
Table of Content

    10 July 2020, Volume 59 Issue 13
    Research progress on the application of microbial technology in soil remediation
    WU Nan-nan, ZHANG Ke, SUN Chen-xi, GU Xiao-yan, SONG Lei, WANG Xin
    2020, 59(13):  5-9.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.001
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    The types of soil pollution (organic pollution, heavy metal pollution,radioactive pollution) and microbial remediation technologies were introduced;The application research of the microbial remediation technologies (bacteria method, biological ventilation method, biological culture method, stacking method, prefabricationbed method, bioreactor method) in soil were summarized; The problems existing in microbial soil remediation technology were analyzed and the prospect was put forward.
    Breeding & Cultivation
    Progress in immunological effects and application of CpG ODN nano adjuvant
    WANG Zheng-fan, WAN Zeng-pei, GAO Xiao-peng, YING Bi-yun, XIANG Rui, LI Yi-yun, PANG Xuan-fei, LI Zhong-sheng, BAI Ai-quan
    2020, 59(13):  10-13.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.002
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    CpG ODN is a synthetic DNA sequence with non-specific immunostimulation which simulates the response process of bacterial DNA in vivo, inducing cellular and humoral immunity. CpG ODN has shown great potential as a novel immunopotentiator in veterinary clinical applications, and has attracted much attention in the fields of immunology, pharmacology and pharmacodynamics. However, CpG ODN is unstable and easily digested by nucleases, which are negatively charged and do not easily bind to the cell surface. Therefore, how to efficiently transfer CpG ODN and effectively ingest it becomes a new challenge. The study of nano-transmission system has achieved significant efficacy for CpG ODN alone or in combination with vaccine immunization, and broadened the thinking for improving the application of CpG ODN in vaccine research. The mechanism of action, immunological activity, safety and clinical application of CpG ODN nanoadjuvant were summarized, and future research directions in this field was prospected, to provide useful reference for follow-up work.
    The effect of microRNAs on fat deposition in livestock and poultry and its application in genetics and breeding
    LI Xin-yu, AN Qing-ming, WANG Da-hui, HE Hua, FENG Zi-ting, WEN Yi-fan, LEI Chu-zhao, CHEN Hong, HUANG Yong-zhen
    2020, 59(13):  14-18.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.003
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    The association between genes and characters of livestock and poultry was widely studied. DNA and RNA with coding effect have important effects on traits. In addition, miRNA in non-coding RNA can have a specific effect on livestock and poultry traits by affecting the translation of mRNA. The research of miRNA in fat metabolism of livestock and poultry was summarized, in order to provide reference for further research on the description and functions of miRNA in fat tissue of livestock and poultry.
    Comparative test of new purple sweet potato varieties
    YAN Xiao-hui
    2020, 59(13):  19-21.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.004
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    The yield and characters of seven new purple sweet potato varieties with high quality, including Jinshu 17, Jinshu 20, Funingzi No.4, Funingzi No.5, Longzi No.4, Longzi No.6 and Longzi No.9, while taking Funingzi No.3 as control variety,were compared, in order to provide scientific basis for its production and application in Fujian province. The results showed that the yield of Longzi No.9 was 46.52 t/hm2, which was 22.4% higher than control, and ranked the first, and the yield of Jinshu 20 was 42.35 t/hm2, which was 11.4% higher than control, and ranked the second among all varieties tested. The yield of Jinshu 17 was 39.17 t/hm2, which was only 3.1% higher than control. And these three varieties had good appearance with purple skin, purple meat and high-yield character. The yield of Longzi No.9 and Jinshu 20 was siginifacnt higher than contol variety, so these two vareites was suitable for local planting. The yield of other varieties was all lower than control, the yield of Longzi No.6 and Longzi No.4 was significant or extremely significant lower than control.
    Resource & Environment
    Effects of sowing dates and planting density on yield components of new rice variety Liangyou 3313
    FAN Bing, TIAN Yong-hong, FANG Zhen-bing, ZHAO Sha-sha, PAN Gao-feng, WANG Long, CHEN Bo
    2020, 59(13):  22-23.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.005
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    The effects of sowing date and planting density on yield components of rice (Oryza sativa L.) variety Liangyou 3313 were studied. The results showed that the suitable sowing date of Liangyou 3313 in northwest Hubei province was the middle of April, and the planting density of 281 250 holes/hm2 was the most suitable under the condition of medium and high fertility level.
    Study on the grain shape and quality traits of Fagopyrum tataricum
    ZHANG Yi-zhong, DENG Lin-qiong, FENG Tu, ZHANG Shi-long, WU Qiao
    2020, 59(13):  24-27.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.006
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    The grain shape and quality traits of 26 Fagopyrum tataricumL.Gaertn seeds came from Bijie county of Guizhou provine were studied. The results showed that the variation ranges of grain length, grain width, grain thickness, bulk density, 1 000-grain weight, protein content, flavone content, soluble sugar content and water content were 4.10~5.71 mm, 2.81~3.54 mm, 2.71~3.26 mm, 565.54~ -686.84 g/L, 14.54~20.82 g, 6.12%~10.14%, 3.95%~10.60%, 4.15%~16.79% and 11.40%~13.67%, respectively. The average values were 4.62 mm, 3.22 mm, 2.97 mm, 627.46 g/L, 17.28 g, 7.84%, 6.20%, 9.95% and 12.71%, respectively. The correlation analysis showed that there was an extremely significant positive correlation between 1 000-grain weight and grain length, grain width as well as grain thickness. Whereas grain length was significant negative correlation with grain width, 1 000-grain weight and bulk density were positive correlation with grain width and grain thickness, grain length was negative correlation with grain thickness and bulk density. There was a positive correlation between protein content and flavone content as well as soluble sugar content, while protein content, flavone content and soluble sugar content was negative correlation with water content, and between soluble sugar content and water content reached an extremely significant level.
