HUBEI AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES ›› 2021, Vol. 60 ›› Issue (17): 104-110.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.17.022

• Animal Science • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Investigation and evaluation of bird resources on three highland lakes in central Yunan province

LI Qiu, YANG Li-yun, DENG Kai-hong, LI Hong-mei   

  1. College of Chemistry,Biology and Environment,Yuxi Normal University,Yuxi 653100,Yunnan,China
  • Received:2021-06-07 Online:2021-09-10 Published:2021-09-30

Abstract: In this study, the partition counting method, line transect method and sample point method were used, and the bird resources of three highland lakes and their surrounding areas in central Yunnan province were investigated and evaluated. The result shows that a total of 67 species of birds were observed and recorded in three plateau lakes in Yuxi, which belongs to 34 families and 13 orders. Among them, There are 28 species of oriental realm, 15 species of palearctic realm, 24 species of generalists; 47 species of resident birds, 20 species of migratory birds (13 species of winter migratory birds and 7 species of summer migratory birds). There are 46 species of birds in Fuxian Lake, 37 species in Xinngyun Lake, 51 species in Qilu Lake, The highest diversity of birds is found in the Qilu Lake area. The study provides guidance and reference for strengthening the protection of bird resources in the three highland lakes and its surrounding areas.

Key words: Fuxian Lake, Xingyun Lake, Qilu Lake, bird survey, evaluation

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