
Table of Content

    25 December 2021, Volume 60 Issue 24
    Research progress of hemorrhagic disease from Monopterus albus
    WEN Zheng-rong, LUO Ming-zhong, CHAI Yi, YANG Dai-qin, LI Rui, WEI Wei
    2021, 60(24):  5-10.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.001
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    Hemorrhagic septicemia was a kind of bacterial disease frequently occurring in rice field eels (Monopterus albus) at present. It was rapid outbreak, high mortality, strong infectivity, which brought great economic loss to rice field eel aquaculture. The research advances on diseases of A. hydrophila in M. albus include biological characteristic, identification methods, molecular biology, physiology and biochemistry, prevention and treatment measures were organized collectively. The prevention and control problems and the future development trend of hemorrhagic disease from in M. albus were summarized.
    Advances in garden wastecompost used as herbaceous flowers substrate
    WANG Wei
    2021, 60(24):  11-15.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.002
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    With the expansion of herbaceous flowers application in urban greening, new herbaceous flowers substrate has become an urgent problem to be discussed and solved by scholars at home and abroad. As an important part of the ecological chain of urban green space, the development of garden waste into grass planting substrate is an important way of resource utilization. In this article, the composting process of garden waste, the physical and chemical properties of composting products, the influence of composting substrate on herbaceous flower growth and the problems of garden waste composting as herbaceous flowers substrate were reviewed and discussed, in order to provide a new idea for the application of garden waste in herbaceous flowers substrate.
    Research progress on the biology and prevention and control methods of Bradysia odoriphaga
    CHEN Li-xiao, LIU Zhi-pei, LI Liang-liang, FU Hong-yang, XIANG Shi-biao, CHANG Kun, LI Hui, CHEN Xiang, LI Ping, XIE Ju-ying
    2021, 60(24):  16-19.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.003
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    In China, the Bradysia odoriphaga is the most important pest in the production of chives. Bradysia odoriphaga occurs in all leek producing areas, but the occurrence pattern is slightly different. The occurrence of leek maggots has been documented in the literature since the 1950s. However, it was not until the 1980s that taxonomists identified the Bradysia odoriphaga as the dominant group of leek root maggots. This paper comprehensively described the morphology and occurrence regularity of Bradysia odoriphaga, and described the control methods of agriculture, physics, chemistry and biology in detail, in order to provide reference for scientific control of Bradysia odoriphaga.
    Breeding & Cultivation
    Effects of different planting methods on yield and economic benefit of high quality medium indica rice variety Huanghuazhan
    ZHU Bo-hua, LI Hong-yu, DONG Ming-tao, DUAN He-sheng, LI Zhi-qian, CHENG Jian-hui
    2021, 60(24):  20-22.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.004
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    In order to explore the effects of cost saving and efficiency increasing of different rice planting methods in Wuhan, a comparative experiment on yield and planting benefit under four light and simplified planting methods was carried out with manual direct seeding (MDS) of high-quality conventional medium indica rice variety Huanghuazhan as the control. The results showed that among four planting methods, mechanical precise-quantity hill-drop drilling (MPHD) saved labor, time and highest yield, followed the seedling mechanical broadcasting (MB). However, it increased the labor cost in seedling raising and transportation, and the output was only 465.5 kg/hm2 higher than that of unmanned aerial vehicle direct seeding (UAVDS). Therefore, from the results of cost saving and efficiency increasing, the light and simplified cultivation mode of rice planting in Wuhan should prefer to choose MPHD or UAVDS as far as possible in the future.
    Characteristics and high-yield cultivation techniques of Hualiangyou 2824 in two-line medium hybrid rice
    WEN Ju, YANG Hong-yong, XU Zheng-meng, MU Tong-min, YU Wei-pu, XU Hui, LIU Mian, XU Guo-hua
    2021, 60(24):  23-26.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.005
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    Hualiangyou 2824 is a new two-line medium hybrid rice mainly bred by Jingzhou Academy of Agricultural Seiences, which has the characteristics of high yield, short growth period and strong disease resistance. In cultivation, it is necessary to cultivate strong seedlings, reasonably dense planting, scientifically manage fertilizer and water, and reasonably control pests and diseases.
    Breeding and application of a new sesame variety Ezhi No.9 with stable yield,wet endurance and suitable mechanization
    TANG Xue-hui, TAN Shun-lin, CHEN Han-jun, MU Jun
    2021, 60(24):  27-29.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.006
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    Ezhi No.9 is a new sesame variety bred by Xiangyang Academy of Agricultural Sciences with Ezhi No.4 as female parent and intermediate material “97079” as male parent. It was identified by the National Agricultural Technology Extension Center in May 2019. In recent two years, the variety has shown the advantages of stable yield, good quality, strong resistance and suitable for mechanized planting in the field production. Ezhi No.9 is suitable for demonstration and promotion in Hubei, Anhui, Jiangxi and other sesame producing areas.
    Breeding and cultivation techniques of new adaptable maize variety Endan 532
    ZHU Xiang-fen, WANG Zhang-jiu, FENG Chun-fu, LIU Chuan-bin, DU Shi-kai, YANG Xiu-qian, LIU Hao-liang, WANG Jing, ZHOU Xing, WANG Li-ming
    2021, 60(24):  30-33.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.007
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    Endan 532 is a new maize(Zea mays L.) variety bred by Enshi Academy of Agricultural Sciences with self-bred line ‘568-11’ as female parent and inbred line ‘YA8201’ introduced from Sichuan Yayu Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. as male parent. The main maize variety Eyu No.25 in Hubei was applied as the control,the regional test in 17 places of 2 years,and the site inspection and acceptance in one places of one years was carried out. It provided a reference for the application of new maize varieties Endan 532 and others. The average yield of regional trials in 2013—2014 was 9 835.60 kg/hm2, which was 7.60% higher than that of Eyu 25. In 2015, it passed the on-site inspection and acceptance of maize variety test mountain group in Hubei province. In all levels of experiments, Endan 532 showed the characteristics of high yield, stable yield, lodging resistance and disease resistance, which was suitable for planting spring maize in the middle and low altitude areas of Hubei province. It was approved by Hubei Crop Variety Approval Committee in 2016 (Approval No.:Eshenyu 2016006).
    Suitability analysis of purple sweet potato introduction in Wuling mountain area
    YE Xing-zhi, CHENG Qun, XU Yi, QU Yong, CHEN Qiao-ling, ZHANG Deng-hong
    2021, 60(24):  34-36.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.008
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    In order to select the purple sweet potato[Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam)] varieties suitable for planting in Wuling mountain area,a randomized block test design was adopted,and Ezishu No.1 was used as the control. Five introduced varieties,such as Shengzishu,Nanzishu 008, Mianzishu No.9,Nanzishu 014 and Nanzishu 015,were compared and analyzed in terms of agronomic characteristics, fresh potato yield and selenium content. The results showed that under the climate conditions of Wuling mountain area,the rate of large and medium-sized potatoes was 87.27%~96.15%,the yield of fresh potatoes was 39 151.20~51 586.80 kg/hm2,which was significantly different from the control,and the content of selenium was 0.29~0.54 mg/kg, all of which reached the standard of rich selenium. It was preliminarily determined that it was suitable for planting in this area.
