
Table of Content

    10 July 2019, Volume 58 Issue 13
    Research progress on the inhibitory effect of biogas slurry on different plant pathogens
    LIU Ji-hong, YIN Fang, YANG Bin, WANG Chang-mei, ZHAO Xing-ling, WU Kai, LIU Jing, YANG Hong, LIU Shi-qing, ZHANG Wu-di
    2019, 58(13):  5-10.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.001
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    Biogas slurry inhibition of plant pathogens are of great significance for the development of organic agriculture, protecting the ecological environment, recycling of abandoned resources and the sustainable development of agriculture. In this paper, by consulting a large number of documents, through a comprehensive analysis, compare and summarize of a large number of documents, it is concluded that the biogas slurry used for antibacterial experiments has animal raw materials、Plant material: 、Other wastes. Biogas processing technology including: different temperature, different fermentation pH, different fermentation time, different storage time, different concentrations, different proportion of chemical pesticides, et al. The plant pathogens involve d include: Phytophthora capsici, Alternaria alternate, Didymella bryoniae et al, a total of more than 60 species. Different fermentation materials, different treatment processes for biogas slurry for different plant pathogens have different inhibitory effect.
    Breeding & Cultivation
    Effect of sowing date on growth,development and yield of saline-alkali tolerant rice in southern Liaoning province
    CHEN Long, ZHANG Mei-ling, CHEN Hong-li, LI Jun-he, YU Weng-ying
    2019, 58(13):  11-15.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.002
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    In order to study the effect of sowing date on rice (Oryza sative L.) in southern Liaoning province, the saline-alkaline tolerant rice variety Yanfeng 47 was used as the experimental material, setting 4 different sowing dates, which was on April 5(S1), April15(CK), April25(S2), and May 5 (S3), to analyze the effects of sowing date on the growth, development and yield of salt-tolerant rice. The results showed that the early sowing led to prolong the entire growth period of rice, delayed sowing date caused a decrease in the total days of rice growth. Both the advance and postponement of the sowing date resulted in higher plant heights in the vegetative growth stage (three-leaf stage to jointing stage) of the rice in the Yanfeng 47 than in the CK, and the plant height in the reproductive growth stage (milk-ripe stage) was lower than that in the CK. Leaf area of Yanfeng 47 under the early and delayed sowing situation was larger than that of CK during the tillering stage to the heading stage, and was lower than CK after the ripening stage. The above-ground dry matter under the early and delayed sowing situation was higher than CK during the tillering stage to the jointing stage, and was lower than that of CK at heading stage. The highest theoretical yield was CK in 4 sowing dates; the highest grain number and grain number of spikes was S2. The number of grains per panicle, number of grains per panicle, 1 000-grain weight, and theoretical yield under the early sowing date was lower than those of CK. The 1000-grain weight and theoretical yield under the delayed sowing date was lower than CK.The suitable sowing date for salt-tolerant rice in southern Liaoning province is April 15 to 25, and it is possible to take appropriate measures to increase the plant height, leaf area, and dry matter weight in the shoot during the critical period that affects the growth and development of rice biomass and yield indicators so as to achieve high yield in the later period.
    Characteristics and mechanized cultivation techniques of Fengliangyouxiang No.1 planted as ratooning rice at Jianghan plain
    YANG Hong-yong, XIE Lei, YU Wei-pu, WEN Ju, WANG Feng, XU Guo-hua, WU Yun-zi
    2019, 58(13):  16-18.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.003
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    Fengliangyouxiang No.1 is the major variety of ratooning rice in Jianghan plain. It has good quality,early manturity, high yield and strong regeneration ability. According to the characteristics of this variety, combining with the production test in recent years, the full mechanized high-yielding cultivation techniques of this variety planted as ratooning rice suitable for Jianghan plain was summarized.
    Resource & Environment
    Research on governance mechanism of rural water environment from the perspective of collaborative governance:Take Jiangsu province as example
    QIAN Dan-hua
    2019, 58(13):  19-23.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.004
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    The current situation of rural water pollution is not optimistic and the task of water pollution control in rural areas is arduous.Taking Jiangsu province as an example, the sources of pollution were analyzed, the results showed that there were many difficulties in controlling pollution, such as omnipotent government regulation, urban-rural dual structure solidification, water environmental public goods attributes and farmers' own demands and limitations. In order to protect the rural water environment, it is necessary to improve the governance mechanism of rural water environment. From the perspective of collaborative governance, the mechanism of government, market, social coordination and public participation should be established, and a network of collaborative governance of rural water environment should be constructed to promote the construction of rural ecological civilization and sustainable economic development.
