
Table of Content

    10 June 2022, Volume 61 Issue 11
    Breeding & Cultivation
    Study on breeding and cultivation techniques of new maize variety Yundan 22
    ZHOU Gang, CHEN Guang-yong, CUI Peng, YANG Hu, ZHANG Shi-hong, TANG Yu-cheng, SONG Wei, LI Meng
    2022, 61(11):  5-9.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.001
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    Yundan 22, a new maize variety (Zea mays L.),was bred by Shiyan Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 2020, and the combination was WD04×N75. The average yield of the two-year regional test was 9 670.72 kg/hm2, which was 4.51% higher than that of the control Yidan 629. The growth period was 110.7 d. The plant type was semi-compact, with stress resistance, strong disease resistance,and good comprehensive agronomic traits were good. It was suitable for spring maize planting in hilly plain areas of Hubei Province. The breeding process, high-yield cultivation techniques, and high-yield seed production techniques of Yundan 22 were summarized to help the demonstration and promotion of this variety.
    Comprehensive evaluation of agronomic trait and yield of 15 millet cultivars
    HAN Yan-li, FAN Yong-qiang, WANG Yan-hui, MIAO Zhao-feng, LIU Jin-zhe, DONG Ya-nan
    2022, 61(11):  10-14.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.002
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    Agronomic traits related to yield were comprehensively evaluated for 15 millet(Setaria italiea) varieties by correlation analysis and grey relation analysis. The results showed that there were significant differences in agronomic traits of millet varieties, and the coefficient of variation was 2.05%~22.66%. Six agronomic traits were significantly positively correlated with yield; the effects of agronomic traits on grain yield were 1 000-grain weight > grain yield > single panicle weight > growth period > grain weight per panicle > panicle length > plant height > panicle diameter. This indicated that the germplasm resources with prominent 1 000-grain weight, grain yield rate and single panicle weight should be utilized in millet yield breeding.
    Development status and countermeasures of vegetable soybean industry in Hubei Province
    CHENG Xian-liang, LIU Chang-yan, SHU Jun, YANG Zi-wei
    2022, 61(11):  15-18.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.003
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    Vegetable soybean [Glycine max (Linn.) Merr.] is a popular nutritional and healthy food. The development of vegetable soybean industry can increase farmers’ income and promote rural revitalization. The production status and significance of developing vegetable soybean industry in Hubei Province were summarized, the existing problems were analyzed, and the corresponding countermeasures were put forward.
    Resource & Environment
    Analysis of climate change difference of different underlying surface areas in northern Xinjiang
    WU Li-ping, YANG Yu-hui, YANG Jing-yan, FENG Xian-cheng, ZENG Kang-kang
    2022, 61(11):  19-26.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.004
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    To analyze climate change laws of deserts, mounts and oases of northern Xinjiang in recent 55 years as well as their different responses to global climate change according to the daily temperature and precipitationsequence data from 41meteorological stations of northern Xinjiang from 1961 to 2015, this paper used the linear trend analysis, the Mann-Kendall trend test and mutation test,and the inverse distance to a power for analysis. The results showed that the northern Xinjiang had an obvious warming trend in recent 55 years (deserts 0.2 ℃/10a; mountains 0.24 ℃/10a; oases 0.3 ℃/10a). Oases showed the most significant warming trend. In recent 55 years, northern Xinjiang had an obvious humidifying trend (deserts 8.46 mm/10a; mountainous regions 7.66 mm/10a; oases 8.78 mm/10a). Oases regions had the most significant increase in precipitation. Within the recent 55 years, especially the beginning of the 21st century, northern Xinjiang had the most significant temperature increase and its precipitation showed the most obvious rising trend in the 1980s. Deserts of northern Xinjiang, mountains and oases all had temperature mutation in 1993. Deserts, mountains and oases had precipitation mutation in 1985 and 1987 respectively. In nearly 55 years, the interannual temperature increase was remarkable in autumn of deserts, in summer and autumn of mountain and oases, which contributed the most to the interannual temperature increase. The interannual variation of precipitation in desert, mountains and oases increased prominently in winter, contributing the most to the interannual humidification. The temperature in October and November contributed the most to autumn temperature increase in the desert. The temperature increase in mountains and oases in June, July, August, September and October was the most evident, and the contribution to the temperature increase in summer and autumn was the most prominent. The humidification in February and December was the most obvious in deserts and mountains, while the humidification in January, February, November and December was the most significant in oases, making the greatest contribution to winter humidification in deserts, mountains and oases. In recent 55 years, the extreme climate events in northern Xinjiang expressed an obvious increasing trend, and the increasing trend of extreme temperature and precipitation events was the most marked in the oases. The temperature and precipitation in different underlying surface areas of northern Xinjiang indicated an increasing trend, and the trend was most remarkable in the oasis area. Mountain temperature and desert precipitation were the most sensitive to global climate change.
