
Table of Content

    10 June 2021, Volume 60 Issue 11
    Study progress of world heritage and tourism development based on the analysis of SSCI source literature
    HE Li-xiang
    2021, 60(11):  5-11.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.001
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    With CiteSpace and VOSviewer software, this paper selected SSCI source journals of Web of Science TM core collection sub database to analyze the research literature of world heritage and tourism development from 1994 to 2020. The results showed, ①Most of the authors come from Europe, America and East Asia, and there was less cooperation among them. ② From the perspective of research hotspots, sustainable development always runs through the main line of world heritage and tourism research. With the expansion of world heritage tourism research to the micro field, the perception, attitude and participation of heritage residents in tourism development, and the construction of a benign participation and management mechanism of community residents, tourists, government, enterprises and related organizations have become an important research hotspot. ③ From the research stage, the research of international world heritage and tourism development can be divided into four stages,such as germination, preliminary diversification, rapid diversification and deepening research. The research themes and research objects are increasingly diversified.
    Research advances in resources utilization of sheep manure
    ZHU Yun-fen, LI Rong, XIANG Ji-qian, CHEN Xiao-fei, TAN De-jun, WANG Guo-gui, MA Jing
    2021, 60(11):  12-15.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.002
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    Sheep manure contains a lot of organic matter and elements such as N, P and K, which are not digested and absorbed by the body,it's a high quality raw material for making organic fertilizer. After being fermented by microorganisms, sheep manure can be transformed into organic fertilizer, feed, marsh gas and edible mushroom matrix,those are also effective ways of harmless and resource utilization of sheep manure, which have important development significance and application prospect in breeding and production.In this paper, the comprehensive utilization of sheepmanure and the latest research progress were reviewed, which provided new ideas for the utilization of sheepmanure.
    Breeding & Cultivation
    Breeding and cultivation techniques of tropical new maize variety Guidan 669
    CHEN Hong-cao, TAN Hua, ZOU Cheng-lin, ZHENG De-bo, HUANG Kai-jian, HUANG Ai-hua
    2021, 60(11):  16-18.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.003
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    Guidan 669, a new maize variety, was bred by Maize Research Institute, Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Its parents were Q901as female parent and P508 as male parent. In 2018, the regional test of Guidan 669 was conducted in Guangxi, and the average yield in spring and autumn was 520.7 kg/667 m2, 6.0% higher than the control variety Guidan162. In 2019, the production test of Guidan 669 was conducted in Guangxi, and the average yield in spring and autumn was 478.7 kg/667 m2, 8.3% higher than the control variety. Guidan 669 was examined and approved by the Crop Seed Approval and Examination Committee of Guangxi in 2020. Guidan 669 has high and stable yield, good quality, lodging resistance and wide adaptability, which was suitable for planting in Guangxi.
    Preliminary study on quality and taste of rice variety resources in Shandong province
    JIN Gui-xiu
    2021, 60(11):  19-23.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.004
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    The edible quality of rice mainly includes processing quality, appearance quality, cooking quality, nutrition quality, storage quality, et al. This project mainly studies the quality and eating performance of rice(Oryza sativa L.) variety resources in Shandong province under specific producing areas, climate, cultivation and management, harvesting and storage, and provides references for the research of rice variety quality and eating quality, new variety breeding and resource creation.
    Effect of soybean hybrid parents on grain protein and fat content of F2 population
    HU Tie-huan, SUN Yong-yuan, WU Feng-xun, GAO Guang-ju, CAO Jin-feng
    2021, 60(11):  24-25.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.005
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    In order to study the inheritance of protein and fat in F2 generation of different soybean[Glycine max (Linn.) Merr.] parents, 13 crosses were made with high material Jidou 12 and high oil material Cangdou 6 as female parent, and the protein and fat contents of F2 generation population were determined. The results showed that the grain protein content of F2 population was highly correlated with that of the maternal parent, and the protein content of F2 population was higher than that of the maternal parent, and the protein content of F2 population was higher than that of the maternal parent. The protein content in the same population showed normal distribution. The fat content in F2 population was highly correlated with the parents. The protein and fat content in F2 population was negatively correlated(P<0.01).
    Effects of drip irrigation on dry matter accumulation,ear characteristics and yield of spring maize with high planting densities
    TANG Cheng, GAO Hui, CHU Gui-xin
    2021, 60(11):  26-30.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.006
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    In order to determine the suitable drip irrigation quotas, the effects of different irrigation quantity on dry matter accumulation, ear characteristics, yield of spring maize (Zea mays L.) with high planting densities were studied, which will provide a scientific basis for reasonable water use for high density maize cultivation in the region. Three irrigation treatments were established, which were 2/3 of the local average irrigation quantity, the local average irrigation quantity and 4/3 of the local average irrigation quantity. The response of different irrigation quantity on corn dry matter accumulation, panicle traits, yield were studied using analysis of variance, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis. The results showed that, compared to the average irrigation quantity, the dry matter accumulation of reproductive organs after seed formation period, post-flowering dry matter distribution ratio, grain numbers per ear, 1 000 grain weight, ear length, ear diameter, kernels per row, panicle weight, weight of grains per panicle, maize yield were significantly decreased with the decrease of irrigation water quantity, while irrigation water increase had no obvious effect on the indicators. The length of bald tip was negatively correlated with the irrigation amount, and other indicators were positively correlated with irrigation quantity. The yield of single ear of maize was mainly restricted by grain number and 1 000-grain weight per ear. The average irrigation amount of 6 750 m3/hm2 in this experimental area can ensure high yield of maize (yield ≥ 15 000 kg/hm2), and the reduced 1/3 irrigation amount can significantly reduce maize yield, while the increased 1/3 irrigation amount has no obvious effect on yield, resulting in water resource waste.
