
Table of Content

    25 May 2018, Volume 57 Issue 10
    Research Progress in Physiology and Genetics Mechanism of Parthenocarpy of Eggplant
    CHEN Xia, ZHANG Min, TAN Jie, HUANG Shu-ping, WANG Chun-li, ZHANG Hong-yuan, TAN Tai-ming
    2018, 57(10):  5-8.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.10.001
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    Parthenocarpy is a desirable trait in eggplant(Solanum melongena L.) variety breeding, since parthenocarpic fruit set is able to overcome various environmental challenges and with high quality. The present review summarizes the research progress in eggplant parthenocarpy in recent years, including breeding of parthenocarpic varieties, physiological characteristics and molecular mechanisms of parthenocarpy. The prospects of scientific research in this field are also discussed, so as to provide reference for future researches.
    Research Progress on the Development and Utilization of Metallothionein of Marine Organism
    ZHU Xiao-ying, MENG Xiao, YAO Hai-yang, XU Xing-hong
    2018, 57(10):  9-13.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.10.002
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    Metallothionein(MT) is a class of proteins that are commonly found in organisms with small molecular weight, rich in cysteine, which can bind to metals and have multiple isomers. The research progress of MT was summarized, including the physical and chemical properties; The physiological function, the development and utilization of MT of the marine organism was mainly introduced. The prospects of the research field were also presented.
    Breeding & Cultivation
    Screening of Pod Shatter Resistance for Machine Harvesting from New Breeding Hybrids or Lines in Brassica napus
    LIU Xu, HUANG Hui-yue, RONG Fei-xue, ZHOU Hai-yan, WANG Ren-quan, WANG Xiang-quan, YANG Jie-zhi, WANG Yong-jun, WANG Shi-lin
    2018, 57(10):  14-17.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.10.003
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    In order to understand the suitability of newly developed lines in the ecological area of the Yangtze river basin for machine harvesting,22 hybrids or lines of Brassica napus involved in the national regional trials of the upper Yangtze river reaches were assessed for pod shatter resistance using improved random impact test method. The results showed that pod shatter resistant index ranged from 0.05-0.76. The index of control variety Rongyou18 was 0.16,with a very low pod shatter resistance. The index of control variety Zhongshuang 11 was 0.61,with an intermediate resistance. 7 new hybrids or lines with higher average pod shatter resistance index were identified,including Fngpaiyou 555,Wanyou 26,Mianyou 21,Qingyou 8,Neiyou 835,Qianyou 31 and Dexinyou 97. Based on further analysis of other important agronomic traits of the 7 hybrids or lines with relatively high pod shatter resistance,4 hybrids,including Wanyou 26,Qingyou 8,Neiyou 835 and Qianyou 31,could be used for machine harvesting cultivation. The yield and other traits of these 4 varieties should be further evaluated.
    Green Production Techniques for Zizania-Duck Mutual Ecosystem
    ZHU Ling-yu, BI Jian-hua, ZHANG Jia-hong, WANG Shou-hong, KOU Xiang-ming, HAN Guang-ming, WANG Gui-liang, XU Rong, WU Lei-ming
    2018, 57(10):  18-20.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.10.004
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    Techniques such as field supporting facilities,spatiotemporal coupling,green fertilizer,green prevention and control,and water level control for Zizania-Duck mutual ecosystem were reviewed to provide technical support for water integration ecosystem in Lixiahe area and to realize green production of zizania-duck mutual ecosystem.