    The quality evaluation of forest land resources in Yunyang county based on spatial clustering
    HU Yan, NIE Yan, YU Lei, HE Xin-ying, SHEN Jie
    2022, 61(11):  27-31.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.005
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    Taking Yunyang county as an example, according to the natural, economic, landscape and other functions of forest land resources, the characteristics of the spatial distribution of forest land quality were studied and discussed with the guidance of landscape ecology theory and the application of GIS and RS technology. From the two dimensions of natural economic quality and landscape quality of forest land resources, the forest land quality evaluation indexes with 5 elements and 15 factors were constructed. After obtaining the attribute data of each index, the attribute datum of each index was normalized according to the numerical type, linguistic type and spatial diffusion type. The spatial clustering results showed that the natural economic quality of forest land was mainly in level Ⅰ and Ⅱ, and the area was about 57.14%. The overall quality of the forest landscape was general, and the area was only 36.45% belonging to level Ⅰ and Ⅱ. The results of this study are of great reference value to understand the spatial distribution of forest resource quality in an all-round and multi-scale way, and reasonably determine the key protection areas and ecological protection areas of forest resources.
    Suitability and potential evaluation of cultivated land reserve resources development in plateau area:Taking Sangzhuzi district of Tibet as an example
    HUAN Ji-lin, WANG Tie-lin, WU Bo-qing
    2022, 61(11):  32-38.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.006
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    Taking Sangzhuzi district, an important grain production base in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau as an example, the evaluation index system was constructed from four aspects of terrain, soil, land type and location by using GIS, AHP-entropy weight method and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. According to the principle of maximum membership degree, the suitability of cultivated land reserve resource development was evaluated. The research showed that the suitability of cultivated land reserve resource development potential in Sangzhuzi district could be divided into five grades suitability, relative suitability, general suitability, relative unsuitability and unsuitability. Among them, the area of cultivated land reserve resource development potential was 22 588.20 hm2, accounting for 6.18% of the total area, which was mainly distributed along the river in Dongga township and Jiangdang township. The results can provide a basis for the development of cultivated land reserve resources in the plateau area.
    Optimization of village land use structure based on village planning:A case study of Qunjing village in Zhanjiang city
    ZHU Shu-xian, WU Ming-fa, LI Zhi-juan
    2022, 61(11):  39-43.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.007
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    Under the background of “Multiple Planning Integration”, based on 2019 land use data, the grey multi-objective linear programming model was used to optimize the land use structure of Qunjing village in Zhanjiang city in 2025, which was developed to optimize the land use structure of Qunjing village in 2025. Taking into account the economic, ecological and social benefits, the land use structure optimization model of Qunjing village in 2025 was established. The results showed that, under the scheme of maximizing economic benefits,construction land increased by 33.72%, reaching the highest value of three schemes. Under the scheme of maximizing ecological benefits, the change of ecological land in Qunjing village was the most obvious, with an increase of 108.59%. Under the scheme of maximizing social benefits, the development of agriculture, construction and ecological land were more balanced, and the land use structure of Qunjing village was an optimized project. The application of the grey multi-objective linear programming model to optimize the land use structure of Qunjing village is more scientific and reasonable than the rigid indicators issued by the superior planning, and the constraint indicators of the optimization results are more conducive to promoting the construction of beautiful ecological countryside.
    Effect of activated carbon on methane production in the mixed anaerobic fermentation with straw and pig manure
    ZHU Jia-qi, CHEN Fang-qing, HUANG Yong-wen, XIONG Dan-wei, LIU Yang-yun
    2022, 61(11):  44-49.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.008
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    In order to improve the methane production efficiency of the mixed anaerobic fermentation with rice straw and pig manure in the field, this research carried out an experiment of activated carbon on methane production by simulating the field anaerobic fermentation conditions at medium temperature (35±1) ℃ in the laboratory. Six treatments were used whose activated carbon content account for 0%, 1%, 2%, 3%, 6%, 8% of fermentation substrate, respectively. The variation of gas production and straw degradation of each treatment was determined. The results showed that the activated carbon promoted the mixed anaerobic fermentation process by shortening lag time and increasing the peak value of methane production; the addition of activated carbon significantly influenced the biological methane production of the mixed anaerobic fermentation with straw and pig manure. The biological methane production increased firstly and then decreased with the increasing activated carbon amount, and reached the highest value at 2% and 3% treatments, increasing by 29.29% and 28.04% contrasting to the control, respectively; the addition of activated carbon also promoted the degradation of cellulose and hemicellulose of rice straw in the mixed anaerobic fermentation system. At the treatment of 3% activated carbon, the degradation rate of total lignocellulose, cellulose and hemicellulose reached 29.57%, 45.35% and 34.09%, respectively, increasing by 125.73%, 122.00% and 128.33% contrasting to the control. The results indicated that the addition of activated carbon can accelerate the process of mixed anaerobic fermentation with rice straw and pig manure, and increase the methane production and straw degradation in the anaerobic fermentation system.
    Study on screening water oligotrophic bacteria by gradient nutrient dilution method
    QIU Jin-ming, WU Jia-jia, LIU Zhe, XUE Chen-jie, LIU Xue-mei
    2022, 61(11):  50-53.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.009
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    The application of water oligotrophic bacteria to the removal of low-concentration dissolved pollutants from slightly polluted water is a new research direction in the field of water supply treatment. The bacteria isolated from the eutrophic medium were inoculated on the oligotrophic medium with different dilution ratios, so as to screen out the facultative oligotrophic microorganisms. The results showed that Bacillus pumilus and Bacillus cereus were the two highly effective bacteria isolated from the water and sediment of the Second River in Huai’an, and the TOC in the low-concentration water could be removed more than 60% 7 days after dosing the stains. Both strains could use a variety of carbon and nitrogen sources to grow, and the concentration of 3% hydrogen peroxide and 10% ethanol could kill strains, Therefore, both of them could be safely and effectively used in the field of water treatment.
