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    10 November 2019, Volume 58 Issue 21
    Research progress on response mechanisms of Broussonetia papyrifera to environmental stresses
    HUANG Yong-ming, LU Su-fang, XU Ai-chun, DAI Yong-hong, LANG Peng, QIN Zhong-qi, TIAN Rui
    2019, 58(21):  5-9.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.001
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    Broussonetia papyrifera as a kind of multi-functional and comprehensive tree species, has a strong environmental adaptability and keeps the normal production and development in harsh habitats. The adaptability of Broussonetia papyrifera to adversity is the basis of its wide distribution, and also is a strong guarantee as a tree species for ecological environment restoration. The research status of resistance of Broussonetia papyrifera to both abiotic stresses (drought, salinity, heavy metal and nutrient deficiency etc.) and biotic stress (diseases and pests) were mainly reviewed,and the mechanisms of physiological and biochemical responses to different stresses were discussed, aiming to provide theoretical reference for the further development and utilization of Broussonetia papyrifera resources.
    Research progress of Cannabis sativa L. subsp. sativa seed
    ZHANG Qiao-hui, YIN Hong-qing, WEN Xiao-long, YANG Yong-kang
    2019, 58(21):  10-14.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.002
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    The seed of Cannabis sativa L. subsp. sativa is a traditional medicinal and food material in China,which is rich in lipid, proteins, lignanamides, phenolic compounds and other beneficial components to the human body. The extraction, utilization and physiological effects of Cannabis sativa L. subsp. sativa seed oil and protein were reviewed. The related studies on volatile components, carbohydrates, flavonoids, alcohol extract, lignanamides and other components of Cannabis sativa L. subsp. sativa seed were briefly introduced.
    Breeding & Cultivation
    Breeding of "four special" rice varieties and its significance
    ZHOU Qiang, WANG Huan, LI Xing-hua, LYU Rui-ling, ZHANG Sheng, CAI Xing-xing
    2019, 58(21):  15-21.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.003
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    More than 300 groups were got crossing by a large number of restorer lines and three-line sterile Yi 33 A, Yi 133 A with ultrashort growth period, thick stem, large spike, high quality, blast resistance and strong combining ability from 2015 to 2018. And variety comparative tests including late indica rice variety comparative test of Hubei province in 2017 were carried out. The results show that, "four special" rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties with ultrashort growth period, the whole growth period shorter 0 to 8 days than control variety Jinyou 207. "Four special" rice varieties have higher yield, the general yield is about 8 400 kg/hm2 and the highest yield is up to 12 150 kg/hm2. In general, compared with control variety Jinyou 207, "four special" rice varieties with a 10% increase in production and the biggest increase rate can reach more than 30% under lower fertility level. In additional, "four special" rice varieties with grain structure of middle-season rice varieties and high nitrogen efficiency. "Four special" rice varieties have good quality, 12.2%, 41.5% and 43.9% varieties in the tested varieties can reach GB Ⅲ, Ⅱ andⅠ, respectively. "Four special" rice varieties have strong resistance to lodging because of strong and medium stem (plant height was about 100 cm), high resistance to rice false smut, resistance to rice blast and so on.
    The relationship between early tillers at low-nodes and leaf morphological characters,carbon and nitrogen metabolism in rice
    TU Wen, AN Qi, HE Yong-gang, LIU Shao-jia, CAI Hai-ya, ZHANG Zhi-hong
    2019, 58(21):  22-29.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.004
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    In order to study early tillers at low-nodes and their association with leaf morphological characters and carbon and nitrogen metabolism, and to screen rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties (lines) with many tillers at early low-nodes, high tillering rate and the leaf morphology of ideal plant architecture, the tillering characteristics at early low-nodes, seeding leaf morphology and carbon and nitrogen metabolism indexes in 31 indica rice varieties (lines) were studied by correlation analysis and cluster analysis. The results showed that under general cultivation conditions, the tillering rate of the first node in different rice varieties (lines) showed extensive variation, while the tillering rate of the second and third node reached 100%. The occurrence rate of tillers at low-nodes in rice was positively correlated with seeding leaf length, and tiller number was negatively correlated with leaf width. Therefore, in breeding, the first three leaves of rice seedlings which are longer and narrower can be used as morphological reference indexs for selecting rice varieties with early tillers. The sucrose content in rice seeding affected only the occurrence rate of tillers, but not affected tiller number. Nitrate content affected not only the occurrence rate of tillers, but also the tillering rate. The activity of nitrogen metabolic enzymes such as glutamate synthase (NADG-GOGAT) and glutamate dehydrogenase (NADG-GDH) could promote the formation of tillers at low-nodes in rice. The rice varieties(lines) investigated in the current study were clustered into three categories: classes A, B and C. Among them, materials in class C were high-quality breeding materials with early tillers, fast occurrence rate of tiller, and leaf morphology closer to that of ideal plant architecture.
    Effect and enlightenment of high temperature and oligarine rainy composite catastrophic weather on late rice production in plain region along the Yangtze river
    WU Chen-yang, ZHOU Bing, LYU He-ping, WU Xiao-wen, PAN Zhi-jun, GONG Chuan-ying, ZHANG Xiao-hong, YIN Lin, HE Hai-bing
    2019, 58(21):  30-34.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.005
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    During the late rice production in plain region along the Yangtze river in 2017, there was a catastrophic weather by the combination of extreme high temperature and oligophores rainy, which had a serious impact on late rice production, the yield was greatly reduced. By analyzing the main weather processes during the growth of late rice in Lujiang county, a typical area of plain region along the Yangtze river, the effects of meteorological conditionsand catastrophic weather processes on the yield and formation of late rice were discussed. The results indicated that the continuous high temperature weather from July 12 to August 7 showed the characteristics of high average temperature, high extreme temperature and long duration, and the "strength" and "force" of temperature were the highest in the past ten years. The continuous oligarine rainy weather from August 29 to October 19 showed the characteristics of many days of widowhood and concentration, long duration of rain and heavy rainfall, the number of days of oligophores was the highest in the past decade. The combined catastrophic weather reduced the development quality of late rice population in different degrees, severely reduced the indicators of various economic traits, aggravated the occurrence of major pests and diseases, and the actual yield fell by 30 percent in late rice. Some countermeasures were put forward for the future production of late rice in plain region along the Yangtze river.
    Changes and diversity of quantitative traits of waxy maize landraces collected from different ecological regions of Yunnan province
    LONG Wen-jie, WU Xiao-yang, ZHOU Guo-yan, CHEN Dan, WU Shao-yun, CAI Qing
    2019, 58(21):  35-41.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.006
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    To understand the changes and the diversity differences of quantitative traits of waxy maize landraces collected from four maize ecological regions of Yunnan including warm central ecological region, cold northwestern ecological region, warm and hot southern ecological region and warm and cool northeastern ecological region, the differences of the variation coefficients and the Shannon-Wiener index of 16 traits, including phenological traits, plant height and ear height, grain yield traits and quality traits, in four maize ecological regions were calculated by SPSS 22.0, and cluster map was constructed to analyze the origin relationship between experimental materials. The results showed that the variation coefficients of plant height and ear height in northeastern maize ecological region were significantly higher than the other three. The variation coefficients of ear diameter, cob diameter, 1 000-kernel weight, number of rows per ear and fat content in central maize ecological region were significantly higher than northeastern maize ecological region. There were significantly different among the four maize ecological regions in diversity index of plant height, ear height, ear length and cob diameter, and the largest one was southern maize ecological region, next followed by central maize ecological region, and northeastern maize ecological region was the smallest. The diversity index of the other 12 traits in southern maize ecological region were higher than those in central maize ecological region, but the difference was not significant. Besides the days from tasseling to anthesis, the days from anthesis to silking and the days from sowing to maturity, the diversity index of other 9 traits in northwestern maize ecological region were significantly higher than northeastern maize ecological region. Cluster analysis showed that the experiment materials could be divided into two groups. The groupⅠcontained 43 materials, and the groupⅡ contained only 5 materials.