    The preparation and application of soil remediation improver for heavy metal cadmium in farmland
    YANG Tao, LI Jian-guo, WEI Lin-gen, PENG Zhi-ping, CHEN Yuan-hua
    2020, 59(13):  28-30.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.007
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    A soil remediation improver was prepared for heavy metal cadmium from contaminated farmland in Jiangxi province. The soil remediation improver is a kind of mixed fertilizer formed by mixing biochar and fertilizer in a certain proportion. Taking early and late rice as materals, seven treatments, including five different soil remediation improver treatments and two control of no fertilizer and conventional fertilization,were set up to test whether the soil remediation improver could reduce the cadmium content of rice seed in cadmium polluted farmland. The results showed that the Cd content in rice decreased with the increase of the amount of soil remediation improver,and the yield was no significant difference between soil remediation improver treatments and the conventional fertilization control.
    Preliminary study on the effects of four soil amendments on improving quality and efficiency of flue-cured tobacco
    PENG Shi-cheng, LUO Rong-zhao, YU Qian-yuan, CHEN Yu-feng, KE Yi-wu, LI Jun-ye, DONG Hua-fang
    2020, 59(13):  31-34.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.008
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    The effects of improving quality and efficiency of flue-cured tobacco were studied by adding different kinds of soil amendments (sepiolite, bentonite, diatomite, white marble) and lue-cured tobacco planted without soil modifiers. The results showed that the four soil modifiers had no significant effect on the growth period of tobacco leaves in field. In terms of agronomic characters, the growth of flue-cured tobacco treated with sepiolite was generally better than that of other treatments. The main diseases were climate spot weather fleck disease,brown spot disease and tobacco mosaic disease,and the incidence rate was close. The output value and yield of each treatment were different. The output value of diatomite treatment was higher than that of the control group by 9 832.65 yuan per hectare. The highest proportion of superior tobacco leaves was the treatment with sepiolite. The contents of chemical components treated with white marble and sepiolite were closer to that of high-quality tobacco leaves, and the tobacco quality was the best. Therefore, the application of sepiolite of 2 kg/m2 in the tobacco planting soil can effectively improve the botanical characters of tobacco plants and the chemical quality of tobacco leaves, and the output value is also higher than that of the control group.
    Effects of potassium fertilizer application on dry matter, nutrient accumulation and yield of soybean
    QI Xin, ZHAO Ya-nan, SI Yu-kun, ZHANG Chuang-ye, HUANG Yu-fang, BAI Hong-bo, YE You-liang
    2020, 59(13):  35-38.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.009
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    In order to discuss the suitable amount of potassium fertilizer for soybean[Glycine max (L.) Merr.], two-year field trials were conducted in 2017 and 2018 in Linying county, Henan province. Four potassium fertilizer gradients (K2O application amount of 0, 60, 120, 180 kg/hm2) were set up to analyze the effect of K2O amount on soybean dry matter, nutrient accumulation, yield, fertilizer utilization rate and economic benefits. The results showed that the dry matter and nutrient accumulation of soybeans increased continuously with the advance of the growth period, and the dry matter accumulation rate was fast from the flowering and pod-forming stage to the grain-filling stage. In 2017, the dry matter weight of mature soybeans increased first and then decreased with the increase of potassium application amount, and the potassium accumulation continued to increase with the increase of potassium application. The dry matter and potassium accumulation of mature period in 2018 both increased with the amount of potassium increases. In 2017, the yield of soybean had no significant difference among all treatments. In 2018, compared with control that without potassium application, the yield of different potassium application treatments increased by 34.3% to 52.7%, and this difference all reached significant level. The yield and increased economic benefit of applying K2O 120 kg/hm2 was the highest. So, the recommended amount of potash fertilizer is about 120 kg/hm2 K2O in the middle Henan province.
    Effects of summer drought and soil humidity on spring corn and winter wheat yield
    ZHANG Hong-ni, ZHANG Tian-feng, CHE Xiang-jun, ZHANG Miao-miao, GOU Rui
    2020, 59(13):  39-42.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.010
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    Using the precipitation data from the eight weather stations of Qingyang LOESS plateau from 1971 to 2018, the spatial distribution characteristics of the precipitation and drought were first analyzed, and the time change laws of precipitation were analyzed. The relationship between drought, spring corn and winter wheat yield was analyzed. It is then used to represent the data of soil relative humidity in the winter wheat field from spring 1994 to 2018 and winter wheat field from 1986 to 2015 at the Xifeng Agricultural meteorological experimental station on the Dongzhi plateau in the loess plateau. The relationship between soil relative humidity and spring corn and winter wheat production is analyzed. The results showed that the lowest precipitation was 123.7 mm in Zhenyuan weather station, 125.3 mm in Huanxian weather station, 162.5 mm in Zhengning weather station, and 149.9 mm in Huachi weather station. Precipitation decreases from East to West. The highest frequency of drought is 41.7% in Heshui, Qingcheng and Huachi, and 31.1% in Ningxian county, and the frequency decreases from northeast to southwest. Precipitation was less in the 1970s, more in the 1980s and 1990s, less in the 2020s, and more in 2011—2018. The average yield of corn per hectare was 960.0 kg/hm2 higher than that of the spring of the drought; The average yield height of winter wheat is 1 599.0 kg/hm2. The average yield of maize is 2287.5 kg/hm2 higher than that of soil relative humidity. The average yield height of winter wheat is 705.5 kg/hm2.
    The change of area of cultivated land and main crops in recent 40 years in Ruoqiang county
    Gulizere·REHEMAN, Tursun·KASIM
    2020, 59(13):  43-46.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.011
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    The changes of cultivated land area, sown area of main crops and red jujube in Ruoqiang county of Xinjiang from 1978 to 2017 were analyzed using land use dynamic degree model. The results showed that, in resent 40a, the area change of cultivated land in Ruoqiang county was the overall expansion of the trend. Since 2001, red jujube area of Ruoqiang county increased rapidly, because of Ruoqiang county took the income of farmers and herdsmen greatly increase as a breakthrough, intensified strategic adjustment of agricultural industry structure, with the construction of the best red jujube base in China as the goal. Because the new cultivated land in Ruoqiang county has adopted the interplanting mode,by planting cotton and grain crops and then cultivating red jujube,so the sown area of cotton, wheat, maize and other crops showed a trend of substantial increase and then decrease.