    Analysis of saline-alkali soil bacterial community structure in Hami of Xinjiang based on high-throughput sequencing technology
    LI Zhuo-ran, ZHANG Zi-yi, RUAN Ai-dong, LU Xiang, WU Shuai
    2022, 61(11):  54-61.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.010
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    Soil salinization in Xinjiang is severe, and the structure and distribution pattern of the soil microbial community are the basis and premise of soil evolution and saline-alkali land amelioration. In this study, in-situ sampling and high-throughput sequencing were used to analyze the diversity and composition of soil microbial communities in saline-alkali soil of Hami, Xinjiang. The results showed that Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria were the dominant bacteria in the saline-alkali soil in Hami, Xinjiang, and there were significant differences in bacterial community structure among groups. Soil conductivity had a significant effect on Bacteroidetes and Deinococcus-Thermus, and soil pH had the most significant effect on bacterial community diversity and composition. Tax4Fun2 prediction results showed that the metabolic function of the soil microbial community in this region was rich in environmental information processing. The pH of plant shrub soil was generally lower than that of bare soil in all regions. With the decrease of the distance between each region and the lake, the soil moisture content gradually increased, and the soil pH showed a decreasing trend. It can be concluded that vegetation may be the primary factor affecting the change of soil properties, and soil pH may be the main factor affecting the change of bacterial community in each region of in Hami of Xinjiang saline-alkali land.
    Research progress of seasonal factors on soil microorganism
    LYU Li-ru, ZHAXinima, CHEN Shi-ao, CHEN Ke, PENG Tao, WANG Yong-yi, LI Ying-jie, GONG Li-juan
    2022, 61(11):  62-66.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.011
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    Soil microorganism is an important part of nature and management ecosystem, which plays an important role in nutrient cycling, soil fertility maintenance and soil carbon sequestration. The change of soil microbial community is closely related to seasonal change, which is affected by seasonal precipitation and environmental temperature. Vegetation seasonal litter changes soil pH and carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and other elements, resulting in soil microbial community structure showing obvious seasonal dynamics. Based on the research results of soil microorganism in different habitats by domestic and foreign scholars, the effects of soil moisture, temperature and vegetation litter on soil microorganism were systematically expounded, and the importance of seasonal factors on soil microbial community was clarified, so as to provide a scientific basis for further study of spatial and temporal changes of soil microbial community.
    Effects of cultivation years on soil pH and nutrient content in paddy field
    WU Hai-yong, TANG Zhen-qi, GU Yu, LI Ming-de
    2022, 61(11):  67-71.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.012
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    Based on the combined method of field investigation and indoor analysis, the status and variation of pH and nutrients in the surface soil of the paddy field (0~20 cm) under different cultivation years in the double cropping rice area in the south were investigated by Hunan province as an example. The results showed that the pH of the soil in the study area was 5.26~7.77, and most of them were weakly acidic to neutral soil. The content of soil organic matter reached the upper middle level, and there were great differences between different regions. On the whole, the soil organic matter in the paddy field reached the lowest value in 6 years, and rebounded in 8 years. The contents of organic matter, total nitrogen and available phosphorus in the topsoil were at the upper middle level, while the contents of alkali hydrolyzable nitrogen, available potassium, available iron, manganese, copper and zinc were at a higher level. Soil pH decreased with the increase of planting years. The content of soil available phosphorus decreased first and then increased. The content of soil available iron increased in 1~6 years, while the contents of soil total nitrogen, alkali hydrolyzable nitrogen, available potassium, available manganese, available copper and available zinc did not change significantly with the extension of planting years.
    Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus addition on soil fertility of vegetable garden
    TIAN Si-si, WANG Ting-fang, TANG Xiao-dan, ZHANG Le-qian
    2022, 61(11):  72-75.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.013
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    Taking the vegetable garden soil in Shaoyang city as the research object, the effects of nitrogen and phosphorus addition on soil fertility were studied to provide the basis for rational fertilization of vegetable garden soil in Shaoyang city. By setting up three different fertilization treatments, which were single nitrogen application, single phosphorus application and N-P ratio column addition, the changes of soil organic matter, pH value and water content before and after the addition were measured, and their effects were analyzed. The results showed that the water content of N group decreased by 46.4%, and that of P group increased by 55%, but there was no significant change in N + P group; in the short term, N application alone could reduce soil water content and improve soil particle structure, but in the long term, N + P application was more conducive to soil water content balance. In the short term, the application of chemical fertilizer would not make the soil pH change significantly, but the soil pH would increase due to the influence of topography. Short term fertilization could increase the content of soil organic matter in 0~30 cm, and the three groups of soil organic matter increase degree was N group > N + P group > P group.
    Plant Protection
    Preliminary study on screening methods for in vitro resistance to Ginseng root rot
    ZHANG Jing-jing, ZHANG Ning, HOU Wei, QU Zheng-yi, LI Ya-li, ZHENG Pei-he
    2022, 61(11):  76-79.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.014
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    The feasibility of the screening method for root rot resistance of Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer in vitro was discussed, and a rapid and efficient screening method for root rot resistance of Panax ginseng was preliminarily established. Two methods of in vitro leaf and root block inoculation were used in the experiment. The results showed that the incidence of the two methods was basically the same, and the in vitro leaf was more simple and convenient to observe than the root block screening. In the experiment, the positive and negative sides of ginseng leaves were inoculated with two inoculation methods, i. e., bacterial block and bacterial liquid, respectively. The results showed that the positive inoculation with bacterial block had a better incidence effect. Furthermore, the feasibility of the screening method for resistance of isolated leaves was preliminarily proved by the ginseng whisker backcross test. By inoculating different strains of ginseng, it was found that FS had the highest disease resistance and FX2 had the lowest disease resistance.