    Effects of different film mulching on agronomic traits and yield of edible sweetpotato
    ZHANG Lei, WANG Bo, SHANG Li-li, HAN Jun-jie, QIU Peng-fei, JIA Li-cong, WANG Chang-yun, HU Yao, XIN Guo-sheng
    2021, 60(11):  31-34.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.007
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    In order to explore the effects of different film mulching on agronomic traits and yield of edible sweetpotato [Ipomoea Batatas (L.) Lam], taking Yanshu No.25 as tested material, and the effects of different film mulching on survival rate, growth and yield of fresh sweetpotato seedlings were studied. The result showed that, compared with CK, the survival rate of transplanted sweetpotato seedlings treated with T1 and T3 increased by 10 percentage. Film mulching effectively reduced the main stem length, thickness and the number of base branch from transplanted to the 55th days after planting, and the most base branches of sweet potato at the 55th days of planting was T3.The largest number of middle-sized tubers was T3, followed by T2, which was 83.33% and 66.67% higher than CK respectively. Compared with CK, the yield of sweetpotato treat with T1, T2 and T3 was increased by 12.36%, 31.46% and 22.47% respectively. Compared with T2, T3 effectively reduced the number of small sweetpotato, the yield of big-sized tubers and small-sized tubers, meanwhile increased the number and yield of middle-sized tubers and the corresponding ratio.
    Effects of returning methods of straw on soil physical property and spring maize yield
    YUE Yang, SUN Pan-pan, ZHANG Yan-hui, LI Yan, MENG Ling-bin, KANG Heng, DONG Ben-chun, ZHENG Yong-zhao
    2021, 60(11):  35-38.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.008
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    The study aimed to find out the effects of different straw returning methods on soil physical properties and spring maize(Zea mays L.)yield.Four straw returning methods were set up: Without straw(S1, CK), spinning straw into the soil(S2), plowing straw deeply into the soil(S3) and covering the field with straw(S4),to study its effects on soil bulk density, soil porosity, soil moisture, soil temperature and maize yield. The results showed that comparing with without straw(CK), the soil bulk density of 0~40 cm layer decreased by 3.9%, the porosity increased by 2.0%, and the maize yield increased by 2.81% under spinning straw into the soil treatment; The covering field with straw treatment was conducive to improve soil moisture,decreased the soil temperature,maize ear number,grains per spike,100-seed weight,and the maize yield decreased by 3.87%. The plowing straw deeply into the soil treatment increased the soil porosity of 20~30 cm layer, decreased the soil bulk density, increased the field capacity and the soil moisture,increased the maizeear number, grains per spike, 100-seed weight, and the yield increased by 8.24%. Through preliminary study, we found that the plowing straw deeply into the soil can improve soil physical property, and increase maize yield.
    Resource & Environment
    Assessment of ecological vulnerability in the ecotone of the southeast margin of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau
    WANG Ying, XIE Zhong-yuan, LI Feng, SHAO Huai-yong
    2021, 60(11):  39-44.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.009
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    To provide some basis for the ecological environment management and protection of the ecotone in the southeast margin of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau, this paper selected nine evaluation indexes and adopted the method of entropy and AHP to evaluate the ecological environment vulnerability of the southeast edge of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau in 2010, 2015 and 2018 based on the data of meteorology, topography and land resources. The results showed that the vulnerable areas of the study area were in the decreased order of mild vulnerability, micro vulnerability, moderate vulnerability, severe vulnerability, extreme vulnerability; The vulnerability degree of the ecological environment in the study area was mainly affected by soil erosion, vegetation coverage, slope, land use type and temperature; The vulnerability degree of the ecological environment in the study area was distributed as decreased order of glaciers, glaciers and woodlands belt, forest grass ecotone, cultivated land, grassland, and forest land; Compared with 2010, the ecological environment in 2018 showed a positive trend of change. The results indicate that the ecological projects such as the restoration of alpine grassland and the conversion of cropland to forest have been effective in recent years, but still need to continue to promote and improve the means of environmental governance.
    Study on the reclamation experiment and ecological health risk of organic polluted soil after mechanochemical remediation
    ZENG Man, CHEN Dong, HU Min, MAO Lin-qiang, HU Lin-chao, ZHANG Wen-yi
    2021, 60(11):  45-49.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.010
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    In order to evaluate the risk of crop growth and ecological health after the remediation of organic contaminated soil by ball milling mechanochemical method, the effects of remediated soil, polluted soil and pollution-free soil on the growth of crops were compared by planting rice, soybean. The results showed that the growth period of rice in polluted soil was longer than that of rice in remediated soil, and the growth period of rice in remediated soil was similar to that in non-polluted soil. Comparing the growth status of crop fruits, it was found that the growth status of fruit in non-polluted soil was better than remediated soil, both were better than polluted soil fruits; The size of soybean fruits in non-polluted soil was the same, and there were great difference among the polluted soil soybean fruits. The toxicity of rice fruits grown in non-polluted soil, remediated soil and polluted soil were non-toxic, toxic and high toxic respectively. 41 kinds of volatile and semi-volatile pollutants were detected in remediated soil, mainly 2,4-dichlorophenol and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The non-carcinogenic risk of 2,4-dichlorophenol and phenol in remediated soil was lower than acceptable. The carcinogenic risk of benzo (b) fluoranthene was also lower than the acceptable risk level. It can be seen from this, the toxicity of soil remediated by ball milling mechanochemical method is reduced, and the carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risk is reduced.
