
Table of Content

    10 February 2022, Volume 61 Issue 3
    Research on the application of microorganism with ability to dissolve silicon
    ZHANG Li-guang, LIU Sai, HUANG Zhi-hao, YUAN Ying
    2022, 61(3):  5-9.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.001
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    Microorganism with ability to dissolve silicon can decompose silicate and aluminosilicate minerals, turning silicon into soluble matter. Using microbial activation to degrade mineral silicon can realize environmentally friendly and ecologically harmless treatment and resource utilization, which is of greatly economic value and ecological value. The application fields of microorganism with ability to dissolve silicon,the mechanism of dissolving silicon and the influencing factor were reviewed, and the future research direction was prospected.
    Research progress on the application of biological activities of different parts of Panaxnoto ginseng in skin care
    WANG Dong-dong, WANG Zi-wen, SUN Qian-ru, ZU Shi-gao, WANG Chang-tao, LI Meng
    2022, 61(3):  10-14.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.002
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    The main active ingredients contained and the pharmacological effectsof different parts of Panax notoginseng were summarized. The functions of different parts of Panax notoginseng in cosmetics and skin care were summarized, and the development trend of panax notoginseng in cosmetics was expected, in order to provide a reference for the application of Panax notoginseng in cosmetics.
    Breeding & Cultivation
    Breeding of a new peanut variety Zhengnonghua 23 with high oleic acid content
    SHI Yan-zhao, ZHU Zhen-zhen, HU Yan-ling, YANG Hai-tang
    2022, 61(3):  15-16.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.003
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    Zhengnonghua 23 was a combination of Kainong30 as the female parent and Kaixuan 016 as the male parent in 2003. It was bred by sexual cross and pedigree selection. It passed the national variety registration in 2020 with the registration number: GPD peanut (2019) 410285. From 2017 to 2018, Zhengnonghua 23 participated in the peanut multi-point experiment in north China, with an average pod yield of 4 750.05 kg/hm2 and seed yield of 3 379.65 kg/hm2, which were 9.51% and 5.63% higher than Huayu 20, respectively. The protein content of Zhengnonghua 23 was 21.65%, crude fat was 52.87%, oleic acid was 78.15%, linoleic acid was 5.2%, and linoleic acid ratio (O/L) is 15.25. Zhengnonghua 23 was a new peanut variety with high oleic acid and high quality. It also has moderate resistance to bacterial wilt and rust, and strong drought resistance and flood resistance.
    Effects of exogenous melatonin on yield, quality and photosynthetic characteristics of different soybean varieties in South China
    HAO Qing-nan, DENG Jun-bo, YANG Fang, YANG Zhong-lu, CHEN Hai-feng, SHAN Zhi-hui, ZHOU Xin-an
    2022, 61(3):  17-20.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.004
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    Five soybean varieties (Zhongdou 41, Zhongdou 44, Wandou 28, You 6019 and Zhongdou 63) were used as materials to study the regulation effects of melatonin on different soybean varieties in southern China. Foliar spraying of melatonin was carried out at the initial flowering stage and bulking stage. To compare the effects of melatonin treatment on photosynthetic characteristics, agronomic traits, yield and its components, quality and other aspects of soybean. Melatonin treatment could significantly increase pod number per plant, grain number per plant and grain weight per plant, thus improving the overall yield level of soybean. At the same time, the protein and fat contents of soybean varieties in south China were not significantly affected.
    Construction and quantitative evaluation of climate evaluation model of fragrant rice quality in Xiaogan city
    YANG Ming-wei, LIU Zhi-xiong, XIAO Wei-yu, HAN Yao
    2022, 61(3):  21-25.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.005
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    The climate impact assessment of rice quality refers to the quantitative assessment of the impact of climatic conditions on rice quality. The traditional technical methods mainly rely on the harvest and planting experience to evaluate and certify the growth of rice. This study took the fragrant rice yellow hair stick, which is a characteristic of Hubei Xiangrun Ecological Agricultural Cooperative as an example, and used the observation data of the Xiaogan National Reference Climate Station (hereinafter referred to as Xiaogan Station) and Dougang Regional Station (hereinafter referred to as Dougang Station) around the region to construct a yellow hair climatic evaluation model for sticky quality was developed and quantitative evaluation was carried out. The research showed that in the past 10 years (2010—2019), the yellow hair sticky quality has been excellent for 4 years, and the quality was good for 6 years, the whole milled rice rate reached the first grade, the alkali consumption value was the first grade, the glue consistency was the third grade, and the transparency was the second grade. The comprehensive evaluation of the 2020 yellow hair sticky climate quality grade was excellent. The evaluation results were basically consistent with the agricultural obscruation recorcls.
    Influence of temperature and humidity environment on pre-harvest sprouting of spring wheat in Heilongjiang province
    DU Shi-chao, XUE Ying-wen, GUO Wei, YU Li-he
    2022, 61(3):  26-31.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.006
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    In order to clarify the effects of different temperature and humidity conditions on pre-harvest sprouting during maturity, in this study, Longmai 35 was used as the test material which was the main cultivar in the Heilongjiang northern wheat region, set three levels of temperature (15、20、25 ℃) and relative humidity (80%, 85%, 90%), respectively. The effects of different temperature and humidity treatments in the mature period of pre-harvest sprouting start time, pre-harvest sprouting rate, germination energy, whole ear moisture change rate and thousand-grain weight were analyzed, in order to provide theoretical reference for pre-harvest sprouting identification and harvest management. The results showed that the interaction of temperature and humidity has a significant effect on pre-harvest sprouting at the mature stage. At 15 ℃ and 20 ℃, RH80% treatment delayed the start of pre-harvest sprouting, reduced the pre-harvest sprouting rate, delayed the rate of change of the whole ear moisture, and slowed down the thousand-grain weight. 15 ℃, RH90% (T1H3) significantly increased pre-harvest sprouting rate, reaching 46.77% on the third day. But at 25 ℃, RH90% treatment inhibited pre-harvest sprouting process of mature wheat, pre-harvest sprouting rate on the 7th day was only 27.87%. Under the same humidity, with the increase of temperature, the germination process is delayed, the germination start time is prolonged, the pre-harvest sprouting rate, germination energy, and the change rate of whole ear moisture are gradually reduced, and the thousand-grain weight decline rate slows down. 15℃, RH90% (T1H3) treatment can significantly accelerate the change of the whole ear moisture of mature spring wheat, promote pre-harvest sprouting process, increase pre-harvest sprouting rate and the germination energy.