    Separation and identification of endophytic bacteria from Polygonatum sibiricum
    CAI Wen-bin, LIU Xiu-li, HUANG Juan, ZHAO Wen-juan
    2022, 61(11):  80-83.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.015
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    Using Polygonatum sibiricum collected from Ziwuling Nature Reserve in Longdong as material, an endophytic bacterium H-3 with antibacterial activity and genetic stability against Staphylococcus aureus was isolated from its tuber by tissue block separation and agar drilling method. The strain was identified as Bacillus circulans by genomic DNA extraction, 16S rDNA gene cloning and sequencing analysis and morphological characteristics. The determination of solid polysaccharide extracted from fermentation broth showed that the polysaccharide content reached 24.00%.
    Horticulture & Local Products
    Study on the vegetative landscape construction of Langmu water village, a characteristic tourist village
    SUN Lian-qun, MENG Peng-shuai, ZHANG Xiao-lin, HUANG Xue-wen, TIAN Lin-lin
    2022, 61(11):  84-87.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.016
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    Good plant allocation constitutes an important part of the attraction of tourist villages. Langmu water village located in Duyun city, Guizhou Province is a typical village inhabited by the Shui nationality, and the research on status quo of plant allocation is important to its tourism development. Through the field investigation of Langmu water village, this paper analyzed the present situation and problems of plant landscape from living space, production space and ecological space by integrating landscape aesthetics, landscape ecology, botany, art and other disciplines. It was found that it had the characteristics of strong beautification consciousness, coexistence of plant configuration beautification function and practical function, and strong local flavor, but there were deficiencies in plant disposition, seasonal change, plant protection, cultural characteristics and so on, and targeted promotion suggestions were put forward.
    Prediction on geographical potential distribution area of Lamiophlomis rotata
    under climate change
    2022, 61(11):  88-92.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.017
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    In order to understand the influence of climate factors on the growth status of Lamiophlomis rotata, 110 geographic information points and 19 climate variables were used to simulate and analyze the main factors affecting the distribution of Lamiophlomis rotata by ArcGIS and MaxEnt model. The distribution patterns of RCP 2.6 and RCP 8.5 in the 2050s and 2070s were predicted. The results showed that, the AUC values of the training set and the test set are 0.975 and 0.978, respectively, and the model is highly reliable in simulating the contemporary potential distribution area. Isotherm ality(bio13), mean temperature of the warmest season(bio10) and precipitation of the warmest season(bio18) are the main climatic variables affecting the geographical distribution of Lamiophlomis rotata. Lamiophlomis rotata is mainly distributed in the southwest plateau of China, including the western part of Sichuan Province and the eastern part of Tibet Autonomous Region. The optimum growth area of Lamiophlomis rotata is decreasing from West to East. Compared with the area of growth zone under the current climate scenario, the area of growth zone under the future climate scenario will decrease to a certain extent, and the growth zone will decrease from the edge of growth zone to the center of growth zone.
    Research progress and resource utilization on ground plant of Ficus tikoua
    WANG Xiao-rong, CUI Hong-xia, TANG Wan-peng, FU Tian, TANG Lan, ZHANG Ling
    2022, 61(11):  93-96.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.018
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    Ficus tikoua is a native ground cover plant of the perennial vine in the genus Ficus of the family Moraceae. It has the characteristics of strong adaptability and wide application, and has strong comprehensive application and development potential in ecological restoration, medicinal and fruit utilization value, as well as water and soil conservation. Based on the relevant research results of Ficus tikoua, the ecological adaptability, resource investigation and screening, and breeding technology were summarized; the value of ecological restoration, landscaping, soil and water conservation, medicine and fruit development were summarized. The problems existing in the utilization and research of Ficus tikoua resources and the focus of future research were analyzed, in order to provide a reference for the comprehensive utilization and in-depth research of Ficus tikoua resources.
    The influence of temperature on the physiological and biochemical indexes and growth characteristics of cyclamen
    ZHANG Xiao-hui, CHENG Lin
    2022, 61(11):  97-100.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.019
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    Using nine kinds of cyclamen(Cyclamen persicum Mill.) seedlings as test materials, the influence of temperature on the physiological and biochemical indexes and growth characteristics of seedlings was systematically analyzed, the high temperature resistance of different varieties of cyclamen plants were studied, and an attempt was made to improve the high temperature resistance of seedlings by introducing exogenous antioxidants. The results showed that cyclamen seedlings had a strong ability to tolerate high temperatures in a short period of time. The leaf thickness and number of the seedlings could be used as morphological indicators for the study of heat resistance; at the same time, the leaf cell membrane permeability, superoxide anion and the content of malondialdehyde had a significant correlation with temperature. High temperature stress would increase the membrane lipid peroxidation of cyclamen seedlings and damage the cell membrane and decrease photosynthesis. Among them, the Dutch varieties had the worst heat resistance, and the Japanese and French varieties had stronger heat resistance; the application of antioxidants could alleviate the high temperature damage to the plants, and the 100 mg/L cysteine treatment had the best effect. The research results can provide a more scientific basis for the identification of heat resistance of cyclamen.
