HUBEI AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES ›› 2020, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (12): 117-120.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2020.12.026

• Aquatic Products • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Effects of different medicine on hatching rate of fertilized eggs and initial diets on survival rate of larva of Papiliochromis ramirezi

HUANG Yi, HONG Yu-hang, WANG You-pan, PENG Hai   

  1. Animal Science Department, Xichang University, Xichang 615000, Sichuan, China
  • Received:2019-07-15 Published:2020-08-26

Abstract: In the present study, the effects of three different medicine (compound gallnut, gentamicin and furacilin) on hatching rate of fertilized eggs and three initial diets (egg powder, paramecium and artificial ultrafine powder) on survival rate of larva of Papiliochromis ramirezi were investigated. The results showed that the compound gallnut group had the highest hatching rate with (81.22±6.52)%, which was significantly higher than others(P<0.05). Therefore, the hatching rate of fertilized eggs from Papiliochromis ramirezi could be improved remarkably by using the compound gallnut. In addition, the survival rate of larva in group of artificial ultrafine powder was significantly higher than others with (91.33±3.06)%(P<0.05). It indicated that artificial ultrafine powder is more suitable for Papiliochromis ramirezi as an initial diet.

Key words: Papiliochromis ramirezi, medicine, hatching rate, initial diet, survival rate

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