    Present situation and reduce countermeasures of chemical fertilizer and pesticide application on potato in the northern plain of Hubei province
    FANG Zhi-guo, SU Xiu-li, WEN Hai-xia, YANG Wei, Zhang Jie, WANG Si-qing
    2019, 58(21):  42-45.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.007
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    Excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) production not only leads to resource waste and cost increase, but also causes a series of problems, such as declining soil fertility, increasing pesticides resistance, declining quality of potato tubers and low utilization rate of fertilizers and pesticides. The application of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in the main potato producing areas in the northern plain of Hubei province was systematically investigated, and the main problems due to overuse of chemical fertilizers and pesticides were analyzed, such as the lack of efficient substitute products and technology, the backwardness of precision application equipment, and the unscientific application of fertilizers and pesticides. Finally, combined with the actual potato production in the northern plain of Hubei province, some countermeasures were put forward, such as strengthening government guidance, formulating relevant industrial support policies, accelerating the research and demonstration of key technologies for reducing fertilizer and pesticide application, increasing propaganda guidance and technical training, and strengthening brand building.
    The survey status and analysis of crop germplasm resources in Huangpi district of Wuhan city
    TONG Han-wen, YUE Heng, WAN Zheng-huang, ZHANG Zai-jun, HUANG Zi-xin, GAO Chun-bao, JIAO Chun-hai
    2019, 58(21):  46-50.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.008
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    The variation trendency of crop germplasm resources in Huangpi district of Hubei province was analyzed by using the data of three national surveys on crop germplasm resource in 1956, 1981 and 2014. These three surveys happened during the post-liberation period, the early stage of family contract and the land transfer period. The results showed that 39 landraces which collected from Huangpi district and preserved in the National Germplasm Bank were not planted anymore in 2014. The total planting area of major food crops, major cash crops and major vegetable crops all increased firstly and then declined. While the total planting area of fruit and tea crops was on an upward trend. The planting area of these four kinds of crops was in descending order. The ratioes of the latter to the former were 1/2, 1/10 and 1/10, respectively. The number of crop species and varieties decreased in landrace germplasm resources, but increased in cultivation resources, especially since 1981. Only six landraces (local cowpea, red cowpea, Midiwan radish, Huangzhou radish, Shafan radish and local persimmonra) of three crop species (Vigna unguiculata, Raphanus sativus and Diospyros kaki) were still planted in Huangpi district in 2014. These landraces should be protected and well used in Huangpi district in the future.
    Analysis of the adaptability of rape variety Qingyou No.1 by chemical hybridization agents in the middle reaches of the Yangtze river
    HU Cheng-wei, ZHU Cheng, TANG Shi-yi, LIU Xi-zhong, HUANG Tao-cui
    2019, 58(21):  51-53.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.009
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    In order to study the adaptability of rape (Brassica napus L.) variety Qingyou No.1 by chemical hybridization agents in the middle reaches of the Yangtze river, it was planted at 8 experimental sites in the middle reaches of the Yangtze river from 2016 to 2018.The results show that Qingyou No.1 has a shorter growth period, reasonable economic characters,strong disease resistance and high yield. The yield of direct seeding was 29.6% higher than its transplanting. So Qingyou No.1 is suitable for popularization in the middle reaches of the Yangtze river.
    Plant Protection
    The green prevention and control technology of the main diseases of Atractylodes macrocephala in Hubei province
    YOU Jing-mao, GUO Jie, LI Zhe, ZHOU WU-xian, GUO Xiao-liang, DUAN Yuan-yuan, YANG Qin, CHENG Meng, ZHONG Ji-yan
    2019, 58(21):  54-56.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.010
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    Diseases and insect pests affect seriously the yield and quality of Atractylodes macrocephala in Hubei province. In view of this problem, the main kinds of diseases and insect pests of Atractylodes macrocephala were investigated and analyzed. The measures from the aspects of soil types, fertilizer use, tillage patterns, field management and biological control were analyzed and summarized, and the effective prevention and control methods were provided to reduce the used amount of chemical agents, provide green control technology for the prevention and control of major diseases and insect pests of Atractylodes macrocephala, ensure the quality and safety of Atractylodes macrocephala, and promote the sustainable development of Atractylodes macrocephala.
    Preliminary report on green prevention and control of Ectropis obliquus Prout of tea in Xiangyang City
    TANG Qian-yong, FENG Peng, CHENG Yi-fang, YANG Xiao-juan, LUO Jing-dong, YANG Wei
    2019, 58(21):  57-59.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.011
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    Different concentrations of EoSNPV Bacillus thuringiensi, 0.6% matrine and 30% tea saponin were used to control the Ectropis obliquus Prout larvae in Xiangyang city, Hubei province. The results showed that 0.6% matrine, 30% and EoSNPV Bacillus thuringiensiea tea saponin had certain control effects on Ectropis obliquus Prout. 3 000 mL/hm2 EoSNPV Bacillus thuringiensi had the best control effect on Ectropis obliquus Prout, and the comprehensive control effect reached 83.0%, biological pesticide has no harm to the fresh leaves and native predator.
    Study on invasiveness of exotic mangrove species Laguncularia racemosa C. F. Gaertn.
    LIU Qiang, ZHANG Ying, ZHONG Cai-rong, YANG Yong, LI Dong-lin, ZHANG Shi-jie, ZHANG Jing-wen
    2019, 58(21):  60-64.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.012
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    Aim at the contradictory views on the invasiveness of Laguncularia racemosa, the introduced exotic mangrove species in China, in both the researchers and the administrators of mangrove wetlands, the primary survey on the distribution of Laguncularia racemosa in Hainan island was carried out, and the issue based on the related literature was explored. Plants of Laguncularia racemosa grow very well and have high fecundity on the coastal wetlands in Hainan and south China, and some of the individuals have invaded in Hainan native mangrove communities. It has the potential risk of biological invasion. Some important points on research were proposed: The mechanism of competition between Laguncularia racemosa and native mangrove species and the effects of Laguncularia racemosa on the native mangrove communities and its succession trend; the mechanisms of Laguncularia racemosa propagule disposal in natural way; The mechanisms of genetic differentiation of Laguncularia racemosa population and the environmental adaptation, in that to enhance understanding of the potential invasiveness and its potential threat on the biodiversity of native mangrove species.
    Study on the synthesis and bioactivities of several keto acylhydrazone Schiff base compounds
    LI Shui-qing, XU Jing-yi
    2019, 58(21):  65-67.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.013
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    Taking acetophenone, cyclohexanone, benzoic acid methyl ester, p-methyl benzoic acid methyl ester and hydrazine hydrate as materials, four kinds of keto hydrazone Schiff base compounds were synthesized in lab and their chemical structures were confirmed by elemental analysis and the infrared spectrum. Herbicidal activities of four componds were tested against Echinochloa crusgalli and Amaranthus viridis, and the results showed that acetophenone benzoyl hydrazone had the strongest herbicidal activities against Amaranthus viridis.