    Effects of different film mulching methods on yield and water use efficiency of maize
    DONG Zhe, BIAN Li-mei, ZHENG Wei, ZHANG Li-yan, ZHANG Hao, MENG Fan-sheng
    2022, 61(3):  32-35.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.007
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    Drought and water shortage affect maize yield,and it is of great significance to improve grain yield and water use efficiency of spring maize in hilly areas of Yanshan. Film mulching can reduce soil water evaporation and improve water conditions. The field experiment of maize was carried out in 2017—2018. Four treatments,including no film mulching (CK), film mulching on rows, film mulching between rows and all-film double-furrow sowing,were set up. The soil moisture content, maize growth period, soil bulk density,maize yield and yield influencing factors were measured,and the soil water storage,water consumption and water use efficiency were calculated. The results showed that the change trend of soil moisture content in 0~20 cm and 20~40 cm soil layers was the same among all treatments,and the highest was the treatment of all-film double-furrow sowing. The maize grain yield,ear length, ear diameter, number of grains per ear and 1 000 grain weight of all-film double-furrow sowing were the highest. All-film double-furrow sowing planting mode could prolong the growth period of maize,improve water use efficiency and significantly increase maize grain yield,which was suitable for application in arid and rainless areas.
    Resource & Environment
    Study on quantitative pre-assessment of crop rainstorm disaster loss
    ZHAO Tie-song, ZHANG An-ningzhi, HU Hui-fang
    2022, 61(3):  36-41.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.008
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    In this paper, the rainfall data, crop rainstorm and flood disaster data and socio-economic data of Hebei province from 1983 to 2018 were used. Firstly, correlation analysis, principal component analysis and other methods were used to establish the evaluation model of rainstorm disaster intensity in different months, determine the standard of intensity classification, and build a case database of crop rainstorm loss in Hebei province. Secondly, using the historical scenario analogy method, a quantitative prediction model was constructed by using a case database to realize the quantitative loss prediction of the impact of heavy rain and flood disasters on crops in Hebei province. The results showed that the disaster of crops was mainly related to the maximum precipitation in 1 hour, the accumulated precipitation and the maximum daily precipitation. The disaster intensity index of rainstorm can better evaluate the risk of crop loss caused by a certain rainstorm process, the historical scenario analogy method for crop rainstorm and flood loss assessment accuracy rate was more than 60%, and the method was simple and fast, which can be applied to the loss assessment business.
    Experimental study on simulated rainfall of N and P loss from farmland in Huaibei Plain
    ZHANG Chun, ZHANG Hao-jie, WANG Lei
    2022, 61(3):  42-46.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.009
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    Huaibei Plain farmland was taken as the research object to investigate the correlation between infiltration water, soil flow TN, TP and soil type and soil depth of two types of soil (Shajiang black soil and Yellow tide soil) through artificial rainfall simulation test. Combined with field sampling survey, the nitrogen and phosphorus content index of regional water body was determined, and the characteristics of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrient loss in regional farmland were analyzed, and the transfer ratio was estimated. The results showed that the contents of TN and TP in soil flow were different with soil type, soil depth and rainfall duration; Nutrient loss in Yellow tide soil aquic soil was easier to migrate and lose than N, while that in Shajiang black soil was easier to migrate; Field sampling data showed that the basic way of nitrogen and phosphorus loss in Huaibei Plain was as follows: dry land/farmland→small ditch→big ditch/pond. The contents of TN and TP in big ditch water body were 80.01% and 83.23% of those in small ditch, respectively, which could be used as a reference for selecting the inflow coefficient of farmland non-point source in the main rivers of the region.
    Assessment and analysis of the carrying capacity of resources and environment in Yangtze River Delta
    ZHANG Xiang-wu, ZHAO Xiao-li, YI Ling,ZHANG Zeng-xiang,WANG Xiao
    2022, 61(3):  47-52.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.010
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    In the critical period of comprehensively promoting the integrated development of Yangtze River Delta,the evaluation of the carrying capacity of resources and environment in the Yangtze River Delta can provide the basic basis for resource allocation and spatial optimization for the coordinated development of regional resources, environment and economy. Based on a comprehensive understanding of the resource reserve, ecological environment and social development in the Yangtze River Delta region, 17 evaluation indexes were selected from the three levels of social economy, ecological environment and water and soil resources respectively to complete the construction of the evaluation index system of resource and environment carrying capacity. Based on GIS technology, AHP and expert scoring method were used to get the weight of each index and the linear weighting method was adopted with the method of sum, the evaluation model of resources and environment carrying capacity based on spatial scale was established, and the resource and environment carrying capacity of Yangtze River Delta was estimated, classified and analyzed. The results showed that the resources and environment carrying capacity of the Yangtze River Delta region in the middle and east of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration was mainly low and low grade in 2015, the northern region was mainly high-grade, and the southern region was mainly high and medium grade; Affected by the terrain conditions, the value of plain agricultural area was high, and that of mountainous and hilly areas was mainly high and medium. The carrying capacity of resources and environment in the Yangtze River Delta was not optimistic. There were great differences in resources and environment in the region, and some areas were still facing greater pressure. It was very important to strengthen the protection and construction of ecological environment to improve the carrying capacity of resources and environment.
    A comparative study on the supply and demand balance of the planting industry carbon footprint between the Yellow River Basin and the Yangtze River Economic Belt
    WANG Bao-ying, QI Ai-yun, WANG Zi-sha
    2022, 61(3):  53-59.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.011
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    The supply and demand balance analysis of carbon footprint of planting industry is the premise and foundation of defining the direction of carbon emission reduction. In this paper, the carbon footprint and ecological carrying capacity accounts of planting industry in the Yellow River Basin and the Yangtze River Economic Belt were constructed, and the dynamic evolution was analyzed based on the spatial and temporal dimensions, and the supply and demand balance index was introduced to characterize the supply and demand status of carbon resources in the planting industry. The results showed that the carbon footprint of planting industry in the Yellow River Basin was basically “M” type, while that of the Yangtze River Economic Belt was increasing year by year. The carbon ecological carrying capacity of the two increased year by year, and the carbon absorption function of cultivated land increased continuously, but the rising range was slowed down. In the Yellow River Basin, there was a large difference in the carbon footprint of planting industry among provinces, and the difference value of the Yangtze River Economic Belt was small, and the total value was lower than that of the Yellow River Basin. The carbon ecological carrying capacity of the middle and downstream provinces was higher than that of the upstream provinces. The supply and demand balance index of the Yellow River Basin was higher than that of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and the proportion of ecological surplus provinces was lower than that of the Yangtze River Economic Belt.
