
Table of Content

    10 May 2021, Volume 60 Issue 9
    Research progress of phage arbitrium communication system
    JIAO Wen-hao, XU Bing-hong, LIU Jing, LIU Pei-yuan, YAN Han-chi
    2021, 60(9):  5-9.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.09.001
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    During the infection of the host, the temperate bacteriophages can enter lytic or lysogenic life cycles according to the population density. In recent years, for SPbeta phages in Bacillus subtilis infection process, a communication system was found to determine the process of lysis-lysogeney. The communication system is called arbitrium communication system. Arbitrium communication system is composed of three phage genes:aimR,aimP,aimX. The AimR protein encoded by the aimR gene is the key protein of the arbitrium communication system. The arbitrium peptide is transported into the cell to bind with the AimR protein, which releases the regulation effect of the AimR protein on the aimX gene, allowing the bacteriophage to enter the lysogenic cycle. The structural characteristics of AimR and the mechanism of peptide action were reviewed, in order to provide valuable reference information for the in-depth study of this communication system and for disease control by Bacillus subtilis.
    Research progress on the effect of miRNA on rice stress response and yield regulation
    YU Ya-jie, LI Shao-qing
    2021, 60(9):  10-15.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.09.002
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    MicroRNA (miRNA) is a non-coding small RNA with a length of 20~24 nt. Organisms regulate autologous development and response to environmental stress through regulatory of miRNAs expression level in vivo, which affect the stability and translation of their target genes. MiRNAs play a significant role in rice yield andresponse to environmental stress through different regulatory pathways. The relevant researches on miRNA in rice yield increase and stress responsewas reviewed,in order to provide new research ideas for the exploitation of rice germplasm resources and the improvement of rice varieties.
    Breeding & Cultivation
    Response of soil moisture to precipitation and groundwater in summer maize growing season of Huaibei plain
    ZHANG Hao-qiang, ZHU Yong-hua, LYU Hai-shen, GOU Qi-qi
    2021, 60(9):  16-20.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.09.003
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    The transformation relationship between precipitation, soil water and groundwater is of great significance for water resources assessment, supply and demand forecasting, rational development and utilization of water resources and water-saving irrigation. In this paper, real-time monitoring of soil moisture, precipitation and groundwater in crop growth period was carried out at Wudaogou experimental station in Huaibei plain. Through the monitoring of precipitation, soil water and groundwater, the characteristic parameters algorithm and related analysis methods were used to study the response of soil moisture to precipitation and groundwater in the black soil area of the Huaibei plain. The results showed that precipitation with less rain intensity only disturbed the water content of surface soil; The trend of soil moisture change during crop growth period was opposite to the change of groundwater depth. The soil moisture content of 50 cm soil was the lowest in the growth period of summer maize, and the soil moisture content was the highest in 70 cm soil. When the precipitation in the growing season was small, the soil water and groundwater alternated more frequently. The correlation coefficient between precipitation and soil water in the study area was very low, and the relationship between precipitation and soil water cannot be expressed by a simple linear correlation. The soil moisture content of 10 cm, 50 cm and 70 cm was the best correlation with the soil moisture content of 30 cm. The groundwater depth and the soil moisture content of each layer were negatively correlated, and the correlation coefficient with the soil moisture content of 30 cm was the largest.
    Study on the systemicity of phenazine-1-carboxylic acid-valine conjugates in wheat plants
    DONG Qian, ZHAO Chi-na, LI Jun-kai
    2021, 60(9):  21-25.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.09.004
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    To clarify the uptake and translocation ability of phenazine-l-carboxylic acid-valine(PCA-Val) conjugate in wheat plants, using PCA-Val as a supplied test fungicides, the transportation and the contents of PCA-Val in leaves and roots of wheat plants were determined by ultra performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method after it was applied to leaves. The results showed that, for wheat plants at the tillering stage, when the concentration of the tested agents was 200 μmol/L, the content of the compounds could be detected in the roots of wheat plants, and the content of PCA-L-Val in the roots reached its peak of 15.50 μmol/kg after treatment for 18 h, and that of PCA-D-Val reached the peak at the same time, which was 11.37 μmol/kg. In addition, the conjugates could also be detected in the tiller leaves of wheat, and the content of PCA-L-Val in the tiller reached its peak of 8.74 μmol/kg after treatment for 3 h, while PCA-D-Val reached its peak of 4.54 μmol/kg at the same time. Study proves that, the PCA-valine conjugates has phloem mobility in wheat plants,and also has the particular systemicity from the main stem to the tillers, the systemic mobility of valine conjugates in L configuration were significantly higher than those in D configuration.
    Resource & Environment
    Comparative analysis of three models to the study on risk precipitation threshold value in Datong river basin
    LIU Yi-hua, LI Hong-mei, LI Lin, WANG Qing-chun, XU Xian-hua
    2021, 60(9):  26-31.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.09.005
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    Based on data from GIS information, meteorological stations and hydrological stations, the applicability study of risk precipitation in Datong river basin was carried out using SWAT model, HBV model and statistical model. The results indicated that, the middle rain and above the middle rain in Datong river mainly appeared from May to September, the cumulative number of times was 41 from 2007 to 2011, and the trend of frequency and intensity showed an obvious increasing. Through the results of the application of three models in Datong river basin and the test of the actual flood,the SWAT model was the best method to modify the runoff in the Datong river basin, with efficiency coefficient of 0.87 and R2 of 0.94 during the validation period, and with efficiency coefficient of 0.62 and R2 of 0.83 during the calibration period, and simulating runoff and observed runoff reached the testing standard; The coefficients of determination and NSE were 0.84 and 0.61 during the validation period with HBV model , but they were 0.81 and 0.51 during the calibration period, there was no good fitting rate using HBV model compared with SWAT model. If there is a long period of hydrological data in the basin, it is more scientific to use hydrological model to determine the critical rainfall. However, the statistical model, based on the regression relationship between precipitation and water level difference, does not consider the process of surface runoff formed from rainfall, so the threshold value determined is too large.
