2018, 57(7):  61-64.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.07.014
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    During the screening process of natural products produced by actionmycetes,a strain HBERC-21542 was isolated from soil samples collected in Leshan district,Sichuan province. The fermentation extract exhibited strong insectcidal activities against some insects such as Plutella xylostell,Helicoverpa armigera,etc. It was determined by components bioassay that the active compounds were in between 14~19 min in HPLC profile,and the active compound was identified as Ferensimycin A based on MS,UV absoption spectrum and natural product dictionary. Pure compound of 90% was obtained by preparative HPLC,and the lethal rate was 90%~100% at 50 μg/mL against Plutella xylostell,Helicoverpa armigera.
    Studies on Broadleaf Weed Control Effects of Fluoroglycofen-ethyl 10%EC in Soybean Fileds
    LI Li, ZHU Wen-da, LI Lin, LI Jin-quan
    2018, 57(7):  65-68.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.07.015
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    A field experiment was conducted to determine the efficacy of fluoroglycofen-ethyl 10%EC against broadleaf weeds in the soybean field. The results showed that the control efficacy was 91.49%~99.87% at 40 days after post-emergence treatment with fluoroglycofen-ethyl 10%EC at the application rate of 300~1 200 mL/hm2 in the soybean field,and 95.65%~99.94% (based on weed plant fresh weight) at 40 days after treatment. Fluoroglycofen-ethyl 10%EC had relatively good effect to broadleaf weeds in soybean fields and when it was applied during 3~5 leaf stage,the chemical worked well in controlling the weeds of Amaranthus spinosus L. and Portulaca oleracea L., the suitable dosage was 600~900 mL/hm2.
    Horticlture & Local Products
    The Construction Status and Development Countermeasures of Standardization System for Vegetable Production in Hubei Province
    LIU Yi-man, YUAN Shang-yong, WEI Yu-xiang
    2018, 57(7):  69-74.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.07.016
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    Taking Hubei province as an example,the problems from the vegetable standardized production were discussed,and some suggestions on how to construct standardization system for vegetable production were put forward.
    Comparison and Evaluation on Cold-tolerance of Fourteen Cut Rose Cultivars
    LIU Feng, LI Hao, WANG An, FU Zi-yang, XIAO Li-zhan, ZHANG Gui-ling, WEN Si-min
    2018, 57(7):  75-79.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.07.017
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    Low temperature stress resistance of 14 cut rose cultivars were studied to provide references for cultivation and cold tolerance breeding in winter. The MDA content,soluble sugar content,soluble protein content,proline content,POD activity and SOD activity of annual cuttings were measured at low temperature of 5,0,-5,-10 ℃,on this basis,the membership function method was used to calculate the membership function value,and the system clustering analysis was carried out according to the value of the comprehensive membership function. The results showed that the difference of cold resistance of cut rose cultivars was obviously,the cold tolerance ability from high to low were followed by Movie Star,Tineke,Blue Moon,Rouge Meilland,Carola,John F. Kennedy,Blue Parfum,Huan zhu, Pfalzer Gold,Golden Scepter,White Christmas,Gold Medal,Kardinal and Diana. Using cluster analysis,14 cultivars were divided into three grades:low temperature tolerance of Movie star was the strongest,those of Gold Medal,Kardinal and Diana were the weakest,and the other 10 varieties were medium.
    Resources Situation and Analysis on Natural Medicinal and Edible Plant Resources in Xianning
    ZENG Qing-lan, CHEN Di-sheng, WANG Rui, SUN Lian-lian, WANG Zhen-qi
    2018, 57(7):  80-83.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.07.018
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    Distribution and regimen value of natural medicinal and edible plants were investigated and analyzed, thus a certain foundation for the effective development and utilization of resources of natural medicinal and edible plants was set up in Xianning city.
    Landscape Planning and Design of Wuyi Village in Henan Oilfield
    HAN Yi, ZHENG Shu-jing, YAO Zheng-yang, CHENG Wen-yan
    2018, 57(7):  84-86.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.07.019
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    Taking the residential district of Wuyi village in Henan Oilfield as the research object,on the roads,plant configuration,landscape architecture,water movement and lighting set to the depth of its transformation,fully meet the needs of the residents to create a modern living environment,and to provide ideas and methods for urban residential landscape reconstruction.
    Effects of PEG Stress on Physiological Characteristics of Seedlings of Physali alkekengi L.