    Community dynamic structure of zooplankton and water quality in the comprehensive hub of Xiangjiang river,Changsha
    LU Jiao, ZHANG Qi, LIU Ying-di
    2019, 58(13):  24-29.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.005
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    To explore the distribution of zooplankton community structure and water quality in the upstream and downstream of the comprehensive hub of Xiangjiang river, Changsha, the samples were collected 6 times and analyzed from January 2016 to November 2016. The results showed that 125 species of zooplankton, include 60 species of rotifers, 41 species of protozoa, 13 species of cladocera and 11 species of copepods were identified. Rotifers and protozoa occupy the dominant position in species composition. The protozoa was dominant species on the time scale, and spherical sand shell was the dominant species in the water whole year. One-way analysis of variance showed significant differences in zooplankton density on time scale (P<0.05), but not on spatial scale (P>0.05). The results of principal component analysis (PCA) showed that dissolved oxygen, fluoride, Cu, Cd and Zn were the main environmental factors affecting the community structure of zooplankton. Redundancy analysis (RDA) showed that heavy metals were still the main pollutants affecting the community structure, and were heavily polluted by organic pollutants. The biodiversity index evaluation showed that the water quality of the studied watershed was slight to middle level pollution, and the water quality of the upstream watershed was better than that of the downstream,and the water quality met the class II to III water standards.
    Study on phosphorus stress of phytoplankton in river-lake and adjacent waters systems of Qionghai lake in spring
    WANG Xue-mei, ZHAO Liu-ping, HU Jin-zhao, YANG Hong
    2019, 58(13):  30-34.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.006
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    Phosphorus stress of phytoplankton was determined by analysis of alkaline phosphatase activity during spring (April to May) in 2016 in river-lake and adjacent water system of Qionghai lake, including 6 major rivers, estuary and adjacent water around Qionghai lake. The result showed that there were obvious spatial heterogeneity in chlorophyll concentration and alkaline phosphatase activity of phytoplankton of the river-lake system of Qionghai in spring, indicating that different rivers and regions shows different phosphorus stress. Among all the study sites, the phosphorus stress was the highest in the Guanba river, and followed by estuary of Guanba river, estuary of Qing river and adjacent water of E’zhang river, while the adjacent water of Qing river showed the lowest phosphorus stress.
    Effects of nitrogen fertilizer application on CO2 emission,soil temperature and moisture in tobacco fields
    DU Xing-hua, HE Deng-feng, ZHU Feng, ZHAO Yang-yang
    2019, 58(13):  35-39.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.007
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    In order to investigate the effects of nitrogen fertilizer application on carbon emission in tobacco field, a field experiment was conducted with different tobacco varieties in different areas. The results showed that the CO2 emission rate and nitrate nitrogen content in tobacco field increased significantly when the nitrogen application rate was 75 kg/hm2. Nitrogen application had little effect on soil temperature, and had no effect on soil moisture. The change of soil water content was mainly related to local rainfall. In total, the soil CO2 emissions was significant correlated with soil temperature when the nitrogen application rate was 75 kg/hm2, and has a poor correlation with soil moisture.
    Effects of different organic water-soluble fertilizers on growth of eggplant seedlings
    LU Rong-hai, XIANG Juan, SUI Li-yun, WU Yong-mei, CHEN Ling, WANG Bo, LIN Li-jin, PAN Shao-kun
    2019, 58(13):  40-43.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.008
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    Three kinds of organic water-soluble fertilizers(acadian seaweed fertilizer, bright moon foaming phyllostachys aeruginosa fertilizer and dry amino acid water-soluble fertilizers) with different concentrations were applied to analyze the effects on the growth of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) seedlings. The results showed that, compared with the control group (clear water), the appropriate concentration of organic water-soluble fertilizers could promote the growth of eggplant seedlings and improve seedling index. The best effect was achieved by 0.5 g/L of phyllostachys aeruginosa fertilizer, which increased the biomass by 0.021 g, diameter by 0.15 mm and seedling index by 0.021, followed by 1.0 g/L of dry amino acid water soluble fertilizer. Therefore, 0.5 g/L of lunisolar phycolith fertilizer and 1.0 g/L of dry amino acid water-soluble fertilizer can not only promote the growth of eggplant seedling, but also promote the formation of robust eggplant seedling, which can be used in the production of eggplant seedling.
    Changes of polyamines produced by PGPR strains DM under stress conditions
    LIU Xiu, ZHENG Yi-ling, LI Yan-qiu, FAN Ya-jun
    2019, 58(13):  44-47.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.009
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    PGPR strains DM(Enterobacter cloacae) was cultured in the medium with different pH and NaCl concentration, and the polyamines in the supernatant of bacteria were qualitatively analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The results showed that the concentrations of putrescine, spermidine and spermidine were increased rapidly with NaCl adding, maximum value reached at the culture medium with 150 mmol/L NaCl, and then decreased. The concentration of three polyamines was the highest at the medium of pH 8, then the concentration of polyamines decreased when pH was less than 8, and also the concentration of polyamines decreased when pH was more than 8. The concentration of polyamines produced by DM bacteria changed under the salt, acid and alkali stress, this conclusion suggested that DM bacteria may respond to abiotic stress by regulating the concentration of polyamines.
