
Table of Content

    10 August 2022, Volume 61 Issue 15
    Breeding & Cultivation
    Adaptability analysis of Chinese maize varieties in Myanmar
    LI Jie-mei, XIE Xiao-dong, ZENG Yuan, ZHOU Hai-yu, JIANG Yu-feng, QIN Lan-qiu, XIE He-xia, CHENG Wei-dong
    2022, 61(15):  5-9.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.001
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    The adaptability and yield performance of Chinese maize (Zea mays L.) varieties in Myanmar were studied to screen suitable varieties for local planting. In the autumn of 2020, the randomized block design was adopted in Nairobi City in southern Myanmar, and the phenology, yield, yield components and disease resistance of 16 maize varieties in China were identified and evaluated with the local variety C. P621 as the control. The results showed that the 16 varieties were better than the control C. P621 in the growth process, plant traits, ear traits, pest resistance and other aspects. Among them, Hongdan 670, A302, A303 and Huiyu 3226 were better than the control in ear length, ear diameter, ear rows, grains per row, seed rate and bald tip. Except that the resistances of 99 x Luofu and Fengyu 981 to sheath blight and ear rot were slightly poor, their varieties had good resistance to local pests and diseases. In terms of yield performance, the yields of 11 varieties were higher than those of the control, accounting for 68.75% of the tested varieties. The yields of Hongdan 670, A303 and Huiyu 3226 reached above 9 000.00 kg/hm2, which were 20.70%, 18.49% and 17.20% higher than those of the control, respectively. Based on the investigation and identification results, Hongdan 670, A303, Huiyu 3226, Gaokang 718, A301, Jinyu 8, Wanhe 1821, Zhaofeng 588, V1806, Fengyu 981 and A302 had moderate plant types, high yield and good resistance. They had good adaptability to the climate in southern Myanmar and were suitable for promotion and application in southern Myanmar.
    Effects of salt stress on photosynthetic performance and protective enzyme activities of corn at seedling stage
    ZHANG Jun, GE Dan, LIU Yu, SHEN Xing-yu, LI Tian
    2022, 61(15):  10-14.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.002
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    Using different concentrations of NaCl (0, 50, 100 and 150 mmol/L) to simulate salt stress, the indexes of photosynthetic performance and protective enzyme activity were measured. Based on the salt tolerance coefficient of each index, the salt tolerance of the main corn varieties in Shangluo was conprehensively evaluated by using the weighted membership function method. The results showed that,with the increase of salt comcentration, the net photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductance (GS) and transpiration rate (Tr) showed a decreasing trend; the intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) showed an increasing trend; SOD, POD and CAT activity increased first and then decreased. Based on the comprehensive D value, the salt tolerance of the tested varieties at seedling stage was Denghai 11> Zhengda 658> Qinxin 1708> Ansen 7> Wanrui 6> Zhaoyu951. The research results could provide reference for the selection of Shangluo corn varieties.
    Research on selection and regional test of cotton early maturing machine-harvested cultivars in Northern Xinjiang
    LI Ji-hui, XIANG Dao, CHEN Yong-fan, YANG Ming-feng, JI Fen
    2022, 61(15):  15-19.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.003
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    New strains and varieties of early maturing machine-harvested cotton(Gossypium spp) were screened and identified to ensure the stable improvement of cotton quality and yield. Nine test areas were set up and eight early maturing cotton varieties were selected for a regional comparative test. The results showed that the whole growth period of the strain was 120.2~123.1 d,and the standard deviation was ±1.0 d. The comprehensive ranking of agronomic traits of A2 was the best. The yield per unit area of seed cotton, lint cotton and lint cotton before frost of A2 was better than that of other varieties, which increased by 11.2%, 12.9% and 13.3% compared with the control, respectively. The variance analysis and t test reached an extremely significant level. The lint yield of 8 varieties ranked as A2>A4>A7>A5>A8>A1>A3>A6. The comprehensive evaluation of fiber quality reached the standard of high quality cotton type II, and the comprehensive ranking of fiber quality was A3>A1>A6>A8>A7>A5>A2>A4. A2 had strong regional adaptability, the uniformity of the boll opening period was the best, and the yield increased significantly compared with the control. The adaptability of other varieties to regional environment was uneven. That is, they had obvious selectivity to environmental meteorological conditions. The order of adaptability of varieties to environmental temperature from strong to weak was A2>A4>A7>A3>A1>A8>A5>A6.
    Effect of cold accumulation temperature at flowering stage on seed setting of rapeseed
    LI Ming-hua, YI Yong, HUANG An-feng, ZHANG Wei
    2022, 61(15):  20-24.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.004
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    Based on the flowering observation experiment of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) in Huaihua agricultural meteorological experiment station from 2011 to 2020, the effective pod number and single pod grain number of rapeseed flowering in different types of weather were obtained, and the cold accumulation temperature index was used to comprehensively express the low temperature intensity and low temperature duration. Through correlation analysis, stepwise regression statistics and other methods, the relationship model between effective pod rate, single pod grain number and cold accumulated temperature of rape was established, and the index of damaged cold accumulated temperature during flowering was studied. The results showed that low temperature and rain lasting for 3~5 days or simple short-term low temperature (including individual frost days and daily minimum temperature of about -0.5 ℃) had little effect on seed setting of rape. The effective pod rate was 80%~99% of that in normal weather, and the number of single pod seeds was(20.1±1.6), which was equivalent to 91% of that in normal weather. The effective pod rate was 20%~77% (average 61%) and the number of single pod seeds was 27%~56% (average 47%) of that in normal weather when low temperature and rain lasted for more than 7 days or frost accumulated for more than 3 days or frost accumulated for more than 40 hours. When the flowering period lasted for 4 days, the key period of cold accumulation temperature was from 2 days before flowering to 3 days after flowering. When the effective pod rate or single pod grain number reached 70% of that in normal weather, the cold accumulation temperature indexes in low temperature weather were ≥ 36.0 ℃ and ≥ 29.7 ℃, respectively, and the cold accumulation temperature indexes in low temperature and rainy weather without sunshine were ≥ 21.2 ℃ and ≥14.3 ℃, respectively.
    Resource & Environment
    Study on temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of seasonal variation of air temperature in Xinjiang
    ERKEJAN Hoyhazi, AJIGUL Sayit, MAMTIALI Mamtiyimin, APAR Ruzi
    2022, 61(15):  25-33.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.005
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    Based on the temperature data of 105 meteorological stations in Xinjiang from 1961 to 2018, this paper used climate tendency rate, Mann Kendall test and inverse distance weighted (IDW) interpolation technology under ArcGIS10.7 environment to explore the change trend, mutation characteristics and refined spatial-temporal distribution of quarterly average temperature in Xinjiang. The results showed the overall spatial distribution of each quarter was high in South Xinjiang, low in North Xinjiang, high in the plain and basin (valley), and low in the mountain area. The average temperature of Xinjiang region in recent 58 years showed an upward trend year by year, the spring temperature increased abruptly in 2011, the summer temperature changed abruptly in 2003, the autumn temperature changed abruptly in 1994, and the winter temperature changed abruptly in 1985—1986. The temperature in each quarter showed a downward trend and then continued to rise, but the warming range was different in different seasons and regions. The warming rate was the fastest in Northern Xinjiang in spring, autumn and winter, the fastest in Tianshan Mountain area in summer, the slowest in Southern Xinjiang in spring, summer and autumn, and the slowest in Tianshan Mountain area in winter, which passed the significance test. The average temperature increasing rate of each season in Xinjiang decreased from north to south. The temperature increasing rate in the north was greater than that in the northeast, the northeast was greater than that in the middle, the middle was greater than that in the south, and the south was greater than that in the east. This showed that the temperature increasing rate in cold regions was faster than that in warm regions.
