Determination and Analysis of Forage Nutrients in Alpine Meadow
ZHA Xi-zhuo-ma, WANG Hong-bo, LI Gui-xiang, WU Qin, ZHANG Yu-hua, WANG Cheng-lin, LI Tian-ke, ZHAO Juan-hua
2018, 57(1):
539 )
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The main nutritional components of forage grass in alpine meadow of Tianjun Countyin Qinghai Province from 3 741 to 4 045 m were measured and analyzed. The results indicated that dry matter(DM) content was 94.60%,crude protein (CP) content was about 4.35%,crude fat(EE) content was about 0.97%,crude fiber(CF) content 28.04%,crude ash(Ash) contentwas about 7.33%,and Ca 0.8%,P 0.03%,the content of nitrogen free extract(NFE) was 53.91%; the content of dry matter(DM) of fresh grass was 87.67%,crude protein(CF) content was about 5.80%,crude fat(EE) content was about 6.32%,crude fiber(CF) content was about 22.94%,crude ash(Ash) content was about 5.90%,nitrogen free extract (NFE) content was 52.61%,Ca 1.20%,P 0.50%,the crude protein content of dry forage than fresh forage crude protein content of loss 1.45 percentage points,dry forage crude fat than fresh forage and losses 5.35 percentage points; dry forage crude fiber(28.04%) was significantly higher than that of fresh forage crude fiber(22.94%)(P<0.05),Ca,P in the dry grass was also lower than that of Ca and P in fresh grass in animal husbandry dry matter,ash,nitrogen free extract,and the content of fresh forage is lower than that of dry grass.