
Table of Content

    25 May 2019, Volume 58 Issue 10
    The application profile of bacteriophage lysins
    YAN Jing, HU Shen-cai
    2019, 58(10):  5-8.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.001
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    More recently, the original application of phage as therapeutics to treat human and animal infections has been rekindled, particularly in an era where antibiotic resistance has become so problematic. Bacteriophage lysins,which are peptidoglycan hydrolases encoded by double-stranded DNA bacteriophage, are produced in phage-infected bacterial cells toward the end of the lytic cycle. It was proved that the phage lysins exhibited high activity against bacteria, narrow antibacterial spectrum, and apparent safety in vitro and vivo experiments. Those paved solid foundation for further exploration of their application. A review on the structure and mode of action of lysins and their application were presented.
    Advances in genetics and breeding of Siraitia grosvenorii(Swingle)C. Jeffrey ex Lu et Z. Y. Zhang
    CHEN Xin-hua, WANG Nian, WANG Qin, LAN Fei-si, LAN Fu-sheng
    2019, 58(10):  9-12.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.002
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    The research progress of the germplasm resource, trait inheritance, genetic breeding of monk fruit [Siraitia grosvenorii(Swingle)C. Jeffrey ex Lu et Z. Y. Zhang] in recent years was reviewed from genetic breeding and improvement of the monk fruit, and potential research directions in the future were pointed out, which will provide guidance for further study in monk fruit genetic improvement and variety breeding.
    Breeding & Cultivation
    Comparative experiment of new colorful varieties(lines) of potato
    WU Cheng-jin, SONG Wei-wu, CHEN Huo-yun, YAN Xue-ming
    2019, 58(10):  13-17.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.003
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    Comparative experiment of new colored potato(Solanum tuberosum L.) varieties (lines) was carried out in Enshi of Hubei province in 2018. Compared with Heimeiren colored potato, the main agronomic traits, disease resistance, anthocyanins content and nutrient content of these 8 new clones were analyzed. The results indicated that the new variety 11AO52-58, 11AO54-3 and 13AO2-3 perform very well in plant yield, nutrient content and disease resistance, therefore their multi-point production test and demonstration could be carried out at high or middle elevation areas of Enshi. The new variety 11AO54-31 contain anthocyanins was up to 92.2 mg/100 g, which can be used as a parent selected for high anthocyanins cultivar.
    Study on high yield and high efficiency cultivation techniques of rapeseed Changyouza 69
    HUANG Ji-wu, JIANG Bo, CHEN Xu-hui, ZHONG Yan, LIU Ding-zhu, DENG Yin-xia
    2019, 58(10):  18-21.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.004
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    The experiments of the variety, sowing date, fertilizer, density and application of paclobutrazol of rapeseed(Brassica napus L.) were carried out from 2015. According to the characteristics of rapeseed growth and development at different stages and local climatic conditions, the theory and comprehensive cultivation techniques suitable for double-low rapeseed high-yield cultivation in Jingzhou area of Hubei province were explored,with high and stable yield, high quality, low consumption and high benefit as cultivation objectives after many years of experimental research and production practice. The productivity of rapeseed was continuously improved, and the large area and high yield of rapeseed were created. Theoretical basis and technical support were provided for the rapeseed production.
    Screening of new early cotton varieties suitable for machine harvesting and its suitable planting density
    ZHANG Cheng, ZHANG Jiao-hai, YI Xian-da
    2019, 58(10):  22-24.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.005
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    Through the screening test of six self-selected cotton early maturing lines, the results showed that the new lines of cotton (Gosavwim spp) H8010 and H208 showed suitable mechanized harvest in early maturity, high yield, fiber quality and agronomic traits. The suitable planting density of the new lines of cotton H8010 is 60 000~67 500 plants/hm2. Under this planting density condition, the seed and lint yield are the highest, which has good potential for popularization and application.
    Green,high-yield and direct seeding cultivation techniques of rice variety Guangliangyou 15 in integrated rice-crayfish farming system
    LI Xing-hua, CHEN Zhan-peng, ZHOU Qiang, ZHANG Sheng, CAI Xing-xing, WANG Huan, CHEN Jie, TU Jun-ming, ZHOU Nan
    2019, 58(10):  25-27.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.006
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    Guangliangyou 15 is a two-line hybrid indica rice variety breed by Huanggang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, with high yield and quality. The field performance of Guangliangyou 15 in integrated rice-crayfish farming system by direct seeding cultivation techniques was introduced. Moreover, the main points of its direct cultivation techniques in rice-crayfish culture summarized including timely sowing, reduced fertilization, scientific irrigation, green prevention and so on. These suggestions may provide technical support for green, high-yield and direct seeding cultivation techniques of Guangliangyou 15 in integrated rice-crayfish farming system.
    Preliminary report on the comparison test of mechanically-transplanted rice seedling
    SONG Hong-xi, LIU Chun-jun, SHANG Chao-hua, DING Huai-ling
    2019, 58(10):  28-30.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.007
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    The comparison test of 28 rice varieties was carried out, 2~3 excellent varieties suitable for transplanting seedlings mechanically in Dangyang city of Hubei province, such as Jingliangyou 534, Longliangyou 534 and Longliangyouhuazhan. And the problem that the farmers are not selected from the supply of a wide variety of rice seed is solved.