    Analysis on temporal and spatial variation characteristics of temperature refinement in Xinjiang
    APAR Ruzi, ERKEJAN Hoyhazi, LI Qi, HUANG Jian, ZHANG Shan-qing
    2022, 61(15):  34-41.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.006
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    Based on the temperature data of 105 meteorological stations in Xinjiang from 1961 to 2018, using climate tendency rate, Mann-Kendall test, wavelet power spectrum analysis and inverse distance weighted(IDW) interpolation technology under ArcGIS10.7 environment, the change trend, mutation characteristics, change cycle and refined spatial-temporal distribution of annual average temperature in Xinjiang were explored. The results showed that the spatial distribution of annual average temperature in Xinjiang was uneven, and the overall spatial distribution was “high in southern Xinjiang, low in northern Xinjiang; high in plain and basin (Valley), low in mountainous area”. In recent 58 years, except Kuqa and Aktao, the temperature in all parts of Xinjiang showed a fluctuating upward trend, but there were regional differences, and the linear warming rates were different. The lowest warming rate was 0.025 7 ℃/a in southern Xinjiang, the warming rate was 0.031 4 ℃/a in Tianshan Mountains, and the largest warming rate was 0.035 4 ℃/a in northern Xinjiang. The key growth areas were located in Hami, Tacheng, Ili and Altay. The annual average temperature increasing rate in Xinjiang decreased from north to south. The temperature increasing rate in the north was greater than that in the northeast, the northeast was greater than that in the middle, the middle was greater than that in the south, and the south was greater than that in the east. The temperature increasing rate in cold regions was faster than that in warm regions. The main periodic fluctuation of temperature in Xinjiang was about 2.6 years, and all of them pass the 95% red noise test. The strongest periodic signal of high temperature fluctuation was in northern Xinjiang, followed by Tianshan Mountains, and the smallest in southern Xinjiang. Before the mid-1990s, except for a few years, the temperature anomaly was negative, and after the mid-1990s, it was positive. The 2~8a scale average spectrum showed that the interannual variation of temperature was weak before the mid-1990s, and gradually increased after the mid-1990s. The corresponding power spectrum temperature was higher, and the periodic signal of fluctuation was also strong, which indicated that the climate of Xinjiang was in the middle and late 1990s. There was a general and significant turning point of temperature increase and mutation.
    Characteristics of spatial and temporal changes of extreme climate events in the Kaidou River-Kongque River Basin in Xinjiang in recent 59 years
    PAN Yin-mei, DAI Xue-rong, MAO Dong-lei
    2022, 61(15):  42-49.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.007
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    Based on the daily maximum and minimum temperature and precipitation data of 8 meteorological stations in Kaidou River-Kongque River Basin of Xinjiang from 1961 to 2019, the temporal and spatial variation characteristics of 18 extreme climate indicators were analyzed by means of univariate linear regression, Mann-Kendall mutation test, inverse distance weight interpolation and correlation analysis. The results showed that, from the aspect of time, the extreme high temperature indexes in most areas of Kaidou River-Kongque River Basin showed a significant upward trend, and the daily temperature range (DTR) and extreme low temperature index mainly showed a downward trend. The change of extreme precipitation indexes were not obvious, and the maximum number of consecutive dry days (CDD) showed a significant downward trend. The abrupt change time of extreme temperature was mainly from the late 1980s to the early 21st century, and the abrupt change year of extreme precipitation index was mainly from the 1980s to the early 1990s. From the aspect of space, climate tendency rate of the extreme temperature indexes including summer days (SU25), tropical nights (TR20), warm days (TX90p), warm spell duration (WSDI), ice days (ID0) showed the distribution characteristics of low in the northwest and high in the southeast, and cold spell duration index (CSDI), cold nights (TN10p), cold days (TX10p) and DTR were on the contrary; crop growth period (GSL), warm nights (TN90p) became larger and larger around the northeast and the number of frost days (FD0) beaome smaller and smaller around the northeast. The extreme precipitation indexes including the maximum 1-day precipitation (RX1day), the number of moderate rain days (R10), the heavy precipitation (R95p), the maximum consecutive wet days (CWD) showed the distribution characteristics of high in the northwest and low in the southeast. The change rate of TN90p, TN10p and CDD was the most obvious. Extreme weather events were significantly positively correlated with the increase of temperature and precipitation.
    Temporal and spatial variation characteristics of comprehensive natural disaster bearing capacity in Shaanxi Province
    XU Bin, WEN Yan-jun, LI Xiao-yu, GENG Shuo-lin, WANG Tian-ying
    2022, 61(15):  50-58.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.008
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    An evaluation index system for the comprehensive disaster bearing capacity of natural disasters in Shaanxi Province was constructed, the entropy weight method comprehensive evaluation model was used to calculate and analyze the disaster bearing capacity, and time series and ArcGIS spatial mapping methods were used to analyze its temporal and spatial characteristics. The results showed that, from 2000 to 2019, the overall natural disaster bearing capacity in Shaanxi Province showed an upward trend, the rate of change had gradually stabilized, and regional differences had gradually narrowed. The ability to cope with risk has been greatly improved. During the study period, the characteristics of the disaster-resistance and disaster-prevention capabilities of Shaanxi Province were basically consistent; the dynamic evolution process of the disaster-relief capabilities was more complex and fluctuated, and the overall situation of the resilience increased steadily, but the improvement was lower than other sub-capabilities. The development trend of the disaster bearing capacity of each district and sub-item was basically the same as that of Shaanxi Province. The spatial pattern of population change in Shaanxi Province had a certain degree of coupling with the spatial change of comprehensive disaster bearing capacity. The improvement and development of disaster bearing capacity in Shaanxi Province basically adapted to the new spatial distribution pattern of exposure to natural disasters related to population changes during the study period.
    Climatological definition and analysis of rainstorm characteristics in late autumn in Hubei Province
    CHEN Wei, LIU Pei-ting, XU Ying-chun, YUE Yang, ZHANG Li
    2022, 61(15):  59-66.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.009
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    Based on the national station observation and NCEP reanalysis data from 1962 to 2020, combined with the human comfort index, the late autumn season in Hubei Province was defined for the first time, and the characteristics of heavy rain in late autumn in Hubei Province were revealed by the synthetic and comparative methods.The results showed that the daily average temperature range of late autumn in Hubei Province was 10~16 ℃. The beginning date of late autumn in Hubei Province was October 27, and the end date was November 24. The three modes of EOF decomposition of heavy rain days in late autumn of Hubei province included the regional heavy rain cases in late autumn of Hubei province, which showed that the southern Jianghan Plain, the eastern northeast of Hubei Province and the southeast of Hubei Province were the areas with high incidence of heavy rain. The number of heavy rain days in late autumn in Hubei Province changed significantly, and the value of high and low alternated significantly. Morlet wavelet analysis showed that there were obvious periodic oscillation signals of 2~3 years, quasi-6 years and 12~13 years in the late autumn rainstorm in Hubei Province, among which quasi-6 years was the most prominent, and the oscillation phenomenon of 12~13 years had increased since the 1990s. The main influencing systems of the late autumn rainstorm process included the Western Pacific subtropical high, the East Asian trough and the southern branch trough of the Gulf of Bangladesh. Near the surface, the front shape of the southwest warm and humid air climbing on the cold mat was formed, when the westerly shortwave trough moved eastwards to approach or superimpose on the frontal system, the frontogenesis was strengthened, which was different from the trigger model that the short-wave trough was close to or superimposed on the inactive Plum rain front and carried cold air into the surface “warm inverted trough” under the background field of the saddle-shaped large-scale circulation in the typical Plum rain front process. The frontal system of the heavy rain in late autumn had a small slope and weak upward movement, which mainly occurred in the middle and upper troposphere. The tropospheric θse was distributed from low to high from bottom to top, and the atmospheric junction was in a stable state. However, the frontal system of the heavy rain in Plum rain front had a large slope, and the tropospheric θse was distributed in a “sandwich” pattern of high-low-high.
