Analysis and evaluation of flower stalk nutritional quality of different double-low rapeseed varieties(Brassica napus L.)
WANG Jian-ping, ZHANG Shu-fen, CHEN Ming-li, ZHU Jia-cheng, CAI Dong-fang, HE Jun-ping
2021, 60(24):
496 )
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In order to clarify the nutritional quality characteristics of flower stalk of different rapeseedvarieties(Brassica napus L.), the nutritional quality of three double-low rapeseedvarieties is analyzed, and compared with that of a cruciferous vegetable Chinese cabbageunder the same cultivation conditions. Theresearch shows that three double-low rapeseedvarieties are different in nine quality indicators, i.e., vitamin B1, vitamin B2,vitamin C, protein, soluble sugar, crude fiber, calcium, iron and zinc. Specifically speaking, the coefficients of variation for content of vitamin B2, soluble sugar, zinc and calcium are greater than 10.000%,indicating that a big difference betweenthese varieties, while the coefficients of variation for content of vitamin C, vitamin B1, protein, crude fiber and iron are less than 10.000%, suggesting a small difference betweenthese varieties. There is an extremelysignificant positive correlation between zinc andvitamin C as well as zinc and protein content, with the correlation coefficients 0.857 8 and 0.866 4,respectively. The protein content is extremelysignificant positively correlated with vitamin B1 content and vitamin B2 content, with the respective correlation coefficients 0.865 3 and 0.838 7. Calcium content is negatively correlated with other nutritional quality indexes, without reaching a significant level. Compared with the Chinese cabbage,the comprehensive nutritional components of flower stalk in the double-low rapeseed are higher, wherein the vitamin C content and zinc content are more than 1.7 times of those in the Chinese cabbage,the iron content is more than 1.3 times of that in the Chinese cabbage. These suggest that flower stalk of the double-low rapeseed hasricher nutrition and higher edible value than the Chinese cabbage.