    Influence of Planting Density on the Growth and Yield of Summer Maize in Wuling Mountain Area
    YI Yong, LI Ming-hua, YAO Qiu-yun, HUANG Wan-hua
    2018, 57(10):  21-23.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.10.005
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    In order to study the effect of planting density on the growth and yield of summer maize in Wuling mountain area,4 field density tests were carried out by setting 4 densities of 51 400 plants/hm; 2(normal density),59 800 plants/hm; 2,65 500 plants/hm; 2,70 800 plants/hm; 2. The results showed that the growth processes of different density were basically the same. The colony dry matter of lower density increased relative slowly in early stage and fast in later period, and the colony dry matter of higher density showed opposite trend. The final total biomass of each density had no significant difference. Density and yield showed a parabolic trend. The increase of sinks was beneficial to the transformation of population biomass into yield. The yield of three higher density treatments in the experiment were 8%~14% higher than the normal density. The yield with the density of 65 500 plants/hm; 2 was the highest.
    Screening of Ratooning Rice Varieties for Mechanization Adaptation in Jianghan Plain
    WANG Jia-dong1, ZHANG Pu-hai1, XIE Yuan-zhen1, ZHU Xin-guo2, YAN Mei-ying2, ZENG Qing-li3, XIE Wen-bo3, YIN De-suo4
    2018, 57(10):  24-27.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.10.006
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    Ratooning rice has become a new rice planting style in Yangtze river area in recent years,and developed fast. Ratooning rice production is in coincidence with the reform requirement for reducing fertilizer and pesticide. But this rapidly developed trend has not been well supported by existing breeding programs. For this reason,the screening trials were conducted to compare and identify the well adapted rice varieties in Jianghan plain area,and the results could provide information for customers to choose right variety with mechanization adaptation.
    Breeding and Application of PTGMS Line FK1S in Rice
    WU Xiao-liang, SUN Kun, ZHOU Hong-ying, HUANG Shu-wei, FENG Rui-tong, ZHOU Gui-lin, XIA Ting-ting
    2018, 57(10):  28-30.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.10.007
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    Derived from the cross of feng 39S(as the female) and VE6219S(as the male),FK1S was bred through shuttle breeding in both Hefei and Sanya for 12 generations over six years. It was selected through molecular marker and under the conditions of low temperature stress. FK1S was certified by Anhui Provincial Crop Variety Release Committee in 2016. FK1S showed stable male sterility with low critical temperature on fertility alteration,relatively good grain quality,panicles with many spikelets,good blast resistance,high combining ability and favorable outcrossing habits,lodging resistance and high seed yield in multiplication.
    Resource & Environment
    Characteristics of Nitrogen Output from Agricultural Non-point Source in Typical Watershed of Three Gorges Reservoir Area
    LIU Fang-yi, FAN Xian-peng, XIA Ying, HUANG Min, ZHANG Fu-lin, WU Mao-qian
    2018, 57(10):  31-35.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.10.008
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    Taking the typical watershed in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area as the research unit,and the continuous sampling observation on the monitoring points of the watershed outlet set under the natural rainfall conditions were conducted. The results showed that in 2015,the Changping watershed rainfall in April-September reached 703.1 mm and the runoff amounting to 686 354.4 m3,accounting for 83.0% and 78.8% of the annual total respectively; And the runoff and rainfall were significantly correlated(r=0.056,P<; 0.01); During this period,the total nitrogen output load accounted for 88.7% of the whole year,which was the main period of nitrogen loss in the watershed, and the runoff was the main channel and driving force of the surface nitrogen export; The average annual total nitrogen concentration was 2.0 mg/L,the peak concentration mainly in July to September; The annual output loads of total nitrogen(TN),nitrate nitrogen(NO3--N),ammonia nitrogen(NH4+-N) and particulate nitrogen(PN) were 9.0,6.6,0.4 and 1.9 kg/hm2,respectively. The main forms of nitrogen loss were nitrate nitrogen,accounting for 73.7% of the total nitrogen output load.
    Fertilizer Efficiency Experiment and Balanced Fertilization Technology of Mung Bean “3414”
    WANG Gui-mei, XING Bao-long, ZHANG Xu-li, YIN Li-li
    2018, 57(10):  36-38.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.10.009
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    In order to select the optimum fertilization rate of mung bean(Vigna radiata) cultivation, using "3414" fertilizer effect experiment, regression equation of fertilizer application amount and yield of mung bean were established,finding the optimal dosage. The results showed that the application of fertilizer or lack of mung bean growth and yield had different effects. Reasonable nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer could obviously promote the growth of mung bean, in moderate fertility conditions, the best application amount were N 66.6 kg/hm; 2,P2O5 127.2 kg/hm; 2,K2O 121.0 kg/hm; 2.