    Effects of intercropping pattern on population structure of intercropping millet and soybean
    CHEN Yu, YUAN Hong-an, HAN Fang, ZHENG Tai-bo, ZHAN Qiang, WANG Hai-long
    2021, 60(24):  37-40.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.009
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    Using millet variety Changsheng 07 and soybean variety Zhonghuang 30 as materials, the effects of different millet intercropping soybean models on the light exposure in different leaf layers and platnt growth of millet and soybean under different intercropping pattern were analyzed, and the effects of intercropping patterns on the accumulation and distribution of photosynthetic products in millet and soybean were analyzed. The results showed that different intercropping patterns promoted the dry matter accumulation of millet, increased spike length and single spike weight, and facilitated the formation of large spikes in millet. Due to the shading effect of millet, dry matter accumulation, effective pod number per plant and 100-seed weight of soybean were reduced. The total yield of the four intercropping modes was higher than that of the single cropping soybean, and the difference between the total yield of the intercropping mode M3S3 and that of the single cropping millet was small. M3S3 treatment (Planting 3 rows of millet and 3 rows of soybean,the row spacing of millet is 25 cm, the plant space of millet is 10 cm, the row space of soyben is 40 cm, the plant space of millet is 14 cm) is a suitable cultivation method.
    Visualization analysis of registered pesticides of plant growth regulator for cotton
    ZHANG Jiao-hai, ZHANG You-chang, BIE Shu, WANG Xiao-gang, SHAO Jing-tao, CHI Li-jun
    2021, 60(24):  41-45.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.010
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    Python software was used to conduct visual statistical analysis on pesticide registration of existing plant growth regulators in cotton, and the research and application status of several main plant growth regulators in cotton, such as gibberellin acid, methylpiperonium, sarcomere, thifenuron and ethephon, were briefly described.
    Resource & Environment
    Screening and evaluation of organic matter degrading bacteria in rice-crayfish co-culture (RCIS)
    ZHENG Jiao-li, YAO Jing-wu, HUANG Da-ye, YANG Dan, WANG Bei-bei, CAO Chun-xia
    2021, 60(24):  46-50.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.011
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    Six strains of organic matter degrading bacteria were screened from environment of rice-crayfish co-culture(RCIS), all of which were identified as Bacillus sp.. Among them, OC-1, OC-2, OC-3 and OC-6 were all classified as Bacillus aryabhatta, OC-4 was identified as Bacillus flexus, and OC-5 was identified as Bacillus marisflavi. These strains can efficiently degrade organic matter andammonia in the bait culture medium, and the COD degradation rate of these strains was more than 85% after three days of cultivation. OD-1, OD-2 can quickly and efficiently degrade the organic matter in bait culture medium. The high degradation efficiency may be related to its ability to secrete a variety of extracellular enzymes. These two strains had application potential.
    Research and analysis on soil of peanut cultivated land in Dabie mountain area of Hubei province
    LI Ning, WANG Ming-hui, WU Peng, XIAO Qi-sheng, ZHAO Jun-li, TAO Jiang, XU Hua-tao, FAN Zhou-xiong
    2021, 60(24):  51-54.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.012
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    In order to understand the soil condition of peanut farmland in Dabie mountainous area of Hubei province, 88 samples of soil were tested and analyzed from 7 main peanut-growing counties and cities, different farming modes and soil types in the Dabie mountains of Hubei province. The results showed that the peanut arable land in the Dabie mountains of Hubei province was generally weakly acidic, and the average soil pH was 6.12, which was a slight variation; The content of total soil carbon was low, and the content of total soil nitrogen, available potassium, and available phosphorus were generally higher; The soil alkalinity nitrogen content was overall low; The soil pH of the peanut farmland with different planting methods was weakly acidic, and the soil nutrient of the peanut farmland in rotation was better than that of continuous cropping in winter, but there was no significant difference; The particle size composition of peanut farmland soil in Dabie mountain area of Hubei province was basically coarse powder>sand>clay.
    Evaluation on the benefit of applying microbial agent to reduce nitrogen application in Ziziphus jujuba in the fluvo-aquic soil area:Based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method
    LIU Quan-feng, JIN Hui-shang, SUN Yi, WU Ting, YUE Lei, SUN Yue-li, ZHANG Li-shu
    2021, 60(24):  55-58.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.013
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    The fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method was applied in this study. The multi-factor secondary evaluation index system was established, which included 8 indexes from 3 aspects of society, economy and ecological environment to quantitatively evaluate the reduction of nitrogen application by microbial inoculation of Ziziphus jujuba in the fluvo-aquic soil area of Cangzhou, in order to screen the best ratio of microbial inoculants and nitrogen fertilizers suitable for the area. The results showed that the social, economic, ecological environment and comprehensive benefits of 80% nitrogen fertilizer+microbial agent treatment were higher.
    Effects of different potassium fertilizer on yield,quality,photosynthesis and economic benefit of potato
    CHEN Guang-xia, KONG Jin-hua, KONG Hai-ming, YANG Yu, LIU Fang, YANG Yuan-jun, GUO Xiao, YANG Xiao-hui, DONG Dao-feng
    2021, 60(24):  59-62.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.014
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    Pot and field experiments were carried out to study the effects of potassium chloride and potassium sulfate on yield, quality and photosynthesis of potato. The potato varieties Xisen 6 and Favorita were used as experimental materials in the pot experiments. And used potassium chloride 1 117 mg/L(equivalent to K2O 700 mg/L), potassium sulfate 1 297 mg/L(equivalent to K2O 700 mg/L) two treatments. Field experiment Favorita was used as the experimental material, and potassium chloride (containing K2O 62.5%) was used for 480 kg/hm2 (containing K2O 300 kg), potassium sulfate (containing K2O 54%) 555 kg/hm2 (containing K2O 300 kg), potassium chloride 240 kg/hm2 (containing K2O 10 kg)+potassium sulfate 278 kg/hm2 (containing K2O 150 kg) were used in the three treatments. The comparison was farmers’ routine fertilization, NPK ternary compound fertilizer (N 15%, P2O5 15%, K2O 15%), 1 500 kg/hm2, and organic fertilizer 750 kg/hm2. The results showed that the application of chlorinated potash fertilizer could improve the tuber yield, dry matter and starch contentin in pot experiment. When potassium chloride fertilizer was applied in Dawu experimental site, the revenue increased by 7 062 yuan/hm2, decreased by 2 748 yuan/hm2 when potassium sulfate was applied, and increased by 4 335 yuan/hm2 when potassium sulfate was combined with potassium chloride. Compared with the control, potassium chloride increased the yield by 3 663 yuan/hm2, potassium sulfate decreased by 2 121 yuan/hm2, potassium chloride and potassium sulfate increased the yield by 2 289 yuan /hm2 in Dongguo experimental site.