    Climatic analysis and division of ecological tourism resources in Hubei Province
    TAN Jing, CHEN Zheng-hong, CHEN Ying-ying, JIA Wen-qian, KUANG Xin
    2022, 61(15):  67-74.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.010
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    Using the conventional meteorological data from 82 national meteorological observatories in Hubei Province for the past 60 years, the characteristics of tourism climate resources in Hubei Province were analyzed, and tourism suitability was divided. Based on the human comfort index, the daily and monthly comfort index of every county and city in the province was calculated, and the climate regionalization for tourism suitability in the province was carried out. The results show that the annual comfort duration of Hubei Province is 5~8 months, the mountain area is higher than the plain, the west is higher than the east, and the distribution of comfort days in four seasons shows obvious seasonal characteristics. Hefeng County, Xuan'en County in Enshi Prefecture and Xingshan in Yichang City have the highest annual comfort duration of 8 months. The regions with more comfortable days are located in the western mountainous areas, reaching more than 200 days, and the maximum is 217 days in Hefeng County, Enshi Prefecture. The best number of comfortable days is 120 days in Lichuan County, Enshi Prefecture. Xianning City is the most comfortable area in eastern Hubei. According to the suitable months for tourism, the province is divided into two major regions: summer half year and spring and autumn comfort, and spring and autumn comfort can be further divided into three sub-regions: spring and autumn extension, late spring and early autumn and late spring and autumn. In the western mountainous areas with higher altitudes, summer is cool and comfortable, and the conditions for summer escape are very superior. Spring and autumn are warm and comfortable in the wide range of low mountains, hills and Jianghan Plain in the central and eastern parts of Hubei Province, which are the best seasons for tourism. Although the province's overall cold conditions in winter are poor, skiing, hot springs, rime and other resources are rich, which are suitable for tourism activities. In general, the time span of the tourism climate resources in Hubei Province is long, the suitable tourism areas are wide, the types are diverse, and the tourism resources are very rich.
    Risk regionalization of potato frost disaster in central Inner Mongolia
    GAO Hong-xia, ZHANG Xiao-lei, QI Lei, CHEN Su-hua
    2022, 61(15):  75-79.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.011
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    Based on the daily minimum temperature data of potato maturity from 1983 to 2018 of 19 national meteorological stations in central Inner Mongolia, as well as the potato planting area and yield data from 1994 to 2018, the potato frost disaster risk evaluation indexes in central Inner Mongolia was constructed.The risk assessment model for frost disaster of potato was constructed by using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and weighted comprehensive score method. The frost disaster risk of potato during the mature stage in central Inner Mongolia was analyzed by GIS technology. The results show that the high risk areas of frost disaster during potato maturity in central Inner Mongolia are mainly distributed in Chayouzhongqi of Wulanchabu City and Wuchuan county of Hohhot City. The secondary high risk areas are mainly distributed in Siziwangqi, Shangdu county, Zhuozi county, Huade county of Wulanchabu City, and Damaoqi of Baotou City. Medium risk areas are mainly distributed in the southeast of Wulanchabu City, central area of Hohhot City, and Guyang County of Baotou City. The low risk areas are mainly distributed in Liangcheng County of Wulanchabu City, Tumotezuoqi, Tuoketuo County, Helingeer County, Qingshuihe County of Hohhot City, the south of Baotou City and Tumoteyouqi.
    Cultivated land area change and prediction by the principal component regression and GM (1,1) model in Ankang City
    ZHANG Jian-dong, WANG Li, WANG Heng, LUO Kun-li
    2022, 61(15):  80-84.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.012
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    The dynamic change of cultivated land area in Ankang City from 2010 to 2020 was quantitatively evaluated, and the change of cultivated land area was forecasted and analyzed by using principal component regression and GM (1,1) grey forecasting model. The results showed that the area of arable land in Ankang City decreased year by year from 2010 to 2020, with a total reduction of 15 773 hm2 was reduced. Principal component regression analysis showed that the main factors affecting the change of cultivated land area in Ankang City were socio-economic factors (permanent population, output vaule of primary industry, output vaule of secondary industry, GDP(Gross Domestic Product), urbanization rate, growth rate of total fixed asset investment and fiscal revenue); GM(1,1) model predicted that the area of arable land in Ankang City would be reduced to 355 269.4 hm2 in 2024. With the rapid development of economy, the continuous expansion of cities and the increase of resident population, it is urgent to protect the arable land and improve the land.
    Potential evaluation of rural construction land consolidation in Zhengding County, Hebei Province
    SONG Zi-kang, HU Yue-chuan, LI Jia-jin, CAO Yi-xun, CAO Yin-gui
    2022, 61(15):  85-89.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.013
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    The distribution of rural construction land is scattered and its utilization efficiency is low, which threatens the food security and slows down the economic development. Therefore, it is urgent to carry out the regulation to ensure that the total amount of cultivated land does not decrease and to promote regional development. Based on the standard method of construction land per capita, the potential of rural construction land consolidation of Zhengding County in Hebei Province was calculated. The results showed that the realistic potentiality of Zhengding County was 1 121.03 hm2. Zhengding Town had a maximum finishing potential of 465.82 hm2. Xipingle and Nanlou have no potential for consolidation, while Hutuo River, Shijiazhuang Zhengding International Airport and the surroundings of Ci River are the main areas for consolidation.
    Classification and evaluation of rural “Sansheng Space” based on land function:Taking Luquan Yi and Miao Autonomous County as an example
    WU Bi-lan, XIANG Dong-lei, CHEN Yun-chun
    2022, 61(15):  90-97.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.014
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    In order to implement land use optimization, land and space planning, and rural revitalization, it is urgent to carry out classification and evaluation of rural production, living and ecological space (Sansheng Space). Taking the multi-functional theory of rural areas as the guide, a spatial classification evaluation system that paid equal attention to production, life, and ecological functions was constructed using the InVEST model, analytic hierarchy process, assignment method and other methods, and classification and evaluation of the “Sansheng Space” of rural land were carried out from the functions quantification of products and services provided by land use. The results showed that the structure of the “Sansheng Space” in Luquan Yi and Miao Autonomous County was clearly differentiated, showing a state of ecological space, production space and living space from high to low. The production and living spaces were mainly distributed in the county town. In the region, the ecological space was widely distributed, and the western part was denser.
    Dynamic changes of soil nitrogen under tobacco-rape rotation and balanced fertilization
    ZHANG Qi-li, XIAO Ling, LI Tao, MA Wei, HE Ji-xian, GU Hui-zhan
    2022, 61(15):  98-102.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.015
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    In order to explore the dynamic changes of soil nitrogen under tobacco-rape rotation and balanced fertilization, a two-factor complete design, which included the main factors (winter fallow, Chongrongyou 1, Deyouzao 1 and GSX-1) and by-factors (conventional fertilization, nitrogen reduction and phosphorus increase), was adopted to analyze contents of soil alkali hydrolyzed nitrogen and ammonium nitrogen in rape and tobacco seasons. The results showed that tobacco-rape rotation could increase the contents of soil alkali hydrolyzed nitrogen and ammonium nitrogen in different degrees, and the effect was most significant in the early stage of rape transplanting (30 d). With the development of rape growth period, the effect of rotation on soil nitrogen content decreased sharply, and the overall performance was as follows: Chongrongyou 1>Deyouzao 1>GSX-1>winter fallow. During the whole growth period of tobacco, except for some treatments, the contents of alkali hydrolyzed nitrogen and ammonium nitrogen in other soils decreased by 8.65%~64.26% and 5.41%~77.51%, respectively. Under all the main treatments, soil nitrogen content was the highest in the phosphorus increase. In conclusion, the nitrogen content was relatively high when Chongrongyou 1 rape combined with tobacco rotation and phosphorus increase, which was a good local cropping system.
