HUBEI AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES ›› 2022, Vol. 61 ›› Issue (3): 109-111.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.03.022

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Effects of nitrogen-fixing bacteria seed dressing and controlled release fertilizer on some traits of cowpea

ZU Yan-xia, MEI Yi, ZHENG Jia-qiu, SHEN Feng, LIU Zhe, ZHANG Li-na, FENG Ru-chao, WANG Wei-wei, WU Yong-cheng   

  1. Institute of Agricultural Sciences in the Coastal Area of Jiangsu, Yancheng 224002, Jiangsu, China
  • Received:2021-03-15 Online:2022-02-10 Published:2022-03-11

Abstract: The effects of seed dressing with nitrogen fixing bacteria and basal application of controlled-release fertilizer on some traits of cowpea were studied. The results showed that the pod length of Yan jiang No. 1 and Yan zi jiang No. 2 treated with more controlled-release fertilizer(B2) was the largest, which was significantly different from that treated with less controlled-release fertilizer (B1). In the basal application of controlled-release fertilizer, the single pod weight of Yan zi jiang No. 2 with no controlled-release fertilizer B0 had no significantly difference from that of B1. The plot yield of Yan jiang No.1 under less nitrogen fixing bacteria(A1) was significantly different from that of no nitrogen fixing bacteria(A0) and more nitrogen fixing bacteria(A2). The yield of plot treated with A1 was the highest. The plot of Yan jiang No.1 treated with B1 had the highest yield,and the plot treated with B0 and B2 had the most significant difference, the plot of Yan zi jiang No.2 treated with A0 had the most significant difference with the plot treated with A1 and A2. There was a significant difference in the yield of the plot of Yan zi jiang No.2 treated with B0, B2 and B1, and the plot of B1 was the highest.

Key words: nitrogen fixing bacteria, controlled release fertilizer, Yan jiang No. 1, Yan zi jiang No. 2, some traits

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