    Study on the diversity of small and medium-sized soil animals in spring in the Yellow river wetland of Shaanxi province under different land use patterns
    LI Wei-na, HU Qing-ling, HAO Zhuan, MENG Qing-lei
    2020, 59(13):  47-50.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.012
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    In April 2019, three soils samples of different land use patterns were selected and sampled in the Yellow river wetland of Shaanxi province to study the diversity of small and medium-sized soil animals with different land use patterns. The results showed that a total of 51 small and medium-sized soil animals were obtained, belonging to 1 phylum, 2 classes and 9 orders respectively. All the soil animals belonged to Arthropod, among which, Insecta was the dominant group, accounting for 60.8% of the total captured animals, Arachnids accounted for 39.2% of the total captured animals. The diversity index and uniformity index of the small and medium-sized soil animal under three different ways of land use showed obvious difference. The diversity index and uniformity index of riverine wetland in Wei river basin were higher than those of the other two wetland types, and the diversity index and uniformity index of saline-alkali wetland in Luyang lake were the lowest. The reason may be related to the salinization of saline-alkali wetland in Luyang lake and other physicochemical properties of soil quality related.
    Purification effect of eutrophic water by Hyriopsis cumingii’s stocking mode
    CHU Tian-jiang, GUO Wei
    2020, 59(13):  51-53.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.013
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    Hyriopsis cumingii’s purifying effect was compared between upper and bottom stocking. The results indicated that Hyriopsis cumingii’s upper and bottom stocking can significantly reduce (P<0.05) the total nitrogen (TN), the total suspended substance (TSS), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and chlorophyll a (chla), but the removal efficiency of total phosphorus (TP) was not significant. The removal efficiency of eutrophic water was not significant between upper and bottom stocking.
    Spatial and temporal relationship between China’s nighttime light index and PM2.5
    WANG Gui-lin, GAO Fang, LU Gai, WANG Shi-yan, LI Ri-sheng
    2020, 59(13):  54-60.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.014
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    Nighttime light index was taken as a measurable spatial index to represent the level of urbanization, and its impact on PM2.5 pollution was explored, meanwhile the spatial and temporal relationship between them was analyzed. The results showed that China’s nighttime light index increased from 7.49% in 2000 to 11.05% in 2010 and 16.21% in 2015, showing a rapid growth trend. Accordingly, the concentration of PM2.5 increased from 32.10 μg/m3 in 2000 to 37.54 μg/m3 in 2010 and 37.44 μg/m3 in 2015. The growth trend of the two was highly consistent. Based on 405 typical urban areas, the nighttime light index increased from 22.48% in 2000 to 48.11% in 2010 and 62.78% in 2015, with growth rate of 179.27%, 1.54 times of the national average. The PM2.5 concentration in 405 typical cities increased from 28.99 μg/m3 to 53.51 μg/m3 in 2010 and 58.53 μg/m3 in 2015, with growth rate of 101.90%, 6.12 times of the national average. The increase of nighttime light index and PM2.5 pollution in typical urban areas was significantly higher than that in non-urban areas, with a significant positive correlation (R2=0.582 8). Research shows that China’s urbanization process, especially economic development, has a huge impact on urban air pollution, directly exacerbating PM2.5 pollution.
    Characteristics of a fog weather process at Hubei International Logistics Core Hub Airport in December, 2016
    WANG Bao, HUANG Si-xian, ZHANG Huo-ping, YANG Hui
    2020, 59(13):  61-66.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.015
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    A foggy weather process at Hubei International Logistics Core Hub Airport on December 1st to 2nd, 2016, was analyzed by using the data of regular observation, regional automatic observation station and NCEP 1°×1° reanalyzed data. The results showed that the process of fog appeared under the cooperation of the high, middle, low level weather system, and has obvious characteristics of radiation fog. In the fog stage, the 10 m wind on the ground was dominated by a partial east wind with a wind speed of less than 1.0 m/s. The situation that wind speed increased or the wind direction turned to a northerly wind facilitated the dissipation of fog. The vorticity and divergence of the lower troposphere was small, and the middle and lower layers were dominated by downdraft. The relative humidity of groud surface was maintained at about 5 g/kg, and the temperature dew point difference was about 3 °C. The sharp increase in temperature dew point difference can indicate the dissipation of fog. Before the appearance of heavy fog, the low-level relative humidity was maintained more than 60%, a relatively dry areas with relative humidity of less than 20% was maintained between 800 hPa and 600 hPa; There was an inversion layer or neutral layer junction near 950 hPa to 900 hPa, and there was a cold advection at the lower level and a warm advection at the middle and upper levels, the cold advection increased from the ground to the height, then the upper layer turned into the tendency that the cold advection decreased with height and the warmer advection increased with height. The cold flow near 900 hPa decreased with height, forming a stable structure with warm and cold in a smaller range.
    The statistic analysis of rice “3414” fertilizer experiment using R language
    FAN Xiao-hui, LIU Wen-ting, CHEN Mu-song, WU Shou-hua, WENG Lin-lin
    2020, 59(13):  67-71.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.016
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    Using the field experiment scheme of “3414” complete fertilizer effect and the rice variety Ningyouhei 807, the field experiment of N, P, K fertilizer effect was carried out in Xibing town of Fu’an city in order to explore the rice fertilization index system of Fu’an city and guide the local scientific fertilization. The experiment data of fertilizer effect of “3414” were analyzed by R language, and NPK ternary quadratic equation, NK binary quadratic equation and P unitary quadratic equation were successfully formulated. By comparing the ratio of production and investment, the NK binary quadratic equation was the best fitting effect equation. The corresponding fertilization amount were 171.957 kg/hm2 for N application, 75.000 kg/hm2 for P2O5 application, 30.151 kg/hm2 for K2O application, and the theoretical optimum yield was 7 062.188 kg/hm2.
    A assessment model of water resources carrying capacity based on random forest algorithm and its application in Hubei province
    LU Jia-hui
    2020, 59(13):  72-76.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.017
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    An assessment system of water resources carrying capacity indicator was constructed according to pressure-state -response (PSR) framework, and the random samples were constructed based on index threshold. On this basis, the random forest algorithm was applied to evaluate the water resources carrying capacity in Hubei province. The results showed that the relationship between the index factors and the water resource carrying capacity could be well fitted by the random forest with a high accuracy. The scheme was of good maneuverability and certain application value. The random forest algorithm can recognize the importance of variable unbiased, and the research showed that the modulus of water demand and the modulus of water supply were the key factors affecting the carrying capacity of water resources in Hubei province. The spatial distribution of water resources carrying capacity in Hubei province was uneven. The carrying capacity of water resources in western Hubei and Xianning areas was of good grade, while that of eastern Hubei and middle Hubei was generalgrade. The Jianghan plain area with Wuhan as the core belonged to poorgrade. It was suggested that regional management of water resources should be strengthened to promote the development of water resources conservation ability and economic society synchronously.
