
Table of Content

    25 October 2022, Volume 61 Issue 20
    Breeding & Cultivation
    Breeding research progress and development strategies of photoperiod-thermo sensitive genic male sterile lines in rice
    YANG Da-bing, XIA Ming-yuan, QI Hua-xiong
    2022, 61(20):  5-8.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.001
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    The two-line hybrid rice(Oryza sativa L.) system based on the photoperiod-thermo sensitive genic male sterile (PTGMS) line is an important approach for rice heterosis utilization, and the development of the two-line hybrid rice has made an important contribution to guaranteeing food security in China. In this paper, we summarized the breeding research status of PTGMS rice, and pointed out the main problems in the breeding of PTGMS lines, including the single type of sterile genes and the slow progress of genetic research on the critical temperature of fertility transition. In response to those issues, the next development strategy was proposed, that is, to explore and make use of new genic male sterile resources, especially photoperiod sensitive genic male sterile resources in the indica genetic background, and to strengthen the research on the genes that regulate the critical temperature of fertility transition in male sterile lines. On this basis, molecular marker-assisted breeding should be used to improve the breeding efficiency of PTGMS lines and broaden the genetic basis of PTGMS germplasm.
    New wheat variety Emai 28 and its cultivation techniques
    TONG Han-wen, ZHU Zhan-wan, LIU Yi-ke, CHEN Ling, ZHANG Yu-qing, ZOU Juan, FU Peng-hao, XIE Wen-bo, XIAO Qi-he, GAO Chun-bao
    2022, 61(20):  9-12.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.002
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    Emai 28 was a new red floury wheat variety bred by crossing Yangmai 15 as the female parent and Hua 2566 as the male parent by Institute of Food Crops, Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences. In the regional test of wheat in Hubei Province from 2016 to 2018, the average grain yield of Emai 28 was 5 307 kg/hm2, 4.97% higher than that of the local check Zhengmai 9023. Emai 28 increased yield in 18 of 23 test sites, the point rate of yield increase was 78.26%. This variety showed the advantage of highly and stable yield. It was moderately resistant to moderately susceptible to Fusarium head blight (FHB) and powdery mildew, moderately resistant to high susceptible to stripe rust, and moderately susceptible to sharp eyespot under disease inoculation situation. Resistance to FHB, powdery mildew, pre-harvest sprout and lodging of Emai 28 were better than CK in production,and it showed the advantages of good comprehensive resistance. The variety was approved by Hubei Provincial Crop Variety Approval Committee in 2020, and the approval number was Eshenmai 20200004. Breeding process and main agronomic characteristics of Emai 28 were systematically elucidated. Yield performance, quality properties and resistance identification of Emai 28 were deeply analyzed, and key cultivation techniques of seed and food production of Emai 28 were thoroughly elaborated in this paper, which will provide theoretical basis and technical support for the application of Emai 28.
    Effects of different alcoholic solutions on seeds germination and seedling growth of highland barley
    FANG Rui-xia, WANG Shi-fa, FAN Shan-shan, SU Bin, YANG Qing-song
    2022, 61(20):  13-16.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.003
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    To promote seeds vigor and seedling yield, the effects of 1% methanol solution, 1% ethanol solution, 1% propanol solution and 1% n-butanol solution on seeds germination and seedling growth of highland barley (Hordeum vulgare var. coeleste L.) were investigated. Results showed that there were significant effects on seeds germination and seedling growth of highland barley by treatment with 1% different alcoholic solutions compared with the control. The seeds germination and seedling growth of highland barley were significantly promoted by 1% methanol solution. The germination rate, germination potential and germination index of the seeds treated by 1% methanol solution were 1.11, 1.11 percentage points and 1.12 higher than those of the control, respectively. The chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll of the seedlings were 0.013 7,0.000 4 and 0.000 7 mg/g higher than those of the control group, respectively. The seedling height and root length of the seedlings were 2.15 and 3.51 cm higher than those of the control group, respectively. 1% ethanol solution also significantly promoted the germination of the seeds, and the promoted effect was better than that of 1% methanol solution, whose germination rate, germination potential and germination index were 4.44, 5.56 percentage points and 6.86 higher than those of the control, respectively, but 1% ethanol solution inhibited the growth of highland barley seedlings. 1% propanol solution and 1% n-butanol solution inhibited the seeds germination and seedling growth of highland barley in different degrees, and 1% n-butanol solution had the strongest inhibition. All in all, 1% methanol solution could significantly promote the seeds germination and seedling growth of highland barley.
    Resource & Environment
    Characteristics of nitrogen loss from drainage and runoff in paddy field and rainfall runoff
    DENG Qiu-hong, FAN Min, ZHU Jing-ping
    2022, 61(20):  17-21.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.004
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    This study provided a basis for the prevention and control of agricultural non-point source pollution in paddy fields by studying the characteristics of nitrogen loss from drainage and drying of paddy fields and runoff in rainy seasons. For the test field with separate irrigation and drainage, the designed fertilization amount is 0, 90, 150, and 270 kg/hm2 in turn. By monitoring the field surface water level during rice growth, daily rainfall, and the three nitrogen concentrations in the field surface water of each test plot before drainage and after rainfall, the law of nitrogen loss in different rainfall periods after drainage and drying and fertilization is proved, and the amount of nitrogen loss is estimated. The results showed that the nitrogen concentration in the runoff of paddy field was mainly related to the amount of fertilizer applied and the time interval between rainfall and fertilization date. The highest concentrations of NH4+-N and TN in the three rainfall runoff were 12.000 mg/L and 13.520 mg/L respectively, of which NH4+-N and NO3-N were the main forms of TN loss; the total amount of TN loss generated by drainage and drying fields and rainfall runoff in the four test plots was 24.380 kg/hm2, of which rainfall runoff was the main loss way. The amount of fertilization, rainfall runoff and the time interval between rainfall runoff and fertilization date are the main factors affecting nitrogen runoff loss.
    Study on the remediation effect of soil conditioner and organic fertilizer on Cd-contaminated farmland
    LI Xiang-yang, GU Zhu-yu, ZHANG Xi-qiang, ZHANG Jian-yun, LI Gang, HUANG Xue-shun, XU Wei
    2022, 61(20):  22-27.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.005
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    Soil conditioner and organic fertilizer were used to carry out field experiment in the Cd-polluted area of Ziqiu town, Changyang City. The effects of soil conditioner and organic fertilizer on soil physical and chemical properties, total Cd, available Cd and Cd content of maize were analyzed. The results showed that both soil conditioner and organic fertilizer could increase soil pH value, and T3, T8 and T9 could adjust soil pH value better, and there was a significant difference compared with the control group. The contents of organic matter, available phosphorus, available potassium and slow-acting potassium were significantly increased in the treatment of T4 to T9 compared with the control group. Soil conditioner and organic fertilizer affected the activity of Cd by adjusting the physical and chemical properties of soil, promoted the transformation of effective Cd to the stable state, and thus reduced the absorption and accumulation of Cd by maize. Correlation analysis showed that Cd content of maize was negatively correlated with soil pH and positively correlated with soil available Cd. Considering the reduction rate of Cd in soil and maize,T9 treatment was the best for the passivation of Cd, and the inactivation efficiency of Cd was 21.57% and the content of Cd was 0.039 mg/kg, which was 49.35% lower than that in the control group.