    Current situation and analysis of crop germplasm resources in Yingshan county of Hubei province
    TIAN Rui, HUANG Yong-ming, HE Li-gang, SONG Fang, JIANG Ying-chun, JIAO Chun-hai, SU Xing
    2019, 58(10):  31-34.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.008
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    For understanding the current situation of crop germplasm resources in Yingshan county from the third national-wide survey and collection of crop germplasm resources, a comprehensive arrangement and comparative analysis of the agricultural producing structures, crop planting structures and crop variety changes are conducted based on the results of crop germplasm resources in 1956, 1981 and 2014. The results will provide the consultations for the protection and utilization of crop germplasm resources, which will establish the basis for the development of agricultural industry, the rural revitalization and the improvement of income level of mountain people in Yingshan county.
    Resource & Environment
    Study on the potential of development and utilization of underground space in Urumqi based on AHP method
    ZHANG Ya, WANG Cheng-wu, LIN Xiao-dong
    2019, 58(10):  35-39.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.009
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    The development and utilization potential of Urumqi underground space was evaluated using AHP. The research selected 7 districts of Urumqi as evaluation unit. According to the principle of the construction of the evaluation index system, it established the index system for the development potential of underground space in Urumqi from such six perspectives as economy, population, transportation, land resources, municipality and urban location. The weight of each evaluation factor was calculated by using analytic hierarchy process, and each factor score in the different evaluation unit was determined, final core of each evaluation unit was found. According to the evaluation score, the development and utilization potential of 7 districts of Urumqi at four level areas was listed: Shayibak district, Xinshi area and Tianshan district were belonged to the first level; Toutunhe district and Shuimogou district were belonged to the secondary level; Midong District was belonged to the third level; Dabancheng District was belonged to four-level area of development and utilization potential.
    Saturated hydraulic conductivity of peat in Changbai Mountain area
    LIN Bing-zi, WANG Yi-nuo
    2019, 58(10):  40-44.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.010
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    The research aimed to take peat land of Changbai Mountain area as research object. The basic characteristics, influencing factors and spatial heterogeneity of saturated hydraulic conductivity(Ksat) of the peat were discussed, and the differences of saturated hydraulic conductivity of the peat between drainage area and natural area were compared. The results indicated that the mean value of the saturated hydraulic conductivity in the vertical direction was about 41.00 m/d, which was at moderate and above level compared with other research areas. The saturated hydraulic conductivity(Ksat) of peat was negatively correlated with unit volume, positively correlated with porosity, and significantly positively correlated with least water-holding capacity, saturation moisture content and organic matter content. At 0~50 cm of surface layer, Ksat in the drainage area was smaller than that in the natural area. The peat land in the natural state increased with the depth. Ksat decreased with the decrease of water conductivity. There were various anisotropy in Ksat. KsatH was larger than KsatV in 63% of samples, but the difference was little. KsatH was about 1.07 times of KsatV, and the correlation between them was extremely high.
    Study on sand fixation based on RWEQ and NPP in the Three-River headwaters region
    HE Qian, DAI Xiao-ai
    2019, 58(10):  45-50.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.011
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    The sand-fixing amount and NPP were evaluated in the Three-River headwaters region in 2015 based on RWEQ model and improved CASA model respectively, and the relationship between them explored using the grid. The results showed that the potential wind erosion and actual wind erosion degree in this area were high in the west and low in the east as a whole, and the sand-fixing amount was high in the middle and low in the west and the east. The average sand fixation amount was 29.51 kg/m2, and the soil wind erosion was at the middle level. Contrary to the soil wind erosion, the spatial distribution characteristic of NPP was high in the east and low in the west. There was a linear relationship between the amount of potential wind erosion and NPP(R2=0.47), while the actual wind erosion and NPP showed a significant exponential relationship (R2=0.91). In addition, with the increase of NPP, the sand-fixing capacity firstly increased and then decreased. At the maximum of sand-fixing capacity, NPP was about 300 gC/m2.
    Research on content of heavy metals in moss around a steel mill and its pollution assessment in Huangshi city
    MA Xin, YIN Gang, WU Le-zhi
    2019, 58(10):  51-56.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.012
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    The moss were collected around the steel plant, and analyzed the contents of 6 heavy metals elements Cr,Ni,Cu,Zn,Cd and Pb in moss. The results showed that the order of heavy metal content moss in the surrounding steel plant was Cu>Cr>Zn>Pb>Ni>Cd, the average was 788.836,311.851,124.773,117.519,58.406,2.842 μg/kg, respectively, the maximum content of Cu was 2 186.866 μg/kg, the minimum content of Cd was 0.027 μg/kg. Through the correlation analysis and cluster analysis in the steel plant, it was concluded that Cr,Ni,Zn,Cd,Pb in all the elements may be from the same pollution source, and the Cu element came from a single source of pollution. The comprehensive pollution index of moss was 362.17, and the pollution load index was 79.33.