    Prediction and verification of dynamic model of temperature and humidity of greenhouse microclimate
    WEI Yu-fei, ZHAO Jian-gui, GAO An-qi, BAI Yun-fei, LI Zhi-wei
    2021, 60(9):  32-38.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.09.006
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    Taking Oumeijia tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Solyc) as the test material, adopting greenhouse matrix cultivation, using the internal and external environment data of tomato growth and development for 3 consecutive months, improved heat transfer theory and mass energy balance equation, the dynamic prediction model of temperature and humidity in the greenhouse was established and verified.Taking the glass greenhouse of Engineering College of Shanxi Agricultural University as an example, the dynamic model was established taking into account the indoor and outdoor solar radiation amount, indoor and outdoor temperature, wind speed, ventilation rate, envelope structure and other factors, and the model was used to analyze the temperature and humidity of tomato at each growth stage. The results showed that outdoor temperature and solar radiation were the main factors affecting indoor temperature (especially in winter, heating facilities should be considered), and indoor humidity was mainly affected by transpiration rate, indoor temperature and ventilation. The relative errors of temperature in each growth stage (seedling stage, flowering stage and fruiting stage) were 7.70%, 7.90% and 6.80%, absolute error were 1.42 ℃, 1.26 ℃, 1.05 ℃, and RMS standard error were 1.32 ℃, 1.39 ℃, 1.25 ℃, respectively; Relative error of humidity were 6.10%, 3.20%, 1.41%, absolute error were 4.08, 2.11, 1.35 percentage point, and the root-mean-square standard error were 3.73%, 2.16% and 1.11%, respectively. Which verifies that the model is reliable and effective and can provide model support for subsequent environmental control and decision management.
    Characteristics of the spatio-temporal changes of extreme temperatures in Tibet from 1971 to 2018
    HU Wen-yuan, LI Zhi-guo, YAO Rong-peng, ZHAO Jing-jing, FAN Rui-yi
    2021, 60(9):  39-45.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.09.007
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    Under the background of global warming, extreme temperature changes have become a serious threat to Tibetʼs economic and social development and ecological and environmental protection. Based on the daily maximum and minimum temperature in Tibet from 1971 to 2018, and 12 extreme air temperature indices recommended by international ETCCDI were computed to reveal the temporal and spatial variations of extreme temperature in Tibet. The results showed that, in the past 48 years, the cool days, cool nights, ice days, frost days, and diurnal temperature range in Tibet showed a downward trend, and the warm days, warm nights, summer days, max Tmax, max Tmin, min Tmax, and min Tmin showed an upward trend, and the changes were more obvious after the 1990s. The extreme temperature index (cold indices and warm indices) showed an asymmetric change in time, and the change range and rate of the cold indices were higher than the warm indices. Most extreme temperature indicators showed obvious changes from southeast to northwest. The most extreme temperature indices had no obvious correlation with longitude and latitude. Except that cool days, cool nights, warm days and diurnal temperature range had no obvious relationship with altitude, the other extreme temperature indexes were significantly related to altitude.
    Correlation analysis of meteorological factors and net primary productivity of plants of larch in Heilongjiang province
    ZHOU Xue
    2021, 60(9):  46-49.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.09.008
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    The main research area, and the meteorological data of Heilongjiang province in 2010, including the average temperature, precipitation, average wind speed and arerage relative humidity, as well as the fixed sample GPS point was selected as research date. Based on the meteorological data, three interpolation methods were used for interpolation analysis, and the optimal interpolation method corresponding to each meteorological factor was obtained after comparison and verification. Based on the meteorological data of Heilongjiang province in 2010 and the data of the fixed plot of larch forest and the allometric model of tree species in northeast China, the correlation between meteorological factors and net primary productivity of plants (NPP) of larch was studied. The results showed that, the optimal interpolation methods of the precipitation and mean temperature all were Kriging interpolation method, and the optimal interpolation methods of average wind speed and average relative humidity were the spline interpolation method and distance weight method respectively. NPP was weakly positively correlated with each meteorological factor. Among them, the correlation with the average temperature was the largest, and the correlation coefficient was 0.304 11. The correlation coefficient between NPP and relative humidity was 0.293 02, and the correlation coefficient with precipitation was 0.235 18. The correlation with the average wind speed was the smallest, and the correlation coefficient was 0.091 78.
    Spatial pattern evolution of land utilization in Hengshao drought corridor based on remote sensing
    ZAHO Sha, ZHENG Wen-wu
    2021, 60(9):  50-55.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.09.009
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    The Hengshao drought corridor is a typical arid area in the south. The unreasonable land use pattern exacerbates the risk of disaster occurrence. Therefore, the evolution of land use spatial pattern in the Hengshao drought corridor is of great significance for understanding the mechanism of drought. Using the remote sensing image data of the Hengshao drought corridor from 2000 to 2017, and GIS spatial analysis and land use change index model, the spatial distribution characteristics of land utilization of Hengshao drought corridor from 2000 to 2017 was quantitatively analyzed from the perspective of land use change speed and transfer direction, and the evolution law of land use under different drought degrees was analyzed combined with meteorological observation data. The results showed that the agricultural land area was decreasing with the acceleration of urbanization, from 52.63% in 2000 to 38.89% in 2017, mainly distributed in the main urban areas and surrounding counties, and the water area continued to shrink due to the aggravation of drought. Forest land, construction land and unused land (naked land) continued to expand, and the land use dynamics of construction land from 2009 to 2017 reached 22.84% per annum. The increase in the former was mainly attributed to the national policy of returning farmland to forests, and the latter two were attributed to rapid urbanization.