    Distribution characteristics of phosphorus forms in tobacco growing soil in Western Hubei
    ZHOU Jian-xiong, DENG Jian-qiang, XU Da-bing, XIANG Xiu-zhi, ZHAO Shu-jun, REN Xiao-hong
    2022, 61(20):  28-32.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.006
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    Using the method of investigation and research, the morphological characteristics and distribution of soil phosphorus under different available phosphorus, pH and organic matter were compared, through the analysis of phosphorus forms of high-quality tobacco field soil samples in Western Hubei. The results showed that according to the optimal nutrient standard of tobacco planting soil in Enshi Prefecture, the pH value, organic matter and alkali hydrolyzable nitrogen of tobacco planting soil were at the medium level, while the available phosphorus and potassium were relatively rich. PH value had a significant negative correlation with sodium hydroxide total phosphorus and sodium hydroxide inorganic phosphorus, while it had a very significant positive correlation with hydrochloric acid inorganic phosphorus. With the increase of pH value, the content of soil available phosphorus gradually decreased, but the difference was not significant, indicating that soil acidification would lead to the enrichment of available phosphorus. With the increase of available phosphorus level, the content of water-soluble, sodium bicarbonate extraction, sodium hydroxide extraction, hydrochloric acid extraction and residual phosphorus increased gradually. With the increase of available phosphorus, the content of total phosphorus in soil gradually increased.
    Investigation of fermentation conditions and biological activity of fruit and vegetable waste enzymes
    WANG Yi-he, TIAN Shao-teng, JIN Jin-bo, NAN Song-jian
    2022, 61(20):  33-39.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.007
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    In order to investigate the effects of fermentation conditions on the quality and biological activity of fruit and vegetable waste enzymes, the effects of different fruit and vegetable wastes and additives (brown sugar and EM bacterial agent) on the quality of enzymes were investigated by measuring the pH, density, total number of bacteria, total number of fungi and total number of E. coli, and the activities of effective enzymes such as cellulase, protease, lipase and amylase. The test results showed that during the fermentation process of fruit and vegetable waste enzyme, the total number of bacterial colonies in general tended to increase and then stabilized or slightly decreased, the activity of efficacy enzymes increased continuously, and the density and pH in general showed a decreasing trend. The best fermentation effect was achieved when the material-liquid ratio was 3∶10, the fermentation substrate was fruit waste, the addition of EM bacterial agent was 3 ml/L and the addition of sugar was 100 g/L.The total number of bacterial colonies was high, most of them were free of E. coli, and the activities of four effective enzymes, cellulase, protease, lipase and amylase, were good.
    Distribution characteristics of different phosphorus forms in sediments of typical wetlands in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River
    ZHANG Jia-yang, LIN Fang, ZHAO Wan-lu, CHEN En-xi, MAO Xin-yu
    2022, 61(20):  40-44.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.008
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    In order to investigate the distribution characteristics of different phosphorus forms in typical wetland sediments of the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, 11 typical plots (4 kinds of core zones and 7 kinds of buffer zones) in Chenqiao Wetland of Xinxiang City, Henan Province were selected as the research objects, and the distribution characteristics of different phosphorus forms in different soil layers were analyzed. The results showed that the contents of inorganic phosphorus in 11 plots were in the order of Fe-Al bonded phosphorus, calcium-bonded phosphorus, reducible phosphorus and weakly adsorbed phosphorus from high to low. The average contents of weakly adsorbed phosphorus, reducible phosphorus, Fe-Al bounded phosphorus and calcium-bounded phosphorus were 3.5 mg/kg, 11.6 mg/kg, 276.9 mg/kg and 165.2 mg/kg in core zones, and were 3.4 mg/kg, 8.6 mg/kg, 255.7 mg/kg and 203.9 mg/kg in buffer zones, respectively. The weakly adsorbed phosphorus was mainly concentrated in the shallow layer of sediment, reducible phosphorus and Fe-Al bonded phosphorus were mainly concentrated in the deep layer of sediment, while calcium-bonded phosphorus was evenly distributed in the shallow and deep layers of sediments.
    Spatial and temporal changes of NDVI vegetation cover and its driving factors in Yunnan Province in the past 13 years
    LI Ya-qiang, CHEN Cheng, YANG Dong-hao, XIN Jing-da, DAO Jian, WANG Jian-xiong
    2022, 61(20):  45-51.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.009
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    In order to explore the multiple factors affecting the change of NDVI vegetation cover, the MODIS13Q1 data set was selected to synthesize the annual, quarterly, and monthly average values of NDVI in Yunnan Province for 13 years, and the annual average value of NDVI passed the stability test of the coefficient of variation CV. From 2006 to 2018, the annual average value of NDVI in Yunnan Province was 0.641, and the average annual growth rate was 0.002 26/10 years; among the NDVI values of the four seasons, only the summer showed a negative correlation trend, and the fluctuation range was obvious. Among the monthly average values of NDVI in 13a, NDVI reached the lowest in June and July. The results of the analysis of NDVI, DEM and meteorological factors showed that the proportion of NDVI was the largest at <3 000 m, which is 91.51%, and the vegetation coverage in this area was the best; the proportion of NDVI was the largest in the 10°~15° region, and with the increase of slope, NDVI first increases and then decreases. The proportion of NDVI was the largest in the north slope, and the proportion of other slopes was basically the same, and the vegetation growth state was good. The correlation between NDVI and air temperature was better in altitude, and NDVI was mainly affected by precipitation in terms of slope and aspect.
    Spatial and temporal characteristics and driving force analysis of cultivated land change——Take Dangyang City of Yichang as an example
    XU Lei, WANG Heng, LU Chang-liang
    2022, 61(20):  52-59.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.010
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    Based on the land use data of Dangyang City, Yichang City, Hubei Province in 2000, 2010 and 2020, 13 factors such as nature, economy and society were selected as the driving factors affecting the change of cultivated land. Using the land use transition matrix and the kernel density analysis, the dynamic degree model of cultivated land use was introduced, combined with the geographic detector method, to explore the spatiotemporal variation characteristics and main driving factors of cultivated land in various towns in Dangyang City from 2000 to 2020. The results showed that the distribution of cultivated land generally showed a decreasing trend from southeast to northwest. From 2010 to 2020, the cultivated land in Dangyang City changed significantly, and the cultivated land area decreased. Economic and social factors are the main factors affecting the distribution of cultivated land, but when interacting with other factors, the impact on cultivated land is weakened, and natural factors have interactive effects on cultivated land.
