HUBEI AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES ›› 2019, Vol. 58 ›› Issue (9): 142-148.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.09.034

• Economy & Management • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Research on land reserve cost and income based on spatial gravity model:Taking Karamay city as an example

GUO Rua, LIU Xin-pinga,b   

  1. a.School of Management; b.Institute of Land Science,Xinjiang Agricultural University,Urumqi 830052,China
  • Received:2018-12-24 Online:2019-05-10 Published:2019-12-05

Abstract: Taking the main city of Karamay as the research area, which is divided into 14 land reserve potential evaluation areas, the land reserve cost and income is analyzed by constructing the land reserve cost and income account calculation system, and introducing the circle theory and space gravity model. The results show that the total cost of land reserve in Karamay city is 2,472,417,300 yuan; the average land area cost per unit area is 3,558,600 yuan/hm2; the total expected land income is 2,135,649,200 yuan; and the average unit area land reserve income is 3,073,600 yuan/hm2. When the land storage and storage cost of the first-level circle increase by 10,000 yuan/hm2, it will increase the average cost of land storage and storage in the second-level circle by 4 600 yuan/hm2; and the fluctuation of the unit space distance is 2 700 yuan/km. The fluctuation of the unit space between the second layer and the third layer is 1 900 yuan/km. The wave gravitational attraction value of the Heiyoushan area and Fenghua area of the second layer is 6 200~6 400 yuan; the attenuation amplitude is 36%; and the gravitation attenuation is 1 900 yuan/km. The gravitational forces attenuation amplitudes of the first-three level and second-third are 89% and 90%, respectively; and the attenuation power is equivalent. The cost of land storage and storage will decrease with the expansion of the city. Karamay city should rationally allocate land reserve financial funds, scientifically plan the scale of land reserve planning, mainly select land with hot market demand, better infrastructure and low land acquisition and storage, and break through financing channels within the system.

Key words: land reserve, cost and income, spatial attraction, Karamay

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