    Analysis of agricultural impact of groundwater quality in the Yingshouyingzi mining area
    GUO Jin-jin, WU Zhi-yong, MA Zhi-jun
    2021, 60(9):  56-60.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.09.010
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    This study paied more attention to the survey on the interfering factors about the groundwater on the basis of environmental impact assessment in the Yingshouyingzi mining area, Chengde city, Hebei province. The Nimero index method’s result displayed that the quality type of four wells in this mining area belonged to the third estate, however, the water quality was different among four wells. Through the survey of land use, domestic sewage and agricultural runoff, it founded that there were many residents and farmlands around the reserves, domestic the sewage and the agricultural fertilizer had seriously affected the quality of drinking-groundwater, which was the most important influencing factor that caused the deterioration of water environment.
    Drought analysis in the eastern plain of Henan province from 1956 to 2016
    YANG Dan, LI Zhong-yuan, WANG Guo-zhong, LIU Shou-dong, LUO Qing-yuan, LI Jia-hong
    2021, 60(9):  61-65.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.09.011
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    The methods of precipitation Z index, wavelet and anomaly analysis were used to analyze the drought in the Eastern plain of Henan province, so as to master its characteristics and laws of drought. The results showed that the annual frequency of drought in this area was 29.5%, the variation of the 1956 to 1967,1978 to 1986 and 1996 to 2004 sequences were obvious. The drought evolution was the most oscillatory in the 10a cycle scale, and was the main cycle. The frequency of the drought was between 24.7% and 34.2%, and the drought-prone areas were mainly concentrated in two zones. The average ratio of drought area was 30.03%, which showed a slow increasing trend. It can be seen that the region should strengthen water resources management developing high-efficiency water-saving and circular agriculture, to ensure food security.
    Research on the layout characteristics of urban settlements based on SNA
    SONG Zi-ming, CHEN Peng
    2021, 60(9):  66-71.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.09.012
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    In order to study the pressure of rapid population growth caused by rapid urbanization on urban infrastructure construction,Nanguan district of Changchun was taken as an example, the principle and method of social network analysis(SNA) was introduced, and the semantic model of “point” unit spatial combination and “line” relationship in Nanguan district of Changchun were constructed. In Ucinet, social network analysis software platform to build the whole network model of Nanguan district settlement calculation analysis among some center degrees, center, close to the center, such as the K-core data, based on specific relationships, Nanguan district residential areas can be divided into four regions, regarding the relationships between four regional planning, a quantitative visualization research method of urban settlements was built.
    Horticulture & Local Products
    Breeding of a flue-cured tobacco variety Ekao 030 and its evaluation
    CAO Jing-lin, CHENG Jun-qi, LI Ya-pei, WU Cheng-lin, ZHANG Jun-jie
    2021, 60(9):  72-77.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.09.013
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    In view of the ecological conditions in Hubei tobacco growing areas, new flue-cured tobacco varieties with strong adaptability and similar quality to major cv. K326 and Yunyan 87 were bred. A new flue-cured tobacco hybrid variety Ekao 030 was bred with K326 (quality flue-cured female variety) and Longjiang 911 (with resistance to brown spot, black shank, root knot nematode and PVY) as parents, respectively. It was identified and evaluated in Hubei tobacco variety test and national tobacco variety test. The experimental results showed that Ekao 030 possessed good adaptability, resistance to black shank and root knot nematode. The average yield, output value, average price and superior tobacco rate of this new variety were 2 222.10 kg/hm2, 48 782.55 yuan/hm2, 21.86 yuan/kg and 40.04% respectively. Among them, the yield and output value of this variety increased by 7.10% and 11.94% respectively compared with the main control variety K326, and 8.29% and 8.07% higher than that of Yunyan 87; the average price and the rate of superior tobacco were similar to those of Yunyan 87, but increased by 2.92% and 5.47% compared with K326. The flue-cured leaves of Ekao 030 were rich in oil and moderate in body, and displayed well-distributed golden color. The comprehensive physical characteristics of this new variety were better than K326 and Yunyan 87. Its contents of main chemical components were harmonious, the quality of tobacco sensory evaluation was moderate, and the overall quality of smoking was better than that of control variety K326 and Yunyan 87. In conclusion, Ekao 030 is a new variety with potentials for high quality, remarkable economic performance, strong resistance to diseases and wide adaptability.
    Analysis on the characteristics and differences of sugar-acid accumulation in different sugar accumulation types of jujube
    LIANG Feng-zhi, SUN Jin-mei, TONG Pan-pan, ZHANG Ya-ruo, WANG Di, WANG Jiang-bo
    2021, 60(9):  78-83.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.09.014
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    Nine jujube varieties with different types of sugar accumulation were used as materials to determine and analyze the content and significant differences of sugar acid components in jujubes of different varieties at four development stages. The results showed that the main sugar group of nine jujube fruits was sucrose, glucose and fructose, and the main acid group was malic acid, citric acid and succinic acid. The acid content of three kinds of different sugar accumulation jujubes increased continuously from fruit expanding period to ripening stage, and the sugar content was mainly reducing sugar accumulation from fruit expanding period to white mature period. Sucrose type cultivar were mainly sucrose accumulation from crisp ripening to ripe stage. Reducing sugar type varieties mainly accumulate reducing sugar from crisp ripening to ripe stage. Therefore, white mature period to crisp mature period is an important period for the accumulation of sugar components.
