
Table of Content

    10 July 2018, Volume 57 Issue 13
    Research Progress on Land Use/Cover Change Based on Remote Sensing Technology and Mathematical Models
    FENG Ding-rao, XIE Xin-ge, LEI Hao-yi, LIU Biao, CHEN Nai-ge, CHANG Qian-hao
    2018, 57(13):  5-9.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.13.001
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    The research progress on LUCC and mathematical models based on remote sensing technology were discussed. Currently LUCC pays attention to multi-source data fusion to improve the accuracy of land use change information extraction, and reduce the error of information extraction and decision through the superposition of remote sensing image combining with the existing data. The LUCC research based on mathematical models focuses on the combination of multiple models in the simulation and prediction of land change and the combination of models and mathematical methods, to improve the accuracy and efficiency in extraction and simulation of land use change information. The future research and application of LUCC should be developed toward the direction of lower error, higher resolution, faster speed and lower cost.
    Research Progress in Intelligent Construction of Animal Husbandry
    DENG Bing, SHAO Zhong-bao, YE Sheng-qiang, WANG Li-xia, YANG Yu, GONG Ping, CHEN Xing, LING Ming-hu, ZHOU Li, ZHOU Hua, TAN Jun-jun, WANG Lian-fang, RAN Zhi-ping
    2018, 57(13):  10-12.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.13.002
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    The research progress on the intellectualized development of animal husbandry was reviewed from aspects of the development status of animal husbandry, the intellectualized development trend of animal intelligence, the intellectualized construction level, and the role of intellectualization in promoting animal husbandry of China.
    Breeding & Cultivation
    Analysis on the Relationship about the Main Economic Characters of Brassica napus L.Germplasm Resources
    LEI Wei-xia, FAN Zhi-xiong, RUAN Huai-ming
    2018, 57(13):  13-16.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.13.003
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    In order to utilize the germplasm resources of rapeseed(Brassica napus L.) and serve the breeding efficiently,the main 9 economic characters of 95 B.napus germplasms from different countries(regions) were used for stepwise regression,path analysis and principal component analysis. The stepwise regression and path analysis showed that, pod number per plant, seed number per pod and thousand seed weight had great direct contribution to yield per plant at density of 2.22 ten thousand plants/667 m2,the relationship between the 3 traits and yield per plant all appeared significant linear regression,and the other traits did not show significant effect on yield per plant.Principal component analysis showed that,pod number per plant,plant type,thousand seed weight,effective branch number and seed number per pod were the principal component factors contributing to yield, and the contribution rate of the 5 principal component factors aggregated to 86.39%. It was concluded that,in order to improve the yield of Brassica napus L.,pod number per plant and thousand seed weight should be improved stably based on properly increasing plant height,ensuring appropriate plant type and branch number,meanwhile,attention must be paid to the coordination equilibrium of pod number per plant, thousand seed weight and seed number per pod.
    Evaluation on the Production Performance of Ramie as Silage Crop
    XIONG Wei, FU Cong, QU He-ping, TANG Di-luo, ZHU Wei, WANG Hong-wu
    2018, 57(13):  17-19.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.13.004
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    The nutrients and biological yield of fresh leaves,stems and mixed silage of ramie were determined. The results showed that,the annual total yield of fresh stems and leaves from mu Zhu 0904 was 133.2 t/hm2,that of fresh stems and leaves from zhong Zhu 1 was 120.9 t/hm2,and the average harvest heights of mu Zhu 0904 and zhong Zhu 1 were 69.45~65.4 cm. The contents of crude protein,crude fat,acid washing fiber(ADF),medium washing fiber(NDF),crude ash,Ca and P in the first three crops of mu Zhu 0904 and zhong Zhu 1 were basically the same. Compared with 100% corn silage,50% ramie+50% corn silage had a higher crude protein and crude fat content, which was suitable for ruminant silage.
