HUBEI AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES ›› 2021, Vol. 60 ›› Issue (8): 55-62.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2021.08.011

• Resource & Environment • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Ecosystem health evaluation of wetland in the middle reaches of Heihe river based on PSR model

DU Hong-xia1, SUN He-zhou2   

  1. 1. School of Geography and Environmental Science,Northwest Normal University,Lanzhou 730070,China;
    2. School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering,Lanzhou Jiaotong University,Lanzhou 730070,China
  • Received:2020-09-01 Published:2021-05-07

Abstract: In order to quantitatively evaluate the health status of the wetland ecosystem in the middle reaches of Heihe river on a spatial-temporal scale, based on the PSR (pressure-state-response) model, 11 indicators were selected from 3 target layers of pressure, state and response to build an index system. The AHP method was used to determine the weight of each index, and combined with the comprehensive index method, the ecological health of the wetland in the middle reaches of Heihe river in the past 18 years was evaluated. The results showed that the health status of the middle reaches of Heihe river was poor, good, good and average in 2000, 2005, 2011 and 2018, respectively. Among them, the wetland ecosystem in Minghua township of Yugur autonomous county of Sunan, which was at a poor level in these four years. The state layer with the most influence (0.650), while the response layer was the smallest (0.120). Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), human disturbance index and landscape diversity index (SHDI) were the main factors affecting the health of wetland ecosystem in this region.

Key words: wetland in the middle reaches of Heihe river, PSR model, quantitative evaluation, status of ecosystem, analytic hierarchy process

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