    Correlation and path analysis of main agronomic characters and yield in 24 pumpkin hybrid combinations
    QIAO Dan-dan, WANG Meng-meng, LIU Zhen-wei, SUN Li, LI Xin-zheng
    2021, 60(9):  84-87.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.09.015
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    Correlation analysis and path analysis of 12 agronomic traits of 24 pumpkin hybrid combinations were performed in this study. The results showed that, the fruit neck and melon have rich genetic variation. The yield per plant have significantly positive correlation with single fruit weight (r=0.66**), vine length (r=0.56**), and the number of fruit per plant (r=0.53**), and internode length (r=0.47*), leaf area (r=0.46*) and the first female flower node (r=0.43*) showed a significant positive correlation, and negatively correlated with melon (r=-0.22). The results of the path indicate that the direct effect of the weight of single melon, the number of melons per plant, the diameter of the fruit, the first female flower node, the melon, and the internode length have a positive effect on the yield of pumpkin per plant, vine length, leaf area and fruit. The direct effect of longitudinal diameter, melon belly and flesh thickness on the yield per plant of pumpkin is negative. Therefore, in the breeding of high yield, it is necessary to coordinate the relationship between the traits, the effect of the weight of single melon on the yield, and the number of vines and the number of single plants.
    Effects of gaps on species regeneration of evergreen broad-leaved forest in mountainous area of Northern Guangxi
    DENG Shan-bao
    2021, 60(9):  88-93.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.09.016
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    Taking the evergreen broad-leaved forest in Dudong, Sanjiang county, Guangxi province as the research object, the size characteristics of gaps and the effects of gaps on the regeneration of tree species, shrubs, herbs and vines were analyzed. The results showed that the expanded gap area accounted for 71.7% of the sample plot area, and the canopy gap area accounted for 52.9% of the sample plot area. The sequence difference of important values of Acer metcalfii in and outside the gap was -35, and the positive regeneration response was very significant. In the shrub survey, the regeneration response was significant positive regeneration. It can be seen that the forest gap has the most obvious impact on the regeneration of Acer metcalfii, and the dominance will gradually increase. The significant value sequence differences of Elaeocarpusa japonicus and Ficus heteromorpha were -14 and -12, which showed significant positive regeneration. The sequence differences of Sloanea chingiana, Acer fabri and Beilschmiedia tsangii were -6, -9, -5, showing moderate positive regeneration. The corresponding shrub regeneration showed negative regeneration or no significant regeneration, and the dominance gradually decreased in the subsequent disturbance. The regeneration strategies of Stewartia gemmata, Michelia maudiae, Betula utilis, Hartia villosa, Manglietia conifera and Manglietia conifera were negative regeneration, and the corresponding shrub regeneration showed negative regeneration or no significant regeneration. In their subsequent development, their dominance gradually decreased and were gradually replaced by other tree species. The regeneration response of liana and herbaceous plants in and outside the gap was also significant.
    A new model of three-dimensional ecological sustainable development of forest,Gastrodia elata,mushrooms and Rhizoma polygonati
    PENG Cheng-jiang, LIU Peng, CAO Yong-zhi, ZHENG Zhi-hong, WEN Yu-chao, LI Qi-gao, QIU Zhi-long, CHEN Xu-dong, SHAO Xian-qiang
    2021, 60(9):  94-97.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.09.017
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    Taking the concrete model of three-dimensional ecological cultivation in the development of Gastrodia elata Bl. industry in Dejiang as an example, to expounds the three-dimensional ecological sustainable development model of fungus-growing materials, Gastrodia elata Bl, Phallus impudicus, Rhizoma polygonati and other species, to make Gastrodia elata Bl and Phallus impudicus industry long-term self-sufficient in raw materials, So that Gastrodia elata Bl. and Phallus impudicus planting raw materials can be self-sufficient for a long time, and solved the recycling problem of Gastrodia elata wasted fungus-growing materials, it also provide a solution to the continuous cropping barrier of Gastrodia elata Bl. This model not only enriches the industrial structure, promotes the industrial income increase, but also has a very good effect to drives the poverty alleviation, let the poor mountainous area to get rid of the poverty to get rich come ture. This way is a very good poverty alleviation model, and also the only way to the sustainable development of Gastrodia elata Bl industry.
    Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine
    Effects of Bacillus complex on fecal microbial flora and egg quality of laying hens
    WAN Xue-ji, GONG Ping, YANG Yu, TONG Xin-hong, LI Zhong-xin, YU Ting, YE Sheng-qiang, CHEN Xing, WANG Li-xia, LING Ming-hu, CHEN Jie, QIAN Yun-guo
    2021, 60(9):  98-101.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.09.018
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    Thirty-week-old healthy Hy-Line Brown laying hens in two henhouses were chosen to evaluate the effects of complex Bacillus on fecal microbial flora and egg quality of laying hens. Hens in the control group were fed a basal diet, and hens in the experimental group were fed basal diet supplemented with complex Bacillus. The results showed as follows: compared with the control group, at 30 d, the amount of “Salmonella+Shigella” decreased significantly (P<0.05), and Bacillus increased significantly (P<0.05) in the experimental group; at 60 d, the amount of total airborne bacteria and Escherichia coli decreased significantly (P<0.05), bacillus increased significantly (P<0.05), and the ratio of egg yolk increased significantly (P<0.05); at 90 d, the amount of total airborne bacteria, Escherichia coli and “Salmonella+Shigella” decreased significantly (P<0.05), and egg yolk color increased significantly (P<0.05). The results indicated that dietary supplemented with complex Bacillus could significantly decrease the amounts of harmful microorganism to improve the intestinal healthy, and significantly increase the egg yolk ratio and color, and then improve the egg quality.