    YU Shuang, LI Shuai, GAO Jian, HAO Jing-wei, CAI Zhong-xi
    2018, 57(7):  87-90.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.07.020
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    In order to explore the physiological response mechanism of Physali alkekengi L. in different drought treatments,and provide scientific references for exploration and utilization of drought tolerant varieties, Lilitian and Tieba seedlings were used as materials. The physiological and biochemical characteristics of two kinds of Physalis were measured by PEG-6000(mass fraction 0,5%,10%,15%,20%,30%) simulation drought stress. The results showed that with the increasing concentration of PEG-6000,malondialdehyde(MDA) content showed a rising trend,superoxide dismutase(SOD) activity, peroxidase(POD) activity,catalase(CAT) activity,proline(Pro) content and soluble sugar content(SS) first increased and then decreased. The POD,CAT activity and soluble sugar content of Lilitian reached the highest value under the PEG-6000 treatment of 15% concentration,while the POD,CAT activity and soluble sugar content of Tieba reached the highest value at 20%,15% and 10% concentrations respectively. PEG-6000 concentration arrive at 20%,SOD activity and Pro content of two varieties of seedlings reached the maximum. Lilitian is better tolerated to PEG-6000 than Tieba.
    Effects of Organic Acids on the Sensory Quality of Cigarettes
    WANG Wen, PENG San-wen, XIONG Shan-shan
    2018, 57(7):  91-95.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.07.021
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    In order to investigate the effects of organic acids on the sensory quality of cigarettes,six kinds of plant natural plant granules were selected for the determination of volatile organic acids,the determination of mainstream smoke and sensory quality of cigarettes. The results showed that,after adding the natural plant particles in the cigarette filter,the flue gas aerosol had better elution ability to some volatile benzoic acid and phenylacetic acid in the natural plant,and the content of benzoic acid and phenylacetic acid in the mainstream smoke was positively correlated with the release of benzoic acid and phenylacetic acid. To some extent, the content of volatile organic acids in natural plant particles is positively correlated with the quality of cigarette smoking. The analysis of volatile organic acids in plant particles can effectively guide the selection of natural plant particles. The particulate material provides a quantifiable screening basis. A predictive model was established between the sensory evaluation and the volatile organic acid content of 21 samples by stepwise regression analysis. It showed that the content of benzoic acid and phenylacetic acid had a better effect on the sensory quality of the cigarettes and the variability of the moisturizing sensation.
    Effects of High Temperature Stress on Related Heat-resistance Index in Kiwifruit Seedlings
    ZHONG Min, ZHANG Wen-biao, HUANG Chun-hui, TAO Jun-jie, QU Xue-yan, WU Han, XU Xiao-biao
    2018, 57(7):  96-99.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.07.022
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    In order to elucidate the influences of high temperature on the physiological and biochemical indexes of the seedlings of kiwifruit,the seedlings of the A. eriantha and the A. chinensis were treated with different high temperature. The physiological and biochemical levels of The chlorophyll content(CC),proline content,malondialdehyde content(MDA),peroxidase activity(POD),superoxide dismutase activity(SOD) and catalase activity(CAT) were measured. The result indicated that the CC content of the two kiwifruit seedlings increased with the high-temperature stress. The proline content decreased with the lower temperature then increased with higher temperature. The MDA increased continuously; The activity of POD,SOD and CAT showed a small fluctuation before increasing. Under high-temperature stress,the kiwifruit seedlings have physiological and biochemical responses to adapt the change of temperature. Under the condition of 38~40 ℃,the resistance of A. eriantha and seedlings was better than the A. chinensis seedlings.
    Storage & Processing
    Optimization of Ultrasonic-Assisted Extraction of Pectin from Pomegranate Pomace by Orthogonal Experiments
    MENG Fan-lei, SUN Le-le, ZHANG Li-hua
    2018, 57(7):  100-103.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.07.023
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    Ultrasonic-assisted extraction of acid-solution and alcohol precipitation was applied to extract pectin from pomegranate(Punica granatum L.) pomacel. The optimum conditions of ultrasonic-assisted extraction of pectin from pomegranate pomacel were determined and provided basis for further exploitation of by-products in pomegranate processing. Based on single factor test,orthogonal experiments were designed to optimize the influences of extracting temperature,extracting time,the ratio of solid to liquid and water to acid on the pectin yield. Results showed that at the ultrasonic frequency of 45 GHz,extracting temperature of 55 ℃, an extraction time of 75 min,water-acid ratio of 6∶1(mL∶mL),the add of sulphurous acid of 2 mol/L,solid-liquid ratio of 1∶50(g∶mL),the yield of pectin was 34.41%. By the study of ultrasonic-assisted extraction of pectin from pomegranate pomace,the extraction rate was high and pomegranate pomace had very high value of development and utilization.
