湖北农业科学 ›› 2023, Vol. 62 ›› Issue (6): 147-151.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2023.06.027

• 检测分析 • 上一篇    下一篇


刘超, 李树珍, 段丽娜, 杨艳, 袁丽英, 张绍龙, 曹平波   

  1. 保山市质量技术监督综合检测中心,云南 保山 678000
  • 收稿日期:2022-01-30 出版日期:2023-06-25 发布日期:2023-07-18
  • 作者简介:刘超(1984-),男,云南腾冲人,工程师,硕士,主要从事产品质量安全与检验研究,(电话)15094210841(电子信箱)chaoliu2003@163.com。
  • 基金资助:

Intake levels and health risk assessment of five heavy metals in coffee peel of residents in Yunnan Province

LIU Chao, LI Shu-zhen, DUAN Li-na, YANG Yan, YUAN Li-ying, ZHANG Shao-long, CAO Ping-bo   

  1. Baoshan Quality and Technical Supervision Comprehensive Testing Center, Baoshan 678000, Yunnan,China
  • Received:2022-01-30 Online:2023-06-25 Published:2023-07-18

摘要: 采集云南省保山市、普洱市、德宏傣族景颇族自治州、临沧市、西双版纳傣族自治州5个咖啡主产区的30份咖啡果皮样品,进行铅、总砷、镉、总汞、铬含量的测定,同时实地调查了云南省495名居民咖啡果皮消费情况,对5种重金属摄入水平及潜在风险进行评估。结果表明,云南省居民咖啡果皮中5种重金属的每天摄入量均低于评价值,P95下,铅、总汞、镉、总砷、铬的每天摄入量分别为0.034 00、0.001 90、0.009 60、0.018 00、0.046 00 μg/kg,其结果均低于各自的评价值,表明经咖啡果皮摄入的5种重金属对人群健康造成的风险处于可接受水平。5种重金属每天摄入量和P95下每天摄入量的贡献率大小均为铬>铅>总砷>镉>总汞,其中铬、铅、总砷每天摄入量和P95下每天摄入量的贡献率分别为93.35%、89.49%。云南省居民咖啡果皮中铅、总砷、镉、总汞、铬重金属每天摄入量总体较低,建议针对重点地区消费人群进一步开展重金属的健康风险评估。

关键词: 咖啡果皮, 重金属, 健康风险评估, 云南省

Abstract: 30 coffee peel samples were collected from five major coffee producing areas in Yunnan Province, including Baoshan City, Pu'er City, Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture, Lincang City, and Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture. The content of lead, total arsenic, cadmium, total mercury, and chromium was measured. At the same time, a field survey was conducted on the consumption of coffee peel among 495 residents in Yunnan Province, and the intake levels and potential risks of five heavy metals were evaluated. The results showed that the daily intake of five heavy metals in the coffee peel of residents in Yunnan Province was lower than the evaluation value. Under P95, the daily intake of lead, total mercury, cadmium, total arsenic, and chromium were 0.034 00, 0.001 90, 0.009 60, 0.018 00, and 0.046 00 μg/kg, and the results were all lower than their respective evaluation values, indicating that the risk of the five heavy metals ingested through coffee peel to human health was at an acceptable level. The contribution rates of daily intake of five heavy metals and daily intake under P95 were chromium>lead>total arsenic>cadmium>total mercury. The contribution rates of daily intake of chromium, lead, and total arsenic and daily intake under P95 were 93.35% and 89.49%, respectively. The daily intake of heavy metals such as lead, total arsenic, cadmium, total mercury, and chromium in the coffee peel of residents in Yunnan Province was generally low. It was recommended to further conduct health risk assessments of heavy metals for consumer groups of key regions.

Key words: coffee peel, heavy metals, health risk assessment, Yunnan Province