    Resource & Environment
    Study on the Soil Nutrient Content of Eucalyptus Trees in the North of Guibei Area
    SONG Xi-juan, BI Liu-ling, ZHOU Yun-lan, SHI De-rui, CHEN Jiang-ping, WEN Qing-lan
    2018, 57(13):  20-21.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.13.005
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    The effects of the harvesting of eucalyptus and the influence of different harvesting periods on the internal structure of the soil were analysed in Lingchuan County, Guilin City, and the evolution rules were summarized. The results showed that the content of organic matter was 10.1 g per kilogram of soil in the region after eucalyptus felling, and the content was low. The soil was acidic and its pH was 4.8. The content of available phosphorus, total nitrogen and available potassium in each kg of soil was 1.4 mg,1.095 g and 65 mg, respectively, in which the available phosphorus content is extremely low, the total nitrogen and available potassium content is moderate, and the cation exchange rate and quantity in the soil are all decreased, indicating that the soil fertility is extremely low at this time.
    Evaluation of Heavy Metal Pollution and Potential Ecological Risk of Organic Base Soil in Renhuai City
    GU Yun-bing, QIAN Chen-yu, TANG Feng-hua, LI Chao-chan, HUANG Xian-fei, ZHANG-Song
    2018, 57(13):  22-27.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.13.006
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    146 soil samples were collected from the organic agricultural soil base of Renhuai city, Guizhou province, and the pH and concentrations of As,Hg,Cu,Cr,Cd and Pb were measured and analyzed by geoaccumulation index, Hakanson potential ecological index, correlation analysis, PCA analysis and cluster analysis to assess soil pollution levels and potential ecological risks of heavy metals. The result showed that the average contents of As,Hg,Cu,Cr,Cd and Pb in Renhuai city have not exceeded the national farmland environmental quality evaluation standards for edible agricultural products, but the average contents of Cd and Pb were 1.05 and 2.14 times higher than soil background value of Zunyi city. The assessment of geoaccumulation index method demonstrated that the average contents of heavy metals As,Hg,Cu,Cr,Cd and Pb in organic soil base of Renhuai were not higher than national edible agricultural products environmental quality evaluation criteria. However, the evaluation of the accumulation index showed that only the Igeo value of the Pb element in the organic agricultural soil base in Renhuai was 1, and other heavy metal elements have not been polluted, the whole soil environment was in the condition of non-pollution. Hakanson potential ecological risk assessment indicated that the organic agriculture soil base of Renhuai city was in slight potential ecological risk, and Cd and Hg were the dominant factor attributing to the potential ecological risk of organic agriculture soil base. PCA analysis, cluster analysis and correlation analysis showed that high heavy metals pollution towns of Pb,Cr,Cu and As were JC and LJ; high pollution towns of Cd were SH and ST. Heavy metals combined pollution between Pb and Cr; Cu,As and Hg, Cu were detected in this research, which should be concerned by relevant department.
    Temporal and Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Drought in Southwest China During 2011—2012 and Its Diagnostic Analysis of Dynamic Causes
    ZHOU Li, CAI Rong-hui, LAN Ming-cai, DENG Cao-ping, WEN ping, ZHANG Jian-qi, LIU Li-jun
    2018, 57(13):  28-33.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.13.007
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    Analysis of monthly and daily meteorological data, the national benchmark station precipitation data and outgoing longwave radiation using NCEP/NCAR(OLR, outgoing longwave radiation), the climate diagnosis method, mainly from the aspects of circulation features, the West Pacific subtropical high and the East Asian Winter Monsoon characteristics, cold air and humidity conditions, analyze the causes of the preliminary diagnosis 2011 to 2012 winter drought in southwest China. The results show that the Siberia high pressure is obviously stronger than that of the same period of the year, and the strong feature of the East Asian Winter Monsoon makes the cold air position more northerly and easterly, and the cold air which influences the southwest and northwest is weaker than that of the whole year. It is not conducive to precipitation in Southwest China in winter. At the same time, the Western Pacific subtropical high was stronger than normal, the location of the North ridge line, is not conducive to the delivery of warm air to the bay of Bengal to the Yunnan Guizhou Plateau; in addition, Bangladesh Yunnan province area to show high OLR, inhibited due to convection, the weather continued fine little rain.
