Adaptability analysis of Chinese maize varieties in Myanmar
LI Jie-mei, XIE Xiao-dong, ZENG Yuan, ZHOU Hai-yu, JIANG Yu-feng, QIN Lan-qiu, XIE He-xia, CHENG Wei-dong
2022, 61(15):
676 )
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The adaptability and yield performance of Chinese maize (Zea mays L.) varieties in Myanmar were studied to screen suitable varieties for local planting. In the autumn of 2020, the randomized block design was adopted in Nairobi City in southern Myanmar, and the phenology, yield, yield components and disease resistance of 16 maize varieties in China were identified and evaluated with the local variety C. P621 as the control. The results showed that the 16 varieties were better than the control C. P621 in the growth process, plant traits, ear traits, pest resistance and other aspects. Among them, Hongdan 670, A302, A303 and Huiyu 3226 were better than the control in ear length, ear diameter, ear rows, grains per row, seed rate and bald tip. Except that the resistances of 99 x Luofu and Fengyu 981 to sheath blight and ear rot were slightly poor, their varieties had good resistance to local pests and diseases. In terms of yield performance, the yields of 11 varieties were higher than those of the control, accounting for 68.75% of the tested varieties. The yields of Hongdan 670, A303 and Huiyu 3226 reached above 9 000.00 kg/hm2, which were 20.70%, 18.49% and 17.20% higher than those of the control, respectively. Based on the investigation and identification results, Hongdan 670, A303, Huiyu 3226, Gaokang 718, A301, Jinyu 8, Wanhe 1821, Zhaofeng 588, V1806, Fengyu 981 and A302 had moderate plant types, high yield and good resistance. They had good adaptability to the climate in southern Myanmar and were suitable for promotion and application in southern Myanmar.