    Study on forecasting and early warning indicators of urban waterlogging in Qingyang
    ZHANG Tian-feng, JIANG Hui-feng, ZHANG Hong-fen, WU Ai-min, ZHANG Hong-ni, JIAO Mei-ling, ZHANG Xue-jiao
    2020, 59(13):  77-83.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.018
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    Based on the precipitation observation data from 1937 to 2018 of the Xifeng National Basic Weather Station in Qingyang city and the waterlogging data recorded in the Qingyang city, the annual precipitation concentration and concentration period, as well as the formula of the intensity of torrential rain were calculated by counting the strong precipitation frequency and the 95%, 99% fractional values total precipitation. Combined with urban drainage network simulated using SWMM system, we aim to analyze and evaluate the risk of waterlogging in the city of Qingyang, and determine the threshold of urban precipitation in Qingyang city as a standard for the release of urban monitoring and warning information. The results show that extreme precipitation is the main cause of urban waterlogging in Qingyang city,which generally concentrates in summer, mostly in July to August. Two factors have positive relationships with extreme precipitation: Total precipitation and intensity. The greater the total precipitation and the heavier the intensity,the more serious of the urban waterlogging disaster. When the total precipitation reaches more than 30 mm,precipitation intensity becomes particularly important:when the precipitation reaches 15 mm in 30 minutes, waterlogging points are prone to water accumulation;When the precipitation reaches 20 mm in 30 minutes, the waterlogging point may have disasters;When the precipitation reaches 30 mm in 30 minutes, the waterlogging point is prone to serious disasters;When the precipitation reaches 40 mm in 30 minutes, the waterlogging point disaster will be very serious. By using SWMM system simulation, we found that waterlogging disaster is not only related to extreme precipitation and regional distribution, topography, pipe network and runoff are also important factors leading to urban waterlogging.
    Ecological vulnerability evaluation of Yalong river basin
    WANG Han, WU Liang-xu, SHAO Huai-yong
    2020, 59(13):  84-88.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.019
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    Based on GIS, evaluation indicators from terrain, meteorology, vegetation, soil, human activities, et al, were selected, spatial principal component analysis was used to quantitatively evaluate the local ecological vulnerability of Yalong river basin, and the spatial pattern characteristics and driving force of ecological vulnerability in 1995, 2005 and 2015 were explored. The results showed that,in terms of time scale, the comprehensive index of ecological vulnerability of Yalong river basin increased gradually, and the overall condition of ecological environment was at a medium level. In the perspective of spatial scale, the ecological vulnerability degree gradually reduced from upstream to downstream. In different altitude gradient zones, the ecological vulnerability degree of the extremely high altitude area (≥4 500 m)and the high altitude area (3 500~4 500 m)was relatively high, while the ecological vulnerability degree of the middle and high altitude area (2 500~3 500 m), the middle altitude area (1 500~2 500 m) and the low altitude area (<1 500 m)was relatively weak. Owing to the vigorous implementation of ecological environment protection policies by the local government and the enhanced environmental protection awareness of local residents, the ecological environment of 9 counties in the study area improved from 2005.
    Plant Protection
    List of Chironomidae from Kuocangshan nature reserve, Xianju, Zhejiang province
    SHI Sai-shuai, YIN Yi-qing, HU Zhen-zhu, LIN Li-yan, QI Xin
    2020, 59(13):  89-91.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.020
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    A list of Chironomid midges from Kuocangshan nature reserve, Xianju, Zhejiang province is given here. It includes 46 species, belonging to 23 genera and 4 subfamilies.
    Horticulture & Local Products
    Study on seed propagation technology of Valeriana officinalis
    YANG Qiang, WEN Li-ming, ZHANG Ya-juan, JIANG Nian, LI Jiang
    2020, 59(13):  92-96.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.021
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    Collecting seeds from Xianfeng county, Lichuan city, Enshi city in Hubei province, Guizhou province and Sichuan province, the soaking time, soaking water temperature, hormone treatment and cold storage treatment were studied in order to find out the best way of seed germination treatment and the difference of seed germination in different places. At the same time, the emergence rate of seeds in different areas was studied. Result showed that, there was no significant difference in the germination of V. officinalis seeds collected from five regions. The best way of seed germination was that the seeds were refrigerated for 28 d at -5 ℃ before sowing and then soaked in 0.08% GA solution at 50 ℃ for 16 h, with the germination rate of more than 30%. Under the best treatment conditions, four regions in Enshi prefecture (the altitude range was 580~1 436 m) on the basis of seed germination, the emergence rate was more than 40%. The seeds of V. officinalis germinated well under suitable conditions and could be widely promoted in Enshi prefecture.
    Effects of different control measures on physical and chemical properties of greenhouse soil and pepper growth
    XIE Xin-yu, HUANG Xing-xue, ZHOU Guo-lin, YE An-hua, ZHANG Run-hua, DENG Yao-hua, LIN Jing, LI Jia-xing
    2020, 59(13):  97-101.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.022
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    In order to eliminate the negative effects of straw returning to the field and improve the soil properties, this study used pepper(Capsicum annuum L.) as a crop and facility continuous cropping soil as the treatment object, the experiment used no treatment as a control, and studied the high temperature stuffy shed, conventional strong reduction, strong reduction straw returning to the field, chemical effects of trichloronitromethane fumigation and flooding on physical and chemical properties of facility salinized soil and the growth of pepper. The results showed that, compared with other treatments, the strong reduction straw returning treatment reduced the soil EC value to the lowest, with less salt return. The effect of killing pathogenic bacteria is good, no chemicals are needed. The incidence of diseases is lower; the growth of pepper roots and plants is promoted. The yield of the pepper is the highest, the rate of missing plants is the lowest, and production safety is higher.
