HUBEI AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES ›› 2019, Vol. 58 ›› Issue (4): 32-38.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.04.008

• Resource & Environment • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Research on Evaluation Index System of Provincial Resources and Environment Carrying Capacity—Based on Frequency Statistics and Relevance-Rough Set Theory

DAI Yun, ZHAN Chang-gen   

  1. College of Resource and Environment Sciences,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,China
  • Revised:2017-12-15 Online:2019-02-25 Published:2019-11-26

Abstract: By searching CNKI and SCI and SSCI database, both at home and abroad from 1991 to 2016 index evaluation literature search and selection of the bearing capacity of resources and environment get 173 related thesis (including CNKI with 152 references, SCI and SSCI with 21 references; The evaluation of land resources carrying capacity with 43 references, the evaluation of water resources carrying capacity with 45 references, the evaluation of energy resources carrying capacity with 20 references, the evaluation of environmental carrying capacity with 65 references). Based on the frequency statistics and correlation-rough set theory, resources and environment carrying capacity evaluation index in the literature are studied, we the evaluation index system of provincial resources environmental carrying capacity in land resources, water resources, energy resources and environmental carrying capacity areas are built. In order to build the harmonious development of man and nature new pattern of modern society provides quantitative assessment and scientific decision-making.

Key words: resources and environment carrying capacity, evaluation index system, frequency statistics, correlation-rough set model

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