    Preliminary study on forecasting and warning of a short heavy rainstorm in Jingzhou city
    WEN Hai-song, ZHAO Zhuo-xun, ZHANG Jing-jing, WEI Fan, LEI Yan-sen, TAN Jiang-hong
    2021, 60(24):  63-69.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.015
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    Based on real-time high-altitude and surface meteorological data, ERA-interim reanalysis data and radar data from Europe, a local heavy rain event occurred in Jingzhou city of Hubei province on the morning of June 9, 2017 was analyzed. The results showed that the short-term heavy rain occurred under the favorable weather circulation background, 500 hPa trough moved eastward and superimposed. The low trough in northern Hubei leaded the cold advection to the south, and Jingzhou city lied in the large scale Meiyu front cloud system. Heavy rainstorms were caused by two convective storms. The former convective storm was a super heavy rain storm. During the precipitation process, new convective elements were triggered at the back of radar echoes, forming backward propagation, which was conducive to the occurrence of heavy rain, Before the occurrence of heavy rain, the low-level jet developed vigorously, and the sounding map was composed of upper dry and lower wet, the convective effective potential energy was more than 1 000 J, and the EC fine grid data was forecast. The strong divergence in the upper layer contributed more to the heavy precipitation, and the period of the heavy precipitation corresponded well to the period of the whole layer’s strong upward motion, and the water vapor channel existed in the boundary layer 925 hPa during the heavy precipitation. The analysis of radar data showed that the maximum hourly precipitation was 78 mm at 5:00 on the 9th, and early warning can be considered at this time. Storm tracking information showed that M2 super-monomer was formed at about 5:15, the maximum reflectivity was above 50 dBZ, the vertical liquid water content increased from 25 kg/m2 to 40 kg/m2, hail index and strong hail index both appeared to jump. At this time, it was the beginning stage of heavy rainfall. Considering the comprehensive analysis of radar data, if short-term warning was issued at this time, the advance amount was relatively large and the accuracy was high.
    Application of ERA5 reanalysis data in wind energy resources
    HE Li-wei, SUN Peng-jie, ZENG Qi
    2021, 60(24):  70-75.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.016
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    According to the geomorphic characteristics of Hubei province, it is divided into eight sub regions. Based on the monthly average wind speed of 10 m above the ground in 76 meteorological stations and ERA5 reanalysis data in the past 20 years(2000—2019), the correlation between them is analyzed. Combined with the wind speed value of 70 m height of 110 wind measuring towers in the province, the wind speed at 70 m height derived from 10 m wind speed, longitude and latitude and altitude of meteorological stations is constructed by using multiple regression method. The results show that the reanalysis data can well reflect the spatial distribution of the wind speed trend in the whole province, with high in the middle and low in the east and west; The wind speed of the reanalysis data is larger than that of the meteorological station, with an average of about 0.8 m/s; The calculation results show that the Tongbai mountain and Dahongshan area in the northeast of Hubei province, the Nanzhang-Jingmen area in the central part, the Dabie mountain and Mufu the high altitude area of the mountain is the area with better wind resources; The test results show that the overall calculation results are small, especially in the western Hubei mountain area. The calculation results of VIII area in Jianghan plain are better, especially in Tianmen area.
    Plant Protection
    Field efficacy trial of different agents against potato virus disease in Enshi prefecture
    ZOU Ying, ZHANG Yuan-xue, YAN Lei, GAO Jian-hua, HAO Miao, ZHANG Deng-hong, SHEN Yan-fen
    2021, 60(24):  76-78.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.017
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    Five ideal agents for the prevention and control of viral diseases were screened out, including morinidine hydrochloride, amino-oligosaccharide, antichitin, ningnanmycin, viralin. Taking Enshi prefecture local agricultural use of self-retention species Mira as the research subject, combining relevant agronomic measures, the prevention and control effects of the above five agents were studied for viral diseases. The results showed that amino-oligosaccharide and mononidine had better control effect on potato virus disease, and the relative control effect was 55.06% and 44.95%, respectively, and the yield increase was 22.71% and 21.38%, respectively, compared with CK.
    Field efficacy of Bacillus thuringiensis NBIN863 on the late stage of muskmelon root-knot nematode disease
    CHEN Ling, LIU Nan-xi, WANG Meng-si, WANG Yue-ying, ZHU Lei, QIU Yi-min, MIN Yong, ZHOU Rong-hua, LIU Xiao-yan
    2021, 60(24):  79-82.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.018
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    To detect the efficacy of Bacillus thuringiensis NBIN863 against crop root-knot nematode disease in the field, the muskmelon plants with severe root-knot nematode disease in the greenhouse were irrigated, and the efficacy of NBIN863 against the nematode disease was investigated. The results showed that when the muskmelon was harvested 30 days later, in the group treated with NBIN863 agent, the proportion of dead plants was 40.00%, the average weight of obtained muskmelon was 2.41 kg, and the number of nematodes in muskmelon rhizosphere soil was about 22 heads per gram of rhizosphere soil. Compared with the control group treated with avermectin and water, the NBIN863 agent significantly reduced the root-knot nematode disease, improved the plant survival rate, and increased the muskmelon yield.
    Control effect and safety of 960 g/L metolachlor EC against weeds in tomato fields
    HUANG Jing, YE Shi-lun, ZHU Jian-yi, XIAO Xue-qin, CHEN Jiu-xun
    2021, 60(24):  83-85.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.019
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    In order to underatand controlling effect and safety of 960 g/L metolachlor EC against weeds in tomato fields. Tomato variety of Chuanke No.8 was used as experimental materials,control effect and safety of 960 g/L metolachlor EC against annual grass weeds and some broadleaf weeds in tomato fields was studied by field plot test. The results showed that the control effect against Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop., Echinochloa colonum (L.) Link., Ludwigia hyssopifolia (G.Don)Exell, Amaranthus lividus L., Cyperus difformis L. was excellent by soil spray treatment, 1~2 days before tomato transplanting. The recommended dose (formulation amount) was 750.0~862.5 mL/hm2[720~828 (a.i.)g/hm2]. Control effect of 960 g/L metolachlor EC against common annual grass weeds and some broadleaf weeds in tomato fields was excellent. However, due to the rain on the day after spraying, the tomato plant heights in the treatment areas were inhibited to some extent, and the plants were dwarfed, resulting in different degrees of yield reduction.