    Study on the Production Technology of Banana Lemon Compound Fruit Vinegar
    GUO Jing-jie
    2018, 57(7):  104-107.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.07.024
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    The effects of different fermentation conditions on the acid production of banana(Musa nana Lour.) lemon compound fruit vinegar were studied,and the optimum fermentation conditions was selected. The results showed that the ratio of raw materials of banana lemon was 8∶1(mm),the initial alcohol was 6%, the addition of acetic acid was 0.1%,the initial pH was 4.0,the fermentation temperature was 31 ℃ and the total acidity of the vinegar was the 6.35%.
    Detection & Anakysis
    GC-MS/MRM determination of N-Nitrosodimethylamine(NDMA) in Drinking water
    ZHAO Li, SHI Zhen, HONG Xue-hua, LI Wen-ting, ZHANG Rui-yu
    2018, 57(7):  108-110.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.07.025
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    A analytical method was developed for determination on N-nitrosodimethylamine by GC-MS/MRM. The determination of NDMA in drinking water by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry/MRM method was established by the optimization of chromatographic column,scanning mode,extraction solvent,pH and concentration method. Linear relationship between the peak area and concentration of NDMA was obtained in the range of 0.05~1.0 mg/L. The detection limit was 0.01 μg/L(S/N=3).Tests for recovery and precision of this method were 66.93%~85.32% and the relative standard deviation(RSD) was 2.93%~4.19% by adding 2 different concentrations. The method has high sensitivity,wide linear range and optimized the detection conditions of NDMA in drinking water,and it is suitable for the detection of NDMA in drinking water.
    Nutritional Analysis of Lucuma nervosa A.DC
    FANG Gui-hong, DONG Chun-bo, ZHAN Da-mou, XU Li, WANG Xia
    2018, 57(7):  111-113.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.07.026
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    To analyze Lucuma nervosa A.DC’s all nutrition. The results showed it rich in sugar,dietary fiber,minerals and vitamins,which especially rich in potassium,sodium,calcium,magnesium,phosphorus, vitamin C and etc. Heavy metal elements lead,cadmium,chromium that harmful to human body are low. Which provides scientific basis to further development and examination.
    Determination of Zineb Residue in Asparagus Lettuce by Headspace Solvent Absorption-Gas Chromatography
    CHEN Xiang, WANG Xiao-jing, GE Qian, ZHANG Feng-feng
    2018, 57(7):  114-116.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.07.027
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    The reaction was carried out using a headspace-absorption GC-ECD,HCl·SnCl2 as the reaction reagent,n-hexane as the sorption solvent,determine the residue of zineb indicated by CS2,establish a method for the detection of zineb in asparagus lettuce. Analysis the residues in different parts of lettuceand to determine its residual distribution and its digestion. This method is simple,fast and has good linearity,the detectable limit is 0.10 mg/kg,the average conversion rate of zineb was 90.4%~98.0%,the average recovery was 82.8%~103.6%,relative standard deviation was 2.4%~6.3%. The residue of zineb in asparagus lettuce showed that leaves>stems>peeled stems,14 days after spraying,zineb digestion rate reached more than 85%.
    Biological Engineering
    Study on Regeneration System for Cotyledons in Peonyin Vitro
    WEI Yan, ZHANG Zi-juan, LI Mei-Lan, HU Yong-hong, ZHU Mu-lan
    2018, 57(7):  117-121.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.07.028
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    The cotyledon leaves of peony(Paeonia suffruticosa) cultivars Fengdan was used as the initial explants,the effects of different species,concentration and compatibility of plant hormones on the regeneration process of peony cotyledon leaves were studied,including callus induction,adventitious bud differentiation and adventitious root induction. The results showed that the use of 0.1% mercury immersion for 7 minutes,then 10% sodium hypochlorite solution soak for 5 minutes is the best disinfection method,aseptic rate and germination rate of embryo were 82.96% and 56.03%. The optimum naphthylacetic acid (NAA) concentration in callus occurrence was 3.0 mg/L and the callus induction rate was 85.03%. The optimum medium for the adventitious buds occurrence was WPM+1.0 mg/L 6-benzylamino purine(6-BA)+0.3 mg/L NAA along with the frequency of differentiation was 77.35% and average number of adventitious buds was 3.05. The suitable medium for adventitious bud elongation was WPM+0.3 mg/L 6-BA+2.0 mg/L gibberellin(GA3). The elongation efficiency was about 81.12%,and the average shoot length was 1.93 cm. The optimum rooting medium was 1/2MS+2.0 mg/L NAA+1.5 mg/L indole butyric acid(IBA)+1.0 mg/L AgNO3,the rooting rate reached 54.31%.