    Herbal textual research on Polygonum chinense L.
    WEI An-da, ZHU Hua, XIE Feng-feng, HUANG Piao-ling, YANG Wen-qi, CAO Xiang-xin
    2022, 61(11):  101-106.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.020
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    Polygonum chinense L. is a traditional Chinese medicine with high medicinal value and is widely used among the people, but it has the same substance and different names. In order to make safe and rational use of the materia medica in the clinic and further develop and utilize the material resources, on the basis of consulting the ancient and modern medical books, the name, origin, sexual effect and medicinal parts of the materia medica were evaluated, so as to radically reform and use it correctly.
    Identification and evaluation of drought resistance for imported tobacco germplasm resources
    DING Yan-fang, WANG Hai-tao, SUN Huan, SUN Ji-ping, SONG Xue-li, LI Xu-hui, PING Wen-li, LI Xue-jun, HOU Yong, ZU Huan-xin
    2022, 61(11):  107-111.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.021
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    In order to discover drought-tolerant tobacco germplasm resources, 24 imported tobacco varieties were taken as materials, and PEG-6000 was used to simulate drought stress to study the effects of drought treatment on tobacco seed germination and seedling growth. The results showed that, under drought stress, the germination traits of tobacco germplasm decreased to varying degrees. Among them, the effect on the germination rate and the whole seedling length was relatively small; the effect on the fresh weight of the seedling was relatively large. According to the membership function values of the stress coefficients of various indicators, the tested tobacco varieties were divided into four types, including drought-resistant, moderate drought-resistant, non-drought-resistant and drought-prone germplasm. A total of eleven drought-resistant germplasms, nine moderate drought-resistant germplasms, three non-drought-resistant germplasms, and one drought-prone variety were screened out.
    Study on artificial cultivation of Lactarius deliciosus
    XIANG Jian-wei, XU Xiao-ying, ZHOU Zhi, HUANG Jian-guo, MA Qiong
    2022, 61(11):  112-115.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.022
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    Lactarius deliciosus is a kind of ectomycorrhiza edible fungus, which can form ectomycorrhiza with pine. It is difficult to cultivate Lactarius deliciosus in vitro due to the special symbiotic association of Lactarius deliciosus. So some studies were conducted including the ecological requirements, nutritional components, physiological activities, mycelia culture conditions, status and difficulties in artificial cultivation of Lactarius deliciosus, in order to shade a new light for in vitro artificial cultivation of Lactarius deliciosus.
    Study on aroma components of Zijuan white tea in different seasons
    XU Yan, SUN Yun-nan, YU Xiang-shuai, TIAN Yi-ping, PU Shao-liu
    2022, 61(11):  116-118.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.023
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    Headspace solid phase microextraction(HS-SPME) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC-MS) were used to determine the aroma components of Zijuan white tea(Camellia assamica var. Zijuan) in different seasons. The relative contents of aroma components were determined by the internal standard method, and the results were compared and feature analyzed. The results showed that forty kinds of main characteristic aroma components were detected in Zijuan white tea samples in four different seasons, including six major compounds such as alcohols, aldehydes, esters, ketones, acids, and heterocyclics. The range of the terpenes index was 0.950~0.973. The aroma of Zijuan white tea in different seasons was evaluated. The results showed that spring tea was the best, followed by autumn tea, and summer tea was the worst. The results of this study provide a theoretical basis for analyzing the main aroma components of Zijuan white tea in different seasons and identifying Zijuan white tea in different seasons through aroma components.
    Biochemical components analysis and cluster analysis of tea variety Zijuan and its mutagenesis progeny
    TONG Jia-yin, TIAN Yi-ping, DENG Shao-chun, YANG Fang-hui, ZHANG Yan-mei, CHEN Chun-lin, TANG hai-kun
    2022, 61(11):  119-122.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.024
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    Biochemical component analysis and cluster analysis of the new tea variety Zijuan and its mutagenesis progeny were conducted. The results showed that the biochemical components of Zijuan tea in spring and summer were different, among which the largest coefficient of variation in the two seasons was anthocyanin content, both reaching more than 70%. By microsatellite markers for genetic diversity analysis, the results showed that compared with mutagenesis progeny, the genetic distance of Zijuan was more than 0.7, and the genetic distance between ZJ07 and ZJ15, the progeny of subcohort mutation, was more than 0.9. The results of biochemical component analysis and cluster analysis showed that Zijuan and its mutagenic progeny were rich in genetic diversity, especially in the content and coefficient of variation of tea polyphenols. The coefficient of variation of spring tea was 13.99%, and that of summer tea was 6.57%. Therefore, it can be concluded that the greater the genetic distance between samples, the higher the content of tea polyphenols.