    Research on spatial structure of tourism resource points in Ziyang city from the perspective of global tourism
    WANG Zhen-peng, PU Hong-jun, YI Jun, ZHANG Shi-yao, SHAO Huai-yong
    2022, 61(3):  60-64.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.012
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    Based on the latest tourism classification standards and the results of the cultural tourism census in Sichuan province, the nearest neighbor analysis and the unbalanced index were used to analyze the dispersion of different types of tourism resource points combined with the distribution equilibrium in various townships from the overall perspective. The kernel density analysis, buffer analysis and traffic accessibility analysis of tourism resource points were carried out by using geographic information system(GIS) and correlation technology software, so that the aggregation and geographical location distribution of resource points and the necessary transportation conditions for tourism development can be more intuitively expressed in space. The results showed that in addition to the discrete distribution of astronomical phenomena and climate landscapes, the other types of tourism resource points in Ziyang city showed aggregated distribution, and unbalanced distribution of all types of resources across townships; Although the closer the roads and rivers were, the more tourist resource points were distributed, traffic accessibility in some towns was slightly higher, reaching more than two hours; Ziyang municipal government should seize the geographical advantages of ‘Chengdu-Chongqing Only Connecting Prefecture-level City' and the traffic advantages of Chengdu Tianfu International Airport, strengthen its own infrastructure construction and vigorously develop superior tourism resources.
    Modification of coal activated carbon removal of paraquat to explore
    FAN Kai-xuan, ZHANG Juan, ZHOU Xun, LIU Yu-yao, ZHONG Yong-ke
    2022, 61(3):  65-69.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.013
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    To explore paraquat solution initial concentration, solution pH, activated carbon additive quantity, shake speed, temperature of removing paraquat, the influence of raw coal quality carbon as raw material, nitric acid as activator heated, coal quality were introduced in this paper. By coal activated carbon modified with nitric acid, the use of Boehm titration and liquid nitrogen adsorption characterization of activated carbon. Under the environment of weak base, It is helpful for paraquat adsorption; Improving the quality of paraquat initial concentration and temperature conditions can remove the adsorption capacity, the increased amount of additive quantity is not conducive to the adsorption; Heated treatment of C-15 adsorption can be further improved. Nitrate modification improved the adsorption capacity and adsorption rate of paraquat adsorption, the adsorption behavior of paraquat meet must level 2 dynamic model. The adsorption is an endothermic process behavior, It has some physical adsorption.
    Evaluation on ecosystem services value of naval orange orchard: A case study for naval orange orchard in south Jiangxi province
    CHEN Ling-yi, ZHAO Xiao-hui, LEI Jun-cheng, WANG Miao, CHEN Ya-lan, QUE Wen-piao, SHAO Ya-qi, TAN Rui, YANG Huan
    2022, 61(3):  70-77.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.014
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    Using market value method, opportunity cost method, alternative engineering method and other ecosystem service value evaluation methods, nine ecosystem services of naval orange orchard in south Jiangxi province were evaluated. Nine ecosystem services were production supply, carbon fixation and oxygen release, environmental purification, water conservation, soil conservation, social security, destruction of biodiversity, pesticide pollution, and fertilizer pollution.2020 served as the reference year. The results showed that the total value of ecosystem services per unit area of navel orange orchard in south Jiangxi province in 2020 was 2.02×105 yuan/hm2·a, of which the positive value was 2.08×105 yuan/hm2·a and the negative value was 6.01×103 yuan/hm2·a. The order of positive value was production supply > social security > carbon fixation and oxygen release > environmental purification > water conservation > soil conservation. The order of negative value is destruction of biodiversity > cost of chemical fertilizer pollution treatment > cost of pesticide pollution treatment. The spatial distribution of ecosystem service value of navel orange orchard per unit area was higher in the southeast, and lower in the northwest and northeast. This study was of great significance for comprehensively understanding the value of navel orange orchard in south Jiangxi province, and can provide reference for the evaluation of ecosystem services of other types of orchards.
    Isolation and identification of Bacillus coagulans from the digestive tract of Ligia exotica and investigation of its enzyme production
    ZHU Xin-ying, SU Hong, WANG Wei-bing, XU Yong-zhong, WANG Hong-bin
    2022, 61(3):  78-81.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.015
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    In the experiment, a traditional method to enrich, separate and purify microorganisms was used in the digestive tract of Ligia exotica, and a strain with strong enzyme production ability was obtained and was named HZL-3 which was preliminarily determined as Bacillus coagulans by using molecular biological method. Contents of protease and amylase produced by HZL-3 was measured by ELISA and the effects of temperature, pH, culture time, inoculation amount and other factors on the amount of enzyme production were studied. The results showed that HZL-3 was able to produce protease and amylase; when cultured for 16 h at 36 ℃, pH 7.5, and 6% inoculation amount, protease activity was maximal; and amylase activity was the highest at 36 ℃, pH 6.0, when inoculation amount was 4%, and cultured for 10 h. This study aims to reveal the potential applications of microorganisms in the digestive tract of Ligia exotica as probiotics in aquaculture.
    Study on the characteristics and nutrition profiles of greenhouse soils in typical areas of east Hebei
    LI Feng, LIANG Hai-tian, ZHAO Lin-na, CHEN Qiu-sheng, ZHANG Yu-ting, GAO Xian-biao
    2022, 61(3):  82-88.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.016
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    Surface soil samples of greenhouse in Tangshan city and Chengde city were collected and detected to investigate the characteristics and nutrition profiles of greenhouse soils in typical areas of east Hebei. The results showed that the average value of pH was 6.20~7.49, and the dominant soils were neutral or alkaline, and the ratio of acid soil was 26.32%. The average value of total salt content was 2.55~9.30 g/kg, and the ratio of salt-affected soil reached 74.74%. High ratios of acid soil or salt-affected soil were found both in Luannan county and Leting county. According to organic matter concentrations(average values of 1.93%~2.57%), the dominant soils were at middle or high fertility levels. According to available phosphorous(average value of 69.97~1 018.3 mg/kg), available potassium (average value of 232.31~713.32 mg/kg), total nitrogen (average value of 0.13%~0.39%), and total phosphorus (average value of 0.09%~0.15%), the dominant soils were at high or higher fertility levels. The average value of total potassium was 0.15%~0.17%, and all soils were at low fertility levels. The results revealed the acidification trends, salinization trends and unbalanced high nutrition profiles of the greenhouse soils in east Hebei, and provided the theoretical proof for scientific nutrient management.
