HUBEI AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES ›› 2018, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (7): 58-60.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.07.013

• Plant Protection • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Experimental Study on Protection and Control of Maize Gray Leaf Spot and Large Leaf Spot

GUO Yuan-ping1, ZHANG Shi-hong1, XIAO Neng-wu1,2, CHEN Yan1, GONG Shi-fei1, CUI Peng1, SONG Wei1   

  1. 1.Hubei Shiyan City of Agricultural Sciences,Shiyan 442000,Hubei,China;
    2.Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Grain Inclustry,Yangyze University,Jingzhou 434025,Hubei,China
  • Received:2018-01-16 Published:2020-01-14

Abstract: The effects of four different pesticides and three different modes of application on the control of grey leaf spot and large leaf spot in maize were conducted with two-factor design to determine. The results indicated that the best potion against grey leaf spot and large leaf spot in maize is Benzoyl propiazole (water emulsion) (A2),and it could prevent disease and increase production effectively with one application. Applied DuPont klou (fungicide) (A1) and triadimefon (wettable powder) (A3) three times can prevent grey leaf spot disease and increase yield in some degree but without good effect for large leaf spot. We suggested producers spray A2(difenoconazole 15%,propiconazole 15%) 750 mL/hm2 one time after plant sampling in the process of practical production.

Key words: maize, grey leaf spot, large leaf spot, effect of prevention and control

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