    Temporal and spatial variation of soil fertility in Lijiang City tobacco area
    LI Zi-lin, HUANG Ya-nan, LIU Shu-wu, SUN Yong-bo
    2022, 61(15):  103-106.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.016
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    Membership function model, factor analysis method and fuzzy mathematics comprehensive method were adopted to evaluate soil nutrient abundance and fertility suitability in Lijiang City tobacco areas of Yunnan Province from 2015 to 2020 to provide a basis for scientific and reasonable fertilization, tobacco area planning, and tobacco planting area adjustments. The results showed that pH and nitrogen content showed an increasing trend, while the suitable ratio decreased; the organic matter and available potassium content decreased, while the suitable ratio showed a downward trend; the active chlorine content decreased, and the suitable ratio increased; the available phosphorus content decreased, and the suitable ratio did not change; the available sulfur was high and the suitable ratio decreased; the soil fertility suitability of the tobacco area decreased. In tobacco planting, it was necessary to follow the fertilization principles, such as reducing nitrogen, controlling phosphorus, increasing potassium, reducing sulfur, reducing chlorine, reapplying organic fertilizers, and applying less alkaline fertilizers, support a reasonable farming system, make full use of soil resources and improve tobacco production and quality, to realize the sustainable development of tobacco production.
    Relationship between soil temperature and moisture and root growth of tobacco in Panzhihua City
    MAO Min, PAN Xing-bing, BAI Jia-lin, LIU Yu, YUAN Jia-fu, XU Xiang-yu
    2022, 61(15):  107-111.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.017
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    In order to clarify the influence of temperature and moisture on the tobacco root development, and provide data support for regulating root growth in production,the changes of soil temperature and humidity under the conventional management were analyzed,and the relationship between average temperature and humidity and root parameters during the monitoring period was studied by detecting the roots of tobacco plants. The results showed that the soil temperature gradually decreased from transplanting to the end of harvest, and the average soil temperature in the morning was lower than that in the afternoon, and the soil temperature of the rhizosphere was significantly lower than that in the middle of the two tobacco plants in both morning and afternoon. The soil moisture of the rhizosphere was basically maintained from transplanting to the end of harvest, and the soil moisture between the two tobacco plants increased beginning and then stabilized. The soil moisture of the rhizosphere was significantly higher than that between the two tobacco plants. The total root length, total surface area and number of root tips were significantly positive correlated with soil temperature and soil moisture, and the root average diameter and number of forks were significantly positive correlated with the soil moisture between the two tobacco plants. In terms of time, the correlation between soil temperature and root parameters in the morning was higher than that in the afternoon. The correlation coefficient between the soil moisture of the rhizosphere and root parameters in the afternoon was higher than that in the morning, while the correlation coefficient between the soil moisture between the two tobacco plants and root parameters in the afternoon was lower than that in the morning.
    Effects of different nitrogen sources and starter contents on composting of Styphnolobium japonicum branches
    JIA Zhan-wen, WU Fang-fang, NIAN Xiao-chen, WANG Chong-chong, LIU Gui-lin
    2022, 61(15):  112-116.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.018
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    In view of the composting status of landscape waste in China, the optimal composting scheme under different treatment was explored according to the factors affecting composting. Different nitrogen sources and starter contents were designed and applied to study the dynamic change characteristics of pH, EC, total carbon, total nitrogen, total potassium and total phosphorus in the process of composting. The results showed that each treatment was beneficial to the composting process. Among them, pH and EC increased first, then decreased, and then approached a stable trend. The changes of pH and EC were the most obvious in T1 treatment. Total carbon value decreased continuously, and the change of T7 treatment was the most obvious. The total nitrogen value, total phosphorus value and total potassium value all showed a continuously increasing trend, and the change of T1 treatment was the most obvious. It showed that the effect of nitrogen source on the composting process was greater than that of starter content.
    Isolation and identification of endophytic fungi from Amepelopsis grossedentata and its effects on selenium enrichment in host
    ZHOU Fang-zhen, ZHOU Zhi, LIU Shui-song, GONG Qi-wen, CHEN Meng-jie, YAN Peng-fei
    2022, 61(15):  117-120.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.019
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    To investigate the effect of endophytic fungi on selenium accumulation in vine tea (Amepelopsis grossedentata), the dominant endophytic fungi were isolated from vine tea seed and identified by morphological observation and rDNA-ITS sequence analysis. Sodium selenite solution was injected into the rhizosphere of vine tea seedlings, and high and low concentrations of endophytic fungal spore suspension were prepared and applied to the leaf surface of vine tea seedlings. Vine tea samples were collected in time. After drying, the selenium content was determined by atomic fluorescence spectrometry. The results showed that the dominant endophytic fungus LZC-1 was isolated and identified as Fusarium sp.; LZC-1 treatment could significantly reduce the enrichment of selenium in soil by vine tea (P<0.01), and the inhibitory effect of high concentration spore suspension on host selenium enrichment was significantly stronger than that of low concentration spore suspension (P<0.05). From this it can be seen that selenium application can increase the selenium enrichment of vine tea, while endophytic fungus LZC-1 can reduce the selenium enrichment of host vine tea.
    Plant Protection
    Investigation on main diseases and insect pests and control techniques of powdery mildew in Callerya speciosa
    CHEN Shao-rong, HUANG Rong-shao, LI Liang-bo, YAO shao-chang, TAN-Yong, MING RU-hong, HUANG Ding
    2022, 61(15):  121-123.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.020
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    The pest species and epidemic regularity of Callerya speciosa were studied through field investigation. A randomized block design was used to compare the control effects of different pesticides on powdery mildew of Callerya speciosa and explore the best green control technology. The results showed that there were few diseases and insect pests in Callerya speciosa, but it was easy to infect diseases and insect pests in seedling stage, mainly including root rot, rust, powdery mildew, anthracnose, downy mildew, leaf blight, root knot nematode and aphid. Five fungicides were effective in controlling the powdery mildew of Callerya speciosa. The control effect of 25% triadimefon was 98.0%, 42% oligosaccharides · sulfur was 89.0%, 1% osthole was 76.8%, 0.5% physcion was 27.6%, Trichoderma harzianum was 13.8%. 25% triadimefon, 42% oligosaccharides · sulfur and 1% osthole had the best control effect, and there was no significant difference among them. The best green control technology for powdery mildew of Callerya speciosa is intermingled use of 42% oligosaccharides · sulfur and 1% osthole.
    Screening and identification of endophytic antimicrobial strains from Dendrobium changjiangense
    GAO Fang-mei, CHEN Xia-shi, CHEN Mao-nan, GAO Fang-jian, YANG Wen
    2022, 61(15):  124-128.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.021
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    Ten endophytic bacteria were isolated from Dendrobium changjiangense by tissue block method and streak method, and three indicator bacteria including Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans were used to study the antimicrobial activity of endophytic bacteria isolated from Dendrobium changjiangense by agar plate method. The results showed that among the 10 endophytic bacteria isolated from Dendrobium changjiangensis, the root was the most, followed by the stem, and the leaf was the least. Among the 10 endophytic bacteria isolated from Dendrobium changjiangensis, two strains had inhibitory effects on at least one test bacterium, accounting for 20% of the total isolated strains. Among them, C-06 strain had inhibitory effects on the three indicator bacteria, and one strain C-05 had inhibitory effects on the two indicator bacteria, respectively. Through the analysis of bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequence, the active strains were distributed in Bacillus and Bacillus-like. Dendrobium changjiangense is rich in endophytic bacteria resources. Some endophytic bacteria have the characteristics of metabolic inhibition, which can be used as a screening source of new drugs and provide a reference for the treatment of clinical diseases.