    Establishment and Optimization of gSSR-PCR Amplification System for Tamarix chinensis Lour.
    CAO Jian-bo, ZHANG Ru-hua
    2018, 57(7):  122-124.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.07.029
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    Tamarix chinensis Lour. is a salt-tolerance shrub or small tree,scattered in the riverbed or forming large natural populations in coastal tidal areas. For population genetics study of this species,the orthogonal design was used to determine the PCR amplification system of genomic SSR derived from Illumina sequencing in T. chinensis. The 10 μL reaction system of gSSR is as follows:0.8 mmol/L Mg2+,0.25 mmol/L dNTPs,0.5 U Taq DNA polymerase,0.5 μmol/L primers,and 20 ng DNA.
    Agricultural Economics
    The Development of Rape in Hubei Province from Cost and Benefit
    CAI Jun-song, ZHONG Yan, ZENG Zhuo, DU Guang-yao
    2018, 57(7):  125-126.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.07.030
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    Based on the basic data of the cost-benefit of rapeseed production in Hubei province during 2004-2016,the variations of total cost,land cost,labor cost,and net profit in rapeseed production of Hubei province were analyzed systematically.The results showed that,the cost increase of land and labor had become main factors to promote the total cost of rape production in Hubei province.At the same time,the rape industry was confronted with the shock of enormous oil import,thus the rape price hit the "ceiling".Under this background,the rape industry of Hubei province should promote the appropriate scale operation,enhance the level of mechanization,as well as improve the subsidy policy.
    Study on the Cooperative Governance Framework of Watershed Eco-Compensation Mechanism
    ZHAO Xing
    2018, 57(7):  127-130.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.07.031
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    Based on the analysis of four types and implementation dilemma of current ecological compensation mechanism in China,and using the cooperative governance theory for reference,the cooperative governance framework of watershed eco-compensation mechanism was proposed,including the construction of networks with participation of multiple subjects on the basis of policy stage and with the river chief system as assistance,to boost the ecological compensation mechanisms into a substantial stage of cooperation.
    The Relationship Between Population Size, Industrial Economy and Water Pollution Under the Idea of Sustainable Development
    LUO Chang-feng, WANG Chun-xia
    2018, 57(7):  131-135.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.07.032
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    By adopting Chinese official statistics and interprovincial regression model, as well as using the urbanization,sewage treatment investment and industrial enterprises technological innovation as 3 main controlled variables,the 2 major influence factors of the sewage emission in the east,middle and west regions of China from 2005 to 2015:population size and industrial economic growth,were regressed. The results showed that,from the nationwide scope,population size was always one of major contributors for the amount of water pollution,and the positive association between industrial economic development and water pollution could be relieved by industrial enterprises technological innovation to a certain extent. And from a regional scope,the impact of population size or industrial economic growth on water pollution had a large regional difference. Finally,based on the requirement of the sustainable development strategy,the suggestions for prevention and control of water pollution were put forward.
    Rural Revitalization
    The Foreign Help, Industrial Development and Targeted Poverty Alleviation—Based on An Investigation of Poverty Alleviation Practice of “First Secretary” in J Town of Guangxi Province
    ZHOU Bao-ji
    2018, 57(7):  136-140.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.07.033
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    Based on reviewing relevant research concerning anti-poverty,the theoretical basis and interaction mechanism of foreign help,industrial development and targeted poverty alleviation were expounded,and an empirical analysis was conducted on the poverty alleviation practice of "First Secretary" in J town of Guangxi province,to summarize the main ways and effects of the practice,which will be some policy implications for the development of industrial anti-poverty work.
    Analysis on SWOT Strategy for Developing Community Support Agriculture in Developed Areas of China—A Case Study of Southern Jiangsu Province
    WANG Yi-wen, HU Shi-guang, WU Yi-hui
    2018, 57(7):  141-145.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.07.034
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    Community support agriculture is a new type of agricultural organization which is concerned with food safety and has development in China in recent years. Through the investigation of representative CSA farms in southern Jiangsu province,the localization model of community support agriculture was defined,and the strengths,weaknesses,opportunities,and threats of community support agriculture(CSA) in southern Jiangsu were analyzed with the SWOT model,and the future development patterns of CSA were explored.In addition,according to the localization status quo of CSA in China,some rational suggestions for community support agriculture model were provided.