    Effects of Waterlogging on Leaf Photosynthetic Parameters and Yields of Oilseed Rape at the Bolting Stage
    GAO Hua-dong, YAN Jun, SU Rong-rui, LIU Kai-wen, ZHOU Shou-hua
    2018, 57(10):  39-44.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.10.010
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    A plot experiment was conducted to study effects of different waterlogging durations on leaf photosynthetic parameters and actual yields of oilseed rape at the bolting stage,in which two varieties of oilseed rape,namely,Zhongshuang 9 and Huayouza 668,were used as the experimental materials. According to the results,after 7 days of waterlogging,the net photosynthetic rates (Pn) of the two varieties showed the same changing trend; After 14 days of waterlogging,the Pn of the leaves of Zhongshuang 9 went down rapidly to 9.00 μmol/(m2·s),with the recovery ability still remaining at a certain level. While after the waterlogging for 10 days,the Pn of Huayouza 668 dropped slightly and then recovered and went up,with Tr,Gs and Ci in its leaves reflecting changing trends consistent with that of the Pn. After 17 days of waterlogging,etiolation and premature aging occurred to leaves of Zhongshuang 9,with Pn in leaves being only 1.02 μmol/(m2·s) and Ci increasing significantly,while Pn in leaves of Huayouza 668 was 18.71 μmol/(m2·s),demonstrating a high waterlogging tolerance. With the waterlogging duration getting longer,the water use efficiency(WUE) of Zhongshuang 9 was way lower than that of Huayouza 668;; In all the waterlogging durations,the yield of Zhongshuang 9 declined much more seriously than that of Huayouza 668; At the bolting stage, Huayouza 668 had a higher waterlogging tolerance than Zhongshuang 9.
    Study On the Soil Nutrient Limiting Factors of Camellia oleifera Abel Forest Land in Yuanzhou Area of Yichun
    LIU Jun-ping, YU Su-qin, MENG Fan-hu, LIAN Lu-nan, PENG Xiao-qiang, HU Dong-nan
    2018, 57(10):  45-48.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.10.011
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    In order to know the soil nurtrient status of the Camellia oleifera Abel forest land in Yuanzhou area of Yichun, and confirm the nurtrient factors which limiting the growth of the C. Oleifera Abel and the optimum fertilization technique, sorghum as the plant indicator,the soil nutrient limiting factors of the C. oleifera Abel land in Yuanzhou area of Yichun were studied by adopting the system diagnosis of soil nutrient status. The results showed that the content of organic matter was relative abundant in the C. Oleifera Abel land in Yuanzhou area of Yichun, while the content of P,K,Ca,Mg and nitrate nitrogen were on low level,S element was most plentiful; And the soil adsorption capacity for P was most strong,while as for Mn, it was the lowest; N,P,Ca were the main soil nutrient limiting factors, and the latent soil nutrient limiting factors were Fe,Cu,K,Mo. In order to achieve balanced fertilizer,Fe,Cu,K,Mo fertilizer ought to be feeded appropriately when the N,P,Ca fertilizer were applied amply.
    Study on the Flora of Seed Plants in the Chayu Nature Reserve in Tibet
    XUE Jing-li, LI Zhao-qing, LU Jie, GAO Tan, CHEN Feng
    2018, 57(10):  49-53.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.10.012
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    Through the field investigation,collecting the specimens and reviewing the relevant literatures,the list of seed plants in Chayu Nature Reserve was sorted out. On this basis,the plant species composition and floristic elements of the area were analyzed. The results showed that there were 1 231 seed plants in the protected area,belonging to 116 families of 497 genus. In the floristic elements,the composition of the tropical nature was dominant,accounting for 55.72% of the total number,especially in the pan-tropics. At the genus level,the temperate elements were dominant,the number of 43.27%,followed by tropical distribution. There were 448 monotypic genus and oligotypic genus in the flora,accounting for 90.14% of the total genus,accounting for the absolute superiority,and the degree of differentiation was very high. Protected areas flora geographical elements was complex,with a certain degree of transition and a certain proportion of the unique ingredients.
