湖北农业科学 ›› 2023, Vol. 62 ›› Issue (6): 39-45.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2023.06.008

• 资源·环境 • 上一篇    下一篇


黄维1, 吴炫柯1, 赖锡柳1, 刘蕾1, 韦剑锋2   

  1. 1.柳州市气象局/柳州市农业气象试验站,广西 柳州 545001;
    2.柳州工学院食品与化学工程学院,广西 柳州 545005
  • 收稿日期:2022-04-11 出版日期:2023-06-25 发布日期:2023-07-18
  • 通讯作者: 吴炫柯(1979-),男(侗族),广西三江人,高级工程师,硕士,主要从事农业气象研究,(电话)13978097077(电子信箱)378892370@qq.com。
  • 作者简介:黄维(1991-),男(壮族),广西永福人,工程师,硕士,主要从事农业气象研究,(电话)18579406855(电子信箱)827643506@qq.com。
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金项目(31860593); 广西自然科学基金项目(2020GXNSFAA159028; 2020GXNSFAA297015; 2018GXNSFAA281001); 柳州市科技计划项目(2020PAAA0602)

Spatial characteristics of climate resources during the growth period of sugarcane and their response to climate change in Guangxi

HUANG Wei1, WU Xuan-ke1, LAI Xi-liu1, LIU Lei1, WEI Jian-feng2   

  1. 1. Liuzhou Meteorological Bureau/Liuzhou Agrometeorological Experimental Station, Liuzhou 545001, Guangxi, China;
    2. School of Food and Chemical Engineering, Liuzhou Institute of Technology,Liuzhou 545005,Guangxi, China
  • Received:2022-04-11 Online:2023-06-25 Published:2023-07-18

摘要: 利用1961—2020年广西91个国家气象观测站逐日气象数据,对甘蔗(Saccharum officinarum L.)苗期(P1)、分蘖期(P2)、茎伸长期(P3)和工艺成熟期(P4)气候资源空间分布特征进行分析,同时采用线性趋势分析方法探讨甘蔗生育期内气候资源对气候变化的响应。结果表明,在空间分布上,平均气温在苗期西高东低,在茎伸长期和工艺成熟期南高北低;日照时数在苗期西高东低,在茎伸长期东高西低,在分蘖期和工艺成熟期南高北低;降水量在苗期和分蘖期东、东北高西南低,在茎伸长期西、西南高东北低,在工艺成熟期桂中地区高、其他区域低。气候变化背景下,甘蔗生育期内平均气温显著上升,在桂北甘蔗工艺成熟期上升最快;日照时数显著下降,在茎伸长期时最明显;降水量在桂东北甘蔗分蘖期呈部分显著上升趋势。

关键词: 甘蔗(Saccharum officinarum L.), 气候资源, 气候变化, 广西

Abstract: Using daily meteorological data from 91 national meteorological observation stations in Guangxi from 1961 to 2020, the spatial distribution characteristics of climate resources during sugarcane seedling stage (P1), tillering stage (P2), stem elongation period (P3), and process maturity stage (P4) were analyzed. Linear trend analysis was used to explore the response of climate resources to climate change during the sugarcane growth period. The results indicated that in terms of spatial distribution, the average temperature was higher in the west and lower in the east during the seedling stage, and higher in the south and lower in the north during the stem elongation period and process maturity stage; the sunshine hours were higher in the west and lower in the east during the seedling stage, higher in the east and lower in the west during the stem elongation stage, and higher in the south and lower in the north during the tillering stage and process maturity stage; the precipitation was higher in the east and northeast, and low in the southwest during the seedling and tillering stages, higher in the west and southwest, and lower in the northeast during the stem elongation stage, and higher in the central Guangxi region during the mature stage. Under the background of climate change, the average temperature during the sugarcane its growth period had significantly increased, with the fastest increase occurring during the mature stage of sugarcane production in northern Guangxi. The number of sunshine hours significantly decreased, with the most significant decrease occurring during the stem elongation stage; the precipitation showed a significant upward trend during the tillering period of sugarcane in northeastern Guangxi.

Key words: sugarcane(Saccharum officinarum L.), climate resource, climate change, Guangxi