    Study on driving factors of carbon emission in the Yangtze river economic belt based on STIRPAT model
    ZHU Dong-yuan, JI Lei
    2021, 60(11):  50-54.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.011
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    As an important manifestation of environmental pressure, carbon emission research on its internal driving factors is of great guiding significance to realize green development. Based on the panel data of provinces and cities of the Yangtze river economic belt from 2008 to 2016, carbon emissions were selected as the dependent variable, and the STIRPAT model was used to conduct an extended analysis to study the driving factors of carbon emissions in the Yangtze river economic belt. The results showed that the level of urbanization, population, energy intensity of the Yangtze river economic belt was significantly influenced carbon emissions, per capita GDP, investment of pollution control, the actual use of foreign capital also had a certain influence. Then the necessary measures of control and reduction the total CO2 of the Yangtze river economic belt were put forward to provide reference for the future development of high quality.
    Influence of extreme temperatures change on phenophase in northwest Hunan province
    ZHOU Wei, CHEN Ke, HUANG Ping
    2021, 60(11):  55-61.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.012
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    In order to grasp the influence of extreme temperature on phenology and carry out fine meteorological services. Based on the climate data of northwest Hunan province from 2000 to 2018 and the phenological data of two kinds of animals (frog and barn swallow)and three kinds of plants (peach, catalpa and walnut tree) in the same period, the characteristics of temperature change and its influence on the phenology of animals and plants were studied by using the methods of linear tendency analysis, SPSS correlation coefficient and scatter diagram analysis. The results showed that the distribution of extreme maximum temperature was high in the middle and low in both sides, the regional difference of extreme minimum temperature was not obvious, and the trend of annual change of extreme maximum and minimum temperature was not obvious. The phenological periods of animals in northwest Hunan province were obviously affected by the lowest maximum temperature. The initial sound(see) stage and the final sound(see) stage both advanced and delayed, the initial sound(see) stage mainly showed an advanced trend, and the final sound(see) stage mainly showed a delayed trend. There was a significant correlation between the animal phenology and the extreme maximum temperature at the time of occurrence and 1~4 months before occurrence. The correlation between plant phenology and extreme maximum temperature was significant, but it was not obvious with extreme minimum temperature; The negative correlation between plant leaf bud opening, leaf spreading, flowering, defoliation and extreme maximum temperature was the main one. It can be seen that the extreme maximum temperature is the key meteorological factor affecting animals and plants in the northwest of Hunan province, and the period of animal activity and flowering of plants are more sensitive to the extreme maximum temperature.
    Effects of chemical fertilizer reduction combined with commercial organic fertilizer on soil fertility and rice yield
    ZHANG Lin, LYU Yu-hu, GUO Xiao-yan, SHI Peng-fei, NIE Liang-peng, ZHANG Li-xia, DING Li, LING Jing-wei, PAN Zi-liang
    2021, 60(11):  62-65.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.013
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    A field experiment was carried out to explore the effects of commercial organic fertilizer combined with reduced 10% and 20% chemical fertilizer on soil fertility and rice yield in south Henan province. The series of commercial organic fertilizer application was 750, 1 125, 1 500 kg/hm2, and 100% chemical fertilizer as the control. The results showed that treatment with 1 125 kg/hm2 of commercial organic fertilizer could reduce 10% chemical fertilizer and increase rice yield,treatment with 1 500 kg/hm2 of commercial organic fertilizer could reduce 20% chemical fertilizer and increase rice yield. Compared with the control,the rice soil available N was significantly increased with commercial organic fertilizer applied amount increased, available P and available K increased with commercial organic fertilizer applied amount increased; But only available N content was increased when applied chemical fertilizer, available P was significantly increased under 1 500 kg/hm2 of organic fertilize condition, available K was not significantly affected by chemical fertilizer applied amount. So, combined application of commercial organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer could reduce the chemical fertilizer application amount, reduce the non-point source pollution load, and rationally use of commercial organic fertilizer.
    Effect of milu deer activity on seed bank in the Swan island wetland in Shishou city
    YAN Li, CHENG Xu, YUAN Long-yi, XUE Xing-hua
    2021, 60(11):  66-70.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.014
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    In order to study the effect of Milu deer (Elaphurus davidianus) activity on the seed bank in the Swan island wetland in Shishou county, seed bank germination experiment and vegetation investigation were carried out on the basis of the strong and weak selection of three sites (A site, B site and C site) by the intensity of interference. The results showed that there were 41 species, 18 families, 39 genera, and mainly annual plants (53.7%). The interference intensity of Milu deer had a significant effect on seed bank in the Swan island wetland in Shishou county (P<0.05), and the order of the interference in the seed bank species was B>C>A. The variation characteristics of Shannon-Wiener diversity index and Margarlef richness index of above ground vegetation were the same, and both showed an extremely significant downward trend with the decrease of disturbance intensity, indicating that disturbance increased the species and quantity of above ground vegetation. The similarity level between seed bank and above ground vegetation was low, the number of Milu eaters in above ground vegetation decreased, and a large number of Milu anorexia species increased.