    Studies on Echinochloa crusgalli for the screening of microbial herbicides
    ZHANG Zhi-gang, WANG Kai-mei, WU Zhao-yuan, WAN Zhong-yi, FANG Wei
    2021, 60(24):  86-89.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.020
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    Digitaria sanguinalis as a reference target, the sensitivity of Echinochloa crusgalli was tested by 96-well plate assay with agar solution and small potted method. The comparison of herbicidal activities of herbicide standard compound, the fermentation broth of herbicide standard strain from fungi and actinomycetes was carried out by 96-well plate assay; The comparison of herbicidal activities of the fermentation broth of standard strain of fungi and actinomycetes was carried out by small potted method. The results showed that the sensitivity of Echinochloa crusgalli in 96-well plate assay was poor, especially not suitable for the screening of microbial herbicidal against Echinochloa crusgalli; The sensitivity of Echinochloa crusgalli and Digitaria sanguinalis in small potted method was similar, which was suitable for the microbial herbicide screening against Echinochloa crusgalli, with the outstanding advantages of high stability, strong resistance to microbial pollution, simple operation and so on; In view of the low sensitivity of Echinochloa crusgalli in herbicide screening, the method of selecting appropriate seedling stage was optimized.
    Preliminary report on diseases and insect pests of loquat in Tongshan county and their control methods
    YUAN Guan-qiang, MEI Xian-qin, WU Zheng-li, BAO Hui-fang, WAN Zhong-yi, CHEN Yun-feng, WANG Hui-liang, HUANG Shu-min, MIN Yong, LONG Tong
    2021, 60(24):  90-93.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.021
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    In order to fully understand the occurrence and damage of loquat diseases and insect pests in Tongshan county, a systematic survey was conducted in Tongshan county, Hubei province from 2019 to 2021. The results showed that a total of 19 species of loquat diseases and insect pests were found in Tongshan county, including 9 diseases and 10 insect pests. Based on the comprehensive analysis of the damage degree and long-term observation, the present control targets of loquat in Tongshan county of Hubei province were yellow caterpillar of loquat, longicorn longicorn, wood lice, gray butterfly of loquat, leaf spot and rot. In addition, the damage of freezing was also serious, and the prevention and control of these main diseases and insect pests are summarized.
    Screening of high-efficiency bioflocculant-producing actinobacteria and preliminary optimization of medium composition
    TIAN Yu-xi, CHEN Ling, MIN Yong, YANG Zi-wen
    2021, 60(24):  94-97.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.022
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    In order to develop a strain with high flocculation activity for rural sewage treatment, actinomycete ws75382 with the flocculation rate 91.9% of kaolin was identified by 16S rDNA, and its medium composition were optimized by single factor test and orthogonal test. 16S rDNA identification showed that actinomycetes ws75382 had the highest similarity with Streptomyces cyslabdanicus. The initial culture medium of actinomycetes ws75382 had many components, and the concentration of carbon and nitrogen sources was higher. The optimized medium composition reduced the nitrogen sources by one component, and the concentrations of carbon and nitrogen sources reduced 40% and 30%, respectively. The optimized culture medium components were soybean powder 15 g/L, glucose 14 g/L, sodium chloride 8 g/L and calcium carbonate 3 g/L, and under the conditions the flocculation rate of kaolin was nealy 100%.
    Herbicidal activity of Alternaria perpunctulata NBERC_H56 to Digitaria sanguinalis and the secondary metabolites produced by the strain
    WU Zhao-yuan, REN Meng-yao, ZHANG Zhi-gang, LIU Fang, ZHANG Ya-ni, FANG Wei
    2021, 60(24):  98-100.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.023
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    A pathogenic fungus NBERC_H56 was isolated from the diseased plant of Digitaria sanguinalis, identified as Alternaria perpunctulata, and its fermentation broth had an obvious inhibitory effect on the growth of the seedlings of Digitaria sanguinalis. In order to clarify the active substance basis of NBERC_H56, the secondary metabolites of the strain were studied. The results showed that three compounds were obtained by large-scale fermentation, extraction and preparation via high performance liquid chromatography, and were identified as Curvulin (1), Alternariol (2) and Zinniol (3) by LC-MS and NMR. Alternaria perpunctulata was found to have herbicidal activity for the first time, and its secondary metabolites were isolated and identified for the first time.
    The study of antimicrobial drugs screening using Connectivity Map database
    LIU Man-li, SHU Fen, ZHANG Ya-ni, FANG Wei, WANG Kai-mei, WU Zhao-yuan
    2021, 60(24):  101-104.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.024
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    In order to screen new antibacterial agents and verify their antibacterial activity in vitro, the antimicrobial agents were screened by Connectivity Map (Cmap) database based on the gene chip results of streptococcus suis infected THP-1 cells. Antibacterial potential drugs were screened and the minimum inhibitory concentration(MIC) and the inhibitory effect on hemolytic activity of Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylicoccus aureus, Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, and Streptococcus suis were determined in vitro. The results showed that three alkaloids lycorine, betonicine and ellipticine, were screened out by Cmap. The MIC results showed that ellipticine had significant inhibitory effect on Escherichia coli, Staphylicoccus aureus, Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, and Streptococcus suis. And ellipticine had significant inhibitory effect on hemolytic activity of Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus suis. But the antibacterial effect of lycorine and betonicine were not significant.
    Study on the mutation of proteinase K and its properties
    WANG Ying, LIU Xiao-yan, MIN Yong, ZHOU Rong-hua, RAO Ben
    2021, 60(24):  105-107.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.025
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    A wild-type proteinase K expression strain was obtained. Then three amino acid residue positions that had potential effects on its thermal stability were obtained through software prediction, and point mutations were performed on them in Pichia pastoris GS115, respectively. Secreted expression was carried out, a proteinase K mutant pPicZαA-PK108 with a 30% increase in thermal stability and an approximately 50% increase in specific activity was obtained. This study had played a certain role in promoting the application of proteinase K in industry. It can reduce the amount of proteinase K used in detergent and food industry, and reduce production costs. In addition, it can also improve the efficiency of virus inactivation in sewage and reduce the environment pollution.
    Investigation on alien invasive plants in the green space of the main urban park in Chongqing city
    CHEN Shuang, WANG Sheng, CHEN Xin-xin
    2021, 60(24):  108-111.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.026
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    The species composition, origin and faunal composition of alien invasive plants in the green space of the main urban park in Chongqing were analyzed. The results showed that there were 41 species of alien invasive plants belonging to 34 genera and 19 families in the green spaces of Chongqing's main urban parks. Among them, garden invasive plants belonged to 17 species belonging to 15 genera and 11 families, and garden invasive weeds belonged to 24 species belonging to 19 genera and 10 families, the rest were weeds, the most were species of Asteraceae; In terms of origin, 33 species are from America, the largest number of species, and the rest are from Europe, Asia, Africa, etc. In terms of family composition, single species and small family constituted the main body of alien invasive plant family in the green space of chongqing main city park. In terms of floristic composition, the floristic composition of both families and genera has obvious tropical floristic characteristics.