    Effects of different amount of nitrogen fertilizer on the growth of Cuiguan pear bud seedlings
    XU Li-rong, YANG Fu-cheng, ZHU Bao-qing, ZHANG Hua-gai, GAO Zheng-gang, ZHANG Su-jie
    2020, 59(13):  102-104.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.023
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    The effects of different amount of nitrogen fertilizer on the growth of Cuiguan pear bud seedlings were studied by a small amount of multiple fertilization method. The plant height, stem diameter and number of leaves of Cuiguan pear bud seedlings at different nitrogen levels were determined. The results showed that under high and medium nitrogen level, the plant height, stem diameter and leaves number during the six periods were the highest on the whole. According to various indexes, it is determined that the nitrogen fertilizer of per plant was 300 g, and the average annular ditch was divided into four times, which was most beneficial to the growth of Cuiguan pear bud seedlings.
    Urban riverside landscape planning research: Taking the planning of Xiaojiang of Dongchuan district in Kunming city as an example
    REN Guang-zhen, SUN Li-qiang, TIAN Yu-hui, WANG Peng-fei
    2020, 59(13):  105-108.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.024
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    Based on the theory of landscape ecology and landscape architecture planning and design, the principle of urban banding riverside landscape space shaping was put forward, and the theory and approach of urban river ecological restoration and riverside landscape space planning were discussed by taking the urban section planning of Xiaojiang main stream in Dongchuan district of Kunming city as an example.
    Preliminary study on ecological landscape design of urban river
    HU Bi-ying, YANG Hong
    2020, 59(13):  109-112.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.025
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    The general principles, technical methods and low impact development facilities of ecological landscape design were analyzed. On this basis, three design contents including landscape elements, water source updating, and road network improving were introduced, then the future development direction of urban river regulation combining landscape system construction and ecological sustainable development was put forward.
    Animal science
    The influence of plant communities on the birds communities in the eastern of Yulin Normal University
    LIANG Yu, WEI Liu-feng, HUANG Ling-ling, BEI Yong-jian
    2020, 59(13):  113-117.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.026
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    From April 2015 to May 2016, the influence of plant communities on the bird communities was investigated through the line transect method and the point sampling method in the eastern of Yulin Normal University, the birds was surveyed two times a month. The results showed that, there was a total of 6 849 birds / times in the east campus of Yulin Normal University, and which belonged to 48 species, 8 order 23 families 33 genus, The mainly habitat types in the campus are Eucalyptus robusta Smith, Amygdalus communis L., A. persica L., Ficus concinna, F. benjamina L., Michelia alba DC., Lagerstroemia speciosa (L.)Pers, Melia azedarach Linn., Bombax malabaricum DC., the lawn, bush, the ground, and another. Among them, there are nine kinds of normal plants. It was concluded that, the most quantity of birds is Ficus concinna, Amygdalus persica, and Amygdalus communis. Comments and recommendations about the avian diversity in Yulin Normal University are provided based on the research results.
    Storage & Processing
    Optimization of extraction conditions of organic acids from Prunus mume and its inhibition on biofilm formation
    BO Xiao-wei, YANG Zhi-ping, QI Guo-hong
    2020, 59(13):  118-122.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.027
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    The extraction conditions of total organic acid from Prunus mume was optimized and its inhibition on biofilm formation by Staphylococcus aureus was studied. The single factor and orthogonal test were used to optimize and verify the total organic acid extraction scheme of Prunus mume. The amount of biofilm formation by Staphylococcus aureus was determined by crystal violet staining. The results showed that the optimum extraction conditions of total organic acids were ethanol 70% (volume fraction), solid-liquid ratio of 3 g / 40 mL, ultrasonic extraction time of 1.5 h and ultrasonic extraction temperature of 50 ℃. The extraction rate of total organic acid was 24.50% from Prunus mume under these conditions. The inhibitory rates on biofilm formation by Staphylococcus aureus was 13.06%,48.24% and 74.01% respectively at the extract concentration of 0.5MIC, MIC and 2MIC. Therefore, the extract could inhibit the formation of Staphylococcus aureus biofilm.
    Study on extraction process of total flavonoids from Trifolium repens
    WANG Jun-jie, MAI Kang-ming, WEN Xue-er, REN Peng
    2020, 59(13):  123-126.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.028
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    Based on the ultrasonic extraction method, the optimal technological conditions for extracting flavonoids from Trifolium repens was explored. With rutin as a blank control, the total flavonoid yield rate was an inspection index, and the effect of three factors, which were ultrasonic time, ethanol concentration and liquid-solid ratio, on the extraction rate of flavonoids in Trifolium repens was studied by the sodium nitrite-aluminum-sodium hydroxide method, single-factor test and L9(33) orthogonal test design. The results demonstrated that the optimal extraction process conditions of total flavonoids from Trifolium repens were ultrasonic time 40 min, ethanol concentration 50%, liquid-solid ratio of 60∶1(mL∶g). Under these conditions, the extraction rate of total flavonoids in Trifolium repens was 2.853%. The test design method was highly efficient, fast and economical. It was suitable for the research on the extraction process of total flavonoids from Trifolium repens and provided experimental basis for the effective extraction of flavonoids from Trifolium repens.
    Extraction of total flavonoids and chlorogenic acid from Eucommia ulmoides Oliver in aqueous two-phase system
    ZHANG Yi-lin, YAN Yong, ZHANG Qin
    2020, 59(13):  127-131.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.029
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    In this study, the two-phase extraction method was used to assist the extraction of total flavonoids and chlorogenic acid in Eucommia ulmoides Oliver. The optimal extraction process was determined by single factor and Box-Behnken response surface method test, and the total flavonoids and chlorogenic acid in Eucommia ulmoides extract were separated by ethanol/inorganic salt aqueous two-phase system. The results showed that under the optimal extraction conditions, the best aqueous two-phase extraction system for total flavonoids in Eucommia ulmoides was 50% ethanol content with 20% mass fraction of K2HPO4, the phase ratio R was 2.93 and the distribution ratio D was 10.35, and the extraction ratio could reach 77.94%. The best aqueous two-phase extraction system for chlorogenic acid was 60% ethanol with 20% K2HPO4 in water, the phase ratio R was 3.43 and the distribution ratio D was 12.32 with the extraction ratio up to 78.22%. The dual aqueous phase extraction technology with mild development conditions, stable phase and short time is great significant for the development and utilization of Eucommia ulmoides.