    Plant Protection
    Study on the relationship between species and abundance of butterflie in Tianmu mountain,Zhejiang province
    JI Ting-ting, LIU Meng-meng, LI Xiu-fang, LI Ze-jian
    2022, 61(3):  89-95.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.017
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    During 2016—2018, based on line transect methods, the butterfly resources at Mt. Tianmu in Zhejiang Province were systematically investigated. And butterfly species-abundance was analyzed. The results indicated that These dominant species are Acraea issoria Hübner, Pieris rapae Linnaeus and Pieris canidia Sparrman. The overall trend of species diversity of butterflies at Mt. Tianmu is normal distribution. From the analysis of the two horizontal factors of the same line and different months, the majority of the two lines and the two months combination are very similar, and the individual combination is very different.
    Study on acute toxicity of ethanol extract of Pericampylus glaucus and screening of effective anti-inflammatory and analgesic components
    LIU Wen-jun, LI Jin-zhou, CHEN Zi-jun, QIN Chun-mei, ZHOU Meng-ying, CHEN Yong
    2022, 61(3):  96-99.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.018
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    To study the acute toxicity of alcohol extract of Pericampylus glaucus,the effective anti-inflammatory and analgesic parts of Pericampylus glaucus were screened out to provide theoretical basis for the development of new drugs. The maximum dose assay was used to determine the safety of the water extract and alcohol extract by intragastric administration. The analgesic effects of different extract parts of Pericampylus glaucus were investigated by glacial acetic acid-induced pain in mice and thermal stimulation in mice. The anti-inflammatory effects of different extract parts of Pericampylus glaucus were observed by AGAR granulomatous method. The results showed that in acute toxicity, the lethal dose (LD50) was not measured, the MTD of the alcohol extract was more than 94 g/kg, and the maximum tolerance was 376 times of the adult dosage (60 kg). The inhibition rates of petroleum ether, ethyl acetate, n-butanol and water were 13.74%, 21.35%, 16.35% and 32.27%, respectively, with statistical significance. Compared with blank control group, the pain threshold of petroleum ether and water parts was significantly increased 90 and 120 min after administration. The pain threshold of ethyl acetate part and n-butanol part of Pericampylus glaucus significantly increased 120 min after administration, and different parts of Pericampylus glaucus could relieve the pain caused by acetic acid in mice. The analgesic rates of petroleum ether part, ethyl acetate part, N-butanol part and water part were 51.74%, 37.63%, 32.13% and 40.55%, respectively. Compared with blank group, the difference was statistically significant. There was no obvious toxicity, and the usual clinical dosage was safe and feasible. In the screening of effective anti-inflammatory and analgesic parts, it was found that the different parts of Pericampylus glaucus had certain anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, the oil ether part of Pericampylus glaucus had the strongest analgesic effect, and the water part had the strongest anti-inflammatory effect.
    Effects of different herbicides on the control of resistant weeds in one-season direct seeding rice field
    WANG Xiu-hui, LI Wen-jun, WANG Yin-xian, XU Li-ping, CHEN Rui, WAN Yun-hai, XU Rong, CAO Min-su
    2022, 61(3):  100-103.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.019
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    A demonstration experiment on control of resistant weeds by stem and leaf spraying was carried out in direct-seeding rice fields at 3-leaf stage using 13% cyhalofop-butyl. benzyl EC and heir combinations. The results showed that the combined application of 13% cyhalofop-butyl. benzyl EC 80 mL/667 m2+10% cyhalofop-butyl EC 100~150 mL/667 m2 had ideal control effect on the resistance of Echinochloa crusgalli (L.) Beauv., Leptochloa chinensis (L.) Nees and other weeds in direct seeding rice fields; The control effect spraying with 10% metamifop EC 160 mL/667m2 is ideal for resistant Echinochloa crusgalli (L.) Beauv., Leptochloa chinensis (L.) Nees in direct seeding rice field; The control effect spraying with 10% metamifop. cyhalofop-butyl EC 170~200 mL/667 m2 is not very ideal for resistant Echinochloa crusgalli (L.) Beauv., Leptochloa chinensis (L.) Nees, broad-leaved weeds, such as Monochoria vaginalis (Burm. f.), and Cyperaceae weeds such as Cyperus difformis L. On the 13th day after spraying herbicides, the plant control effect of each treatment on barnyard grass was 96.8%~98.8%, and 85.0%~98.0% on total grass. On the 30th day after spraying herbicides, the control effect of each agent on the plant and fresh weight of barnyard grass was 97.2%~99.0%, 95.4%~99.5%, 94.1%~98.1% and 94.6%~99.2%, but the residual barnyard grass could still cause harm in the field. The control strategy of resistant barnyard grass was put forward.
    Horticulture & Local Products
    Performance analysis on eight varieties of rapeseed stem in Huanggang area
    CHANG Hai-bin, ZHANG Chun-yu, HUANG Wei, HU Hai-zhen
    2022, 61(3):  104-106.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.020
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    The performance of eight varieties of rapeseed stem in Huanggang area of Hubei province was analyzed. The results showed that Se Ziyuan No. 1 and Se Ziyuan No. 2 had better precocity; CY04, CY06, CY07 and Se Ziyuan No. 2 had higher main stem thickness and single stem weight; The main stem yield of CY04, CY07, CY05, CY06 and Se Ziyuan No. 1 were higher; The total yield of CY04, CY05, Se Ziyuan No. 1, CY06, CY07 and Se Ziyuan No. 2 were higher; Se Ziyuan No. 1, Zhongyou Gao Se No. 2, Se Ziyuan No. 2, CY06 and CY07 had higher Se contents. The results showed that Se Ziyuan No. 2, CY06 and CY07 were suitable for planting in Huanggang area because of their suitable stem thickness and single stem weight, high yield of stem and high Se content.
    Screening of thick-skin muskmelon varieties for early spring plastic greenhouses cultivation in Yichang
    SHANG Miao, FENG De-pin, HAN Yu-ping, HUANG Cong, XU Xiao-yan, TAN Shu, MU Yin, LIN Jian-xin, ZHU Hong
    2022, 61(3):  107-108.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.021
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    In order to screen thick-skin muskmelon(Cucumis melo) varieties for early spring plastic greenhouses cultivation in Yichang, seven varieties were selected to compare with Changjiangmikui, one muskmelon variety wildly cultivated. The biological, fruit quality and yield traits were examined in field for selecting the varieties with good comprehensive characters. The results showed that, Zhongtian No.8 showed high yield, suitable growth period, crisp taste and strong disease resistance, could be of great popularization variety. While the Qicaicuimi also could be popularized due to the peculiar fruit flesh and crisp taste.