    Prediction Model of Precipitation Tendency during Flood Season in Jingzhou
    DENG Yan-jun, ZHAO Zhuo-xun, ZHANG Lun-jin
    2018, 57(10):  54-59.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.10.013
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    The 130 climate system monitoring index issued monthly by the National Climate Center and the precipitation data from 1954 to 2016 recorded by Jingzhou climate station were analyzed to find the correlation coefficient between these climate index and the flood season precipitation anomaly percentage as well as the main flood season precipitation anomaly percentage. Using stepwise regression method, the index with the correlation coefficients larger than 0.3 were chosen as predictor group to establish the Jingzhou precipitation forecast models of flood season and main flood season. The statistical results showed that the correlation coefficients of precipitation forecast models of flood season and main flood season were 0.874 and 0.914 respectively, which were significantly higher than the coefficients of single factor. The flood season and main flood season precipitation anomaly percentages of Jingzhou in 2016 were forecasted to be more than the normal 17.3% and 223.2% with those models. Comparing to the actual value of more than 6.2% and 30.2%, the flood season model gave better forecasting result and the main flood season model gave same trend but too large value. The large forecasting error of main flood season model may be related to the shortage of effective data of last November India subtropical high pressure zone index and larger coefficient. More data was needed to tune the relevant coefficient to improve the forecasting accuracy.
    Plant Protection
    Isolation,Identification and Antimicrobial Traits of Antibiotic Resistant Strains in Environment
    YAN Chun-lan, YANG-QING Zhuo-ma, WEI Ying-mei, WANG Tao, LEI Shi-ting, WANG Lei
    2018, 57(10):  60-64.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.10.014
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    By using Gram stain, physiological property and phylogenetic trees based on 16S rDNA,the different antibiotic resistant strains which were screened and isolated from soil were identified. Then the growth chart of strains were measured,and the drug resistance and the antimicrobial characteriatics were detected. The results showed that 11 antibiotic resistant strains were isolated and identified from soil. According to morphological characteristics and the phylogenetical analysis of 16S rDNA,these strains were determined to belong to Pseudomonas, Variovorax, Lysobacte and Brevibacillus. And the strains of XC-10,XN-4,XN-5 and XN-6 had different inhibitory effects on the growth of bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus,Bacillus subtilis,and Micrococcus luteus. Screened had obvious inhibiting effect on six common indicator strains. The 11 strains all showed significant drug-resistance to the final concentration of 10 μg/mL spectinomycin and 20 μg/mL ampicillin.
    Isolation and Identification of Antibacterial Bacteria in South China Sea
    TIAN Liang-yu, PENG Shu-ya, GU Hui-hui, JIANG Chao, ZHU Dao-chen, ZHOU Xiao-jian
    2018, 57(10):  65-68.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.10.015
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    The bacteria which had antibacterial activity was isolated from the sediments of South China Sea by plate isolation.The antibacterial activity of isolates were identified by paper disk method. The active isolates were identified by 16S rRNA sequencing and the phylogenetic tree constructed by neighbour-joining method. The growth characteristics of bacteria were studied. The results showed that nine active antibacterial bacteria belonging to genus Bacillus and Salinicola were isolated from sediment samples. It was indicated that strain j65 could grow at the concentration of 20% NaCl,and all strains could grow at the range of pH 6~10,except for strain gu8.