    Detection Analysis
    Analysis of volatile components of Aster tataricus L.f. and its honey-roasted products by HS-SPME-GC-MS
    HAN Man, JIANG Han-mei, ZHENG Ying
    2020, 59(13):  132-136.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.030
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    For the first time, using HS-SPME and GC-MS to extract and analyze the volatile constituents in Aster tataricus L.f. and its honey-roasted products. The results show that 85 peaks were detected from Asteris radix et rhizoma, 70 components were identified, accounting for 92.66% of volatile components; 75 peaks were detected from its honey-roasted products, 63 components were identified, accounting for 90.54% of volatile components. And there were 36 common components. The total ion flow diagram of their volatile components are somewhat similar, but their composition and content are different. At the same time, this experiment provides scientific basis for further development and utilization of Aster tataricus L.f. resources.
    Analysis of volatile components in Curculigo orchioides and wine-processed by HS-SPME-GC-MS
    WANG Wen-tong, JIANG Han-mei, ZHANG Zhi-jing
    2020, 59(13):  137-139.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.031
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    Headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) combined with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used to analyze the volatile components of Curculigo orchioides and wine-processed, and the relative contents of each component were calculated. The results showed that 22 peaks were isolated from the volatile components of Curculigo orchioides, and 16 components were identified, accounting for 72.73% of the volatile components, of which the highest was dextroterpene, accounting for 16.22% of the total volatile components. 28 peaks were isolated from the volatile components of Curculigo orchioides, and 24 components were identified, accounting for 85.71% of the volatile components, the highest of which was nonanal, accounting for 10.09% of the total volatile components. Part of the volatile components disappeared and some new volatile components were added after the production of Curculigo orchioides. It can provide scientific basis for the development, utilization and clinical application of Curculigo orchioides.
    Information Engineering
    Research on wood defect image reconstruction and quality evaluation model based on deep reinforcement learning
    ZHANG Xu-zhong, ZHAI Dao-yuan, CHEN Jun
    2020, 59(13):  140-145.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.032
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    Aiming at the problem of wood defect image perception and quality decision-making in typical bionic intelligent algorithm, the defect image distortion was serious, the variance of prior feature extraction of defect image fluctuates frequently, the gray level segmentation of defect image with uneven texture is invalid, the generalization ability and learning ability of different wood texture are unbalanced, and the optimal convergence speed is delayed with the defect dimension, a model of wood defect image reconstruction and quality evaluation based on deep reinforcement learning was proposed.By introducing the deep learning mechanism and using the deep residual network for iterative training, we can realize the real-time and efficient reconstruction of the multi-dimensional defect image of different wood, build a panoramic autonomous perception model for the fine segmentation and feature extraction of multi-dimensional defect of different wood, and build a large data level shared resource pool of wood defect features;By introducing reinforcement learning mechanism and using depth deterministic strategy gradient algorithm, a high-dimensional decision mapping among iterative updating of defect features, independent decision-making, panoramic visibility, depth prediction and wood quality evaluation was established, which realized the horizontal sharing integration of multi-dimensional difference wood defect image reconstruction and quality evaluation. Taking an economic forest in Nanhu forest farm area of Huzhou city, Zhejiang province as the evaluation carrier, the engineering application analysis of the model was carried out. The verification results showed that the model proposed in this paper can better realize the multi-dimensional defect perception and reconstruction of wood, the autonomous intelligent decision-making of global optimal quality evaluation, and has the obvious ability of sensing autonomy, reconstruction reproducibility, autonomous decision-making, model generalization, etc show superiority.
    Establishment of computational formula of height of suspended grid based on dimensional analysis
    WEI Jing-jing, MU Zhen-wei, SUN Wen-bo, WANG Lei
    2020, 59(13):  146-148.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.033
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    As to the establishment of monolayer suspended grid in the stilling basin, the height of it has close connection with many factors, and under the condition of these influencing factors, it is difficult to quantify the influence law. Therefore, in this thesis, by means of π theorem of dimensional analysis, it has establishment on the height formula of suspended grid, puts forward and deduces 7 non-dimensional π theorems, and then, by means of nonlinear curve fitting, it can get the computational formula of height of suspended grid and predict the reserved test data, while the predicted value can be matched with the actual value within 10% error, so that it can get the conclusion that the computational formula of height of suspended grid is accurate to some extent, which can provide some references for practical engineering.
    Biological Engineering
    The identification and sequence analysis of the core gene of Hippo pathway in wild silkworm
    MENG Gang, PENG Yun-wu, WANG Rui-xian, CHU Qu, LIANG Jia-jun, LING Jun
    2020, 59(13):  149-153.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.034
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    The Hippo signaling pathway plays a key role in animal growth and development.According to the known sequences, we used BLAST software to identify the sequence of Hippo pathway component gene in the transcriptome of wild silkworm (Bombyx Mandarina). The protein molecular weight, isoelectric point, secondary structure, conserved domain and conserved element were also prospected and analyzed by ORFinder, web CD-search tool, Expasy-protparam, EMBL-EBI and MEME bioinformatics tools. The homologous sequence alignment and phylogeny were analyzed by Clustalx and MEGA 6.0 software. The homologous genes of salvador, warts, mats, yorkie and scalloped were identified in wild silkworm, and ORF frame and coding protein were predicted. The result showed that,Warts, Sav and Mats of wild silkworm shared up than 98% similarity with that of domestic silkworm, while Yki and Scalloped shared 89.02% and 79.13% identity respectively between wild and domestic silkworm. The WW2 domain of BmYKi were deleted, and one peptide were inserted in YAP-binding domain of BmSd, while Sd of wild silkworm missing the hinge region between nuclear localization signal motif and proline-rich motif. Yki and Sd could be clustered into subgroup according to species, families and genera, wild and domestic silkworm were clustered into the same branch,suggesting that the homologous proteins could play species-based functional specificity as well as functional conservation. This study could provide a theoretical basis for further study on the mechanism of Hippo pathway in wild silkworm.