    Effects of nitrogen-fixing bacteria seed dressing and controlled release fertilizer on some traits of cowpea
    ZU Yan-xia, MEI Yi, ZHENG Jia-qiu, SHEN Feng, LIU Zhe, ZHANG Li-na, FENG Ru-chao, WANG Wei-wei, WU Yong-cheng
    2022, 61(3):  109-111.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.022
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    The effects of seed dressing with nitrogen fixing bacteria and basal application of controlled-release fertilizer on some traits of cowpea were studied. The results showed that the pod length of Yan jiang No. 1 and Yan zi jiang No. 2 treated with more controlled-release fertilizer(B2) was the largest, which was significantly different from that treated with less controlled-release fertilizer (B1). In the basal application of controlled-release fertilizer, the single pod weight of Yan zi jiang No. 2 with no controlled-release fertilizer B0 had no significantly difference from that of B1. The plot yield of Yan jiang No.1 under less nitrogen fixing bacteria(A1) was significantly different from that of no nitrogen fixing bacteria(A0) and more nitrogen fixing bacteria(A2). The yield of plot treated with A1 was the highest. The plot of Yan jiang No.1 treated with B1 had the highest yield,and the plot treated with B0 and B2 had the most significant difference, the plot of Yan zi jiang No.2 treated with A0 had the most significant difference with the plot treated with A1 and A2. There was a significant difference in the yield of the plot of Yan zi jiang No.2 treated with B0, B2 and B1, and the plot of B1 was the highest.
    Screening of Argentine tobacco varieties based on brand application
    QIAN Jian-cai, FU Jin-cun, ZHAO Cai-neng, WU Jia, WANG You-sheng, HAN Yun-long
    2022, 61(3):  112-116.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.023
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    In order to establish an import tobacco supply chain with clear brand orientation and precise variety orientation, the varieties of imported tobacco from Argentina were screened. Four samples of Argentina main cultivars from 2017 to 2019 were selected. The main purchase grades were B1F, B1O, C1F, C1O, M1F and M1O. Thirty-three indexes including appearance quality, sensory quality, sensory style and chemical composition were evaluated. Principal component analysis was used to extract six principal components for appearance quality, sensory quality characteristics and chemical composition, and variance analysis was carried out for each variety based on comprehensive score; Sensory style characteristics were analyzed with brand application; The results showed that, there were differences in the comprehensive quality performance of different varieties; K394 was superior to MB59 and K326 in comprehensive quality; And K394 was superior to MB59, K326 and CJ112 in comprehensive quality. K394 and other three varieties had significant differences in comprehensive quality. Based on the prescription positioning in brand application, K394 is closer to brand demand of China Tobacco Jiangsu Industrial Co.,Ltd. than MB59, K326 and CJ112.
    Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine
    Animal experimental study on Wuwei Quzhi Granules as an adjuvant therapy in reducing blood lipid
    LI Fang-chan, WEI Hong-qin, CHEN Qing, LUO Yu-dong, PANG Xiao-yun, HUANG Jing, WANG Su-fei
    2022, 61(3):  117-120.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.024
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    To study the hypolipidemic effect of Wuwei Quzhi Granules on hyperlipemia rats through auxiliary hypolipidemic animal experimental study, hyperlipidemia model rats was established by feeding high fat diet. 40 hyperlipidemia model rats were randomly divided into model control group, fenofibrate group and the Wuwei Quzhi Granules low, medium and high dose group. The corresponding test substance were given once a day for 30 days. Blood was taken from the inner canthus of eyes, and TC, TG, LDL-C, HDL-C in rats were observed. The result shows that compared with the model control group, TC, TG, LDL-C in the Wuwei Quzhi Granules low, medium and high dose group increased with the increase of the dose, the difference between the medium and high dose groups was significant (P<0.05 or P<0.01), TG in the Wuwei Quzhi Granules low dose group increased with a significant difference (P<0.05). HDL-C in the Wuwei Quzhi Granules low, medium and high dose group had statistically significant difference (P<0.05 or P<0.01). Wuwei Quzhi Granules has the functions of the adjuvant therapy in reducing blood lipid.
    Isolation and identification of canine parvovirus CPV-JZ2021 strain and it's analysis of genetic evolution
    LI Jian, WU Chu-jun, YE Shi-yi, CHEN Long-da, XIONG Tao
    2022, 61(3):  121-126.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.025
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    In order to study the biological characteristics, and genetic evolution of canine parvovirus, the feces of suspected dogs were collected from Hubei Xin-ai Pet Hospital Co. Ltd.. After sterility treatment, CRFK cells were inoculated with virus culture until obvious cytopathic changes appeared. The virus was verified by PCR, electron microscopy morphological observation, indirect immunofluorescence test and hemagglutination test. The results showed that a canine parvovirus was successfully isolated and named CPV-JZ2021. The hemagglutination titer of the virus is 29, and the TCID50 is 103.4/0.1 mL. Whole-genome sequencing showed that the length of the whole-genome sequence was 4 567 bp. The phylogenetic tree showed that the isolated strain was closely related to strains from Sichuan, Henan, Guangdong and Beijing, and belonged to the same evolutionary branch. The homology with CPV-HN1587 is 99.2%. The canine parvovirus belongs to the New CPV-2a type according to amino acid sequence of the VP2 gene. Compared with the New CPV-2a strains that have been reported abroad, CPV-JZ2021 has many key amino acid variations. This study provides a reference for the prevalence of canine parvovirus and the development of new vaccines.
