HUBEI AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES ›› 2022, Vol. 61 ›› Issue (12): 61-66.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.12.012

• Horticulture & Local Products • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Soil nutrient status and distribution characteristics of loquat orchard in Tongshan County of Hubei Province

WANG Hui-liang1, GONG Lin-zhong1, WANG Fu-rong1, LIU Yong1, AI Xiao-yan1, WU Zheng-li2, YUAN Guan-qiang3, NIE Yu-ting2, ZHU Wei1, YUAN Ye1, ZHU Xiao-min1, HE Hua-ping1   

  1. 1. Institute of Fruit and Tea,Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Fruit and Tea Subcenter of Hubei Innovation Center of Agricultural Science and Technology,Wuhan 430064, China;
    2. Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Tongshan County, Xianning 437600, Hubei,China;
    3. Loquat Association of Tongshan County,Xianning 437600, Hubei,China
  • Received:2022-01-12 Online:2022-06-25 Published:2022-07-22

Abstract: The soil nutrient status of the loquat orchard in Tongshan County of Hubei Province was analyzed.We collected 415 soils from 9 main loquat-growing townships in Tongshan County, analyzed the main nutrients, and judged the soil nutrient status according to relevant grading standards. The average soil pH of the loquat orchards in Tongshan County was 6.46, with a range of 4.94 to 8.57, and the spatial variation was not obvious in different orchards. The soil organic matter content varied from 2.40 to 52.60 g/kg, with an average of 22.40 g/kg. Most of the soil organic matter content in loquat gardens in the county had reached the middle level or above, reaching 95.91%, and the organic matter content was at a relatively high level. The soil available nitrogen content was 7.00~250.00 mg/kg, with an average of 119.03 mg/kg. There were 54.09% of the county’s soil with available nitrogen content higher than 120 mg/kg, reaching a rich or extremely rich level. The content of available phosphorus in the soil was 6.00~140.70 mg/kg, with an average of 27.99 mg/kg, no orchards lacking available phosphorus. The soil available potassium content ranged from 25.50 mg/kg to 391.00 mg/kg, with an average of 114.42 mg/kg, and 7.27% of orchards were at the level of deficiency or extreme deficiency. The spatial distribution of soil available nitrogen, available phosphorus, and available potassium content was uneven, but they were all relatively abundant. In view of the soil condition of the loquat orchard in Tongshan County, it was recommended to control the amount of chemical fertilizer, increase the amount of organic fertilizer, and gradually promote the orchard growing grass and soil testing formula fertilization technology to achieve the improvement of soil fertility and the balanced supply of nutrients in the loquat orchard in Tongshan County.

Key words: soil nutrients, loquat orchard, distribution characteristics, Tongshan County

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