    Horticulture & Local Products
    Application of integrated water and fertilizer technology of drip irrigation under film mulching in the production of pigment pepper
    DING Feng, LI Pan, TANG Ya-li, PU Sheng-hai
    2022, 61(15):  129-132.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.022
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    Xinjiang is an advantageous production area for dry pepper. At present, drip irrigation under film has been widely used in the planting of pigmented pepper, but there are still some problems in its production, such as serious waste of water and fertilizer resources, uncoordinated water and fertilizer supply, poor coupling effect, low yield and quality. This study combines the water and fertilizer integration technology with the production practice of pigmented pepper from the aspects of physical and chemical properties of the plot, land leveling, drip irrigation system layout and management, planting mode and population index, water and fertilizer management and supporting cultivation measures of pigmented pepper in each growth period, and expounds the application technical points of water and fertilizer integration technology in pigmented pepper production, and forms a universal guiding technical specification of water and fertilizer integration.
    Effects of flooding stress and drainage on physiological characteristics of four perennial flowers of Compositae
    LIU Yang, HAN Tao, ZHANG Hong-ling, LIU Ji-feng
    2022, 61(15):  133-139.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.023
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    The effects of flooding and drainage treatments on the physiological characteristics of four perennial flowers of Compositae were studied, which revealed their response to flooding stress and differences in resistance, and provided theoretical experimental references for future landscaping. The double-pot method was used to treat them with flooding stress, and physiological and biochemical indicators such as the relative water content(RWC), free proline(Pro), soluble protein(SP), soluble sugar(SS), malondialdehyde (MDA) and chlorophyll (Chl) of four perennial flowers of Compositae family were measured, comprehensively evaluated and analyzed. The results showed that, under flooding stress, RWC and SS contents of four flowers increased first and then decreased; Pro and MDA contents increased continuously; SP contents of Gaillardia aristata and Chrysanthemum morifolium increased first, then decreased and then increased, and those of Dendranthema indicum and Achillea millefolium rose first and then fell; Chl content was a trend of decreased firstly, then increased and then decreased. The four kinds of flowers maintain cell stability by increasing the content of osmotic adjustment substances, which coordinate with each other to improve their anti-waterlogging ability, thereby reducing the damage of water stress. After the waterlogging was drained, the physiological states of four flowers all recovered. The four perennial root flowers had certain differences in resisting waterlogging stress. Through the analysis and evaluation of the membership function method, it was found that the strength of the resistance to waterlogging was in the order of Chrysanthemum morifolium > Achillea millefolium > Dendranthema indicum > Gaillardia aristata. Principal component analysis was used to rank the importance of waterlogging resistance indexes, from large to small: Pro, MDA, SS, Chl, SP, RWC.
    Effect of water stress on physiological characteristics and saikosaponin contents in Bupleurum chinense
    LIU Qiao-fei, ZHOU Zi-yun
    2022, 61(15):  140-145.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.024
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    Taking 2-year-old seedlings of Bupleurum chinense as experimental materials, the effects of four treatments of soil water stress (30%, 50%, 70% and 90% of field capacity) on the physiological characteristics and saikosaponin content of Bupleurum chinense were studied by potted water control. The results showed that light drought stress significantly increased the root to shoot ratio, the content of saikosaponin a and total saikosaponin in Bupleurum chinense and severe drought stress significantly increased the content of soluble sugar, proline, malondialdehyde, saikosaponin d and total saikosaponin in Bupleurum chinense. Soluble protein and FW/BW (free water/bound water) decreased with the increasing degree of drought stress. Comprehensive analysis showed that Bupleurum chinense had a certain drought tolerance; light drought stress was beneficial to the increase of root to shoot ratio and the accumulation of saikosaponin, while excessive soil moisture was unbeneficial to the root growth of Bupleurum chinense and the accumulation of saikosaponin. Therefore, scientific and reasonable water control methods should be adopted during the artificial cultivation period of Bupleurum chinense, and low lying and waterlogged lands should be avoided. The accumulation of effective components in Bupleurum chinense should also be promoted when ensuring the normal growth of plants, for improving the yield and quality of Bupleurum chinense finally.
    Study on introduction adaptability of vegetable rape in Zhijiang city
    JIANG Cheng-hong, ZHOU Yuan-wei, ZHANG Xiao-ling, XIANG Xin, TONG Yue, PENG Zheng-wen, CHENG Yu-gui
    2022, 61(15):  146-149.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.025
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    The comparative test of ten vegetable rape varieties was conducted to study their growth season, yield of the tender flower stalk and fresh feed, characteristic and taste of the tender flower stalk, and final economic benefit. The results showed that there were four early-maturing varieties, five medium maturing varieties and one late maturing variety according to the number of days from planting to bolting. The tender flower stalk yield of early-maturing varieties was higher than medium maturing and late maturing varieties in the all, the fresh feed yield of all varieties was 5.9%~36.1% lower than that of Huayouza 62, and the total biological yield was 0.7%~20.8% lower than that of Huayouza 62. The per plant weight and stem diameter of four early-maturing varieties were lower than those of medium and late maturing varieties. In this study, the stalk-leaf ratio demarcation point of oil and vegetable dual-purpose varieties and specific vegetable varieties was 0.33. The taste of the tender flower stalk was delicious and well received by the masses. The ten vegetable rape varieties had high output value. The common vegetable rape varieties reached more than 58 180 yuan/hm2, while the selenium enrichment vegetable rape varieties reached more than 195 067 yuan/hm2 in economic benefit.
    Rapid determination of seed viability of Aconitum kusnezoffii by tetrazolium staining method
    SUI Xin, YU Ying, LU Hai-kun, YU Yun-ze, GUO Jing, JIANG Ye-cheng
    2022, 61(15):  150-152.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.026
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    In order to realize the rapid determination of the seed vigor of Aconitum kusnezoffii, through the orthogonal test of 4 factors and 3 levels, the influence of each factor in the seed vigour of Aconitum kusnezoffii on the dyeing effect was explored, and the optimal dyeing conditions were determined. The results showed that the influence of various factors on the seed dyeing effect was ranked as dyeing time>TTC concentration>soaking time>dyeing temperature. The most suitable condition for determining seed viability is after seed soaking for 12 h, staining with 0.3% TTC dye solution at 30 ℃ for 15 h.