    Effects of Mixed Treatment with Extract of Melia azedarach Bark and Tusite on the Growth and Major Physiological Parameters of Cuscuta japonica
    YU Shu-zhong, ZHANG Qi-yao, YANG Zhen-de, GUO Chun-hui, WANG Rui-rui, WU Guang
    2018, 57(10):  69-72.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.10.016
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    The growth and main physiological responses of Cuscuta japonica to mixed reagents(ethanol extract of Melia azedarach bark and tusit) were studied. The results showed that the mixed reagent in low concentration had no obvious damage to C. japonica. However,the stem of C. japonica withered up and died after 30 days treatment with high concentration of mixed reagent. Under the high concentration of combination treatment,the content of soluble sugar and malondialdehyde (MDA) of C. japonica increased,whereas the content of soluble protein decreased. Under the high concentration(40 g/L) of ethanol extract of M. azedarach bark treatment,the activity of superoxide dismutase(SOD),peroxidase(POD) and catalase (CAT) presented a tendency of increased first and then decreased as the concentration of tusite increase in C. japonica. Under the high concentration of tusite(14 mg/L) treatment,the activity of POD and CAT presented a tendency of increased first and then decreased as the concentration of ethanol extract increased. It was indicated that high concentration of mixed reagent which played a role of control was by influencing the metabolism of protein and other biological macromolecules and destroying the balance of protective enzyme system of C. japonica.
    Horticulture & Local Products
    Dynamic Changes of Two Kinds of Enzymes and Soluble Protein of Eucalyptus Leaves in Different Seasons and Years
    ZHU Yu-lin, ZHOU Xing-wen, HUANG Li-ling, SU Jian-mu, ZHAO Ying
    2018, 57(10):  73-76.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.10.017
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    Eucalyptus is an important economic tree species in southern China. Research on storage metabolism of eucalyptus would increase its nitrogen utilization level, which had certain research significance. Taking the branch and leaf tissue of eucalyptus as research object, the dynamic change of protein content as well as the activity of glutamate synthetase and glutamine synthetase was observed using UV spectrophotometric method based on the phonological phase. The results showed that, in the beginning of autumn, soluble protein content of eucalyptus leaves was at the lowest level; But in the following spring it was the highest. The soluble protein content in summer was between spring and the autumn. Glutamate synthese activity was the highest in autumn and the lowest in spring. The glutamine synthetase activity was the highest in autumn while lowest in spring. The glutamate synthetase activity, soluble protein content, glutamine synthetase activity was closely related to the season and year, the three of which present different changing trends.
    Planting Techniques of Actinidia chinensis Interplanting with Lilium davidii var. unicolor
    LI Kun, GUO Yan, ZHANG Ze-zhi, ZHOU Ming, SI Hai-qian, ZHOU Jun, FENG Hai-dong
    2018, 57(10):  77-78.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.10.018
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    Lilium davidii Duch. var. unicolor(Hoog) Cotton has high nutritional value as it can be used as both medicine herb and food. The reasonable analysis of the interplanting mode of Actinidia chinensis Planch. and L. davidi var unicdor was conducted to study the cultivation management techniques suitable to local situation. Practical results showed that the use of the cultivation mode can effectively reduce the production cost, while increase soil moisture and nutrients; the production of A. chinensis and L. davidi var. unicdor was both increased to a certain degree.
    Effects of Different Microbial Fertilizer on Growth and Development and Quality of Flue-Cured Tobacco
    WANG Zheng, AO Jin-cheng, ZHANG Zhen, LIU Yu-yu, LI Xiao-ting, YANG Xiao-bin, QIAN Zhou-long
    2018, 57(10):  79-82.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.10.019
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    In order to improve the yield and quality of tobacco, as well as screen the suitable microbial fertilizer, a field experiment was conducted to study the influences of different kinds of microbial fertilizers on the growth and development, yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco. The results showed that the application of microbial fertilizers significantly promoted the plant height, effective leaves, the largest leaf area and content of chlorophyll, and increased the yield and output by 11.29% to 17.80% and 15.80% to 26.57% respectively. The chemical composition was more coordinate; and the potassium content was enhanced after applying the microbial fertilizer. The Nongfuxili complex microorganisms and mixed 4 kinds of microorganisms were suitable for the flue-cured tobacco production in Qiubei tobacco-planting area.