    Plant Protection
    Field control effects of different insecticide application methods on the borers of ratoon sugarcane
    LUO Ya-wei, QIN Zhen-qiang, LI De-wei, LIANG Tian, LI Tao, HUANG Xing, GAO Yi-jing
    2022, 61(20):  60-63.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.011
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    In order to clarify the field control effects of different insecticide application methods on ratoon sugarcane borers, the field efficacy test of 30% chlorantraniliprole·thiamethoxam SC on ratoon cane borers with four different application methods including foliar spray, spraying cane stump, applying at soil furrow and drenching irrigation at cane stump were conducted in 2019 and 2020. The results showed that spraying cane stump had better efficacy on controlling sugarcane borers at the seedling and harvest stage of sugarcane, and could increase the number of effective cane stems and the yield of sugarcane. The average yield of sugarcane in two years increased by 29.46% compared with the control without any insecticide. There were significant differences on controlling sugarcane borers of foliar spay and spraying cane stump at seedling stage, while there were no significant differences at harvest stage. The average yield of sugarcane in two years of foliar spay and spraying cane stump increased by 15.58% and 9.08%, respectively, compared with the control without any insecticide. However, there was no significant difference in the yield of sugarcane between the treatment of applying at soil furrow to control borers and the control without any insecticide. According to the actual situation, drenching irrigation at cane stump, foliar spray and spraying cane stump could be used to prevent and control the ratoon sugarcane borers, and the effect of drenching irrigation at cane stump was the best.
    Identification of secondary metabolites from the fungus Penicillium sp.1502 and their bioactivities
    ZHANG Ya-ni, LIU Man-li, ZHANG Zhi-gang, WAN Zhong-yi, WU Zhao-yuan, WANG Kai-mei, FANG Wei
    2022, 61(20):  64-68.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.012
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    The secondary metabolites and their bioactivities produced by Penicillium sp.1502 were investigated. Six compounds were isolated from ethyl acetate extract of the fungus fermentation broth by silica gel column chromatography and preparative HPLC, and their structures were identified as methyl asterric acid(1), methyl 3,5-dichloroasterric acid(2), sulochrin(3), monochlorsulochrin(4), dihydrogendin(5) and penipurdin A(6) by LC-MS and NMR. Compound 1 to compound 6 were further evaluated for antimicrobial and antifungal activities, and insecticidal activities against Aphis craccivora. The results showed that compound 3 to compound 5 showed weak activities against Streptococcus suis with MIC of 200 μg/mL, respectively, while compound 1 to compound 6 exhibited no obvious bioactivities against the six tested plant-pathogenic fungi and Aphis craccivora.
    Horticulture & Local Products
    Study on the relationship between the characteristics of stem flow and meteorological factors during oil conversion period of Camellia oleifera
    CAI Zhe, GUO Rui-ge, ZUO Ji-lin, LIU Wen-ying
    2022, 61(20):  69-73.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.013
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    Taking Camellia oleifera Gan 71 clone as an example, in order to master the change law of trunk and stem flow rate of improved Camellia oleifera during the oil and fat conversion period, the correlation between stem flow rate and meteorological factors was analyzed. Needle stem flow meter was used to continuously monitor the stem flow rate of Camellia oleifera and analyze the influence of meteorological factors on the stem flow rate of Camellia oleifera under different weather conditions. Multiple linear regression was used to input regression of stem flow rate and meteorological factors in Camellia oleifera, and the multiple linear regression model of stem flow rate and meteorological factors was established. The results showed that the stem flow rate of Camellia oleifera had an obvious diurnal variation pattern, showing an inverted “U”shape single-peak curve, and the peak value gradually decreased from August to October. The influencing factors of stem flow rate of Camellia oleifera from large to small were in the order of solar radiation, VPD, average temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and precipitation. After regression coefficient and correlation coefficient test, the multiple linear regression equation reached the extremely significant level. During the oil transformation period, the stem flow rate in August was the highest, and the order of stem flow rate in typical weather was sunny day > cloudy day > rainy day > overcast day.
    Study on the relationship between the flesh color change and carotenoids of melon
    Zaituna Maimaiti, XU Jian, GENG Xin-li, ZHANG Cui-huan, ZHENG He-yun
    2022, 61(20):  74-78.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.014
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    Four melon varieties with different flesh color: White flesh type, green flesh type, light orange flesh type and orange flesh type were used as materials to study the changes of flesh color and carotenoid content during the development of melon fruit, and to analyze the fitting relationship between a, b of flesh color and carotenoid content. The results showed that the L of light orange red flesh, orange red flesh type and green flesh type melon decreased during the development, and the flesh color became darker; a and b of light orange flesh type, orange flesh type melon continuously increased, and the pulp changed to red and yellow; a and b of green flesh type melon showed a downward trend and changed to yellow-green; L and a of white flesh type melon did not change significantly, but b decreased significantly from 20.9 to 6.3. In orange flesh type melon and light orange flesh type melon, the linear fitting coefficients of carotenoid content and a were 0.773 2 and 0.910 4, and the linear fitting coefficients of carotenoid content and b were 0.882 6 and 0.822 9, respectively, showing a positive and extremely significant correlation. The linear fitting degree of carotenoid content and b of white flesh type melon reached 0.463 7, showing a significant positive correlation. Carotenoid content could be approximately expressed by rapid determination of a and b by color difference meter.
    Effects of different planting densities on yield and commercial melon rate of Apple bitter gourd
    WANG Hui, SU Xiu-li, WEN Hai-xia, ZHU Jie, TAN Shun-lin, ZHANG Jie
    2022, 61(20):  79-81.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.015
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    Using fruit-type balsam pear(Momordica charantia L.) Apple bitter gourd as material, the experiment of planting density was set up to analyze its effect on early yield, total yield, early commercial melon rate and full harvest commercial melon rate of Apple bitter gourd. The results showed that the early yield and total yield were closely related to the planting density. When the row spacing was 2.5 m, the early yield of the treatment with 0.62 m plant spacing was the highest, and there was no significant difference in the early commercial melon rate among different treatments; the total yield of the treatment with 0.72 m plant spacing was the highest, but after excluding non-commercial melons, the treatment with 0.80 m plant spacing had the highest yield of commercial melons, indicating that different planting densities of Apple bitter gourd had great effects on the early yield, total yield and the rate of commercial melons in the middle and later stages.