    Study on the mechanism of flavonoids from three kinds of alpinia herbs in rats with gastric ulcer cold syndrome
    QIN Hua-zhen, ZHONG Gui, CHEN Jun-qi, HE Rui-kun, DAI Qing-ling, LIU Jun-hui
    2022, 61(15):  153-156.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.027
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    The effects of the flavonoids from Alpinia officinarum Hance, Alpinia galanga (L.) Willd., seeds of Alpinia galanga (L.) Willd. on SOD activity and contents of MDA, bFGF and PDGF in gastric tissue of rats were observed to explore the mechanism of action on gastric mucosal repair in rats with gastric ulcer cold syndrome. The rat model of gastric ulcer cold syndrome was prepared by irrigation of cold water decoction of rhizoma anemarrhenae and 15% glacial acetic acid. The activity of SOD and the contents of MDA, bFGF and PDGF in gastric tissue of rats were observed with gingerol as the positive control. The results showed that, the content of MDA in the gastric tissues of rats in the high and low dose Alpinia officinarum Hance group, the high-dose Alpinia galanga (L.) Willd. group and the high-dose seeds of Alpinia galanga (L.) Willd. group showed a significant or extremely signficant decrease (P<0.01 or P<0.05). SOD activity in gastric tissues of rats in the high-dose group of Alpinia officinarum Hance, Alpinia galanga (L.) Willd. and seeds of Alpinia galanga (L.) Willd. showed a significant or extremely signficant increase (P<0.01 or P<0.05). The content of bFGF in gastric tissues of rats increased significantly in the high and low dose Alpinia officinarum Hance group, the high-dose group of Alpinia galanga (L.) Willd. and seeds of Alpinia galanga (L.) Willd. (P<0.01). The content of PDGF in gastric tissues of rats in the high-dose Alpinia officinarum Hance group, the high and low dose groups of Alpinia galanga (L.) Willd. and seeds of Alpinia galanga (L.) Willd. showed a significant or extremely signficant increase (P<0.01 or P<0.05). Three alpinia herbs flavonoids can promote gastric mucosal repair in rats with gastric ulcer cold syndrome. The action mechanism is related with reducing MDA content, increasing SOD enzyme activity, and enhancing the content of bFGF and PDGF content. It is speculated that flavonoids play a role in gastric mucosa repair by promoting gastric mucosa antioxidant capacity, reducing the gastric mucous membrane peroxidation damage, promoting the epithelial cell proliferation of injury, and repairing damaged tissue.
    Study on sensory evaluation and instrumental analysis of fresh fruit of Lycium barbarum L. and their correlation
    HUANG Ting, WAN Shi-yuan, QIN Ken, LIU Jian, ZHANG Bo, HE Xin-ru, DUAN Lin-yuan, DAI Guo-li, TIAN Jun
    2022, 61(15):  157-163.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.028
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    23 varieties (strains) of Lycium barbarum L. fruits were used as test materials, and the traditional sensory evaluation method was used to evaluate the color, size, shape, appearance and taste of Lycium barbarum L. fruits. The fruit shape index, area, perimeter, diameter, length/width, deflection angle, roundness, compactness, average single fruit weight, fruit color difference (L, a,b), total sugar, total acid, tannin, vitamin C and other physical and chemical indexes were measured to explore the correlation among sensory evaluation, instrumental analysis, physical and chemical characteristics by seed test instrument, color difference instrument, and high performance liquid chromatography. The results showed that the size index of sensory evaluation of Lycium barbarum L. fresh fruit was significantly positively correlated with the area, perimeter and diameter measured by the instrument, while the color, size, fruit shape and appearance index of sensory evaluation were significantly negatively correlated with the tannin content measured by the instrument; area index was significantly positively correlated with perimeter, diameter and length/width index, and negatively correlated with roundness, compactness and fruit shape index; similarly, perimeter index was significantly positively correlated with diameter and length/width index, and negatively correlated with roundness, compactness and shape index.
    Substance distribution of 14C tracer assimilates in Tamarix chinensis-Cistanche tubulosa complex
    LIU Shu-hong, YANG Tai-xin
    2022, 61(15):  164-167.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.029
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    The substance distribution of 14C tracer assimilates in Tamarix chinensis-Cistanche tubulosa complex was measured and analyzed by using BH1216 low background αβ measuring device. The results showed that the specific activity of 14C in Tamarix chinensis fed leaves was the highest, and 14C was distributed in different parts of Tamarix chinensis and Cistanche tubulosa at different time. The 14C specific activity of leaves fed with the same treatment was the highest in September, followed by August and October, and the lowest in November. At the same time, the distribution proportion of 14C assimilates in Tamarix chinensis and Cistanche tubulosa under different treatments also reached a significant level. With the increase of the parasitic number of Cistanche tubulosa, the proportion of 14C assimilates allocated to Tamarix chinensis at the same time decreased significantly, while the proportion allocated to Cistanche tubulosa increased significantly. The distribution ratio of 14C assimilates in Tamarix chinensis and Cistanche tubulosa at different times was significantly different. With the parasitic growth of Cistanche tubulosa, the proportion of 14C assimilates allocated to Tamarix chinensis decreased significantly from August to October, while the proportion allocated to Cistanche tubulosa increased significantly, reaching a peak in October. Therefore, there is a significant difference in the conversion process of 14C assimilates between Cistanche tubulosa and its host Tamarix chinensis.
    Study on the effect of pavement on the spatial distribution of Platanus spp. root system
    WU Song-cheng, LI Ling-li, TIAN Zhong, ZHU Zi-lin
    2022, 61(15):  168-171.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.030
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    The avenue trees Platanus spp. with DBH ≥1 m in Rehe Road, Beijing West Road and the compound of Nanjing municipal government were taken as the experimental object, and the root system with diameter ≥3 cm under different paving conditions was detected by using the tree radar detection system at the circle of 0.5 m,1.0 m and 1.5 m away from the trunk. The results showed that with the increase of distance from the trunk and soil depth, the number of roots with diameter ≥3 cm gradually increased. The root number and root distribution range (12.35~120.00 cm) of Platanus spp. with diameter ≥3 cm under lawn mulching were less than those under pavement. When all the outside of the tree pool is hard paved, 65.83% of the roots with diameter ≥3 cm distributed in the depth of 40~150 cm soil layer at the circle of 1.5 m away from the trunk, and the deepest degree of root distribution is 148.07 cm. It can be seen that the greater the barrier degree of pavement to the water and nutrients from the above ground part, the deeper the root system is promoted. The shallowest depth of root system distribution is related to the thickness of paved face brick or hardened pavement.
    Study on the correlation between the benefits of noise reduction of common landscape trees and canopy structure characteristics
    LU Wei-na, GOU Ying-ying, WANG Xu-dong, TIAN Guo-xing
    2022, 61(15):  172-175.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.031
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    Ten common landscape tree species in Zhengzhou City were selected as research objects, and the simulated fixed noise source (fetal noise) was simulated. The AWA6228 multiple-functional sound level meter was used to measure the noise reduction under different distance gradients, and the canopy structural characteristics including leaf area index (LAI), mean leaf angle (MLA) and gap fraction (GAP) of the trees were quantified by using the CI-110 to analyze the relationship between the noise reduction ability and the canopy structure characteristics. The results showed that there were differences in the ability of trees to reduce noise under different distance gradients. The LAI index of the canopy of tree communities was positively correlated with the noise reduction ability. The GAP index was negatively correlated with the noise reduction ability. The canopy texture and noise reduction ability were moderately correlated, while the MLA and leaf area were not correlated with the noise reduction ability.
    Research on street landscape evaluation and renovation strategy based on AHP method:A case study of North Meicang Street in Zhengzhou city
    CHEN Shuai, GAO Jian-kang, WEI Hong
    2022, 61(15):  176-179.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.032
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    This paper selects the North Meicang Street of Zhengzhou city as the research object, conducts field research and questionnaire survey, and conducts a comprehensive evaluation of the street landscape through five criterion layers and eighteen index layers combined with AHP. The results show that the weight values of the criterion layer from large to small are street traffic, street activities, experience, street greening and street facilities. After investigation, it is found that the four factors that have a high evaluation on the street landscape are road convenience, environmental sanitation and cleanliness, green coverage and street safety. In this way, optimization suggestions are put forward for North Meicang Street to provide support for the creation of high-quality street space.