    Epidemic Dynamic and Control Strategy of Grape Downy Mildew in Liaoning Province
    YU Shu-yi, WANG Hui, LIU Li, GUAN Tian-shu, LI Bai-hong, LIU Chang-yuan
    2018, 57(13):  34-36.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.13.008
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    Grape downy mildew (GDM)[Plasmopara viticola (Berk et Curt.) Burl. & de Toni] is the monitoring target, and the disease was investigated in five grape-producing regions in Liaoning Province. The result indicated that development trend of GDM spread rapidly during the past five years, the disease was a great threat in 2016, particularly. According to the epidemic characteristics and monitoring of GDM, the development trend and control strategy of GDM in the future were analyzed, which can provide references for the epidemic prediction and control of the disease.
    Plant Protection
    Effects of Plant Growth Regulator Yuntianli on Citrus
    ZHU Zuo-liang, YU Chang-qing, WANG Yun-feng, ZHANG Bo-fen, LIAO Gui-xin, CAI Guang-lin
    2018, 57(13):  37-38.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.13.009
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    In order to improve the fruit setting rate, yield and quality of citrus(Citrus reticulata Blanco.) and reduce the pesticide use, the application of fungicides(80% mancozeb wettable powder) and plant growth regulator Yuntianli (0.01% (brassinolide soluble liquid) were used to do experiments to provide the basis and field demonstration for popularizing use. The results showed that the fungicide +Yuntianli(0.01% brassinolide) had obvious synergistic effects on the prevention and treatment of citrus diseases. It could improve the fruit setting rate, increase the fruit number, fruit weight and yield, improve the quality, reduce the pesticide dosage. Proposed large-scale promotion and application.
    Screening of Peanut Underground Pest Grubs in Northern Hubei Province
    LI Xiong-cai, WEI Jing, WU Shan
    2018, 57(13):  39-41.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.13.010
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    The effects of five kinds of seed dressing agents were compared by mixing the peanut with the experiment. The results showed the period of emergence of peanut seed was advanced by the treat of 60% Gaoqiao+ 40% Weifu. The effects of 30% phoxim microcapsule suspension and 70% thiamethoxazine spermidolonitrile on the control of grub was relatively good.
    Fourteen New Record Species of The Locusts From Qinghai, China
    HAO Hui-wen, BAO Min, KE Jun, LI Lei-lei, DAN Zhi-cuo, MA Cun-xin, CHEN Zhen-ning
    2018, 57(13):  42-45.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.13.011
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    From July to October in 2014 and every year from May to October during 2015-2017,it has carried on the system investigation the locust in Qinghai province. By consulting the locust specimens collected from Qinghai,which hold in the specimen museum of Qinghai Normal University,Institute of Zoology of Chinese Academy of Sciences and the specimen museum of Shaanxi Normal University,combined with the basis of forefathers' research. There fourteen new record species of the locusts found from Qinghai province,China.
    Horticulture & Local Products
    The Analysis on Style and Quality Characteristics of Flue-cured Tobacco in Enshi Prefecture
    DING Cai-fu, GAO Lin, ZHU Jia-ming, WANG Rui, WANG Wei-min, GU Jun-jie, GUO Xiang, SHEN Guo-ming, DI Hui-hui, REN Xiao-hong
    2018, 57(13):  46-49.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.13.012
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    In order to determine the quality and style characteristics of flue-cured tobacco in Enshi, the representative tobacco leaf samples were collected for sensory evaluation, and the quality and style characteristics of flue-cured tobacco in Enshi were analyzed in detail. Results showed that the main aroma type of flue-cured tobacco in Enshi were the moderate aroma type, and few of samples had strong aroma style. The aroma type of flue-cured tobacco in Enshi was further divided into three kindsmoderate aroma type, thick biasing moderate type and moderate inclined to thick type. The flavor note of flue-cured tobacco in Enshi had obvious characteristics of pure-sweetness aroma, hay incense, woody aroma, nutty aroma, and slightly burnt aroma and spicy flavor. The aroma state of flue-cured tobacco in Enshi was mainly suspended, slightly fluttering and overflowing. The offensive odor of flue-cured tobacco in Enshi was mainly ligneous odour, green odour and scorched odour, slightly earth odour and raw green odour. In conclusion, the flue-cured tobacco in Enshi had the typical quality style characteristics of the moderate aroma type, which had prominent flavor notes and rich suspended aroma.