    The application of various model data in a hail prevention operation in Hunan province
    DING Li, DING Yuan-wu, LI Wei, TANG Lin, LI Qiong, WANG Ling
    2021, 60(11):  71-75.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.015
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    The purpose of this study was to improve the timeliness and accuracy of hail prediction and to develop a scientific and reasonable hail prevention plan. On May 3—4, 2017, a severe convective weather process occurred in south Hunan province. The time and region of this severe convective weather process were predicted by using the European central fine grid model 24 hours before the process. By using GRAPES_CAMS model data, the evolution trend of cloud system was knew and the precipitation mechanism was judged, then the temperature and height range of cloud seeding was determined, finally the operation plan was made. The radar fact sheet was used to adjust the operation plan. The results showed that, based on the traditional hail prediction method, the cloud model was introduced to accurately determine the appropriate operation height, operation location, operation time, made the operation more scientific, more targeted. After the operation, the radar echo was weakened, no data of hail disaster was collected in the operation area, and the operation effect was good.
    Horticulture & Local Products
    Comprehensive evaluation of superior individuals of dwarf crape myrtle using hierarchy-gray correlation method
    YANG Yan-ling, LI Zhen-fang, MA Lin-jiang, WANG Rui-wen, ZHANG Xin-ye, PENG Chan, HUANG Guo-wei, CHEN Hui-ling
    2021, 60(11):  76-80.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.016
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    For cultivating dwarf shrubby Lagerstroemia indica, selecting flower density, inflorescence length, inflorescence width, flower diameter, flower color, flowering period, plant type, plant height, crown width, growth vigor, disease resistance and other 11 indicators, the evaluation system of dwarf shrubby L. indica's ornamental character was established by combining the grey correlation analysis method with the AHP method using 110 individual plants of hybrid offspring from the intraspecific hybridization of L. indica as materials. Based on the weight value of each evaluation index determined by Analytic hierarchy process and according to the grey correlation degree value, all the materials were divided into 4 grades and 6 plants with the good comprehensive characters including dense flowers, good shape, bright and pure color were picked out. The evaluation system can be used to evaluate the dwarf shrubby L.indica's ornamental characters effectively, and this provided a scientific method for selection breeding.
    Effects of different anti-cracking agents on fruit cracking and contents of middle and trace elements in Junzao
    LI Jiang-bin, ZHAO Wei-liang, YANG Xin-fang, WANG Zhen-lei
    2021, 60(11):  81-85.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.017
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    Taking Junzao jujube(Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) as material, the effects of different concentrations of CaCl2 and GA3 on fruit cracking, medium and trace elements of Junzao jujube were studied by spraying different concentrations of CaCl2 and GA3 on the leaves of Junzao jujube at different stages. The results showed that during the growth period of jujube fruit, the weight of single fruit and the vertical and horizontal diameter of fruit were significantly increased by applying 15 g/L CaCl2 and 20 mg/L GA3. Spraying 10 g/L CaCl2 and 20 mg/L GA3 in the white ripening stage of jujube fruit could significantly reduce fruit cracking, reduce water absorption, and maintain the hardness and brittleness of fruit. The contents of P, K, Ca and Mg in jujube fruits increased significantly after long-term application of CaCl2, which was higher than that in medium and post-treatment stage. The contents of P, K and Na in jujube fruits were significantly higher than those in the pre-treatment period when gibberellin was sprayed at white ripening stage, and the content of Ca was slowly accumulated. Long-term application of calcium from young fruit stage to white ripening stage and spraying of GA3 during white ripening stage are important measures to reduce fruit cracking of Junzao.
    Definition and measurement of particle clouds in cultural landscape
    ZHAO Zhong-jian, LIANG Jun-lan
    2021, 60(11):  86-92.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.018
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    The complex concept of culture and civilization causes people's different tendency to understand cultural landscape and influence the specific method and direction of cultural landscape construction. Cultural meaning and connotation ultimately need to be transformed into physical landscape space with the help of “symbol” language and media. Physical landscape space elements always carry specific cultural significance. The elements of cultural landscape space will form a set unit — cultural landscape particles according to their own specific cultural significance and specific logic or structure. In the same geographic space, different types of cultural landscape particles interact to form a “cloud-like” aggregation form. It includes the temporal cultural landscape particle cloud based on the time axis and the spatial cultural landscape particle cloud based on the horizontal space. Based on this point of view, the morphological indexes of particle clouds in cultural landscape include density, orientation and development speed. Based on the spatial distribution degree of particles in cultural landscape, the computing model of particle cloud density in cultural landscape, the estimation model of particle cloud orientation in cultural landscape and the estimation model of the development speed of cultural landscape are proposed and analyzed, which provides a new way of thinking for the quantitative analysis of cultural landscape.