    Analysis on the absorption,distribution and utilization efficiency of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium on summer maize in the beach area of Hanjiang river
    DING Heng-hu, WU Jia-qiong, WU Gen-chun, DONG Hua-bing, LIU Ke-zhi, SUN Yu-hai
    2019, 58(13):  48-55.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.010
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    In order to figure out the utilization efficiency of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on summer maize (Zea mays L.) in the beach area of Hanjiang rive, and give scientifically recommendation of the amount used, the experiment was carried out according to part of “3414” fertilizer experiment method. The results showed that under the condition of returning wheat straw to the field of medium or lower fertility, N, P and K combined application could significantly increase maize yield, the yield of maize could be significantly increased by 27.49%, 6.29% and 3.15% by applying N, P, K fertilizers respectively. The marginal effect of crops has a certain influence on the result, and ranged from -5.37% to 5.97%. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium nutrient absorption amount for summer maize kernels of the recommended formula (OPT) was 2 471 mg/plant, nitrogen contributed the most to the increase of grain yield, and the order from big to small was nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus. As for stem and leave was 7 502 mg/plant, potassium contributed the most to increase the yield of stems and leaves, and the order from big to small was potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus. It also showed that the lower the soil fertility, the higher the soil nutrient uptake and utilization efficiency was. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium nutrient absorption amount per 100 kg grains of OPT was 8.84 kg, including 4.25 kg of N, 0.73 kg of P2O5,3.86 kg of K2O. The recovery efficiency of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the current season was 65.43%, 14.49%, 27.74%, respectively. The synergistic utilization rate of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium under the OPT pattern was 63.85%, however the local conventional only was 48.66%. The result suggests that suitable amount of fertilization for maize in the beach area of Hanjiang rive was 204 kg/hm2 of N, 72 kg/hm2 of P2O5 and 72 kg/hm2 of K2O.
    Evaluation and prediction of sustainable utilization of cultivated land resources in Weifang city
    CHEN Bo, MA Xiang-ping
    2019, 58(13):  56-59.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.011
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    The evaluation index system of sustainable utilization of cultivated land resources in Weifang city, Shandong province, was constructed with the DPSIR model, and the comprehensive evaluation index from 2006 to 2016 was calculated with the multi index weighted comprehensive evaluation method, and the level of sustainable utilization of cultivated land resources in Weifang city in 2017 to 2022 was pretested by using the model of GM(1,1). The results showed that, the level of sustainable utilization of cultivated land resources in Weifang from 2006 to 2016 showed a rising trend in general, but only in the preliminary sustainability stage. It was predicted that the sustainable utilization level of cultivated land resources in Weifang would be steadily rising in 2017 to 2022 and would reach the level of general sustainability level in 2022.
    Study on the application of electro-geometric model in calculating the position factor
    SHI Ya-jing, ZHAO Jia, CHEN Ren-jun
    2019, 58(13):  60-63.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.012
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    The electric-geometric model was used to calculate the position factor (CD) value in the risk assessment of lightning strikes. Combined with the distribution of the lightning current amplitude probabilities in Hubei province, the value of the position factor and the equivalent area of the evaluation object were analyzed and calculated with actual examples. Then the evaluation object calculated by the above method was verified by AutoCAD drawing method, and it was concluded that this method was limited in the scope of application, and it could not accurately represent the impact of the surrounding building to the equivalent intercept area of the evaluation object.
    The available content and spatial distribution of copper,zinc,iron and manganese in Lichuan plowland
    ZHOU Fu-zhong, WANG Ming-qiong, RAN Lu
    2019, 58(13):  64-71.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.013
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    Soil pH and the contents of available Cu, available Zn, available Fe, available Mn and organic matter in the 604 samples of cultivated land in Lichuan city, Hubei province, were detected and analyzed. The results showed that the average pH of cultivated land soil in Lichuan city was 6.21±1.15, ranged from 3.95 to 8.58, and variable coefficient was 18.49%, with a moderate weak variant. The content of organic matter was(27.17±10.84) g/kg, ranged from 5.39 g/kg to 88.50 g/kg, and variable coefficient was 39.90%, with a medium variant. The average contents of available Cu, available Zn, available Fe, available Mn were(1.39±1.31) mg/kg,(1.07±0.92) mg/kg,(58.84±52.67) mg/kg,(39.22±32.49) mg/kg, respectively; According to the local standard evaluation of DB 21/T 1437-2006 in Liaoning province, the contents of available Zn was in the middle levels, and the other three kinds were high content. The contents of available Cu, available Zn, available Fe, available Mn ranged from undetected to 8.28 mg/kg, undetected to 8.41 mg/kg, 2.89 mg/kg to 311.15 mg/kg, 3.29 mg/kg to 234.38 mg/kg, respectively; and variable coefficient were 93.99%, 86.25%, 89.52% and 82.83%, respectively, all of which were moderately strong variants. The test showed that the deficiency ratio of Zn was 63.57%, and the application of zinc fertilizer must be strengthened. The contents of available Cu, available Zn and available Fe were positively significant correlated with organic matter in cultivated land soil, and the contents of available Cu, available Zn, available Fe, available Mn were negatively significant correlated with pH in cultivated land soil. The contents and the distribution characteristics of available Cu, available Zn, available Fe, available Mn in different farming methods, soil types, and soil parent material development soil of Lichuan city were preliminary understand.