    Association analysis on the dormancy degree and physical parameters in three species of weed seeds
    ZHANG Deng-hong, XIAO Chun-fang, WANG Zhen, GAO Jian-hua, ZHANG Yuan-xue, YAN Lei, ZOU Ying, SHEN Yan-fen
    2021, 60(24):  112-114.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.027
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    In order to explore the correlation between dormancy degree of weed seeds and physical parameters, weed seeds were selected as experimental materials and widely distributed in farmland. The dormancy characteristics of three weeds Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop., Galinsoga parviflora Cav., and Polygonum persicaria L., which affected the growth of various crops, were studied. The results showed that the pH of seeds of Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. had a good linear correlation with germination rate; The seeds pH and the electrical conductivity of Galinsoga parviflora Cav. had good linear correlation with the germination rate of seeds. The linear correlation between the electrical conductivity and the germination rate in Polygonum persicaria L. seeds was obvious.
    Horticulture & Local Products
    Comparison of ornamental characters and cross-compatibility in Hippeastrum rutilum Cultivars
    MENG Qing-zhong, LYU Bo, GUO Cong, CHEN Feng, XIANG Fa-yun
    2021, 60(24):  115-119.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.028
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    31 Hippeastrum rutilum cultivars were used for observation and statistical analysis of their ornamental characters, and their cross compatibility was also studied. The results showed that different varieties of Hippeastrum rutilum had obvious differences in ornamental characters. The pure color varieties had red, orange, pink, white, etc., and the complex color varieties had stripes, spots and red edges on the basis of the main color system. The flower diameter of different varieties ranged from 5.2 to 23.1 cm, and the scape height ranged from 10.2 to 50.6 cm. Filament and style color is basically the same as the main color of petals, and anther color are yellow, purple, pink, white and so on. After pollination,Neno,Terra Mystica and Sweet Lillian do not bear fruit, while Picotee,Royal Velvet and Charisma all have good cross-compatibility.
    Comparative analysis of the nutritional composition and antioxidant properties of four sand pear fruits in area of southern China
    YANG Li, CHENG Yin-sheng, WU Tao, LIU Zheng, NIE Xian-shuang, QIN Zhong-qi
    2021, 60(24):  120-123.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.029
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    The nutrient components and antioxidant performance indexes of four sand pear cultivars, Cuiguan, Cuiyu, Jinshui NO.2 and Xinshui pear cultivated in southern China were measured and analyzed. The results showed that the Jinshui NO.2 pear had the highest content of vitamin C, which was (3.59±0.02) mg/100 g; The Xinshui pear had the highest content of soluble solid, which was 12.32%±0.38%; The content of titratable acid in Cuiguan pear was the lowest, which was (0.60±0.07) g/kg; The Cuiyu pear had the lowest content of total phenol, which was (0.035±0.003) mg GAE/g, which cultivar of the fruit flesh was most resistant to browning. Correlation analysis showed that vitamin C and titratable acid were important factors affecting the antioxidant capacity of the pulp of these four sand pears. There was a significant positive correlation between total phenol and fruit soluble solid content, which was also a key factor to evaluate the nutritional level of sand pear fruit.
    The growth characteristics of 2-year-old container seedlings of Phoebe zhennan cultured in different substrate formulas
    YANG Jie-feng, LUO Hai-bing, WANG Yang, HU Jian-min, XU Xiao-ting
    2021, 60(24):  124-129.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.030
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    To optimize the 2-year-old container seedling process of Phoebe zhennan, yellow topsoil, river sand, vermiculite and rotten sawdust were selected as the substrate ingredients, and three different substrate treatments were designed by single factor randomized block design to survey the growth of basal diameter and seedling height of Phoebe zhennan container seedlings. Logistic equation, chanter equation, exponential equation and single molecule equation were used to fit the growth model of container seedlings cultured in different substrates. Critical weighting method was used to determine the weights of seedling growth and grading parameters and the evaluation indexes of container seedlings of Phoebe zhennan was established. The results showed that there were significant differences in basal diameter and seedling height between different substrate formulas and the CK; The growth tendency of basal diameter and seedling height of 2-year-old Phoebe zhennan container seedlings in different substrate formulas was multiple “fast-slow-fast-slow” in the growing process. The change trend of basal diameter and seedling height was basically consistent with the growth time at the seedling stage; Logistic model had the optimal goodness-of-fit on the growth dynamics of 2-year-old container seedlings of Phoebe zhennan. The ratio of height to diameterand and the qualified rate of grade I seedlings were the key factors for the evaluation of seedling or substrate formulas. The formula of 30% river sand + 70% loess was a low input and high output substrate formula for container seedling of Phoebe zhennan.
    Effects of meteorological conditions at different altitudes on frozen,heat injury and fruit quality of Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl.
    WEI Hua-bing, CHEN Zheng-hong, HE Hua-ping, WANG Hui-liang, LUO Xiang, JIANG E, ZHANG Peng
    2021, 60(24):  130-135.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.031
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    Based on the results of random sampling survey and fruit quality measurement of Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl. at different planting heights in Tongshan county, Hubei province in May 2020, combined with the vertical distribution characteristics of meteorological elements in Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl. planting area of Tongshan county, the effects of altitude on frozen, heat injury and fruit quality of Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl. were analyzed, and the qualitative meteorological factors were analyzed. The results showed that the frozen and heat injury of Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl. varied regularly with altitude. Generally, the frozen injury increased with altitude, while the heat injury decreased with altitude. However, the degree of frozen injury decreased significantly in the inversion area of hilly hillside at the altitude of 150~250 m; In the area around the reservoir about 1 km below the altitude of 120 m, the degree of heat injury showed a downward trend. Mountain inversion and water temperature effect would affect the distribution of extreme low (high) temperature at different altitudes. The degree of frozen injury of Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl. in mountain inversion layer was lighter, and the heat injury near water area was significantly less. The quality indexes of Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl. such as weight, vertical diameter, soluble solid content, titratable acid content and solid acid ratio, varied regularly with altitude. Among them, the relationship between the weight of single fruit and the average temperature days of 15~20 ℃ in growth period, the content of soluble solid and the days of average temperature ≥25 ℃, titratable acid content and the daily temperature difference of fruit expansion period were significant, which were the essential meteorological factors of fruit quality change with altitude.