    Effects of Short Sunshine Treatment on Bracts of Different Poinsettia Cultivars at Different Altitudes
    CHEN Yao-bing
    2018, 57(13):  50-51.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.13.013
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    The experiment was conducted to study the effects of short sunshine treatment on bracts of four different poinsettia(Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. et Kl.) cultivars at different altitudes in Enshi including Gold prize, Sunshine, Flag 1, Flag 2, so the optimum altitude and the best varieties suitable for red poinsettia bracts could be obtained. The results showed that the altitude of 800 to 1 080 meters was the best location of poinsettia short-day treatment. The growth of four different varieties of poinsettia in the same altitude condition was not obvious, but at the different altitude was obvious. The growth conditions of the Gold prize was better than that of the others. The final results suggested, at the altitude of 800 to 1 080 meters, the effect was the best for the short-day treatment of Gold prize.
    Study on Cutting Propagation Technology of Adhatoda vasica Nees
    LIU Guo-yu, LIU Li-cheng, WANG Qing, WANG Wei, LI Yan
    2018, 57(13):  52-55.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.13.014
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    The cutting propagation technology of the top of Adhatoda vasica Nees and semi-lignified branches was studied with a L9(34) orthogonal test which consisted of substrate, hormone type and hormone concentration. The results showed that cortex rooting of the top cuttings was facilitated by hormone. The rooting rate and average root number of the top cuttings with different hormone treatments was significant difference. The highest rooting rate was 66.67% with 100 mg/L IBA in roseite. The rooting of the top cuttings was easier than the semi-lignified cuttings.
    The Trial Planting Performance of Five Grape Varieties in Yichang City
    YAN Hua-jie, LU Meng-ling, WANG You-hai, FEI Fu-hua, SHEN Dan-dan, QIN Huan, HUANG Sheng-dong, QIU Fang-fang, HAO Qing-qing, LI Qing-hua
    2018, 57(13):  56-57.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.13.015
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    Five grape varieties including Jinshouzhi, Moldova, Yangguangmeigui, Jumeigui and Xiahei were introduced to Zhijiang base of Yichang Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The grape varieties with strong adaptability and fine quality were selected through observation and analysis on the comprehensive performance of their growth characteristics and fruit characters.This introduction trial is conducive to optimizing the grape planting structure and enriching the grape varieties in Yichang, and will provide scientific basis for the introduction and popularization of grape in Yichang city.
    Study on the Selenium Enriched and Yield Increasing Cultivation Techniques of Ampelopsis grossedentata
    ZHANG Chao-yang, HUANG Guang-yu, CHEN Yong-bo, HU Bai-shun, QIN Bang, LIU Shu-qin, CHEN E, XIONG Qian
    2018, 57(13):  58-59.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.13.016
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    Using Ampelopsis grossedentata as experimental material, the orthogonal test was conducted to explore the effect of planting density,organic fertilizer and selenium fertilizer on selenium content and yield of A. grossedentata. The results showed that the optimum cultivation conditions of A. grossedentata were 1 500 plants/667 m2 of planting density,1 000 kg/667 m2 of organic fertilizer and root application plus spraying of selenium fertilizer. The study has guiding significance for the next test and production.
    Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine
    The Present Situation and Proposal on Herbivorous Animal Husbandry in Hubei Province
    HUA Guo-hua, SHAO Bao-shun, GUO An-guo, ZHOU Guang-sheng, YANG Li-guo
    2018, 57(13):  60-63.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.13.017
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    Hubei Province is rich in soil and water resources and has a vast grassland area suitable for the growth of pastures, which has the potential of developing grass and pasturage. Vigorously promoting the development of herbivorous animal husbandry plays an important role in optimizing the industrial structure, improving the utilization ratio of land resources and the quality of livestock products in Hubei province, and increasing the income of farmers. This article analyzes the situation and existing problems of the herbivorous animal husbandry and herbivore forage industry in Hubei province, and gives some suggestions on how to accelerate the development of herbivorous animal husbandry.