    Horticulture & Local Products
    The preliminary screening on molecular marker of Fusarium oxysporum resistance of strawberry
    SHI Fang-fang
    2019, 58(13):  72-75.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.014
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    In order to speed up the molecular breeding process of strawberry resistance(Fragaria×ananassa Duch.), the excellent hybrid offspring of strawberry were used as the test materials. At first,the resistance test was carried out, and the resistant genes of parents and different hybrid offsprings were screened, combined with SSR molecular marker technology. Finally, the resistant strains were screened out. The results showed that excellent offspring 13-53-100 and 13-52-407 had strong resistance to F. oxysporum, and excellent offspring 13-65-265 had the worst resistance to F. oxysporum. The screening result of resistance gene showed that, the parent Zijin Sijin and sweet Charlie had the resistance gene, the offspring 13-53-100 and 13-52-407 had a consistent band of parent sweet Charlie, which may have inherited the resistance of sweet Charlie.
    Comparison test of interplanting Abelmoschus esculentus with Idesia polycarpa
    CHEN Yao-bing, LIU Han-zhen, ZHENG Xiao-jiang, YUAN Bing-wu
    2019, 58(13):  76-77.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.015
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    Five varieties of Abelmoschus esculentus (Linn.) Moench] were selected to interplant with Idesia polycarpa Maxim., their growth characteristics and yield were analyzed and compared. The results showed that, the growth stage and morphological characteristics of different Abelmoschus esculentus varieties were different, and there were significant differences in unit area yield. The yield of Green arrows and Five-fu was the highest, which were most suitable for interplanting with Idesia polycarpa maxim..
    Optimal selection of example varieties used in the DUS test guideline of Euphorbia pulcherrima
    YU Xiu-ming
    2019, 58(13):  78-83.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.016
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    Taking two characteristics of cyme width and size of glands in cyathium of Euphorbia pulcherrima as examples, this study aimed to select optimal example varieties used in the DUS test guideline of E. pulcherrima and provide scientific basis for subsequent revision of this test guideline. Two continuous years of measurements of cyme width and size of glands in cyathium of 75 varieties were collected and then the discrete distribution of these two characteristics of each variety was analyzed by using the box plot. According to the information of variability, distribution symmetry of measurements and outliers of cyme width and size of glands in cyathium of varieties manifested in the box plots, Fismars, Da Vinci and Olymp were selected as the example varieties for the three expression states(25.6~28.5 mm,31.6~34.5 mm and 37.6~40.5 mm) of cyme width. And Sonora Fire, Da Vinci and Peterstar were chosen as the example varieties for the three expression states(2.8~3.4 mm,4.2~4.8 mm and 5.6~6.2 mm) of size of glands in cyathium. The box plot is an efficient statistic method for the overall evaluation of quantitative characteristics of E. pulcherrima, which provides information including the expression range, median, tail length and outliers of measurements of cyme width and size of glands in cyathium of each variety. It can effectively analyze the uniformity and stability of quantitative characteristics, and is suitable for the selection of example variety in DUS testing, also provides a reference for selecting example varieties for other quantitative characteristics.
    Effect of spatial spectral distribution of LED plane light sources on the growth of pepper
    DENG Li-song, CHEN Fang-lin, PENG Xuan, XU Min-min, GAO Xiang-ming, YUAN Jin-she
    2019, 58(13):  84-87.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.017
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    The effects of spatial spectral distribution on the growth of pepper(Capsicum annuum L.) were studied. Using a plane LED light source to set the spatial spectrum required for pepper growth, three areas with a red light intensity ratio of 3∶2∶1 were selected to observe and record the growth process of pepper; The contrast experiments were conducted by changing the blue-red light intensity and blue-red light ratio. As a result, it was found that the weight of the pepper in the region with the strongest red light intensity was twice that of the weakest region; Under the condition that the ratio of blue to red light was unchanged, the weight of pepper dropped by about 7.0% in the region where the intensity of blue-red light intensity is reduced by 20.0%, the weight of the pepper in the region with a 5∶1 blue-red light ratio was about 69.0% lower than that in the 1.2∶1 blue-red light ratio. The results showed that the regions with strong spatial distribution of red light were more conducive to pepper growth, and changes in spatial light intensity had a certain effect on the growth of pepper when the ratio of spectral red-blue light was invariable, it was also found that the regions with strong spatial distribution of blue light was not conducive to pepper growth.
    Research on Shuangqiao ancient town landscape features in Dawu county,Hubei province
    HU Ping, LI Lin-fang
    2019, 58(13):  88-90.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.018
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    Through the on-the-spot investigation of Shuangqiao ancient town in Dawu county, Xiaogan city, Hubei province, the landscape features were analyzed from five aspects: road layout, plant application, building construction, mountain and water skeleton, and cultural customs. The results show that, during the site selection, construction and use, Shuangqiao ancient town reflects the superb wisdom of the predecessors. In grasping the historical opportunities, utilizing the natural conditions, and constructing a harmonious and livable landscape space, it will provide references for creating landscape features, building a livable city and dealing with the relationship between man and nature in the modern landscape.
    Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine
    Study on moderate scale of mutton sheep breeding in Shandong province:Based on survey data of 306 large-scale breeding farms(farmers)
    ZHANG Mao-lun
    2019, 58(13):  91-96.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.019
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    Based on the cost-benefit data of 306 mutton sheep breeding farms (farmers) in 17 cities of Shandong province, which was obtained by questionnaire survey, this paper uses SPSS 22.0 quantitative analysis software to calculate and confirm the moderate scale of mutton sheep breeding of corporatized breeding farms (farmers) and large-scale breeding farmers in Shandong on basis of breakeven. The results show that breakeven can be achieved only when the mutton sheep breeding scale of corporatized mutton sheep breeding farms in Shandong are 529 to 2 406, and the profit can be maximized when the mutton sheep breeding scale is 1 467; breakeven can be achieved only when the mutton sheep breeding scale of large-scale mutton sheep breeding farmers in Shandong are 40 to 394, and the profit can be maximized when the mutton breeding scale is 217.
    Storage & Processing
    Study on the improvement of aging Longjing tea aroma and taste by dry osmanthus scenting system
    CHEN Sheng-zhi, ZHANG Xu-tao, CHEN Jiao-jiao, GE Yi-tao, LIANG Hui-ling
    2019, 58(13):  97-101.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.020
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    SPME and GC-MS was used to detect the volatile matter in the process of dry sweet-scented osmanthus scenting, to study the influence of pretreatment of high temperature steamed tea billet on the scenting effect and the effect of low temperature baking and moisture absorption drying on the flavor improvement of tea was explored by sensory evaluation. Through the high temperature steaming can improve the tea flavor, and improving the water content of tea billet is conducive to tea scenting system. The quality of scented tea of moisture absorption at normal temperature was better than that of low temperature drying.
    Study on seed vigor and physiological changes of rice (Oryza sativa L.) under critical stress storage conditions
    JIANG Wei, LI Yao, LI Na, ZHAO Fei, QI Na, CAI Zhuo, CAO Gao-yi, HUA Ze-tian
    2019, 58(13):  102-105.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.021
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    In order to explore the changes of rice seed vigor under different storage conditions, the vitality and physiological characteristics of rice seeds under critical stress storage conditions were systematically studied in order to analyze the physiological and biochemical mechanism of rice seed storage. In this study, the indica and fertilization of seeds were studied under different storage conditions (4 ℃,-10 ℃, and -20 ℃) and different water contents during storage. Physiological and biochemical characteristics of the law. The results showed that seed vigor indexes such as germination index, vigor index, and storage time had no obvious linear relationship, while soluble protein, malondialdehyde content and storage time were linearly related; among them, protein content was negatively correlated with time, and malondialdehyde was vice versa. The temperature and moisture content of seeds during storage have a great correlation with the seed vigor. When the temperature is constant, the germination index increases with the decrease of the seed moisture content. Soluble protein was significantly destroyed at the ultra-low temperature and high water content, and the content was the lowest. At different storage temperatures, the malondialdehyde content increased with decreasing water content. This study provides a theoretical reference for the safe storage of rice seeds and the selection of the optimum storage conditions under the premise of taking into account the cost.
    Detection Analysis
    Component analysis of the essential oils extracted from petals of Magnolia denudata by GC-MS under different drying conditions
    XIANG Tian-tian, BIAN Kang-xin, CHEN Ling-zhi, DENG Shi-ming
    2019, 58(13):  106-110.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.022
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    Campus plant Magnolia denudata petals as experimental materials, the extraction of volatile oil of Magnolia petals shade, 40 ℃, 50 ℃ and 60 ℃ with steam distillation of 4 kinds of drying conditions, calculated by the volatile oil yield, the volatile oil components of the total ion flow map with GC-MS. The combination of computer retrieval technology for structural identification of compounds, the relative mass fraction of each component was calculated by area normalization method. In the treatment of natural shade, 40 ℃ 50 ℃ and 60 ℃, respectively identified 62, 53, 48 and 46 compounds, isolated compounds accounted for the total volatile oil components 92.21%, 89.29%, 89.48% and 87.59%. The volatile oil of four different drying samples contains 46 kinds. The main components of volatile oil are sesquiterpenes, terpenes and terpene alcohols. Caryophyllene for magnolia oil components in the highest content of volatile 4 kinds of samples, followed by linalool,(E,E)-1-methyl-5-methylene-8-isopropyl-1, 6-ring decadiene, Terpinyl Acetate, α-terpineol, 4-terpenols and cineole. The components of volatile oil were different under different drying conditions.
