湖北农业科学 ›› 2023, Vol. 62 ›› Issue (6): 125-128.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2023.06.023

• 水产养殖 • 上一篇    下一篇


陈斌1, 林煜1, 樊海平1, 薛凌展1, 元丽花2, 钟全福1   

  1. 1.福建省淡水水产研究所,福州 350002;
    2.福建省水产技术推广总站,福州 350003
  • 收稿日期:2022-04-08 出版日期:2023-06-25 发布日期:2023-07-18
  • 通讯作者: 樊海平(1967-),男,江苏常州人,研究员,主要从事水产养殖病害研究,(电子信箱)fanhaiping16@163.com。
  • 作者简介:陈斌(1986-),男,河南正阳人,农艺师,硕士,主要从事水产养殖病害研究,(电话)15705902453(电子信箱)1549361186@qq.com。
  • 基金资助:

Inhibition and adsorption effect of plant carbon black on 9 aquatic pathogenic bacteria

CHEN Bin1, LIN Yu1, FAN Hai-ping1, XUE Ling-zhan1, YUAN Li-hua2, ZHONG Quan-fu1   

  1. 1. Freshwater Fisheries Research Institute of Fujian Province,Fuzhou 350002,China;
    2. Fujian Fishery Technical Extension Center,Fuzhou 350003,China
  • Received:2022-04-08 Online:2023-06-25 Published:2023-07-18

摘要: 为研究植物炭黑对常见水产致病菌的抑制和吸附效果,采用琼脂稀释法测定植物炭黑对9种水产致病菌的最小抑菌浓度,并将受试菌悬液和不同浓度的植物炭黑混合,测定受试菌的吸附率、解吸附率和植物炭黑吸附力。结果表明,植物炭黑对溶藻弧菌(Vibrio alginolyticus)、哈维氏弧菌(Vibrio harveyi)的MIC均为200 mg/mL,对迟缓爱德华菌(Edwardsiella tarda)MIC为12.5 mg/mL,对其他6种致病菌的MIC均为25 mg/mL;当受试菌浓度为106 CFU/mL时,随着植物炭黑浓度的增加,受试菌吸附率逐渐增大,至100%后保持不变,解吸附率逐渐减小,至0后保持不变,且当植物炭黑浓度为2 mg/mL时,试验组受试菌的吸附率均可达100%,解吸附率均为0;当受试菌浓度保持不变,植物炭黑浓度逐渐增加时,植物炭黑吸附力逐渐减小。因此,植物炭黑对常见水产致病菌具有较好的吸附效果,对淡水致病菌的抑制性强于海水致病菌。

关键词: 植物炭黑, 水产致病菌, 抑制, 吸附

Abstract: In order to verify the inhibition and adsorption effect of plant carbon black on common aquatic pathogens, the agar dilution method was used to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration of plant carbon black on 9 aquatic pathogens, and the test bacteria suspension was mixed with different amounts of plant carbon black to determine the adsorption rate, desorption rate and adsorption capacity. The results showed that the MIC value of plant carbon black to Vibrio alginolyticus and Vibrio harveyi were both 200 mg/mL, the MIC value to Edwardsiella tarda was 12.5 mg/mL, and the MIC value of the other 6 pathogenic bacteria were all 25 mg/mL. When the concentration of the tested bacteria was 106 CFU/mL, with the increasing of the amount of plant carbon black, the adsorption rate of the tested bacteria gradually increased, and finally it remained unchanged to 100%. And the desorption rate gradually decreased, and finally remained unchanged to 0. When the concentration of plant carbon black was 2 mg/mL, the adsorption rate of every test group could reach 100%, and the desorption rate was 0. At the same time, The adsorption capacity of carbon black on the tested bacteria gradually decreased. Therefore, it could be determined that plant carbon black had a good adsorption effect on common aquatic pathogens, and its inhibitory effect on freshwater pathogens was stronger than that of seawater pathogens.

Key words: plant carbon black, aquatic pathogens, inhibition, adsorption