    The Role of Native Plants in Vegetation Restoration
    WANG Zi, REN Hai-yan
    2018, 57(10):  83-87.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.10.020
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    Vegetation restoration is one of the important contents of ecological construction, there are variety ways of restoration, among which artificial planting a fast method. Special plants are often chose by the researchers and companies for the vegetation restoration. A series of surveys has found that native plants are the fittest to the local habitat conditions after long evolutionary process, as they have strong resistance, low cost, variety and are easy to cultivate, thus have incomparable advantages over other plants in the ecological construction. According to the successful application cases of native plants for vegetation restoration, it was suggested that native plants has broad application prospects in the grassland ecological restoration, mining vegetation restoration and slope vegetation restoration. They have high ornamental value as well as strong adaptability, stability and durability.
    Analysis of the Current Industrial Situation and Recommendations about Healthy Development of Oil Peony Industry in Hubei Province
    XU Miao, TONG Zhu, SUN Zhong-hai, HE Xiu-juan, ZHAO Tian-yu, LENG Ying, QIU Wen-ming, XU Yu-hai, XIAO Cui
    2018, 57(10):  88-90.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.10.021
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    The industrial situation and the problems of oil peony(Paeonia suffruticosa Andr.) main producing areas in Hubei Province were analyzed based on the investigation. At present,the industry has entered a period of adjustment after years of development. Aiming at the problems which the industry faced,the following development proposals were put forward. First,make full use of the ornamental value of peony and carry out the theme eco-tourism of peony. Second,make full use of the advantages of local resources and develop resource evaluation and utilization. Third,the intensive processing of oil peony should be promoted and the industrial chain of products should be extended.
    Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine
    Effect of Compound Biological Agents on Egg Production Rate
    WANG Wen-jian, LI Fei-xiang, BIAN Hong-xing, WU Qing-jun
    2018, 57(10):  91-92.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.10.022
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    The compound biologics were added in the feed of 180-day-old laying hens,meanwhile with nothing added as the blank control,and each group were repeated twice. The results showed that the compound biologics which added in the feed could enhance the laying rate remarkably.
    Epidemiological Survey of Chlamydia Goat in Hubei Province
    WU Xiu-zhu, LIU Wei, YUAN Fang-yan, ZHOU Dan-na, LIU Ze-wen, YANG Ke-li, DUAN Zheng-ying, GUO Rui, WU Xue-jun, TIAN Yong-xiang, CHENG Tai-ping
    2018, 57(10):  93-94.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.10.023
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    In this study, indirect hemagglutination kits and ELISA were used to investigate the epidemiology of Chlamydia in goat farms in different regions of Hubei province. The results showed that the average positive rate of chlamydia goat in these regions is 10.7%. The rate of Chlamydia in Hubei province is basically the same as that of previous years.
    Study on in Vitro Release of Eprinomectin in Situ Gel Injection
    ZHANG Zhen-dong, LIU Xi-wang, MA Ning, SHEN Dong-shuai, LI Jian-yong
    2018, 57(10):  95-97.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.10.024
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    The purpose of this study was to determine the release of in situ gel injection of Eprinomectin in vitro (EPR). The vitro release of EPR in situ gel injection was measured by high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC) using PBS buffer as a release medium. The results showed that it is feasible to determine the vitro release of EPR in situ gel injection by HPLC and the vitro release curve showed that EPR in situ gel injection had the characteristics of sustained release. This conclusion was that the HPLC method was suitable for the vitro release of EPR in situ gel injection with pH 7.4 PBS buffer solution as a release medium.