    Hydrological analysis of flood control and drainage in Jiangning district of Nanjing city
    LYU Kun
    2019, 58(10):  57-61.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.013
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    A typical historical rainstorm processes is analyzed to calculate the 5% frequency runoff yield by the Xin’anjiang model with three runoff components in the Jiangning district of Nanjing city. The Jiangning district is divided into 22 polder areas and drainage modulus is calculated for towns, rural areas and mixed areas. The average drainage modulus in Jiangning district is 3.19 m3/(s·km2), which is similar to the value of Nanjing Urban Flood Control Planning. But the various urbanization degrees lead to different drainage modulus for each polder area. Drainage modulus is closely related to the area of adjustable water storage. So it should make full use of urban green space to intercept rainwater, extend water area and dredge river course to construct an ecological city with natural accumulation, natural infiltration and natural purification. It makes sense to achieve sustainable development sustainable and promote the construction of ecological civilization in Jiangning district.
    Deep purification effect of ecological pond chain on tail water of rural livestock and poultry breeding in rural areas
    WANG Tao, XIA Wei, LEI Jun-shan, WANG Chao
    2019, 58(10):  62-67.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.014
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    By systematically monitoring and analyzing the temporal and spatial characteristics of nitrogen and phosphorus and other main pollutants, it was found that the ecological pond chain had a better deep purification effect on the tail water of livestock and poultry breeding in rural areas. The average removal rate of total nitrogen and ammonia nitrogen in the ecological pond chain could exceed 80%, the overall removal rate of total phosphorus was about 80%, and the removal rate of permanganate index was close to 40%. The effluent concentration of total nitrogen and ammonia nitrogen were basically lower than 2.5 mg/L, which were superior to the national Grade A standard; The total phosphorus emission concentration was lower than 1 mg/L, reaching the national Class I B standard. The area of ecological ponds was the main factor affecting the removal rate, and the effect of temperature on the removal of total nitrogen and ammonia nitrogen were very significant, but the effect on the removal rate of permanganate index was not obvious.
    Response analysis of Tongcheng city agricultural heat resources to climate change
    KONG Ling-shuai, JIANG Sheng-guo
    2019, 58(10):  68-73.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.015
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    According to the 1961—2017, last frost in the early period and Tongcheng city air temperature and other meteorological data, using mathematical statistics method, the temperature and the stability of the Tongcheng city by 0 and 10 ℃ agricultural resources, and last frost in the early period of the heat change characteristics and regularity of response to climate change were analysised. The results showed that the climate of Tongcheng area generally presented a weak warming trend, and the climate of winter and spring was obviously warming, while the summer and autumn seasons showed a cooling trend, and there were three warm periods and two warm and cool periods. Agricultural heat resource was more and more rich, 0 ℃ or higher in the early days and 10 ℃ or higher average daily showed a trend of small early, but after 1997, there was an obvious delay; 0 and 10 ℃ or more between the initial and ending days of continuous days all showed a trend of extending, prolonging significantly after 2011; Although the cumulative temperature of activity increased in general, it tended to decrease before the mid-1980s and increase after that, especially since 2011. The frost-free period increased significantly, and the frost-free period increased to 264.6 days in 2011—2017.
    Improvement of subcritical hydrolysis of organic waste on coastal saline alkali soil in Tianjin
    FENG Tao, ZHOU Guo-hua, Chi Feng-long, WANG Bang-jie
    2019, 58(10):  74-77.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.016
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    The soil of Tianjin coastal saline alkali was treated with subcritical hydrolysis of municipal sludge, chicken manure, compound bacterial fertilizer and plant fiber binder. The results showed that using of subcritical hydrolysate(sludge+chicken manure) and mechanical construction technology could effectively promote plant growth, increase vegetation coverage, reduce soil pH and increase organic matter content in Tianjin coastal saline alkali.
    Plant Protection
    A method for preparing insecticide of cabbage worm and its control effects
    XU Xue-zhong, HU Jing-feng, YANG Hong-li, ZHANG Li-qin, LAN Mei, LIU Jia-jia, HE Jiang-ming
    2019, 58(10):  78-80.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.017
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    The leaching solution of Anemone rivularis Buch.-Ham., Artemisia carvifolia and Nicotianal rustica L., whitewash and salt water were used as materials. According to the appropriate quality ratio of materials, field control effectiveness test to cabbage worm were conducted for two consecutive years. The results showed that when the quality ratio of leaching solution of Anemone rivularis Buch.-Ham., Artemisia carvifolia, Nicotianal rustica L. whitewash, salt water, clear water was 4∶2∶2∶1∶1∶6, 4∶2∶0∶1∶1∶8, 4∶0∶2∶1∶1∶8 and 0∶4∶2∶1∶1∶8, the control efficiency of insecticide were 82.7%~89.8%,38.3%~42.0%,41.0%~45.4% and 52.9%~56.4%, respectively. Combine the two years experiment results, the insecticide had the best controlling effect when the quality ratio of leaching solution of Anemone rivularis Buch.-Ham., Artemisia carvifolia, Nicotianal rustica L., whitewash, salt water, clear water was 4∶2∶2∶1∶1∶6. The technology had obtained national invention paten.
