湖北农业科学 ›› 2019, Vol. 58 ›› Issue (13): 64-71.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.13.013

• 资源·环境 • 上一篇    下一篇


周富忠, 王明琼, 冉露   

  1. 利川市土壤肥料工作站,湖北 利川 445400
  • 收稿日期:2018-12-01 出版日期:2019-07-10 发布日期:2019-12-06
  • 通讯作者: 王明琼(1970-),女,农艺师,主要从事土壤、肥料及农产品检测工作,(电子信箱)364780229@163.com。
  • 作者简介:周富忠(1969-),男,湖北利川人,高级农艺师,主要从事土肥水质量监测和技术推广工作,(电话)13986851933(电子信箱)372816894@163.com。

The available content and spatial distribution of copper,zinc,iron and manganese in Lichuan plowland

ZHOU Fu-zhong, WANG Ming-qiong, RAN Lu   

  1. Lichuan Soil Fertilizer Workstation,Lichuan 445400,Hubei,China
  • Received:2018-12-01 Online:2019-07-10 Published:2019-12-06

摘要: 检测、统计并分析了湖北省利川市604个耕地土样的pH和有效铜、有效锌、有效铁、有效锰及有机质含量。结果表明,利川市耕地土壤pH平均为6.21±1.15,变幅为3.95~8.58,变异系数为18.49%,属中等偏弱变异;有机质含量平均为(27.17±10.84) g/kg,变幅为5.39~88.50 g/kg,变异系数为39.90%,属中等变异。有效铜、有效锌、有效铁、有效锰平均含量分别为(1.39±1.31) mg/kg、(1.07±0.92) mg/kg、(58.84±52.67) mg/kg、(39.22±32.49) mg/kg,按辽宁省DB 21/T 1437-2006地方标准评价,有效锌含量中等,其他3种含量高;变幅范围分别在未检出至8.28 mg/kg、未检出至8.41 mg/kg、2.89~311.15 mg/kg、3.29~234.38 mg/kg;变异系数分别为93.99%、86.25%、89.52%、82.83%,皆为中等偏强变异;缺锌比例达63.57%,因此要加强锌肥的应用。耕地土壤有效铜、有效锌、有效铁含量与土壤有机质含量均呈极显著正相关;有效铜、有效锌、有效铁、有效锰含量与土壤pH均呈极显著负相关。初步摸清了利川市耕地有效铜、有效锌、有效铁、有效锰含量及在不同耕作方式、土类及不同成土母质发育土壤上的分布特征。

关键词: 耕地, 有效铜, 有效锌, 有效铁, 有效锰, 空间分布, 利川市

Abstract: Soil pH and the contents of available Cu, available Zn, available Fe, available Mn and organic matter in the 604 samples of cultivated land in Lichuan city, Hubei province, were detected and analyzed. The results showed that the average pH of cultivated land soil in Lichuan city was 6.21±1.15, ranged from 3.95 to 8.58, and variable coefficient was 18.49%, with a moderate weak variant. The content of organic matter was(27.17±10.84) g/kg, ranged from 5.39 g/kg to 88.50 g/kg, and variable coefficient was 39.90%, with a medium variant. The average contents of available Cu, available Zn, available Fe, available Mn were(1.39±1.31) mg/kg,(1.07±0.92) mg/kg,(58.84±52.67) mg/kg,(39.22±32.49) mg/kg, respectively; According to the local standard evaluation of DB 21/T 1437-2006 in Liaoning province, the contents of available Zn was in the middle levels, and the other three kinds were high content. The contents of available Cu, available Zn, available Fe, available Mn ranged from undetected to 8.28 mg/kg, undetected to 8.41 mg/kg, 2.89 mg/kg to 311.15 mg/kg, 3.29 mg/kg to 234.38 mg/kg, respectively; and variable coefficient were 93.99%, 86.25%, 89.52% and 82.83%, respectively, all of which were moderately strong variants. The test showed that the deficiency ratio of Zn was 63.57%, and the application of zinc fertilizer must be strengthened. The contents of available Cu, available Zn and available Fe were positively significant correlated with organic matter in cultivated land soil, and the contents of available Cu, available Zn, available Fe, available Mn were negatively significant correlated with pH in cultivated land soil. The contents and the distribution characteristics of available Cu, available Zn, available Fe, available Mn in different farming methods, soil types, and soil parent material development soil of Lichuan city were preliminary understand.

Key words: cultivated land, available Cu, available Zn, available Fe, available Mn, spatial distribution, Lichuan city