    The physiological response of Paulownia fortunei 1201 seedlings under plumbum and cadmium stress
    ZHU Xiu-hong, ZHANG Ji-zhong, LI Zhe-jing, ZHANG Shu-jing, RU Guang-xin
    2022, 61(20):  82-91.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.016
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    A series of changes of seedling biomass, physiological and biochemical indexes and subcellular distribution of Paulownia fortunei 1201 under plumbum and cadmium stress were studied by hydroponic experiment. The results showed that the effect of plumbum and cadmium stress on seedling biomass of Paulownia fortunei 1201 was promoting at low level and suppressing at high level. Paulownia fortunei 1201 seedlings had stronger absorption and enrichment of cadmium than plumbum, and the heavy metal content in each part of the seedlings was in the order of root > leaf > stem. The bioenrichment coefficient and transport coefficient in each part of the seedlings showed a downward trend. The root of Paulownia fortunei 1201 seedlings played a role of buffer and protective barrier, becoming the main part of absorption and enrichment of plumbum and cadmium. Under plumbum and cadmium stress, super oxide dismutase(SOD) activities of Paulownia fortunei 1201 seedling roots decreased first and then increased with the increasing of stress concentration, while SOD activities of Paulownia fortunei 1201 seedling leaves had no significant change. Leaf catalase(CAT) activities increased first and then decreased with the increase of stress concentration. Peroxidase(POD) activities were positively correlated with stress concentration. Soluble sugar contents increased firstly and then decreased with the increasce of stress concentration, and the soluble protein contents increased first and then decreased, and free proline contents were positively correlated with stress concentration. With the increase of stress concentration, non-protein thiols compounds(NPT) contents increased first and then decreased, glutathione(GSH) contents decreased, phytochelatins(PCs) contents showed more complicated changes, but generally increased first and then decreased, and the contents of non-protein thiols compounds in leaves were significantly higher than those in roots. The accumulation of Cd2+ and Pb2+ in subcellular distribution was positively correlated with stress concentration.
    Cultivation adaptability analysis of 47 Morchella strains in Wuhan City
    CAI Ying-li, LIU Wei, LIU Gao-lei, GUO Meng-pei, HE Pei-xin, MA Xiao-long
    2022, 61(20):  92-97.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.017
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    47 cultivated strains from morel production areas in 20 cities in Guizhou, Sichuan, Hubei, Chongqing, Yunnan, Gansu and Hebei were collected, and their cultivation adaptability for Wuhan City climate (with high temperature) was evaluated. The results showed that there were significant differences in the adaptability of these strains to high temperature climate. The average yield of strain WHM43 and WHM44 was relatively high, with 466.60 g/m2 and 417.11 g/m2, respectively, and the fresh weight of the single mushroom was 13.66 g and 16.07 g, respectively. These two Morchella strains, with good mushroom shape and strong resistance to pathogens, adapted to the climate of Wuhan City. The average yield was extremely significantly positively correlated with the mushroom density. Morchella strains with no sclerotia production and extremely slow mycelium growth rate did not produce fruiting bodies.
    Analysis of comprehensive benefit and interplanting model for young citrus-corn-radix bupleuri
    YANG Ying-chun, SHI Chang-hua, YAO Yu-ling, YANG Hao, GUO Zhi-jun, XIONG Yu-bing, LI Yun-fei, FEI Fu-hua, LI Nian-zu
    2022, 61(20):  98-100.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.018
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    In order to effectively guarantee the income of farmers in new citrus(Citrus reticulata Blanco) orchards, subsidize the cost input during the tending of young fruit trees, and reasonably improve the farmland coverage, the research was carried out on the multi-dimensional interplanting model of young citrus-corn(Zea mays L.)-radix bupleuri(Bupleurum L.). The results showed that the income of the multi-dimensional interplanting model of young citrus-corn-radix bupleuri per hectare was RMB 19 700, and the benefit was increased by 102.05% or 9.44%, respectively, compared with the single interplanting of young citrus-corn or young citrus-radix bupleuri. The comprehensive benefit was significant. The young citrus-corn-radix bupleuri planting model was easy to operate, copy and spread in a large area, which was conducive to the complementary and coordinated development of fruit-grain-medicine industry.
    Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine
    Diagnosis and treatment of a case of sepsis in Longlin goats
    LI Jia-rong, LI Peng-ju, CHEN Hai-lan, WEI Ying-ming, PAN Yan
    2022, 61(20):  101-104.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.019
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    In June 2021, a Longlin goat farm in Guangxi suddenly experienced a decrease in the appetite of the sheep, and some goats were lying on the ground, coughing, wheezing, purulent nasal discharge, elevated body temperature, diarrhea and other symptoms, and even death, and the sick and dead sheep were dissected and conducted isolation and identification of bacteria. The results showed that the isolated strains were mainly based on sepsis, hemorrhagic enteritis and fibrinous pneumonia, and the isolated strains were morphologically characterized and 16S rDNA sequenced. The case was therefore sepsis caused by a mixture of infections with E.coli, Pasteurella multiclimum D, Acinetobacter india, Aeromonas guinea pig, and Staphylococcus coronaria. Susceptibility test results showed that bacteria were highly sensitive to kanamycin, cefotaxime, telmicoxam, and florfenicol.
    Comparative study of two sexual dimorphisms of two species of Apodemus in the east of Zhangguangcailing
    LI Dian-wei, MENG Fan-xing, LIU Jia-hui, LIU Yang, SHAN Hong-jia, JIN Zhi-min, YANG Bin-bin
    2022, 61(20):  105-110.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.020
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    In order to understand the sexual heteromorphism of Apodemus peninsulae and Apodemus agrarius, the two dominant species of Apodemus peninsulae and Apodemus agrarius, which were distributed in the same region, were collected in the agricultural and forestry zone in the east of Zhangguangcailing in Heilongjiang Province. Apodemus agrarius, measured its external morphology and visceral characteristics and other morphological indicators, and compared their male and female dimorphisms. The results showed that the external morphology and visceral characteristics of the two species of Apodemus were not significantly different between the sexes, and they all belonged to hermaphroditism. The main morphological characteristics of males were slightly larger than those of females. The length of the forefoot, the weight of the heart and the weight of the spleen of the male Apodemus peninsulae were larger than those of the female. The male and female body length ratios of Apodemus peninsulae and Apodemus agrarius were 1.021 and 1.043, respectively. The body length hermaphrodite degree indexes were 0.021 and 0.041; the male and female body weight ratios were 1.065 and 1.161, and the hermaphrodite degree indexes were 0.061 and 0.139, respectively. Part of the local morphological characteristics of the two species of Apodemus were significantly positively correlated with their body length and weight.