    Identification and genome sequence analysis of pepper mild mottle virus isolate from Paris polyphylla var. yunnanensis
    YANG Lin-yi, CHEN Lu, CHEN Ze-li, FEI Jin-qiang, WANG Zhe, XU Shao-zhong, ZHAO Ming-fu, WEN Guo-song
    2020, 59(13):  154-157.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.035
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    Paris polyphylla var. yunnanensis is a perennial herb, and its medicinal part is underground rhizomes. It is an important chinese medicinal material. In order to clarify the viral pathogens infecting the Paris polyphylla, the transmission electron microscopy, DAS-ELISA and RT-PCR techniques were performed on the Paris polyphylla collected from Qujing, Yunnan province. Baculovirus particles were observed under transmission electron microscopy and were(200~300)nm ×(20~36)nm in size. The results of DAS-ELISA on 7 samples collected showed that 5 of them were positive. A whole genome sequence of a 6 357 bp Qujing isolate (PMMoV-QJ, accession number MK784568) was cloned by RT-PCR amplification. The homologous sequence of PMMoV-QJ were analyzed by homology with 10 PMMoV isolates reported at home and abroad, and the homology was between 99.42% and 99.81%. Phylogenetic analysis based on the whole gene sequence showed that PMMoV-QJ was closely related to Korean isolates. This study clarifies the genetic relationship of the isolate, and identifies the isolate from the molecular level, which provides a theoretical basis for the prevention of the subsequent viral disease.
    Economy & Management
    Research on the motivations and mechanisms of the evolution of Shanghai agricultural industrial system in the context of the construction of three modern agricultural systems
    LIAO Pei-tian
    2020, 59(13):  158-162.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.036
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    In the context of rural revitalization strategy and the construction of modern agricultural industrial system, productive system and managerial system,this research studies the evolution motivation of Shanghai agricultural industry system, aiming to guide the construction of Shanghai urban modern agricultural industrial system, and to help other areas of China to build modern agricultural industrial system. Firstly, this research studies the evolution mechanism of agricultural industry system, and concludes that the evolution mechanism of agricultural industry system includes four aspects such as system guidance, demand pull, resource guidance and technology promotion. After that, the evolution of Shanghai agricultural industry system is divided into four periods such as rural agricultural industry system, suburban agricultural industry system, urban agricultural industry system and urban modern agricultural industry system. Complete data of Shanghai agriculture from 1995 to 2017, including per capita disposable income of rural residents, the yield ratio of food crop to cash crop, yield ratio of planting industry to breeding industry and ratio of added value of primary industry to GDP are used for analysis,the LSD method is used to check the phase difference among agricultural industrial systems,the test results are statistically significant. Finally, the research analyzes the evolutionary causes of each stage of Shanghai agricultural industrial system , and reveals the evolutionary process of Shanghai agricultural industrial system. It is found that the causes of the evolution of Shanghai agricultural industrial system have a great relationship with the function demand of agriculture in urban positioning,the agricultural industrial system in different stages realizes different dominant functions of agriculture. At present, the goal of constructing Shanghai modern urban agricultural industrial system is to realize the ecological function of agriculture.
    Study on the coupling and coordination of economy-tourism-environment in Guangdong province
    MENG Bo-lin, MA Xiang-ping
    2020, 59(13):  163-169.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.037
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    According to the facts of Guangdong province, establishing a coupling and coordinated evaluation index system for the economic, tourism and environmental systems of 21 prefecture-level cities in Guangdong province from 2008 to 2017. Calculating the weight of each index by using the entropy method , and evaluating the comprehensive development of each system. Analyzing the coupling coordination relationship of the economic-tourism-environment system by using the mathematical model and calculation method of coupling coordination degree. The results show that, 21 prefecture-level cities in Guangdong province have a high degree of economic-tourism-environment coupling, and there are no correspondence in spatial distribution between the coupling strength and the degree of coupling coordination; The economic-tourism-environment coordination degree in the Pearl River Delta region is relatively high, reaching a moderate and highly coordinated development level, and is an environment lagging type. The east-west wing and the northern Guangdong mountainous region's economic-tourism-environmental development is unbalanced, which is a lagging type of tourism and a lagging type of economy.
    Analysis of green water efficiency in Yangtze River Delta region based on DEA model
    LUO Shi-chun, HUA Rui, SONG An-na
    2020, 59(13):  170-174.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.038
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    The total water consumption, fixed assets investment, employment figure, amount of discharged wastewater and GDP output of three provinces and one city in the Yangtze River Delta from 2002 to 2017 were choosed to construct the DEA-Malmquist index model. The green water efficiency of the provinces was analysed,combining with environmental factors. The result showed that year 2010 and year 2015 were two obvious turning points of green water efficiency in three provinces and one city, which showed the significance of water conservation and water pollution governance policy implementation; During the study period, TFP total factor index was greater than 1, but technical efficiency showed a regressive trend, especially in Anhui Province. Therefore, the provinces should pay attention to optimizing industrial structure while implementing water-saving policies, ensuring technological progress and expanding industrial scale.
    Research on perception co-word of brand tourists in Shanxi, Shaanxi and Henan tourism regions based on grounded theory
    ZHU Xiang-mei, WANG Jing, GAO Na, GUO Shao-hua, YAO Lu
    2020, 59(13):  175-182.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.039
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    Taking 12 tourist attractions in Shanxi, Shaanxi and Henan as research samples, this study abstracts and analyzes the key words of tourists online comments through grounded theory, calculates the comprehensive weight of key words combined with word frequency statistics and point praise analysis, constructs the co-word matrix and draws the co-word network by using Matlab and Netdraw software, and further analyzes the node characteristics and network structure of the network through UCINET software. Finally, SPSS software is used to cluster analysis of co-word matrix. It is concluded that the focus of tourists attention is the key factor affecting the image and satisfaction of scenic spots, mainly focusing on five key components, such as ecological environment, characteristic landscape, scenic spot management, humanistic flavor and tourism service facilities. At the same time, there are some differences in tourists perception in the three provinces of Shanxi, Shaanxi and Henan in five components.