    Green prevention and control measures of soft rot disease of Amorphophallus konjac in Shiyan city
    WANG Wei, XIAO Neng-wu, LAN Yu-mei, GONG Shi-fei, GUO Yuan-ping
    2019, 58(10):  81-84.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.018
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    The research progress of soft rot disease of Amorphophallus konjac was summarized, and suggestions on green prevention and control of soft rot disease of Amorphophallus konjac were put forward in the development of its industry in Shiyan city.
    Effects of above-ground competition and light availability on growth strategy of Calystegia hederacea
    PEI Li-mei, TU Miao, YANG Pei, LUO Lin-feng, ZHU Li
    2019, 58(10):  85-87.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.019
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    Taking Calystegia hederacea as material, the seedlings were grown under overground competition (with overground competition and without overground competition) and under light conditions (strong light and weak light), and the changes of overground stem length and average stem node length with plant growth were monitored. Biomass of each part and number of branches were measured at harvest. The results showed that compared with no above-ground competition, the relative growth rate of above-ground stems was faster, and the biomass distribution of stems and leaves was increased, while that of roots was decreased. The weak light treatment compared with the strong light treatment, the growth rate of the stems was faster, the number of branches was less, the biomass distribution of the stems and leaves was higher, and the biomass distribution of the roots was lower. The competition intensity was calculated by using the length of the overground stem as the reference index. In terms of biomass allocation, ANOVA analysis showed that there was no significant interaction between light condition and competitive effect. In addition, while the stem length increased with time, the average stem node length decreased slightly with time.
    Response of different sizes of Pomacea canaliculata to dry and wet environment
    WANG Hui-ming, LIU Hui, SUN Yang, QIN Wen-jing, HUANG Shui-jin
    2019, 58(10):  88-91.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.020
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    In order to systematic study the response of different sizes of Pomacea canaliculata to dry and wet environment in agricultural control, both overwintering experiment and paddy-upland rotation experiment were conducted. The results showed that the survival rate of small, middle and large Pomacea canaliculata were 91.33%, 83.00% and 72.67% without water, respectively. They were higher than that within water, which were 60.00%, 46.00% and 38.67%, respectively. The mortality of large Pomacea canaliculata were highest no matter within or without water. In paddy-upland experiment, the control effects of previous crop on small-middle ones were 63.4% (soybean),68.4% (maize) and 57.4% (pepper), respectively, which were higher than those of adults.
    Horticulture & Local Products
    Response of two rootstocks of apple to salt stress
    JIAO Hui-min, WANG Xin-jian, DANG Yan-qing, ZHOU Xiao-wei, TIGURI Gapar, XU Xiong
    2019, 58(10):  92-95.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.021
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    The seedlings of plum leaf crab and SH were used as test materials. The salt tolerance of plum leaf crab and SH seedlings were compared by different salt concentration treatments. The results showed that the changes of chlorophyll content of the two rootstocks showed the opposite trend at low salt concentration, but the same trend at high salt concentration. The trend of chlorophyll content of the two rootstocks decreased first and then increased,and the rising trend of Plum leaf crab is greater than that of SH. At high salt concentration, the free proline content of the two rootstocks was accumulated, while the soluble protein content decreased, the soluble sugar content in the leaves of Plum leaf crab showed an upward trend, and the soluble sugar content in the leaves of SH showed a downward trend. The change trend of SOD activity in plum leaf crab was ascending-descending-ascending-descending, POD activity was ascending first and then descending, and the activities of two protective enzymes in SH blade interior showed an upward-downward-upward trend.
    Effects of base fertilizer and after fertilizer on Paeonia ostii ‘Fengdan’ growth
    LI Yuan, ZHANG Ru-yi, CHEN You-cai, WANG Xun, LYU Xiang-yang
    2019, 58(10):  96-100.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.022
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    The three-year-old Paeonia ostii ‘Fengdan’ plants is used as the material to carry out the comparative test on the base fertilizer application, the fertilizer treatments of oil cake(0.1,0.5,1.0 kg), cow dung (0.1,0.5,1.0 kg) and the cow dung(0.1、0.5、1.0 kg)+compound fertilizer(0.1 kg) are respectively applied to each plant. In the after fertilizer test, the saplings of Paeonia ostii ‘Fengdan’ were used, and each sapling was applied with high nitrogen compound fertilizer 10 g,30 g and 50 g,respectively. The growth indexes of plant, growth indexes of leaf and chlorophyll content in leaf were determined to evaluate the efficiency of different fertilizer treatments. The results showed that the effects of the three kinds of base fertilizer treatments on growth of oil peony plants were cow dung+compound fertilizer>cow dung>oil cake. The fertilizer treatment cow dung(0.5 kg)+compound fertilizer (0.1 kg) showed the most obvious promoting effect. In the after fertilizer test, the application of 10 g compound fertilizer supported great growth of oil peony plants in plant height, stem width, branch number and leaf amount. In general, the base fertilizer treatment applying cow dung (0.5 kg)+compound fertilizer (0.1 kg) had the best benefit on the growth of the three-year-old plants of Paeonia ostii ‘Fengdan’, and the after fertilizer treatment applying compound fertilizer (N∶P∶K=25∶5∶10) 10 g had the best effect on the growth of the Paeonia ostii ‘Fengdan’ saplings.