    Immune and Control Technology for Main Viral Diseases in Large-scaled Pig Farm
    DUAN Mao-chun, JIAO Zu-wu
    2018, 57(13):  64-66.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.13.018
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    Under the intensive and large-scaled husbandry mode, the pig populations still faced great risk of many diseases with the increasing complex epidemic and virus genetic diversity. The manifestation in clinical was the popularity of new and old diseases, the co-infection and persistent infection of different pathogens which increased difficulty of prevention and control. In this paper, the immune and control technology for the main viral diseases were summarized and preferred to give a suggestion for improving population healthy level in large-scaled pig farm.
    Storage & Processing
    Potential Hazards of Concentrated Apple Juice Production
    LI Lin-na, LI Zhen, WANG Xiao-xia
    2018, 57(13):  67-69.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.13.019
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    There are some product quality problems in the development process of Shaanxi concentrated apple (Malus pumila Mill.)juice industry,which leads to the occurrence of some quality events such as claims,returns and even destruction on the spot. The potential hazard was analysed from the process of concentrated apple juice concentrate to provide theoretical support for the healthy and sustainable development of the whole industry.
    Preparation and Antioxidant Activity of Enzymatic Hydrolysis Peptide of North Pacific Squid Gland
    LIU Qian-ru, BAI Sheng-da, ZHAO Guo-yu, XU Yun-feng, YANG Zui-su
    2018, 57(13):  70-74.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.13.020
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    In order to discuss the preparation and antioxidant activity of enzymatic hydrolysis peptide of north Pacific squid gland,peptide was extracted from the north Pacific squid gland by Alkaline protease,the hydrolysis degree and1,1 diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl(DPPH) free radical clearance rate were the index,studied through single factor and orthogonal experiment to obtain optimum enzymolysis conditions. Ultrafiltration get different molecular peptides,different molecular weight peptide oxidation resistance was evaluated by testing the scavenging activity of hydroxyl reducing power, DPPH clearance,Fe2+ chelating ability,OH free radicals and superoxygen anion,it was concluded that the best molecular peptide. Using Agarose gel G-25 separate the best molecular peptide and detect the DPPH scavenging ability of each peak,then the best peak was further isolated to a single component by HPLC, the amino acid sequencer degrade n-terminal and get the target peptide sequence. Degree of hydrolysis reached to maximum under the conditions of enzymolysis temperature 50 ℃,enzymolysis time 7 h,total enzyme dose 3 500 U/g,solid-liquid ratio 1∶6 and pH 9. The strongest antioxidant activity was 3-5 ku molecular period through ultrafiltration,three peak was isolated by Agarose gel G-25,and the components of peak Ⅰ had the best DPPH scavenging ability,and with the concentration of 0.5 mg/mL of DPPH the scavenging ability was 61.87%. Then a single piece was further isolated by HPLC,and the amino acid sequence is Ala-Tyr-Ala-Ser-Ser,relative molecular mass is 497.50. So the north Pacific squid gland has a good antioxidant activity.
    Detection & Analysis
    Content Determination of Sodium Pyrosulfite in Oxyclozanide Suspension
    BAI Yu-bin, DONG Zhen, ZHANG Ji-li, ZHOU Xu-zheng, ZHANG Ji-yu
    2018, 57(13):  75-78.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.13.021
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    Content determination of sodium pyrosulfite in oxyclozanide suspension. Sulffur dioxide released from sodium pyrosulfite in solution can fade fuchsin acid solution. Absorbance was measured at the wavelength of 548 nm by colorimetric method and content sodium pyrosulfite was calculated by external standard method. Anhydrous sodium sulfite showed good linearity(R2=0.992)in the range of 9.49~94.90 μg/mL;The average recovery was 97.09% with RSD=0.641 1%. The method can effectively determine the content of the sodium pyrosulfite in the oxyclozanide suspension.