    Resource & Environment
    Influence of accumulation and migration of heavy metals in polluted farmland on ecological environment in coal mining area of Guizhou province
    WANG Ping, LIU Jing, ZHU Jian, LI Zhu-jiang, TIAN Mao-yuan, ZHANG Wang
    2019, 58(21):  68-72.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.014
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    Through the investigation and sampling analysis of the polluted paddy soil around the gangue yard in three coal mines in midwestern Guizhou province, the impact of heavy metal accumulation and migration on the ecological environment in polluted farmland was discussed. The results showed that the content of Cd and Hg in polluted paddy soil in coal mining area was higher than the soil pollution risk screening value of 2.20~9.30 times and 0.34~2.48 times for agricultural land, respectively; which the content of Cd in 86.7% of farmland was higher than the control value of soil pollution risk of agricultural land. So the element that causes heavy metal pollution in farmland around the coal gangue yard was Cd first, Hg second, and Cu and Cr third. The content of Cd in the drainage from contaminated farmland around gangue yard was exceeded the limit of class III water quality standard of surface water or the standard of farmland irrigation water quality, and the content of Hg in drainage was exceeded class III water quality standard of surface water, so the heavy metal that affected the change of water quality was mainly Cd, followed by Hg. In addition, the contents of Cd, Hg and As in rice in the survey area were 0.74~1.77 times, 0.45~1.35 times and 0.50~1.16 times of the limit value of pollutants in the national food safety standard, respectively; and the exceeding rates of Cd, Hg and As were 73.3%, 33.3% and 20.0%, respectively, which indicated significant Cd pollution and a certain degree of Hg pollution occured in rice from the polluted paddy soil in coal mine areas.
    Ecological effect and ecological reconstruction of Pinus yunnanensis forest after fire
    LIU Jing-lun, CHEN Wen-hua, WANG Jian-yun, LIU Rong-jian
    2019, 58(21):  73-75.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.015
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    Based on the background of Daxi Mountain forest fire in Longyang district, Baoshan city, Yunnan province, the vegetation restoration under Pinus yunnanensis forest was monitored and studied. From 2014 to 2016, the monitoring period was three years. Six 20 m×20 m tree plots and several shrubs and herbs plots were set up. Monitoring data show that a certain degree of fire is beneficial to plant short-term biodiversity, but the increase of species will mainly be tropical and invasive species, and the composition and nature will change compared with the original ecosystem.
    The comprehensive evaluation on water environment quality in Youhe wetland
    QUAN Qing-zhou
    2019, 58(21):  76-80.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.016
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    Taking monitored sections water quality of Youhe river from 2011 to 2015 as the research object, a comprehensive evaluation of water quality was made through the introduction of fuzzy matter element evaluation model of water environmental quality which is based on entropy on the basis of data collection and analysis through field investigation, data collection and analysis. The results showed the water quality of Youhe river from the year of 2011 to 2015 met the first class of water environmental quality standard, with the best water quality in 2013.
    Changes of microorganisms in the process of straw compost degradation
    GONG Kun, ZHANG Li, XIONG Hai-rong
    2019, 58(21):  81-86.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.017
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    A large amount of straw are produced every year in China. However, these straws have not been rationally used, and even cause serious pollution problems. Microbial composting degradation of straw is one of the effective ways of straw scientific reuse. It has the characteristics of pollution-free, low cost, mild conditions, and can improve soil organic matter and increase soil fertility. The efficiency of composting is directly affected by the succession of microbial communities and changes in enzyme systems under composting conditions. The changes of microorganism and composting conditions in the process of straw composting degradation were summarized to provide reference for improving the efficiency of straw composting.
    Emission characteristics of polyaromatic hydrocarbon in PM2.5 from indoor combustion of biomass fuels
    WU Cheng-wang, LIN Shu, SUN Jun-jun, LI Mu-fei, ZHOU Xin, CHENG Chen
    2019, 58(21):  87-91.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.018
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    Three households in typical rural areas of Zhejiang province were used as experimental sites, and the different types of biomass fuels were used as energy sources to study the emission characteristics of fifteen kind of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in different types of stoves in PM2.5 and different places (kitchen, bedroom, living room). At the same time, the toxicity equivalent factor was used to evaluate the impact of PAHs on the health of the population. The results showed that, the concentration of PAHs in PM2.5 produced by different households and fuels in farmer 1 and 2 was living room>kitchen>bedroom. When farmers 3 burn bamboo and mushroom, the concentration of PAHs in PM2.5 in different indoor locations was kitchen > living room > bedroom, while burning wood, the concentration of PM2.5 in bedroom was slightly higher than the living room. The concentration of PAHs in PM2.5 produced by biomass fuel in three households was ranked as follows: farmer 2(204.11 ng/m3)> farmer 3(141.65 ng/m3)> farmer 1(128.14 ng/m3). All kinds of PAHs in PM2.5 showed an overall change trend of 5~6 rings >3~4 rings>2 rings in kitchen, but in living room and bedroom, farmer 1 and farmer 2 showed an overall change trend of 2~3 rings>5~6 rings>4 rings, and farmer 3 show an overall change trend of 5~6 rings>2~3 rings>4 rings. Biomass fuel combustion using bamboo and wood produced less PAHs than mushrooms. The ILCR in different fuels in different locations was between 10-6 and 10-4, indicating a potential cancer risk in three households.
    Effects of removal of the breeding seine on aquatic plant diversity in Yuanxinhu area of Chang lake
    TAN Feng-xia, LUO Jing-bo, GONG Sen-sen, ZHOU Wen-bo, XIANG Miao-miao, MENG Jian-xue, CHAI Yi
    2019, 58(21):  92-96.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.019
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    Based on the large-scale breeding seine caused of the significantly aquatic plant diversity reduction in Chang lake were all removed at 2016, the aquatic plants in Yuanxinhu area of Chang lake were investigated in early August, 2018. The results showed that 27 species of aquatic plants were identified including nine emerged plants, eight floating plants, seven submerged plants and three floating-leaf plants. Biomass of species is ranged from 53.52 g/m2Eichhornia crassipes Ass.) to 2407.71 g/m2Myriophyllum spicatum Ass.) in nine existing associations. The Zizania latifolia+Trapa natans Ass. and the Myriophyllum spicatum+Trapa natans Ass. possessed the higher Shannon-Wiener species diversity indices(H′) and Simpson species diversity indices(D),their H′ and D was 1.870, 0.680 and 1.844, 0.815 respectively. Compared with the previous results and data of Chang lake from 1985 to 2015, the demolition of large-scale enclosure culture has a good promoting effect on the improvement of the diversity and community structure of the living aquatic plants of Chang lake, and the ecology of Chang lake is gradually recovering.
    Application of doppler radar on artificial hail prevention in Shaoyang city
    CHEN Qing, TANG Zuo-yang, LYU Xiao-hua, TANG Ya-qiong, YANG Ke
    2019, 58(21):  97-103.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.020
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    The doppler radar data and hail disaster data of Shaoyang city,Hubei Province from 2012 to 2017 were used to select 7 hail weather processes for statistics, and several warning indicators of hail formation were summarized. Warning indicators include that there is strong echo of 60 dBz, and the horizontal scale is more than 15 km; There is high overhang of reflectivity values (50 dBz or higher), strong reflectivity height -20 ℃ or higher layer height; More than 40 kg/m2 VIL maintain more than 30 minutes; VIL surges by 10 kg/m2 for 1 individual sweep, and the maximum value of VIL is greater than or equal to 40 kg/m2; The velocity field has a cyclone, headwind zone and other characteristics or several characteristics. Three-body scattered spike, hook, strip, bow and other echo characteristics can be used as auxiliary indicators to quickly identify hail and give early warning. These indicators have been applied to the trial report of the hail weather process from 2017 to 2018, and the early warning indicators have played an important role in the artificial hail prevention work.
