HUBEI AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES ›› 2020, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (24): 48-50.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.24.011

• Resource & Environment • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Complete experimental analysis of fertilizer effect of waterlogged paddy soil rice “3414” in Zhongxiang city

FENG Jing, LI Jing-rong, GUAN Shao-hua, LI Hong-jun   

  1. Zhongxiang Soil Fertilizer Workstation, Zhongxiang 431900, Hubei,China
  • Received:2020-05-25 Online:2020-12-25 Published:2021-01-21

Abstract: “3414” fertilizer effects test design scheme was adopted to carry out field experiments to explore the optimal amount and ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilization in waterlogged paddy soil rice. The current recommended amount of nitrogen fertilizer (N 180.0 kg/hm2), amount of phosphorus fertilizer (P2O5 67.5 kg/hm2) and amount of potassium fertilizer (K2O 90.0 kg/hm2) on rice yield increase was studied. The results showed that fertilization increased the yield significantly, with an average yield increase of 235.1~3 066.6 kg/hm2, with growth of 3.5%~45.3%. Fertilization increased the gross income by 587.8~7 666.5 yuan/hm2, increased the investment by 886.5~2 361.1 yuan/hm2, the yield to investment ratio was 0.7~3.9, and the net income was -298.5~5 697.0 yuan/hm2. The agronomic utilization rate of nitrogen fertilizer was 8.7~19.5 kg/kg, 13.5 kg/kg for P2(P2O5 67.5 kg/hm2) and 4.8 kg for P3(101.3 kg/hm2), and 6.5 kg/kg for K2(90.0 kg/hm2).

Key words: rice, fertilizer effect test, benefit, input-output ratio, agronomic utilization rate

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