    Storage & Processing
    Development of short biscuit with Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Makino
    XIE Jin-yang, ZHOU Qiong, ZHANG Tao
    2022, 61(20):  111-116.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.021
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    Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Makino as a special additive was added into the formula of the short biscuit. The single factor test and the orthogonal test were adopted, and the sensory evaluation score was used as the indicator. It was concluded that the best process formula of the short biscuit with Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Makino was low gluten flour of 100 g, shortening of 30 g, sugar of 30 g, egg of 10 g, milk powder of 5 g, Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Makino of 3.0 g, baking soda of 0.5 g, salt of 0.5 g, ammonium bicarbonate of 0.3 g, and water of 45 mL. The best baking temperature was 200 ℃/180 ℃ and the best baking time was 15 min. The short biscuit had the special flavor of Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Makino. Finally, the physico-chemical properties of the samples were determined for the nutrient composition analysis, and the nutrient composition list was made.
    Study on the microencapsulation of butter flavor
    AN Shu-ying, CHEN Jing
    2022, 61(20):  117-121.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.022
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    In order to improve the stability and temperature resistance of liquid butter flavor, the microencapsulation of butter flavor was studied. By comparing and analyzing three kinds of microencapsulation products made of microencapsulated wall material, the best scheme of microcapsulated wall material was determined. Through single factor test and orthogonal test, the best solution of microencapsulation of butter flavor was determined by optimizing the ratio of maltodextrin and β-cyclodextrin, solid concentration and wall material load. The results showed that the optimal scheme of microcapsulated wall material was maltodextrin,β-cyclodextrin, monoglyceride, pure gum and modified starch; the optimum solution for microencapsulation of butter flavor was maltodextrin∶β-cyclodextrin=8∶3, total solid concentration of 30%, wall material load of 20%; at the same time, the higher the total solid concentration, the higher the efficiency and yield of microcapsule products; the concentration of total solid should be increased as much as possible within the allowable range of the solubility of β-cyclodextrin; within the embedding limit of wall material, the greater the load of wall material, the more core material was embedded. The inclusion rate of butter microcapsulation prepared by the best optimization scheme was 79.68%, the product quality was stable, and the appearance and fluidity were good.
    Study on the development of Torreya grandis Pueraria lobata biscuit
    LAI Hua-qing, DUAN Can-can, WANG Qi-yi, CAO Pan-xiang, ZHANG Jian-yong
    2022, 61(20):  122-126.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.023
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    The formula and processing technology of Torreya grandis Pueraria lobata biscuit were studied by single factor test and orthogonal test. The effects of the addition of Torreya grandis powder, Pueraria lobata powder, butter and xylitol on the quality of Torreya grandis Pueraria lobata biscuits were determined and the formula was optimized. The results showed that various factors influence on Torreya grandis Pueraria lobata biscuit sensory score was butter amount>Pueraria lobata powder amount>Torreya grandis powder amount>xylitol amount. The best formula and production process parameters were as follows: the addition of Torreya grandis powder was 15 g, Pueraria lobata powder was 20 g, butter was 20 g,xylitol was 25 g, milk powder was 10 g, salt was 0.5 g, baking soda was 1 g, eggs were 40 g, low-gluten wheat flour was 100 g, and the baking time was 13 min at surface fire temperature 165 ℃, bottom fire temperature 165 ℃. The biscuits prepared under these conditions have unique flavor, excellent quality and certain nutritional and health care functions.
    Optimization of processing technology of preserved fruit with Camellia chrysantha and orange peel by response surface methodology
    LIN Cui-ying, ZHAN Yuan-fei, HAO Er-wei, CHEN Yi-xin, FAN Li-li
    2022, 61(20):  127-132.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.024
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    The orange peel was used as the carrier, Camellia chrysantha compound was used to improve the taste, supplemented with rock sugar and citric acid to make preserved fruit. The single factor test and response surface methodology were used to study the optimum condition for removing bitterness and astringent of orange peel and the formula ratio of preserved fruit with Camellia chrysantha and orange peel. The results showed that the optimum processing condition of preserved fruit was removing bitter and astringent treatment time of 3 min, amount of rock sugar of 30.5%, and amount of citric acid of 2.0%. Under the optimum processing parameters, the preserved fruit with Camellia chrysantha and orange peel was transparent, full, lustrous, sweet and sour, and rich in citrus flavor, with a sensory score of 93.2.
    Study on the dissolution stability of nucleotides in soy sauce and sensory analysis
    WANG Nian-jiu
    2022, 61(20):  133-135.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.025
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    The dissolution stability and flavor effect of nucleotides with different added amounts in soy sauce were studied.The results showed that the soy sauce solution was stable when the GMP content was less than 0.3% or I+G content was less than 0.6%;IMP had good solubility in soy sauce, and the solution was clear without precipitation when added to 0.6%. In terms of flavor presentation effect, IMP had a more significant impact on soy sauce flavor, GMP had a more prominent sense of flavor extension and fullness, and I+G had a better enhancement effect on overall flavor perception, soy sauce flavor, roundness and fullness, and flavor extension.
    Application of Siraitia grosvenorii enzymatic hydrolysis extracts in oral tobacco flavoring
    WU Yan, XU He-nan, XUE Yun, LIU Qi-bin, LIU Hong, LI Zhi-hua, LU Li, XU Chun-ping
    2022, 61(20):  136-140.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.026
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    In order to develop new-type tobacco products with Chinese characteristics, Siraitia grosvenorii, a medical and edible homologous plant from Guangxi, was selected as raw materials to extract and prepare the oral tobacco flavors by ethanol extraction and biological enzymatic hydrolysis technology. Flavor ingredients were extracted by simultaneous distillation extraction method. Volatile components were analyzed and identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The results showed that 22 and 30 aromatic components were separated and identified by ethanol extraction and enzymatic hydrolysis respectively. Aromatic components extracted by enzymatic hydrolysis were more abundant, and aroma characteristics were richer and mellower. The flavoring tests were carried out by adding the flavoring extract after enzymatic hydrolysis to oral tobacco products, the taste was the best when the flavoring concentration was 30%. It not only improved the coordination and comfort of the taste of oral tobacco products, but also provided consumers healthier options and gave the product diversified functions.
    Detection Analysis
    Comparative study on determination of organochlorine pesticide residues in Glycyrrhiza uralensis by different purification methods
    LIAO Yu-fei, WANG Ping, ZHANG Rui-rui, CHENG Qian-fei
    2022, 61(20):  141-148.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.027
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    Taking Glycyrrhiza uralensis as the research object, gas chromatography was used to purify samples by the sulphonation method and QuEChERS method, and the two purification methods were evaluated. The results showed that the impurities in the samples prepared by the two purification methods had no interference to the determination of 9 organochlorines, the treatment effect of QuEChERS was better and the impurities were less. In the comparative study, the results of repeatability, recovery rate and detection limit showed that QuEChERS method was slightly better than the sulfonation method. QuEChERS method had the advantages of simple operation and few steps. It could be used as a purification method for the determination of pesticide residues in licorice samples, which was exclusive, rapid, sensitive and accurate.