    An improved method for calibrating the concentration of Na2S2O3 solution
    LI Wei, XIONG Jian, ZHOU Yi, YAN Can
    2019, 58(13):  111-113.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.023
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    In order to study the optimum conditions for calibrating the concentration of Na2S2O3 solution with known concentration of H2O2 solution, the results were analyzed by single factor and orthogonal experiment. The experimental results showed that the concentration of 0.821 8 mol/L H2O2 solution 1.00 mL,20 g/L KI solution 60 mL and 25%H3PO4 6 mL solution for 30 min. The experimental results were the best, the standard deviation s was 0.09%, and compared with the results of K2Cr2O7 method. The experimental results were analyzed by F test, no significant difference. The method of green environmental protection, can be used as an method of calibrating Na2S2O3 solution concentration.
    Studies on total flavonoids and total polysaccharides of reserved Folium Artemisia argyi in different years
    GONG Min, LU Jin-qing
    2019, 58(13):  114-116.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.024
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    Ultraviolet spectrophotometry was used to determine the content of total flavonoids and total polysaccharides of reserved folium Artemisia argyi in different years. The study on chemical constituents of Artemisia Argyi found that the content of the total flavonoids increased year by year, peaking in the third year, then declined sharply; the overall trend of total polysaccharide content is gradually decreasing, in the first three years, the downward trend is moderate, then declines sharply in the fourth year.
    Analysis of volatile components of Sorghum ferment at different heat treatment temperatures and its application in cigarette
    ZHANG Ling, GAO Rui, YANG Jian-yun, TANG Dan-yu, ZHANG Wei, YANG Hong-ming, LI Yuan-dong, LI Zhen-jie, ZHAO Ying-liang, ZHANG Tian-dong, WEI Ke-yi
    2019, 58(13):  117-121.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.025
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    The volatile components of different heat treatment temperatures were analyzed by headspace solid—phase micro-extraction and gas chromatography—mass spectrometry. The results showed that the solid-phase micro-extraction technology can effectively adsorb the volatile components in the heat-treated sorghum fermentation. There were 30 volatile components in the unheated sorghum,39 and 44 volatile components were identified by heat treatment at 90 ℃ and 180 ℃, and 38 species were reduced after heat treatment at 250 ℃. The volatile components are mainly aldehyde ketones and esters, and esters occupy an absolute advantage. The volatile components are the most abundant after the treatment at the temperature of 180℃,which resulted in the released volatile components increasing. The sorghum fermentation heat-treated at 180 ℃ was applied to the cigarette, which could play an important role in increasing the total score of the sensory evaluation by 2, enriching the tobacco flavor, improving the sweet and moist feeling and the smoke texture and giving the special rhyme of the product.
    Information Engineering
    Extraction and analysis of abandoned farmland in the boundary region of Hebei,Shandong and Henan provinces
    DING Rui, ZHANG Er-mei, XIE Zi-jing, JI Wen-zheng, SHAO Huai-yong
    2019, 58(13):  122-128.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.026
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    Taking the junction of the three provinces of Hebei, Shandong and Henan under the influence of "marginalization law" as a study area, based on the 30 m resolution Landsat data, the visible spectrum, near-infrared, mid-infrared band and multiple normalization indices are combined in multiple bands. Using CART decision tree classification method to extract the annual change of abandoned area and abandonment rate in each district and county of the study area, the spatial pattern of abandoned farmland is analyzed to explore the driving factors of abandoned farmland. The results show that the average accuracy of classification is 89.15%. Between 2000 to 2018, the area of abandoned land in the study area fluctuated slightly but the overall trend was declining. In 2002, the area of abandoned land was the largest, and the area of abandoned land after 2015 was maintained at a low level. Most of the abandoned farmland area for the duration of abandonment in the study area only existed for 1~2 years, there were fewer years of long duration of abandoned farmland. Abandoned farmland reclamation rate in study area is relatively good, and the average annual abandoned farmland reclamation rate is 32%. Abandoned farmland in study area is related to the proportion of agricultural population, agricultural production efficiency and government policies.
    Rural Revitalization
    Research on rural human settlements environment and rural revitalization:Taking Jingzhou city in Hubei province as an example
    WEN Jia-jun, FAN Fan
    2019, 58(13):  129-132.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.027
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    The proposal of rural revitalization strategy has opened a new journey for new rural construction. As an important task of rural revitalization, the problem of rural human settlements environment is more prominent at this stage. Taking the data of Jingzhou city in Hubei province from 2012 to 2016 as an example, regression analysis was carried out on the rural residential environment and the rural revitalization comprehensive development index using SPSS 23.0 software. The results show that the rural living environment has a strong correlation with rural revitalization, and improving the rural residential environment has a positive effect on rural revitalization.
    A probe into the development of rural tourism under the background of rural revitalization strategy:Taking Fangjiahetou village, Cixi city,Zhejiang province as an example
    ZHANG Li-na
    2019, 58(13):  133-137.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.028
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    The agricultural settlement cultural heritage is a precious historical and cultural resource and a cultural crystallization of the Chinese nation. As a part of agricultural cultural heritage, agricultural settlements should be effectively protected and utilized. It is of great practical significance to combine the protection and utilization of agricultural cultural heritage of ancient villages with tourism. Under the background of rural revitalization strategy, from the perspective of rural tourism and agricultural cultural heritage, the historical evolution and actual development of Fangjiahetou village in Cixi city, Zhejiang province were analyzed, and its protection and utilization model was analyzed to discuss the key factors of agricultural settlement development and rural tourism. The related issues and targeted suggestions for the development of tourism in agricultural settlements were put forward.