    Detection Amino Acids in Muscle of Hypophthalmichthys molitrix,Aristichthys nobilis and Ctenopharyngodon idellus by HPLC
    LI Yan, XIE Yong, YANG Fa-hui
    2018, 57(13):  79-83.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.13.022
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    The experiment was established by HPLC method for detection of amino acids in the muscle of aquatic products. Amino acids in samples were separated by Eelipse-AAA column. Aboric acid buffer solution as pH regulator,with two formaldehyde phthalate (OPA) and 9-fluorene methyl chloroformate (FMOC) as a precolumn derivatization reagent,the mobile phase was two sodium hydrogen phosphate,methanol,acetonitrile and water,the column temperature was 40 ℃. At the same time using ultraviolet detector (DAD) and fluorescence detector(FLD) were detected in the same sample,comparison the LOD of two kinds detectors,and determination of the content of amino acids by the results of the two detectors. The results showed that 17 kinds of amino acids could be separated well with ultraviolet detector(DAD) in 26 min,and 16 amino acids could be separated with the fluorescence detector in 26 min. The essential amino acids of Hypophthalmichthys molitrix,Aristichthys nobilis and Ctenopharyngodon idellus accounted for the proportion of total amino acids were 35.74%,34.67%,36.24%.
    Agricultural Engineering
    Assessment of Shennongjia Forest Region Flood Risk Based on Cloud Model and GIS
    WANG Ting, HE Ya-bo, CHANG Xiu-feng
    2018, 57(13):  84-89.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.13.023
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    The area of the size of 10 meters by 10 meters in Shennongjia forest region is used as the research unit, from the flood disaster loss causes and formation mechanism of the formation of the natural environment including hazard and disaster bearing capacity of two parts more than 20 indicators, the establishment of a comprehensive evaluation of flood risk model based on cloud model and entropy of each component. The mountain village flood risk from the cause of disaster and disaster damage causes the angle of index factor analysis, using reverse cloud generator method combined with entropy correction to determine the index weight at all levels, through the realization of GIS expression, spatial data and attribute data and evaluation metrics, finally obtain the weight of the water level rise of natural environment risk, 5 meters of flood intensity under the disaster disaster bearing capacity for flood risk assessment results represent natural values minus the disaster bearing capacity to flood risk assessment results, in order to provide scientific basis for forest planning. The results show that the distribution of forest disaster risk area wide, with a certain degree of concentration, mainly because of the natural environment risk degree is higher, while the economic development of backward areas, most disaster fortifications lack or not perfect; the distribution of Muyu town and Jiuhu town and Pine Town, Yangri Town, song Luo Xiang Eastern valley high risk. Ping Xiang, Xinhua Town and the cypress northern town of lower risk.
    Accurately Study of Lightning Risk Assessment Based on Lightning Location Data
    FAN Min-qi, LI Zheng
    2018, 57(13):  90-93.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.13.024
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    Lightning risk assessment is a branch of disaster assessment, and is an important basis for scientific decision-making of lightning protection and disaster reduction. At present, the parameter describing the disaster environment is the average annual lightning ground density, which is calculated by the artificial observation of thunderstorm days. The advantages of using lightning data recorded by the ADTD system instead of computing and specific methods is introduced, as well as the special nature of the use of optimization value method for lightning location data induction lightning activity rules combined with the building.
    Biological Engineering
    Response of Arabidopsis AT4G32010 Gene Deleted Mutant to Abiotic Stress
    ZHAO Yan-min, WENG Qiao-yun
    2018, 57(13):  94-97.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.13.025
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    B3 family genes are unique transcription factors in plants and participate in the process of plant stress resistance. Arabidopsis thaliana HSI gene(AT4G32010) is a member of B3 family. In this study, homozygous mutant hsi were obtained by using PCR. The expression of HSI gene in mutant is lower than that in wild type. Under drought and salt stress, the germination rate of wild type and mutant hsi decreased with the increase of mannitol and salt concentration. At the same concentration, the germination rate of the mutant hsi was lower than that of the wild type, and the difference was significant. The results indicated that HSI gene of Arabidopsis thaliana played a positive role in seed germination. Under drought and salt stress, there was no significant difference in root length between wild type and mutant. It is indicated that the HSI gene is involved in the growth process of the root, and the regulatory role of the gene needs to be further clarified.