    Horticulture & Local Products
    Study on the characteristics of national geographical indication products Huyang tomatoes
    LIU Yan-gang, LENG Peng, LIU Li-juan
    2019, 58(21):  104-106.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.021
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    The development history of Huyang tomato, a special product of Fei county in Shandong province, a national agricultural geographical indication product, as well as its unique producing area, producing environment, humanistic history and product quality are introduced, and the cultivation of Huyang tomato is summarized from the aspects of producing area selection, variety selection, production management, timely harvesting, grading and packaging. The development prospects are discussed in order to maintain the brand of Huyang tomatoes and improve the brand awareness.
    Association analysis of genetic diversity and traits in Coriander
    LI Xiao-mei, ZHANG Jing-tao
    2019, 58(21):  107-112.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.022
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    In order to understand the genetic information of the introduced Coriander germplasm resources, 23 random primers were selected for the polymorphism detection of 96 materials, and the relationship between genetic diversity and traits was analyzed. The results showed that the Simpson's index of the population was 0.098~0.505, and the shannon's index was 0.085~0.301, and the specialty index was 69.964~208.694. 17 of the 53 RAPD markers were associated with 15 traits. The numbers of polymorphic markers associated with days with convulsions (DSE), initial flowering stage (DSF), flowering stage (DEF), days of harvest (DH), longest basal leaf length (LLBL), flowering stage (FR), anthocyanins (ANST), strain High (PH), basal leaf number (NBL), plant leafy state (LP), basal leaf growth habit (HBL), number of branches (NB), fruit shape (SF), 1000-grain weight (W1000F) and fruit cracking Trend (TSF) were 1,2,2,2,2,3,2,2,2,2,4,2,6,2 and 2. Among them, 4 sites are associated with two or more traits at the same time.
    The influence of a type of soilless culture medium on the physiological indexes of four vegetables
    TONG Guan-he, LUO Xun, LIU Tiao-jiao
    2019, 58(21):  113-117.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.023
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    Spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.), amaranth (Amarantus mangostanus L.), Chinese cabbage (Brassica chinensis L.) and lettuce(Lactuca sativa L.) were cultivated in the pot in the biotron, using soilless culture mediums composed of rape straw and decomposed coal gangue. Five culture mediums with the volume ratios of decomposed coal gangue and rape straw of 2∶8,3∶7,4∶6,5∶5 and 6∶4, respectively, were set, and the garden soil was used as control. After 30 and 55 days’ cultivation, the chlorophyll content, root activities, stomatal conductance and the net photosynthetic rate of four vegetables were measured. At the same time, the physicochemical properties of soilless culture mediums, as well as the characteristics of physiological activities of the four vegetable crops growing on different mediums were studied, in order to determine the best soilless culture medium. The results showed that the five soilless culture mediums had good physicochemical properties, with appropriate water-air ratio, lower unit weight, and more nutrition. Compared to the control, the vegetable crops growing on the soilless culture mediums had significantly higher chlorophyll content, root activities, stomatal conductance and net photosynthetic rate. Especially for the vegetables growing on the soilless culture medium with the volume ratios of decomposed coal gangue and rape straw of 4∶6, it showed the highest values on all indicators except for a relative lower root activity than vegetables on the soilless culture medium with the volume ratios of decomposed coal gangue and rape straw of 3∶7. In conclude, the best volume ratios of decomposed coal gangue and rape straw was 4∶6, and the second was 3∶7.
    Study on the embellishment physiological characteristics and endogenous hormones of succulent plants in Crassulaceae
    JIANG Shu-jiao, ZHANG Lei, ZOU Feng-lan, LIU Yang, MA Ying
    2019, 58(21):  118-123.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.024
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    The normal plants and embellished plants of four species of succulent plants in Crassulaceae, Yachiyo, Swift, Splendid and Te Yulian, were used as experimental materials to study the content differences and related physiological indicators of five endogenous hormones IAA, GA3, ABA, ZR and MeJA of normal and embellished plants of succulents. The results showed that the five endogenous hormones were significantly different between normal plants and embellished plants. The content of five endogenous hormones in normal plants and conjugated plants was basically IAA>ABA>ZR>MeJA>GA3. After embellished, the changes of five endogenous hormones showed that GA3 content increased, and the other four endogenous hormones decreased. The changes of ABA and ZR content were consistent. The results of physiological indicators showed that after embellishment, the chlorophyll content of succulent plants in Crassulaceae increased, and the soluble sugar content and protein content increased or decreased depending on the plant species.
    Comparison of economic benefits of some drought-tolerant mulberry materials in Guizhou
    YANG Sheng-te, WANG Wen-xue, YU Wen-zhong, XU De-tao, ZHANG Shao-jun, HAN Shi-yu
    2019, 58(21):  124-126.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.025
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    In order to screen out mulberry varieties with strong drought resistance and ideal sericulture achievement in Guizhou, 8 drought-resistant mulberry varieties (ZL10, HP11, HP8, DJ2, THS, HCS, GSY12 and DJ6) were screened by drought tolerance coefficient and sericulture traits, and the significance analysis of their main economic traits were conducted. The results showed that the mulberry cocoon yield of THS was significantly higher than that of the control (Husang 32), and the economic characters were prominent in production, and has high application value in the current drought-tolerant mulberry materials. There is no significant difference between the mulberry cocoon yield of HCS, DJ2 and DJ6 and the control, and it has application value in the current drought-tolerant mulberry materials. The mulberry cocoon yield of ZL10, HP8, HP11 and GSY12 was significantly lower than the control, and they have no advantage in economic characters and thus have no application value.
    Study on artificial pollination technology of Cremastra appendiculata
    FENG Hai-dong, JIN Shan-zhong, WANG Wei, ZHANG Zhen, ZHOU Ming, ZHANG Ze-zhi, SI Hai-qian, HAN Ming-qing, LI Kun
    2019, 58(21):  127-129.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.026
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    The dynamic observation of the pod habit after artificial pollination of Cremastra appendiculata was carried out, and the artificial high-efficiency pollination technology of C. appendiculata was explored and integrated. the results showed that under appropriate temperature and humidity, the flower tray began to expand significantly after 3 days of pollination, and the flower tray was enlarged after 20 days of flowering, the pods were shaped, and the fruit pods matured about 170 days after flowering. When the humidity is 60%~80%, the temperature is 25~28 ℃, and the opacity is 90%~95%, the pods of C. appendiculate grow faster and no diseases and pests occur. When the temperature exceeds 30 ℃, the growth of C. appendiculate pods is inhibited, and the growth is slow or stopped. When the temperature exceeds 33 ℃, some of the C. appendiculate pods withered and died, and diseases and pests occur. The average seed setting rate of artificial pollination was 60.75%, and that of natural pollination was 1.43%. And the seed setting rate of artificial pollination is much higher than that of natural pollination. Artificial pollination was carried out on the 1st to 7th day after flowering, respectively, the flowering days and the seed setting rate were approximately continuous and orthogonal. The seed setting rate of artificial pollination on the third day of flowering was 97.50%, and the seed setting rate began to decrease thereafter. There was a significant negative correlation between the number of flowers per plant and the seed setting rate of artificial pollination. That is, as the number of flowers per plant increases, the seed setting rate of artificial pollination decreases. In addition, the number of flowers per plant was negatively correlated with the seed setting rate of natural pollination. Combined with factors such as yield and cost, it is concluded that the optimal number of flowers left by artificial pollination per plant is 8~10.
