湖北农业科学 ›› 2022, Vol. 61 ›› Issue (21): 183-188.doi: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2022.21.034

• 生物工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


陈亦权1, 陈珍1, 江景勇2, 刘浩正1, 唐雨杰1   

  1. 1.台州学院生命科学学院/浙江省植物进化生态学与保护重点实验室,浙江 台州 318000;
    2.台州市农业科学研究院园艺所,浙江 临海 317000
  • 收稿日期:2021-10-06 出版日期:2022-11-10 发布日期:2022-12-10
  • 通讯作者: 陈珍,女,副教授,主要从事药用与园艺植物生物技术方面的教学与研究,(电子信箱)chenzh@tzc.edu.cn。
  • 作者简介:陈亦权(2000-),男,浙江温州人,在读本科生,专业方向为药用植物与利用,(电话)13336924818(电子信箱)994902138@qq.com。
  • 基金资助:
    浙江省基础公益研究计划项目(LGN22C020001); 台州市科技计划项目(21nya14)

RAPD analysis of intraspecial and interspecific genetic diversity in Rubus chingii Hu

CHEN Yi-quan1, CHEN Zhen1, JIANG Jing-yong2, LIU Hao-zheng1, TANG Yu-jie1   

  1. 1. College of Life Sciences, Taizhou University / Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Plant Evolutionary Ecology and Conservation, Taizhou 318000,Zhejiang,China;
    2. Institute of Horticulture, Taizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Linhai 317000,Zhejiang,China
  • Received:2021-10-06 Online:2022-11-10 Published:2022-12-10

摘要: 掌叶覆盆子(Rubus chingii Hu),蔷薇科悬钩子属,未成熟果实入药,成熟果实营养丰富,是优质的“药食同源”特色植物,经济效益显著。为突破育种瓶颈,尽快提升覆盆子品质,急需开发分子标记辅助育种。以前期筛选的17个掌叶覆盆子优质株系和7个其他悬钩子属植物[山莓(Rubus corchorifolius)、三花悬钩子(Rubus trianthus)、茅莓(Rubus parvifolius)、高粱泡(Rubus lambertianus)和光滑悬钩子(Rubus tsangii)、黑莓‘赫尔'(Rubus fructicosus var. Hull)和重瓣空心泡(Rubus rosifolius var. coronarius)]为材料,筛选适合掌叶覆盆子种间和种内鉴别的RAPD引物。结果表明,25条RAPD引物扩增条带清晰,该方法重复性好,能明显区分掌叶覆盆子和其他悬钩子属植物;其中6条可区分掌叶覆盆子不同株系。

关键词: 掌叶覆盆子(Rubus chingii Hu), 悬钩子属, 分子标记, RAPD

Abstract: Rubus chingii Hu, belongs to Rubus, Rosaceae. Its unripe fruit is used as medicine material, and its ripe fruit is rich in nutritions. Rubus chingii is a unique dual-function food with remarkable nutraceutical, pharmaceutical and economic values. It is urgent to develop molecular marker-assisted breeding and then comprehensively improve the quality of Rubus chingii fruit. Seventeen accessions of screened Rubus chingii seedlings with good traits and seven other Rubus plants, including Rubus corchorifolius,Rubus trianthus,Rubus parvifolius,Rubus lambertianus, Rubus tsangii, as well as Rubus fructicosus var. Hull and Rubus rosifolius var. coronarius, were used as materials, to select the optimal RAPD primers for intraspecial and interspecific genetic diversity analysis for Rubus chingii. The results showed 25 primers with products of clear bands and good repeatability could be used to identify the Rubus chingii seedlings and other Rubus plants. Furthermore, six primers could be applied for distinguishing different genotypes of Rubus chingii.

Key words: Rubus chingii Hu, Rubus, molecular marker, random amplified polymorphic DNA