    Detection Analysis
    GC-MS analysis of volatile components in Chuanxiong-Gegen pair and its single herb
    LI Shu-fan, JIANG Han-mei, LIU Yi, LIU Tian-qi
    2022, 61(11):  123-127.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.025
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    The composition and pharmacological effects of volatile components in Chuanxiong-Gegen pair and single herb were analyzed. The volatile components in Chuanxiong-Gegen pair and single herb were qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed by solid phase microextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (SPME-GC-MS), and the relative contents of each component were calculated by peak area normalization method. The result was a preliminary identification of 68 compounds. The highest volatile components(relative content) were β-methylphenylpropanal (46.84%), m-cresol (48.49%) and (-)-α-solanolene (13.85%). After the composition of drug pairs, 21 new components were added, and 32 original components were reduced. It was proved that this method was stable and reliable, and it was suitable for the rapid analysis of volatile components of Chuanxiong-Gegen pair and its single herb, which could provide a scientific basis for the clinical application of Chuanxiong and Gegen. The combined analysis of volatile components in Chuanxiong-Gegen pair and single herb could obtain more comprehensive information. The newly added components could guide the subsequent research on Chuanxiong-Gegen pair and its compound preparations, and the components in Chuanxiong-Gegen pair changed significantly before and after compatibility.
    Determination of hexavalent chromium in cigarette tipping paper by HPLC-MS/MS
    HAN Wei-qi, WANG Yang, GU Chao-lin, ZHU Liang-hua, JIN Zhe
    2022, 61(11):  128-132.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.026
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    A HPLC-MS/MS method for the determination of hexavalent chromium in cigarette tipping paper was established. The samples were ultrasonically extracted with ammonia solution at pH 8.0 and directly detected after filtration. The results showed that the linear correlation coefficient of hexavalent chromium was above 0.999, the detection limit was 3 μg/kg, the recovery rate was 90.1%~106.9%, and RSD was 4.1%~7.8%. Compared with the current industrial standard method, this method is more simple and rapid, with higher detection sensitivity, lower detection limit and better stability, which is suitable for the determination of hexavalent chromium content in cigarette tipping paper.
    Information Engineering
    Research on irrigation decision expert system based on cloud platform
    HE Fei-hong, ZHAO Lei
    2022, 61(11):  133-138.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.027
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    Aiming at the problems of low irrigation efficiency of agricultural water resources and confusion of agricultural information management, the expert system of irrigation decision-making and information management with B/S structure was developed on the basis of farmland collection information, meteorological information and basic information, so as to improve the level of agricultural modernization. Based on the structure of the expert system and the irrigation decision of theory, the structure of the expert system was combined with the cloud platform integrating application server and database service, ASP.NET technology of Microsoft .NET Framework and SQL Server 2014 database management system were practical development means to realize the development of expert system application. The results showed that the expert system of irrigation decision-making based on the cloud platform could realize the functions of farmland real-time data monitoring, historical data query and analysis, SMS alarm, data information management and irrigation decision-making, etc. The application program could be accessed well and the data management was convenient. Compared with several experts, it was found that the deviation of the irrigation decision was about ±10%, which met the irrigation requirements.
    Design and implementation of Hunan meteorological integrated business real time monitoring platform
    FENG Xian, LI Yi
    2022, 61(11):  139-144.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.028
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    In order to promote the intensification and intelligence of meteorological business monitoring in Hunan Province, based on cloud computing, distributed, big data and other technologies, a provincial meteorological comprehensive business real-time monitoring platform was designed, including the hierarchical model and functional structure. It had key technologies such as monitoring information collection, data processing and storage, whole process business monitoring, centralized alarm and so on. The platform had opened up the integrated operation and maintenance process of meteorological business, data and basic resources, realized the upstream and downstream linkage of meteorological business monitoring and operation, preliminarily solved the operation and maintenance management problems caused by the rapid growth of the scale of the provincial meteorological data center, and improved the support and guarantee ability of provincial meteorological information business operation and maintenance.
    Biological Engineering
    Research progress on the efficacy and mechanism of flavonoids on gastric ulcer
    QIN Hua-zhen, DAI Qing-ling, CHEN Jun-qi, HE Rui-kun, HUANG Huan-di, LIU Jun-hui, ZHONG Gui, HUANG Yan-qiong
    2022, 61(11):  145-148.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.029
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    Flavonoids are a kind of active components widely existing in traditional Chinese medicine, which have a variety of pharmacological activities. The relevant research literature on the anti gastric ulcer efficacy and mechanism of traditional Chinese medicine of flavonoids was sorted out. The results show that flavonoids have the anti gastric ulcer efficacy of repairing and protecting gastric mucosa and reducing gastric digestive juice secretion. Its mechanism is mainly to increase gastric mucosal blood flow, improve gastric mucosal antioxidant capacity, inhibite gastrointestinal hormone secretion and promote growth factor secretion.
    Overview of four kinds of extracellular sensory domains in bacteria
    XU Yang-yang, YUAN Wen-su
    2022, 61(11):  149-157.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.030
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    Bacteria perceive environmental changes through the signal transduction network system, and control bacterial behavior, metabolism and development by regulating their own gene expression. Most bacteria and archaea use two-component transduction system and chemical sensing system to perceive environmental changes. In recent years, based on genome research, it has been found that there are many different extracellular domains in bacterial two-component transduction system and chemical sensing system. These extracellular domains can sense extracellular signals and play an important role in various physiological functions of bacteria. The structural characteristics and functions of Cache domain, CHASE domain, NIT domain and 4HB domain were introduced to provide a reference for the classification of extracellular sensory domains and the identification of signal sites.
