HUBEI AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES ›› 2022, Vol. 61 ›› Issue (19): 30-33.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.19.005

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Analysis of soil moisture, salt and fertility characteristics under different crusts coverings

MO Zhi-xin, ZHA Xiang-hao, WEI Liang-huan   

  1. College of Chemistry and Environmental Sciences/Xinjiang Engineering Technology Research Center of Biological Solid Waste Recycling, Kashi Unversity, Kashgar 844006, Xinjiang, China
  • Received:2021-09-25 Online:2022-10-10 Published:2022-11-04

Abstract: Taking typical physical crust soil, biological crust soil and salt crust soil in Kashgar City, Xinjiang as an example, soil samples at different depths were collected from areas covered by different crusts, and the contents of soil moisture, salt, organic matter and available nitrogen were analyzed. The results showed that the moisture content of the soil surface (0~20 cm) covered by the crust was higher than that of the soil layer (0~20 cm) without the crust covering, and the order of the soil moisture content was biological crust > salt crust > physical crust. The total salt content of soil covered by the crust was lower than that of soil without the crust covering. With the increase of soil depth, the total soil salt content of the soil covered by the physical crust and the salt crust decreased, and the total soil salt content of the soil covered by the biological crust increased. The contents of soil organic matter and available nitrogen under the mulch of physical crust and biological crust decreased with the increase of soil depth, and the contents of soil organic matter and available nitrogen of the two were higher than those of soil without crust covering; the content of soil organic matter and available nitrogen in the salt crust covered soil increased with the increase of soil depth, and both were greater than those of the non-crust covered soil.

Key words: crust, soil water, soil salt, soil organic, soil available nitrogen

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