    Study on the seed germination characteristics of Ziziphus jujuba Mill. Zaocuiwang
    LI Bai-yun, LIU Chao, LI Hui
    2019, 58(10):  101-103.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.023
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    Using the seed of Ziziphus jujubes Mill. Zaocuiwang as material,the factors influencing seed germination of shell-beaking, seed soakin,crude extracts of jujube seeds and hormone treatment were studied to investigate the seed germination characteristic and find out the suitable method to promote the germination of jujube tree. The results showed that the main reason for the difficulty in germination was the mechanical inhibition of Zaocuiwang seeds shell, followed by the inhibiting substances in jujube seeds. The seedling emergence rate of Zaocuiwang was 50% which was seeded directly after breaking shells. The water absorption rate of jujube kernel was notably enhanced under concentrated sulfuric acid treatment and can be reached saturation in 12 hours. Three kinds of plant growth regulator used in the experiment had different effects on seed germination, soaking in 0.2 mg/L GA3 for 36 hours was the best treatment for Zaocuiwang seed germination with the germination rate of 85.71%.
    Agronomic trait investigation and quality analysis related to low-light of cucumber
    SU Chang, LI Dan-dan, ZHANG Xin-yue, ZHANG Dan, LI Qing-hua, LI Ji, ZHANG Yang
    2019, 58(10):  104-108.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.024
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    A native cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) variety and 5 hybrid combinations were used as experimental materials which developed by crossing strong female line Ma1 or MDi as female parent with other 4 male parents. Main agronomic characters and yield investigation and quality analysis were carried out aiming to screening excellent hybrid combinations and breeding some new cucumber varieties resisting low-light stress. Results showed that the combinations of MDi×M6 and Ma1×M6 which female parents were subgynoecius lines in different ecological types were superior to others in botanical characters, flowering characteristics, yield and quality, and the content of VC was significantly higher than the control line. Some characters of high yield were expressed in these two combinations, such as the higher rate of female flower, the proper lateral branch and vine and weight of single fruit and so on. The theoretical yield of MDi×M6 and Ma1×M6 were the higher with 62 965.35 kg/hm2 and 60 571.80 kg/hm2, both were superior to the native cucumber variety hybrid1 by 22.92%,which can be seen as the most excellent and suitable combinations for popularizing and planting locally.
    Extraction of Clitoria ternatea L. flower flavor by different processes and its application in cigarettes
    HAN Hang-hang, XU Shu, BAI Bing, LIU Yu-yu, BAO Xiu-ping
    2019, 58(10):  109-113.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.025
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    Extraction of Clitoria ternatea L. flower were prepared respectively by ultrasonic extraction, super-critical CO2 extraction and molecular distillation. The volatile components in the extraction were analyzed by GC/MS, and the cigarette flavoring test was carried out. The results showed that the super-critical CO2 extraction oil had the most quantity of volatile components and the highest relative content, most of which were crucial substances that constitute the flavor of cigarettes. Ultrasonic extraction could extract the potential aroma of tobacco from the Clitoria ternatea L. flower. However, the effect is general, the volatile components of the extract are not as rich as other methods, and the application effect on cigarettes is not as good as other methods. The Clitoria ternatea L. flower extract can be used for cigarette flavoring and casing, which can enhance flavor, increase taste, reduce irritation and improve aftertaste, improve the quality of smoking in general.
    Effects of new seedling raising methods on growth and physiological characteristics of tobacco seedlings
    WANG Dian, LI Hong-liang, LIU Lin-zhou, YAO Jian, SHANG Hui-wen, LI Jian-hua, WANG Zhao-shuang
    2019, 58(10):  114-117.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.026
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    The experiment was conducted to study the effects of new seedling raising methods on the growth and physiological characteristics of tobacco seedlings by reforming the traditional seedling plate. The results showed that the new seedling cultivation method increased the seedling rate by 10.6 percentage points, the number of root tips by 61.36%, and the agronomic characters of tobacco seedlings were greatly improved. The stem diameter, fresh root weight and dry weight increased by 45%, 144% and 150%, respectively. The seedling return time was shortened by 3.1 days. Supplementary seedling quantity reduced 10.4 percentage points. At the same time, the economic characters of flue-cured tobacco increased significantly, the yield, output value, average price and the proportion of middle-grade tobacco increased by 24.0%, 38.4%, 15.0% and 15 percentage points,respectively.
    Animal Science
    Immunoprophylaxis of white spot virus syndrome of Procambarus clarkia
    LEI Xiao-zhong, SHI Yi-yuan, ZHU Dai-hong, ZHU Yong-fu, JIANG Jin-shan, ZHENG Xi-bao, Wang Xiao-ling, MENG Xiao-lin, LI Jin-zhong, ZHENG Pei-chang, WU Ji-xin, TANG Sheng, ZHANG Feng, XI Lin-ze
    2019, 58(10):  118-120.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.027
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    White soptesyndrom virus is the main pathogen causing crayfish death. The immunomodulator test sample produced by a company in Hubei province. The results showed that the survival rate of the indoor immunization group reached 86.7%,and the control effect reached 90.38%; In the field experiment, the use of immunomodulators during the peak period of white spot virus outbreak can effectively reduce the mortality of crayfish and improve its yield.It shows that the immunomodulator test sample has significant effects and economic benefits for preventing and controlling crayfish white spot virus.
