湖北农业科学 ›› 2019, Vol. 58 ›› Issue (13): 102-105.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.021

• 贮藏·加工 • 上一篇    下一篇


蒋薇1,2, 李瑶1, 李娜1, 赵飞1,3, 亓娜3, 蔡卓3, 曹高燚1,3, 华泽田3   

  1. 1.天津农学院农学与资源环境学院,天津 300384;
    2.中国农业科学院甘薯研究所,江苏徐州 221000;
    3.国家粳稻工程技术研究中心,天津 300357
  • 收稿日期:2018-09-30 出版日期:2019-07-10 发布日期:2019-12-06
  • 通讯作者: 曹高燚,讲师,主要从事种子科学研究与分子育种工作,(电话)18622236731(电子信箱)gycao@cau.edu.cn。
  • 作者简介:蒋薇(1996-),女,江苏常州人,在读本科生,研究方向为种子科学与技术,(电话)13002279915(电子信箱)1298081288@qq.com。
  • 基金资助:
    天津市农委项目(201904020); 天津市种业重大专项(16ZXZYNC00150); 天津市大学生创新创业训练计划项目(201610061113)

Study on seed vigor and physiological changes of rice (Oryza sativa L.) under critical stress storage conditions

JIANG Wei1,2, LI Yao1, LI Na1, ZHAO Fei1,3, QI Na3, CAI Zhuo3, CAO Gao-yi1,3, HUA Ze-tian3   

  1. 1.College of Agronomy & Resources and Environmental, Tianjin Agricultural University,Tianjin 300384,China;
    2.Sweet Potato Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Xuzhou 221000,Jiangsu,China;
    3.China National Japonica Rice Research Center, Tianjin 300357,China
  • Received:2018-09-30 Online:2019-07-10 Published:2019-12-06

摘要: 为了探究不同贮藏环境条件下水稻种子活力的变化规律,对临界胁迫贮藏条件下水稻种子的活力及生理特性进行了系统研究,以期解析水稻种子耐贮性生理生化机制。以粳稻津原E5和津原11为材料,研究了在不同贮藏条件下(4、-10和-20 ℃)及不同含水量的种子在贮藏期间产生的活力变化及相关生理生化特性变化规律。结果表明,种子活力指标如发芽指数、活力指数与贮藏时间无明显线性关系,可溶性蛋白、丙二醛含量与贮藏时间呈线性关系;其中,可溶性蛋白含量与贮藏时间呈负相关,丙二醛反之。当温度一定时,发芽指数随种子含水量的降低而增加。可溶性蛋白在超低温高含水量情况下受到明显破坏,含量最低。在不同贮藏温度,随含水量下降,丙二醛含量上升。该研究为水稻种子安全贮藏及在兼顾成本的前提下选择最适贮藏条件提供了理论参考。

关键词: 水稻, 临界贮藏条件, 种子生理, 种子活力

Abstract: In order to explore the changes of rice seed vigor under different storage conditions, the vitality and physiological characteristics of rice seeds under critical stress storage conditions were systematically studied in order to analyze the physiological and biochemical mechanism of rice seed storage. In this study, the indica and fertilization of seeds were studied under different storage conditions (4 ℃,-10 ℃, and -20 ℃) and different water contents during storage. Physiological and biochemical characteristics of the law. The results showed that seed vigor indexes such as germination index, vigor index, and storage time had no obvious linear relationship, while soluble protein, malondialdehyde content and storage time were linearly related; among them, protein content was negatively correlated with time, and malondialdehyde was vice versa. The temperature and moisture content of seeds during storage have a great correlation with the seed vigor. When the temperature is constant, the germination index increases with the decrease of the seed moisture content. Soluble protein was significantly destroyed at the ultra-low temperature and high water content, and the content was the lowest. At different storage temperatures, the malondialdehyde content increased with decreasing water content. This study provides a theoretical reference for the safe storage of rice seeds and the selection of the optimum storage conditions under the premise of taking into account the cost.

Key words: rice, critical storage conditions, seed physiology, seed vitality
