HUBEI AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES ›› 2021, Vol. 60 ›› Issue (23): 172-176.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.23.038

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Analysis of endophytic bacterial diversity and metabolic function in Pinellia ternata from Hubei based on 16S rDNA

WANG Fan-fan, TANG Tao, GUO Jie, DUAN Yuan-yuan, GUO Xiao-liang, YOU Jing-mao   

  1. Institute of Chinese Herbal Medicines,Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Enshi 445000,Hubei,China
  • Received:2021-06-03 Online:2021-12-10 Published:2021-12-21

Abstract: In order to explore the diversity, abundance and flora function of endophytic bacteria in Pinellia ternata in Hubei, this study randomly collected samples of Pinellia ternata plants, extracted endophytic bacterial genomic DNA, and obtained 16S rDNA V3~V4 fragments by PCR amplification. The IlluminaMiSeq high-throughput sequencing technology was used to analyze the endophytic bacterial flora structure in Pinellia ternata plants. A total of 39 537 effective sequences and 681 OTUs for species classification were obtained, including 6 phylum, 10 class, 23 order, 29 family, 45 genus, 26 species of bacteria. The analysis of colony diversity indicated that Proteobacteria was the dominant bacteria atthephylumlevel, Mitochondria and Pseudomonadaceae were the dominant bacteriaat the family level. Functional prediction results indicated that most of the genes encoded by endophytic bacteria were related to metabolism, followed by genetic information processing and environmental information processing.

Key words: Pinellia ternate, endophytic bacteria, diversity, flora function

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