    Effects of microtubules on RABV intracellular infection
    GAO Jie, ZHAO Ming-xin, LIU En-hua, ZHAO Wei-rong, DUAN Ming, GUAN Zhen-hong, ZHANG Mao-lin, GUO Yi-di
    2019, 58(10):  121-124.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.028
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    Rabies virus (RABV) is entirely accomplished its infection in cells cytoplasmic. Cytoskeletal microtubules mediates cargoes to move throughout the cytoplasm. In this study, we investigated the modulatory effect of a microtubule-inhibitor, Nocodazole, on RABV infection in mouse Neuro-2a cells (N2a). The N2a cells viability was analyzed by MTT. In cells treated with Nocodazole, then infected with laboratory challenge virus standard CVS-11. mRNA level and protein level of RABV were respectively reduced about 25% and 50% by real-time PCR and Western Blot. Significantly, viral infection rate was obviously decent 70% by immunofluorescence and the virus titer was decreased from 106.5TCID50/mL to 104.5TCID50/mL. These results indicated that RABV undergo intracellular transport mediated by cytoskeleton-microtubule. These results provide a theoretical basis for further study on the intracellular trafficking of RABV and its replication mechanism.
    Storage & Processing
    Antioxidant function in vivo of mice with flavonoids extracts from Ziziphus jujuba var. spinosa
    YE Jia, ZHANG Hao, YANG Ming-jian, FU Wei
    2019, 58(10):  125-128.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.029
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    To examine antioxidant function in vivo of mice with flavonoids extracts from Ziziphus jujuba var. spinosa, the mice were gavaged with different doses of leaf avonoids[300 mg/(kg·d),150 mg/(kg·d),100 mg/(kg·d)]. The contents of TP,POD,SOD,CAT and T-AOC of the mice were assessed. The results showed that TP、POD、SOD、CAT and T-AOC were substantially affected by flavonoids extracts from Ziziphus jujuba var. spinosaP<0.01). The TP, T-AOC and SOD was increased with increasing of flavonoids extracts concentrations while the POD featured a bell-shape curve. There was no significant difference of CAT in the mice gavaged with different doses of leaf avonoids. Compared with normal control group,the TP, POD,SOD,CAT and T-AOC were increased significantly. The results showed that the flavonoids extracts from Ziziphus jujube var. spinosa can effectively improve the antioxidant function of mice.
    Study on the formula of sika antler polypeptide functional beverage
    BAO Xiu-jing, QIAN Kun, MA Fu-chang, JIA Chang-xiu, PI Yu-zhen
    2019, 58(10):  129-133.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.030
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    The sika antler polypeptide has the function of preventing and treating breast hyperplasia in women. This experiment uses this as a raw material to develop a functional beverage that is convenient to drink. Based on the single factor experiment, the Box-Behnken response surface method was used to determine the optimal formulation of the antler disk peptide multi-functional beverage: polypeptide hydrolysate 9.94%, acid taste agent 0.39%, sweetener 7.98%, and stabilizer 0.21%. Under these conditions, the clearance rate of hydroxyl radicals in the antler plate polypeptide functional beverage is as high as 48.79%, and the beverage is golden yellow, clear and transparent, fresh and delicious.
    Drying characteristics of Tremella fuciformis under infrared ray and its quality
    LIN Lin
    2019, 58(10):  134-138.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.031
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    The drying characteristics of Tremella fuciformis under infrared ray were studied. The effects of irradiation distance, temperature and initial moisture content on the drying rate and its quality were investigated. Within the parameter range of this experimental study, different test results showed that drying temperature had the greatest influence on the dehydrating rate, rehydration and tremella polysaccharides. The initial water content has little effect on the dehydrating rate, rehydration and tremella polysaccharides. The irradiation distance has the least influence on the dehydrating rate, rehydration and tremella polysaccharides. It provide the scientific guidance and theoretical basis for the Tremella fuciformis processing quality control and innovative research of processing methods.
    Study on the recipe of Hericium erinaceus chichen meatball
    JIANG Li-li
    2019, 58(10):  139-141.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.032
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    Chicken and Hericium erinaceus were taken as the raw material,and the recipe of hericium erinaceus chichen meatball was studied. Sensory evaluation was taken as indexes,and the recipe of hericium erinaceus chichen meatball was determined through single factor and orthogonal experiment. The results showed that the optimum recipe was: Adding amount of hericium erinaceus 3%, adding 20% of cooking wine, adding 10% of corn starch and adding 0.4% of carrageenan,other auxiliary materials and its proportion were:pig fat 20%, red dates 2%, medlar 1%, ginger powder 1%, scallion 6%, salt 1.6%, black pepper 0.5%, aginomoto 1%.
