湖北农业科学 ›› 2019, Vol. 58 ›› Issue (13): 180-183.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.039

• 乡村振兴 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 河海大学公共管理学院,南京 211100
  • 收稿日期:2018-08-15 出版日期:2019-07-10 发布日期:2019-12-06
  • 作者简介:李珍(1993-),女,山西长治人,在读硕士研究生,研究方向为农村社会学、环境社会学,(电话)18260063735(电子信箱)oceane3735@163.com。

Farmers' environmental health risk cognition and response under the background of industrialization——Taking H village in the north of Nanjing as an example

LI Zhen   

  1. College of Public Administration,Hohai University,Nanjing 211100,China
  • Received:2018-08-15 Online:2019-07-10 Published:2019-12-06

摘要: 以南京市北部H村为例,介绍了村民在面对乡村工业污染加重状况时的环境健康风险的认知过程,分析了村民环境健康风险认知滞后的主要原因有农民自身局限、污染信息封锁、制度建设缺乏等;并进一步对村民环境健康风险应对行为进行了分析。

关键词: 工业化, 环境健康风险, 风险应对, 农民

Abstract: With the accelerating process of industrialization and urbanization, a large number of factories have gradually entered the village under the initiative of local governments to attract investment. The industrialization of rural areas has been continuously updated, and the development of water has been steadily improved. However, behind this, rural environmental problems have become increasingly prominent and the hidden environmental risks are also increasing. The health and daily life of farmers are greatly threatened, and the stability and development of rural society have been seriously affected. In the face of the increasing industrial pollution in rural areas, farmers' perceptions of environmental health risks are limited and show significant lag. In the process of risk response,because of the lack of scientific knowledge, farmers use their own accumulated practical logic to try to save the village and rescue themselves.

Key words: industrialization, environmental health risk, risk response, farmers
