Preliminary study of endophytic fungus diversity of tea leaf in an ancient tea garden,Jingmai,Yunnan,China
ZHANG Jian-kun, ZHOU Jian, PENG Chao, WANG Qin, WANG Fei, WANG Zhen-hua
2021, 60(19):
494 )
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Tea leaf samples were collected from an ancient tea garden in Jingmai and Mangjing, Yunnan, China, and the naturally dried tea leaves were disinfected using 75% alcohol and 0.5% sodium hypochlorite and inoculated in PDA(Potato Dextrose Agar) plates for isolation of endophytic fungi. 103 fungal isolates were obtained, and basing on the morphological features 30 were selected for PCR and sequencing of ITS region and TEF gene. The results showed that 30 isolates were classified into 2 phyla, 3 classes, 7 orders, 10 families, and 13 genera, in which the isolates of Coprinellus spp. were the most (20.0%), and Nodulisporium spp. (16.7%), Hypoxylon spp. (13.3%), and Daldinia spp. (10.0%) were behind in order. Comparing with reported references, the isolates in this study added taxonomic units of one order, four families and eight genera to the endophytic fungi in tea plant. Several isolates (such as 6, 10, 18, 21, 24, 26) were extremely possibly novel species of fungi. This study supposed that the ancient tea garden of Jingmai, Yunnan was quite different from usual artificially cultured tea gardens, and its endophytic fungi were extremely diverse and unique and deserved further investigation.