    Detection Analysis
    Determination of total potassium in plants samples by microwave digestion-flame photometry
    TAO Shu-hua, GONG Hao-ru, CHEN Zu-wu, CHEN Ying-zi, MIAO Xue-xue, WANG Jie-min
    2019, 58(10):  142-145.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.033
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    A new method for the determination of total potassium in plants by microwave digestion-flame photometry was established by optimizing the conditions of digested acid, maximum digestion temperature and retention time of microwave digestion. The results showed that the optimal digestion condition was as follows:6 mL HNO3+2 mL H2O2 acid system, maximum digestion temperature 160 ℃ and retention time 15 min, and the detection limit was 0.002 mg/g. The results of the total potassium content of two plant reference materials determined by the optimal digestion procedure showed that the data was within the range of the certificate standard values. The recovery rates of total potassium contents of rice plant samples tested by the optimal digestion procedure were 97.5%~103.0% and the relative standard deviation was 0.63%~2.27%. The results suggested that this method is suitable for the determination of total potassium in different parts of plants, and the operation is simple and safe, and the result is accurate and reliable.
    GC determination of myclobutanil and diniconazole pesticide residue in sorghum by ultrasonic assisted extraction
    CHEN Shun-qin, YANG Hui, WANG Ai-min, XIA Bin, WANG Jie, HUANG Jiang, LUO Peng, LIU Yu-bo
    2019, 58(10):  146-149.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.034
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    A method of ultrasonic assisted extraction combined with gas chromatography was used to determine pesticide residue of myclobutanil and diniconazole in sorghum.The sample was extracted by a mixture of acetonitrile and acetone,then purified with concentrated flory diatomite acid,concentrated with rotary evaporation,and analyzed with GC-ECD. Linearity range of myclobutanil was found between 0.012 5~0.400 μg/g,and the detection limit(3S/N) was 0.002 μg/g,and the values of RSDn=6) was 3.7%;Linearity range of diniconazole was found between 0.004 76~0.152 μg/g,and the detection limit(3S/N) was 0.000 83 μg/g,and the values of RSDn=6) was 1.2%. This developed method is simple,quickness,rapid,sensitive and can therefore be used for the determination of myclobutanil and diniconazole in sorghum.
    Agricultural Engineering
    Finite element analysis of important components of compound fermentation tower based on ANSYS Workbench
    SHI Yi-dong, FENG Tian-yu, LU Wei-an, FU Zhi, FENG Yong-xiao
    2019, 58(10):  150-153.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.035
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    Taking the composite fermentation (aerobic anaerobic combined) tower device as the research object, the solid three-dimensional solid model of the composite fermentation tower was established by Solidworks, and the composite fermentation tower was simplified. The ANSYS Workbench finite element analysis software was used to identify the characteristics of the joint surface, and the finite element model of the important parts of the composite fermentation tower was established. Through the combination of theoretical calculation and finite element analysis, it is found that the screw shaft has less force, the blade is subjected to large force, and the force at both ends of the blade is the largest. The thickness of the upper right end of the diaphragm is too small to withstand the pressure of the material.
    Development and application of qualit inspection tools of land cover in basic geographic national condition monitoring
    LENG Shun-lyu
    2019, 58(10):  154-157.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.036
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    In order to solve the complicated problem of land cover quality inspection in basic geographical national condition monitoring project, a set of land cover data quality inspection tool based on ArcGIS platform was designed. This tool has the module of automatic checking data results, which can replace the tedious manual checking. At the same time, the quality of data results can be better guaranteed by correcting the checking results. The practical application shows that the software improves the efficiency and accuracy of the basic geographical national condition monitoring.
    Economy & Management
    Study on the factors restricting the development of vegetable family farms and countermeasures:Based on the investigation and analysis of hilly and mountainous areas in Chongqing
    WU Zhao-juan, GAO Dong-mei, ZHAN Bo
    2019, 58(10):  158-163.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.037
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    Based on the statistical data of 76 vegetable family farms in Bishan district and Qijiang district of Chongqing Municipality and the questionnaire survey data of 34 field research family farms, the business format, scale of operation, characteristics of farmers and development constraints of vegetable family farms were analyzed. Suggestions including activating production factors, upgrading modern facilities and equipment, improving social service systems, improving and implementing various support policies, and promoting green and diversified development were put forward to provide some basic information for the government to formulate development policies for vegetable family farms.
    The mode and effect of the new round of rural land system reform in China
    ZHOU Chun-fang, SHI Wen-tao, YUAN Feng-gang
    2019, 58(10):  164-166.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.038
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    The reform of rural land system is the key to solving the problem of the “three rural” problem. In the context of the new round of rural land system reform, the innovative modes and main practices of rural land system reform in 5 districts, Jiaxing of Zhejiang, Yujiang of Jiangxi, Chengdu of Sichuan, Chongqing and Meitan of Guizhou, were explored. The achievements of the reform were summarized. Finally, it puts forward the proposal of China to carry out the reform of rural land system under the new situation, to abide by the wishes of the people, to protect the legitimate rights of the peasants, to confirm the rights and to clarify the ownership; to formulate a sound security system; to adjust the interests according to local conditions.
