HUBEI AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES ›› 2022, Vol. 61 ›› Issue (20): 158-161.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.20.030

• Agricultural Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Design of water, fertilizer and pesticide integration microspray irrigation system for Sedum plumbizincicola seedlings greenhouse

LIU Shu-hong1,2, TAN Zhu1,2, HU Zhi-xin1,2, YANG Pan1,2   

  1. 1. Hunan Airbluer Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd., Changsha 410000, China;
    2. Changsha Technology Innovation Center for Phytoremediation of Heavy Metal Contaminated Soil, Changsha 410000, China
  • Received:2021-08-15 Online:2022-10-25 Published:2022-11-23

Abstract: In order to meet the requirements of temperature and humidity regulation in the seedlings greenhouse with restricted conditions and the irrigation of water, fertilizer and integration, a 38 m×8 m Sedum plumbizincicola seedlings greenhouse in Hunan Province was taken as an example, 220 V power supply and rivulet surface water supply, JET1800A self-priming pump, 4 rows and 2 groups of inverted micro-sprinkler, 1.2 m3 fertile-water tank, and 45 L medicament tank, the design of Piping and valves was optimized to realize multi-functional integration, and a water, fertilizer and integration microspray irrigation system was designed and put into implementation. The results showed that the ϕ120 plastic blind drain with an effective length of 1m can meet the integrated water intaking and purification requirement of 3.3 m3/h, eliminating the need for complex water treatment equipment; 2 L pressure tank could meet the control requirements, and the pump start did not exceed 4.5 times/h. The system was running well, the rate, pressure and accuracy of water flow were basically in line with expectations.

Key words: Sedum plumbizincicola, water,fertilizer and integration, microspray irrigation system, plastic blind drain, pressure tank

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