HUBEI AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES ›› 2022, Vol. 61 ›› Issue (8): 115-119.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.08.023

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Study on ammonia substitution modification and moisture retention properties of yam polysaccharides

BAI Jia-feng1, XIONG Ya-mei2, LIU Yuan-shang3, SUN Yi-yan2, LIU Shao-hua1, JIA Xue-wei2, XU Chun-ping2   

  1. 1. Technical Center of China Tobacco Guangxi Industrial Co.,Ltd., Nanning 530001,China;
    2. College of Food and Biology Engineering, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, Zhengzhou 450002,China;
    3. China Tobacco Hebei Industrial Co.,Ltd., Shijiazhuang 050000,China
  • Received:2021-02-07 Online:2022-04-25 Published:2022-05-12

Abstract: The yam polysaccharide was extracted by alkaline extraction and then subjected to ammonia substitution modification. The chemical structure and molecular conformations were analyzed by GC-MS analysis,fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, light scattering analysis and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. And the moisture retention properties of yam polysaccharides, ammonia-substituted yam polysaccharides and propylene glycol were compared. The results showed that yam polysaccharide was a heteropolysaccharide, mainly composed of glucose(86.1%), mannose(9.3%), galactose(7.2%). The chemical chain was mainly composed of→4)-Glcp-(1→、→6)-Glcp-(1→、→6)-Galp-(1→、→3)-Manp-(1→,→2,3)-Manp-(1→ and terminal Glcp-(1→. The yam polysaccharide could be analyzed as α-1, 4-glucan by 1-D NMR. The molecular weight of the yam polysaccharide was 1.747×105 g/mol, which was much larger than the molecular weight of ammonia-substituted yam polysaccharide 1.115×104 g/mol. In addition, after the aminogenization modification, the polydispersion coefficient of the polysaccharide increased and the molecular weight distribution widened. The yam polysaccharide and ammonia-substituted yam polysaccharide had a certain moisturizing effect, and the moisturizing performance of ammonia-substituted yam polysaccharide was better.

Key words: yam polysaccharide, ammonia substitution, moisture retention property, structural analysis

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