    Analysis and map construction of traditional villages from the perspective of landscape gene: Taking Qianxiewan village in Pingdingshan city as an example
    ZHANG Wan-yu, LIU Bao-guo, WEI Hong
    2021, 60(11):  93-98.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.019
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    Qianxiewan village is one of the representative traditional villages in the shallow mountainous area of central Henan and the carrier of the traditional culture of the Central Plains. The overall texture pattern elements are relatively intact, which is of great significance to the protection and development of the traditional villages in the Central Plains. Based on the theory of landscape genes, this article analyzes the site environment, layout, main building, and cultural background of Qianxiewan village, and builds a landscape gene identification system for Qianxiewan village, and on this basis, identifies and extracts the impact The four main genes and three attachment genes of the overall style of the village are graphically expressed, four main genes and three attached genes that affect the overall appearance of the village were identified and expressed graphically,and strive to provide solid theoretical support and practical guidance for the subsequent sustainable development of traditional villages in central Henan.
    Animal Science
    Effects of light intensity on tadpole behavior of Quasipaa boulengeri
    ZHANG Xiao-qin, DING Hong-xia
    2021, 60(11):  99-101.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.020
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    The effects of different light conditions on the tadpole behavior of Quasipaa boulengeri was studied. The results showed that the number of tadpoles increased with the increase of light intensity, the stress response of tadpoles was very strong at the early stage of culture, and the intensity of the stress response decreased with the increase of culture time. The stress response of the group with high light intensity was stronger than that of the group with low light intensity, and the color of tadpoles in the group with high light intensity was lighter than that of the group with low light intensity.
    Storage & Processing
    Optimization of extractions of Yigen Tiaoli paste by orthogonal design based on entropy weight method
    JIANG Lin, GUO Yong-xiu, LI Fang-chan, PANG Xiao-yun, WEI Bo-wei, SUI Jia-ning
    2021, 60(11):  102-106.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.021
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    The contents of total flavonoids, psoralen and nootkatone were used as the indicators, the alcohol concentration and volune, extraction time, number of repeated extractions were used as the influencing factors. orthogonal design was used to optimize the alcohol extraction process of Yigen Tiaoli paste based on entropy weight method weighted evaluation. Determination of psoralen and nootkatone by high performance liquid chromatography and determination of total flavonoids by UV spectrophotometry. The results showed that the weight coefficients of total flavonoids, psoralen and nootkatone were 0.336 9, 0.335 1 and 0.328 0, respectively. Optimization of extraction was as follows: extractions 2 times with 70% ethanol, and each time with 12-fold ethanol volume and 1h extraction. The extraction process is stable, and can be used as the alcohol extraction.
    The antibacterial mechanism and cosmetic efficacy test of the ethanol extract of Nostoc commune Vauch
    SUN Qian, ZHANG Yun, TANG Yun-feng, LIU Kang-xin, CHEN Xue-ru, JIN Wei-hua, TANG Hong-feng
    2021, 60(11):  107-111.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.022
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    Alcohol extraction was used to extract the active ingredients of agaric agaric. The changes of electric conductivity, total soluble sugar and total protein concentration of the bacterial culture liquid before and after the action of agaric agaric ethanol extract and escherichia coli were measured. Stability, safety, moisturizing, whitening and other tests were carried out for the cosmetics. The results showed that the conductivity, total soluble sugar and total protein concentration of escherichia coli culture solution were increased in different degrees after treatment with ethanol extract of agaric. The made cosmetics have good security, stability and whitening and moisturizing properties. The ethanol extract of agaric can destroy the escherichia coli cell membrane. The developed cosmetics are delicate and gentle, stable and uniform in texture, safe and non-toxic side effects, as well as whitening and moisturizing effects.
    Detection Analysis
    Content determination of nutrients components in cultivated Cardamine circaeoides from wild type and quality evaluation
    LONG Lan, YIN Hong-qing, XUE Hua, YANG Yong-kang, CONG Xing, XIANG Ji-qian
    2021, 60(11):  112-114.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.023
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    The contents and quality characteristics of various nutrients in cultivated Cardamine circaeoides from wild were analyzed to provide reference for better utilization of the plant. The result showed the contents of protein, crude polysaccharide and crude fat in cultivated Cardamine circaeoides from wild were 29.27%, 2.41% and 2.62%; It contains 17 amino acids, and Human Essential amino acid was 40.04%; A total of 11 fatty acids were detected in cultivated Cardamine circaeoides from wild, and the content of unsaturated fat was 66.34%;Rich in vitamins and minerals, VE 45.20 mg/kg,VB2 17.08 mg/kg,VB3 4.24 mg/kg,VA 10.10 mg/kg,Zn 306.0 mg/kg,K 78.6 mg/kg,Mn 114.0 mg/kg、B 15.5 mg/kg. Cultivated Cardamine circaeoides from wild is a kind of vegetable with rich nutrition.
    Volatile constituents in the flowers of Inula cappa based on HS-SPME-GC-MS
    XU Pei-zeng, LIU Ming-juan, LUO Zhen-gui, ZENG Ya-jing, CAI Wei
    2021, 60(11):  115-117.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.024
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    The volatile components in the flowers of Inula cappa were analyzed by headspace solid phase micro-extration (HS-SPME) combined with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The results showed that 50 compounds were identified, accounting for 86.74% of the total volatile components.Its main components include thymol (19.70%), (-)-β-caryophyllene (12.19%), carvacrol (8.13%) and thymyl isobutyrate (8.13%). This method can quickly obtain its components, is advantageous to volatile compounds, can be used for the control of Inula cappa. The method has the advantages of simple operation,low dosage,high sensitivity and high speed.The results of this study lay a foundation for the study of pharmacodynamics and quality control.