    Detection Analysis
    Determination and comparative analysis of characteristic chemical components of Yunnan wild sweet tea and Yunkang No.10
    MA Yu-qing, DENG Xiu-juan, ZHAO Bi, LIU Ben-ying, SUN Yun-nan, PAN Lian-yun, QU Hao, LIANG Ming-zhi
    2022, 61(3):  127-133.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.026
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    In order to explore the characteristic chemical constituents and differential components of Yunnan wild multi spike sweet tea and Yunkang No.10, the major biochemical components and characteristic sweet components of steamed green tea and black tea were determined by HPLC, LC-MS and ICP. Combining with the national standard sensory evaluation method, the chemical composition and content of the special sweetness of wild sweet tea were determined. The differences in contents and sensory quality between wild sweet tea and Yunkang No.10 were compared and analyzed. The results showed that the sweet components of Yunnan wild sweet tea were dihydrochalcone compounds, the content of which reached 11.26%, it also contains a certain amount of amino acids, water-soluble sugars and polysaccharides, but does not contain the unique tea polyphenols, theanine and caffeine of Yunkang No.10. The contents of tyrosine, proline, aspartic acid and other amino acids in sweet tea were significantly higher than those in Yunkang No.10. The experimental tea samples not only contained more potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and other major elements, but also had trace elements such as iron, zinc, manganese, copper, chromium, nickel and other human needs, which had a certain health value. The results of sensory evaluation showed that the color, aroma and taste of Yunnan wild sweet tea were different from those of traditional big leaf tea, its taste is mainly sweet and mellow, with the aroma of licorice and sweet taste. In this study, the major biochemical components and specific sweet components of Yunnan wild sweet tea were identified, and the differences between them and Yunnan representative tea variety Yunkang No.10 were analyzed. There were significant differences in chemical components and sensory quality between them.
    Study on fingerprint of Magnoliae officinalis flos
    YANG Hong-bing, YANG Jia, SHI Lei, ZHAN Zhi-lai
    2022, 61(3):  134-139.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.027
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    The HPLC fingerprint of Magnolia officinalis flos was used to provide a new method for its quality control. Ultrasonic extraction with methanol for 30 min to prepare the test solution; Gradient elution was performed with methanol and water (0.1% formic acid) as mobile phases. The analysis time was 60 min. The detection wavelength was 230 nm. Column temperature was 30 ℃. The flow rate was 1.0 mL/min. Dozens batches of magnoliae officinalis flos were determined, and nine common peaks in the fingerprint of Magnoliae officinalis flos were determined with honokiol as the reference. The RSD of precision, stability and reproducibility tests were allless than 3% through methodological investigation. Using similarity as the evaluation parameter of fingerprint, the similarity between the chromatogram of Magnoliae officinalis flos samples and the control fingerprint was more than 0.9.
    Determination of total alkaloids dissolving amount in Sanhuang Xiexin Decoction by semi-bionic colorimetric method
    YU Jia, GAO Xin-yue, FU Feng-ping, WU Jian-ying, YU Lin, CHEN Hong-ying
    2022, 61(3):  140-143.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.028
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    In order to investigate the amount of alkaloids dissolved in Sanhuang Xiexin Decoction under different acid-base conditions, the contents of total alkaloids in Sanhuang Xiexin Decoction were determined by semi-bionic colorimetric method and bromocresol green acid dye colorimetry. The results showed that the semi-bionic acid dye colorimetric method was feasible for the determination of total alkaloids in Sanhuang Xiexin Decoction, with good linearity, specificity, repeatability and high recovery. The amount of total alkaloids dissolved in Sanhuang Xiexin Decoction was higher than that in the dipping preparation. When the pH was 1.2~6.8,the amount of total alkaloids dissolved first decreased, then increased, and then gradually decreased, presenting a parabolic curve with upward opening. In general, the increase of acidity was conducive to the dissolution of total alkaloids.
    Analysis of chemical constituents of Xinyang Maojian tea at different picking stages
    CHEN Ling, ZHANG Li-xian, FAN Yi, ZHU Jie, SONG Meng-jiao, LI Zhi-ning
    2022, 61(3):  144-147.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.029
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    The aroma components, tea polyphenols, tea polysaccharides, theanine,caffeine, catechins and other chemical components of Xinyang Maojian tea at different picking stages were studied. The contents of α-terpineol,2,6-Octadien-1-ol,3,7-dimethyl-, geraniol, 1,6,10-Dodecatrien-3-ol, 3,7,11-trimethyl- and phytone in spring tea were high,and only cis-hexanoate 3-hexene was detected in spring tea. The contents of α -terpineol, nerolol, geraniol, trans-nerolol and phytone were high in spring tea, and only cis-hexanoate 3-hexene was detected in spring tea. Among the three picking seasons, the contents of theanine and theafrathin in spring tea were the highest,the contents of theanine and chlorophyll in summer tea were the highest, the contents of tea polysaccharide in summer and autumn tea were the highest,and the contents of total catechins and epigallocatechin gallate in autumn tea were the highest. It provides reference for comprehensive utilization of Xinyang Maojian summer and autumn tea.
    Detection and pollution analysis of sulfur dioxide in star anise in Guangxi
    ZHENG Juan-mei, NONG Yi-qing, LAN Bin, CHEN Ning-zhou, LU Shi-ying, LIU Xing, WEI Chun-meng
    2022, 61(3):  148-151.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.030
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    In view of the problem that the peak market in Nanning, Guangxi was full of sulfur star anise and the sulfur dioxide exceeded the standard,the sulfur dioxide residue in 239 batches of star anise sold in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region was detected to understand the sulfur dioxide pollution in the star anise sold on the market. The star anise was processed by distillation, the sulfite series substances in the sample were converted into sulfur dioxide after acid treatment, received with hydrogen peroxide, oxidized into sulfate ions,determined by acid-base titration, and the content of sulfur dioxide in star anise was calculated. The results showed that the recoveries of sulfur dioxide at the addition levels of 0.152, 0.305, and 0.609 g/kg were 52.7%~91.7%, and the relative standard deviation was 3.0%~7.4%. The improved method was applied to detect and analyze the sulfur dioxide pollution of 239 batches of star anise sold in Nanning and its surrounding areas,Guangxi. Among them, the detected sulfur dioxide content above the standard limit of 0.150 g/kg was 24 batches, the highest was 0.839 g/kg and the lowest was 0.173 g/kg. The overall pollution level of sulfur dioxide residues in star anise in Guangxi was not high, but individual excesses still existed.
    Information Engineering
    Study on monitoring method of pitaya planting area based on UAV remote sensing
    CHEN Zhi-hu, LIU Chun-yan, TONG Qian-qian, ZHAO Ze-ying, XU Yuan-hong
    2022, 61(3):  152-155.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.031
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    In order to clarify the planting area of pitaya, a low altitude UAV equipped with multispectral sensors was used to collect data from the pitaya base in Lamo village, Leyuan town, Wangmo county, and the Maximum likelihood method was used to extract the planting area and calculate the area of pitaya. The result showed that when calculating the vegetation index, the vegetation index of pitaya ranges from 0.4 to 0.6. The texture was obvious on the multispectral image. The periphery was dominated by weeds, and the vegetation index of weeds ranges from 0.2 to 0.4, which could better distinguish pitaya from weeds; Combined with vegetation index and pitaya texture features, the Maximum likelihood method was used to extract pitaya planting area and calculate the area. The extraction accuracy was 88.4%, and the pitaya planting area in the study area was about 55 000 m2.