    Evaluation of the beautiful rural construction in Dezhou city based on the optimized TOPSIS method
    ZHAO Mei-liang, ZHANG Zi-yi, LIU Fu-gang, LI Yang-yang
    2019, 58(13):  138-141.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.029
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    The proposal of rural revitalization strategy has brought great opportunities for the construction of beautiful rural areas in the region. Based on the development data of Dezhou city from 2010 to 2016, the evaluation index system of beautiful rural construction in Dezhou city was constructed. The optimized TOPSIS evaluation model was used to evaluate and analyze the beautiful rural construction in Dezhou, and preliminary development suggestions were put forward.
    Pilot study of homestead exit in Jinzhai county based on swot analysis
    CHEN Xing, CHEN Xiao-yu
    2019, 58(13):  142-145.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.030
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    Under the background of the rural residential land exit pilot project, the SWOT analysis matrix of the Jinzhai County homestead exit in Lu'an city, Anhui province was constructed; and its advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and threats were analyzed. The reasons for the success of the Jinzhai county homestead exit project were discussed in order to provide references for the rural residential land exit in China.
    Research on the protection and development of historical and cultural village under the background of rural revitalization:Taking Shizongtou village in Zezhou county of Shanxi province as an example
    LIANG Zhen-xiao, WANG Jun
    2019, 58(13):  146-150.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.031
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    Village construction under the rural revitalization strategy is a hot spot in China's new urbanization construction. Taking Shizongtou village in Zezhou county of Shanxi province as an example, the current situation and existing problems of the protection and development of Shizongtou village are analysed from the aspects of village morphological pattern, traditional architectural features, historical and cultural environment, etc. On this basis, it is proposed to promote the sustainable and healthy development of culture, society and economy in Shizongtou village from the aspects of cultural inheritance, environmental livability and functional renewal under the development concept of "village tourism+", and realize the revitalization of historical and cultural villages.
    Investigation and research on the status quo of social life of rural landless peasants:Taking the X community in Gangzha district of Nantong city of Jiangsu as an example
    ZHU Chen-fu, HE Kai-xin
    2019, 58(13):  151-155.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.032
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    With the requisition of rural land and the arrival of an aging society, the problem of rural landless peasants is increasingly worthy of social attention, especially the problem of elderly people who have lost their land. Through literature research, questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews, the X community in Gangzha district of Nantong city is taken as an example to analyze the social life status of the elderly who have lost their land and the existing community social service status, and propose to cultivate professional social service organizations and talents. The land long-term compensation mechanism, the government policy attention and the countermeasures and suggestions to enhance the awareness of social service innovation, in order to improve the social security level of the elderly in the community.
    Research on the creative transformation of the intangible cultural heritages in Qichun county saint Li Shizhen's hometown
    SUN Yuan-peng, WU Zhe, SUN Yan-ling, LIU Yu-si, LEI Ya-ning
    2019, 58(13):  156-158.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.033
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    Promoting the creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese excellent traditional culture, is an important task to inherit and carry forward Chinese excellent traditional culture in the new era.Intangible cultural heritage and Li Shizhen's medical culture, are important components of Chinese excellent traditional culture.The intangible cultural heritage resources in Qichun county and the problems in protection are analysed.The creative transformation and innovative development strategies of intangible cultural heritage in Qichun county are put forward.
    Study on countermeasures for prevention and control of agricultural non-point source pollution from the perspective of ecological civilization
    ZHANG Jun, CHEN Jie, JIAO Chun-hai
    2019, 58(13):  159-162.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.034
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    The status quo of agricultural non-point source pollution is analyzed. It is found that in addition to source diversity, agricultural non-point source pollution in China has the characteristics of wide distribution and obvious regional differences. It is difficult to monitor agricultural non-point source pollution. The "Xingshan model" for comprehensive management of non-point source pollution in river basins was introduced. From the aspects of monitoring prevention and control system construction,comprehensive control implementing ecological agriculture engineering, technology research and development, and public participation mechanism, the countermeasures and suggestions for agricultural non-point source pollution prevention and control were put forward.
    Research on the level of agricultural sustainable development in Sichuan province based on GPI index
    HU Jun-ya, ZHANG Yu, PENG Hao
    2019, 58(13):  163-168.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.035
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    In order to accurately grasp the sustainable development of agriculture in Sichuan province, the comprehensive development index of sustainable development is used to analyze the agricultural data of Sichuan Province from 2007 to 2016, and the real development evaluation index (GPI) system was constructed from three aspects (economy, society and ecology) to analyze the level of agricultural sustainable development in the province and the influencing factors. The results show that the agricultural added value of Sichuan Province has shown an upward trend for 10 consecutive years, and the comprehensive level of sustainable development is on the rise. Based on the study of Sichuan province and the four economic zones in Sichuan, the contribution and shortcomings in the process of Sichuan's agriculture sustainable development are find out, and corresponding policy measures are proposed.