    Determination of organochlorine pesticides in Tripterygium wilfordii from planting base of Hubei
    XIAO An-ju, GONG Da-lin, LIU San-bo, YU Xin
    2021, 60(11):  118-120.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.025
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    Organochlorine pesticides in the roots of Tripterygium wilfordii were extracted by ultrasonic-reflux method,purified by sulfonation-silica gel column, and determined by gas chromatography. The results showed that this batch comes from six new species of Tripterygium wilfordii (TJ,TG,TZ,YJ,YG,YZ) planted in Yangxin, Hubei province. The pesticide DDT residues in their roots are 0.004 5,0.001 4,0.000 8,0.001 2,0.003 6,0.003 3 μg/g respectively; the pesticide BHC residues in their roots are 0.027 6,0.061 4,0.056 3,0.043 2,0.048 7,0.032 7 μg/g respectively; the pesticide PCNB residues in their roots are 0.001 9,0.001 8,0.001 5,0.001 6,0.001 6,0.001 9 μg/g respectively. All of which are less than the organochlorine residue standard for Chinese herbal medicine stipulated in the first part of Chinese pharmacopoeia 2015 edition. In this study, the pesticide content of Tripterygium wilfordii was determined by gas chromatography, and the results provides a scientific basis for the quality assurance of Tripterygium wilfordii. In terms of pesticide residue, the new planting base in Yangxin, Hubei province was suitable for planting of Tripterygium wilfordii.
    Information Engineering
    Optimal design of back roof structure and performance of solar greenhouse in Yantai city
    YUAN Xing-jian, WU Xing-guo, XU Hao, CHEN Xiao-feng
    2021, 60(11):  121-124.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.026
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    The structure and performance of the rear roof have a great influence on the performance of the solar greenhouse. To design the most suitable rear roof of greenhouse in Yantai city, by investigating the solar greenhouses and its rear roof structure used in conventional production and with the help of the solar greenhouse light environment simulation software developed by China Agricultural University, taking back roof inclination, horizontal projection width and the structure of back roof as the independent variable, simulate and study different roof after the influence of parameters on the temperature inside the greenhouse. According to the simulation calculation, in the case of 9 m span of solar greenhouse, the optimized parameters of the back roof were inclination angle of 38°, horizontal projection width of 1.3 m, and the composite structure material should use extruded board instrad of polystyrene board.
    Construction and analysis of stochastic time Petri net model of fresh agricultural products aviation cold chain logistics
    LI Jing
    2021, 60(11):  125-128.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.027
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    Aviation cold chain logistics is the future of fresh agricultural products logistics field key development direction. To solve the general aviation fresh agricultural products logistics system in time and efficiency, based on stochastic time Petri nets to our country some air fresh agricultural products cold chain logistics process to carry on the comprehensive evaluation, through the quantitative conclusion for the optimization measures of the air fresh agricultural products cold chain logistics process provides the feasible suggestions, think that can change some business process in the logistics system to improve the operational efficiency of air fresh agricultural products cold chain logistics.
    Design and implementation of physical parameters monitoring system for ewes based on WSN
    YING Ye-wei, ZENG Song-wei, ZHAO A-yong, YAN Fei-fei, YANG Jian-lyu
    2021, 60(11):  129-133.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.028
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    Aiming at the problems of time-consuming, manpower-spending, imperfect collection schemes and limited transmission distance of physical parameters monitoring for ewes, a set of physical parameters monitoring system for ewes based on WSN was designed. Firstly, the system collected body temperature information of ewes through the acquisition node of the collar. Then, wireless sensor network formed by ZigBee and GPRS technology transmitted the data to the cloud server. The server stored the data in the database and displayed it on the web platform simultaneously. Besides, in order to verified the accuracy and effectiveness of the system, the real-time average algorithm was used to calculate the relative error of body temperature data and the network packet loss rate of the communication scheme was tested. The experimental results showed that physical parameters monitoring system for ewes based on WSN was able to collect, transmit and display physical parameters for ewes in real time. The relative error of temperature measurement was less than 1%, and the network packet loss rate was less than 4%, which met the actual demand of the sheep farm. The monitoring system designed in the research ran stably and broke through the limitation of communication distance. It greatly improved the work efficiency of managers. The collected physical data was very important for establishing the amount of exercise and the health assessment model of ewes.
    Biological Engineering
    Bioinformatics analysis of BnFAD2 gene in Brassica napus L.