    Establishment of forest health indicators of Robinia pseudoacacia plantation based on UAV LiDAR
    MENG Peng-yu
    2022, 61(3):  156-160.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.032
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    LiDAR(Light detection and ranging) data of UAV was used to extract LiDAR characteristic variables that can reflect the changes of vegetation vertical and horizontal structure. Forest health indicators were constructed by correlation analysis and hierarchical clustering method to identify the health status of robinia pseudoacacia plantation in the Yellow river delta. The results showed that,the forest health indicators were composed of LADcv (the coefficient of variation of leaf area density), weibull_α (the scale parameter of the Weibull density function), H99 (the percentile height of 99th) and VCI (Vertical complexity index);Using forest health indicators to judge the health status of Robinia pseudoacacia forest could get an ideal result (total accuracy of 86.7%, Kappa coefficient of 0.79), which confirmed the potential of LiDAR technology in forest health assessment.
    Biological Engineering
    Bioinformatics analysis of NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 (ND1) gene in Pteromys volans
    LIAN Ming-dong, CHEN Hong, YANG Meng-ping, TIAN Xin-min
    2022, 61(3):  161-164.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.033
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    NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 is the core subunit of the mitochondrial membrane respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase (Complex I) that functions in the transfer of electrons from NADH to the respiratory chain. To obtain the information of ND1 gene in Pteromys volans, bioinformatics methods were used in this article to analyze ND1 in there areas: physicochemical properties of ND1, hydrophilic/hydrophobic properties, secondary structure, tertiary structure, transmembrane structure, protein modification sites and homology of ND1 in Pteromys volans. The results in this research indicated that 318 amino acids were found in ND1 gene, which was a stable hydrophilic protein. The main secondary structure of ND1 protein was α-helix, random coil and extended strand. The siberian flying squirrel (Pteromys volans) and the particolored flying squirrel (Hylopetes alboniger) were found to be more closely related by compaired the ND1 gene in the siberian flying squirrel with 18 other animal species.
    Economy & Management
    Research on the coupling relationship between Xinjiang water resources pressure and farmland utilization benefit changes
    JIANG Chang-pan, PU Chun-ling, DONG Lu, YAN Zhi-ming
    2022, 61(3):  165-172.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.034
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    Based on the water and land resource data of Xinjiang and other prefectures and cities from 2009 to 2018, an evaluation model of water resources pressure and cultivated land utilization benefits was constructed, and a coupling coordination model was used to conduct empirical research on the coupling relationship between water resources pressure and cultivated land utilization benefits in Xinjiang. The research found that the comprehensive pressure on water resources in Xinjiang had shown a downward trendfrom 2009 to 2018, there was no pressure on population and economic development, and there was greater pressure on ecological and technological development; The social and economic benefits of cultivated land use in Xinjiang had shown an upward trend, but the ecological benefits fluctuated greatly, and the comprehensive benefits of cultivated land use fluctuate greatly affected by the ecological benefits; The degree of coupling and coordination of Xinjiang's water and land resources had shown an upward trend in the past 10 years, but the comprehensive score of water resources pressure was unstable, and the comprehensive benefits of cultivated land use were relatively stable.The pressure on the development of water resources technology in Xinjiang was great, and there were significant differences in the benefits of cultivated land utilization between the north and the south. Therefore, overall planning and coordination of the development and utilization of water and land resources should be strengthened to achieve sustainable development of water and land resources.
    Analysis of wheat production efficiency in China based on DEA-Malmquist model
    SUN Xiao-yu, LU Yong-hua
    2022, 61(3):  173-179.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.035
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    The three-stage DEA model is used to statically analyze the wheat production efficiency of 13 main wheat producing areas in China, and the three-stage DEA-Malmquist model is used to conduct dynamic research from three aspects of comprehensive efficiency change index, technical efficiency change index and technological progress change index based on panel data from 2008 to 2019.It is found that there are many problems in China's main wheat producing areas, such as low management level,low application level of innovation and science and technology, and suboptimal wheat planting scale. There is still a lot of room for improvement in the future development.
    Research on the coupling and coordinated development of ecotourism economy and low-carbon green development level:A case study of C province
    PENG Wen-zhi
    2022, 61(3):  180-184.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.036
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    The evaluation index system is constructed from the two aspects of low-carbon green development and ecotourism economy. Based on the determination of measurement methods, a coordinated development model is established. Taking C province as an example, the coordinated development model is used to analyze the process of ecotourism economy and low-carbon green development. The results show that although the low-carbon green development has lagged behind the economic growth of ecotourism since 2016, they have been actively coupled, and reached the highest coupling degree of 0.747 9 in 2019. It shows that under the concept of low-carbon development, tourism development no longer only pays attention to economic benefits, but combines economic benefits with environmental benefits to realize environmental friendly economic development.
    Analysis of poverty alleviation system from the perspective of institutional change theory
    LIU Zi-meng
    2022, 61(3):  185-189.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.037
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    Poverty alleviation system change is in line with the evolution process of institutional change, based on the theory of institutional change, the motivation and path of poverty alleviation institutional change were analyzed. The results show that the expected return is greater than the expected cost profit factor is the basic reason of poverty alleviation and institutional change, technological factors reduce the transaction cost of institutional change, informal institution for poverty alleviation system change provides a psychological basis and consciousness. The implementation path of poverty alleviation institutional change is mandatory innovation carried out from top to bottom by the government. On this basis, it is proposed that the institutional construction of the rule of law, the cultivation of endogenous power in the cultural level, and the integration of various forces in the governance pattern are the paths to further optimize the poverty alleviation system, so as to improve the performance of the poverty alleviation system and realize the modernization of rural agriculture and the overall revitalization of rural areas.