    Study on intensive land use in urban development zone of Urumqi by AHP
    WANG Yao, CAO Yue-e, LI Wan-nian
    2020, 59(13):  183-188.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.040
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    As an important growth pole of urban economy, the level of intensive land use is directly related to urban economy and regional land sustainable use. In this research, the intensive land use in Urumqi development zone from 1993 to 2016 was evaluated by literature review, causal analysis, time series analysis, and analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The results showed that Urumqi high-tech industrial development zone has developed rapidly since it was approved by the state council in 1992. The score of land intensity has increased from 39.42 in 1993 to 97.18 in 2014 and then fell back to 93.51 in 2016. Residential land gradually becomes the main land use structure in urban development zones. At the development end of urban development zones, there existed some phenomena, such as urban expansion surrounding the development zone, enterprise capital precipitation and declined land use efficiency. It suggested that Urumqi high-tech industrial development zone should be optimized under the guidance of Urumqi's overall urban planning. The improving of land use efficiency should be simultaneously followed by high-technic upgrading in new energy and new materials, inner industrial land improving and further optimizing the land use structure in the development zone.
    International scientific and technological cooperation model under the background of innovation-driven and scientific and technological cooperation mode between China and Austria
    LIN Xi-yan, CHEN Xiong, XIN Bing-qing, YU Sha, MA Yun-fei
    2020, 59(13):  189-194.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.041
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    Conducting international scientific and technological cooperation is internal need for countries around the world to enhance innovation capability, make up their weaknesses and achieve high-quality development. Combing 2015—2019 global innovation development report, summarizing the global pattern of scientific and technological innovation, the evolution trend of innovation law is as follows: from attaching importance to basic research expansion to scientific and technological innovation performance; from innovation quantity to innovation quality; global innovation shows a multipolar development trend; science and technology integration; innovation chain and industrial chain integration; promoting scientific and technological innovation through international cooperation. In this context, referring to the Pasteur quadrant model and combining with the reality of China's scientific and technological innovation, the international cooperation path of two-way integration of innovation chain and industrial chain is put forward, and the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are proposed taking China-Austria scientific and technological cooperation as an example.
    Study on the withdrawal issue of public rental housing in Urumqi:Based on game theory
    LIU Ying-zhen, HAN Fang
    2020, 59(13):  195-198.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.042
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    Public rental housing is an important housing security measure in China, which aims to solve the housing problem of low- and middle-income residents. However, the withdrawal of public rental housing is a great problem in the later manegement of public rental housing. In the more than 10 years since 2007, Urumqi had built more than 70 000 sets of public rental housing, which had greatly eased the housing problem of the low-income group in the capital, and played a positive role in the local social stability of Urumq. However, the withdrawal of public rental housing at the same time still needs to be paid more attention by policy makers and managers. It is urgent to study the problems such as inadequate management, imperfect mechanism and illegal occupation of public rental houses. This study takes five public rental housing communities in Urumqi as samples, uses Logistic model to analyze the game evolution of the lessee's rent-seeking behavior based on the factors affecting the lessee's rent-seeking behavior, so as to provide effective suggestions for the establishment of the flexible exit mechanism of public rental housing in Urumqi, so that the public rental housing policy can benefit a wider range and improve people's happiness in life.
    Research on the protection of Chinese traditional medicine Pinellia ternate for treating COVID-19
    SUN Yuan-peng, LIU Yu-si, CHENG Zheng, SUN Yan-ling, WU Zhe
    2020, 59(13):  199-204.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.043
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    Pinellia ternate is a kind of superior traditional Chinese medicine in the Central China geo-authentic crude drug producing area. It is one of 21 traditional Chinese medicines in Lung Cleansing and Detoxifying Decoction to treat COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019). The medicinal value of Pinellia ternate, its GAP(Good Agriculture Practice)certification and its ecological suitable planting counties in the poor areas were introduced.The intellectual property resources involving the Chinese herbal medicine was summarized. Mainly based on agricultural intellectual property rights, advantage area of characteristic agricultural products, the construction of production base of genuine medicinal materials production base of genuine medicinal materials and or so, the strategies for protecting its geo-authenticity and promoting the high-quality development of Pinellia ternate were discussed under the rural revitalization strategy and the development strategy of traditional Chinese medicine.
    Rural Revitalization
    Urban integration and migrant workers’ choices of skill training:Based on different sizes cities investigation
    LIU Yun-ru, QI Di-ming, ZHENG Xiao-yun
    2020, 59(13):  205-211.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.044
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    The types of skill training is divided into three parts such as rural return type, urban survival type and the urban development type. Viewing from the integration into urban society’s perspective to study the influence about migrant worker’s skill training choice, it turns out that the urban settlement will and the psychological identification are positively related to the will migrant worker’s skill training, compared with different sized cities, it has the same influential effect. To give a further investigate about the influence of the choices of migrant worker’s skill training related to merging into the urban community, the urban settlement will and the psychological identification are positively related to the will of migrant worker’s skill training, which means that the migrant workers who want to live in the cities or think they are urban prefer a higher-level in the training type choices. And it shows that only in medium-sized cities, merging into the urban community is positively related to the choices of migrant worker’s skill training, neither of the large citiesnor the small cities pass the significance testing. Therefore, we need to pay attention to the migrant workers of merging into the urban community during push the work of the migrant workers skill training. And it also require to put emphasis on individual city’s integration difference to achieve a differential, ladder skill training ,which can promote the human capital of the migrant workers.
    Research on the development strategy of cultural tourism industry cluster in Northern Shaanxi under the new normal economy:Taking the rural cultural tourism industry as an example
    GUO Yue-nan, LYU Jian-yong
    2020, 59(13):  212-216.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.13.045
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    Industrial clusters have become the main phenomenon in the world economy at present, and have been highly valued by many countries. The necessity of the development of cultural tourism industry cluster under the new normal economy was analyzed, and the feasibility of the cultural tourism industry cluster spanning development in Northern Shaanxi was discussed. By taking rural culture tourism industry as an example to analyze the main paths of cluster development. The study aimed at making a deep analysis of the significance and strategy of the development of cultural tourism industry cluster under the new normal, and provided theoretical support for the innovation and development of cultural tourism industry in the region in Northern Shaanxi.