    Research progress on antibacterial activity and mechanism of natural polysaccharides
    ZHANG Tong, ZHAO Yun, HUANG Wei, CUI Hong-chun
    2022, 61(11):  158-162.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.031
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    Natural polysaccharides have a variety of biological activities. Because of their wide sources, biocompatibility and obvious non-toxic, they have become a research hotspot in the field of food. This paper mainly summarized the types of natural polysaccharides with antibacterial effect, expounded on the antibacterial mechanism of polysaccharides, discussed the structure-activity relationship of natural polysaccharides, and looked forward to the research direction of natural polysaccharides, in order to promote the in-depth research of natural polysaccharides and provide theoretical reference for the research and development of antibacterial functional foods.
    Discussion on the intracellular mechanism of cold and freezing resistance of fish in cold environment
    SHI Xin-ye
    2022, 61(11):  163-169.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.032
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    In order to further understand the structure and function of fish-related genes and lay the foundation for the follow-up study of PI3K/AKT signaling pathway and key genes, we studied the key genes family of black seabream antifreeze. Based on the existing gene family members, AKT and CK gene family members were screened from the genome of Sparus macrocephalus. Their molecular weight, isoelectric point, motif structure and conserved domain were analyzed, and the phylogenetic tree was constructed with related species. The results showed that the AKT gene family proteins of fish were highly conserved, and the AKT sequence was clustered into a single branch. Among them, AKT1 and AKT3 were closely related to those of glithead seabream, and they were clustered into a branch with Pseudosciaena crocea. AKT2 is clustered with fish, but had a distant genetic relationship with other fish. Muscle creatine kinase (mck) and brain creatine kinase (bck) were identified in black seabream. The length and molecular weight of mck and bck were basically the same, and both of them contained creatine kinase domain. The mck and bck of mammals were closely related to the bck of fish. However, compared with fish, it formed a branch. In mck, black seabream has a close genetic relationship with glithead seabream, while in bck, black seabream has the closest genetic relationship with large yellow croaker and separates into another branch compared with other fishes.
    Economy & Management
    Research on the localization development of the rural “time bank” mutual aid pension model
    LUO Xu-feng, LI Hui-min
    2022, 61(11):  170-174.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.033
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    In order to solve the serious pension problems in rural areas, this study focused on the “time bank” mutual aid pension model, analyzed the theoretical basis of “time bank” and the successful experience of foreign development, and compared and analyzed many problems existing in domestic practice. The results show that the difference between Chinese and Western ideological culture and social environment leads to the lack of organizational foundation, which is an important reason for the localization of “time bank”. Combined with the actual situation in China’s rural areas, rural “time bank” has the advantages of relying on clan organizations, consistent “concept of human mutual assistance” and broader mutual assistance groups. It is proposed to build a localization development model of rural “clan time bank” mutual pension with three pillars of deposit and withdrawal financing, service operation and supervision and management.
    Evolutionary game analysis of dual-channel supply chain coordination of agricultural products under punishment mechanism
    XU Feng-wei, DING Yu-dan, ZHANG Zhen-fang
    2022, 61(11):  175-180.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.034
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    Evolutionary game theory was used to construct an evolutionary game model of coordination between online sales channels of agricultural cooperatives and offline sales channels of fresh supermarkets, and influencing factors of the evolution results of dual channel and the impact of punishment mechanism on the evolution results of dual channel were discussed. The result showed that the system was likely to be in a channel coordinated state only when the increased revenue from channel coordination between agricultural cooperatives and fresh supermarkets was greater than their free-riding revenue, and it was concluded that the influencing factors of dual-channel coordination included excess revenue and its distribution ratio, coordination cost and its sharing ratio, free-riding revenue, and individual revenue of channel coordination; reasonable punishment mechanism could promote the system to evolve into an ideal coordinated state.
    Correlation and development suggestions of food security, agricultural mechanization and agricultural carbon emission in Shandong Province
    LI Wei-juan, ZHANG Peng-cheng
    2022, 61(11):  181-185.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.035
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    Based on the statistical data of Shandong Province from 2006 to 2019,the current situation of food security, agricultural mechanization and agricultural carbon emission in Shandong Province was analyzed. Then a simultaneous equation model was constructed and the least square method was used to test, so as to analyze the relationship between food security, agricultural mechanization and agricultural carbon emission. The results showed that improving agricultural mechanization and reducing carbon emission were conducive to improving food security, however, there was a positive correlation between the popularization and application of agricultural mechanization and agricultural carbon emission. The restriction of carbon emission would affect the promotion of agricultural mechanization and then affect grain yield. In order to achieve the balance between food security and the low-carbon economy, it was proposed to improve the rate of agricultural mechanization and grain output per unit area from the perspective of scientific and technological innovation and digital application.
    Evaluation and spatial difference of agricultural sustainable development capacity in the Yangtze River Basin
    CHEN Shi-yu, LI Lu-ji, CHEN Hong
    2022, 61(11):  186-192.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.036
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    The evaluation index system of agricultural sustainable development capacity in the Yangtze River Basin was constructed, and the weight of each index was determined by the entropy weight method. On this basis, TOPSIS method was used to evaluate, and Dagum Gini coefficient was used to calculate the spatial difference. The results showed that the sustainable agricultural development ability of Zhejiang Province, Jiangsu Province and Hunan Province were better, which was in the first level. The sustainable agricultural development ability of Shanghai City, Hubei Province and Anhui Province were medium, ranking in the second level. However, the sustainable agricultural development ability of Sichuan Province, Yunnan Province, Jiangxi Province, Guizhou Province and Chongqing City were at a poor level. According to the results of Dagum Gini coefficient, the sustainable agricultural development capacity of the upper, middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Basin was relatively balanced, and the regional differences were mainly caused by the gap between the upper, middle and lower reaches. Therefore, suggestions such as increasing agricultural input and improving agricultural production conditions were put forward to improve agricultural production efficiency, promote agricultural sustainable development and balance regional differences.