    Investigation and study on the factors influencing the operating capacity of farmers' professional cooperatives:Taking A county in Shandong province as an example
    LIU Hao, HAN Lin-juan, YANG Kai, ZHOU Hai-xia
    2022, 61(3):  190-194.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.038
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    In order to further improve the management ability of farmers' professional cooperatives, through more effective economic mutual assistance and cooperative operation to improve the efficiency of agricultural and rural production and improve the economic level of farmers. The evaluation index system of management ability of farmers' professional cooperatives was constructed, and taking 200 farmers' professional cooperatives in A county of Shandong province as an example, the entropy method was used to measure the index weight and the score of operational capacity; The influencing factors of the operating ability of farmers' professional cooperatives was selected, using its operating ability score as the explained variable, and using the regression analysis method to explore the degree of influence of each influencing factor. The results show that the business ability score of the farmers' professional cooperatives in A County of Shangdong province is 87.082 points, and the participation of farmers, the collective support of villages,the introduction of talents and the satisfaction of farmers are the major factors that affect the operating capacity of the farmers' professional cooperatives in this area. Finally, it puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions,such as improving the participation and productivity of agricultural management subjects, strengthening the cooperation between industry, university and research of cooperatives.
    Research on adjustment mechanism of minimum standard of basic pension for urban and rural residents
    LI Sa
    2022, 61(3):  195-199.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.039
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    Since the establishment of the pension scheme for urban and rural residents, there has never been a clear and regular adjustment mechanism for the minimum standard of the basic pension, there are some problems that can not guarantee the basic living needs of the urban and rural residents, and can not play the role of the old-age insurance in regulating the distribution of social income. Based on this, this study designed the adjustment plan according to the two principles of bottom line fairness and sustainability, using the three parameters of consumer price index, growth rate of pension scheme for urban employees and growth rate of rural residents per capita disposable income, to estimate the adjustment factor, it was concluded that the basic pension minimum standard could provide relatively high security level for the old-age residents according to the adjustment plan of “the consumer price index + the growth rate of pension scheme for urban employees×30% + the growth rate of rural residents per capita disposable income×50%”, and the central finance is fully able to afford and feasible. Finally, it puts forward policy suggestion on clarifying the basic principles of treatment adjustment and reasonably positioning of the government's financial supply responsibility.
    Research on the evaluation of modern agriculture development in the Yangtze River Delta and win-win cooperative urban
    XIA Meng-lei, CAO Zheng-wei
    2022, 61(3):  200-204.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.040
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    The improved entropy method was used to calculate and evaluate the development level of modern urban agriculture of 26 cities in Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration from five dimensions: The guarantee ability of the products of vegetable-basket project, the level of agricultural ecology and sustainable development, the level of integration of three industries, the gathering level of advanced agricultural production factors, and the level of modern agricultural management. The results show that the level of urban modern agriculture development in the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration is relatively high, but there is an imbalance in the level of urban modern agricultural development within the urban agglomeration. There is a big gap between Anhui province and the other three provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai in the overall level of urban modern agricultural development, but Anhui province has its own advantages in five dimensions. In view of the conclusion, it put forward some countermeasures and suggestions, such as implementing differentiated development strategy of urban modern agriculture, cultivating the awareness of win-win cooperation among cities, and deeply developing the multi-function of urban modern agriculture.
    Research on farmers' agricultural information service adoption behavior under the background of digital village construction
    JI Nian-fang, LUO Meng-fan
    2022, 61(3):  205-210.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.041
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    Supported by the theory of planned behavior, based on the survey data of 340 farmers in H city A province, seven indicators of the research object, such as personal basic situation, perceived usefulness and service level, were investigated by questionnaire and interview. The structural equation model of farmers' agricultural information service adoption was constructed and hypotheses were put forward. The results show that farmers' willingness to adopt agricultural information services is mainly affected by subjective norms, behavior attitude and perceived behavior control, and trust, service level and perceived usefulness have significant positive effects on behavior attitude, while trust and service level also affect perceived usefulness. It is proposed that improving the efficiency of farmers' access to information services needs to improve the agricultural information service system, strengthen the market supervision and the main credit construction, simplify the application of agricultural information services, and enhance the ability of farmers to use effective information.
    Study on network governance of rural water environment pollution
    LIU Yong-hong, LI Feng-wei
    2022, 61(3):  211-215.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.042
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    Rural water environment pollution control is a complex system engineering. The public goods attribute of the environment and the complexity of pollution control require the establishment of a network system with the participation of multiple subjects. On the basis of discussing the theoretical characteristics of network governance and the practical needs of pollution governance, this study attempted to design the network governance structure framework of rural water environment pollution, and analyzed the difficulties faced by rural water environment pollution governance from three aspects: Value objectives, main responsibilities and mechanism guarantee from the perspective of network governance. It is found that there are governance difficulties in rural water environment pollution control, such as inconsistent governance objectives of multiple subjects such as government, market and society, unclear governance responsibilities, and imperfect construction of participation consultation mechanism and guarantee mechanism. Based on the analysis of the dilemma, the countermeasures of rural water environment pollution control are explored from the aspects of cultivating the concept of multiple co-governance, clarifying the main governance rights and responsibilities and perfecting the network governance mechanism.
    Study on evaluation index system of government meteorological disaster prevention and reduction ability:A case study of Hebei province
    LOU Peng-ju
    2022, 61(3):  216-221.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.043
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    According to the performance management assessment of meteorological disaster prevention and mitigation in Hebei province from 2012 to 2017, based on the three-level evaluation index system, an index system was established to evaluate the meteorological disaster prevention and mitigation capability of local governments from six aspects: Organization and responsibility system, emergency management system, risk management system, monitoring and early warning system, effect evaluation system and standardized construction system. The weight of evaluation index was determined by Delphi method, and the evaluation model was established to evaluate 11 cities in Hebei province. The results show that through the performance management assessment of meteorological disaster prevention and reduction, various prefectures and cities have improved the ability of meteorological disaster risk management of the whole province and obviously reduced the loss of meteorological disasters. However, there are also some problems in the province, such as the construction of organization and responsibility system is not balanced, the barrier of meteorological disaster prevention is not in place, the capacity building of early warning and release is not sufficient, and the development of capacity construction is not balanced enough. Therefore, some suggestions for improvement and perfection are put forward from four aspects.
    Suggestions on international cooperation in agricultural science and technology between Guangxi, China and Laos
    WANG Yu-ning, LU Qing-nan, RUAN Xiao-jing, ZHOU Bao-ji, QU Ting-ting, QIN Jie, HUANG Zhi
    2022, 61(3):  222-225.  doi:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.044
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    Agricultural science and technology in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China has strong applicability and technological advantages for agricultural production in Laos. Through the analysis of the conditions, basis and and results of international agricultural science and technology cooperation between Guangxi and Laos, this paper put forward the key fields, key projects and countermeasures of international agricultural science and technology cooperation between Guangxi and Laos in the future, in order to provide reference for promoting international cooperation in agricultural science and technology between the two places.