    Research on the participation of community residents in anti-terrorism based on MOA model and its influencing factors:Taking Urumqi city,Xinjiang as an example
    HOU Yun-xia, YANG Li-min, NIU Ju-ling
    2019, 58(10):  167-174.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.039
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    Based on the field investigation of the typical community in Urumqi, the citizen participation ladder theory and three-dimensional spatial analysis method are used to analyze the participation of anti-terrorism residents in the community. The MOA model was established to make assumptions about the influencing factors affecting residents' participation in community anti-terrorism, and the structural equation model was used to analyze and verify the hypothesis. The results show that participation motivation, participation ability and participation opportunities have a significant positive impact on community anti-terrorism residents' participation. The participation motivation is in an important position in the MOA model of community anti-terrorism residents' participation. The participation opportunities and abilities of community anti-terrorism residents also indirectly affect the participation of residents through participation motivation. The motivation of community anti-terrorism residents also indirectly affects residents' participation. It is possible to enhance the participation of community residents through publicity training and material support; implement incentive policies and guarantee mechanisms to guide residents to participate actively and improve enthusiasm; broaden the channels for community residents to participate in community counter-terrorism, create rich opportunities for participation, and increase the participation of community anti-terrorism residents. Based on the masses, we will fight against terrorism and maintain stability.
    Study on dietary structure consumption structure of urban and rural residents in Zunyi city based on nutritional level
    ZHANG Bao-cheng, LI De-hui, LI Xian-bi, DING Kui-ting
    2019, 58(10):  175-178.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.040
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    Nutrition level can quantify the complex human dietary structure and study the material circulation and energy flow in human ecosystem. Based on the data of food consumption of urban and rural residents in Zunyi City, Guizhou Province from 2001 to 2016, the nutritional grade of urban and rural residents was analyzed. The results showed that the nutritional level of urban residents increased from 2.18 to 2.29, and that of rural residents increased from 2.07 to 2.16. Vegetables contributed the most to urban nutritional level(28.2%) and food contributed 42.46% to rural residents. The average contribution rate of animal food to urban residents' nutritional level was higher than that to rural residents' nutritional level. The level of nutrition increased first and then decreased, and the level of nutrition of rural residents showed two growth rates. From this point of view, the impact of market price, zoonosis and health knowledge on the nutrition of urban and rural residents is different. Urban residents' nutritional level is more affected by zoonosis, while rural residents' nutritional level is more affected by market price fluctuations.
    From the perspective of new public management theory in the management of fixed assets in universities:Take an agricultural university as an example
    WANG Min, TAN Gang
    2019, 58(10):  179-183.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.041
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    Fixed assets are the basic material conditions to guarantee teaching and scientific research in universities. With the increasing attention of the nation to education, the number and types of fixed assets also increase, which increases the difficulty of asset management in universities. To a agricultural university as an example from the university fixed asset management system, management system, management concept and means and management team construction four aspects to the analysised of current management of fixed assets in institutions of higher education, combining the theory of new public management, put forward to perfect the fixed assets management system, standardized the management process, classification management and centralized management "four quadrant" management method, and combined the improvement opinion to strengthen the construction of fixed assets management team, to promoted the scientific allocation and efficient use of the fixed asset of university, and to achieved the goal of China's reform of higher education management.
    Problems and countermeasures of utilization of archives resources in agricultural research institutions
    BAO Yu
    2019, 58(10):  184-186.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.042
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    Agricultural science and technology archives are the true records of agricultural scientific research activities. As valuable material for agricultural production and scientific research and development, they have important preservation value and are valuable resource wealth of the state and society. By expounding the importance of agricultural science and technology archives management, sorting out the relationship between them and agricultural research work, countermeasures to improve the utilization rate of agricultural science and technology archives were puts forward in order to better serve the scientific research work.
    Rural Revitalization
    Study on social security of rural floating elderly population——Taking X county of Anhui province as an example
    JIA Lin-xia
    2019, 58(10):  187-190.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.043
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    The elderly in the rural areas are a special group and a group of people who need care, Their social security problems need urgent attention of the government and society. Through in-depth interviewed with the six typical rural floating elderly in X county, Anhui province, there was a certain understanding of the current social security situation of the rural migrant elderly after moving to the city. Problems such as the lack of a sense of belonging, the inability to enjoy preferential policies, and the difficulty in getting medical treatment in different places had caused inconvenience to the urban life of the floating rural elderly. To solved the social security problem of the floating elderly in rural areas requires the joint efforts of the government, society and families, so as to enable them to live a better life in the city.
    Thoughts on the path of citizenization of agricultural population under the strategic pattern of "Great Xi'an"
    WAMH Yi
    2019, 58(10):  191-192.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.10.044
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    Based on the experience of the citizenization of the agricultural population in Britain and the actual situation of "Greater Xi'an", this paper studied and put forward the local path of "citizenization": taking "the northern foot of Qinling Mountains" as a model, vigorously developing modern agriculture, improving the social security system, safeguarding the rights and interests of farmers'citizenization, adapting to the urban orientation of "hard science and technology", and strengthening the vocational training of farmers.In order to accelerateD the development of the citizenization of the agricultural population in Xi'an through the experience of the transfer of the agricultural population in Britain.