    Determination of vitamin K1 content in Chinese cabbage by high performance liquid chromatography-fluorescence detection
    YU Han-zong, TIAN Meng, JIANG Shan, CHENG Fei, SUN Zhao-hui
    2022, 61(20):  149-152.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.028
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    In order to accurately determine the content of vitamin K1 in samples, a highly sensitive detection technology for vitamin K1 in Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L. ssp. pekinensis) based on high performance liquid chromatography-fluorescence detection was established. The optimized mobile phase and hexane vortex were used to extract the samples to be tested. After purification by the neutral alumina column, the samples were quantitatively analyzed by the C18 reverse-phase chromatography column. The results showed that vitamin K1 had a good linear relationship within the range of 0.229~6.197 μg/mL, and the correlation coefficient(R2) was 0.996 9. The detection limit of this method was 0.29 μg/100 g, and the limit of quantification was 0.95 μg/100 g. Recovery rate was 97.5%~101.8%. This method had the advantages of early peak time, effective separation of miscellaneous peaks and high detection limit, which was the optimal method for the detection of vitamin K1 in Chinese cabbage.
    Detection and safety evaluation of organochlorine pesticide residues in Polygonatum sibiricum in different regions of China
    XU Yu-sheng, SHEN Ke, WEI Ying, DONG Jing-cheng, JIANG Zhi-lin
    2022, 61(20):  153-157.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.029
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    11 Organochlorine Pesticide residues in 53 Polygonatum sibiricum samples from 46 regions were determined by Gas Chromatography. The pesticide residues in samples and their safety were evaluated according to GB2763—2019 National Standard for Food Safety Maximum Residue Limits for Pesticide in Food, Green Industry Standard for Import and Export of Medicinal Plants and Preparations and 2015 Edition of Chinese Pharmacopoeia. The results showed that the pesticide residues in all samples were within the safety limit, and the over-standard rate was zero. The residues of organochlorine pesticides in Polygonatum sibiricum in different regions of China were in line with the standards for edible medicine.
    Agricultural Engineering
    Design of water, fertilizer and pesticide integration microspray irrigation system for Sedum plumbizincicola seedlings greenhouse
    LIU Shu-hong, TAN Zhu, HU Zhi-xin, YANG Pan
    2022, 61(20):  158-161.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.030
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    In order to meet the requirements of temperature and humidity regulation in the seedlings greenhouse with restricted conditions and the irrigation of water, fertilizer and integration, a 38 m×8 m Sedum plumbizincicola seedlings greenhouse in Hunan Province was taken as an example, 220 V power supply and rivulet surface water supply, JET1800A self-priming pump, 4 rows and 2 groups of inverted micro-sprinkler, 1.2 m3 fertile-water tank, and 45 L medicament tank, the design of Piping and valves was optimized to realize multi-functional integration, and a water, fertilizer and integration microspray irrigation system was designed and put into implementation. The results showed that the ϕ120 plastic blind drain with an effective length of 1m can meet the integrated water intaking and purification requirement of 3.3 m3/h, eliminating the need for complex water treatment equipment; 2 L pressure tank could meet the control requirements, and the pump start did not exceed 4.5 times/h. The system was running well, the rate, pressure and accuracy of water flow were basically in line with expectations.
    Vibration analysis and optimization design of small whole stalk sugarcane harvester cutter head
    YANG Xiao-zhen, ZHOU Ji-xu
    2022, 61(20):  162-165.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.031
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    The problems in the field operation of the small whole stalk sugarcane harvester were considered, such as high rate of broken head, unstable cutting quality and large vibration of cutter head. The displacement and acceleration sensors were used to collect and analyze the vibration signals of cutter head and vibration source. Therefore, the influence degree of vibration intensity of different test points on the rigidity of cutter head joint was obtained. Then, combined with the vibration test system, the main frequency of cutter head vibration was measured by FFT. Finally, considering the cutting quality and stability of the harvester, the optimal design scheme for the assembly of cutter head, leaf stripper, frame and gearbox was proposed. It could provide reference for the improvement of the small whole stalk sugarcane harvester.
    Information Engineering
    Extraction of high resolution image aquaculture pond based on improved U-Net network model
    CHEN Hang, XIA Li-hua, YAN Jun, JIANG Xiao-xu, HUANG Teng-jie, DENG Jian-wen
    2022, 61(20):  166-171.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.032
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    Aiming at the problem of difficult extraction of aquaculture ponds, the deep learning method was used to extract aquaculture ponds from high spatial resolution remote sensing images. Based on the 0.5 m high-resolution remote sensing satellite images, this study adopted DenseNet network structure as the encoder of the U-Net network model, used the hand-marked aquaculture pond training samples to train the improved U-Net network model, and used the network model after training to extract the aquaculture ponds in the validation set images. Resulte showed that the precision rate, recall rate, and intersection over union of the improved U-Net network model were 92.77%, 92.21% and 85.60% respectively. Compared with the object-oriented method and the D-LinkNet model method, the improved U-Net network model possessed the best result. This model provided a new idea and method for fine extraction of aquaculture ponds, which was beneficial to promote the investigation and fine management of aquaculture resources.
    Optimization algorithm of key-frame extraction for agricultural technology knowledge video based on Sobel-LBP
    LIU Li, FENG Hong-cai, HUANG Qing
    2022, 61(20):  172-178.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.033
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    In order to improve the efficiency of finding key information in agricultural technology knowledge video, taking fruit pest knowledge video as an example, firstly, Sobel Edge Local Binary Patterns (Sobel-LBP) of the video image are extracted as features, and the preliminarily selected key frame set is calculated by fusing inter frame difference; then, the position interval of the first extracted key frame in the video sequence is used for secondary optimization to extract the key frame. The test results of four videos of different kinds of fruit diseases and insect pests knowledge show that the average value of the comprehensive index F1 of the key frame extracted by the algorithm can reach 0.925, the average accuracy is 91.35%, the average deletion factor is 2.46, and the average fidelity is 92.18%. It can effectively extract the key frames in the agricultural technology knowledge video, so as to reduce the redundant information in the video, and help to quickly and effectively transfer the new agricultural technology to the majority of farmers.