    Effect of spraying ethylene before roasting on the material change and post-baking quality of high temperature ripening tobacco leaves
    WEN Zhi-qiang, QIU Miao-wen, WANG Hang, HE Zhen-feng, ZHANG Min-jian
    2019, 58(21):  130-133.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.027
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    In order to improve the baking quality of high temperature forced cooked tobacco leaves, different concentrations of ethylene reagents were sprayed before roasting to study the effects of their baking characteristics on tobacco leaves, the changes of carbon and nitrogen-containing compounds in the baking process, and the economic characters and intrinsic quality of tobacco leaves after roasting. The results show that spraying 200~300 mg/kg of ethephon reagent before baking can improve the water loss balance of tobacco leaves, rapidly inhibit the activity of polyphenol oxidase and improve the baking characteristics of tobacco leaves. The proportion of yellow tobacco and the proportion of upper smoke increase after roasting; the average price increase by nearly 1.0 yuan/kg; the degradation of macromolecular substances such as starch, protein and chlorophyll in tobacco leaves during high temperature is promoted; and the accumulation of total sugar and reducing sugar is higher; total nicotine and total nitrogen content remained basically stable; the overall coordination of tobacco leaves is getting better; the quality of smoking is improved. The treatment with 200 mg/kg is the best, followed by the treatment of 300 mg/kg, which can be used as a technical measure to improve the baking quality of high temperature cooked tobacco.
    Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine
    Performance analysis of 10 silage maize varieties in Huanggang area
    CAI Zheng-jun, CHANG Hai-bin, ZHAO Jun-li
    2019, 58(21):  134-136.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.028
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    The utilization value of 10 silage maize varieties in Huanggang area of Hubei province was analyzed. The results showed that Banghaoqingzhu 118, Yuqing 386, Chuandanqingzhu 2017, and Yuqing 506 had better disease resistance and lodging resistance. The dry weight yield of Yuqing 386, Yuqing 506 and Banghaoqingzhu 118 was higher; the content of neutral detergent fiber in Guiqingzhu 1208, Chuandanqingzhu 2017 and Yuqing 506 was lower; Chuandanqingzhu 2017, Guiqingzhu 1208, Yuqing 506 has a low acid detergent fiber content; Quchen No.9 and Banghaoqingzhu 118 have higher crude protein content. According to the comprehensive analysis, Yuqing 506 has the characteristics of high yield, good resistance, low NDF content, low ADF content and high crude protein content, which is suitable for planting as silage maize in Huanggang area.
    Analysis of amino acid quality and flavor of different chicken breeds
    LI Wei-hong, GAO Ya-qin, YANG Xiao-ling, XI Bin
    2019, 58(21):  137-140.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.029
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    The amino acid composition and content of Black chicken, Pearl chicken (male and female), Guifei chicken, Dabai chicken and Jute chicken were analyzed and evaluated by biochrom 30+automatic amino acid analyzer. The results showed that 17 kinds of amino acids, 18.88, 19.70, 18.80, 20.48, 18.98, 18.30 g/100 g, were detected in Black chicken, Pearl chicken (male and female), Guifei chicken, Dabai chicken and Jute chicken. The EAA/TAA and EAA/NEAA of Black chicken were 40.89% and 69.18% respectively; that of Dabai chicken was 40.91% and 69.24% respectively; that of Guifei chicken was 41.17% and 69.98% respectively; that of pearl chicken (male) was 41.89% and 72.10% respectively; that of Pearl chicken (female) was 41.62% and 71.30% respectively; that of Jute chicken was 41.09% and 69.76% respectively. The proportion of amino acids of the five kinds of chicken was reasonable and the nutrition was comprehensive, which was the source of high-quality protein. (male and female) meat is better.
    Study on the muscle fiber characteristics of house-feeding yaks,yak-cattles and grazing yaks
    CHEN Yong, ZHU You-jun, ZOU Wan-rui, YANG Xiao-lin, LONG Ze-jun, LI Sheng-nan, LIU Ying
    2019, 58(21):  141-144.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.030
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    Taking the 4.5-year-old male yaks and yak-cattles in Xiaojin county as the research object, which were treated by house feeding and grazing feeding. After slaughter, the muscles of the longissimus dorsi, triceps and biceps of the yak, yak and grazing calves are collected to measure the muscle fiber diameter, muscle fiber density, intramuscular muscle fiber content, and intramuscular connective tissue content. The results showed that the muscle fiber diameter and intramuscular muscle fiber content of the yak, yak-cattles and grazing yaks were not significantly different among the three muscle parts; the muscle fiber density of the triceps of the house feeding yak was significantly higher than that of the biceps femoris; the intramuscular connective tissue content of the longissimus dorsi and triceps of the house feeding yak-cattles was significantly higher than that of the biceps femoris; The muscle fiber density of the grazing feeding yaks and yak-cattle, and the intramuscular connective tissue content of the house breeding and grazing yak were not significantly different among the three muscle parts; the intramuscular muscle fiber content and intramuscular connective tissue content of the muscles in the three parts were not significantly different between the house breeding yak, house breeding yak-cattle and the grazing yak; the muscle fiber diameter of the longissimus dorsi of the house feeding yak was significantly higher than that of the house feeding yak-cattle; the muscle fiber diameter of the biceps femoris of the house feeding yak was significantly higher than that of the grazing yak. There was no significant difference in the muscle fiber diameter of the triceps muscles. The difference in muscle fiber density of the triceps was extremely significant.
    Study on the isolation, identification and drug resistance of main pathogenic bacteria in dairy cow mastitis
    WU Li-jun, LI Jia-lin, CHEN Xia-bing, WAN Ping-min, SHAO Zhi-yong, HE Bin, YANG Wen-hai, CHEN Jie, JIN Er-guang, PAN Zhong-bao, TONG Wei-wen, ZHOU Yuan, LIU Wu
    2019, 58(21):  145-149.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.031
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    In order to understand the microflora distribution and drug resistance of the pathogenic bacteria of cow mastitis, a one-year pathogen isolation and identification and drug resistance study was conducted in a dairy farm in Hubei Province. The results showed that 235 strains of pathogens belonging to16 genera of 9 families were isolated from 165 milk samples. Among them, 83 strains were Staphylococcus, accounting for 35%; 36 strains were Protothecazopfii, accounting for 13.5%; 28 strains were Acinetobacterrubrum, accounting for 11.9%; 12 strains were Escherichia coli, accounting for 5.1%; 7 strains were Streptococcusdysgalactiae, accounting for 2.9%; and other strains accounting for 31.6%. The results of drug resistance test showed that 20 isolates had different degrees of drug resistance to the 14 antibiotics tested. The pathogen is resistant to at least one drug, and the highest is resistant to 14 drugs. The most sensitive antibiotic is florfenicol, with a sensitive rate of 75%. The results provide a fundamental data for the prevention and control the dairy cow mastitis and clinical medication.