    Agricultural Economics
    Evaluation on the Eco-Efficiency of Modern Agriculture in the Yellow River Delta Based on DEA-SBM Model
    LI Shou-han, YANG Ping, LI Zhong-de, YANG Jie
    2018, 57(13):  98-103.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.13.026
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    By building a DEA-SBM model for evaluating the eco-efficiency of modern agriculture in high-efficiency ecological economic zone of the Yellow River Delta, the eco-efficiency of modern agriculture in the Yellow River Delta was measured with Binzhou city as a case region. Then comparing the measuring results with the agricultural technical efficiency in the case of no pollution variable with the CCR model, the results showed that, the eco-efficiency of modern agriculture in the high-efficiency ecological economic zone of the Yellow River Delta was gradually improved, but there were regional differences, and the loss of eco-efficiency was primarily caused by the environmental pollution resulted from excessive inputs of the chemical fertilizer and pesticide, along with overuse and extensive management of the agricultural machinery, labor force, land and water resources.
    The Influence of Board Characteristics on Corporate Social Responsibility Information Disclosure——An Empirical Test Based on Sensitive Industries
    WANG Zhao-xia, SUN Fu-hua, SHI Wen-jun
    2018, 57(13):  104-108.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.13.027
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    Based on score results published by the third party professional rating agencies of social responsibility, the relationship between board governance mechanism and quality of corporate social responsibility information disclosure was discussed from seven dimensionsthe board size, independence, leadership structure, incentive characteristics, gender characteristics, behavior characteristics, and organizational structure. The results showed that, the board size, independence, incentive degree, number of meetings, established number of committees significantly promoted the disclosure level of social responsibility information, and a concurrent post of chairman & general manager was negatively related to the disclosure level significantly, while the board gender characteristics had no influence on the quality of information disclosure. It was recommended that enterprises should improve the board governance mechanism, in order to improve the quality of social responsibility information disclosure.
    Study on the Pathways and Features of Cultivated Land Protection in China from the Perspective of Policy Instruments——An Quantitative Analysis Based on Policy Texts from 1986 to 2017
    WANG Zhuo, ZHUO Cheng-gang, HUANG Kai-li
    2018, 57(13):  109-116.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.13.028
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    At present, there is a wide range of studies on the cultivated land protection policy, but there is no research on its own structure, so a study on the use of policy instruments for protecting cultivated land opens up a unique perspective for exploring the pathways and features of cultivated land protection. Through constructing a two-dimensional analysis framework of cultivated land protection policy in China, including the dimensions of policy instruments and policy objectives, 181 policy texts of cultivated land protection at national level were measured and coded by using content analysis method. The research showed that, there were more structural mandatory policy instruments and fewer economic-oriented and mutual influenced policy instruments in the cultivated land protection policy. In the trinity stage of cultivated land protection, as the proportion of structural mandatory policy instruments decreased, there was a deficiency in use of tax policy instruments. Therefore, the leading and radiating role of economic-oriented and mutual influenced policy instruments should be brought into full play, and the concept of Trinity conservation of quantity and quality of cultivated land should be strengthened, so as to promote the development and perfect of cultivated land protection policy.
    Rural Revitalization
    A Explore About the Rice Culture of Modernize Types
    CHEN Fei-ping, SONG Qian, LI Hua
    2018, 57(13):  117-119.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.13.029
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    Rice culture is an important part of traditional agricultural civilization in China. This paper researched the journals and literature about rice culture, made an induction and analysis on the origins and the form of evolvement of rice culture.Focus on the development of modern rice culture instance was analyzed,further studying of the modernize types of rice cultural. Finally provided suggestions and outlook for sustainable development of the rice culture. This explore could better protect the property and make its complete inheritance.
    Discussion on the Thinking for Promoting Integration Development of the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Industries in Rural Area of Tianjin
    JIA Feng-ling
    2018, 57(13):  120-125.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.13.030
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    Tianjin has made remarkable achievements in the construction of new countryside, but there are still a series of problems,such as weak agricultural infrastructure and large income gap between urban and rural residents. To promote the development of rural industrial integration,the key task for promoting the integration development of rural 3 industries in Tianjin were put forward from six aspects,such as vigorously developing modern agriculture,cultivating new agricultural management entities,promoting the development of the secondary and tertiary industries,strengthening the construction of rural infrastructure,speeding up the construction of new urbanization and doing well in helping and supporting industries,and the countermeasures and suggestions were put forward from six aspects,including strengthening organizational leadership,taking planning as a guide,broadening financing channels,strengthening demonstration and popularization,increasing publicity and innovating system mechanism.