    Study on maize growth monitoring based on UAV remote sensing technology
    CHEN Cheng, YANG Dong-hao, LI Ya-qiang, XIN Jing-da, WANG Jian-xiong
    2022, 61(20):  179-181.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.034
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    Using DJI P4 Multispectral UAV, the spectral data of maize in the whole growth period were obtained and the growth status was monitored in 3 experimental fields with different maize varieties in Anning, Kunming, Yunnan. Based on the spectral data, the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) of corn was constructed to evaluate the growth of corn. The results showed that the maize variety LD556 of test plot 1 in the five different growth stages of maize was better than the maize varieties of the other two test plots (XL, JD16), and the mean and maximum values of NDVI of test plot 1 were higher than those of the other two test plots. In this paper, compared with the traditional ground monitoring, the corn growth monitoring test by multi spectral UAV was more rapid and efficient, which could greatly reduce the financial and human costs, and also promote the development of precision agriculture to a certain extent.
    Design of dairy cow behavior monitoring system based on LoRa and GPRS technology
    CAO Hai-dong, WANG Jun
    2022, 61(20):  182-187.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.035
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    A cow behavior monitoring system based on LoRa and GPRS technology was designed, with the help of MPU6050 sensor, the movement information of dairy cows was collected, and then the wireless sensor network was used to send, receive and process data. Finally, the improved K-means algorithm was used to identify the classification of dairy cow motion behavior, so as to realize the remote viewing of dairy cow behavior data and related information. The results showed that the wireless communication combination of LoRa and GPRS technology could effectively improve the information level of pasture management, and the system could remotely monitor cows and detect cow characteristic behavior in time.
    Recommendation system of fresh cut flower knowledge graph based on intelligent algorithm
    QIAN Ye, SUN Ji-hong
    2022, 61(20):  188-194.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.036
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    In order to further advance smart agriculture to promote the in-depth development of the fresh cut flower industry in Yunnan Province, provide accurate information on best-selling and unsalable varieties for growers, planting companies and the entire fresh-cut flower industry to avoid the undesirable phenomenon of large-scale cultivation of unsalable varieties, and ensure that the benefits of the fresh-cut flower industry were maximized, taking Yunnan fresh-cut flowers as the research object, the problems existed in a series of processes such as seed selection, planting, sales were analyzed. Then the associations and differences of different fresh cut flowers were found, and the artificial neural network algorithm to construct the intelligent recommendation model for fresh cut flowers recommends different varieties of fresh cut flowers to different populations. At the same time, the introduction of the cloud platform provided a reference basis for flower farmers, retail investors, planting companies, and scientific researchers, which could more accurately determine the types of customers, conduct targeted sales and research, and promote the healthy and orderly development of the fresh cut flower industry in Yunnan.
    Video shot detection algorithm of fruit pest knowledge based on multi feature fusion
    LIU Li, FENG Hong-cai, HUANG Qing
    2022, 61(20):  195-202.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.037
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    In order to improve the accuracy of shot detection in agricultural knowledge video, taking fruit pest knowledge video as an example, an adaptive double threshold fast shot detection method based on multi-feature fusion was used. The method was divided into two stages: initial inspection and reinspection. In the initial inspection stage, the improved block was used to extract the color features according to the characteristics of human vision, and the candidate frame sequence of the shot boundary was selected combined with the adaptive skip method; in the inspection process, the multi feature fusion method was used to further refine the video shot boundary obtained from the initial inspection. The results showed that this method could effectively realize the rapid segmentation of fruit diseases and insect pests knowledge video shot, with a recall rate of more than 93.5% and a precision rate of more than 93.4%. It could efficiently and accurately find the shot of fruit diseases and insect pests, and improve the utilization rate of farmers'agricultural knowledge video.
    Study on the spatial distribution and influencing factors of geographical indication agricultural products in Shandong Province
    LI Zhen, JI Min, WANG Ying-ran
    2022, 61(20):  203-210.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.038
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    473 geographical indication agricultural products in Shandong Province were used as research samples, and the spatial distribution characteristics and influencing factors of various types of geographical indication agricultural products in Shandong Province were studied by using ArcGIS10.2, Geoda and SPSS software, GIS spatial analysis methods such as nearest neighbor index, Moran index and kernel density analysis, combined with Gini coefficient. The results showed that: ①There were many kinds of geographical indication agricultural products in Shandong Province, mainly fruits and vegetables. Jining city and Weifang city were the cities with the largest number of agricultural products. ②The spatial distribution of GI agricultural products was influenced by factors such as natural geographical environment, population, economy and culture. Finally, this paper put forward corresponding countermeasures for the development of iconic agricultural products to provide theoretical references for promoting regional economic development and enhancing the popularity of regional products.
    Biological Engineering
    Cloning and identification of bovine Basigin gene variants
    LIU Xue-yan, CHENG Lin-yuan, ZHOU Guo-li
    2022, 61(20):  211-215.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.039
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    To investigate whether there are variants of the bovine BasiginBSG) gene, the 3′ RACE and sequencing techniques were used to clone and characterize the bovine BSG gene, and the 3′ end fragments of four transcripts of the bovine BSG gene, named BSG-v1, BSG-v2, BSG-v3 and BSG-v4, were successfully cloned, of which BSG-v2, BSG-v3 and BSG-v4 were newly discovered variants of the bovine BSG gene. It was shown that BSG-v2 underwent variable splicing at exon 7, resulting in exon 7 of BSG-v2 being 515 bp shorter than that of BSG-v1, but did not change the open reading frame of BSG gene. Both BSG-v3 and BSG-v4 underwent alternative polyadenylation, which resulted in a shorter 3′ UTR due to the absence of exon 7, indicating the existence of different forms of variants of the bovine BSG gene. It provides a molecular biological basis for further studies on the function of the bovine BSG gene in different biological processes.
    Molecular detection and analysis of main quality related genes in wheat
    SUN Hua-wei, LING Dong, ZHANG Dao-rong, TANG Qing, ZHOU Fang-ju, TANG Qing-yi, LIU Xian-bin, WANG Zhi-shun, TANG San-ming, REN Xi-feng
    2022, 61(20):  216-220.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.040
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    In order to clarify the distribution and frequency of related quality genes in 88 parental materials and provide parental materials for wheat quality breeding, molecular markers were used to detect the genes related to quality including Ax2*, AxN, Bx7, By8, Dx5 genes, polyphenol oxidase genes and 1B/1R translocation. The results showed that the distribution frequencies of Ax2*, AxN, Bx7, By8 and Dx5 genes were 4.55%, 57.95%, 92.05%, 35.23% and 43.18%, respectively, and the frequency of 1B/1R translocation was 21.59%. The frequencies of polyphenol oxidase genes PPO-A1a (high PPO), PPO-A1b(low PPO), PPO-D1a (low PPO) and PPO-D1b (high PPO) were 45.45%, 54.55%, 55.68% and 44.32%, respectively. The frequency of genotype PPO-A1b/PPO-D1a (double low PPO) was 32.95%, and the frequencies of genotype PPO-A1a/PPO-D1a (medium PPO) and PPO-A1b/PPO-D1b (medium PPO) were 22.73% and 21.59%, respectively. The frequency of genotype PPO-A1a/PPO-D1b (double high PPO) was 22.73%. There were few parent materials polymering multiple high-quality genes. There were 3 materials containing 7+8,5+10 subunits, non-1B /1R translocation and double low PPO activity (ppo-A1b/ppo-D1a), which were Zhengmai 119, Zhengmai 578 and Gaoyou 5766, respectively, and could be used as parent materials for breeding high-quality wheat.