    Storage & Processing
    The influence of rice milling degree on its nutritional quality and food quality
    CAI Sha, LI Sen, GUAN Xiao, MEI Xin, HE Jian-jun, SUI Yong, SHI Jian-bin, CHEN Xue-ling, FAN Chuan-hui, CAI Fang
    2019, 58(21):  150-154.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.032
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    The influences on rice nutrition quality and food quality of milling degree were studied by using five kinds of unhusked rice in Hubei province as the raw material to prepare different milling degree rice. The results showed that with the increasing milling degree of rice, the content of water and starch were increased, while the content of ash, protein and fat were decreased. With the increasing milling degree of the same variety rice, the rice water pH increased gradually. However, water-absorbing quality, expanding volume and the content of dry matter of rice water were increased first and then decreased. With the increasing milling degree of the same variety rice, hardness and chewiness were decreased first and then increased. To the contrary, elastic and adhesiveness were increased first and then decreased.
    Optimized procedure to extract the total flavonoids from Houstonian cordata
    LIU Hao, TANG Hong-feng
    2019, 58(21):  155-158.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.033
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    The extraction medium was selected,the extraction rate of total flavonoids from Houttuynia cordata was taken as the index, and rutin was taken as the reference substance. On the basis of single factor test, four factors such as ethanol concentration, liquid-liquid ratio, extraction temperature and extraction time were optimized by orthogonal design. The results showed that the optimal solution for extracting total flavonoids from Houttuynia cordata by ethanol extraction method was as follows: Houttuynia cordata powder was mixed with 75% ethanol solution in a ratio of 1∶25 and placed in a constant temperature water bath at 70 ℃ for 90 min, the total flavonoid extraction rate of Houttuynia cordata was 3.640%. This experiment provides a reference for optimizing the extraction process of total flavonoids from Houttuynia cordata.
    Detection Analysis
    Analysis of fatty acid compositions in three different quality grades of BaiNong 4199 wheat flour by GC-MS
    ZHANG Hai-hui, HU Xi-gui, ZHAO Jun-mei, XU Peng
    2019, 58(21):  159-162.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.034
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    To understand the difference of fatty acid composition and content in different quality grades of wheat flour, and to explore the relationship between wheat quality grade and nutrient composition. GC-MS Method was used to analyze the composition and content of fatty acids in BaiNong 4199 wheat flour of three quality grades (first, two, three). The results showed that four kinds of fatty acids were isolated from three grades of flour, among which the average content of palmitic acid, linoleic acid, oleic acid and stearic acid was 0.554 9‰, 0.474 8‰, 0.175 2‰ and 0.041 9‰ respectively, and the average content of total fatty acid was 1.246 8‰; Unsaturated fatty acid(UFA) slightly higher than saturated fatty acids (SFA), the ratio of UFA∶SFA is about 1.1∶1.0, SFA∶MUFA∶PUFA consistent with about 1.0∶0.3∶0.8. The compositions of fatty acid in different grades of BaiNong 4199 wheat flour were consistent, its content were significantly different. The content of four kinds of fatty acid compositions is consistent with the total fatty acid content, which decreased with the increase of wheat quality grade.
    Determination of carbamate pesticides in vegetables and fruits by high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
    CHU Qian-mei, HUANG Da-ming, ZHU Meng-jie, WANG Xue, ZHANG Shu-juan, DONG Jing, WANG Dun
    2019, 58(21):  163-166.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.035
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    A high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometric method with modified QuEchERs method for sample preparation was developed for the simultaneous determination of 12 carbamate pesticides in vegetables and fruits. The samples were extracted with acetonitrile,purified with QuEchERs method and filtrated by 0.22 μm microporous filters. The separation was carried on an ZOBRAX EclipseXDB-C18 Colum(150 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm) by a gradient elution using methanol -5 mmol/L ammonium acetate solution(contain 0.1% formic acid aqueous)as mobile phase. The analytes were detected by tandem mass spectrometry under multiple reaction monitoring(MRM) mode with positive electrospray ionization(ESI+) and quantified by external standard calibration method. The correlation coefficients of the standard calibration curves for the 12 analytes were all above 0.996 6. The limits of detection was 0.1 μg/L. The blank samples were fortified at three leves,and the average recoveries ranged from 80.0% to 127.0% with the RSDs from 1.1% to 10.2%. The method developed was easy to operate,sensitive,and had good purification effect. It could be applied for the rapid determination of 12 carbamate pesticides in vegetables and fruits.
    Determination of trace epichlorohydrin in drinking water by purge and trap-gas chromatography mass spectrometry
    ZHAO Li, DUAN Yi-hong, ZHANG Rui-yu, LI Yan-sheng, LIU Jian-hui
    2019, 58(21):  167-169.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.036
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    Methods the automatic purge and capture technology was used. By optimizing the blowing time, chromatographic column, detector and quantitative method, the trace amount of epichlorohydrin in drinking water was enriched and analyzed. The selective ion mode (SIM) was used to detect the trace epichlorohydrin in the drinking water. The extracted characteristic ions were quantitatively analyzed by internal standard method. Results the epichlorohydrin in drinking water was linear in the range of 0.02~2.00 μg/L, and the linear correlation coefficient was 0.999 6. The detection limit of this method was 0.01 μg/L. When the addition level was 0.05, 0.40, 1.00 μg/L, the recovery rate of epichlorohydrin was 92.33% to 103.81%, and 6 times, RSD was repeated. It is 2.17% to 6.59%. The method is highly automatic, sensitive, accurate and reproducible for the determination of trace epichlorohydrin in drinking water.
    Investigation determination of content of purified malathion solution
    CHEN Xiang-dan, WANG Jun, HU Shen, WAN Shan, DONG Shu-xiang
    2019, 58(21):  170-172.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.037
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    To establish a method for the determination of malathion content in malathion solution by RP- HPLC. The C18 chromatographic column (4.6 mm×150 mm,5 μm) was used to detect the wavelength 225 nm, the mobile phase was methanol water (60∶40), and the flow rate was 1.0 mL/min. The results showed that malathion in the range of 0.050~1.500 mg/mL, there was a good linear relationship between concentration and peak area, the correlation coefficient was 0.999 8(n=6), the average recovery rate was 101.6%, RSD was 0.9%; the method is simple, accurate, rapid and reproducible, and can be used for determination of the content of this preparation.
    Analysis of basic nutritional components of leg muscle of Rana dybowskii and Lithobates catesbeiana
    TIAN Xin-min, SHI Lan-ying
    2019, 58(21):  173-175.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.038
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    In order to analyze the basic nutritional components of the muscle of Rana dybowskii and Lithobates catesbeiana, and provide reference for food development. The water content, water soluble protein, salt soluble protein, total protein, crude fat, reducing sugar, total sugar and the ash content of leg muscles of Rana dybowskii and Lithobates catesbeiana were determined by 105 ℃ drying constant mass method, coomassie brilliant blue dyeing method, kjeldahl method, soxhlet extraction method, 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid colorimetric method and volatilization constant mass method. The contents were compared, the results show that the moisture content of leg muscles of Rana dybowskii and Lithobates catesbeiana were 79.21%±0.40% and 76.87%±0.76% respectively, water-soluble protein was 2.91%±0.37% and 2.56%±0.07%, salt-soluble protein was 6.07%±0.52% and 6.44%±0.48%, total protein was 24.57%±1.86% and 25.08%±2.20%, crude fat was 0.50%±0.05% and 0.59%±0.10%, reducing sugar was 0.15%±0.01% and 0.33%±0.02. The total sugar content was 2.41%±0.13% and 2.34%±0.04% respectively. The ash content was 4.41%±0.17% and 6.63%±0.42%. Among them, the contents of water, reducing sugar and ash were significantly different between Rana dybowskii and Lithobates catesbeianaP<0.05), but there was no difference in other components (P>0.05).