    The Impact of Rural Tourism on the Development of Village-level Economy——A Case of Changjiao Village in Meixian District
    XIE Zheng-feng, XIE Ya-ting
    2018, 57(13):  126-130.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.13.031
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    Selecting Changjiao village in Meixian district,Meizhou city of Guangdong province as the research object,through the field survey,the questionnaire survey,the collection of related literature materials and data,on basis of investigation on the development of rural tourism in Changjiao village,a comprehensive analysis for the impact of rural tourism on the development of village-level economy was conducted. The result showed that,all of the villagers of Changjiao village held the supportive attitude that rural tourism can boost economic development of local village. Developing rural tourism had an important role in rural residents' income,employment opportunity,industrial structure,social benefits,cultural benefits and so on,therefore affected the development of village-level economy. However,there were some problems in the process of developing rural tourism for Changjiao village,such as the unique feature of tourism products,uneven economic distribution,poor quality of labor force and inadequate infrastructure construction,that restricted the further development of village-level economy. On this basis,some suggestions for how to promote development of the rural tourism and village-level economy of Changjiao village were proposed.
    On the Planning Strategies for Industrial Cultivation in Small Towns with Software Industry Characteristics
    FU Yi-bo
    2018, 57(13):  131-135.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.13.032
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    The strategy of the new type urbanization not only requires more efficient urbanization efficiency, but also strives for innovation on the characteristics of diversified towns. The characteristic small town pattern is just complying with the era trend of the characteristic development, excavating the local characteristic deeply and leading the local characteristic development. Based on analysis of the current situation and the demand for the transformation and development of the software industry park, a system establishment of the characteristic software industry and the industrial space cultivation was explored, and the cultivation of the characteristic small town in the software industry park was studied, and then the corresponding planning strategies for industrial cultivation were put forward.
    The Effects of Different Land Use Patterns on Soil Labile Organic Carbon and Carbon Pool Management Index in the Central Major Grain Producing Areas of China——Taking Xinzheng City as A Case
    JIAO Jun-dang, LI Bao-lian, CAI Tai-yi
    2018, 57(13):  136-139.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.13.033
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    To explore the effects of different land use patterns on Soil Labile Organic Carbon(LOC),Carbon Pool Management Index(CMI) and crop yields,selecting the arable land(T1),grape land(T2),jujube orchard land(T3) and vegetable land(T4) in Xinzheng city of Henan province as case object,to compare and analyze the variations of soil labile organic carbon and carbon pool management index under the 4 typical land use patterns(arable land,grape land,jujube orchard land and vegetable land). The results indicated that,under different land use patterns,total organic carbon(TOC) of 0-60 cm soil layer existed obvious difference,and decreased with increasing soil depth,among them,TOC mass fraction of 0-20 cm soil layer differed greatly,T4,T3,T2 was increased 60.0%,53.3% and 13.3% than T1 respectively,and LOC and CMI were significantly improved compared with unused land(T0). The crop yields was positively correlated with available nitrogen,carbon library activity (L) significantly(P<0.05),but had no significant correlation with LOC and CMI, that may be caused by different statistical standards of crop yield. For the obvious different effects of different land use patterns on soil TOC,LOC and CMI,the LOC and CMI could be used as the evaluation index for different land use patterns and soil carbon pool quality.
    On Cultivation of Enshi Se-enriching Tea Regional Public Brand
    LEI Meng, CHEN Zhe, CHENG Shui-yuan
    2018, 57(13):  140-145.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.13.034
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    The regional public brand cultivation of Enshi se-enriching tea is an essential channel to improve the quality and effectiveness, achieve span development and win the market for Enshi state selenium tea industry. Based on the formation mechanism and governance mechanism of regional brand, from 4 dimensionsthe efficiency, brand power, industrial foundation and mechanism design of regional characteristics, main problems in regional brand construction of Enshi selenium tea were analyzed, and then countermeasures to promote Enshi selenium tea regional brand construction by advantage of regional characteristics were puts forward.