    Research on the spatial pattern of public service facilities in Kunming City
    DING Wei, LUO Hua-song, HONG Ju-hua, GAO Da-shuai, XU Yuan-yue
    2022, 61(11):  193-200.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.037
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    As a scenic line of the city, public service facilities play an important role in the development of the urban economy. The POI data of Kunming City were obtained through the open platform of Gaode map, the spatial distribution pattern of public service facilities in Kunming City was discussed by using the methods of kernel density analysis and standard deviation ellipse analysis, combined with ArcGIS 10.2 software, and the POI entropy index of public service facilities in Kunming City was calculated. The result showed that the area with the highest POI density of public service facilities in Kunming City was Wuhua district, and the area with the lowest POI density was Luquan Yi and Miao autonomous county. The overall public service facilities in Kunming City presented a spatial distribution pattern of “one core, two axes and multi-poles” and a spatial distribution pattern of “more and dense in the south and less and sparse in the north”. There were three spatial aggregation modes in various types of public service facilities in Kunming City, such as single-core, dual-core,and multi-core, which were roughly spatially distributed in the direction of “southwest—northeast” the degree of urban function mix in Kunming City was spatially distributed as “center-edge”. Population structure, economic development level and income status were important factors that affected the spatial layout of public service facilities. Finally, three upgrade paths were proposed for public service facilities in Kunming City.
    Study on the improving path of tourism experience of Grand Tang Dynasty Ever-bright City in Xi’an based on the web text mining
    LI Hong-bo, WANG Jia-heng, LIU Long-long
    2022, 61(11):  201-204.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.038
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    Tourism experience is the feeling of tourists’ sensory and thinking activities about the scenic environment and tourism process throughout the traveling process. Improving the tourist experience can strengthen the attractiveness of scenic spots. Taking Grand Tang Dynasty Ever-bright City as an example, this paper analyzed tourist experience via the web text mining and proposed improvements. The study found that tourists were generally satisfied with the experience of scenic spots, especially the human landscape and entertainment activities, the perception of shopping, accommodation, and catering were at a low level, and in the aspect of environment, “overcrowded” was frequently mentioned. Scenic managers should focus on the history and cultural special features to keep enduring appeal and promote tourism service and tourism reception capacity to improve visitors’ tourism experience quality.
    Scientific and technological innovation promotes the upgrading of the source of Hubei traditional Chinese medicine industry chain
    LUO Qian, MU Sen, LIU Cui-jun
    2022, 61(11):  205-207.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.039
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    The advantages and existing problems of traditional Chinese medicine seed industry in Hubei Province were investigated and analyzed from the aspects of germplasm resources, traditional Chinese medicine category, planting area, seed and seedling market, etc. From the aspects of policy planning, resource protection, industry-university-research combination, improved variety breeding and promotion system, and talent team, this paper puts forward some suggestions on the file upgrading and future development path of traditional Chinese medicine seed industry in the whole province.
    Research on performance measurement and improvement path of agricultural green development in China
    ZHAO Yong-shuang, SUN Yu, ZHANG Fan, WEI Xin-yu
    2022, 61(11):  208-213.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.040
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    Under the background of agricultural supply-side structural reform, the historical background of agricultural green development and its significance to agricultural economic development were analyzed. From the four aspects of resource conservation, environmental friendliness, green supply and economic effect, the entropy method was used to construct the performance index evaluation system of Chinese agricultural green development, and the corresponding performance measurement analysis was carried out. The results show that the green development level of China’s agricultural industry presents a stable growth trend and has a large space for improvement. Based on the analysis of the current situation of agricultural green development, several methods to improve the performance of agricultural green development are proposed.
    Research on the promotion of agricultural science and technology support capacity in Guangxi
    HUANG Yan-fang, NING Xia, KONG Ling-zi, RONG Jian-bo, LI Xiao-hong
    2022, 61(11):  214-217.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.041
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    In order to further bring into play the supporting role of science and technology in the high-quality development of agriculture, the current situation of agricultural science and technology development in Guangxi and the effectiveness of science and technology in supporting agricultural development are analysed, relevant experiences are summarised, problems are analysed, and relevant countermeasures are proposed in terms of innovation subjects, service systems, R&D focus, project management and talent teams to provide theoretical references for promoting the enhancement of Guangxi's agricultural science and technology supporting capacity.
    Research on the participation of new county sages in rural governance from the perspective of embedding theory:Based on the case analysis of Y town
    JIA Min
    2022, 61(11):  218-225.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.11.042
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    Based on the specific practice of the new county sages in Y town participating in rural governance, the action logic of the new county sages was elaborated from three aspects of functional embeddedness, resource embeddedness and relationship embeddedness. Corresponding to the logic of action, the difficulties encountered by the new county sages in Y town in the process of participating in the village governance was expounded, and a deep analysis of the reasons was made based on the embedded perspective and combined with relevant theories. The study found that the main reasons for the difficulties faced by the new county sages in rural governance were the lack of institutions based on functional embeddedness, the alienation of behavior based on resource embeddedness, and the cultural restrictions based on relational embeddedness. It also expounded the relief path for new county sages in Y town to participate in rural governance.