    Evaluation of radish varieties in Hubei alpine exhibition
    ZHU Feng-juan, JIAO Zhen-biao, YAN Chen-huan, CUI Lei, DENG Xiao-hui, QIU Zheng-ming, TAN Luo-fei
    2021, 60(24):  136-143.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.032
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    172 participating radishes (Raphanus sativus L.) were evaluated at Hubei Alpine vegetable experimental station, Huoshaoping Township, Changyang Tujia Autonomous County, the main Alpine vegetable producing area at an altitude of 1 800 m. The results showed that 15 excellent varieties were screened out., The varieties with good comprehensive performance of white skin stick radish are RD-16, RD-17, RD-31, RD-53, RD-68, RD-85, RD-154, RD-167 and RD-170. The varieties with good comprehensive performance of white skin flat radish are RD-15. The varieties with good comprehensive performance of green skin radish are RD-171. The varieties with good comprehensive performance of red skin and purple skin radish are RD-39, RD-41, RD-42 and RD-124.
    Development path of traditional Chinese medicine industry in the hilly area of Xianning city
    QIU Shou-zhe, ZHENG Li, XIA Wen-juan, SHI Shi-sheng, YANG Shuo, XU Sheng-wu, LI Jing-ying
    2021, 60(24):  144-150.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.033
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    Taking Xianning city of Hubei province as the research object, SWOT method was used to analyze the characteristics of environmental resource elements in Xianning city, clarify the development direction of the traditional Chinese medicine industry, optimize the development system and spatial layout of industry, in order to provide reference for the development path of traditional Chinese medicine industry in the hilly area of the south.
    Study on functional components and targets of walnut in prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease based on network pharmacology
    XU Cheng-mei, CHEN Dan, XU Dong-yue, ZHAO-QING Yu-jing, LIN Yu-ping, ZHAO Sheng-lan
    2021, 60(24):  151-159.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.034
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    The mechanism of walnut(Juglans regia L.) in prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease(AD) was explored based on network pharmacology. The active components and potential targets of walnut were obtained by TCMSP database and literature mining. The prediction and screening of AD related genes were performed using databases such as OMIM; Cytoscape 3.7.2 software was used to construct a “drug-active component-disease-target” network to formation of the interactive relationship of walnuts toprevent AD components and target, and analysis of GO function and KEGG pathway enrichment. The results showed that 29 walnut active ingredients were screened, 17 of which had 159 AD-related targets. PTGS1/2, RXRA, RELA, MAOB and NOS3 may be the key targets of AD. The main signal pathways were AGE-RAGE signaling pathway, atherosclerosis, PI3K-Akt signaling pathway, IL-17 signaling pathway and HIF-1 signaling pathway. Walnut can prevent and control AD through multi-component, multi-target, and multi-pathway. The components with the most targets are quercetin, oleic acid, and ellagic acid; the targets affected by the most compounds are prostaglandin G/H synthase, retinoic acid receptor RXR-alpha, transcription factor p65, amine oxidase [flavin-containing] B and nitric oxide synthase.
    Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine
    Isolation,identification and biological characteristics of a multidrug-resistant enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli
    WANG Ning-ning, LI Xiao-yue, LIU Ze-wen, LIU Wei, GAO Ting, ZHOU Dan-na, YANG Ke-li, GUO Rui, LIANG Wan, CHEN Wen-jie, BEI Wei-cheng, TIAN Yong-xiang, YUAN Fang-yan
    2021, 60(24):  160-163.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.035
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    Newborn piglets on a pig farm in Hubei province developed a disease with severe diarrhea, discharge of yellow feces and rapid dehydration death as the main symptoms. The disease materials submitted for inspection were identified through bacterial culture, gram staining, PCR and other methods to determine the newborn piglets. The disease is caused by infection with enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli. The results of the drug sensitivity test showed that the isolated strain was sensitive to quinolones, aminoglycosides, cephalosporins and other drugs; it was resistant to penicillins, tetracyclines,chloramphenicol,sulfonamides and ampicillin, florfenicol, tetracycline, doxycycline, sulfisoxazole, etc.
    Study on the application of fermented Chinese medicine preparation to replace antibiotics in broiler diet
    WANG Dan, CUI Wei-tao, WANG Chun, KUANG Shi-chang, XU Qing-rong, XIAO Yun-cai, LI Zi-li, ZHOU Zu-tao
    2021, 60(24):  164-168.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.036
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    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of fermented Chinese medicine (FCM) on broiler production performance, serum antioxidant index, immune function, intestinal morphology and caecum flora, and provide technical support for the application of FCM preparation in broiler production. A total of 288 1-day-old AA broilers were randomly divided into 3 groups, the control group was fed with basal diet, the antibiotic group was fed with basal diet containing 50 g/t chlortetracycline, and the FCM preparation group was fed with basal diet supplemented with 3 kg/t probiotic FCM preparation. The experimental period was 42 days. The results showed that the output weight of FCM preparation group was higher than that of control group and test group. Compared with the control group and the experimental group, the average daily gain of FCM group was increased by 8.19% (P<0.05) and 4.61% (P<0.05), respectively. The feed to meat ratio was significantly decreased by 0.02 (P>0.05) compared with the antibiotic group. The serum antioxidant index was improved by FCM preparation. Compared with the antibiotic group, the thymus index of the FCM group increased by 61.96% (P<0.05), and serum IL-1β, the content of endotoxin decreased by 28.73% (P<0.05) and 23.36% (P<0.05), and the content of IL-6 and IL-10 increased by 117.63% P<0.05) and 36.85% (P>0.05), respectively. Compared with the control group and antibiotic group, the sIgA content of ileum and cecum in the FCM group increased by 44.2% (P<0.05) and 66.9% (P<0.05) respectively, and 43.4% (P<0.05) and 65.5% (P<0.05) respectively. Compared with the control group and antibiotic group, the VH/VD values of ileum and cecum in the FCM preparation group were significantly increased. Compared with the control group and antibiotic group, the content of Lactobacillus in the FCM preparation group was the highest, increased by 40.66% and 24.27% (P<0.05), the number of Faecalis prussii increased by 12.44% and 3.42% (P<0.05), and the content of Salmonella decreased by 17.76% and 20.96% (P<0.05). The FCM preparation had good probiotic function, which could improve the disease resistance, regulate the intestinal morphology and beneficial flora, and promote the production performance.
    Storage & Processing
    Isolation and identification of bacteria in fresh potato noodles and screening of bacteriostatic substances
    WEI Xiong-bo, BAI Yong-hong, BAO Yi-jiang, WANG Ya-jie, LIU Qian, REN Jian-fang, CHEN Guo-liang
    2021, 60(24):  169-172.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.037
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    In order to explore the bacteria causing pollution and deterioration of fresh potato noodles during storage and find suitable bacteriostatic substances to prolong its fresh-keeping period. The contaminated bacteria were isolated and purified by plate line separation method, and preliminarily identified by morphological characteristics, physical and chemical properties and 16S rDNA sequence. The bacteriostatic test was carried out by adding 4 kinds of bacteriostatic substances such as sodium diacetate, potassium sorbate, crude extract from star anise essential oil and crude extract of citrus essential oil by filter paper method. The results showed that four strains were initially isolated from the contaminated potato noodles, one of which was Curtobacterium. The four bacteriostatic substances had certain bacteriostatic effects on the three susceptible bacteria of Curtobacterium, Escherichia and Bacillus Cohn, and sodium diacetate solution had the best bacteriostatic effect at the same concentration and could be used as a candidate inhibitor for fresh potato noodles susceptible bacteria.