    Economy & Management
    Study on government performance evaluation system of rural water environment governance based on AHP and BSC: A case study of Qingjiangpu district, Huai’an City
    FAN Cang-hai, LU Jia-ying
    2022, 61(20):  221-227.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.041
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    This paper took Qingjiangpu district of Huai’an City as an example to introduce the balanced scorecard (BSC) into the performance evaluation of local government’s rural water environment governance. In accordance with the principle of system integrity, scientificity and operability, the government performance evaluation system of rural water environment governance was constructed from four dimensions of finance, customer, internal process and learning and growth, and 18 specific performance measurement indexes were determined through drawing the strategic map. On this basis, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was used to determine the weight of each index in the criterion layer and the index layer, and the relative importance of the index was made clear, so as to achieve the purpose of comprehensive evaluation of the government performance of rural water environment governance.
    The evolution process, characteristics and prospect of participating in agricultural land management policy of industrial and commercial capital:A quantitative analysis based on policy documents
    DU Xing-duan, YANG Xiao-he
    2022, 61(20):  228-232.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.042
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    Through a quantitative analysis of 52 policy documents from 2004 to 2022 by Nvivo 12 Plus software, it is found that the participating in agricultural land management policy of the industrial and commercial capital in China has gone through three main stages, and has presented three evolutionary characteristics including the principle of safeguarding the interests of farmers, the change from supporting the large-scale operation to seeking the combination of the large-scale operation and the small-scale peasant economy, and constantly enriching and refining the way of participating in agricultural land management and control of the industrial and commercial capital. The following aspects need to be focused on in the future: how to reasonably control the industrial and commercial capital while encouraging it to the countryside in the process of implementing the rural revitalization strategy, how to ensure the implementation of the relevant policies and measures about the participation in agricultural land management of the industrial and commercial capital, and how to solve the leftover problems of the industrial and commercial capital such as the unfinished projects and the running away with the reasonable policy and measures.
    Research on the efficiency of policy-based agricultural insurance in Shaanxi Province
    WANG Yong, CHEN Xu-ao, WANG Yu-xin, YANG Yu-qi
    2022, 61(20):  233-238.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.043
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    According to the current situation of policy-based agricultural insurance in Shaanxi Province, this study selected DEA model and Malmquist index method to analyze the factors influencing policy-based agricultural insurance in Shaanxi Province. The results showed that the comprehensive efficiency of policy-based agricultural insurance in both 2018 and 2019 had not reached DEA validity, and the efficiency of policy-based agricultural insurance in different regions varied greatly. There was room for improving technology efficiency and scale efficiency in most regions to varying degrees. From the Malmquist index dynamic analysis, it could be seen that the average value of the total factor productivity index of policy-based agricultural insurance in Shaanxi Province from 2016 to 2019 was 0.851, and the overall efficiency was in the rising stage. The improvement of comprehensive efficiency in most regions was jointly driven by technology efficiency and technology progress, so the changes in technology efficiency and technology progress played a primary role. This paper put forward suggestions for enhancing the efficiency of agricultural insurance in Shaanxi Province.
    Research on ecological civilization construction of Hanjiang Eco-economic Belt based on projection pursuit model
    DONG Zhen, DENG Yi-fan, WU Ting-ting, WEI Rui-xin
    2022, 61(20):  239-244.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.044
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    By constructing the evaluation index system of ecological civilization construction of Hanjiang Eco-economic Belt from economic system, social system, environmental system and public service system, based on the index data of 14 cities of Hanjiang Eco-economic Belt in 2019, the projection pursuit model was used to measure the ecological civilization construction level of 14 cities.The results showed that the level of ecological civilization construction in different regions of the Hanjiang Eco-economic Belt was very unbalanced. The ecological civilization construction in Wuhan City and the middle reaches of the Hanjiang River was higher than that in Danjiangkou Reservoir Area, the upper reaches and the lower reaches of the Hanjiang River. The performance of different regions in different dimensions was also very different. Based on the analysis results, the countermeasures for promoting the ecological civilization construction of Hanjiang Eco-economic Belt in different regions were proposed.
    Rural Revitalization
    The impact of place attachment on the environmental responsibility behavior of farmers in rural tourism areas: Taking environmental perception as an intermediary variable
    HE Yan, WANG Li-guo, WEI Yi
    2022, 61(20):  245-251.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.045
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    The article used 577 effective survey data to construct a structural equation model for quantitative research using rural tourism areas in Jiangxi Province as an example. The results showed that the farmers in rural tourism areas had a high degree of place attachment. Among them, the place dependence of farmers had a positive and significant impact on place identity; place dependence had directly affected farmers'environmental responsibility behaviors, while place identity couldn’t directly affect farmers'environmental responsibility behavior; environmental perception had a significant intermediary effect between the two dimensions of place attachment and environmental responsibility behaviors; environmental perception had a positive and significant impact on environmental responsibility behavior. Accordingly, the sustainable development of the ecological environment and tourism in rural areas could be promoted by continuously strengthening environmental protection publicity in rural tourism areas, strengthening infrastructure construction and the popularization of related technologies, enhancing farmers'place attachment and environmental awareness, and improving farmers'environmental responsibility behaviors.
    Practical dilemma and institutional guarantee of digital RMB rural application under the background of inclusive finance
    ZHANG Li-li, SHAO Hao-ran
    2022, 61(20):  252-256.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.046
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    In the context of inclusive finance, the application of digital RMB in rural areas had practical foundations and social benefits. But at present, there were still practical difficulties in the application of digital RMB in rural areas of China. For example, at the social level, there was a lack of living infrastructure and educational resources in rural areas; at the institutional level, the issuance rights and legal status of digital RMB were unclear, the information property security system was imperfect, and rights relief was insufficient. On the basis of examining and learning from the institutional practice of agricultural-related digital currency applications in relevant countries and regions, it is proposed to provide institutional guarantee for the application of digital RMB in rural areas from the aspects of clarifying the legal status of digital RMB, improving the information security system of agriculture-related digital RMB, and constructing the right relief system of agriculture-related digital RMB.