    Information Engineering
    Research on decision tree classifying of land use based on index
    HE Zhao-xia
    2019, 58(21):  176-179.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.039
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    Taking part of Songzi city, Hubei province as the research area, multiple feature extraction of remote sensing in research area is discussed based on remote sensing images of Landsat 5TM in 2011 and Landsat-8 in 2017, and DEM digital elevation data of ASTGTM2. Many comparative experiments of land classification based on index have found that the indices such as EBSI,MNDWI,MSAVI,and MNDBI have higher classification accuracy; the decision tree rules are generated based on the remote sensing index and DEM characteristics,the decision tree classification model is constrcted, and the land use classification results in the research area are obtained. The experimental results show that the classification accuracy of decision tree is higher than that of SVM and maximum likelihood, and classification accuracy of Landsat-8 image is higher than Landsat 5TM; some bare soil was maily used to converte into residential land and ecological land from 2011 to 2017.
    Analysis of flow coefficient comparison of cable radar wave online flow system in Sanjiangyuan region of Qinghai
    GAO Qiang, XING Xiao-ping, WANG Xing-xing
    2019, 58(21):  180-183.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.040
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    Sanjiangyuan region is located in the hinterland of the qinghai-tibet plateau, with an average elevation of 3 500 to 4 800 m. The area is characterized by high cold, hypoxia and strong ultraviolet rays. The traditional river flow test method has certain limitations in the area, and with the continuous development of hydrology modernization, It is imperative to realize on-line monitoring of river flow. Taking the representative station of longwu river area of yellow river system in yellow river basin as an example, this paper analyzes the flow coefficient of the on-line flow measurement system of cable radar wave in tongren station, analyzes and determines the rationality of flow coefficient. It is a step forward to realize the on-line monitoring of river flow in Sanjiangyuan region.
    Dose measurement and analysing of radiation field of 60Coγ irradiation device
    CHEN Yu-xia, QIU Jian-hui, GU Feng, LIN Yong, LIU Shang-hong
    2019, 58(21):  184-188.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.041
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    In order to make the 60Co gamma irradiation device run normally, the dosimetry system was calibrated, the dose of the irradiation field of the gamma irradiation device was measured, and the dose tracking of the irradiated products was carried out. The results show that the standard deviation of background value of low range silver dichromate dosimeter is less than 0.3% in 3 years, and the measurement deviation of NDAS ratio is within ±3%, which is consistent with the measurement results of national metrology institute. When the three layers of radioactive sources are arranged, the dose inhomogeneity is 1.12 in the vertical direction, which is uniform distribution. The horizontal dose rate distribution shows that The closer it get to the source plate, the higher the dose rate is,the faster the dose rate decreases; The farther away from the source plate, the lower the dose rate is, the slower the dose rate decreased. and which is non-uniform distribution. The absorbed dose distribution in the box of Guyanling granule was high at both ends and low in the middle, and the inhomogeneity was 1.38. The minimum dose point dose in the product box is 1.00 kGy, which is the key parameter of product irradiation dose controlhas.
    Economy & Management
    The interpretations of “Local Food Safety Standard-Hubei Seasoned Oudai”
    LIU Yi-man, YAN Shou-lei, LI Jie, ZHAO Dao-hua, MEI Da-zuo
    2019, 58(21):  189-192.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.042
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    Oudai, one of the aquatic aquatic vegetables, is the tender slender rhizome of lotus. Oudai industry is one of the most regional, traditional and market-oriented industries in Hubei province. DBS42/009-2016 “Local Food Safety Standard-Hubei Seasoned Oudai” is a food safety standard with unique local characteristics in Hubei province. In order to facilitate the understanding and application of this standard text by producers and consumers, the interpretations of the text contents about the raw materials, processing characteristics, product sensory indicators, product physical and chemical indicators, product safety indicators, production process, product inspection rules and labels, packaging, transportation and storage of Hubei Seasoned Oudai, were dealt with in this paper.
    Research on the marketing mode of green agricultural products from the perspective of "Internet+"
    SONG Fen
    2019, 58(21):  193-195.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.043
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    The problems existing in the marketing of green agricultural products in China from the perspective of "Internet+" are analyzed, and the marketing strategies of green agricultural products are put forward. Take the perfect macro market environment as the premise, satisfy the consumer demand as the marketing core, take the advanced marketing communication idea as the guidance, build the green agricultural product brand. In addition, it is necessary to integrate marketing methods and price green agricultural products reasonably on the basis of cost control. While highlighting the characteristics of green agricultural products, we should strictly check the quality of products, so as to form a marketing model combining offline and online.
    Quantitative analysis of the contribution of tourism to the social economy of Ankang city
    QU Wen-yan, ZHAO Lin-long
    2019, 58(21):  196-199.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.044
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    According to the statistics of tourism in Ankang city of Shaanxi province from 2006 to 2018, tourism demand income elasticity, tourism social contribution contribution and tourism foreign exchange contribution were calculated. Through six indicators, the contributions of Ankang tourism to social and economic growth were researched and analyzed. Some suggestions on the development of tourism in Ankang city were put forward, which were promoting the tourism industry to promote the pillar industries of the economy,promoting the integration of tourism and tertiary industry,strengthening the development of tourism itself, and strengthening the all-round management and service level of tourism in Ankang city.
    Research on the development trend of drifting resources in Hubei province
    YOU Mao-lin, WANG Jun-jie, YANG Yong
    2019, 58(21):  200-203.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.045
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    Based on the field research information of 9 drifting scenic spots in Hubei province, it is found that the advantages of geological resources relying on Dabieshan, Mufushan, Wudangshan, Wushan and Tongbaishan in western Hubei, southeastern Hubei and northeastern Hubei has become the main battlefield of drifting in Hubei Province. The reshuffle of the drifting tourism market in Hubei province has begun, and the drifting scenic spots with poor comprehensive tourism service capacity have undergone a large number of transformation or delisting. The polarization of the drifting scenic spots has intensified, and the high-quality drifting scenic spots represented by Jiuyixi drifting and Chaotian rafting have formed obvious market advantage, and some small and medium-sized drifting scenic spots are in a difficult situation; with the increasing competition in the drifting tourism market and the changes in drifting tourism consumption, the development of drifting scenic spots usually requires the development of surrounding tourism resources or the creation of a multi-functional amusement park with an investment scale of nearly 100 million yuan. Therefore, large-scale enterprise or large enterprise main joint venture company has become the protagonist of drifting resource development in Hubei province. The general fund size is no longer suitable for investment in drifting scenic spots; driven by the market, the surviving characteristics of the drifting scenic spots with obvious characteristics and high quality will take the integrated development road and create the Hubei brand of drifting tourism. Therefore, the development of drifting resources in Hubei province needs to be based on quality projects, actively build a theme amusement park featuring drifting experience, and at the same time accelerate the construction of the integrated platform for drifting tourism in Hubei province with the help of market transformation.