    Study on the development of ecological cycle agriculture in Chongqing
    WEI Xiu-li, JIANG Tao, XU Jin, LIU Hong, GAO Li-hong
    2019, 58(13):  169-172.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.036
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    The development of ecological recycling agriculture is an effective way to adjust the structure of agricultural industry, break the bottleneck of resources and environment, and transform the mode of agricultural development. The foundation, development status and problems of ecological circular agriculture in Chongqing is analyzed. Combined with the development of modern characteristic benefit agriculture in Chongqing, the main model of ecological cycle agriculture in Chongqing is put forward to provide reference for regional ecological cycle agricultural project construction.
    Research on the countermeasures for development of Ankang city selenium-enriched tea industry based on rural vitalization
    QIAO Ya-jie
    2019, 58(13):  173-176.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.037
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    Ankang city is a natural selenium-enriched area in China. Ankang selenium-enriched tea is one of the five characteristic industries in this city. The general situation of the selenium-enriched tea industry in Ankang city is introduced, and the development of this industry from the perspective of rural vitalization is pointed out. According to requirements of the rural vitalization strategic plan, 16 villages dominated by the tea industry have been surveyed. On this basis, a number of countermeasures and suggestions have been put forward, expanding the new business subject of Ankang selenium-enriched tea industry, adhering to the principle of “bringing benefits to farmers” and further bringing into play the poverty relief role of Ankang selenium-enriched tea industry, implementing moderate scale management and promoting confluent development of the tea industry and other industries like tourism and e-commerce, actively applying for the use of regional brand of “Ankang Selenium-enriched Tea” and emphasizing the creation of corporate brands, and strengthening policy support to facilitate the development of Ankang selenium-enriched tea industry from funds, talents, land and finance.
    Research on innovative agricultural science popularization service model under mobile network:Taking Damei agricultural science popularization community in Guangxi as an example
    WANG Guan-yu, WEN Yu-huan, WEI Mi, WEN Guo-quan
    2019, 58(13):  177-179.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.038
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    Taking the convenience of mobile network as the starting point, the necessity of the transformation of traditional agricultural science popularization mode was expounded. Based on the construction practice of the agricultural science popularization community website in Damei Guangxi, the innovative service modes such as agricultural science website, community information service platform, animation video and text combination, mobile phone mobile site design and matching agricultural science community volunteer service were analyzed to explore the science popularization education approach to adapt to the trend of the times.
    Farmers' environmental health risk cognition and response under the background of industrialization——Taking H village in the north of Nanjing as an example
    LI Zhen
    2019, 58(13):  180-183.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.039
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    With the accelerating process of industrialization and urbanization, a large number of factories have gradually entered the village under the initiative of local governments to attract investment. The industrialization of rural areas has been continuously updated, and the development of water has been steadily improved. However, behind this, rural environmental problems have become increasingly prominent and the hidden environmental risks are also increasing. The health and daily life of farmers are greatly threatened, and the stability and development of rural society have been seriously affected. In the face of the increasing industrial pollution in rural areas, farmers' perceptions of environmental health risks are limited and show significant lag. In the process of risk response,because of the lack of scientific knowledge, farmers use their own accumulated practical logic to try to save the village and rescue themselves.
    Impact of tourism benefit perception on residents participation in characteristic town:Moderating effect of political trust
    ZHANG An-min
    2019, 58(13):  184-189.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.040
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    Based on social exchange theory, the impact of tourism benefit perception on residents' participation in the characteristic town and moderating effect of political trust are explored by hierarchy regression analysis. The study found that the tourism benefit perception on residents' participation in the characteristic town included three dimensions that of tourism economic benefit perception, tourism sociocultural benefit perception and tourism environment benefit perception. There is a gradual decline law of "tourism sociocultural benefit perception→tourism environment benefit perception→tourism economic benefit perception" .The perception of tourism benefit has a positive effect on residents' participation.Among them, tourism sociocultural benefit perception is the strongest and shows the "long board effect". Political trust can significantly positively moderate the relationship between tourism environment benefit perception and residents'participation, but it has no significant moderating effect on the relationship between tourism economic benefit perception and residents'participation, tourism sociocultural benefit perception and residents'participation.
    Study on the culture of the twenty-four solar terms in agriculture:Based on surveys of professional farmers
    YU Jia-qi
    2019, 58(13):  190-192.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.041
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    The 24 solar terms is one of the excellent traditional Chinese culture, which has guiding significance to the agricultural production and life in ancient China. Under the impact of industrialization and modernization, the 24 solar terms culture is facing crises and challenges, and their guiding impact in agricultural production and life is fading. Therefore, through the field investigation of professional farmers,understanding the farmers' cognitive status of the 24 solar terms, the cultural solar terms in agricultural production and life challenges are analysed,feasible countermeasures for the protection and transmission of the 24 solar terms culture are put forward.