    Principal component analysis of carcass traits of yak under standardized production conditions
    WU Jin-bo, HE Shi-ming, LI Zhu, WANG Tai, JIAN Shang-lin, TA Ying, TAN Ben-xu
    2021, 60(9):  102-105.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.09.019
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    In order to explore the difference and correlation of yak laughter traits under standardized production conditions, we selected 15 Maiwa yaks and 15 Jinchuan yaks which with similar age and weight, then all the animals were slaughtered after breeding 100 days. 11 slaughter traits such as were determined and analyzed statistically. The results showed that the spleen weight of Maiwa yak was 0.75 kg, higher than that of Jinchuan yak (0.57 kg), and the difference was significant (P<0.01), while the other indicators showed no significant difference (P>0.05). The variation coefficients of liver weight and kidney weight in Maiwa yak were 11.28% and 14.81%, respectively, and those in Jinchuan yak were 12.39% and 11.76%, respectively, which suggesting that these two indexes have breeding potential. Three principal components were identified by principal component analysis, and the cumulative contribution rate was up to 70.844%. The first principal component could reflect the weight of yaks, the second principal component could reflect the development of spleen and liver of yaks, and the third principal component could reflect the kidney weight of yaks.
    Storage & Processing
    The chemical constituents and biological activities of Talaromyces wortmannii LGT-4
    ZHANG Xu-dong, LI Xiao-fei, YANG Zhong-duo
    2021, 60(9):  106-109.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.09.020
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    A strain of Talaromyces wortmannii was isolated LGT-4 was activated and inoculated on the modified Martin's medium for fermentation. The compounds were separated and purified by chromatography. The inhibitory activities of acetylcholinesterase and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase of the monomers were determined by enzyme labeling method and in vitro kinase detection kit, and the biological activities of secondary metabolites were studied. The results showed that ten known compounds were isolated and identified as Cyclo-(Pro-Ile) (1)、Cyclo(L-Tyr-L-Leu) (2)、Cyclo-(L-Pro-L-Phe) (3)、Aspergillumarin B (4)、Deacetylisowortmin (5)、Chaetominine (6)、(E)-2-(hydroxymethyl)-3-(2-hydroxypent-3-enyl)phenol (7)、N-(2-Phenylethyl)acetamide (8)、4-hydroxynaphthalide (9)、1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid,dibuty ester (10). Cyclo-(Pro-Ile) (1)shoewed potent anti-acetylcholinesterase activity with IC50 value ??of 11.76 μmol/L. None of the 10 compounds showed significant activity against phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. Compounds 1,2,3,6,8 were first isolated from this fungus.
    Preparation and properties of polylactic acid/oregano essential oil antioxidant active packaging film
    DAI Lu, ZHANG Zi-yi, XUE Wen, SHEN Jing, TANG Li-li, LONG Ming-hua
    2021, 60(9):  110-112.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.09.021
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    The polylactic acid/oregano essential oil antioxidant activity packaging films were prepared by a casting method using polylactic acid as the substrate, oregano essential oil as the antioxidant active component and Siban 80 as the plasticizer, and their properties were tested. The influence of oregano essential oils on the mechanical properties of polylactic acid packaging films was evaluated by measuring tensile strength, elongation at break and elastic modulus, the influence of oregano essential oils on the barrier propertiesof polylactic acid packaging films was evaluated by measuring water vapor transmission rate and oxygen transmission rate, the influence of oregano essential oils on the antioxidant properties of polylactic acid packaging films was measuredby radical scavenging rate. The results showed that the polylactic acid/oregano essential oil films possessed good antioxidant properties and the antioxidant effects increased with the increase of oregano essential oilconcentration. The addition of different amount of oregano essential oils had different effects on the packaging performance of polylactic acid packaging films. When oregano essential oil content reached 1.5%, the free radical scavenging rate of the polylactic acid/oregano essential oil film reached 82.6%. At this time, the thickness of the film material increased significantly to (136.2±6.0) μm, the tensile strength and elastic modulus were respectively significantly decreased to (10.0±0.9) MPa and (22.7±3.0) MPa, the elongation at break decreased slightly to (343.4±18.2)%, the water vapor transmission rate was significantly decreased to (34.7±1.2) g/m2·24 h, and the oxygen transmission rate was slightly increased to (988.3±39.6) mL/m2·24 h·atm.
    Detection Analysis
    HS-SPME-GC-MS analysis of volatile components in ebony plum and processed products
    LI Shu-fan, LIU Yi, JIANG Han-mei, LIU Tian-qi
    2021, 60(9):  113-116.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.09.022
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    Use headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to analyze and identify the volatile components of ebony plum, vinegar ebony plum and ebony charcoal, normalized by area Method to calculate the relative percentage of each component. The results showed that a total of 46 components were detected, 34 components were identified, 32 components were detected from ebony plum, 23 components were identified, accounting for 88.90% of the volatile components. Eighteen components were detected from vinegared ebony plum, and 14 components were identified, accounting for 82.52% of the total volatile components. 28 components and 18 components were identified from ebony charcoal, accounting for 91.93% of the total volatile components. There are 9 kinds of volatile components in the three. Compared with raw ebony products, vinegar-based ebony ume has 4 new components and 13 components are reduced, and ebony charcoal has 8 new components and 13 components. The composition and content of volatile components of ebony plum has changed significantly after vinegar preparation and charcoal frying, and the pharmacological effects are different. This method is stable and reliable, and is suitable for the rapid analysis of volatile components of ebony plum.