    Optimization of ultrasonic-assisted extraction of polyphenols from Chenopodium quinoa Willd. by response surface methodology and its antioxidant activity
    ZHU Kong-fei, WU Rong-zhen, WU Zi-wei, CHENG Li-na, SONG Ru
    2021, 60(24):  173-177.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.038
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    Taking red Chenopodium quinoa Willd. as the materials, the ultrasonic-assisted extraction method was applied to extract polyphenols from Chenopodium quinoa Willd.. The effects of particle size of material, the ratio of liquid to material, the extraction time and the extraction temperature on the extraction rate of polyphenols from Chenopodium quinoa Willd. were investigated by single-factor test. The response surface methodology was used to optimize ultrasonic-assisted water extraction of polyphenols from Chenopodium quinoa Willd. at room temperature and obtained the optimum conditions as follows: The particle size of 80 meshes, the ratio of liquid to material 100∶1(mL/g), and the extraction time of 20 min. Under the optimum conditions, the extraction rate of polyphenols reached to 0.53%. The antioxidant analysis showed that the obtained polyphenols from Chenopodium quinoa Willd. extracts demonstrated strong DPPH scavenging capacity and total antioxidant capacity.
    Analysis and evaluation of heat-not-burn cigarette and traditional cigarette pyrolysis products by fingerprint
    YANG Xue-yan, DUAN Qin, TIAN Fei-yu, YANG Yi, KEN Sheng-ye
    2021, 60(24):  178-183.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.039
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    A pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) method was developed to obtain the fingerprint of tobacco materials, the tobacco material ingredients of 6 domestic and foreign brands of heat-not-burn cigarettes and 3 domestic brands of traditional cigarettes were determined. The similarity value of Py-GC/MS fingerprint data of tobacco materials was calculated, and the cluster analysis method was used to evaluate the composition differences of tobacco materials. The results showed that a total of 32 common peaks were screened from HNB and TC fingerprints obtained by Py-GC/MS. Among which, the compounds with higher content of HNB than that of TC were glyceryl acetate and glycerol, while the compounds with higher content of TC were mainly the pyrolysis products of carbohydrate; The pyrolysis product fingerprints of HNB and TC had a low similarity value (0.304~0.703), while the fingerprints between HNB and between TC had a high similarity value, which were 0.878~0.999 and 0.986~0.998, respectively; Through cluster pattern recognition, TC and HNB tobacco materials were completely divided into two categories, and HNB tobacco materials were further divided into two categories according to obvious differences in preparation process. This study results can provide a basis for the discrimination of different tobacco materials.
    Detection Analysis
    Determination method of lincomycin hydrochloride soluble powder content
    DONG Shu-xiang, WANG Jun, CHEN Xiang-dan, DING Yang
    2021, 60(24):  184-186.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.040
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    To establish and verify a HPLC method for the determination of lincomycin hydrochloride soluble powder. The determination was performed on a C18 column (4.6 mm×150 mm,5 μm) at 214 nm with mobile phase of 0.02 mol/L diammonium hydrogen phosphate and acetonitrile (75∶25,V/V) at the flow rate of 1.0 mL/min. The column temperature was 30 ℃. The results showed that lincomycin showed a good linear relationship between the peak area and the concentration in the range of 0.1~4.0 mg/mL, the correlation coefficient was 0.999 7 (n=8), the average recovery was 99.5%, RSD was 1.2%. The content of salt in the mobile phase was reduced, the pollution of salt solution to chromatographic column was reduced, the theoretical plate number of chromatographic peak was increased, and the mobile phase preparation was convenient and fast.
    Analysis and evaluation of flower stalk nutritional quality of different double-low rapeseed varieties(Brassica napus L.)
    WANG Jian-ping, ZHANG Shu-fen, CHEN Ming-li, ZHU Jia-cheng, CAI Dong-fang, HE Jun-ping
    2021, 60(24):  187-190.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.041
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    In order to clarify the nutritional quality characteristics of flower stalk of different rapeseedvarieties(Brassica napus L.), the nutritional quality of three double-low rapeseedvarieties is analyzed, and compared with that of a cruciferous vegetable Chinese cabbageunder the same cultivation conditions. Theresearch shows that three double-low rapeseedvarieties are different in nine quality indicators, i.e., vitamin B1, vitamin B2,vitamin C, protein, soluble sugar, crude fiber, calcium, iron and zinc. Specifically speaking, the coefficients of variation for content of vitamin B2, soluble sugar, zinc and calcium are greater than 10.000%,indicating that a big difference betweenthese varieties, while the coefficients of variation for content of vitamin C, vitamin B1, protein, crude fiber and iron are less than 10.000%, suggesting a small difference betweenthese varieties. There is an extremelysignificant positive correlation between zinc andvitamin C as well as zinc and protein content, with the correlation coefficients 0.857 8 and 0.866 4,respectively. The protein content is extremelysignificant positively correlated with vitamin B1 content and vitamin B2 content, with the respective correlation coefficients 0.865 3 and 0.838 7. Calcium content is negatively correlated with other nutritional quality indexes, without reaching a significant level. Compared with the Chinese cabbage,the comprehensive nutritional components of flower stalk in the double-low rapeseed are higher, wherein the vitamin C content and zinc content are more than 1.7 times of those in the Chinese cabbage,the iron content is more than 1.3 times of that in the Chinese cabbage. These suggest that flower stalk of the double-low rapeseed hasricher nutrition and higher edible value than the Chinese cabbage.
    Agricultural Engineering
    Structure optimization design and experiment of polyploid rice processing equipment
    WANG Rui, LI Jian-hong, XIAO Chong-ye, WANG Cheng, XIE Jing-bo, PANG Xiong-bin, SHU Hong-jie, PENG Zi-heng
    2021, 60(24):  191-193.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.042
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    The geometric characteristics and processing experiments of polyploid rice were carried out,because of the current situation that conventional rice huller and mill equipment could not meet the requirements of polyploid rice processing technology. The cot support, pressure between rolls, cot material of the existing huller, as well as the structure parameters of the existing rice mill, such as cot material, grain size of the cot, “gas storage” structure, rice knife material, etc were optimized.The experiment results showed that the rate of broken rice of rice huller and mill was significantly reduced after some structural improvement and parameter optimization, but it was still much higher than that of Early Indica Rice, which needed further structural optimization and research and development.
