Study on landscape pattern evolution and its driving factors of Yuncheng city Yanhu district
WANG Jun-jun, WANG Ling-li
2022, 61(8):
502 )
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Based on the Landsat remote sensing image data in 2008, 2013 and 2018, the landscape pattern index method and principal component analysis method were used to analyze the landscape pattern evolution and its driving forces in Yuncheng city Yanhu district. The results showed that the landscape pattern changed significantly from 2008 to 2018. Construction land and forest land increased by 6.40, 2.90 percentage points, respectively, cultivated land decreased by 6 092.01 hm2 and grassland decreased by 4 785.21 hm2. Among them, cultivated land was mainly transformed into construction land and forest land, and grassland was mainly transformed into forest land and cultivated land. Cultivated land PD increased 54.24%, LPI decreased from 24.43 to 14.31, PAFRAC increased from 1.32 to 1.35, the result indicated that the distribution of cultivated land tended to be scattered, the degree of fragmentation and the heterogeneity increased, and the degree of dominance decreased. Construction land tended to be concentrated, the fragmentation degree and the heterogeneity decreased, the dominance degree increased. In the whole study region, CONTAG decreased by 7.25%, and SHDI increased by 12.76%, PAFRAC slightly increased, the overall landscape diversity increased, the degree of fragmentation had become higher, and the landscape structure had become more complex and trended towards homogenization. Economic development, population growth, agricultural structure adjustment and regional policy were the main driving factors affecting the evolution of landscape pattern in Yuncheng city Yanhu district.