    Determination of functional components and antioxidant activities of mulberry juice and mulberry wine
    YANG Jin-hong, CHEN Zheng-yu, MENG Gang, KONG Wei-qing
    2021, 60(9):  117-119.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.09.023
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    The functional components and antioxidant activities of mulberry juice and fermented mulberry wine were analyzed. The results showed that the content of cyanidin-3-glucoside (C3G) of mulberry juice was (81.476±2.417) μg/mL, while none in the mulberry wine. The contents of total phenol, proanthocyanidins, flavonoids, chlorogenic acid and luteolin of mulberry juice were (6.085±0.202) mg/mL,(1.838±0.097) mg/mL,(7.675±0.142) mg/mL,(11.550±0.508) μg/mL,(6.750±0.706) μg/mL, respectively, and higher significantly than that in the mulberry wine. The scavenging rate of hydroxyl radicals in mulberry wine was better than that of mulberry juice.
    Studies on nutrient components and heavy metals of Se-enriched rice
    ZHANG Tao, WANG Ning-bo, ZHOU Qiong
    2021, 60(9):  120-122.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.09.024
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    The contents of water, soluble sugar, protein and heavy metals (cadmium, lead, mercury) in rice with selenium enrichment in Ankang city were determined by the corresponding method. To study whether the presence of selenium in Se-enriched rice can cause the decrease of nutrient composition or the increase of heavy metal content in rice. The results showed that the nutrient water content of Se-enriched rice was 8.047~14.055 g/100 g,soluble sugar 6.09~9.39 mg/g, protein 7.714~9.225 g/100 g, mercury 0.013 7~ 0.017 2 mg/kg, lead 0.089~0.162 mg/kg, cadmium 0.074~0.171 mg/kg, all in line with the national standard. Se-enriched rice can be accepted by the human body, and can supplement the corresponding nutrition.
    Information Engineering
    Research and implementation of personalized travel recommendation system based on data mining
    OU Dan
    2021, 60(9):  123-126.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.09.025
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    In order to deal with the challenge of personalized tourism recommendation brought by a large number of multimedia photos and videos in the era of big data, this paper proposes a context aware personalized tourism recommendation system based on data mining. The structure can locate and summarize the tourism location according to the given geographical tag photo set of users, and establish the tourism history of each user to obtain their tourism preferences, so as to promote the tourism. The personalized query based on context aware is used to recommend the most suitable tourist destination. Through simulation analysis, the proposed method was compared with traditional data mining algorithms such as Apriori, Eclat, decision tree and logistic regression. The simulation results verify the superior performance of the proposed method, and the final average recommendation accuracy can reach about 80%.
    Analysis of smart tourism route planning scheme based on ant colony algorithm
    WANG Yi-fei
    2021, 60(9):  127-130.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.09.026
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    In order to improve the traditional travel route planning, it takes time and effort, and the user experience is poor. This paper proposes a smart tourism route planning scheme based on ant colony algorithm. First, by describing the basic principles of the ant colony algorithm, the improvement of the basic ant colony algorithm takes a long time, and it is easy to fall into the shortcomings. The basic ant colony algorithm is improved. Compared with the basic ant colony algorithm, the range of search elements is increased. The stage of quantification, the stage of real-time update of pheromone, and the stage of pheromone rollback mechanism. Then, with the goal of spending less money on travel and getting the largest and most comfortable travel experience, the cost target and the sense of experience target are synthesized, and a travel route planning model based on ant colony algorithm is established, and the improved ant colony algorithm is used to planning model to solve. Finally, the model is applied to actual cases, and the optimal travel path that meets the requirements is obtained through calculation and analysis.
    Research on crop pathological image classification algorithm based on convolutional neural network
    LIU Shuai-jun, KOU Xu-peng, HE Ying, MO Xue-feng
    2021, 60(9):  131-134.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.09.027
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    The rapid and effective detection of crop pathology is of great significance to agriculture. It can not only improve the efficiency of automated pathology recognition, but also increase crop yields. This paper takes potato, tomato and other crops as the pathological research object, and proposes a crop pathological classification model based on convolutional neural network MFCPNet. First, build a deep convolutional neural network model, which is constructed through a convolutional layer, an activation layer, and a fully connected layer of a pooling layer. Then, the extracted image pathological features are fused with multiple features to effectively enhance the feature richness of crop pathology.At the same time, the original data set is enhanced to eliminate the problem of uneven sample distribution. The results show that the standards of the proposed crop pathology classification model are better than the AlexNet, VGG16 and VGG19 models, reaching an accuracy of 94.92%. At the same time, it eliminates the need for manual construction of complex feature projects, which has a certain value in promoting agricultural automation.
    Biological Engineering
    Establishment of high-efficiency propagation system using sterile seedling leaves in Lycium ruthenicum Murr.
    HE Feng-ming, GUO Jia-yuan, SHEN Ting, MA Guan-xue, YAN Sheng-qi, ZHANG Yun-feng
    2021, 60(9):  135-140.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.09.028
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    In present experiment, based on the measurement of anthocyanins content in single dried berry, the aseptic leaves derived from the sterile seedlings of L.ruthenicum Murr. which germinated on MS medium were used as explants, and optimization condition of hormone concentration and C source combination was selected for response frequency, callus inducing frequency and plantlet forming frequency using the response surface design Design-Expert software. The results showed that the best condition for response frequency and callus induction frequency was 6-BA 0.92 mg/L, NAA 0.45 mg/L, and C source for sucrose 2.26%, respectively; And best condition for plantlet formation frequency was 6-BA 1.15 mg/L, NAA 0.38 mg/L, and C source sucrose 2.93%, respectively. Result also showed that there was a strong interaction between the carbon source combination and hormones during the callus induction process. Tissue sections showed that the the way for plantlet forming induction or shoot regeneration adopted in the experiment may be the somatic embryogenesis, and RAPD test of the offspring regeneration obtained in present showed extremely low rate of variation which suggested the excellent characteristic of mother plant would maintain in descendant derived from this propagation system.
