HUBEI AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES ›› 2022, Vol. 61 ›› Issue (21): 101-104.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.21.019

• Horticulture & Local Products • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Effects of different root controlling methods on hemisphere modeling of Ulmus pumila ‘Jinye'

WANG De-fang1, LI Xia2, SHI Jin-chao1, ZHENG Zhi-yong1, LIU Zhen3   

  1. 1. Beijing Vocational College of Agriculture, Beijing 102442, China;
    2. Management Office, Beijing Temple of Heaven Park, Beijing 100061, China;
    3. Management Office,Beijing Yuyuantan Park, Beijing 100048, China
  • Received:2021-11-08 Online:2022-11-10 Published:2022-12-10

Abstract: Based on the reality in Beijing City, semi-finished products of Ulmus pumila ‘Jinye' in hemisphere modeling were selected as seedlings, with no container routinely plant model for control (CK), a total of 6 container control root cultivation processes were set up, and the effects of different controlling methods on the quality of the seedling root were compared and analyzed. Seedling cultivation method of medium specification modelling was screened to provide feasible solution for the mass production of characteristic nursery stock and the creation of exquisite gardens. The results showed that in the D50 cm × H60 cm slender shape root control device in processing Ⅴ, high-quality seedlings in transplanting containers could be cultivated by 1.6 a partial root control and modeling. Then the modeling seedlings with the full crown were applied to the gardens and greenbelts to show the modeling effect immediately. When planting for 1 a after out of nursery, the planting survival rate, seedling ground diameter and leaf coverage index were the largest and the landscape beautification effect in hemisphere modeling was the best.

Key words: Ulmus pumila ‘Jinye', root controlling, modeling

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