    Agricultural Engineering
    Effects of Earth Cleaner with Tooth Harrow of Integration of Cultivation and Fertilization on Emergence of Eesame Eeeds
    WEI Lin-gen, LYU Feng-juan, WANG Rui-qing, XIAO Yun-ping, HUA Ju-ling, LI Yao, YANG Cheng-chun
    2018, 57(10):  98-100.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.10.025
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    In order to explore the efficient and high productive mechanical sowing method of sesame seeds in hills,the effects of three kinds of mechanical sowing methods on sesame seeds emergence were studied in this research. The results showed that in the hills land,the appropriate sowing way was the integrated sowing mode of cultivation and fertilization of sesame.Through fixing three tooth harrow in the backend of the seeding tubes,this installation could guarantee a good quatity of emerged sesame seeds and basic seeding in the field,and obstain a high yield.
    Ultrasonic Analysis and Adjustment of HMP155 Humidity Sensor
    WANG Hua-zhang, SUN Zhen, HAN Bing, ZHANG Jing
    2018, 57(10):  101-104.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.10.026
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    Through the analysis of the working principle and error cause of HMP155 temperature and humidity sensor,the corresponding treatment method is given.The problem of humidity sensor has been solved by using M2000 as a generator and provide a standard environment standard,using the multimeter,analog switch, analog interface,3MS software always read and display of data,sums up an effective adjustment method,according to the result of humidity verification regulation for adjusting and testing.At last,the objectivity and accuracy of measurement value of humidity sensor has been ensured.
    Agricultural Economics
    The Risk Sharing of Water Conservancy PPP Project Based on Hall's Three-dimensional Structure
    SHI Gao-ping
    2018, 57(10):  105-109.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.10.027
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    The effective risk sharing between the project participator is the key factor for the success of PPP project and the improvement of the project management performance in water conservancy. In this paper, the author using the theory of Hall's Three-dimensional Structure to explore the problems about how to share the risk reasonable in water conservancy PPP project; and basing the effective integration of the dimension about time logic and knowledge in project risk sharing,the author come up with the path of the PPP project risk dynamic share of water conservancy projects.
    Price Transmission Mechanism and Characteristics of Pork and Feed Market in China——Based on the Asymmetric Error Correction Model
    CHAO He-sen, ZHU Li-qin
    2018, 57(10):  110-115.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.10.028
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    Using the monthly data between 2000 and 2015, this study applies asymmetric error correction model and impulse response function to investigate the price transmission between pork and feed. Results show that there is a long-term equilibrium relationship between pork price and feed price; in the short run, a reverse correction mechanism was detected in the cointegration system, as well as a lagged and significantly asymmetric price transmission effect. The cointegration between pork price and feed price was further confirmed using the impulse response function and variance decomposition. Further investigation indicated that the asymmetric transmission is mainly attributed to information asymmetry, market power and cost control.
    Dynamic Balance between the Urban and Rural Education Land Based on ELUI
    TIAN Fu-qiang
    2018, 57(10):  116-118.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.10.029
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    The ELUI model and its application based on the dynamic balance between urban and rural education land were illustrated taking the transfer of migrant workers' children in Wujing town of Fufeng county, Shaanxi Province as an example. The results showed that, after entering and setting down in the city, the migrant workers' children flowed to cities to attend school, keeping the idle rural education land free as land quota for the additional construction of urban teaching facilities, which realized the dynamic balance of education land between urban and rural areas. Increasing urban educational facilities produced better educational effects.
    Study on Intervention Paths of “Harmony between Human and Nature” in Agricultural Ecological Model
    CHAI Hong-hua
    2018, 57(10):  119-121.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.10.030
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    Focusing on the development paths of agricultural ecological model, the ideology's positive effects on the economic, social and ecological benefits of agriculture were explored. It was illuminated that the way to agricultural ecological construction should take the ideology of “harmony between human and nature” into consideration and aim at promoting and keeping a virtuous circulation of ecological system, to realize the harmonious coexistence between human and nature, to set up and perfect the agricultural ecologic model, and then accelerate the building of socialist ecological civilization.
