HUBEI AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES ›› 2021, Vol. 60 ›› Issue (20): 210-213.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.20.042

• Rural Revitalization • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Exploration of the development path of sericulture in Hanyin county based on the “three one” industrial poverty alleviation model

LI Huan-ji1,2, CHEN Bei2   

  1. 1. Ankang College,Ankang 725000,Shaanxi,China;
    2. Hanyin County Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau,Hanyin 725100,Shaanxi,China
  • Received:2020-07-28 Online:2021-10-25 Published:2021-11-05

Abstract: Industrial poverty alleviation is an important feature of the poverty alleviation development model with Chinese characteristics. Only by developing industries can we completely remove the “poor root” and get rid of poverty and become rich. In the process of exploring industrial development, Hanyin county had accurately found the industries suitable for local development and scientifically explored the “three one” industrial poverty alleviation model. The model emphasizes that under the guidance of the grass-roots party branch, people should make full use of the local resource endowment to find the correct industrial positioning, and help the industrial development with the help of poverty alleviation funds. By using this model, it will not only make important contributions to poverty alleviation in Hanyin county, but also provide inspiration and reference for the future industrial development of rural revitalization.

Key words: "three one" model, sericulture, industrial poverty alleviation, Hanyin county

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