    Bioinformatics analysis of CRM gene family in Brassica rapa
    ZHU Bin, WANG Xiao-shuang, LUO Xi, HU Xin
    2021, 60(9):  141-146.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.09.029
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    The CRM(Chloroplast RNA splicing and ribosome maturation) genes involve in the splicing of genes containing group Ⅱ introns in mitochondria and chloroplast genome in plants. In the present study, gene number, conserved motif, isoelectric point of amino acids, molecular evolution, and expression pattern of CRM family of Brassica rapa(AA,2n=20) were well analyzed based on the bioinformatic methods. A total of 22 genes belonging to CRM gene family were identified in the B. rapa genome. These genes could be divided into three subgroups, and distributed on all the chromosomes of B. rapa except chromosome A10. The coding sequences of CRM genes ranged from 657 bp to 5 909 bp, and the isoelectric point of amino acids of these genes ranged from 4.42 to 9.89. The CRM genes in B. rapa showed specific expression in different tissues and response to different stresses, and some CRM genes were actively transcribed in leaves and stems. After dealt with Flg22 and Ps stress which can be used to simulate biotic stresses, some CRM genes significantly down-regulated, indicating these genes likely responded to the biotic stresses.
    Dynamic changes of acid component content and related gene expression in main cultivars of Ziziphus jujuba
    TONG Pan-pan, ZHANG Ya-ruo, LIANG Feng-zhi, WU Cui-yun, WANG Jiang-bo
    2021, 60(9):  147-151.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.09.030
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    The contents of main acid components in the fruits of three main Jujube Cultivars (Ziziphus jujuba Mill), Dongzao, Huizao and Junzao, were detected by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and the expression of acid metabolism related genes during the fruit development was analyzed. The results showed that the content of malic acid was the highest in the ripe fruits of the three jujube cultivars, indicating that malic acid was the main component causing the sour taste of the fruits. The contents of malic acid, citric acid and quinic acid of the three main cultivars of jujube showed the same trend during the fruit development, and all showed the trend of first increasing and then decreasing, but the contents of three acid components of Winter jujube continued to decrease after the brittle ripening stage, and the contents of lime jujube and Junjujube acid increased slightly at the full ripening stage. In the early stage of fruit development, citric acid accumulation was dominant in the three main cultivars of jujube, and malic acid rapidly accumulated and dominated from the end of white ripening stage to crisp ripening stage. ZjACO1, ZjACO2 and ZjCS3 genes were closely related to the accumulation of malic acid, citric acid and quinic acid, while ZjCS2 and ZjMDH12 genes played a certain regulatory role in the degradation of acid components in jujube fruit.
    Economy & Management
    Research on collaborative innovation driven economic development based on coupling coordination degree evaluation:A case study of Ankang city,Shaanxi province
    ZHANG Yan, REN Yan-ni, TANG Hai-qin
    2021, 60(9):  152-156.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.09.031
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    By constructing the corresponding index system, using complex system coordination degree evaluation model, this study evaluated the ability of municipality synergy innovation drive economic development in Ankang city. The results show that the synergy degree of the composite system of collaborative innovation resources input and performance output from 2009 to 2018 in Ankang city is non coordination-primary coordination-non coordination-primary coordination, which goes through the process of first rising, then falling and then rising. Based on this, the collaborative innovation path of “point, one line and one side” is designed, and suggestions such as strengthening policy support, strengthening talent support, building characteristic high-tech industrial parks, expanding and cultivating leading enterprises, and strengthening independent innovation ability are put forward.
    Evaluation of land ecological security in Karst area based on evolutionary PSR model:A case study of Yongfu county,Guangxi
    YANG Chang-ming, LU Ru-cheng, LIN Shu-gao
    2021, 60(9):  157-163.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.09.032
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    Taking Yongfu county as research object, the evaluation index system was constructed based on the evolutionary PSR model and the framework of EES and PRED models. The weight of indexes was determined by entropy method and coefficient of variation method, and the change trend of land ecological security was analyzed by comprehensive index method, and the influencing factors were explored by grey correlation method. The results show that the land ecological security level of Yongfu county is on the whole on the rise from 2006 to 2018, and the safety level is changing from less safe to more safe. The comprehensive score of land ecological security fluctuates greatly from 2006 to 2010, and it is on the whole on the rise from 2010 to 2018. The safety index of each subsystem is generally fluctuating and rising, but it has been in a state of insecurity and less security. Population pressure, economic pressure, environmental pressure and resource state are the main factors affecting the level of land ecological security.