    Practice and thinking on the construction of agricultural think tank by the academy of agricultural sciences of large cities——Taking Wuhan Academy of Agricultural Sciences as an example
    WANG Zhi-hong, XIA Juan, GONG Qi, ZHOU Yan, LYU Jing-fu
    2019, 58(21):  204-208.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.046
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    The importance and advantage of building agricultural think tank in the academy of agricultural sciences in megalopolis were analyzed. The background of the establishment of agricultural think tank, the institution, the mode of management, the mode of spreading research results and the effect of consulting services were summarized, based on the practice of Wuhan Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Combined with many years of practical experience, some suggestions on the construction of agricultural think tank by the academy of agricultural sciences of large cities were put forward, which were doing a good job of positioning according to the comparative advantage, actively promoting the application of results, actively carrying out consulting service, strengthening the construction of policy research consulting team, selecting the characteristic direction to strengthen the research as the basis for the development of think tanks.
    Urban efficiency analysis of Jiangsu province based on DEA model and Malmquist index
    AI Li-na
    2019, 58(21):  209-213.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.047
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    The urban efficiency and its changes in Jiangsu province were analyzed based on relevant panel data from 13 prefecture-level cities in Jiangsu province from 2006 to 2015 using the DEA model and the Malmquist index. From the static analysis results of urban technical efficiency in Jiangsu province in 2015, the technical efficiency of cities in Jiangsu province is generally high, but most prefecture-level cities still have not realized the effective allocation of resources. According to the annual Malmquist productivity index and decomposition results in the decade of 2006—2015, the advancement of technology level is crucial for the improvement of urban productivity in Jiangsu province. Therefore, in the process of promoting urban development, Jiangsu province needs to focus on improving the technological level, and rationally allocate the resources of production factors to improve that efficiency of the city.
    Social risk management of rural land requisition and demolition: Taking the example of anti-risk reinforced water conservancy project G
    ZHANG Ya-li, ZHANG Xiao-chen, JI Nian-fang
    2019, 58(21):  214-218.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.048
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    With the development of economy and urbanization, urban expansion and project construction have increased the number of rural land requisition year by year. Unreasonable demolition in rural land requisition and demolition, and the lack of protection of famer's legitimate rights and interests have led to frequent social risk events. The importance of management in rural land acquisition and demolition has gradually become more prominent. Taking the land excavation and demolition of G-removal and conservancy water conservancy project as an example, the effective measures and shortcomings in land acquisition and demolition are analyzed, and the countermeasures to strengthen the social risk management in rural land acquisition and demolition are put forward, aiming to provide experience for social risk management in land acquisition and demolition in other areas.
    Study on the estimation of agricultural production efficiency in Shandong province based on DEA-Malmquist model
    2019, 58(21):  219-223.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.049
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    The static and dynamic analysis of agricultural production efficiency in 17 cities in Shandong province in 2012, 2014 and 2016 was carried out using the DEA-Malmquist model. The results show that the agricultural production input and output in some areas of Shandong province are at their best, and the technical efficiency and scale efficiency are low in a few areas, and the redundancy and insufficient output are serious. The increase in total factor productivity of agricultural production is mainly due to the combination of technological progress and scale efficiency. On this basis, suggestions for strengthening agricultural technology innovation and promotion, rational and effective integration of resources, and modest expansion of agricultural production scale are proposed, in order to provide a useful reference for the improvement of agricultural production efficiency in Shandong province.
    The synergy efficiency between regional economy and tourism development in the Yangtze river economic belt
    HOU Lin-chun, HU Ting
    2019, 58(21):  224-229.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.050
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    According to the relationship between tourism and regional economic development, the evaluation index system of coordinated development level between tourism and regional economy is constructed, and the weight of each index is calculated by entropy weight method, and then the comprehensive evaluation value of regional economy and tourism development is calculated. According to the coupling coordination model, the coupling coordination value is calculated, and the efficiency rating DEA model of the coordinated development of regional economy and tourism industry is constructed. An empirical analysis of the coordinated development of tourism and regional economy in 36 major cities in the Yangtze river economic belt in 2016 is conducted. The results show that Shanghai and Ezhou are effective for DEA,and other cities are less than 1, indicating that most of the cities in the Yangtze economic belt are not effective for DEA, the level of coordination efficiency between regional economy and tourism development is low, and the mode and level of tourism development have not yet developed to a mature stage. The situation that the eastern areas of the Yangtze river economic belt zone are developed and the development of the central and western regions is relatively backward already exists. The central and western regions are rich in tourism resources and can use the sound development of tourism to drive regional economies and narrow regional economic differences.
    An empirical study on the motivation and content expression of eWOM imformatiom
    CHAI Hai-yan, ZHENG Ni-jing
    2019, 58(21):  230-235.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.051
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    Questionnaire survey was conducted on the electronic word-of-mouth(eWOM) information published on post-90s student catering network platfor, and the relationship between communication motivation and eWOM information content expression was analyzed from the perspective of senders. The results show that satisfaction is not related to the content of eWOM information. Altruism, interest-motivation and the objectivity of online word-of-mouth information are positively correlated. Altruism, self-improvement and interest motives are positively related to the interest of eWOM information. It is recommended that catering enterprises focus on guiding and stimulating the intrinsic motivation of the sender, ensuring more interesting and objective eWOM information presentation, and providing consumers with more realistic consumer guidance.
    Obstacles and solutions to the citizenization of agricultural transfer population's in new urbanization
    YANG Qi
    2019, 58(21):  236-240.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.052
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    Based on the connotation of the citizenization of agricultural transfer population, the current situation of the citizenization of agricultural transfer population in China is analyzed, and it is pointed out that there are some obstacles in the process of urbanization, such as institutional constraints, urban entry threshold, social integration and rural withdrawal intention. In this regard, according to the idea of government-led and multi-subject collaborative participation in social governance, it proposes a crack path to clarify the government's responsibilities, the multi-subjects to participate in synergies, reduce the barriers to entry, enhance social identity, and liberalize the land transfer market.
    Analysis on the tourism perceived image of Guizhou province based on ZMET
    TIAN Qi, YAN Zhi-wu, XIE Yun-hu, LI Jiang-min
    2019, 58(21):  241-249.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.053
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    From the perspective of photographs, taking Guizhou province as the research object, extracting the typical elements of tourism photos acquired by various subjects through various channel with metaphor extraction technology, the tourism perception image of Guizhou is analyzed. It is found that the tourists' perception of the tourism image of Guizhou is different from that of "Colorful Guizhou". Different tourism resources bring different feelings to tourists. Natural tourism resources give tourists "shock" and "relaxation" experience, while humanistic tourism resources, especially those of ethnic minorities, give tourists more "curiosity" and "pleasure". The tourism development of Guizhou province can realize the tourism image of "Colorful Guizhou" by means of "Miao" with "less", string "line" and "point" and rich "colorful".
    The problems and model design of new rural time bank from the perspective of collaborative governance:Based on the investigation of Y street in Nanjing city
    LIN He
    2019, 58(21):  250-253.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.21.054
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    According to the theory of collaborative governance, the survey of the time-bank pension project in the new rural community of Y street in Nanjing found that the problems such as imperfect time bank deposit and exchange mechanism, insufficient volunteer service level, unreasonable exchange of mutual assistance for the aged, and the lack of governance of management are becoming increasingly prominent. It is necessary to construct an effective operation mode that is led by the government, and multi-party governance of specialized social work organizations, commercial banks, mass media, volunteers, and resident leaders, in order to achieve the role of time bank of stimulating mutual assistance and old-age care, and supplementing the old rural construction of the old-age security system.