Analysis on the relationship between mineral elements and sensory quality of cigar tobacco leaves in Laifeng County
LIU Li-ping, WANG Jian, SHI You-zhi, HU Jie, TAN Zai-yu, ZHU Jin-xiang, LUO Ji-hong, PAN Yong
2022, 61(18):
393 )
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In order to understand the relationship between mineral elements content and sensory quality of cigar tobacco leaves, the samples were collected in Manshui Town, Lvshui Town and Jiusi Town of Laifeng County for the measurement of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, boron, zinc, iron and sensory quality. The results showed that the contents of nitrogen, sulfur, potassium, zinc and chlorine in cigar tobacco leaves were higher in Lvshui Town, phosphorus and iron contents were higher in Manshui Town, and calcium and magnesium contents were higher in Jiusi Town and Manshui Town. The sensory quality of cigar tobacco leaves was best in Manshui Town, followed by Jiusi Town, while it was significantly negatively correlated with nitrogen, potassium, chlorine, sulfur and zinc contents, and the correlation coefficients were -0.708, -0.753, -0.627, -0.616, -0.757, respectively. There was a positive correlation between tobacco calcium content and sensory quality, and the correlation coefficient was 0.663. Stepwise regression analysis indicated that the nitrogen and potassium contents were the main mineral elements affecting the sensory quality of cigar leaves (both negative correlation), and the regression equation was Y=107.08-6.22X1-2.24X2 (R=0.854).