    Preliminary study on the landscape planning and design of Jiang'ou village in Guangzhou from the perspective of “Production-Living-Ecology”
    WU Bo-yang, GAO Ying-jie, ZHANG Yu
    2022, 61(15):  180-182.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.033
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    The rural landscape carries profound natural, economic, social and cultural connotations. Taking Jiang'ou village in Guangzhou as an example, from the perspectives of natural ecosystems, economic production systems, and settlement living systems (“Production-Living-Ecology” system), the guiding ideas and strategies for planning and design of rural landscapes under the three systems are proposed, with a view to providing guidance for the current rural revitalization and development and the creation of regional features.
    Storage & Processing
    Research progress on extraction technology and content of active ingredient of Ligustrum lucidi fructus
    ZHAO Jie, XIAO Yu, TAN Zhao-yang, LIU Ta-si
    2022, 61(15):  183-190.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.034
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    Ligustrum lucidi fructus is widely distributed, low in price, significant in pharmacological effects, and highly valuable for development and utilization. This article summarized the research of the recent ten years in the extraction process, quality detection methods and content of active ingredient of Ligustrum lucidi fructus, in order to provide reference for the further development and utilization of Ligustrum lucidi fructus.
    Detection Analysis
    Simultaneous determination of three components in Wuwei Quzhi granules by HPLC
    LI Fang-chan, PANG Xiao-yun, FU Ji-li, CHEN Qing, WANG Su-fei, WEI Bo-wei
    2022, 61(15):  191-194.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.035
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    HPLC method was established to simultaneously determine the contents of puerarin, dihydromyricetin and myricetin in Wuwei Quzhi granules. Shim-pack C18 column was used, the mobile phase was acetonitrile-0.1% phosphoric acid, and gradient elution was adopted; the flow rate was 1.0 mL/min, the column temperature was 30 ℃, and the detection wavelengths were 250 and 285 nm. The results showed that puerarin, dihydromyricetin and myricetin had a good linear relationship at the levels of 0.023 0~0.138 0 μg, 1.087 2~6.523 2 μg and 0.500 8~3.004 8 μg, respectively. The average recoveries of puerarin, dihydromyricetin and myricetin were 102.7%, 101.1% and 99.7%, respectively, with RSDs of 2.56%, 2.21% and 0.78%, respectively. The method is stable, accurate and reproducible, and can be used for quality control of Wuwei Quzhi granules.
    Study on quality analysis of Panax notoginseng based on composition
    WU Lan, WEI Liu-wei, WEI Jin-mei, ZHONG Wen, TAN Yu-ping
    2022, 61(15):  195-198.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.036
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    The quality and efficacy differences of Panax notoginseng (Burk.) F. H. Chen under hot air drying at 60 ℃ and 80 ℃ and freeze drying were studied by investigating the composition and efficacy changes caused by drying methods. HPLC, UV and other methods were used to analyze the contents of saponins, total polysaccharides, total flavonoids and total phenols in Panax notoginseng components after hot air drying and freeze drying. The pharmacological effects of Panax notoginseng dried by three different drying methods were studied through pharmacological experiments, and the results were analyzed by principal component analysis and component / pharmacodynamic correlation analysis. The results showed that the contents of Rg1, Rb1, Rd and total saponins of Panax notoginseng dried at 80 ℃ were significantly lower than those of freeze-dried powder. Total saponin content was freeze-drying panax notoginseng > 60 ℃ hot air drying panax notoginseng > 80 ℃ hot air drying panax notoginseng. Compared with Panax notoginseng dried at 60 ℃, the contents of Rg1 and Rb1 in freeze-dried Panax notoginseng increased by 8.37% and 6.33%, and the content of R1 decreased by 2.48%. The contents of Re and Rd in freeze-dried Panax notoginseng were higher than those in hot air drying Panax notoginseng. The results showed that the pharmacological action of freeze drying Panax notoginseng was higher than that of hot air drying Panax notoginseng. Compared with freeze-dried Panax notoginseng, the pharmacodynamic components of hot-air-dried Panax notoginseng were reduced. Panax notoginseng with different drying methods could cause changes in the content of components and thus produce different pharmacodynamic differences.
    Establishment of HPLC fingerprint of Poria cocos and determination of triterpene acid content
    XU Yu-sheng, YUAN Ding-yang, LIU Ling, XIN Wen-feng, YU Zheng-yong, DUAN Mei-juan
    2022, 61(15):  199-203.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.037
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    HydroBondPS-C18 Column(4.6 mm×250.0 mm,5 μm) was used for gradient elution with acetonitrile and 0.2% formic acid water as the mobile phase. The flow rate was 1.0 mL/min, the column temperature was 30 ℃, and the detection wavelengths were 203 and 242 nm. The results showed that the linear ranges of pachymaric acid A, pachymaric acid and pineosinic acid were 1.82~10.94 μg, 1.90~11.38 μg, 2.21~13.26 μg, respectively. The correlation coefficient was 0.999 9, indicating that there was a good correlation between the two variables. The recovery rates were 99.32%, 99.85% and 99.01%, respectively, and the fingerprint of Poria cocos was established. There were 11 common peaks of Poria cocos in 11 regions. Among them, the contents of pachymaric acid A, pachymaric acid and pineosinic acid in Xichang City of Sichuan Province were the highest, which were 4.21,4.39 and 4.06 mg/g, respectively. This method has good stability and high repeatability, which is suitable for the establishment of Poria cocos fingerprint and the determination of triterpenoid acid content.
    HPLC characteristic fingerprint and cluster analysis of Yinju antipruritic lotion
    XIE Wei, YANG Ni, XIAO Ping, LU Sen-hua, MO Li-yan
    2022, 61(15):  204-208.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.038
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    The HPLC characteristic fingerprint and cluster analysis method of Yinju antipruritic lotion were established. The HPLC method was used with CAPCELL PAK C18 MGⅡ(4.6 mm×250 mm, 5 μm) as the chromatographic column, the mobile phase was methanol-0.2 % phosphoric acid solution with gradient elution, the flow rate was 1.0 mL/min, the detection wavelength was 330 nm, the column temperature was 25 ℃, and the injection volume was 5 μL. The fingerprint of different batches of Yinju antipruritic lotion was collected, the common peak, control fingerprint and similarity evaluation were determined, and the clustering and principal component analysis were carried out. The results showed that there were 15 common peaks in the fingerprint of Yinju antipruritic lotion and 4 components were identified. The HPLC fingerprint similarity of different batches of Yinju antipruritic lotion was greater than 0.9, indicating that the chemical constituents were basically the same. Cluster analysis can be divided into three categories. Principal component analysis showed that chlorogenic acid and linarin could be used as the main indicators of quality evaluation. The results of cluster analysis and principal component analysis were basically consistent. The method is accurate, stable, reproducible and specific, which can provide a scientific basis for the control and improvement of the quality standard of Yinju antipruritic lotion.
    Information Engineering
    Design of intelligent agricultural information service system in digital village and application value
    BAO Ming-lin
    2022, 61(15):  209-213.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.039
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    In order to excavate the value of data production factors and make the digitalized information and emerging information technology better serve the development of digital rural smart agriculture, it is urgent to design an information service system to promote the development of digital rural smart agriculture. Based on the development practice at home and abroad, the framework of the intelligent agricultural information service system for the digital village was constructed, including five parts, data layer, facility layer, technology layer, platform layer and application layer. The three characteristic values of the application of the digital village intelligent agricultural information service system were discussed, which could be popularized and used in other digital village pilot areas in China.