    Analysis on the Conflicts and Resolutions between Shale Gas Development and Agricultural Land Usage in Hubei Province
    TU Yi-nan, HUAN Ji’e
    2018, 57(10):  122-124.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.10.031
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    Starting with the present situation and problems to be concerned of shale gas development in Hubei, the main conflicts between land use for shale gas mining industry and agricultural sector were examined, and the similar systems abroad were comparatively studied, and then some feasible resolutions and suggestions were put forward.
    Rural Revitalization
    Present Situation and Supply-side Development Countermeasures of Bamboo Shoot Industry in Xianning City
    YANG Shuo, YU An-an, XU Sheng-wu, SHI Shi-sheng, ZHENG Li, XIA Wen-juan, QU He-ping, LI Li
    2018, 57(10):  125-128.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.10.032
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    There are many basic advantages in the development of bamboo industry in Xianning, but it also faces several problems. For examples,the industrial structure of bamboo shoots is still imbalanced and recently the industrial chain of bamboo shoots is not mature enough. This paper briefly expounds the present situation of bamboo industry in Xianning. The problems in the development of bamboo shoot industry are also investigated and analyzed,while several advises are put forward,including promoting the innovation and utilization of the bamboo industry supply-side,developing bamboo shoot industry,digging up the bamboo shoot processing industry and consummating the bamboo shoot industry.
    The Optimization Strategies of Rural Industrial Space in Southern Jiangsu from Industrial Convergence Perspective
    TU Huang-ju, WANG Ying-ying
    2018, 57(10):  129-133.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.10.033
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    The optimization trend of rural industrial space was analyzed based on the perspective of industry convergence. By dissecting the insufficient space development potential,single spatial structure,land fragmentation,lack of local features and other subject matters of rural industrial space in South Jiangsu at present,and combining the optimization of rural industrial space in South Jiangsu,some optimization strategies were proposed from aspects such as the industrial transformation,extension of industrial chain,land resources integration and spatial reorganization,update of spatial features.
    Consideration of Sustainable Development of Characteristic Industries in Qianjiang’s National Modern Agriculture Industry Park
    YU Jin-ping, ZAI Wu, LIU Cui-jun, CHEN Jie, YE Chong-wen
    2018, 57(10):  134-137.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.10.034
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    According to the development status of modern agricultural industrial parks in Qianjiang city, the selection evaluation of featured industries was conducted using the location quotient and the concentration coefficient, and the SWOT analysis method was used to systematically analyze the crayfish industry, clarifying the internal advantages and disadvantages of the crayfish industry development. As well as the external opportunities and threats faced, the countermeasures and suggestions for the sustainable development of the crayfish industry are proposed.
    The Progress,Bottleneck and Countermeasure of Rural E-commerce Poverty Alleviation——Based on An Investigation of Yanchi County in Ningxia
    LIU Zhong-lan, BAI Yao
    2018, 57(10):  138-141.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.10.035
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    An investigation was made from the government,enterprises and farmers of Yanchi county to understand the development of local e-commerce poverty alleviation. It was found that,although the e-commerce started fast at the beginning of poverty alleviation,but the lack of experience for the local government,lack of support for enterprises,and lack of guidance for farmers resulted in the slow development of later e-commerce poverty alleviation.In view of the existing problems,some relevant countermeasures were put forward from the government, enterprises and poor farmers.
    Research on Carrying out the “Medical and Nursing Combination” Pension Service in Rural Areas
    FAN Juan
    2018, 57(10):  142-145.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.10.036
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    The necessity,problems of carrying out the “medical and nursing combination” in rural areas were discussed.According to the present situation of rural areas,and combined with experiences of foretaste regions,a conception including the internal,transformational and cooperative pension service patterns of the “medical and nursing combination” adaptable for implementation in rural areas,and some concrete countermeasures to ensure implementation of it were put forward.