Analysis of climate change difference of different underlying surface areas in northern Xinjiang
WU Li-ping, YANG Yu-hui, YANG Jing-yan, FENG Xian-cheng, ZENG Kang-kang
2022, 61(11):
478 )
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To analyze climate change laws of deserts, mounts and oases of northern Xinjiang in recent 55 years as well as their different responses to global climate change according to the daily temperature and precipitationsequence data from 41meteorological stations of northern Xinjiang from 1961 to 2015, this paper used the linear trend analysis, the Mann-Kendall trend test and mutation test,and the inverse distance to a power for analysis. The results showed that the northern Xinjiang had an obvious warming trend in recent 55 years (deserts 0.2 ℃/10a; mountains 0.24 ℃/10a; oases 0.3 ℃/10a). Oases showed the most significant warming trend. In recent 55 years, northern Xinjiang had an obvious humidifying trend (deserts 8.46 mm/10a; mountainous regions 7.66 mm/10a; oases 8.78 mm/10a). Oases regions had the most significant increase in precipitation. Within the recent 55 years, especially the beginning of the 21st century, northern Xinjiang had the most significant temperature increase and its precipitation showed the most obvious rising trend in the 1980s. Deserts of northern Xinjiang, mountains and oases all had temperature mutation in 1993. Deserts, mountains and oases had precipitation mutation in 1985 and 1987 respectively. In nearly 55 years, the interannual temperature increase was remarkable in autumn of deserts, in summer and autumn of mountain and oases, which contributed the most to the interannual temperature increase. The interannual variation of precipitation in desert, mountains and oases increased prominently in winter, contributing the most to the interannual humidification. The temperature in October and November contributed the most to autumn temperature increase in the desert. The temperature increase in mountains and oases in June, July, August, September and October was the most evident, and the contribution to the temperature increase in summer and autumn was the most prominent. The humidification in February and December was the most obvious in deserts and mountains, while the humidification in January, February, November and December was the most significant in oases, making the greatest contribution to winter humidification in deserts, mountains and oases. In recent 55 years, the extreme climate events in northern Xinjiang expressed an obvious increasing trend, and the increasing trend of extreme temperature and precipitation events was the most marked in the oases. The temperature and precipitation in different underlying surface areas of northern Xinjiang indicated an increasing trend, and the trend was most remarkable in the oasis area. Mountain temperature and desert precipitation were the most sensitive to global climate change.