    Biological Engineering
    Study on tissue culture system of Catalpa fargesii Bureau
    YANG Yu-zhen, LI Xiao-zhe, HOU Hong-wei
    2022, 61(15):  214-217.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.040
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    Catalpa bungei C.A. Mey. is a unique native tree species and famous ornamental tree species in China. The optimal stem segments of native species of Catalpa fargesii Bureau in Nanyang, Henan were used as explants to study the induction of cluster buds and rooting of strong seedlings. The results showed that the optimal ratio of growth regulators for the induction and proliferation of clustered buds was MS+1.0 mg/L 6-BA+0.5 mg/L GA3+0.5 mg/L IBA. The optimal ratio of growth regulators for the cultivation of strong seedlings was MS+0.6 mg/L 6-BA+1.0 mg/L IBA. The optimal rooting rate of seedlings was 1/2 MS+0.5 mg/L IBA.
    Research on tissue culture and rapid propagation technology of European rose ruby ice
    LI Fen, LIU Mu-qing, ZHU Jian-feng
    2022, 61(15):  218-221.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.041
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    The semi-lignified middle stem segments of European rose (Rosa chinensis Jacq.)variety ruby ice were used as explants, and the tissue culture system was successfully established. The results showed that the best sterilization method for explants was 0.1% HgCl2 for 8 min; the optimal medium formula in the primary culture stage was MS+0.2 mg/L NAA+2.0 mg/L 6-BA, the optimal medium formula in the subculture proliferation stage was MS+0.2 mg/L NAA+2.5 mg/L 6-BA, and the optimal medium formula in the rooting culture stage was 1/2 MS+0.2 mg/L NAA. The best transplanting substrate was perlite+peat+vermiculite, and the volume ratio was 1∶1∶1.
    Economy & Management
    Household non-agricultural income, old-age security and participation in farmland circulation:Analysis based on the adjustment effect of agricultural land welfare guarantee
    WANG Jin, LI Zhi-chao, XIN Miao
    2022, 61(15):  222-228.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.042
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    Under the background that farmland circulation plays a key role in land capitalization at present, it is of great significance to explore the influence and mechanism among family non-agricultural income, old-age security, farmland welfare security and farmland circulation participation. Based on the data of China family panel studies (CFPS) database in 2014 and 2018, the relationship among household non-agricultural income, old-age security, farmland welfare security and farmland circulation participation was explored. The study found that household non-agricultural income had a significant positive impact on the old-age security, and household non-agricultural income significantly promoted the transfer out of land through the old-age security and inhibited the transfer in of land. Farmland welfare security significantly inhibited land transfer out and promoted the land transfer in, and had an alternative relationship with the old-age security, which inhibited the influence of land participation of the old-age security. Further research showed that the non-agricultural income of households in the eastern region had the greatest influence on land transfer, and high-income households preferred agricultural land transfer. Based on this, from the perspective of social security, to give full play to the property of land assets and promote land circulation, it is necessary to crack the flow of urban and rural elements, build a modern agricultural system, improve the rural social security system, promote the equalization of social services between urban and rural areas, promote the social welfare of farmers and improve the land circulation market.
    Investigation and analysis on the preference of multinational consumers for fruit desserts
    2022, 61(15):  229-233.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.043
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    In order to deeply understand the consumption behavior of people in different countries on fruit desserts, the consumption behavior of fruit desserts in China, Russia and Uzbekistan was taken as the research object. Based on the review of the existing literature in this field, the consumption frequency, consumption preference and consumption environment of consumers in these countries were investigated and analyzed by using qualitative and quantitative methods, so as to explore the relationship between fruit desserts eating places, accompanying activities and consumer behavior. The results showed that consumers in the three countries would choose to eat a certain amount of fruit desserts at different times and places. As for the popular fruit desserts, consumers in all three countries said that they were generally more inclined to eat cereal breakfast. Compared with consumers in the other two countries, Uzbek consumers were more familiar with various desserts, and the proportion of consumers who ate fruit desserts when watching TV was the highest. At the same time, Chinese consumers were more likely to eat desserts as part of the main meal, while Uzbek consumers eat them as snacks.
    Analysis of the mode and effect of live-streaming sales
    YANG Xing-rui, ZHAO Han
    2022, 61(15):  234-237.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.044
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    Taking the modes of live-streaming sales of different subjects as the research object, the goods selling modes and effects of mainstream media, local officials, stars, internet celebrities, amateurs, entrepreneurs and virtual anchors were discussed. And on this basis, the mode and effect of linkage live broadcast of “mainstream media + internet celebrities” “stars + internet celebrities” and “live anchors + virtual anchors” were deeply analyzed. The study found that there were problems in the live streaming sales, such as the false sale of goods by the anchor, the low grade of live broadcast content, and the difficulty of protecting consumers' rights, and countermeasures and suggestions were put forward from the anchor, platform, judicial, law enforcement and consumers.
    Legal regulation on mortgage of land management right
    CHEN Ran-xin
    2022, 61(15):  238-243.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.045
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    Under the rural revitalization strategy, in order to promote the standardized application of the financing guarantee system of land management rights, the legal disputes such as the guarantee mode of land management rights mortgage, the object of contractor's mortgage, and the realization mode of land management rights mortgage were interpreted from the perspective of legal theory. The guarantee mode of mortgage was proved theoretically,and it was clear that the object of mortgage financing by the contractor was the land management right. It was proposed that the disposal of land management rights needed to increase the trusteeship realization method, and supplement the realization mechanism of land management rights mortgage from legal and technical means.
    The major bottleneck and policy choice of agricultural science and technology development in Shandong Province
    LI Shuai, ZHAO Wan-li, JIA Zhen, ZHANG Yi
    2022, 61(15):  244-248.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.046
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    In order to improve the development level of agricultural science and technology, and accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas, based on the relevant data of agricultural science and technology in Shandong Province from 2009 to 2019, the major bottlenecks faced by the development of agricultural science and technology in Shandong Province were analyzed from three aspects of the total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, the internal expenditure structure of agricultural R&D funds, and the full-time equivalent of agricultural R&D personnel. The results show that the development of agricultural science and technology in Shandong Province is facing problems, such as imperfect innovation management system, imperfect investment system structure, unreasonable talent team mechanism, and imperfect achievement transformation and promotion system. Based on this, Shandong Province should accelerate the construction of agricultural science and technology collaborative innovation alliance, establish and improve the agricultural science and technology development investment system, accelerate the implementation of agricultural science and technology talents plan, optimize the agricultural science and technology achievement transformation system, so as to improve the level of agricultural science and technology development in Shandong Province.
    Research on performance evaluation of agricultural comprehensive information service platform based on ontology
    GUO Shuai, WANG Xiao-ping, MA Yu-shuai, SI Hai-ping
    2022, 61(15):  249-256.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.15.047
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    Firstly, the “platform user” two-way interactive comprehensive performance evaluation index system was constructed from three aspects of platform resources, user experience and service efficiency, and the platform performance evaluation ontology base was constructed based on this. Secondly, for the important data source user comments in the index system, the ontology base was used as the abstract knowledge to map the word segmentation feature items in the user comments to the ontology base for semantic similarity calculation, so as to realize the semantic analysis and understanding of the user comments, and carry out numerical extraction or hierarchical classification of the indicators involved in the user comments, so as to provide a rich and accurate user feedback data set for the platform performance evaluation. Finally, the weight of each index of performance evaluation was determined by using the analytic hierarchy process, and the performance value of the agricultural comprehensive information service platform was obtained by using the weighted calculation method to quantitatively evaluate the agricultural information service effectiveness of each provincial platform. The results showed that platform resources and user experience had a great impact on the performance of the agricultural comprehensive information service platform. The performance of agricultural comprehensive information service platforms in Jiangsu Province, Henan Province and Yunnan Province were 3.17, 3.25 and 2.86 respectively. Experience has proved that the evaluation method of this study had practical value.