Study on Pond Polyculture Modes with Aristichthys nobilis as Dominant Stocking Species
ZHANG Cong-yi, SHI Yi-yuan, ZHU Yong-fu, JIANG Jin-shan, LEI Xiao-zhong, ZHU Dai-hong, ZHENG Xi-bao, WANG Xiao-ling, LIU Xin-ming, LI Jin-zhong
2019, 58(4):
455 )
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In order to study pond polyculture modes with bighead carp Aristichthys nobilis as dominant stocking species, this work was carried out in four ponds with a total area of 7.3 hm2 in Jingmen city, Hubei province. Aristichthys nobilis with different body sizes were stocked in ponds at two different time. Meanwhile, the filter-feeding fish, herbivorous fish, omnivorous fish and ferocious carnivorous fish (reptiles) as supplementary fish species were cultured in the ponds primarily cultured with bighead carp. Fishes were fed with a ration of 30% Aristichthys nobilis powder and pellet feed, and simultaneously provided a small amount of biological fertilizer to cultivate natural food resources. Large-scale bighead carp were captured in the middle of the experiment period. The results showed that the highest average yield reached to 12 174 kg/hm2, and the lowest average yield was 6 283.5 kg/hm2. The production ratio of bighead carp averagely exceeded 50%. In Pond 1# and 4#, the cost of powder compound feed was 34 999.5 yuan/hm2 and 33 888 yuan/hm2, respectively. In Pond 2# and 3#, the cost of pellet feed was 50 334 yuan/hm2 and 52 614 yuan/hm2, respectively. There was a significant difference in feeding costs between two pond culture modes. As far as input-output ratio was concerned, the ratio of 1∶2.06 and 1∶1.85 were found in Pond 1# and 4#, respectively, which were better than those in Pond 2# (1∶1.46) and 3# (1∶1.63). The feeding competition relationship among the polyculture species(grass carp, crucian carp, blunt-snout bream and bighead carp) was found in Pond 2# and 3#. No disease occurred during the culture period, and the water quality was easily controlled. The results showed that Arisththys nobilis culture mode has advantages in cost control, market competition, ecological benefits, and food safety in the bulky freshwater fish industry.