    CHEN Zhen, HE Xiao-ying, WANG Jing-qiao, LI Gen-ze, SHU Zheng-qi, ZHAO Kai-qin, CHENG Xiao-mao, ZU Feng
    2021, 60(11):  134-140.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.029
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    The gene AtFAD2 was taken as reference sequence, homologous sequence comparison was conducted by BLAST to obtain the homologous copies of FAD2 gene in the genomes of Brassica oleracea, Brassica rapa and Brassica napus. Bioinformatics methods were used to analyze the components of the amino acid sequence, the basic physical and chemical properties of the protein, subcellular localization, hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity, the secondary and tertiary structure of the protein, and the conserved domain of the FAD2 gene editing targets and sgRNA design. Two FAD2 homologus protein sequence were obtained from B. rapa, B. deracea, B.napus. Both subcells were localized in the endoplasmic reticulum, and the peptide chain showed hydrophobness and stability. The predicted secondary and tertiary structure of the protein showed that it was mainly composed of -helix and irregular curl. The conserved structural domain of the protein showed that FAD2 gene was highly sequence conserved, belonging to the Membrane-FADs-like superfamily, and contained PLN02505 conserved structural domain. Phylogenetic tree analysis showed that Brassica napus L was closely related to B. oleracea, B. rapa and B. juncea. The CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing target analysis revealed that there were 10 highly conserved target sites in the FAD2 gene of Brassica napus L., and the corresponding sgRNA was designed.
    Evaluation and screening of internal reference genes of Tetranychus cinnabarinus at different developmental stages
    NI Jing, XIE Dao-yan, JIANG Xiu-jun, YANG Zhen-guo, CHAI Jian-ping
    2021, 60(11):  141-145.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.030
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    In the real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR experiments need to introduce one or a few stable reference genes as a reference for expression result correction and standardization, but not all reference genes are perfect for any specific biological samples under special experiment conditions, in order to get accurate results, We need to screen the best reference genes match with the experiment. In this study, real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR and geNorm software were used to analysis and evaluate the stability of six commonly used reference genes in the propargite resistance and sensitive Tetranychus cinnabarinus. The result showed that RPS18 and α-TUB reference genes showed high expression stability in this two strains,and α-TUB and GAPDH reference genes showed high expression stability in different developmental stages.
    Economy & Management
    Classification evaluation and spatial-temporal pattern analysis of the “production-living-ecological spaces” in Sichuan province
    XIAO Rui, SHAO Huai-yong, LI Feng, XIE Hong-bin
    2021, 60(11):  146-152.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.031
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    The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward the new concept of “production-living-ecological spaces”, which was used as a theoretical basis to analyze and study the spatial pattern and change characteristics of Sichuan province from 2000 to 2018. The results show that the production space is mainly distributed in the eastern part of Sichuan, while the southern part is less distributed. The expanded areas are mainly distributed in the central Ganzi Tibetan autonomous prefecture, northwestern Aba Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture, and central Zigong, while the reduced areas are mainly distributed in northern Aba Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture, central Chengdu, and southwestern Ya'an; Living spaces are mainly distributed in urban areas of each city, especially in Chengdu. The expansion area is mainly in the central and eastern part of Sichuan province, and the expansion is obvious in Chengdu, Deyang and other places. The reduction area is scattered and the reduction is not obvious; The ecological space is mainly distributed in the northwest and south regions of Sichuan, showing a distribution pattern of “high in the west and low in the east, high in the north and low in the south”. The expanded area is mainly scattered in dots in urban areas of each city, and the reduced area is concentrated in the city center, especially in the middle east of Chengdu, the middle of Zigong and other places.
    Analysis of public-private partnership model in agricultural field under rural revitalization strategy
    WEN Wen
    2021, 60(11):  153-156.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.032
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    The proposal of rural revitalization strategy points out the direction for solving the problem of backward development of agriculture and rural areas, but it has great limitations to solve the problems only by relying on the power of the government. Therefore, further attention and improvement of the public-private partnership model in the agricultural field is an inevitable requirement to adapt to the development status of the agricultural, and it is also an effective way to implement the rural revitalization strategy. Through the analysis of the development and protection status of public-private partnership model in agricultural field in China, it is found that there are some problems, such as the lack of perfect legal system, the unclear role of government, the shortage of fund supply and the plight of project land. It is suggested to further improve the legislation level, clarify the boundary of government power, guarantee the supply of funds, deepen the land system and so on, so as to provide a more powerful guarantee for the smooth operation of the public-private partnership model in the agricultural field.
    Study on coupling and coordination evolution of tourism industry and human settlement: A case study of 31 provinces(cities,autonomous regions) in China
    YAN Zhi-wu, ZHENG Han-ni, LIANG Xiao-han, WANG Yi-zhuo
    2021, 60(11):  157-163.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.033
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    The comprehensive development index of tourism industry system and human settlements system in 31 provinces(cities,autonomous regions)(except Hongkong,Macao and Taiwan) of China from 2011 to 2017 was calculated by using entropy method and coupling coordination model, and the coupling coordination degree between them was obtained, and their evolution law was explored. The empirical study shows that the spatial differentiation of the coupling coordination degree between China's tourism industry and human settlements is obvious, showing a spatial pattern of “high in the east and low in the west”. During the study period, most provinces' coupling coordination level remained unchanged, some provinces improved, and a few provinces have decreased. Finally, according to the comprehensive development index ranking of tourism industry and human settlements system, 31 provinces (cities,autonomous regions) are divided into four types:High coordination, more tourism, low coordination and more human settlement, and relevant development suggestions are put forward.