    Analysis of family farm operating efficiency and its influencing factors in Shanxi province:Take 400 family farms as an example
    JIN Xin-ting, MENG Zhi-xing, MENG Hui-sheng
    2021, 60(9):  164-169.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.09.033
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    The improvement of operating efficiency of family farms is crucial to the healthy development of family farms. Based on the questionnaire survey of 400 family farms in Yuncheng city, Shanxi province, this study used DEA-Tobit model to estimate the comprehensive efficiency of family farms, and analyzed the key factors affecting the efficiency. The results show that the comprehensive efficiency of family farms in Shanxi province is generally low, and the pure technical efficiency is obviously lower than the scale efficiency. The improvement of the comprehensive efficiency largely depends on the improvement of the scale efficiency. There is an “inverted U-shaped” curve relationship between land management area and comprehensive efficiency of family farms. Too large or too small land scale is not conducive to the improvement of management efficiency. The operators’ age, working experience in agriculture, term of operation right contract, government subsidies, whether to borrow the loans and other factors have a positive effect on the operating efficiency, in which the loan has a significant effect on the operating efficiency of family farms; The labor input and the purchase of farm machinery services restrain the operating efficiency. Therefore, measures such as improving rural financial market, expanding agricultural technology promotion channels, perfecting land transfer mechanismand strengthening the education and training of operators will effectively improve the operating efficiency of family farms.
    Study on the influencing factors based on APH-Entropy weight:Take sustainable development of tourism characteristic towns in Shangluo city as an example
    DU Hong-le, ZHANG Yan
    2021, 60(9):  170-174.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.09.034
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    The sustainable development of characteristic towns is of great significance to the sustainable development of urban and rural areas and the realization of rural revitalization strategy. Timely discussion on the factors affecting the sustainable development of characteristic towns will help to enhance the sustainable development and competitiveness of characteristic towns. According to the characteristics of tourism function of characteristic towns in Shangluo city, Delphi method is used to screen the evaluation indexes of tourism characteristic towns. The factors influencing the sustainable development of tourism characteristic towns are discussed from four aspects of environment, economy, society and development support with the method of analytic hierarchy process and entropy weight method. Finally, countermeasures and suggestions are put forward for the sustainable development of tourism characteristic towns in Shangluo city.
    Research on the integration development of intangible cultural heritage development and eco-cultural tourism in Shangluo
    WANG Xin-xin, WANG Yi, GUO Meng
    2021, 60(9):  175-179.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.09.035
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    On the premise of inheriting and protecting the intangible cultural heritage, the rational development and utilization of Shangluo intangible cultural heritage was discussed, the conditions for the development of Shangluo intangible cultural heritage and eco-cultural tourism industry were analyzed, and Shangluo intangible cultural heritage resources and eco-cultural tourism resources were integrated. Based on the existing problems in the current development, it is proposed to establish a cultural and ecological museum, create a tourism project with the theme of “intangible cultural heritage+ecological culture”, establish Shangluo Huagu Tourism Ecological Park, and carry out cultural live performances and develop cultural and creative tourism products of intangible cultural heritage, in order to promote the integrated development of Shangluo intangible cultural heritage development and eco-cultural tourism.
    Research on the regional brand construction strategy of Ankang Se-enriched tea based on SWOT-CLPV model
    ZHENG Ming-zhe
    2021, 60(9):  180-184.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.09.036
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    In order to find out the influencing factors of Ankang se-enriched tea regional brand construction accurately, and then improve its development level, based on the full analysis of Ankang se-enriched tea regional public brand construction advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats in the external environment, SWOT-CLPV model was used to analyze four competitive situations: Leverage, control, vulnerability and problem. Finally, combined with the actual situation, the countermeasures are put forward, such as accelerating the development of ecological selenium rich resources, strengthening the standardization construction of tea garden, expanding leading enterprises, strengthening the talent introduction and education.
    Research on the contribution of green food to the green development of agriculture
    ZHAO Jian-kun, YANG Yuan-tong, LI Xian-jun, SHEN Yue, WANG Zong-ying
    2021, 60(9):  185-189.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.09.037
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    Green food adheres to the concept of safety, high quality, environmental protection and sustainable development, and is the pioneer and practitioner of the green development of agriculture. The impacts of green food in agricultural such as fertilizer reduction, pesticide reduction, emission reduction, and quality and safety of agricultural products were studied, and the contribution of green food to the agricultural ecological environment and quality and safety of agricultural products was expounded. It is expected to provide reference for the green development of agriculture and the high-quality development of green food.
    Analysis on the spatio-temporal evolution of the city-industry integration of Yangtze river delta under the guidance of humanism
    ZHU Meng-ting, XIE Yu-han
    2021, 60(9):  190-195.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.09.038
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    Based on the coupling coordination degree model, this study constructed a human-oriented evaluation system for regional cities, and then studied the level of the city-industry integration development of Yangtze river delta urban agglomerations from 2008 to 2017 as well as its spatio-temporal evolution characteristics. The results show that the city-industry integration development level of most cities in the zone has been improved from 2008 to 2017, but it is not balanced. The integration of provincial capital cities have developed rapidly and at a high level, while most cities in Anhui province are generally in a relatively backward position, and the system of benign development has not yet been formed. Every city should fully consider the relationship among the people, production and urbanization in the construction of new-type urbanization in order to improve the level of city-industry integration. At the same time, effective cooperation mechanism can be established between cities to promote regional sustainable development.
    Rural Revitalization
    Research on the absence and complement of the city returns elite in China under the background of rural revitalization:A case study of Jiangcheng and Jinping counties on the border of Yunnan and Vietnam
    LIU Bing-bing, SU Guo-xian
    2021, 60(9):  196-200.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.09.039
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    Based on the investigation of poverty alleviation in border villages, this paper analyzed the influencing factors and reality of the absence of people and elites in border villages, as well as the challenges of village hollowing out and population structure imbalance to rural revitalization, and cited the key role of the city returns elite in rural revitalization from two aspects of game theory and practical cases. Based on the value orientation of urban return, it puts forward the path of leading the city returns elite to revitalize rural areas from the aspects of financial support, policy guarantee, basic planning, industrial innovation, so as to help rural revitalization and development in remote areas in the new era.