HUBEI AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES ›› 2019, Vol. 58 ›› Issue (24): 128-132.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.24.031

• Horticulture & Local Products • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Effects of irrigation limits and fertilizing amount on enzyme and microbial activity in greenhouse tomato rhizosphere soil

LI Yao-xia, YU Ji-hua, ZHANG Guo-bin, WU Tao-nan   

  1. College of Horticulture,Gansu Agricultural University,Lanzhou 730070,China
  • Received:2019-01-04 Online:2019-12-25 Published:2019-12-25

Abstract: Using a field test method, seted 3 irrigation upper limits W1(70% θF),W2(80% θF),W3(90% θF) and conventional irrigation 4 levels, the lower irrigation limit was 50% of field water holding capacity, NPK fertilization amount and ratio design 4 levels, respectively F1[N(228 kg/hm2)、P2O5 (132 kg/hm2)、K2O(300 kg/hm2)],F2[N(285 kg/hm2)、P2O5(165 kg/hm2)、K2O(375 kg/hm2)],F3[N(342 kg/hm2)、P2O5(198 kg/hm2)、K2O(450 kg/hm2)] and conventional fertilization,the effects of different regulation measures of irrigation upper limit and fertilization ratio on soil enzyme, micro-activity and biological activity in tomato rhizosphere of solar greenhouse were study. The results showed that the EC value of CK treatment was lower than that of other treatments, and the treatment of F1W3 was the highest. The pH value of treatment F2W2 was the lowest, and the organic matter content of treatment F2W2 and F2W3 were higher than other treatments. The number of bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes varied in different growth stages, and the number of bacteria was dominant in rhizosphere microorganism composition at different growth stages, and they all reached the highest level in the mid-fruiting stage, the number was the highest under treatment of F2W2, which were 50.00×107 CFU/g(dry substrate), 107.67×106 CFU/g(dry substrate) and 30.00×105 CFU/g(dry substrate), respectively.The overall performance of soil enzymes increased first and then decreased with the increase of irrigation upper limit and fertilization amount, sucrase was the highest under treatment of F2W2 at the early and late fruiting stages, catalase was the highest under treatment of F2W2, except treatment of F3W3 at the early fruiting stage was highest, and which was a significant difference with conventional irrigation and fertilization (CK) treatments. The upper irrigation limit and fertilization combination under the condition of F2W2 treatment can increase the soil enzyme and microbial activity in the rhizosphere soil of greenhouse tomato, improve soil environment, increase fertility and increase yield.

Key words: tomato, upper limit of irrigation water, fertilizer rate, microbes, soil enzyme

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