    Research on the measurement of high quality development level in Inner Mongolia autonomous region
    CHEN Shu-yu, XU Bu-chao
    2021, 60(11):  164-167.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.034
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    From the five aspects of ecological protection, environmental governance, innovation driven, economic development and people's livelihood improvement, the paper constructed a high quality development index system of Inner Mongolia autonomous region, and used entropy weight method to measure and analyze the high quality development of Inner Mongolia autonomous region from 2009 to 2018. The results show that, in terms of ecological environment, although there is fluctuation in Inner Mongolia, the overall trend is good. In terms of innovation driven, although Inner Mongolia has been fluctuating, its innovation ability is still insufficient.In terms of economic and people's livelihood, Inner Mongolia shows a trend of fluctuating growth, and its development trend continues to be good. In general, the high quality development level of Inner Mongolia autonomous region is fluctuating upward. Inner Mongolia autonomous region should fully grasp its own advantages, strengthen regional innovation and development, and fully exploit regional development potential.
    Optimization of spatial interaction in community home aged-care services research: Take two communities of H Street,Nanjing as examples
    HAN Zhen-yan, ZHUANG Dan-dan, LIU Ting
    2021, 60(11):  168-172.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.035
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    The phenomenon of aging in China is becoming more and more serious. In order to promote the equalization of community home aged-care services, this research constructed a spatial radiation model of elderly care services from the perspective of central place theory, and it was embedded in the interaction of the elderly care service space in the two communities of H Street in Nanjing city for verification. The results show that the reasonable spatial distribution and complementary interaction of community home aged-care services can effectively realize service equalization, promote the full utilization of community home aged-care service resources, the matching of supply and demand and the improvement of service quality, so as to actively respond to the aging population.
    Order in motion:Acquaintance society in demolition and resettlement: Take XT demolition and resettlement community in Nanjing city as an example
    QIN Xiang-rui
    2021, 60(11):  173-177.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.036
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    Based on the basic standpoint of acquaintance society, this research taked the villagers in XT resettlement community in Nanjing as an example by using qualitative research method, and focused on the changes of the daily interaction and social communication of the villagers after the centralized resettlement. The research shows that after the original village community is broken, the villagers daily life has changed significantly in the way of treating strangers, the purchase of funerals, the distribution of property, and the practice of general kinship, but its characteristics of defence, cooperation, competition and social interaction have not fundamentally changed, and the series of mechanisms that promote the smooth operation of acquaintances' social order still play an important role. The multiple contradictions presented in the process of local social transformation reflect the individual and group's pursuit of high quality social order in the new era.
    Managerial overconfidence and technological innovation performance: Based on the double moderating effect of government subsidy and knowledge base
    WEI Chang-sheng, SHI Huan
    2021, 60(11):  178-185.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.037
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    Based on resource based theory and knowledge based theory, taking high-tech enterprises as research samples from 2013 to 2018, this article studied the relationship between managerial overconfidence and the technological innovation performance of enterprises, and discussed the moderating effect of government subsidies and knowledge base. The results show that managerial overconfidence will significantly improve the technological innovation performance of enterprises, government subsidies and knowledge breadth will positively regulate the relationship of managerial overconfidence and technological innovation performance, and the depth of knowledge plays a negative regulating role in this relationship.
    An empirical study on the contribution of buddhist tourism resources to local economic growth: A case study of Shaanxi Famen Temple scenic spot
    YANG Liu, SHI Wen-jie, WAN Hong-lian, HE Ruo-nan, WANG Zi-meng
    2021, 60(11):  186-190.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.038
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    Based on the analysis of the current tourism development situation of Famen Temple scenic spot,through questionnaire survey and field interview, and with the help of SPSS 22.0 and Excel 2010, this paper maked a correlation analysis, and explored the contribution of Famen Temple's buddhist tourism resources to local tourism economic growth from the three aspects of tourism contribution rate, tourism pulling rate as well as tourism dependence. The results show that the rate of Famen Temple scenic spot's tourism economic growth and its regional economic contribution is low, and the following suggestions are accordingly put forward, such as developing a new type of tourism additional product,taking advantages of the internet to strengthen the propaganda, creating high-quality tourism routes, cultivating the high-quality tour guides, improving the service elements.
    Research on tourists' perception of scenic avenue based on web text analysis: Taking National First Scenic Boulevard as an example
    YAN Meng-fan, LIANG Yue-lin, LIU Xiao-hua
    2021, 60(11):  191-195.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.039
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    Based on the travel notes of famous tourism websites as sample data, this paper analyzed the high-frequency words, social semantic network and emotion of tourists with the ROST CM6, and studied the perception characteristics of tourists from the perspective of cognition and emotion. It is found that tourists' overall perception of National First scenic Boulevard is better. Tourists' cognitive evaluation can be divided into three dimensions, including tourist attraction, tourist facilities, public environment and service; Tourists' emotional orientation is mainly positive and neutral. The purpose of this research is to provide reference ideas for the planning and design of scenic byways in China.
    Rural Revitalization
    On the legal guarantee of rural financial poverty alleviation
    SHAN Lin-bo
    2021, 60(11):  196-201.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.11.040
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    Rural financial poverty alleviation plays an important role in poverty alleviation and rural revitalization. However, the legislation in the field of rural financial poverty alleviation is relatively lagging behind, and the lack of legal protection seriously affects the role of rural financial poverty alleviation. We should formulate the basic law of rural financial poverty alleviation, improve the special legislation and related systems of rural financial poverty alleviation, and build a legal guarantee system for rural financial poverty alleviation, so as to boost poverty alleviation and rural revitalization strategy.