    Adaptability test of no-tillage alf-tillages eeder of heat after ice in Xiangyang
    TANG Qing, LING Dong, ZHANG Dao-rong, SUN Hua-wei, LIU Xian-bin, TAN Yong-qiang, ZHOU Fang-ju, TANG Qing-yi, TANG San-ming, WEI Jing
    2021, 60(24):  194-196.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.043
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    Wheat-rice rotation is an important planting pattern in Xiangyang city. In order to solve the outstanding problems of low sowing, seedling quality and yield of rice-stubble wheat in this region, “zefeng 2BMF-12” no-tillage half-tillage seeder was introduced from Sichuan province to Xiangyang city through China agriculture research system in 2017. After continuous improvement of technology, the sowing quality and yield have been significantly improved. The experiment results showed that the seed exposing rate and ridge-breaking length of the no-tillage half-tillage strip planting method reduced by 79.3% and 83.3%, which compared with the conventional tillage sowing method during 2017 to 2018. Many demonstration pieces increased yield by 11.0%~13.2%, saving cost and increasing efficiency by 2 241.90 yuan per hectare on average.
    Land surface emissivity dataset of desert underlying surface in arid area based on FTIR measurement
    LIU Kai-lu, WANG Yuan-hong, Ali Mamtimin, YANG Fan, LIU Yong-qiang
    2021, 60(24):  197-202.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.044
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    Land Surface Emissivity(LSE) is the most important parameter in Land Surface Models to simulate the long wave radiation and Land Surface Temperature(LST). In order to solve the problem of lack measured data on the underlying surface of desert. Fourier transform thermal infrared spectrometer (FTIR) to observe the surface radiation spectrum of the wavelength in 8~14 μm thermal infrared atmospheric window was used. after cold and hot blackbody correction and the diffuse reflection gold board, we calculated emissivity spectrum of the wavelength range, by Using discretization algorithm to convert the surface emissivity spectral data into the surface emissivity values to establish the land surface emissivity dataset. Results showed that the 10 Observation points are evenly distributed across the Taklimakan desert (The distribution of observation points along oasis and oasis-desert Ecotone and central Taklimakan desert), In arid region, the dataset can provide good verification data for retrieving LSE and LST from satellite data and support for the application of the bare soil in the land surface process.
    Economy & Management
    Research on farmer’s local urbanization in the background of urban and rural economic and social dual structure
    HUANG Wen-jing
    2021, 60(24):  203-209.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.045
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    Under the background of urban and rural economic and social dual structure, China’s new urbanization strategic center has gradually transformed into population urbanization, and some rural areas have begun to implement local urbanization. By establishing the measurement system of farmers’ local urbanization, the development level of farmers’ local urbanization in Z province in 2010 and 2015 were measured, and the influencing factors analysis model of farmers’ local urbanization was constructed by using the geographically weighted regression method, and the effect differences of the impact of transportation location, public services and industrial economy on farmers’ local urbanization were discussed. The results showed that the local urbanization of farmers in Z province was mainly affected by the convenience of transportation and innovation ability in 2010, and it was mainly affected by road accessibility, medical care and innovation ability in 2015. The influence intensity of each factor was different in different areas of Z province, the northern area was mainly influenced by innovation ability, road accessibility and medical treatment, the eastern area was mainly influenced by innovation ability and transportation convenience, and the southern and western areas were mainly influenced by innovation ability. Finally, some relevant policy suggestions of promoting farmers’ local urbanization were put forward, in order to provide theoretical reference for the development of local urbanization of Chinese farmers.
    Research on the operation mode planning of agricultural and rural maker space in Zhejiang province
    ZHANG Meng-xin, JI Hao, ZHOU Xiao-guang
    2021, 60(24):  210-213.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.046
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    Empirical investigation about the present situation of Zhejiang province agricultural and rural maker space, analyzed its problems in the process of development of deep level reasons, proposed 8 classes and the running mode of agricultural and rural maker space, for all levels of management institutions and decision-making reference agricultural and rural maker space subject, in order to promoted the higher quality, higher efficiency of the service “three dimensional rural issues”, finally drive Zhejiang province comprehensive revitalization of the country.
    Analysis on the input-output efficiency of leisure agriculture star enterprises in Chengde city
    ZHANG Bo-ran, BAI Xiang
    2021, 60(24):  214-219.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.047
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    A total of 24 leisure agriculture star enterprises in Chengde city that including picking park, leisure agriculture park and leisure agriculture zone were selected to calculate the input-output efficiency by using data envelopment analysis (DEA). The results showed that the comprehensive efficiency ranking of the three leisure agriculture types was leisure agriculture zone>picking park>leisure agriculture park. This study also analyzed the reasons for the ineffectiveness of the operation efficiency DEA of four enterprises, and through the analysis of influencing factors of efficiency, put forward countermeasures and suggestions for the development of leisure agricultural enterprises in Chengde city.
    Research on the development countermeasures of aquaculture industry in Tuanfeng county
    ZHANG Jing-ya, XU Shuang-qian
    2021, 60(24):  220-223.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.048
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    During the rapid development of the various industries, the economic growth model of the fishery was also changing. From the past pure pursuit of yield growth to the pursuit of quality and efficiency improvement, the transformation of the fishery was about to face major challenges. In this background, the development status and effectiveness of the aquaculture industry in Tuanfeng county were summarized, the issues arising in the development were put forward, and the corresponding sustainable development directions and strategies were put forward based on the existing resource analysis of Tuanfeng county.
    Rural Revitalization
    Practice and thinking of beautiful rural construction:Taking Jingzhou city of Hubei province as an example
    GUO Xin-lin
    2021, 60(24):  224-227.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.049
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    Beautiful rural construction is a systematic project, involving rural politics, economy, culture, industry and other aspects, it is a powerful fulcrum in promoting rural economic and social development, and an inevitable requirement for the full realization of rural revitalization. Taking Jingzhou city of Hubei province as an example, the advantageous conditions and specific practice of developing beautiful villages were deeply expounded, the successful experience of advanced areas were analyzed, some corresponding development suggestions were put forward, in order to provide some theoretical reference for the development of agricultural and rural modernization in Jingzhou city.
    Exploration and practice of model 1333 in the pilot project of new rural community construction in Baihe county
    HE Jia-li, LI Jing-jing, FENG Feng-shou
    2021, 60(24):  228-232.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.24.050
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    As a link in the process of urbanization, new rural community played an important role in promoting the construction of new rural community and promoting new urbanization. Baihe county, Shaanxi province, as a pilot unit of new rural community construction, had explored a unique “1333” model. By summarizing and sorting out the practice cases of the 1333 model of new rural community construction in Baihe county, the experience was summarized, in order to provide reference for the construction of new rural community in the relocation of poverty alleviation in inplaces in other areas.