HUBEI AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES ›› 2020, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (15): 49-53.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.15.009

• Resource & Environment • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Effects of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria inoculated with different phosphorus levels on lettuce growth and soil phosphorus forms

DU Lei1, CHEN Gang1,2, WANG Su-ping1, HONG Juan1,2, HUANG Xiang1, ZHANG gui-you1, LIAN Zhi-cheng1, JIANG Li1, YE Li-xia1,2, ZHANG Li-hong1   

  1. 1. Institute of Environment and Safety, Wuhan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Wuhan 430345, China;
    2. College of Resources and Environment, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China
  • Received:2019-09-20 Online:2020-08-10 Published:2020-09-24

Abstract: A potting experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of the phosphate-solubilizing bacteria on lettuce growth and soil phosphorus forms at different growth stages of lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. ramosa Hort.) under four application levels of calcium-superphosphate. The results showed, under the condition of soil phosphorus deficiency, that the application of the phosphate-solubilizing bacteria could improve the leaf fresh weight, root fresh weight,leaf dry weight and root dry weight of lettuce, increased the net photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate, enhanced the phosphorus absorption capacity in lettuce plants, improved the nutritional quality and yield of lettuce, reduced the accumulation of whole phosphorus content in soil, and promoted the release of effective phosphorus and the accumulation of effective phosphorus in soil reservoir. In the case of the soil phosphorus abundance, the application of the phosphate-solubilizing bacteria was weaker influence on the growth of lettuce and soil phosphorus. When the amount of phosphate fertilizer in the soil was 0.375 g/kg, the phosphate-solubilizing bacteria promoting growth effect of lettuce and the soil phosphorus to release were the best. The application of the phosphate-solubilizing bacteria not only decrease the loss of phosphorus in agricultural land, mitigate the risk of phosphorus non-point source pollution, but also guarante the quality and quantity for farmers to maximize vegetable yield.

Key words: lettuce(Lactucas sativa L. var. ramosa Hort.), phosphate-solubilizing bacteria, phosphorus level, growth, yield

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